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This paper introduced a single-chip microcomputer 89C52 mainly about the single-chip microcontroller applications, as well as the history of the future. On the 89C52 single chip is adopted to achieve the clock, alarm clock, stopwatch functions to set out. Which interspersed about 7447 chips, digital control equipment and other hardware on peripherals. With the social development, automation is becoming increasingly popular, Microcontroller, PLC, will be widely used. After the development of several generations of single-chip, is now more mature. Or whether it is the daily life of industrial applications, can be seen everywhere SCM figure. Moreover, single-chip low cost, development cost is very low. If equipped with appropriate peripheral devices, single chip numerous functions can be achieved. Single-chip C language or languages can be assembly language, as long as the study had high-level language, microcontroller programming would become very easy.

In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of SCM is unceasingly thorough. In real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer application system, its often as a core component to use. But only the microcontroller knowledge is not enough, should be based on the hardware structure, perfect soft combination. Most current universities have established the microcontroller laboratory, basically equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But experiment box hardware circuit fixed, experiment content more difficult change, is hard to adapt to the rapid development of single chip microcomputer and cultivate students' SCM development ability, innovation ability. Using the Proteus software simulation technology, can to a certain extent make up for the shortage, build a virtual experimental platform, can achieve more practice, provide students to learn to disciplinary construction of conditions, has a positive meaning. In view of this, this article based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, Proteus MICOCHIP company by the PIC microcontroller as the main control chip series with data storage units, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating DianLuSi, alarm equipment, written in C control program main control chip design combines a automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment is an organic whole, have alarm function of temperature control system. This design fully exert Proteus characteristics, reduce the cost and enhance practicability, benefit in university promotion.

In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of single chip is accepted broadly in real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer. Although it’s often act as the core component of single chip system, it is not enough only with the knowledge of single chip. Engineers also need to think about the structure of the hardware to perfect the system.Currently most higher education institutions have built single chip laboratory, equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But the circuitry of the experiment box is fixed and the experiment steps are hard to be changed. It is not fit the trend of rapid development speed of single chip technology. It is also unsuited to develop students’ abilities and creativities. With the introduction of the Proteus software simulation technology, it can be solved at a certain extent. We could design more experiment steps and help students completing their self-study with the simulation experimental platform. It is a positive technology for system construction. Based on the information above, the author design a temperature alarm system with functions of automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment. This system is created based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, using the PIC single chip of MICOCHIP ltd as the main control chip, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating electric stove wire and alarm equipment. The control system of main chip and main program was written in C program.This design has the advantages of reducing cost and increase practicability. It is could be adopted by most higher education institutions.


你这比花钱毕业设计还可恶至少人家还承认别人劳动你这不仅笨 而且懒


In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of single chip is accepted broadly in real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer. Although it’s often act as the core component of single chip system, it is not enough only with the knowledge of single chip. Engineers also need to think about the structure of the hardware to perfect the system.Currently most higher education institutions have built single chip laboratory, equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But the circuitry of the experiment box is fixed and the experiment steps are hard to be changed. It is not fit the trend of rapid development speed of single chip technology. It is also unsuited to develop students’ abilities and creativities. With the introduction of the Proteus software simulation technology, it can be solved at a certain extent. We could design more experiment steps and help students completing their self-study with the simulation experimental platform. It is a positive technology for system construction. Based on the information above, the author design a temperature alarm system with functions of automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment. This system is created based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, using the PIC single chip of MICOCHIP ltd as the main control chip, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating electric stove wire and alarm equipment. The control system of main chip and main program was written in C program.This design has the advantages of reducing cost and increase practicability. It is could be adopted by most higher education institutions.

Single-chip microcontroller that micro-computer (Single-Chip Microcomputer) gathering CPU, RAM, ROM, the timing, number and variety of interface integrated microcontrollers. Widely used in various fields. In this paper, the music alarm clock designed by AT89S53 SCM control. The music alarm clock from SCM system is the smallest system and the expansion of LED display circuit and voice circuit. Using single-chip C programming language, can be set to achieve a number of alarm clocks, alarm clocks on time to play music, and showing the date and other functions. This paper introduces the music alarm clock software and hardware design, and design, debugging process of the problems encountered and solutions. The topics designed music alarm system is simple, cost, low-cost, multifunctional, with a very strong sense of practicality. Keywords : music, simple arrangements, clock timing 题目:SCM Application Development-music electronic clock design 希望对您有所帮助,祝您成功!


In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of SCM is unceasingly thorough. In real-time detection and automatic control of microcomputer application system, its often as a core component to use. But only the microcontroller knowledge is not enough, should be based on the hardware structure, perfect soft combination. Most current universities have established the microcontroller laboratory, basically equipped with experiment box and other hardware simulation equipment. But experiment box hardware circuit fixed, experiment content more difficult change, is hard to adapt to the rapid development of single chip microcomputer and cultivate students' SCM development ability, innovation ability. Using the Proteus software simulation technology, can to a certain extent make up for the shortage, build a virtual experimental platform, can achieve more practice, provide students to learn to disciplinary construction of conditions, has a positive meaning. In view of this, this article based on the single-chip microcomputer simulation environment, Proteus MICOCHIP company by the PIC microcontroller as the main control chip series with data storage units, combined with peripheral infrared sensor, LCD display, temperature sensing, dc motors, heating DianLuSi, alarm equipment, written in C control program main control chip design combines a automatic temperature monitoring and artificially infrared temperature adjustment is an organic whole, have alarm function of temperature control system. This design fully exert Proteus characteristics, reduce the cost and enhance practicability, benefit in university promotion.

Single-Chip Microcomputer有的时候,也可以用SingleChip来代替下面链接的第六章有讲单片机Single Chip Microcmputer 第148页开始这是一段中汉对照的。中文:单片机是把主要计算机功能部件都集成在一块芯片上的微型计算机。它是一种集计数和多中接口于一体的微控制器,被广泛应用在智能产品和工业自动化上,而51单片机是个单片机中最为典型和最有代表性的一种。本课题选择89S51为核心控制元件,设计了一个日常生活中用到的电子音乐门铃系统。当功能按键按下,音乐响起,发光二极管随着音乐的节拍进行闪烁,LED显示相应的定时器初值。音乐演奏过程中再次按下按键无效,只有当音乐段结束再次按下才有效。如果是电子音乐门铃在响,按下复位按键就终止,显示初始状态。经过实践证明,本系统运行稳定,具有一定的实用价值。-------------翻译:SCM is a major piece of computer components are integrated into the chip micro-computer. It is a multi-interface and counting on the micro-controller integration, and intelligence products are widely used in industrial automation. and MCS-51 microcontroller is a typical and representative.The topics chosen for the 89S51 control of the core components used in the design of a daily electronic music doorbell system. When the function button is pressed, the music sounded and the music beats with light emitting diodes for flickered. Initial corresponding LED timer. Musical process again pressed the button ineffective, and only when pressed again before the end of the music effectively. If the doorbell ring for electronic music, press the button on the reduction and termination, showed initial state. Practice has proved that the system is stable and has some practical value.本设计是以凌阳16位单片机为重心,介绍语音控制在机械手中的应用,实现微型舵机的运作,完成所指定的动作。其中通过凌阳16位单片机输出的脉冲信号来准确的控制机械手的摆动角度,机械手的捏拿动作由电磁铁完成,电磁铁的通断由凌阳16位单片机的I/O口控制,硬件和软件都在具体的实验中证明了其可行性This design is take insults the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits as a center of gravity, introduced the pronunciation control in manipulator's application, the realization miniature servo operation, completes the movement which assigns. Through insults the pulse signal which the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits outputs to come the accurate control manipulator to swing the angle, the manipulator pinches takes the movement to complete by the electro-magnet, the electro-magnet passes the legal reason for judgment to insult the positive 16 monolithic integrated circuits I/O control, the hardware and the software all have proven its feasibility in the concrete experiment

单片机又称单片微控制器,它不是完成某一个逻辑功能的芯片,而是把一个计算机系统集成到一个芯片上。相当于一个微型的计算机,和计算机相比,单片机只缺少了I/O设备。概括的讲:一块芯片就成了一台计算机。它的体积小、质量轻、价格便宜、为学习、应用和开发提供了便利条件。同时,学习使用单片机是了解计算机原理与结构的最佳选择。SCM is also known as single chip microcontroller, it is not complete a certain logic function of the chip, but a computer system integrated into a chip. The equivalent of a microcomputer, and compared to the computer, the single chip is only a lack of I/O equipment. Generally speaking: a chip has become a computer. Its small size, light weight, cheap, for the study, application and development provides a convenient condition. At the same time, learning to use the MCU is the best choice to understand the principle and structure of the computer.单片机的使用领域已十分广泛,如智能仪表、实时工控、通讯设备、导航系统、家用电器等。各种产品一旦用上了单片机,就能起到使产品升级换代的功效,常在产品名称前冠以形容词——“智能型”,如智能型洗衣机等SCM has a very wide range of applications, such as intelligent instruments, real-time industrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, household appliances, etc.. Once a variety of products with the use of a single chip, you can play the product to upgrade the effectiveness, often in the product name preceded by the adjective - "intelligent", such as intelligent washing machines, etc.



PS 你们老师不会真的看内容的 直接翻译一下说的过去就行了囧 流水灯也能做毕业论文……


电子工程师之家 这个网站上很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多



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原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。



1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。





CS方向sci三区的一个小刊,之前也是major revision,大四毕业了才中了。。所以在我心目中MV几乎约等于AC,虽然这辈子只投过一篇文章。北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系他们一下 统一查下。





简要说明写作的目的,有关的概念以及综述范围,说明有关主题的现状或争论焦点,所要解决的问题等。一般以 100~200 字为宜,使读者在读完前言后对有关问题获得一个初步的轮廓。














通常凡引述的资料和主要的论点都应注明文献出处,以便使读者检索查阅。所引文献应以近 3 年内者为主;另外,未公开发表的资料不宜作为参考文献。

在我国许多期刊希望列出重要的参考文献,一般限为 20~30 条为宜;但国际上许多生物医学期刊的综述文章,其参考文献甚多,全篇所列文献常达数百条之多。参考文献的著录格式国内尚不统一,应按各刊「投稿须知」要求撰写。




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