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英汉翻译的载体是 文化 ,并且英汉翻译还受到了文化因素的影响。在英汉翻译的论文中,题目占据了一半文的作用。为此我将为你推荐英汉翻译论文选题的内容,希望能够帮到你!英汉翻译论文选题(一) 1. 跨文化视角中的英汉 谚语 互译 2. 英译汉中名词的转译 3. 文学作品中的隐喻翻译 方法 4. 论正说反译、反说正译 5. 翻译选词如何避免 Chinglish 6. 如何正确使用直译和意译 7. 双面佳人——谈《喧哗与骚动》中凯萧的人物形象 8. 论英汉动物词的文化意象差异与翻译 9. 论非常规翻译的作用 10. 从文化差异中看商标翻译 11. 英汉语言的对比 12. 浅谈《宠儿》中母亲塞丝的形象 13. 《毛猿》中扬克的悲剧探微 14. 文学作品中汉语姓名的英译 15. 《远离尘嚣》对 典故 的运用 16. 英语新闻标题的翻译 17. 析《好人难寻》的主要人物 18. 《喧哗与骚动》的视角 19. 试析欧·亨利小说的写作风格 20. 商务合同中长句的翻译 21. 英译汉中词义的抽象化到具体化的转换 22. 论文化语境与翻译选词 23. 语言差异与翻译中的合理叛逆 24. 浅析《远大前程》主人公匹普的成熟过程 25. 论翻译中的中国英语 26. 翻译中的英汉文化差异 27. 劳伦斯笔下的悲剧性人物保罗 英汉翻译论文选题(二) 1. 语法翻译法在中学英语教学中的应用 2. 中学英语语法课堂多媒体技术运用的优势 3. 汉语宣传资料英译探讨 4. 体现在中英习语中的文化差异 5. 英语学习 中对美国 俚语 的认识 6. 电影片名英汉互译的归化与异化及翻译的相关技巧 7. 浅析中国英语 8. 大卫·科波菲尔中的批判现实主义 9. ”信”与英语比喻翻译 10. 佩科拉的悲剧探源 11. 论凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德《园会》中的艺术特色 12. 中学 英语阅读 教学中的文化差异渗透 13. 口译中的笔记及实际运用中的障碍 14. 浅析委婉语及其语用功效 英汉翻译论文选题(三) 1. 汉译英中的文化差异——词汇空缺与中国特色文化翻译 2. Questioning and Teaching of Reading 3. 英汉动物比喻的文化内涵及差异 4. (动物比喻在英汉两种文化的内涵及差异) 5. 哈代——具有乡土田园气息的作家 6. 英语语言中的性别歧视(主义) 7. 浅析英语语篇中的词汇衔接 8. 浅谈景点名称的英译 9. 英汉禁忌语和委婉语对比研究 10. 广告 翻译中的修辞手法 11. 不同语境中的翻译 12. 直译与意译 13. 浅谈中国式英语的现象 14. 英汉翻译中文化特性的处理 15. 英汉谚语比较 16. 英文广告中双关语及其翻译 17. 商标翻译中的文化因素 18. 英美文化差异与颜色词的翻译 19. 论英语俚语的汉译 猜你喜欢: 1. 翻译英语专业毕业论文选题 2. 翻译学术论文题目 3. 英语专业文化类毕业论文题目 4. 英语跨文化论文选题 5. 英汉语言对比方面论文参考目录


论文摘 要: 自古以来,动物词汇与人类文明密不可分,它们承载着丰厚的文化内涵。本论文着重通过对英汉两种语言中动物词语的比较,体现出它们独特的内涵意义,并最后总结出翻译这些动物词汇时应该注意的问题。

一. 引言


因此“a dragon of woman”是“凶悍的女人”的意思,而不表示“龙女人”。词的人文涵义往往能折射出该民族特定时期尖锐的社会矛盾,如妇女的地位和种族歧视等(戴 2001: 1)。英语中的动物类词语用来指女性时,贬义词多于褒义词或中性词,在美国俚语中就更加突出了。如“cat”指“心地恶毒的女人”,“dog”指“妓”,“pig”指“荡”等等,这些词语的文化内涵的人文性毫不掩饰地透露出了对女性的鄙视,反映出了女性社会地位的低下(胡 2004:64)。鉴于东西方民族人文心理等各种差异,我们在翻译的时候一定要谨慎处理,照顾中西方不同的文化心理。比如在翻译“亚洲四小龙”要翻译成“four tigers”, 而不能翻译成“four dragons”。



在中西方两种民族文化中,猪都有“脏,丑的”涵义,所以肥的像猪可以翻译成为对应的英语“as fat as a pig”; 而云雀都有快乐活泼的意思,所以有“as happy as a lark”和其完全对应的中文“像百灵鸟一样快乐”;猴子在两种文化中都是调皮的玩物,所以“拿别人当猴耍”可以翻译成“make a monkey out of somebody”。


众所周知的龙在中西方有不同的文化内涵,代表性的还有狗等。狗在西方表示“友谊”,是人类忠实的伙伴,其褒寓意如Old dog will not learn new tricks(老人学不了新东西); lucky dog(幸运儿)等。但是狗在中国人的心目中往往带有贬义,所以有很多带有贬义色彩的成语如“狐朋狗友”,“狗仗人势”等。如果你在中国也用You are a lucky dog就可能会产生不愉快的情绪。当汉语的 “走狗”译成running dog,西方人感觉这狗很好而且很可爱,活蹦乱跳的。An old dog likes him never barks in vain. Whenever he barks, he always has some wise course句中的“an old dog”“老狗”,汉语中是骂人的词,而英语中却指“年事已高,却经验丰富的人”,故为“行家老手”之意,对应过来就像汉语中的“老马识途”中的“老马”。故这句英语译成“像他这样的行家老手,从来不会随便发表意见,一旦发表,总有高见”。

三.翻译时应该注意的问题   在翻译中英文有关动物的文化内涵词时,有以下几种情况:1. 甲乙语言中有相同的喻意但是设喻形式或喻体略异。2. 甲乙语言中喻意相同,但是喻体相异,即意合而“形离”。3. 甲语言中喻体带有浓厚的文化色彩,乙语言中只存在与之有相同喻义的表达法(卢 2006:297)。


?对于中西方文化对等的.动物内涵,我们尽量采用中英文中为大家普遍接受的翻译, 这样既没有歧义,又易拉近中西方人的距离。如前面提到的中英文基本对等的动物词语天鹅,猪,鸭子等等。天鹅在中国人的心目中就是优美,所以翻译是就直接可以说“as graceful as a swan”, 在形容人的姿态笨拙的时候就可以说“as clumsy as a duck”。


虽然中西方文化中有很多相似的表达,文化内涵意义相同的地方也时常碰到,但是作为两种不同的语系,其大多数的文化内涵是不相似的或者是完全不同的。对于中西方民族文化内涵不同或者相反的词语,要异译或直接取其比喻意。例如,虎在中国人心目中是动物之王, 如“山中无老虎,猴子称霸王”, “狐假虎威”等都表示虎的权威。但是在西方文化中,虎恐怕要退居二线,让位于狮子了。所以在翻译这些的时候一定要做相应的调整,如“the lion—king of animals.”翻译成中文则是“老虎—山中霸王”。 “深入虎穴 ”翻译为 “ beard a lion in his den”。有些英语短语在中文中很难找出对应的有相同文化内涵的动物名称时就要去其动物名称的词语,灵活得取其比喻义,如“as merry as a cricket”,“as cunning as a dead pig”, 要分别翻译成“非常快活”,“十分狡猾”。





[1] 戴水姣.《英汉动物类词语的文化内涵浅析》[J] 外语教学16期

[2] 郭建中. 《文化与翻译》[M] 中国对外翻译出版公司,1999

[3] 胡文仲.《 跨文化交际学概论》[M] 外语教学与研究出版社,2004

[4] 卢红梅. 《英汉语比较与翻译1》[M] 上海外语教育出版社,2006

一、翻译类毕业论文选题 1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 商标翻译与文化研究2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.On the Translation of English Idioms 论英语习语的翻译4.Study on Features and Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译特点研究5.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 中英习语翻译与比较6.Study on Loyalty in English-Chinese Translation 中英互译的忠实性研究7.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 翻译中的文化对等性研究8.Literature Translation and the Important of it文学翻译与重要性研究9.On the Du Fu’s Poems Translation论杜甫的诗词翻译10.The Analysis of Techniques for Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation 通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译Cultural Differences and Translation in Chinese and English Color words翻译中不可译性的文化阐释12.An Cultural Perspective on Untranslatability 中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译13.Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animals浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.On Degree of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.A Probe of the Effect of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisement16.Error Analysis of the English Translation of the Information about Scenic Spots in Wuhan武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.Semantic--Transliteration-the Most Favorable Method for Translating Foreign Words into Chinese音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili’s Chinese Translation of Pride and Prejudice浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.Chinese Translation of Attributive Clauses in English for Science and Technology科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.Film Titles and Their Translation——A cross-cultural perspective从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.Translating Expressions on Public Signs from Chinese into English汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译Cultural differences and translation 23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究 On Translation of English Film Names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form--On Translation of English Trademarks into Chinese26.中文商标英译探On the Translation of Trademarks from Chinese into English二、文化类毕业论文选题27.国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation 28.Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用The Application of Grice’s Cooperation Principle in International Business Negotiation 29.中西文化面子观差异对比分析An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face30.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on Their Career Development 31.英语学习中文化障碍Cultural Obstacles in English Learning32.从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differences through the Comparison between Chinese and western Euphenism33.中英禁忌语比较A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos34.从隐私权看中西文化差异A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right 35.中西社会习俗比较A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions36.言语行为理论及其应用Speech Act and its Application37.湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查A Survey on the Students’ English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics 38.湖北经济学院双语课程学习现状调查A Survey on Bilingual Courses’ Learning in Hubei University of Economics39.1The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学 40.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture英语习语与英国文化反映41.On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon从词汇角度读中国人的价值观42.On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese论中英体态语文化差异43.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People东西方人际关系要素差异探析44.Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析45.Asymmetrical Features of Politeness Principle in Cross-cultural Communication跨文化交际中的礼貌原则的非对称性研究46.English and Chinese Euphemisms: A Comparison between Their Cultural Implications从英汉委婉语对比中透析中西文化差异47.On the Cultural Differences of the Etiquette Norms in Chinese and English Nonverbal Communication 中英非语言交际礼俗规范的文化差异研究48.A Comparative Study on the Different Cultural Connotations of Basic Chinese and English Color Words英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究49.Characteristic and Cultural Differences of the English and Chinese Idioms 中英文习语的特点以及文化差异50.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language从广告语中看中西方文化观51.The Differences of Family Values between China and American中国和美国家庭观差异52.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships中西人际关系比较53.Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English on Politeness从中英文礼貌用语中看文化差异54.谈跨文化交际中的“面子”观 On Face Perception in Cross-cultural Communication55.委婉语在跨文化交际中的应用 The Application of Euphemism in Cross-cultural Communication56.从英汉习语看东西方文化异同 Differences and Similarities between Eastern and Western Cultures in Chinese and English Idioms57.中英文化中的礼貌对比研究A Contrastive Study of Politeness in English and Chinese Cultures58.解析文化差异引起的语用失误The Study of Pragmatic Failure: From the Perspective of Cultural Differences59.从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视On the Sexism in Chinese and English from the Cultural Perspective60.中美商务谈判中的文化因素探析Approach to Cultural Factors for the Sino-American Business Negotiation61.英汉道歉语的对比研究A contrastive study of apologies in English and Chinese62.跨文化交际中颜色词的运用Application of colors in intercultural communication63.英汉寒暄语的差异研究Some difference of small talks between Chinese and English64.不同交际风格中恭维语及其回应的研究Compliment and its response with different communication styles65.英汉动物词汇文化内涵意义对比研究The cultural connotations of animals in Chinese and English66.英语委婉语的功能与效果研究On functions and effects of euphemism in English67.中外幽默的跨文化对比A intercultural comparison between Chinese and foreign humor68.英语副语言交际研究A survey on communication of paralanguage三、语言类毕业论文选题69.语篇分析中的语境功能研究The function of context in discourse analysis70.语篇分析在英语阅读教学中的运用研究Discourse analysis in the application of teaching English reading 71.英语广告语言特点分析An analysis on the feature of English advertisement72.非语言交际与身势语研究Nov-verbal communication and gesture language73.英语委婉语研究About English euphemism

outline一,现象:(最好能和后面原因对应)bla..bla...二,原因:1,语言上的差异:中国文言文,成语,美国俚语的翻译。(甄嬛传翻译就是个例子)2,历史文化的差异:中国的典故。国外的故事。3,思维模式,生活环境的不同:中国式的...美国式的...造成读者不能深入理解...bla...bla...三,总结。 1、对比:中译英,就像文言文的解释,只有古人知道其本身的意思,后来人理解各有千秋。2、意境:不同地点不同情绪感情的植入,就生硬的汉字,没有情绪烘托,难以表达其真正的思想。3、语气语调:无法做到情景交融,有些话需要心领神会。4、文化差异:各个企业都有自己的企业文化,对于语言,没有相应的语言文化理念,难以清楚直接的表述。5、地域差异:应用各地的方言,类比整个语言领域,不是互通最好,而是原汁原味,才能绽放没的光环。1,语言上的差异:中国文言文,成语,美国俚语的翻译。(甄嬛传翻译就是个例子)2,历史文化的差异:中国的典故。国外的故事。3,思维模式,生活环境的不同:中国式的...美国式的...造成读者不能深入理解...bla...bla...1、对比:中译英,就像文言文的解释,只有古人知道其本身的意思,后来人理解各有千秋。2、意境:不同地点不同情绪感情的植入,就生硬的汉字,没有情绪烘托,难以表达其真正的思想。3、语气语调:无法做到情景交融,有些话需要心领神会。4、文化差异:各个企业都有自己的企业文化,对于语言,没有相应的语言文化理念,难以清楚直接的表述。5、地域差异:应用各地的方言,类比整个语言领域,不是互通最好,而是原汁原味,才能绽放没的光环。6、习惯用法:知其然不知所以然,有些东西并不是懂就可以理解了。


As the most important part of the engine, cooling system of the engine will directly influence performance of the engine. When the engine works, the temperature of parts touching with burning gas in high temperature rises due to being heated. If parts don’t be cooled down properly, internal-combustion engine will overheat, the inflatable coefficient will decline, combustion will be abnormal, the engine oil will deteriorate and be burnt out, the friction and wear of parts will intensifies, power consumption of diesel engine will increases, the surface of parts will be burnt out, which will bring overall deterioration of dynamic property, economical efficiency, reliability and durability about internal-combustion engine, and cause diesel engine not to work. For this reason, this paper aims at the design requirements of cooling system about diesel engine in 135 series, analyzes cooling system of diesel engine in 6135, referring to cooling system structure of current diesel engine. Keywords: diesel engine, cooling system, cooling fluid

Car partsEngine The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile. In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit Suspension System The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types: (1)Rigid system(2)Independent systemIn the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of vehicles.The independent system does not have a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in small cars Power TrainThe power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual transmission), transmission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear axle.ClutchA clutch is required with the manual transmission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the vehicle.TransmissionThe main function of the transmission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque applied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive shaft.Drive ShaftThe drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.DifferentialThe function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch. AxlesAxles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.WheelThe automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the vehicle.Steering SystemThe steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechanism are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should have a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechanism, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not have to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right. Braking SystemBrakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic type.All brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the vehicle.The major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————applying effort.汽车部件发动机发动机是一种动力机械设备.它为汽车提供动力。在大部分汽车发动机中.空气和汽油的混合气体产生的爆炸性能量驱动活动活塞运动。活塞使它们所连接的曲轴转动。曲轴的转动力量使汽车的车轮转动。一些汽车是由另外一种发动机提供动力的,这种发动机被认为是旋转气门、旋转燃烧或汪克尔发动机。转子发动机也是吸入空气和燃料的混合气,混合气被压缩和燃烧•在一个椭圆形的室内旋转的发动机连接着一个轴,这个轴将最终驱动后面的车轮。大部分汽车中,发动机是架在汽车的前面末端的,离台器和变速箱在它后面,发动帆、离台器和变速箱被装配成一个整体。发动机工作时有很多系统都是必要的。润滑系统可以减少摩擦并减轻发动机磨损。冷却系统被用来保持发动机的温度在安全范围内。发动机必须有燃油系统保证适当数量的空气和燃料供给。空气和燃油混合物必须由点火系统在适当的时间在气缸内被点燃。最后,电子系统被用来控制启动发动机用的电动机和为发动机附件提供电能。润滑系统发动机有许多最终会被磨损的运动部件,因为它们是相对运动的。发动机使润滑油在这些运动的部件间循环,以避免因金属与金属之间的接触而导致磨损。被润滑过的部件能够因为摩擦减少而容易运动,因摩擦导致的能量损失是最小的。润滑油的第二个功能是作为冷却液和防止泄露。最后,气缸壁上的润滑油薄膜有助于活塞环密封并因此提高发动机的压缩性。冷却系统 由于燃料与空气在气缸内燃烧,从而使发动机部件温度升高。温度升高直接影响发动机的性能和发动机部件的寿命。冷却系统使发动机工作保持在有效的温度。不管驾驶条件如何,发动机系统被设计成既能防止过热又能防止过冷。燃料供给系统燃料供给系统的主要功能是以一定的比例和压力给化油器或喷射系统提供燃料,并在汽车遇到的所有情况下,满足发动机对负载、速度和坡度的需要。燃料系统也必须为汽车行驶几英里保留足够的燃料。身提供了一个安装框架。车架用方刚或盒形钢铁制造,有足够的强度支撑车身和其他构件的重量。汽车车架通常由一些焊接或铆接在一起的零件构成,从而形成最后的形状。发动机和橡胶垫被圈定在车架上。橡胶垫可以吸收振动,也可以提供这些振动的阻尼减轻乘客由于振动产生的不适。悬架系统悬架系统的功能是吸收由于路面不平使车轮上下运动所产生的振动。弹性元件、连接装置和减振器组成了汽车的悬架系统。悬架系统有两种类型:(1)刚性悬架系统(2)独立悬架系统在刚性悬架系统中,弹簧被系在刚性横梁上,这种系统主要被用在商用车辆的前轴和所有类型车辆的车轴上。独立悬架系统没有一根坚硬的轴。每个车架可以自由做垂直运动而相对应的另一侧车轮没有任何反应。独立悬架系统主要用在小汽车上。传动系统传动系把发动机产生的能量传递给车轮。它包括离台器(汽车上用手动变速器)、传动系(一系列的齿轮,把由发动机产生的转矩增强.推动汽车)、驱动轴、差速器和后挢。离合器离合器用于手动变速的传动系统。用它暂时把发动机和车轮之间的动力传递分开。当换档或停车时,把传动系和发动机的连接断开是很必要的。变速籍变速箱的主要功能是通过发动机把各种必需的扭矩提供给车轮,这是通过改变发动机输出轴和驱动轴两者之阃的传动比来实现的。驱动轴驱动轴或叫推动轴与齿轮箱和差动器相连。驱动轴通常在末端具有万向节。差速器差速器的功能是把来自传动轴的能量分给后轿。当汽车转弯或掉沟时,它允许后轮以不同的逮度驱动。车轿车桥是指用来安装车轮的轴,通过这些车桥向车轮提供必需的驱动力。 车轮车轮支承着整辆车.并产生牵引力来驱动汽车。车轮也用于减速和停车。转向系统转向系统是用来改变汽车方向的,在任何转向机构中最主要的就是转向精确且容易控制,同时前轮在转向后又能自动回正。一个齿轮机构,通常认为是转向齿轮,在这个系统内用来增强由驾驶员提供的转向力,这个系统使得汽车转向非常容易,驾驶员不用费报大的力。不仅仅是在弯曲的公路上需要汽车转向,在交通拥挤的路上也需要巧妙地控制。转向系统使得汽车可以被控制向左或者向右转向。制动系统制动用来使车辆放慢速度或者停车。制动系统可以是机械制动或者液压制动。现在用的制动系统95%都是液压型的。所有的制动系统都包含两种元件,一种是旋转零件,另一种是固定零件,有各种各样方法使得这两个元件相接触而使车辆减速。制动系统的主要组成部分:制动踏扳、主制动缸、车轮制动、制动鼓、制动管路、制动蹄、制动装备和联动装置。随着汽车负载和车速的增大,目前制动系统的重要性也在增大,并且现在人们更喜欢助力制动。助力制动利用真空和空气压力来提供更好的制动力。

The missile main engine pellet presses installing equipment is for the missile main engine installment solid pellet installment. This installment mainly uses the hydraulic pressure actuation, what the hydraulic pressure pumping station uses is a small pumping station, the power is small, the area is small, the structure is compact, realizes the line drive by the hydraulic cylinder, with specially makes the jig to be fixed the missile main engine shell, simultaneously guaranteed that the hydraulic cylinder and the missile main engine shell's proper alignment achieves installs the request, loads under hydraulic cylinder's actuation through connecting rod's movement the solid pellet the shell. In the work process, assures the production safety with pressure transmitter and the position transmitter time monitoring pellet's state of motion. This installs the single to be possible to complete the operation, easy and feasible, does not need the specially strong specialized knowledge and the skill. The missile main engine pellet pressed installing equipment to cause missile's solid pellet press mounting process to realize the automation, omitted the manpower, the working efficiency has been high, simultaneously increased in the production process safety coefficient, has achieved the green design and the user-friendly design truly, has achieved machine, the electricity, the fluid integration, conformed to the modern design idea. 导弹发动机;Missile main engine药柱;Pellet;压装机;Presses installing equipment液压泵站 Hydraulic pressure pumping station;;液压缸Hydraulic cylinder

Car partsEngine The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile. In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit A number of systems are necessary to make an engine work . A lubrication system is neededto reduce friction and prevent engine wear. A cooling system is required to keep the engine’s temperature within safe limits .The engine must be provided with the correct amount of air and fuel by a fuel system. The mixture of air and fuel must be ignited inside the cylinder at just the right time by an ignition system.Finally, an electrical system is required to operate the cranking motor that starts the engine and to provide electrical energy to power engine accessoriesLubrication System An engine has many moving parts which eventually develop wear,as they move against each other.The engine circulates oil between these moving parts to prevent the metal-to-metal contact that results in wear. Parts that are oiled can move more easily with less friction and hence power loss due to friction is minimized.The secondary function of lubricant is to act as a coolant and also as a sealing medium to prevent leakages.Finally,a film of lubricant on the cylinder walls helps the tings in sealing and thus improves the engine’s compressions.Cooling System Due to the combustion of fuel with air inside the cylinder,the temperature of the engine parts increases.This increase of temperature directly affects the engine performance and the life of the engine parts.The cooling system keeps the engine operating at the efficient temperature.Whatever the driving conditions, the system is designed to prevent both overheating and overcooling.Fuel System The main function of the fuel supply system is to provide fuel to the carburetor or injection system at a rate and pressure sufficient to meet engine demands under all conditions of load,speed and gradients encountered by the vehicle.The fuel system must also have enough reserve fuel for several miles of vehicle operation.Ignition System The purpose of the ignition system is to provide assistance for the combustion of fuel either by a high voltage spark or self-ignition in each of the engine’s cylinder at the right time so that the air-fuel mixture can burn completely. The fuel supplied to the combustion chamber must be ignited to deliver power.In a spark—ignition engine an electric spark is used for this purpose.The compression—ignition engine does not require a separate ignition system because the ignition is affected by compression of the mixture to a high pressure. Electrical System The engine’s electrical system provides energy to operate a starting motor and to power all the accessories.The main components of the electrical system are a battery,an alternator, a starting motor, ignition coil and heater.Frame The frame provides a foundation for the engine and the body of the vehicle . The flame is constructed from square or box-shaped steel members strong enough to support the weight of the body and other components. The automobile frame is usually made up of a number of members welded or riveted together to give the final shape.The engine is mounted on the frame with rubber pads which absorb vibrations and also provide damping of these vibrations.Absorption and damping of vibrations protects passengers from discomfort caused by shocks. The frame is supported on wheel axles by means of springs.This whole assembly is calledthe chassis. Suspension System The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types: (1)Rigid system(2)Independent systemIn the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of vehicles.The independent system does not have a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in small cars Power TrainThe power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual transmission), transmission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear axle.ClutchA clutch is required with the manual transmission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the vehicle.TransmissionThe main function of the transmission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque applied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive shaft.Drive ShaftThe drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.DifferentialThe function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch. AxlesAxles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.WheelThe automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the vehicle.Steering SystemThe steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechanism are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should have a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechanism, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not have to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right. Braking SystemBrakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic type.All brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the vehicle.The major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————applying effort.汽车部件发动机发动机是一种动力机械设备.它为汽车提供动力。在大部分汽车发动机中.空气和汽油的混合气体产生的爆炸性能量驱动活动活塞运动。活塞使它们所连接的曲轴转动。曲轴的转动力量使汽车的车轮转动。一些汽车是由另外一种发动机提供动力的,这种发动机被认为是旋转气门、旋转燃烧或汪克尔发动机。转子发动机也是吸入空气和燃料的混合气,混合气被压缩和燃烧•在一个椭圆形的室内旋转的发动机连接着一个轴,这个轴将最终驱动后面的车轮。大部分汽车中,发动机是架在汽车的前面末端的,离台器和变速箱在它后面,发动帆、离台器和变速箱被装配成一个整体。发动机工作时有很多系统都是必要的。润滑系统可以减少摩擦并减轻发动机磨损。冷却系统被用来保持发动机的温度在安全范围内。发动机必须有燃油系统保证适当数量的空气和燃料供给。空气和燃油混合物必须由点火系统在适当的时间在气缸内被点燃。最后,电子系统被用来控制启动发动机用的电动机和为发动机附件提供电能。润滑系统发动机有许多最终会被磨损的运动部件,因为它们是相对运动的。发动机使润滑油在这些运动的部件间循环,以避免因金属与金属之间的接触而导致磨损。被润滑过的部件能够因为摩擦减少而容易运动,因摩擦导致的能量损失是最小的。润滑油的第二个功能是作为冷却液和防止泄露。最后,气缸壁上的润滑油薄膜有助于活塞环密封并因此提高发动机的压缩性。冷却系统 由于燃料与空气在气缸内燃烧,从而使发动机部件温度升高。温度升高直接影响发动机的性能和发动机部件的寿命。冷却系统使发动机工作保持在有效的温度。不管驾驶条件如何,发动机系统被设计成既能防止过热又能防止过冷。燃料供给系统燃料供给系统的主要功能是以一定的比例和压力给化油器或喷射系统提供燃料,并在汽车遇到的所有情况下,满足发动机对负载、速度和坡度的需要。燃料系统也必须为汽车行驶几英里保留足够的燃料。点火系统点火系统的作用是在适当的时间使燃料燃烧,不管是高压电火花还是在每个发动机气缸中的自燃,以便于气体混合物的完全燃烧。提供给燃料室的燃料必须被点燃以提供能量。在一个火花点火发动机中,电火花就是用于这个目的。压缩点火发动机不需要一个独立的点火系统,因为点火会受混合气压缩压力的影响。电气系统发动机的电气系统提供能量给起动电动机并给所有附件提供电能。电气系统的主要构件是蓄电池、交流发电机、起动电动机、点火线圈和加热器。车架车架为汽车发动机和车身提供了一个安装框架。车架用方刚或盒形钢铁制造,有足够的强度支撑车身和其他构件的重量。汽车车架通常由一些焊接或铆接在一起的零件构成,从而形成最后的形状。发动机和橡胶垫被圈定在车架上。橡胶垫可以吸收振动,也可以提供这些振动的阻尼减轻乘客由于振动产生的不适。悬架系统悬架系统的功能是吸收由于路面不平使车轮上下运动所产生的振动。弹性元件、连接装置和减振器组成了汽车的悬架系统。悬架系统有两种类型:(1)刚性悬架系统(2)独立悬架系统在刚性悬架系统中,弹簧被系在刚性横梁上,这种系统主要被用在商用车辆的前轴和所有类型车辆的车轴上。独立悬架系统没有一根坚硬的轴。每个车架可以自由做垂直运动而相对应的另一侧车轮没有任何反应。独立悬架系统主要用在小汽车上。传动系统传动系把发动机产生的能量传递给车轮。它包括离台器(汽车上用手动变速器)、传动系(一系列的齿轮,把由发动机产生的转矩增强.推动汽车)、驱动轴、差速器和后挢。离合器离合器用于手动变速的传动系统。用它暂时把发动机和车轮之间的动力传递分开。当换档或停车时,把传动系和发动机的连接断开是很必要的。变速籍变速箱的主要功能是通过发动机把各种必需的扭矩提供给车轮,这是通过改变发动机输出轴和驱动轴两者之阃的传动比来实现的。驱动轴驱动轴或叫推动轴与齿轮箱和差动器相连。驱动轴通常在末端具有万向节。差速器差速器的功能是把来自传动轴的能量分给后轿。当汽车转弯或掉沟时,它允许后轮以不同的逮度驱动。车轿车桥是指用来安装车轮的轴,通过这些车桥向车轮提供必需的驱动力。 车轮车轮支承着整辆车.并产生牵引力来驱动汽车。车轮也用于减速和停车。转向系统转向系统是用来改变汽车方向的,在任何转向机构中最主要的就是转向精确且容易控制,同时前轮在转向后又能自动回正。一个齿轮机构,通常认为是转向齿轮,在这个系统内用来增强由驾驶员提供的转向力,这个系统使得汽车转向非常容易,驾驶员不用费报大的力。不仅仅是在弯曲的公路上需要汽车转向,在交通拥挤的路上也需要巧妙地控制。转向系统使得汽车可以被控制向左或者向右转向。制动系统制动用来使车辆放慢速度或者停车。制动系统可以是机械制动或者液压制动。现在用的制动系统95%都是液压型的。所有的制动系统都包含两种元件,一种是旋转零件,另一种是固定零件,有各种各样方法使得这两个元件相接触而使车辆减速。制动系统的主要组成部分:制动踏扳、主制动缸、车轮制动、制动鼓、制动管路、制动蹄、制动装备和联动装置。随着汽车负载和车速的增大,目前制动系统的重要性也在增大,并且现在人们更喜欢助力制动。助力制动利用真空和空气压力来提供更好的制动力。


动物用英语是zoology,音标英 [zuː'ɒlədʒɪ; zəʊ-] 。词汇分析释义:动物学;动物区系;动物;生物短语Integrative Zoology 整合动物学taxonomic zoology 动物分类学BA Zoology 动物学Medical Zoology 动物学 ; 翻译zoology environment 生态环境zoology information 动物学信息例句1、The results of the study were publishedin the Journal of Zoology. 这起研究的结果在《动物学杂质》中刊登出来。2、The scholarship money she won helped her attend Cornell University, where she majored in zoology. 她赢得的奖学金帮助她上康奈尔大学,在那里他主修动物学。3、The cat-sized animal, which is reported in the Journal of Zoology, looks like a cross between a miniature antelope and a small anteater. 据《动物学杂志》报道,这种哺乳动物的体型和猫差不多,看上去像是小型羚羊和食蚁兽的交合体。4、In a study published this week in the Journal of Zoology, they examine the method traditionally used to estimate the weight of extinct animals from their fossilised bones and find it wanting. 本周,动物学学报报道了他们检验了一般通过其化石骨骼估计灭绝动物体重的传统方法,但是发现此方法存在缺陷。5、Each year she spent New Year’s Eve, and sometimes other holidays, with Hanfeng’s mother, who had been her zoology professor in college. 每年的除夕,还有其它一些节假日,思玉都是和瀚峰的母亲一起过的,她是学院的动物学教授。

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毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B. A./B. S. in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,B.A.代表文学学士,B.S.代表理学学士,***处填上专业。


毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.




He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots.


Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


Your thesis wouldn't get across if you used too many technical terms in it.


He is writing his doctoral thesis in electrical engineering.


论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的: English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文)



