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摘要:进入本世纪以来,以互联网为核心的的网络通信技术已经得到飞速的发展和广泛的应用,世界经济的全球化趋势不可逆转。 Abstract: in the since the turn of the century, the Internet as the core in the network communication technology has been rapid development and the widespread application, the globalization trend of the world economy is irreversible. 在二十一世纪第二个十年的今天,我们已经走入网络经济时代,企业利用互联网有效开展网络营销活动,寻找新的商机,已经成为了一种必然的选择。 In the second decade of the 21st century, we had walked into the network today economic times, enterprise use the Internet to effectively develop network marketing activities, looking for new business opportunities, has become a kind of inevitable choice. 本文从网络营销的内涵入手,探讨了加多宝集团王老吉凉茶的经典网络营销案例,对这一案例的营销创新、存在的不足及网络营销细节问题进行了分析,,并针对加多宝集团在我国的发展、实施的障碍,提出了措施和对策。 This article from the network marketing, probes into the connotation of WangLaoJi cool tea add much treasure group the classic network marketing case, the case of marketing innovation, the shortcomings of the details and network marketing, analyzes the problems, and in the light of the stupa group in China with the development, implementation, and puts forward measures and obstacles countermeasures. 关键词:网络营销 加多宝集团 王老吉 营销策略 发展 障碍 措施 Keywords: network marketing WangLaoJi add much treasure group marketing strategy development obstacle measures

Human resource plays the pivotal role in social economy development increasingly. 5P model is regarded as a very important model in human resource management, while it delivers the huge purpose and instant effect. But we have to realize that the application of 5P needs to one environment that cooperation of every department and plan the relevant policies, therefore enterprises utilize 5P model depending on practical situation. This anticle tries to realize the huge effect of 5P model very well through both discussing the content of 5P model and 洛北春酒业集团`s suessful experience.

是翻成英文吗 Civil service system is the embodiment of the management system of personnel administration regularity, is promoting the modern government and the development of administrative system of anization design, it is perfect with innovation, related to the government administration quality and efficiency improvement. China in 1993 adopted the national civil service system, began to enter the modern government personnel management track. But overall, pared with foreign countries, the civil service system of our country is still relatively primitive, theoretical research is still relatively weak, and there are many aspects need reform and innovation. Therefore, the reform of the civil service system in China has bee an important task. This paper will be based on the civil service system on the basis of theoretical study, through to the Chinese and foreign civil servants system recorded in the annealing preferred, incentive coordination, the protection mechani *** of the three major aspects of the public servant system at home and abroad, to reveal the similarities and differences, to draw lessons from foreign civil servant system beneficial experience to perfect our civil servant system design. 我只把你摘要的发来了

Abstract The core petitiveness of enterprises is the basis of the sustainable development of enterprise and the source of petitive advatages. As a growth point of China's national economy, Real Estate directly affects the national economic development and the people's livelihood. Therefore, the construction of real estate enterprises'core petitive ability should be paid profound attention. Depending on a bination of core petence theory, this paper is in view of the status quo of the estate enterprise'core petitive ability in China,then bines the author's opinion under the help of the related books,documents and the teacher, and finally turn out the means of the construction of enterprises'core petitive ability . Keywords The Core Competiveness of Enterprises Brand Strategy Enterpise Culture

Urban vulnerable groups is in the interests of the economic system transformation relative damage, marginalized groups, with social transformation, economic restructuring and social factors such as industrial restructuring, urban vulnerable groups is being increasingly prominent, and has affected our economy development and social equity. Based on the situation of vulnerable groups of urban studies, that the size of the vulnerable groups in recent years in increasing the survival of the city status of vulnerable groups have not been effective improvement, therefore, an urgent need for government-led, to establish and improve various policies and mechani *** s to protect the basic rights of vulnerable groups in order to achieve the goal of building a well.

Along with continuous development of market economy and intensive structural reform of publish industry, financial management play a more and more important role on the development and management of publishing enterprise. Publishing enterprises must change their concepts and pay attention to financial management, building and insisting on the sense of innovation and human-oriented financial management, actively exploring and building a sound financial management system which is adaptive to market economic management system and operation mechani *** . Publishing enterprises must try a variety of ways and means to resolve the outstanding issues in financial management, making effort to improve the qualities of financial workers, strengthening the informational construction of financial management, realizing continuous innovation on financial centralized management and aounts receivable management, so as to promote the publishing industry develop in a healthy and good direction.

Abstract: The woman known as half of the sky in an era of growing concern in the feminist context, hold up half the sky in other men - their pressure, their difficulties, their sad, seems to have been used to And even taken for granted. But Chili as one of the representatives of women writers, she works in many men have expressed the concern of this group. Loss of life, questions of love, of self-worth of confusion, as the mon challenge facing the hero. Thus, character. environment. the fate of one man without the image of the intersection in question to the reality: our way is, Where is tomorrow? 摘要还必须包括关键词的。


[Abstract] In the 1980s and 1990s last century, the economy developed at a high speed with the sacrifice of damaging the environments which caused serious environmental problems and social problems. Gov and society began to think about it, therefore in the process of production and manufacturing, enterprises should take the corporate social responsibility (CSR). With the improvement of social system, many enterprises have realized the problem of social responsibility. More and more enterprises find that it is not contradicted beeen achieving the individual economic goal and fulfilling the social goal. To enhance the consciousness and initiative of fulfilling the social responsibility, enterprises should fulfill the social responsibility to convey related information to the society. It plays a key role to develop the social responsibility and social responsibility investments because it can better bring in the public opinion pressure and Gov supervision. High moral standards aord with the enterprises’ long-term benefit which will help gain reputation and trust in the daily operation and long-term cooperation. Enterprises can really catch the advantage of taking the social responsibility, the policy and regulation that push the enterprises to fulfill the social responsibility so that to find appropriate conduct system. Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility, corporate obligation, significance of social responsibility, harmonious society

This thesis presents a detailed *** ysis of the current situation of the private enterprises of Chaoshan, gave emphasized *** ysis on both the advantage of its development and problems lied in, and found out the advantages as well as limitations of the district of Chaoshan. On the basis of this, this thesis also studied on the New Wenzhou Mode, while in the meantime proposed advices on the future development of private enterprises of Chaoshan district in view of strategy.

AbstractHospital information system (HospitalInformation System), also known as the"hospital management information system", refers to the use of computer software and hardware technology, network communication technology and other modern means, the integrated management of the hospital and its affiliated departments of stream of people, logistics, financial flow, produced in variousstages of medical data acquisition, storage, processing, extraction, transmission,summary, generate a variety of information processing, information systems to provide comprehensive, automated management and all kinds of services for the overall operation of the hospital. Hospital information system (HIS) has become a symbol of the modern management of the hospital. This paper expounds thedevelopment process of hospital information system of outpatient registration system database management system. Analysis of the various functional design of the relation database management system has various functions realization,design description methods and algorithms, and concrete implementationrequired related technologies used in the.Hospital information management system to prepare the implementation of theoutpatient doctor patient information, information, management of drug information, at the same time, also realized the information of patient treatment,patient registration and some other commonly used function operation. After several tests, the system can be in the normal operation of the windowsoperating system to install the SQL Server2005, is a practical, reliable andconvenient operation of the hospital information management system, realize the basic functions of information management system for hospital outpatient, has achieved the anticipated target.Keywords: information management system for hospital outpatient department;management information system; database connection望采纳 ,最好加分赏赐,哈哈。


题目翻译如下Retail development of banking business in terms of the commercial bank。内容翻译如下The commercial bank retail business is commercial bank important business field and the invisible income source. In developed country commercial bank invisible income, the retail business occupies decisive position at present. But, the commercial bank of our country retail business still is in the junior stage , develops relative lagging , there exists a lot of problem. The finance job opens our country in 2006 to the outside world completely , the competition coming from a foreign bank gradually fierce , how to accelerates the important problem developing the commercial bank retail business becoming our country commercial bank existing and developing. Therefore, study commercial bank retail business present situation and have the problem, discuss the have reality and far-reaching countermeasure general plan significance that the retail business develops. Have problem has started off in the main body of a book being developed mainly from our country commercial bank present situation sum , has answered our country commercial bank developing retail business important strategy significance, measure waits for a series of problem as well as every commercial bank competing for middle , our country in gradually fierce bank ought to adopt.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、

元照英美法译文,流畅精准!research on the development of retail banking business of commercial bank ABSTRACT:the retail banking business of commercial bank is the important business domain and its resource of revenue.so far the retail banking business play an important role in the revenue of the developed countries's commercial banks.however,retail banking business of CHINA's commercial banks is in the initial stage,its development is relatively falling behind,also has more problems.in 2006,CHINA's financial sector has opened up completely.the competition is more and more fierce from foreign banks.how to accelerate the development of the retail banking business of commercial banking has become the serious question which CHINA's banking systems can get survial and development. so it has realistic and far-reaching significance that research on the present situation and existing problem about the commercial banking system's retail banking business,discussion on the strategic development of retail banking business. this lecture begins with the present situation of development of CHINA'S commercial banks and the existing problems,sovles the the most important strategic significance about CHINA's banking development.CHINA' commeicial banking systems should take measures to deal with a series of issues in the fierce banking competitin. 英美法流畅标准!

先用谷歌翻译一遍,然后再查查是否有需要调整的,也就翻译好了。 Construction contract, construction and installation works contract is a contract and the contractor to complete the construction and installation works, agreed to clear the mutual rights and obligations of the contract. The construction contract is a construction enterprises engaged in production activities and necessary way to obtain economic benefits, as efficiently as possible, therefore, to prevent and control the risk of the construction contract, to prevent corporate interests are harmed each construction enterprises should attach great importance to the issue. Construction contract in contract formation, negotiations with the formal signing of the contract and the performance of the contract process of risk prevention and control of several key aspects of the contract to do the risk prevention and control. The objective existence of the construction contract risk is determined by its long-term performance of the contract, the diversity, complexity and characteristics of the construction works. This paper is divided into five parts, the first part of the main construction contract risk identification, the second part of the emphasis on Construction Contract engineering role in the third part of the risk and control of the contract stage, the fourth part of the construction contract risk prevention basic measures for the full text of conclusions

Title:On the crime of polluting the environment Abstract: with the development of China's economy and the improvement of productivity, environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious, the judicial practice of the crime of major environmental pollution accident before the difficult to play a role in the "criminal law amendment (eight)" after the introduction of the crime of major environmental pollution accident has made great changes, but there is still insufficient. How to make the crime of the new pollution environment better play a role in the judicial practice is one of the key issues of environmental governance at present.The first chapter is an overview of the crime of polluting the environment, mainly about the concept and characteristics of this crime; the second chapter is the key elements of the crime of polluting the environment of the paper, mainly from the object of the crime, the objective aspect and subjective aspect, the objective aspect of crime, crime analysis results and the type of crime, the subjective aspect of the imputation principle of the key discussion; the third chapter is the identification of environmental pollution crime, mainly discusses the definition of the crime of crime and non crime, illegal disposal, the difference between causation and other crimes, and then discusses the legal punishment of the crime; the fourth chapter is about the suggestions, mainly is to refine the charges and increase the types of penalties.Key words: criminal law; criminal law amendment eight; environmental pollution
























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vt. 消化;吸收;融会贯通

vi. 消化

n. 文摘;摘要


He read rapidly but did not digest anything.



adj. 纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的

n. 摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品

v. 摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉


His abstracts are held in numerous collections.




abstract 的基本意思是抽象的,观念上的,理论的,可与个别情况相对,也可与具体经验相对。多指品质或特征,而不指物体或事实。有时意味着脱离现实,而且缺乏对实际事物的专门实用性,引申可作难懂的,过于深奥的意思。abstract用于艺术作品时可指抽象派的。



abstract常用于短语in the abstract中,意思是就一般而言,抽象地,在理论上,abstract前的定冠词the不可遗漏。







[复数:abstracts;第三人称单数:abstracts;现在分词:abstracting;过去式:abstracted;过去分词:abstracted;比较级:more abstract;最高级:most abstract]


abstract algebra[数]抽象代数;近世代数;[数]抽象代数学;代数结构









元照英美法译文,流畅精准!research on the development of retail banking business of commercial bank ABSTRACT:the retail banking business of commercial bank is the important business domain and its resource of revenue.so far the retail banking business play an important role in the revenue of the developed countries's commercial banks.however,retail banking business of CHINA's commercial banks is in the initial stage,its development is relatively falling behind,also has more problems.in 2006,CHINA's financial sector has opened up completely.the competition is more and more fierce from foreign banks.how to accelerate the development of the retail banking business of commercial banking has become the serious question which CHINA's banking systems can get survial and development. so it has realistic and far-reaching significance that research on the present situation and existing problem about the commercial banking system's retail banking business,discussion on the strategic development of retail banking business. this lecture begins with the present situation of development of CHINA'S commercial banks and the existing problems,sovles the the most important strategic significance about CHINA's banking development.CHINA' commeicial banking systems should take measures to deal with a series of issues in the fierce banking competitin. 英美法流畅标准!


