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Car partsEngine The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile. In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit A number of systems are necessary to make an engine work . A lubrication system is neededto reduce friction and prevent engine wear. A cooling system is required to keep the engine’s temperature within safe limits .The engine must be provided with the correct amount of air and fuel by a fuel system. The mixture of air and fuel must be ignited inside the cylinder at just the right time by an ignition system.Finally, an electrical system is required to operate the cranking motor that starts the engine and to provide electrical energy to power engine accessoriesLubrication System An engine has many moving parts which eventually develop wear,as they move against each other.The engine circulates oil between these moving parts to prevent the metal-to-metal contact that results in wear. Parts that are oiled can move more easily with less friction and hence power loss due to friction is minimized.The secondary function of lubricant is to act as a coolant and also as a sealing medium to prevent leakages.Finally,a film of lubricant on the cylinder walls helps the tings in sealing and thus improves the engine’s compressions.Cooling System Due to the combustion of fuel with air inside the cylinder,the temperature of the engine parts increases.This increase of temperature directly affects the engine performance and the life of the engine parts.The cooling system keeps the engine operating at the efficient temperature.Whatever the driving conditions, the system is designed to prevent both overheating and overcooling.Fuel System The main function of the fuel supply system is to provide fuel to the carburetor or injection system at a rate and pressure sufficient to meet engine demands under all conditions of load,speed and gradients encountered by the vehicle.The fuel system must also have enough reserve fuel for several miles of vehicle operation.Ignition System The purpose of the ignition system is to provide assistance for the combustion of fuel either by a high voltage spark or self-ignition in each of the engine’s cylinder at the right time so that the air-fuel mixture can burn completely. The fuel supplied to the combustion chamber must be ignited to deliver power.In a spark—ignition engine an electric spark is used for this purpose.The compression—ignition engine does not require a separate ignition system because the ignition is affected by compression of the mixture to a high pressure. Electrical System The engine’s electrical system provides energy to operate a starting motor and to power all the accessories.The main components of the electrical system are a battery,an alternator, a starting motor, ignition coil and heater.Frame The frame provides a foundation for the engine and the body of the vehicle . The flame is constructed from square or box-shaped steel members strong enough to support the weight of the body and other components. The automobile frame is usually made up of a number of members welded or riveted together to give the final shape.The engine is mounted on the frame with rubber pads which absorb vibrations and also provide damping of these vibrations.Absorption and damping of vibrations protects passengers from discomfort caused by shocks. The frame is supported on wheel axles by means of springs.This whole assembly is calledthe chassis. Suspension System The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types: (1)Rigid system(2)Independent systemIn the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of independent system does not have a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in small cars Power TrainThe power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual transmission), transmission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear clutch is required with the manual transmission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the main function of the transmission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque applied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive ShaftThe drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.DifferentialThe function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch. AxlesAxles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.WheelThe automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the SystemThe steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechanism are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should have a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechanism, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not have to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right. Braking SystemBrakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————applying effort.汽车部件发动机发动机是一种动力机械设备.它为汽车提供动力。在大部分汽车发动机中.空气和汽油的混合气体产生的爆炸性能量驱动活动活塞运动。活塞使它们所连接的曲轴转动。曲轴的转动力量使汽车的车轮转动。一些汽车是由另外一种发动机提供动力的,这种发动机被认为是旋转气门、旋转燃烧或汪克尔发动机。转子发动机也是吸入空气和燃料的混合气,混合气被压缩和燃烧•在一个椭圆形的室内旋转的发动机连接着一个轴,这个轴将最终驱动后面的车轮。大部分汽车中,发动机是架在汽车的前面末端的,离台器和变速箱在它后面,发动帆、离台器和变速箱被装配成一个整体。发动机工作时有很多系统都是必要的。润滑系统可以减少摩擦并减轻发动机磨损。冷却系统被用来保持发动机的温度在安全范围内。发动机必须有燃油系统保证适当数量的空气和燃料供给。空气和燃油混合物必须由点火系统在适当的时间在气缸内被点燃。最后,电子系统被用来控制启动发动机用的电动机和为发动机附件提供电能。润滑系统发动机有许多最终会被磨损的运动部件,因为它们是相对运动的。发动机使润滑油在这些运动的部件间循环,以避免因金属与金属之间的接触而导致磨损。被润滑过的部件能够因为摩擦减少而容易运动,因摩擦导致的能量损失是最小的。润滑油的第二个功能是作为冷却液和防止泄露。最后,气缸壁上的润滑油薄膜有助于活塞环密封并因此提高发动机的压缩性。冷却系统 由于燃料与空气在气缸内燃烧,从而使发动机部件温度升高。温度升高直接影响发动机的性能和发动机部件的寿命。冷却系统使发动机工作保持在有效的温度。不管驾驶条件如何,发动机系统被设计成既能防止过热又能防止过冷。燃料供给系统燃料供给系统的主要功能是以一定的比例和压力给化油器或喷射系统提供燃料,并在汽车遇到的所有情况下,满足发动机对负载、速度和坡度的需要。燃料系统也必须为汽车行驶几英里保留足够的燃料。点火系统点火系统的作用是在适当的时间使燃料燃烧,不管是高压电火花还是在每个发动机气缸中的自燃,以便于气体混合物的完全燃烧。提供给燃料室的燃料必须被点燃以提供能量。在一个火花点火发动机中,电火花就是用于这个目的。压缩点火发动机不需要一个独立的点火系统,因为点火会受混合气压缩压力的影响。电气系统发动机的电气系统提供能量给起动电动机并给所有附件提供电能。电气系统的主要构件是蓄电池、交流发电机、起动电动机、点火线圈和加热器。车架车架为汽车发动机和车身提供了一个安装框架。车架用方刚或盒形钢铁制造,有足够的强度支撑车身和其他构件的重量。汽车车架通常由一些焊接或铆接在一起的零件构成,从而形成最后的形状。发动机和橡胶垫被圈定在车架上。橡胶垫可以吸收振动,也可以提供这些振动的阻尼减轻乘客由于振动产生的不适。悬架系统悬架系统的功能是吸收由于路面不平使车轮上下运动所产生的振动。弹性元件、连接装置和减振器组成了汽车的悬架系统。悬架系统有两种类型:(1)刚性悬架系统(2)独立悬架系统在刚性悬架系统中,弹簧被系在刚性横梁上,这种系统主要被用在商用车辆的前轴和所有类型车辆的车轴上。独立悬架系统没有一根坚硬的轴。每个车架可以自由做垂直运动而相对应的另一侧车轮没有任何反应。独立悬架系统主要用在小汽车上。传动系统传动系把发动机产生的能量传递给车轮。它包括离台器(汽车上用手动变速器)、传动系(一系列的齿轮,把由发动机产生的转矩增强.推动汽车)、驱动轴、差速器和后挢。离合器离合器用于手动变速的传动系统。用它暂时把发动机和车轮之间的动力传递分开。当换档或停车时,把传动系和发动机的连接断开是很必要的。变速籍变速箱的主要功能是通过发动机把各种必需的扭矩提供给车轮,这是通过改变发动机输出轴和驱动轴两者之阃的传动比来实现的。驱动轴驱动轴或叫推动轴与齿轮箱和差动器相连。驱动轴通常在末端具有万向节。差速器差速器的功能是把来自传动轴的能量分给后轿。当汽车转弯或掉沟时,它允许后轮以不同的逮度驱动。车轿车桥是指用来安装车轮的轴,通过这些车桥向车轮提供必需的驱动力。 车轮车轮支承着整辆车.并产生牵引力来驱动汽车。车轮也用于减速和停车。转向系统转向系统是用来改变汽车方向的,在任何转向机构中最主要的就是转向精确且容易控制,同时前轮在转向后又能自动回正。一个齿轮机构,通常认为是转向齿轮,在这个系统内用来增强由驾驶员提供的转向力,这个系统使得汽车转向非常容易,驾驶员不用费报大的力。不仅仅是在弯曲的公路上需要汽车转向,在交通拥挤的路上也需要巧妙地控制。转向系统使得汽车可以被控制向左或者向右转向。制动系统制动用来使车辆放慢速度或者停车。制动系统可以是机械制动或者液压制动。现在用的制动系统95%都是液压型的。所有的制动系统都包含两种元件,一种是旋转零件,另一种是固定零件,有各种各样方法使得这两个元件相接触而使车辆减速。制动系统的主要组成部分:制动踏扳、主制动缸、车轮制动、制动鼓、制动管路、制动蹄、制动装备和联动装置。随着汽车负载和车速的增大,目前制动系统的重要性也在增大,并且现在人们更喜欢助力制动。助力制动利用真空和空气压力来提供更好的制动力。






Thesis For Graduation毕业论文Thesis For Academic Degree学位论文Thesis表示比较严肃的文章,是带有一定目的的,研究性的文章。学位论文,研究报告。

Car partsEngine The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile. In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit A number of systems are necessary to make an engine work . A lubrication system is neededto reduce friction and prevent engine wear. A cooling system is required to keep the engine’s temperature within safe limits .The engine must be provided with the correct amount of air and fuel by a fuel system. The mixture of air and fuel must be ignited inside the cylinder at just the right time by an ignition system.Finally, an electrical system is required to operate the cranking motor that starts the engine and to provide electrical energy to power engine accessoriesLubrication System An engine has many moving parts which eventually develop wear,as they move against each other.The engine circulates oil between these moving parts to prevent the metal-to-metal contact that results in wear. Parts that are oiled can move more easily with less friction and hence power loss due to friction is minimized.The secondary function of lubricant is to act as a coolant and also as a sealing medium to prevent leakages.Finally,a film of lubricant on the cylinder walls helps the tings in sealing and thus improves the engine’s compressions.Cooling System Due to the combustion of fuel with air inside the cylinder,the temperature of the engine parts increases.This increase of temperature directly affects the engine performance and the life of the engine parts.The cooling system keeps the engine operating at the efficient temperature.Whatever the driving conditions, the system is designed to prevent both overheating and overcooling.Fuel System The main function of the fuel supply system is to provide fuel to the carburetor or injection system at a rate and pressure sufficient to meet engine demands under all conditions of load,speed and gradients encountered by the vehicle.The fuel system must also have enough reserve fuel for several miles of vehicle operation.Ignition System The purpose of the ignition system is to provide assistance for the combustion of fuel either by a high voltage spark or self-ignition in each of the engine’s cylinder at the right time so that the air-fuel mixture can burn completely. The fuel supplied to the combustion chamber must be ignited to deliver power.In a spark—ignition engine an electric spark is used for this purpose.The compression—ignition engine does not require a separate ignition system because the ignition is affected by compression of the mixture to a high pressure. Electrical System The engine’s electrical system provides energy to operate a starting motor and to power all the accessories.The main components of the electrical system are a battery,an alternator, a starting motor, ignition coil and heater.Frame The frame provides a foundation for the engine and the body of the vehicle . The flame is constructed from square or box-shaped steel members strong enough to support the weight of the body and other components. The automobile frame is usually made up of a number of members welded or riveted together to give the final shape.The engine is mounted on the frame with rubber pads which absorb vibrations and also provide damping of these vibrations.Absorption and damping of vibrations protects passengers from discomfort caused by shocks. The frame is supported on wheel axles by means of springs.This whole assembly is calledthe chassis. Suspension System The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types: (1)Rigid system(2)Independent systemIn the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of independent system does not have a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in small cars Power TrainThe power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual transmission), transmission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear clutch is required with the manual transmission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the main function of the transmission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque applied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive ShaftThe drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.DifferentialThe function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch. AxlesAxles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.WheelThe automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the SystemThe steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechanism are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should have a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechanism, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not have to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right. Braking SystemBrakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————applying effort.汽车部件发动机发动机是一种动力机械设备.它为汽车提供动力。在大部分汽车发动机中.空气和汽油的混合气体产生的爆炸性能量驱动活动活塞运动。活塞使它们所连接的曲轴转动。曲轴的转动力量使汽车的车轮转动。一些汽车是由另外一种发动机提供动力的,这种发动机被认为是旋转气门、旋转燃烧或汪克尔发动机。转子发动机也是吸入空气和燃料的混合气,混合气被压缩和燃烧•在一个椭圆形的室内旋转的发动机连接着一个轴,这个轴将最终驱动后面的车轮。大部分汽车中,发动机是架在汽车的前面末端的,离台器和变速箱在它后面,发动帆、离台器和变速箱被装配成一个整体。发动机工作时有很多系统都是必要的。润滑系统可以减少摩擦并减轻发动机磨损。冷却系统被用来保持发动机的温度在安全范围内。发动机必须有燃油系统保证适当数量的空气和燃料供给。空气和燃油混合物必须由点火系统在适当的时间在气缸内被点燃。最后,电子系统被用来控制启动发动机用的电动机和为发动机附件提供电能。润滑系统发动机有许多最终会被磨损的运动部件,因为它们是相对运动的。发动机使润滑油在这些运动的部件间循环,以避免因金属与金属之间的接触而导致磨损。被润滑过的部件能够因为摩擦减少而容易运动,因摩擦导致的能量损失是最小的。润滑油的第二个功能是作为冷却液和防止泄露。最后,气缸壁上的润滑油薄膜有助于活塞环密封并因此提高发动机的压缩性。冷却系统 由于燃料与空气在气缸内燃烧,从而使发动机部件温度升高。温度升高直接影响发动机的性能和发动机部件的寿命。冷却系统使发动机工作保持在有效的温度。不管驾驶条件如何,发动机系统被设计成既能防止过热又能防止过冷。燃料供给系统燃料供给系统的主要功能是以一定的比例和压力给化油器或喷射系统提供燃料,并在汽车遇到的所有情况下,满足发动机对负载、速度和坡度的需要。燃料系统也必须为汽车行驶几英里保留足够的燃料。点火系统点火系统的作用是在适当的时间使燃料燃烧,不管是高压电火花还是在每个发动机气缸中的自燃,以便于气体混合物的完全燃烧。提供给燃料室的燃料必须被点燃以提供能量。在一个火花点火发动机中,电火花就是用于这个目的。压缩点火发动机不需要一个独立的点火系统,因为点火会受混合气压缩压力的影响。电气系统发动机的电气系统提供能量给起动电动机并给所有附件提供电能。电气系统的主要构件是蓄电池、交流发电机、起动电动机、点火线圈和加热器。车架车架为汽车发动机和车身提供了一个安装框架。车架用方刚或盒形钢铁制造,有足够的强度支撑车身和其他构件的重量。汽车车架通常由一些焊接或铆接在一起的零件构成,从而形成最后的形状。发动机和橡胶垫被圈定在车架上。橡胶垫可以吸收振动,也可以提供这些振动的阻尼减轻乘客由于振动产生的不适。悬架系统悬架系统的功能是吸收由于路面不平使车轮上下运动所产生的振动。弹性元件、连接装置和减振器组成了汽车的悬架系统。悬架系统有两种类型:(1)刚性悬架系统(2)独立悬架系统在刚性悬架系统中,弹簧被系在刚性横梁上,这种系统主要被用在商用车辆的前轴和所有类型车辆的车轴上。独立悬架系统没有一根坚硬的轴。每个车架可以自由做垂直运动而相对应的另一侧车轮没有任何反应。独立悬架系统主要用在小汽车上。传动系统传动系把发动机产生的能量传递给车轮。它包括离台器(汽车上用手动变速器)、传动系(一系列的齿轮,把由发动机产生的转矩增强.推动汽车)、驱动轴、差速器和后挢。离合器离合器用于手动变速的传动系统。用它暂时把发动机和车轮之间的动力传递分开。当换档或停车时,把传动系和发动机的连接断开是很必要的。变速籍变速箱的主要功能是通过发动机把各种必需的扭矩提供给车轮,这是通过改变发动机输出轴和驱动轴两者之阃的传动比来实现的。驱动轴驱动轴或叫推动轴与齿轮箱和差动器相连。驱动轴通常在末端具有万向节。差速器差速器的功能是把来自传动轴的能量分给后轿。当汽车转弯或掉沟时,它允许后轮以不同的逮度驱动。车轿车桥是指用来安装车轮的轴,通过这些车桥向车轮提供必需的驱动力。 车轮车轮支承着整辆车.并产生牵引力来驱动汽车。车轮也用于减速和停车。转向系统转向系统是用来改变汽车方向的,在任何转向机构中最主要的就是转向精确且容易控制,同时前轮在转向后又能自动回正。一个齿轮机构,通常认为是转向齿轮,在这个系统内用来增强由驾驶员提供的转向力,这个系统使得汽车转向非常容易,驾驶员不用费报大的力。不仅仅是在弯曲的公路上需要汽车转向,在交通拥挤的路上也需要巧妙地控制。转向系统使得汽车可以被控制向左或者向右转向。制动系统制动用来使车辆放慢速度或者停车。制动系统可以是机械制动或者液压制动。现在用的制动系统95%都是液压型的。所有的制动系统都包含两种元件,一种是旋转零件,另一种是固定零件,有各种各样方法使得这两个元件相接触而使车辆减速。制动系统的主要组成部分:制动踏扳、主制动缸、车轮制动、制动鼓、制动管路、制动蹄、制动装备和联动装置。随着汽车负载和车速的增大,目前制动系统的重要性也在增大,并且现在人们更喜欢助力制动。助力制动利用真空和空气压力来提供更好的制动力。

Car partsEngine The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile. In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit Suspension System The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types: (1)Rigid system(2)Independent systemIn the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of independent system does not have a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in small cars Power TrainThe power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual transmission), transmission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear clutch is required with the manual transmission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the main function of the transmission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque applied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive ShaftThe drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.DifferentialThe function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch. AxlesAxles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.WheelThe automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the SystemThe steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechanism are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should have a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechanism, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not have to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right. Braking SystemBrakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————applying effort.汽车部件发动机发动机是一种动力机械设备.它为汽车提供动力。在大部分汽车发动机中.空气和汽油的混合气体产生的爆炸性能量驱动活动活塞运动。活塞使它们所连接的曲轴转动。曲轴的转动力量使汽车的车轮转动。一些汽车是由另外一种发动机提供动力的,这种发动机被认为是旋转气门、旋转燃烧或汪克尔发动机。转子发动机也是吸入空气和燃料的混合气,混合气被压缩和燃烧•在一个椭圆形的室内旋转的发动机连接着一个轴,这个轴将最终驱动后面的车轮。大部分汽车中,发动机是架在汽车的前面末端的,离台器和变速箱在它后面,发动帆、离台器和变速箱被装配成一个整体。发动机工作时有很多系统都是必要的。润滑系统可以减少摩擦并减轻发动机磨损。冷却系统被用来保持发动机的温度在安全范围内。发动机必须有燃油系统保证适当数量的空气和燃料供给。空气和燃油混合物必须由点火系统在适当的时间在气缸内被点燃。最后,电子系统被用来控制启动发动机用的电动机和为发动机附件提供电能。润滑系统发动机有许多最终会被磨损的运动部件,因为它们是相对运动的。发动机使润滑油在这些运动的部件间循环,以避免因金属与金属之间的接触而导致磨损。被润滑过的部件能够因为摩擦减少而容易运动,因摩擦导致的能量损失是最小的。润滑油的第二个功能是作为冷却液和防止泄露。最后,气缸壁上的润滑油薄膜有助于活塞环密封并因此提高发动机的压缩性。冷却系统 由于燃料与空气在气缸内燃烧,从而使发动机部件温度升高。温度升高直接影响发动机的性能和发动机部件的寿命。冷却系统使发动机工作保持在有效的温度。不管驾驶条件如何,发动机系统被设计成既能防止过热又能防止过冷。燃料供给系统燃料供给系统的主要功能是以一定的比例和压力给化油器或喷射系统提供燃料,并在汽车遇到的所有情况下,满足发动机对负载、速度和坡度的需要。燃料系统也必须为汽车行驶几英里保留足够的燃料。身提供了一个安装框架。车架用方刚或盒形钢铁制造,有足够的强度支撑车身和其他构件的重量。汽车车架通常由一些焊接或铆接在一起的零件构成,从而形成最后的形状。发动机和橡胶垫被圈定在车架上。橡胶垫可以吸收振动,也可以提供这些振动的阻尼减轻乘客由于振动产生的不适。悬架系统悬架系统的功能是吸收由于路面不平使车轮上下运动所产生的振动。弹性元件、连接装置和减振器组成了汽车的悬架系统。悬架系统有两种类型:(1)刚性悬架系统(2)独立悬架系统在刚性悬架系统中,弹簧被系在刚性横梁上,这种系统主要被用在商用车辆的前轴和所有类型车辆的车轴上。独立悬架系统没有一根坚硬的轴。每个车架可以自由做垂直运动而相对应的另一侧车轮没有任何反应。独立悬架系统主要用在小汽车上。传动系统传动系把发动机产生的能量传递给车轮。它包括离台器(汽车上用手动变速器)、传动系(一系列的齿轮,把由发动机产生的转矩增强.推动汽车)、驱动轴、差速器和后挢。离合器离合器用于手动变速的传动系统。用它暂时把发动机和车轮之间的动力传递分开。当换档或停车时,把传动系和发动机的连接断开是很必要的。变速籍变速箱的主要功能是通过发动机把各种必需的扭矩提供给车轮,这是通过改变发动机输出轴和驱动轴两者之阃的传动比来实现的。驱动轴驱动轴或叫推动轴与齿轮箱和差动器相连。驱动轴通常在末端具有万向节。差速器差速器的功能是把来自传动轴的能量分给后轿。当汽车转弯或掉沟时,它允许后轮以不同的逮度驱动。车轿车桥是指用来安装车轮的轴,通过这些车桥向车轮提供必需的驱动力。 车轮车轮支承着整辆车.并产生牵引力来驱动汽车。车轮也用于减速和停车。转向系统转向系统是用来改变汽车方向的,在任何转向机构中最主要的就是转向精确且容易控制,同时前轮在转向后又能自动回正。一个齿轮机构,通常认为是转向齿轮,在这个系统内用来增强由驾驶员提供的转向力,这个系统使得汽车转向非常容易,驾驶员不用费报大的力。不仅仅是在弯曲的公路上需要汽车转向,在交通拥挤的路上也需要巧妙地控制。转向系统使得汽车可以被控制向左或者向右转向。制动系统制动用来使车辆放慢速度或者停车。制动系统可以是机械制动或者液压制动。现在用的制动系统95%都是液压型的。所有的制动系统都包含两种元件,一种是旋转零件,另一种是固定零件,有各种各样方法使得这两个元件相接触而使车辆减速。制动系统的主要组成部分:制动踏扳、主制动缸、车轮制动、制动鼓、制动管路、制动蹄、制动装备和联动装置。随着汽车负载和车速的增大,目前制动系统的重要性也在增大,并且现在人们更喜欢助力制动。助力制动利用真空和空气压力来提供更好的制动力。




Control of Parallel Inverters in Distributed AC Power Systems with Consideration of Line Impedance Effect在分布式交流电力系统中考虑连线阻抗影响时的并联逆变器控制 论文发到你的邮箱了

我有一篇我本科毕设的小论文,英文中文都有,而且是我人工翻译的,8000字左右。你要的话PM我。我是电气工程及其自动化专业的。《Analysis of thyristor-controlled phase shifter applied in damping power system oscillations》


A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B. A./B. S. in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,.代表文学学士,.代表理学学士,***处填上专业。

“毕业论文”的英文:Graduation Dissertation

Dissertation 读法 英 [,dɪsə'teɪʃ(ə)n]  美 ['dɪsɚ'teʃən]

n. 论文,专题;学术演讲


1、academic dissertation 学位论文 ; 学术论文

2、Graduation Dissertation 毕业论文

3、Doctorate dissertation 博士论文

4、Dissertation Committee 论文委员会

5、dissertation topics 毕业论文题目


article, paper,dissertation, essay, prose, thesis这组词都有“文章”的意思,其区别是:

1、article 多指在报刊、杂志上发表的非文艺性的文章,包括新闻报导、学术论文等。

2、paper 正式用词,多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文,或学校里的作文练习。

3、dissertation 书面语用词,指独立研究后所写的较为详细的专题文章;也可指学位论文。

4、essay 指任何一种非小说性的,篇幅不长、结构简练的文章,如论说文、报道、评论、讽刺性杂文等。

5、prose 专指散文。

6、thesis 既可指毕业论文、学位论文,又可指一般的为阐述学术观点而写的论文。


1、Exploring "Trinity Working Mode" of Integrating Graduation Field Work, Graduation Dissertation and Employment on Graduation.


2、On Problems in Writing Graduation Dissertation


AbstractThe east area transformer substation of the Fuyuo oilfield lie in the united station of the third extraction field,this time it is rebuilt on the former addirss ,a60kv switchgear plant of the main workshop will be built on the former switchgear plant,at the former 60kv terminal we build 60kv one side knot line to form single busbar isolating switch section kont pattern,and a 10000KVA main transformer will be main electric equipments in this transformer substation are stepdown transformers,accept and distribution transformer and distribution devices include on-off devices,busbar,protective devices,metrical meters and other election easy,the accept and distribution equipments and devices are suggectde to use whole site switch design of the transformer substation include following content:•The electric lode calculation•According to the consult of the lode calculation ,select the capacity of the transformer,and than calculate the none active power compensate.•Draw the main knot wear,and calculate the short circuit current,then select all sorts of electric devices on principles.•According to the selected switch cabinets,transformers,and electric devices,draw the out and inside equipment standards of the transformer substation.•he design of the thunder protection system and drawing.控制系统诊断和故障预测的实现DAVID 经济是当前促进在机器和控制中采用故障诊断的许多动力之一.正当的检测系统,往往可以避免重大事故的发生.从而可防止对材料和机器的损害,在现代的生产环境中操作人员在其当班或换班时可能会改变工作任务.由于频繁的更换操作人员,致使他们对机器和设备缺乏熟悉的机会,这也促进了诊断系统的应用,因此,机器诊断技术正在大规模地被采用.五年前,大约在75台机器或生产过程中,有一台装有某种形式的诊断系统,而今天几乎每三台就有一台设备具有完整的或将来可扩充功能的诊断的系统.鉴别设备的主要组成部分,是设计诊断系统的第一步.需要考虑的主要组成部分有传感器、显示设备及检测技术.但是,不断研究意指还需考虑其他方面,例如,如何才能使机器或过程协调操作?检测程序驻留于何处?因为许多设备均能提供故障诊断系统,因此,同样功能的检测程序可驻留于灵便的传感器,可编程控制器或计算机为基础的系统中.一般说来,实现控制系统故障诊断的主要问题,在于对机器和诊断系统有效知识的了解程度.几乎对机器或生产过程如何运行有较深入的了解.这些基础知识,既不能取代,也不能自动的获得.有些细节,要在生产过程中开始后才能获得,但大多数知识,则是从大量现场运行数据的记录中得到的.明确了设计中所需考虑的问题后,设计人员必须详细地分析检测技术.例如:有些可编程控制器准备了特殊的功能块,用以监视时间和事件顺序,使其能较理想地适合于检测特殊类型的故障.考虑如何显示检测结果,是设计诊断系统的第二步,显示不仅将问题提供给操作人员,同时也为了收集记录信息.把故障检测技术与系统收集的信息相结合,就能预测故障.确切地说,故障预测就是预测尚未发生而即将发生的问题.经常使用的方法是对少量的信息采样进行统计运算来预测故障.每个设计人员在设计诊断系统时,都可能会犯这样一些易犯的错误.如为故障停机,非事故停机,误用信息或误用检测等.这些设计失败的原因,通常都是由于计划不周到而造成的.知识基础是设计人员的基本工具,他有许多来源.随着人工智能应用CAD的日益增涨,对于控制程序的研究也越来越深入,提供了有价值的为表明系统故障树的诊断信息.操作过程是另一个重要的信息源.好的设计要求有一个操作模型,该模型不需要是数学上的抽象概念,而应该是对机器的每一个组成部分应如何工作有一个正确的了解.虽然,在没有任何模型的情况下,也可事先在机器运行前预测到所有的情况.非标准词汇是使诊断系统设计人员感到麻烦的事情..例如,机床制造商对在加工台上表示行程终点的限位开关设有标准术语.为了对每个操作人员和机器制造商都规定统一的含义,显示装置应全部具有专用术语.鉴别和命名与每个操作台有关的全部输入是一项繁杂的管理操作,到目前为止,仍是使控制系统诊断设计人员感到望而生畏的事情.许多不同设备都有实现诊断系统的功能,如图1所示,决定在什么地方置入诊断系统的特殊功能并非一件简单的事.可编程控制器跨越三个区段:即知识、检测和修正,他们最适合于检测,但也能提供机器知识..学会每一操作步骤顺序和时间的功能块,使某些可编程控制器的作用相当于学会了检测准则的AI系统,该图还表示,计算机和智能显示最适用于知识,但不像可编程控制器,不包括检测系统的全部区域. 计算机与可编程控制器处理信息的方法是不同的,可编程控制器检查单个的位,由每个通断状态可迅速做出其条件决策.而计算机则以字节或字工作,并缺少低电平读出和检测的处理能力.而可编程控制器分析同样的信息,则大约需30MS.然而,计算机能自动地分析控制程序,或构成诊断系统的总布局.在检测系统中,人是最有价值的资源,人类的大脑存贮着大量有关机器,工艺过程,系统、检测问题及矫正故障等方面的知识.修正问题包括更换有缺陷的部件,并用比较多的方法进行操作,几乎所有的机器停机都与限位开关、接近于开关及部分传感器有关,通常大多数问题是由正装入机器的部件和控制该部件的人所造成的,但是设计者常常忽略了人的因素.近来,已把人与机器的知识结合起来.用非常灵巧的电动机传感器来监视电动机每分钟的转速、转矩、电压及其它参数.把人类的知识与传感器的信息相结合,就能确立对旧机床接点过载及其它一些问题精确的检测系统.复杂情况常起因于控制系统设计者有过高的预期目标.因为诊断系统通过事先无法确定的控制算法来提高产量并减少损失.因此,很难预先确定所期望的较好水平.人们通常认为诊断系统能检测95%以上可能发生的错误,并将这些错误限定于引起故障的每个端子板或设备上.这种期望的水平是没有根据的,而且如果没有方案的说明,常会使用户感到不高兴,人们对于他们所购进的生产过程机器设备的知识,通常比安装诊断系统所需知识少50%.直到选定并在机器的某一具体部分实现了检测系统后,人们才能获得知识.学习和了解检测系统,是设计过程中的关键部分操作的可重复性,影响到机器知识.通常在现代设备中,如果可重复性小,则迫使系统安装者对机器或工艺过程要有深刻的了解,检测系统通常是很复杂的,比简单的继电器一定显示器-计数器编程复杂得多.许多检测系统使用了多数可编程控制器编程人员不常用的数据转换算法.数学方法及布尔逻辑模型,充分熟悉故障诊断功能,,并选择一种能实现的诊断系统.通常需4-7人一星期.可重复性问题如前所述,在现代的机器中,当机器以正常方式运行和收集数据时,一个人学习机器或工艺工程,如果缺乏可重复性,就会使学习速度减.图2表明由于缺乏可重复性而产生的一个通常的问题.即当机器特环时,两个限位开关∠S1和∠S2状态改变(连线表示每个限位开关在状态变换时的前沿跳变).在循环1中, ∠S1和∠S2之前,而在下一个循环中,次序则相反.尽管是这样一个很小的变化,但却会使目前的大多数检测系统的有效性变得不可靠或不精确. 图2缺乏精确重复性.妨碍了检测系统的有效性.事件时间的容差也会妨碍检测系统的有效性.在图2的下半部, ∠S3实际上是以不同的转换时间循环2次,虽然这种时间差可以容许,但检测系统却不能接受,确定一种不产生错误结果的检测方法一般是较困难的.检测技术在提供检测技术时,可重复性是主要的问题.检测技术兼有下面几个部件:检测每个状态,改进特性的滤波器,窗口检测器,顺序时间监测器及事件的次序.这些部件几乎在各级都可用编程方法来实现.在可编程控制器中,功能伊甸园图表与图表之间的移动一样,诊断功能块,定时器及自述比较功能块等,组成了检测技术的基础.例如,为改进的∠S1和∠S2可重复性,就必须设置滤波电路,使其出现的正跳变同时发生.该电路还必须有一不定的周期,在此周期内两个输入可以不匹配.滤波电路修正原始输入信号,因而使检测系统的信息一致.若无滤波电路,就会发生许多错误的故障检测结果.再者,为了了解限位开关在转换过程中动作顺序的重要性,就必须具备有关机器方面的知识.例如,在一个过程控制应用中,某一个阀门必须在另一个阀门开启前完全关闭.在这种情况下,对顺序的次序不用再进行过滤,若顺序不能确定,则应修改控制程序,以确定其顺序。为计算机或可编程控制器编写产生非预定结果的控制程序是容易的.通常控制程序对非预定性程序是不敏感的.但是,以好的算法为基础的检测程序为非预定性程序却是非常敏感.在检测程序中,各个接点的闭合确定了事件的顺序,程序中用一个所谓“好”的标准时间和事件的顺序进行比较,以判定是否发生了故障根据定义,许多检测技术在检测第一个故障后即停止,因为标准图象有一个有限搜索算法,以决定也其适应的下一步.虽然有些算法可以扩展,但大多数经验证明是徒劳的,因为实用的算法往往需要很多存贮器.多数总是至少与6个输入有关.鉴别所有可能出现的机器状态和输入状态组合,需要一个有1020以上决策状态的决策树.这种多决策的处理时间是相当长的.这种控制系统是非常不利的.一个解决的办法,是在不承担机器控制的另一台计算机上执行该算法.结果显示图3说明人、机器和检测回路是相互作用的.人和机器信息结合起来,形成了检测系统的基础.机器控制提供了传感器输入和主要的操作方式,使人能对机器信息作出反应. 图3由人与机器的信息结合形成检测系统基础.显示是诊断系统的关键部分,通常对显示编程方面比在控制系统其余部分要花费更多的时间的精力.有一些执行程序看上去似乎是不必要的,但考虑到停机给工厂带来的损失,减少一分钟停机时间,全年就会给工厂节约的费用.显示中的较大失误往往会给人们提供大量的或使人误解的信息.在早期的诊断系统中,当机器发生问题时,检测系统开始工作,这就形成了一种不相关或不合理的故障检测,若系统不能提供足够的信息,那么只好由操作人员来找出故障.在通常情况下,诊断系统的任务是指出机器问题的范围,假若显示系统太特殊或信息使人迷惑不解,或系统发现故障的时间太长,那么操作者和维修人员都会感到这种诊断系统是没有用的.所显示的范围从简单的发光二极管到带有助记符和机器图形综合性的彩色图像显示系统.面对小型机器是很有用的.例如:F0501标准在它们的一些机器上要求采用三位数的∠ED数字显示,第一位数字表示机器的范围,第二、三位数字表示问题,在控制柜上所贴的表格中,列有表示与后两位数字有关的各种设备.这种简单的系统能有效地对机器进行故障查找.随着价格的下降,字母数字显示变得越来越普遍.编程盘像∠ED一样,能显示诊断结果或显示更完整的信息.一些编程盘相当于哑CRT,具有ASCⅡ编程接口的可编程控制器,还能提供描述问题的文本.个人计算机很快地渗入到工厂,许多设备使用IBM工业个人计算机,因为它能存贮英语文本,且易编程.个人计算机的问题是它不能进行会话及对可编程控制器内的数字系统译码.一些个人计算机已成功地用作直接检测系统.但在接点闭合发生在小于1或2个扫描周期地某些应用场合,个人计算机则不能有效地计算带宽,以检测并锁存这些状态的变化.彩色图像系统显示用图象表示,利用色彩说明一些问题.这些系统能打印文本和存贮信息,例如显示刀具更换程序和刀具号,不同另件种类所用的新刀具号,及机器运行的统计分析等.显然有了所有可用的显示方法,但选择显示设备也并不是容易的事.此外,设计人员必须要考虑到显示对生产人员所产生的效果.故障预测大多数故障预测算法,是由时间发生所需时间,或由模拟传感器所测得的其他连续变量所决定的,而不是取决于来自简单的通断状态的信息.在提供诊断方法时,主要的困难是如何获得一个有正确信息的故障模型.例如:在机床工作中,对工具故障有了到4种不同的模型,并且每个模型并不一致,或通用到能够进行高精度的故障预测.因此,可编程控制器的故障预测是通过模拟读数的统计分析来实现的.在损坏刀具或故障预测的情况中,统计分析是最基本的,其它形式的统计分析则较复杂涉及到自学习系统.例如,凸轮轴矫正装置能学习正常的冲击次数及矫正凸轮所需的压力.故障预测机构则通过观察最后工序前的压力和矫正循环来预测凸轮故障.用中间轴接通这种控制系统,就能对凸轮轴进行故障预测.统计分析可分为三个主要部分,第一部分是简单值;第二部分是一次导数的趋向,即一次导数的平均值;平均采样量通常小于15.一种对故障预测有用的测量操作统计控制技术是shuer过程控制.它是采用设备的增均值设备值以及一定范围内数值的变化率.第三种统计方法是利用各种测量值的不连续性进行故障预测,例如,若任何成功数值间的正常不连续点小于30或40个,那么当不连续点的数目跳到80或90个时,就可以预测故障.计数是从0到100中的任意值,通常由测量值表示.在加工工业中广泛地采用变化率的方法.在这些场合中,当输入过程变量表现不正常时,温度和化学流量传感器经常产生故障,大多数过程具有大的惯性分量,若这些分量非特征性地改变位置或速度时,就可能发生故障.籍变化率预测故障的方法也常应用于机床工业.大多数陈旧的机器均以特有的平缓趋向进行减速或加速.但当每个循环周期出现大的变化率时,则可预测故障.例如,当机床切削刀具变钝时,在每个连续性的循环周期中,机器开始减慢时速度变化显著.为了实现这种技术,该设备利用诊断功能块监视循环周期时间.图4为故障预测数量,把大多数所测量的数值,分析结果或用于故障预测的分量放入所谓窗口检测中,所有的数值都有容许的高和低的极限值.当该数值位于极限值以内或位于窗口内时,则这些数值是合理的.图中给出了原始数据采样,第一次导数的平均值以及速率.若这些采样值中任何一个落入极限之外时,则系统就进行故障预测. □原始采样△平均一次导数○速率在shuer过程控制技术中,高和低极限值是根据机器的能力来调整的.例如,当电可编程控制器实现统计功能块时,则高和低聚合应尽可能靠近,以便检测范围高度有效,这样对于过程时间的变化,可以不经过延时而被检测出来.结论所有机器和生产过程中都有解决难以处理问题的方法诊断系统是用以显示停机,并做出快速响应,并最终减少识别问题的时间.诊断系统并不能减少矫正问题的时间,但却大大地减少了识别问题的时间.诊断系统能防止灾难性的机器故障和生产过程损害,例如,监视炼油厂蒸馏塔温度的速率,可以防止反应器严重烧毁.在机床应用中,当顺序发生混乱时,可以中断连续加工,以防止工具损坏和对人员的伤害.对在机器或生产过程和在检测算法方面有经验的人员,应制订诊断及故障预测系统的功能规范.显然这并不容易做到,但当人们确定了合理的设想并在设计和实现中进行大量的规划中,就能获得巨大的成功.谷美燕译自《conirll ingineering》颖逸、杨世宋校



















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Abstract:Switching power supply with high efficiency and other characteristics of light are widely used in many fields, a huge market. This paper describes the classification of DC / DC converter main circuit analyzes the push-pull DC / DC converter is constituted, at the same time gives the internal structure of the SG3525 chip and pin functions, a detailed analysis of its features and works , with its design of a push-pull adjustable duty cycle DC / DC switching power supply. This paper presents the design method parameter calculation circuit and the main unit of the circuit, and the power performance test. Experiments show that the power supply with high efficiency, high voltage adjustment, output voltage stability and so : switching power supply; SG3525; Push-Pull DC / DC converter; PWM



