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With the traffic mileage of highway, traffic and the increasing traffic speed, road traffic noise pollution on residents along the normal life, work, study, rest the environment and the scope of interference also intensified and expanded. Road traffic noise pollution in the catchment population has gradually become concerned about the environment. In particular, some large and medium-sized cities of the trunk road traffic noise exceeding a serious, serious impact on both sides of the road to the city's residents and commercial activities. In this paper, a main road overpass王顶堤subject to monitoring in order that the overpass is located in traffic, run a long time, overweight vehicles, and their produce to urban traffic noise caused a great deal of harm, through the noise of its two major trunk roads monitoring, summed up the status quo of its noise pollution, and its future development trend forecast. Through this thesis research,王顶堤overpass for the future road traffic noise monitoring and management to provide a favorable basis for the future construction of urban transport operators in the trunk how to prevent and control noise in the practical application of good value.

CuSO4back titration method for the determination of aluminum content in experimental conditions of Al2O3Abstract: in this paper, aluminum as samples, using the CuSO4back titration method for the determination of aluminum content in Al2O3in the experimental condition of experimental conditions, including experiments in EDTA standard solution added, buffer solution HAc-NaAc content and PAN concentration of indicator, and changes in these experimental conditions for the determination of aluminum content in Al2O3, and controlled Pharmacopoeia method, the determination results with groo does not think ( G) method for inspection of questionable value, using the F test method to test its tightness, so as to probe into the method of optimal experimental words: three two aluminum oxide; aluminum; titration method; experimental conditions

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Neijiang City manufacturing competitiveness analysis Abstract : With the trend of economic globalization is the rapid development States in the economic strength of the increasingly fierce competition and an overall national economic competitiveness of the strength, is its main industry competitive strength of the decision [1]. For a region, the industry is the industry's key industries, and industrial, manufacturing is the most important. Therefore, a region upgrade the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry research and exploration, it will have a very important practical significance. This paper will first give a brief overview of the manufacturing sector in Neijiang City status, Then from Neijiang City reflects the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry's market share and competitive advantage two areas, By analyzing clear Neijiang City manufacturing competitiveness of the main problems, Then on the basis of this further use SWOT analysis of the manufacturing industry in Neijiang City of opportunities and challenges, threats and weaknesses of the analysis, it concludes with the existing problems, to be able to take corresponding measures Neijiang city to actively promote the rapid development of the manufacturing sector. Keywords : Neijiang City; Manufacturing; Competitiveness; Analysis; Measures


第二段开始: Thesis emphasized on expatiate making J2ME-based exoterica foundation ,design antilogy ,truss of system and develop course of long-distance control system achieved and sum-up together with expectation of hereinbefore.. This dissertation presents the background and research groundwork of this subject and probe into actual studying status connect home and overseas. The front part of this paper discussed the J2ME platform, system architecture design, system frame analysis , explain the working theory of J2ME-based long-distance control system,discuss some linchpin teconology used in the system. latter part discuss on the characteristics of the system and function, together with main function’s achievement etc. to introduce system and describe inplement elements,flow, exploitation process and linchpin code of each funchtion. Including how to carry out different deposited forms connecting client-port and serving-port,how to communicate between consumer-port and serving-port , java invoke windows external programme, data listalization for user-defined client-port’s realization, client-port data been deposite d in RMS, serving-port data deposited by XML and analyzed DOM4J and system security etc. Finally summarized the J2ME-based long –distance control system , recorded and reported of working and presented some expects and emagines for system of myself. 本译文绝对出于本人自译;并无使用任何google等文章翻译软件 LZ可以通过试读本译文或查看本人资料以承认本人可信度。Translator:ciotes

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The rapid development of network, information of this expansion, there is information on how to correctly grasp and carry out the requirements of decision-making has become increasingly harsh, the market requirements of its increasingly high. Once the J2ME-based remote control system to achieve real, then its users in terms of when and where can grasp, understand server-side under the control of various equipment status information, and can make decisions in a timely manner. J2ME application so that external applications can interact with the network capacity. Through the network connection, using J2ME devices to the network function with other applications to establish communication. J2ME-based remote control system will become possible. Thesis focused on J2ME-based remote control system based on the theory, design thinking, system architecture, development process, as well as the above summary and outlook. This paper introduces the background of the subject and the research base in the current study and the status quo at home and abroad were discussed. The first part of the paper discusses the J2ME platform, system architecture design, system analysis framework to explain the J2ME-based remote control system for the working principle of the system used in a number of key technologies. Paper the latter part of the structural characteristics of the system, features such as the realization of the main functions of the various aspects of the system are introduced, a detailed description of the various functions to achieve the principles and processes, as well as the key step in the development of the code. Including how the client and server to achieve different forms of storage, clients and services, how to communicate with client, java call external procedures windows, custom client-side storage data sequence of the realization of the client data stored in the RMS, the services client to store XML data and parse dom4J, such as the safety of the system to achieve a series of concrete. Finally, there is J2ME-based remote control system for a summary of a summary of the work and report and put forward their expectations of the system and ideas.

With the constant improvement of people's living standard, increase that people are constant too to the healthy requirement, and shut the relevant constant completion of regulation of the country in market mechanism, medicines retail and manage enterprises to open all over the streets and lanes as bamboo shoots after a spring rain in recent years, this text mainly retails the management of managing enterprises and carries on the investigation to medicines now, put forward the question to the current situation of investigating: First, present medicines retail and manage enterprises to usually exist by way of chain, but one's own soft rib exists in the chain store. Second, present medicines retailer are implementing the existing problem of " standardized management ". To these questions, propose the improved scheme: First, change the idea, make a reservation correctly. Second, one's own repair need strengthening constantly. Three, guiding and retailing the drugstore launches diversified forms of pharmacy services. Four, improve the overall qualities of pharmacist's team and service ability of the pharmacy. Fifth, strengthen the sincere system construction of the drugstore .


Title: The Influence of the Land Use in Wuyi Mountain Nature Reserve on the Ecological Environment【 Abstract 】 By using the method of field investigation and soil sample collection, this paper regards the wuyi mountain nature reserve as the research object, discussing the influence of land use on the ecological also Points out that the features of the reserve: the great terrain undulation degree, the high precipitation,and high vegetation cover. In excellent ecological environment, it also hides in the change of the structure of land use which changes the composition of the soil and the character of soil; many new ecological problems has been caused like the decreasing ofbiodiversity, lacking of land resources and the tense relationship between human and land .【 key words 】 Wuyi Mountain Nature Reserve; land use; ecological environment 基于1楼的机器翻译,纠正语法错误翻译而来。

1、Town land managementWith the development of urbanization construction in China, a large amount of land use management problem also will rise, and this will hinder the further development of urbanization. Make development plan, is well the premise condition of urban construction and basic work2、Town construction engineering quality managementConstruction engineering quality is engineering construction investment of the three major goals, quality fit and unfit quality, in relation to the lives and property of the people safe. Building engineering is a special kind of products, it can not like other industrial products that removed maintenance. Therefore, the construction engineering quality process control is very 、Regional development strategy researchStrategic management theory with the time continuous development and development. This article from the strategic management history evolution new trend, strategic management tools to the new development of the two aspects of the strategic management development new trend, hope for strategic management theory and practice plays a promoting role4、Regional economic characteristic analysisOur country is a vast, the development of a large population and areas around the great powers in the physical, economic, and social conditions, regional development no significant difference in China is to balance the basic national conditions.

Topic: the wuyi mountain nature reserve land use on the ecological environment of influence【 abstract 】 the wuyi mountain nature reserve as the research object, and through field investigation and soil sample collection, this paper discusses the land use on the ecological environment of influence. Points out that the reserve rolling terrain, precipitation, more vegetation coverage high, and in excellent ecological environment and hidden in the change of the structure of land use change the composition of the soil and soil character; Cause new ecological problems, biodiversity decrease, land scarcity, the relation between human and land contradiction.【 key words 】 the wuyi mountain nature reserve; Land use; Ecological environment



大多数研究我国受保护区域 偏重于动植物和解决的问题 从保护区管理者或政府 (汉,2000;苗族、2000、税务等,2002年)。这个典型的管理层 管理风格已经被边缘化的当地人民 福利和很少关注扮演的角色 参与保护的区域规划、管理和 Harkness决策,1998,苗族,2000)提高自然保护区管理、感知、 态度的参与者需要加以研究,它 Sewell》(1973)指出,将提供更大的帮助 识别问题和识别潜在的解决方案 为开发适当的策略。同时,结果 决策是受到极大影响的感知 参赛者和态度的过程(白色,1966年)。 越来越多的实证研究表明 评估本地反应是对受保护区域 非常重要的一步,可以incorpor收集信息

The ancient city of Phoenix Development of Tourism ResourcesAbstractCulture of the ancient city of Phoenix with its integrated value and the overall value of urban art and full of charm, great variety and mystery of the human landscape and natural landscape of the State Council in 2002 was named the first 101 state-level historical and cultural resources in the density of the ancient city of Phoenix, the abundance of large, well-known, attractive and high degree of geographical mix, the type of portfolio, the overall dominance, and distinctive characteristics, the development of great potential. Phoenix city tourism development, regional cooperation should foster awareness of, and foster the development of a new concept, concept and marketing resources, and strengthen the ecological awareness, protection and sustainable development, to create the best environment for tourism and expand tourism capacity, increase cultural content, and enhance Hong Kong this paper, the region in Hunan Xiangxi Biancheng unique culture background, through the collation of the relevant literature and investigation, the paper is divided into the following four parts: the first part of the Introduction, the main city is the cultural status of the Phoenix, the development of values and the status of the second part of the ancient city of Phoenix's history and current situation, including the city's geographical location and history and so third part is the main city in the development and the development of the problems faced by research. Phoenix is a city with high value and the overall value of an integrated border town, it embodies the history and culture of local and national customs and style, embodies the essential characteristics of social progress. With the development of the ancient city, the original ecosystem. Property rights. Urban facilities, such as problems affecting the development of the ancient fourth part of the ancient city of tourism development strategy. Although at this stage well-known ancient city of Phoenix smaller, but he is a great development potential of the historical and cultural city, and his protection and tourism development is receiving increasing the development of modern tourism industry in the process of renewal of its unique environment and style, while maintaining its own vitality, is the ancient city of Phoenix in the development process problems need to be addressed urgently. Phoenix Xiangxi only built on the integrity of the historic preservation of ancient and unique heritage of human resources based on the characteristics of its own resources to develop and use only genuine path of sustainable : Phoenix ancient city. Resources. Tourism Development. Sustainable Development

13-5 引流管水负压系统b 空气需求:为了使引流管中的水在10秒钟内从涡轮机转轮中完全排出,系统必须能够提供足够的气体,同时要在约60秒钟之内将水排到距转轮底部1m(3 ft)的地方,同时保证有额外的气体进入,以弥补在形成出负压的过程中造成的气体减少。在假定好接收器中的空气的绝热膨胀系数、已知所需的用来取代排出水的空气的体积的情况下,估算初始负压形成过程中气体损失时,需要将它控制在取代空气体积的10%以内。在形成负压的10秒之内,接收器中气体绝热系数的变化可以忽略,因此计算时,可以忽略从那儿产生的多余的气体。在形成负压之后,为了将水面维持在转轮下大约 m (3 ft)的位置,必须保证有空气供给。想精确计算这个空气需求量是很难的,因为从根本上讲,它取决于轴压盖和边阀的漏气量。实际设计过程中,可以假设压盖漏气量可以被控制在很小的范围内,由于边阀漏气量而需要的补充空气量可以假设为:单位直径内,每米流量为3 L/s(每英尺2 cfm)。每一个工作压头,单元的类型,制作工艺,外层质量都会影响漏气率,如果需要的话,设计过程中可以放宽上述假设至原来的两倍,因为初始负压而需要的空气必须得到保证,因为对流量的要求较高。除非用马达启动泵送,需要一次使压力下降大于一个单位或者说很快就达到目标是几乎不可能的。为了获得较好的成本收益比率,就需要提供附加容量。对于为了维持压力而需要的空气的计算,必须考虑在规定时间内需要负压的单元的最大设计数量,并以此为依据。

摘要这篇文章调查了当地人对于卧龙生态保护区的态度、知识和看法,以及卧龙保护区的管理方针。通过调查问卷和分组讨论等调查方式,收集到了很多客观的数据。调查显示,当地人的性别、教育状况、居住地点、家庭大小和拥有的耕地面积等多种因素都会影响到人们对于保护区的看法。不过,尽管由于多数被访者并不参与保护区的管理工作因而对相关的知识了解有限,但他们都保持着积极的态度。针对人们态度和看法的一份深入分析报告显示出两个主要的潜在矛盾可能会影响到保护区的生物多样性和管理工作。其一是有限的耕地和过剩的劳动力之间的不平衡,其二是越来越高的电价与划拨给自然森林保护项目的经费越来越少的矛盾。调查还显示出大多数被访者都不能接受住址的搬迁。但与此同时,那些住在离主干道远的居民相比那些离得近的要愿意搬迁得多。基于这样一些研究,本文给出了一些相应的建议以提高对卧龙生物保护区的管理。缩写词:WBR, 卧龙生物保护区通讯作者:.............................................



很高兴回答你的问题 [编辑本段]本科毕业论文格式举例 不同院校对于各类毕业论文的格式要求各不相同,有时甚至会有很大差异。这里指的是本科毕业论文的一般格式。 1.本科毕业论文(设计)版式 软件排版 一般用微软Word软件排式(也可采用金山等其他排版软件,只要达到同样效果即可),一般用A4 纸(297×210)纵向排式,文字从左至右通栏横排、打印。 页面设置 在页面设置中,调整页边距上、 下、左、右的值。(不同院校要求不同,例如,四川大学要求:上,下,左,右2 cm;渭南师范学院要求:上,下2cm,左3cm,右3 cm;佳木斯大学要求:上,下2cm,左2cm,右2cm) 调整装订线、页眉边距、页脚边距的值。(有些院校对此有要求,有些院校则对此无要求。例如四川大学要求:装订线0,页眉边距为,页脚边距为;佳木斯大学要求:装订线侧(左侧)增加)。 行间距 行间距一般固定值。(不同院校要求不同,例如四川大学要求20磅。有些院校对于摘要部分与正文部分的行间距要求也是不同的,要格外注意。一般来说,摘要和参考文献部分的行距可能会比正文小些。) 2.本科毕业论文(设计)文字排式 (包括中英文标题、正文文字、引文、注文、中英文摘要、中英文关键词) 论文题目、专业、学生和指导教师、摘要、主题词等排式 论文题目排式 按照相关单位要求,用小2~3号字,字体选用标宋(或黑体),居中排。论文题目的文字字数较少或较多时,按“标题长度与转行”规定处理。 “专业”、“学生”和“指导教师”等排式 各单位要求不同。例如四川大学要求:“专业” 选用楷体4号字,排在论文(设计)题目的正下方,与论文(设计)题目之间空1行,居中排。“学生 □□□”与“指导教师 □□□”排为一行,选用楷体4号字,排在“专业”下方,与“专业”之间空1行,居中排。如有多位教师,可用“,”号间隔。 摘要排式 摘要以摘录或缩编的方式复述本论文主要内容。要求:概括地、不加注释地摘录本论文的研究目的、方法、结果和结论;或简洁的介绍本论文阐述的主要内容及取得的进展。 编写摘要应注意:客观反映原文内容,不得简单地重复题名中已有的信息,要着重反映论文的新内容和特别强调的观点。摘要宜采用第三人称过去式的写法(如“对……进行了研究”,“综述了……”等;不应写成“本文”、“我校……”等)。摘要一般不分段,字数要求不完全一致(例如:四川大学要求以400字左右为宜,渭南师范学院要求200-300字左右)。“摘要”两字一般加黑(或选用其他字体)。 主题词(关键词)排式 主题词是表达论文主要内容的词或词组,是论文的重要检索点。主题词一般由3~5个词或词组组成。主题词一般可以直接从论文题目或论文正文中抽取。 主题词在摘要后另起一行排。主题词的字级、字体和排式与“摘要”的相同。 主题词与摘要之间一般不空行;主题词与正文之间一般空1行。 正文排式 一律横排,通栏,文字一般选用小4号宋体。 标题排式 标题可分为章(一级)、节(二级)、小节(三级)等。最小一级标题的字级一般应与正文文字的字级相同。 标题的字级、字体 各单位要求一般不同,例如:四川大学要求一级标题用小3号字,字体选用标宋黑体;二级标题用4号字,字体选用4号宋体加粗(或黑体);三级标题用小4号字,字体选用楷体;最末一级标题用小4号字,字体选用宋体加黑(或黑体)。渭南师范学院要求一级标题用四号,字体选用黑体;二级标题用小四号字,字体选用黑体;三级标题用小四号字,字体选用宋体。佳木斯大学要求:第一层次(章)题序和标题用小二号黑体字;第二层次(节)题序和标题用小三号黑体字;第三层次(条)题序和标题用四号黑体字;第四层次(款)题序和标题用小四号黑体字;第五层次(项)以下题序和标题与第四层次同。 标题占行 各单位要求一般不同,例如:四川大学要求一级标题文字上下各空一行;居中排;二级标题的上面空一行,居中排;三级标题及其以下标题上下不空行,居左排。 在两级标题连排的情况下,可省1~2行。 标题长度与转行 标题文字较多时,可按密排标题方式处理,即字与字之间不加间空。标题文字少时,可按疏排标题方式处理,即在字与字之间加间空。间空一般是两字间空两字,三字间空一字,四字间空半字,五字及五字以下不间空。 标题文字长度占两行或两行以上的,可按多行标题方式处理,即应转行。标题转行:在标题文字的行长超过主体文字4/5行长的情况下,必须转行,转行标题文字居中排。 标题转行不能割裂词义,如人名、地名、国名等,专有名词不能断开,虚词、术语、符号等不能转为下一行的第一字。 在有副标题的情况下,应注意主题与副标题的关系与比例。 引文排式 短句引文排式:与主体文字相同。 大段引文排式:整段引文,另段起排,每行行头、行尾均缩进两格。引文上、下应各空一行。引文应变体。引文行头、行尾不加引号。诗歌等第一行的行头可后退四格或更多。 表格排式 表格用字的字级一般用5号字宋体;表头(即表格名称)用5号黑体(或其他规定字体)。每一表格应统一编号,该编号应在正文中相应处标明。 表格宽度不能超过版心。 续表(即一页未排完,下一页接着排的表)应在接排面的表上方加“续表”或“表×(续)”等字样,如续表不止一页,则需加上“续表一”等字样。 如表格较大,也可用B4纸制成横表,按A4规格折叠后,装订入册。 图片排式 手绘图、摄影照片、计算机制作图、印刷品等彩色、黑白图照均应清晰、清楚、准确,层次丰富。 图片裁切或遮幅后不能造成不良效果。 图片的长度和宽度不能超过版心尺寸。 目录排式 目录中的标题一般不能超过三级。例如,四川大学要求一级标题用小3~4号字;二级标题用4~小4号字;三级标题用小4号字。 标题字体按由重到轻的原则选择。如四川大学要求一级标题用4黑,二级用4号字,三级用小4号字。标题文字居左,页码居右,之间用连续三连点连接。标题需转行的,转行后的标题文字应缩进1字处理。 书眉排式 有些单位要求设置页眉,有些单位则不要求。例如四川大学要求“四川大学本科毕业论文” 或“四川大学本科毕业设计”用5号字居左排,论文题目或设计题目用5号字居右排;书眉与正文之间用下划线分隔。 页码排式 一般用5号字排在页脚居中。 序言和后记排式 字级与正文相同。字体可选用仿宋体或楷体等。 版心宽度可略小于正文版心宽度。 附录排式 附录应标明序号,各附录依次编排。如“附录1”排在版心左上角。“附录”用四号黑体字。附录文字的字级一般用5号字。 3.本科毕业论文(设计)参考文献的著录要求 各单位要求不一致,例如四川大学的文科类各学院对论文(设计)的引、注、参考文献的著录要求,由各学院根据学科特点自行制订统一、规范的具体要求,并报教务处备案。理工医各专业毕业论文(设计)参考文献著录要求:引用资料、文献,均应说明来源。著录引文的参考文献采用顺序编码制。顺序编码制:按文章正文部分(包括图、表及其说明)引用文献的先后顺序连续编码。编码置于方括号中,用上标的形式(置于右上角),直接放在引文之后(如〔1〕;〔15,18〕;〔25-26〕)。 一般大学都要求按照中华人民共和国国家标准进行编排。 专著著录要求、格式 不同院校要求不一致,例如: 四川大学要求: (1)专著著录格式 主要责任者者.书名.其他责任者.版本.出版地:出版者,出版年:页次 例1:刘少奇.论共产党员的修养.修订2版.北京:人民出版社,1962:76 例2:中国科学院南京土壤研究所西沙群岛考察组.我国西沙群岛的土壤和乌粪矿.北京:科学出版社,1977 (2)专著中析出的文献著录格式 析出责任者.析出题名. 析出其他责任者.见:原文献责任者.原文献题目.版本.出版地:出版者,出版年.在原文献中的位置 例1:黄蕴慧.国际矿物学研究的动向.见:程裕淇等编.世界地质科技发展动向.北京:地质出版社,1982:38-39 (3)连续出版物(期刊)著录要求、格式 析出责任(著)者. 析出题(篇)名. 析出其他责任者.原文献题名(刊名),版本.在原文献中的位置 例1:李四光.地壳构造与地壳运动.中国科学,1973(4):400-429 例2:赵均宇.略论辛亥革命前后的章太炎.光明日报,1977-03-24(4) (4)会议录、论文集、论文汇编著录要求、格式 著者.题(篇)名.In(见):整篇文献的编者姓名ed.( 多编者用eds.),文集名,会议名,会址,开会年,出版地:出版者,出版年:页次 (5)学术报告著录要求、格式 著者.题(篇)名.报告题名,编号,出版地:出版者,出版年:页次 (6)学位论文著录要求、格式 著者.题(篇)名.学位授予单位,编号或缩微制品序号,年 (7)专利文献著录要求、格式 专利申请者.专利题名.专利国别,专利文献种类,专利号.出版日期 (8)其他 私人通讯和未发表著作一般不能作为参考文献引用,如必须要引用时,应标明通讯人或著者的姓名、题(篇)名、地址和年、月、日。 鲁东大学要求: 连续出版物:作者. 文题[J].刊名, 年, 卷(期): 起始页码-终止页码. 专著: 作者. 书名[M]. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年. 译著: 作者. 书名[M]. 译者. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年. 论文集: 作者. 文题[A]. 编者. 文集[C]. 出版地:出版者,出版年.起始页码-终止页码. 学位论文: 作者. 文题[D]. 所在城市:保存单位, 年份. 专利: 申请者. 专利名[P]. 国名及专利号, 发布日期. 技术标准: 技术标准代号. 技术标准名称[S]. 技术报告: 作者. 文题[R].报告代码及编号,地名: 责任单位,年份. 报纸文章: 作者. 文题[N]. 报纸名, 出版日期(版次) . 电子公告/在线文献:作者. 文题[EB/OL]. http://…, 日期. 数据库/光盘文献:作者. 文题[DB/CD]. 出版地:出版者, 出版日期. 其他文献: 作者. 文题[Z].出版地:出版者,出版日期. 安徽工业大学要求: 列出的只限于那些作者亲自阅读过的,最重要的且发表在公开出版物上的文献或网上下载的资料。论文中被引用的参考文献序号置于所引用部分的右上角如******。参考文献表上的著作按论文中引用顺序排列,著作按如下格式著录:序号 著者. 书名. 出版地: 出版社,出版年顺序列出(据GB 7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》);论文按如下格式著录:序号 作者.论文题目.期刊. 发表年份.第几期.页码。 如:〔1〕 江北. 场论. 北京: 科学技术出版社, 2000年2月 〔2〕王庆详,刘伟.改善烧结、提高烧结矿质量的措施[J].安徽工业大学学报,2003,20(4):202-204


Market Research and Export Promotion Export Marketing Plan The marking plan is the basis on which all the overseas promotion is formulated. To devise the marketing plan involves reconciling the export strategies and objectives of the manufacturer into marketing marketing plan embraces many elements including market research project, promotion/advertising details, products involved and their quantity available, distribution arrangements and total volume/value of goods Where relevant, various costing information should be included, particularly the research and advertising budget. Overall; the plan must be realistic and should have a clear sense of purpose and direction Export Market Research Before making goods for a new overseas market, as in the home trade, it is necessary to discover first of all if the goods can be sold profitably in that market. To answer that question is one of the objects of market research. Export market research, in particular, is a study of a given market abroad to determine the needs of that market and the methods by which the products; can best be supplied. It may be carried out to determine: 1. If a new product likely to find a market. 2. Whether an established product is likely to meet with a good demand in a new market. sales of a product have declined, either generally or in a certain area Here, in this chapter is laid on the first point: Market research is vital to success in overseas Markets To look for a suitable market an exporter must consider, for example: and Economic Conditions Countries with different political and economic systems take different attitudes toward foreign trade policies and regulations concerning import and export,foreign exchange control,customs, duties and other tariffs will greatly affect the suitability for a new market. and Climatic Conditions The suitability of his products: heavy clothing is not worn in hot climates; mountaineering equipment would not be in demand in a flat country. 3. Social Conditions If there is a low standard.of living with poor wage levels, there nay be no market for television sets or cars or luxury products. It may be desirable, even necessary,for price lists and sales promotion literature to be translated into a local language,with local units of measurement 5 and of the survey questionnaire and in the interviewing process. Surveys may be very expensive, and they are time--consuming: Another key weakness is that respondents often cannot or will not give true answers. The interviewing in the survey may be done by the researcher in person, by telephone, or by mail. Interviews Personal interviews are more flexible than the other two types because interviews can alter the questions to fit-the situation as they see it: They are able to probe snore deeply if an answer is not satisfactory. Ordinarily, it is possible to obtain more information by personal interview .than by telephone: or mail. Also, the interview can by observation; obtain data regarding the respondents'socioeconomic status-their home ,neighborhood, and apparent standard of living. The major limitations of this method of interviewing are its relative high cost, the length of time needed to conduct the survey, and the chance of introducing ,errors during the interviewing. 2. Telephone Survey In a telephone survey, the respondent, is approached by telephone, and interview is completed at that time. Telephone surveys can usually be conducted more rapidly and at less cost than either personal or mail surveys. Tele: phone surveys are lees flexible than personal Interviews, but more flexible than mail survey. Another significant advantage is that a telephone. survey -may be timely. For instance, people may be asked whether they are watching television at the moment and; if so, the name of the program and the sponsor. One limitation of the telephone survey is that interviews must be short: Lengthy interviews cannot be conducted satisfactorily over the phone. by Mail Interviewing by mail involves mailing a questionnaire to potential respondents and having them return the completed form by mail. Mailed questionnaires ape more economical than personal interviews and are particularly useful in national surveys,Also, if the respondents remain anonymous, they are more likely to give true answers because they do not feel the need to impress the interviewer. A major problem with mail' questionnaires is the Compilation of a good mailing list, especially for a broad-scale survey. If the sample can be drawn from a limited list, such as property taxpayers in certain counties or subscribers to a magazine, the list presents no significant limitation concerns the reliability of the questionnaire returns, Particularly when the returns are-anonymous. If the respondents have characteristics that 6 differentiate them from nonrespondents, the survey results will be invalid. Further,the questionnaire must be reasonably shorted the questions very simple; there is no to explain in a puzzling question. Ideally :Yes.'' or“No" or prechoice type of :produces the best results. Here is an example: Questionnaire for Market_Research on Smoking A. Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes/No (If No,terminate) B How. many do you smoke a day? C. What size of cigarette do you smoke ? Mini ,Standard ,Large D. Do you smoke filter tips.? Yes/No E. Do you smoke menthol cigarettes?一Yes/No Observational Method In the observational method, the data are collected by observing some action of the respondent: No interviews are involved, although an interview may be used as a follow-up to-get additional information. For instance,if customers are observed buying beer in cans instead of bottles; they may be asked; why they prefer that one form of packaging to the other. Information may be gathered by personal or mechanical observation. In one form of personal observation the researcher poses as a customer in a store. This technique is useful in getting information about the caliber of the -sales people,or in determining what brands they push. Mechanical observation is illustrated by an electric cord stretched across a high way to count the number一of cars that pass during a certain time period The observation method has several merits. It can be highly accurate.Often it removes a11 doubt about what the customer does in: a given, situation. The consumers are unaware that they are being observed; so presumably they action theft usual fashion. The observation technique reduces interviewer bias. However, the possibility of bias is not- completely eliminated as long as people are used as :observers. Another disadvantage is that the technique is limited in its application. Observation tells what happened; but it cannot tell why. It cannot delve into motives, attitudes,or opinions. Experimental Method The experimental method of gathering primary data involves the establishment of a controlled experiment that stimulates the real market situation as much as possible. The theory is that' the small-scale experiment will furnish valuable information f tar designing a large scale marketing program. 7 The experimental method may be used in several different ways. In one instance, a firm may manufacture a few units of a product and give them to employees or consumers to try out: Probably the major application of the experimental method has been in market testing. This technique consist establishing a control market, in which all factors remain constant and one or more test markets,in which one factor is varied. A firm may be trying to determine whether to change the color of its city A, the product is marketed in its traditional color. In each of cities B, C, and D, a different color is used. All other factor are kept constant. By measuring sales in the four market over a period of time;.the manufacturer, hopes to determine which color is most effective. The outstanding merit of the experimental method is it realism. It is the only one of the three methods of gathering primary data that stimulate an actual maket situation. The problem is that it is requires long periods of careful planning and administration. Analyze the Data and Prepare a Report The final steps in market research project are to analyze the data and interpret the findings. Information gathered from market research is a guide to the invention,production and sales of the products for which there is a market. Today sophisticated electronic data processing equipment enables a researcher to tabulate and analyze masses of data quickly, and inexpensively. The end product of the investigation is the researcher's conclusion and recommendations, submitted, in written form on which the company's policy and proceedings concerning export promotion are based. Export Promotion-Advertising After deciding there are good prospects, for his goods abroad through the study of the market research investigation, the maker or the exporter will, of course; take measures to promote, exporting of the goods to that market. A most important measure in this respect is to advertise; the aid to trade that deals with the problem of giving information about the goods and 0helps to put buyers and sellers in touch with one another. By means of advertisements a supplier, tells people what goods he has for sale and emphasizes their good points in the hope that people will buy them. Advertising can, be undertaken by the company's sales or publicity department; or an advertising agcy is to be.engaged as an adviser. Purpose of Advertising Inform 8 Advertising can be used to place facts before public. An advertisement for a car may include some technical details, so that part of the advertisement is informative. Another advertisement may be .entirely informative,such as the announcement of the opening of a new To Persuade although the advertisement for the car may give some facts, its over-all objective is to persuade people to buy the car. To do this various subtle methods may be used. The illustration, for instance; may give an exaggerated impression of the car's power The wording and the lay-out may be designed to appeal to the emotion rather than the mind: If you study some advertisement for practical products, you will find that they contain little or no technical information. One would not expect to find a .scientific analysis in an' advertisement for a cake of toilet soap, of course, but an examination of advertisement for. medicinal goods will show that the appeal is mainly to the : To Remind Some advertisements aim merely to keep the name of :the product before the public. A newspaper advertisement may consist of only a picture of a packet of cigarettes; a bus may carry,the name of an insurance company; a poster may display a well-known advertising phrase. They say nothing but serve a useful. purpose in constantly reminding the public of, the, name of the product Advertising Media The term "media" means the forms used 'to carry advertisement. The choice of media depends upon the product and the audience the advertisement is aimed at For example, very few people are interested in coins. A coin dealer would want to appeal to that small number of people and to no one else. He would therefore advertise in a magazine which most coin enthusiasts read. The cost of advertising in newspapers large depends upon the circulation of each a newspaper sells a million copies, it is possible (although not probable) that a million people will read an advertisement in it. Some pages in a newspaper are more expensive to advertise in than are others, because most people will read the general news pages but only some will the pages devoted to sport, fashion, the arts; etc. Different一types of people read different newspapers, so an advertiser will use those papers whose readers are likely to be possible buyers of his products. For example, an art gallery would not advertise in a "popular" news paper because few of its readers would be likely to be visitors to art galleries. 2 Magazines The same principles about which media to use also apply to magazines. There are magazines which men read, those which women read and those which both read. Within each 9 group there is specialization, so that one magazine will be read by one "social group" and not by another. 3. Radio and Television These are the most、expensive of advertising media. A broadcast at a "peak time"will be heard or seen by millions of people: If only a tiny fraction of them respond, the huge cost twill have been justified. One reason for the success of such advertising is that it is difficult to ignore. A broadcast will be heard: or seen by everyone using a radio or television set; even if only subconsciously, it will make an impression. On the other hand, when you read a newspaper or a magazine you will not even notice most of the advertisements A radio or television advertisement must make an instant appeal. There may be only 30 seconds to get the message across; so its impacts must be immediate. 4 Outdoor Advertising This includes posters, advertisements on vans and buses and in trains. The message must be simple and short, perhaps with an immediately recognizable illustration. Selection of Customers-Credit information Once the overseas' market has been found, the next step is to look for suitable customers with whom the maker or exporter expects to establish good business relationships. Undoubtedly, he wishes to deal with those customers of high credit standing, and that is one of the chief factors to consider at the tune of setting up new business information about the credit or financial standing of an overseas trader can be obtained from various sources. They are chiefly banks, trade associations professional credit information services, and consulates abroad. Upon application for or on receipt of letters asking for the credit standing of the foreign trader in question these organizations are willing to provide, without any responsibility on their part,a credit or financial report on the trader, which is usually considered as private and confidential. The report is based on the relative references, files, and records they have kept or on the result of an investigation made accordingly. In view of the financial or credit status stated or recommended in the report alongside of other factors the maker .or manufacturer may freely consider the intended customer acceptable or not.


