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一、应收账款管理的相关研究二、信用风险测定的相关研究总 结[正文]前 言国内关于应收账款管理理论的研究不多,主要是在财务管理类书籍中,但作为一项专业研究并不多见。我们现在对应收账款管理的研究一般都是借鉴西方对应收账款管理研究的已有成果,结合具体的业务实际,形成了符合中国国情企业的应收账款管理特色。我国理论界与企业界对应收账款问题的研究介入的较晚,尤其计划经济时期,因为企业是公有制,无须研究企业信用问题,导致当时企业间三角债负担沉重。改革开放后,随着经济体制的改变,人们的观念也发生了深刻的变化。对应收账款管理的研究因市场的需要而逐渐多了起来,但我国学术界和实际工作部门对应收账款管理的研究和探讨都基本不涉及对信用风险的评级和防范问题。研究的应收账款的管理,是从企业应收账款管理存在的问题入手,分析企业自身存在的不足,结合企业自身经济实力、财务状况、财务人员水平、培训机制、财务规章、企业执行力强弱,以及客户财务实力、资信情况,来确定信用期限、信用额度、收款的风险、坏财损失等。最后找出解决办法,逐步完善公司应收账款管理制度。一、应收账款管理的相关研究国内外对应收账款管理方面的研究主要有三大方面:一是应收账款的分析,二是应收账款中不良资产的预测,三是应收账款价值的评定。 (1)应收账款分析[参考文献][1] 荆新、王化成.财务管理学,中国人民大学出版社,2002年6月第三版 [2] 注协考试委员会.财务成本管理,经济科学出版社,2007年4月版 [3] 汪晓莹.DLY公司应收账款管理系统研究.东北大学硕士学位论文,2005 [4] 袁园.关于企业应收账款管理问题的探讨,企业经济,2004年第 4期 [5] 孙铮.全泽,应收账款管理及其信息披露,上海会计,2003,4 [6] Robert Cole. Lon Mahler. Consumer and Business Credit Management. IrwinMcGraw-Hill companies, 1998 [7] Michael Dennis. Credit and Collection Handbook. Prentice Hall. 1999 ...[ 相关资料搜索 ]

应收账款管理Management of Account Receivable receivable is one of a series of accounting transactions dealing with the billing of customers who owe money to a person, company or organization for goods and services that have been provided to the customer. In most business entities this is typically done by generating an invoice and mailing or electronically delivering it to the customer, who in turn must pay it within an established timeframe called credit or payment example of a common payment term is Net30, meaning payment is due in the amount of the invoice 30 days from the date of invoice. Other common payment terms include Net45 & Net60 but could in reality be for any time period agreed upon by the vendor and booking a receivable is accomplished by a simple accounting transaction, the process of maintaining and collecting payments on the accounts receivable subsidiary account balances can be a full time proposition. Depending on the industry in practice, accounts receivable payments can be received up to 10 - 15 days after the due date has been reached. These types of payment practices are sometimes developed by industry standards, corporate policy, or because of the financial condition of the a company's balance sheet, accounts receivable is the amount that customers owe to that company. Sometimes called trade receivables, they are classified as current assets. To record a journal entry for a sale on account, one must debit a receivable and credit a revenue account. When the customer pays off their accounts, one debits cash and credits the receivable in the journal entry. The ending balance on the trial balance sheet for accounts receivable is always organizations which have become too large to perform such tasks by hand (or small ones that could but prefer not to do them by hand) will generally use accounting software on a computer to perform this accounting issues include recognizing accounts receivable, valuing accounts receivable, and disposing of accounts receivable departments use the sales types of accounting transactions include accounts payable, payroll, and trial not all customer debts will be collected, businesses typically record an allowance for bad debts which is subtracted from total accounts receivable. When accounts receivable are not paid, some companies turn them over to third party collection agencies or collection attorneys who will attempt to recover the debt via negotiating payment plans, settlement offers or legal action. Outstanding advances are part of accounts receivables : If a company gets an order from its customers with advance agreed in payment terms. Since no billing is being done to claim the advances several times this area of collectible is not reflected in Accounts Receivables. Ideally, since advance payment is mutually agreed term, it is the responsibility of the accounts department to take out periodically the statement showing advance collectible and should be provided to sales & marketing for collection of advances. The payment of accounts receivable can be protected either by a letter of credit or by Trade Credit can use their accounts receivable as collateral when obtaining a loan (Asset-based lending) or sell them through Factoring (finance). Pools or portfolios of accounts receivable can be sold in the capital markets through a Securitization.[edit] Bookkeeping for Accounts ReceivableCompanies have two methods available to them for measuring the net value of account receivables, which is computed by subtracting the balance of an allowance account from the accounts receivable account. The first method is the allowance method, which establishes a contra asset account, allowance for doubtful accounts, or more simply, allowance, as the offset to accounts receivable. Allowance is a contra asset that offsets the accounts receivable account to derive the net accounts receivable depicted in the balance sheet. The amount of the allowance can be computed in two ways; through the analysis based on sales method and analysis based on accounts receivable method. The reason a contra asset receivable account is necessary is to adhere to the matching principle of accounting, which mandates that accrual basis companies match all revenues and expenses with the period in which expense, and crediting the allowance contra asset account. Once it has been deemed that a particular account is uncollectible, it would be necessary to take the account off a company's books by debiting allowance for doubtful accounts and crediting the associated accounts receivable second method, known as the direct write off method, is simpler than the allowance method in that allows for one simple entry to reduce accounts receivable to its net realizable value. The entry would consist of debiting an uncollectible expense account and crediting the respective account tax reporting purposes, the direct write-off method must be used; however, for financial reporting purposes, it is necessary to use the allowance method because it is a period's revenue with associated expenses-a fundamental concept of accounting known as the matching principle.应收帐款(Accounts receivable,又为应收账款)於会计原理上,专指因出售商品或劳务,进而对顾客所发生的债权,且该债权且尚未接受任何形式的书面承诺。该科目重点於对象为顾客,若非顾客,即撇开此科目适用。Factoring is a word often misused synonymously with accounts receivable financing. Factoring is a financial transaction whereby a business sells its accounts receivable (., invoices) at a discount. Factoring differs from a bank loan in three main ways. First, the emphasis is on the value of the receivables, not the firm’s credit worthiness. Secondly, factoring is not a loan – it is the purchase of an asset (the receivable). Finally, a bank loan involves two parties whereas factoring involves : In Europe the term Factoring typically mean accounts receivable financing. Here the correct word for this article is: American three parties directly involved are: the seller, debtor, and the factor. The seller is owed money (usually for work performed or goods sold) by the second party, the debtor. The seller then sells one or more of its invoices at a discount to the third party, the specialized financial organization (aka the factor) to obtain cash. The debtor then directly pays the factor the full value of the company sells its invoices, even at a discount to their face value, when it calculates that it will be better off using the proceeds to bolster its own growth than it would be by effectively functioning as its "customer's bank." In other words, it figures that the return on the proceeds will exceed the income on the from bank loansFactors make funds available, even when banks would not do so, because factors focus first on the credit worthiness of the debtor, the party who is obligated to pay the invoices for goods or services delivered by the seller. In contrast, the fundamental emphasis in a bank lending relationship is on the creditworthiness of the small firm, not that of its customers. While bank lending offers funds to small companies at a lower cost than factoring, the key terms and conditions under which the small firm must operate differ significantly. Bank relationships provide a more limited availability of funds and none of the bundle of services that factors a combined cost and availability of funds and services perspective, factoring creates wealth for some but not all small businesses. For small businesses, their choice is slowing their growth or the use of external funds beyond the banks. In choosing to use external funds beyond the banks the rapidly growing firm’s choice is between seeking angel investors (., equity) or the lower cost of selling invoices to finance their latter is also easier to access and can be obtained in a matter of a week or two, versus the six months plus that securing funds from angel investment typically takes. Factoring is also used as bridge financing while the firm pursues angel investors and in conjunction with angel financing to provide a lower average cost of funds than would equity financing alone. Firms can also combine the three types of financing, angel/venture, factoring and bank line of credit to further reduce their total cost of funds. In this they can emulate larger with any technique, factoring solves some problems but not all. Businesses with a small spread between the revenue from a sale and the cost of a sale, should limit their use of factoring to sales above their breakeven sales level where the revenue less the direct cost of the sale plus the cost of factoring is factoring is an attractive alternative to raising equity for small innovative fast-growing firms, the same financial technique can be used to turn around a fundamentally good business whose management has encountered a perfect storm or made significant business mistakes which have made it impossible for the firm to work within the constraints of a bank line’s credit terms and conditions(, covenants). The value of using factoring for this purpose is that it provides management time to implement the changes required to turn the business around. The firm is paying to have the option of a future the owners control. The association of factoring with troubled situations accounts for the half truth of it being labeled 'last resort' financing. However, use of the technique when there is only a modest spread between the revenue from a sale and its cost is not advisable for turnarounds. Nor are turnarounds usually able to recreate wealth for the owners in this situation.应收账款保理,指企业将应收账款按一定折扣卖给第三方(保理机构),获得相应的融资款,以利於现金的尽快取得。Abstract: Account receivable is the fund that should be received from the purchasing or labor hiring entity for an enterprise’s sale of its commodities or products as well as its providing of labor service. Under the circumstances of market economy, using its credit standing to exert the labor benefaction is an unavoidable business behavior, which may be treated as a major method for enterprises to enlarge its business and raise its market share. However, by the influences of marketplace economic system and project management as well as engineering construction, the Account receivable increases rapidly year by year, so as to make the difficulties in enterprise’s capital turnover. Those hard situations even made the employees can’t get their full pay of the salary. By analysis of the cause and the advantages and disadvantages of it, this article introduced some way of how to minimize the Account receivable. 关键词key words:应收账款Account receivable;工程施工Engineering construction;合同管理The management of contracts摘 要:应收账款是企业因销售商品、产品、提供劳务等,应向购货单位或劳务单位收取的款项。在市场经济条件下利用自身的商业信用,施舍劳务是不可避免的商业行为,通过先施舍劳务可使企业更多地承揽业务、扩大市场份额,是企业提高市场占有率的必要手段。但是近年来由于市场经济体制及工程管理和工程施工过程中的种种原因,造成应收账款迅速膨胀,逐年增加,致使企业资金周转困难,甚至连工资都难以正常发放。本文分析了应收账款形成的原因及利弊,提出了如何减少应收账款的途径。 关键词:应收账款;工程施工;合同管理


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货到销售存货,并收回现金为止的这段时间,营业周期的长短取决于存货周转天数和应---------------下面是这个论文的英语----Strengthen the management of accounts receivable and enhance the competitiveness of enterprisesAccounts receivable is an enterprise product or service because of credit and the formation of receivables, liquid assets is an important item. With the development of the market economy, the introduction of commercial credit, business accounts receivable increased the general level of accounts receivable management business activities has become an increasingly important , the functions of accounts receivableAccounts receivable function is its operation in the production process. There are some aspects:1, the expansion of sales, an increase of the competitiveness of enterprises. Comparison of intense competition in the market, the credit is to promote the sale of an important way. Business credit is to provide customers with the two transactions: selling products to their customers as well as in a limited period to provide funds to customers. Monetary tightening in the market weakness, lack of funds, the credit has a more visible role in the promotion of sales of new products, develop new markets and more , reduced inventory, reduced inventory risk and management costs. Finished goods inventory held by businesses, to the additional management fees, expenses such as storage and insurance costs; the contrary, holders of accounts receivable business, you do not need the above-mentioned expenses. Therefore, when the finished goods inventory business more generally can be a more favorable credit terms to credit, the inventory into accounts receivable to reduce finished goods inventory, conservation-related , poor management of accounts receivable of the drawbacks of1, reduces the efficiency in the use of corporate funds, so that enterprises declined. Given the logistics and cash flow are inconsistent, the issue of commodities, sales invoices out, money can not sync recovery, while the sales have been set up, this is not paid back the recorded sales is bound to have no cash inflow arising from the sale of the business profit and loss, During the year sales and income taxes paid in advance, in the case of-year sales result in accounts receivable, current assets can be advanced enterprises have an annual dividend to shareholders. Enterprises due to the above benefits arising from the pursuit of the surface of the pad and the advance payment of the tax dividend to shareholders, taking up a lot of liquidity, with the passage of time will affect the capital flow, which led to the actual situation of business was overshadowed by the impact of production plans, sales plans and so on, can not achieve the efficiency , exaggerated the results of business operations. As a result of China's enterprises, the accounting is based on an accrual basis (accrual basis), the occurrence of the current credit all revenue credited to the current period. Therefore, on account of the increase in profits does not mean that the cash inflow will be materialized. Enterprise accounting system in accordance with the percentage of accounts receivable balances to extract the bad preparation, bad debt reserve rate is generally 3% -5% (except for special business). If the actual extraction of the bad debt bad debt a loss of more than prepared to give a great deal of loss of business. Therefore, the existence of a large number of receivables, inflated the book's sales revenue, to some extent exaggerated the results of business operations and increase the risk of the cost of the , accelerated the outflow of corporate cash. Although credit to enable businesses to generate more profits, but has not really enable enterprises to increase the cash inflow, but the enterprise had to use our limited working capital to advance a variety of taxes and costs, to accelerate the company's cash outflow is mainly as follows:(1) business turnover tax expenditure. Bring sales of accounts receivable, not cash is actually received, turnover tax is calculated on the basis of sales, the companies must pay on time and in cash. Turnover tax paid by enterprises such as value-added tax, business tax, consumption tax, resource tax and city taxes will inevitably increase as sales increase.(2) income tax expenses. Accounts receivable arising from the profits, but did not achieve the cash, and pay income tax on time must be paid in cash.(3) the distribution of cash profits, there is also such a problem, In addition, the cost of accounts receivable management, cost recovery, accounts receivable cash outflow will be , an impact on the enterprise business cycle. Business cycle that is made from the sale of inventory to stock, and to recover the cash so far this period, the business cycle, depending on the number of days inventory turnover and receivables turnover days, business cycle and between. This shows that unreasonable existence of accounts receivable to extend the business cycle, affecting the capital cycle, so a lot of liquidity in precipitation in non-production areas, resulting in cash shortages, the impact of payment of wages and raw materials purchase, has seriously affected the normal production and operation , an increase of accounts receivable management process in the error probability of additional losses to the enterprise. The face of complex enterprise accounts receivable, accounting errors difficult to detect, unable to understand the dynamics of receivables and other receivables business details, resulting in responsibility is not clear, the contract accounts receivable, contract, commitment, approval procedures, such as the scattered data, lost business may have occurred in the accounts receivable can not be collected on time and on time to recover, the only part of the total recovery of the recovery, through the legal means to recover, but as a result of incomplete information can not be recovered until to the final form of the loss of enterprise , accounts receivable management objectivesFor an enterprise, the existence of accounts receivable is a continuum of production and marketing enterprises on the one hand, it would help to promote sales, increase sales revenue, and enhance competitiveness, while at the same time wish to avoid accounts receivable the existence of the business cash flow difficulties, drawbacks such as bad debt losses. How to deal with and solve the problem of confrontation and reunification is the management of corporate accounts receivable receivable management objective is to formulate a scientific and rational accounts receivable credit policy and credit policy in such an increase in sales earnings and the use of such a policy is expected to take to make trade-offs between the cost. Only when the increase in sales profit of more than the increase in the use of this policy when the cost to implement and promote the use of this credit policy. At the same time, accounts receivable management companies also include the prospects for future sales and market forecasts and judgments, and accounts receivable security investigation. Good prospects such as business sales, accounts receivable safety can be further relaxation of its receivables credit policy, the expansion of credit volume, to obtain greater profits, on the contrary, should have a strict credit policy, or the creditworthiness of different customers appropriate adjustments to ensure that enterprises get the most income, and so may minimize the receivable management business focus is on the basis of the actual operation of enterprises and customers to develop the credibility of the situation of enterprises reasonable credit policy, which is an important financial management forms an integral part of corporate management to achieve the purpose of accounts receivable must be a reasonable strategy for the development of the , the company accounts receivable solutions to the problemsManagement of accounts receivable to do good, first of all, should be established to improve the accounts receivable management system. Accounts receivable credit management policy is a key component of the system, including credit standards, credit terms and collection of three aspects of policy. Credit standards is agreed to provide commercial credit made by the basic requirements. Usually expected loss rate of bad debts as a criterion. If the business more stringent credit standards, only a very good reputation, a very low rate of bad debt losses of the users to give credit, it will reduce bad debt losses, reduce the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, but this may not be conducive to the expansion of sales, and even is to reduce sales; the contrary, if the payment of credit standards, although it will increase sales, but will be a corresponding increase in bad debt losses and the opportunity cost of accounts receivable. Refers to corporate credit conditions require users to pay for credit is subject to a condition, including the credit period, discount and cash discount period. Credit period is provided for users to pay a maximum time period of the discount provided for the user can enjoy time cash payment discount, cash discount is a solid advance in the user shall be given preferential treatment. More favorable credit terms to increase sales, but it can also bring the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, bad debt costs, cash discounts and other cost an additional burden. Collection policy is to refer to when credit terms have been violated, business strategy to take the accounts receivable. Enterprises in a more positive if the billing policy may reduce the cost of accounts receivable and reduce bad debt losses, but to increase collection costs. If more negative accounts receivable policies, accounts receivable may increase costs and increase bad debt losses, collection costs will be reduced. Accounts receivable in the formulation of policy, should be weighed against the increase in collection costs and reduce the opportunity cost of accounts receivable and bad debt losses between losses. The credit policy should be reasonable to credit standards, credit terms, collection policies, to consider comprehensive changes in the three sales, the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, bad debt costs and costs of to accounts receivable management system, for analysis of accounts receivable in the enterprise of the issues found in the corresponding solutions to the recovery of accounts receivable in the problems the company's funds to speed up the cycle, to improve the efficiency of the use of funds to achieve enterprises are to be , to enhance day-to-day accounts receivable managementIn day-to-day management of accounts receivable work, not enough has been done in some detail, for example, the user of the credit analysis, aging analysis, such as table. Specifically, can do a good job in the following aspects of day-to-day management of accounts receivable of work: (1) a good foundation for basic records, understand the user (including subsidiaries) of the timeliness of payments, based on work records, including business-to-users credit conditions, the date of the establishment of credit relationships, the user of the time of payment, the amount currently in arrears, as well as changes in credit ratings, such as users, companies only have this information in order to take appropriate and timely response. (2) to check whether the user credit limit exceeded. Enterprises to provide users with a credit for each business, we must check whether there are more than the record of the credit period, and pay attention to test whether the total debt owed by the user breaking the credit limit. (3) keep track of the debt over the credit period, the user is due to closely monitor the increase or decrease debt dynamics, in order to take timely measures associated with the users to remind them of their payment as soon as possible. (4) analysis of accounts receivable turnover and average collection period, to see whether the normal level of liquidity, businesses can, through the indicators, with the previous practice, is now planning and compared to the same industry in order to evaluate the management of accounts receivable achievements and shortcomings of, and amendments to the credit conditions. (5) study the situation of non-payment, inspection of accounts receivable by the percentage of non-payment, that is, the rate of bad debt losses to determine whether the enterprise's credit policies should be changed, such as the actual bad debt loss rate is greater than or less than the expected loss rate of bad debts, enterprises must look at whether credit standards are too strict or too lax credit standards in order to amend. (6) is an aged analysis of the preparation table to check the actual occupation of accounts receivable days, to recover its supervision of enterprises through the preparation of aging analysis table, which is understood that the number of credit during the period are still in arrears, should be timely monitoring, the number of arrears for more than a credit period, the length of time to calculate what percentage of each of the funds, it is estimated that the number of bad debts would cause, if the majority of extended enterprise should check their credit , to strengthen the management of accounts receivable afterAccounts receivable management, including the work of the following two parts: (1) determine the reasonable collection procedures, accounts receivable collection procedures in general as: letter to inform, Telegraph and Telephone Fax collection, sent to interview, resort to the law, in taking legal action should be considered before the principle of cost-effectiveness, the following situations when you do not need to prosecute: the cost of litigation over the amount of the debt claim; customers can write-off of debt discount collateral; customers the amount of debt not to prosecute the enterprise may be run by the damage; the prosecution withdrew the accounts limited possibility. (2) determine the reasonable collection methods. If customers do encounter temporary difficulties and to make a comeback through the efforts of enterprises to help them ride out the storm in order to recover the receivable, the general practice of accounts receivable for claims re: farmers to accept the market price of arrears below the amount of debt non-monetary assets to cover; change in the form of debt for the "long-term receivables" to determine a reasonable rate, agreed to debt service users to develop a phased plan; modify debt terms, to extend the payment period, and even reduce the principal amount, repayment incentives ; in the common economic interests, driven by the claims into the user's "long-term investment" to help start the loss-making enterprises to achieve the purpose of recovery. If the customer has reached the limits of bankruptcy, it should be a timely manner to the court, with a view to be part of bankruptcy settlement. Deliberately default on the payment for the collection, the options are: reasonable method; compassion operation method; fatigue tactics; blindingly; hardware and software operation , accounts receivable accounting methods and management systemAccounts receivable subsidiary accounts in arrears accounted for of the total, to strengthen internal financial management and monitoring, improve accounting approaches and accounts receivable management system, to resolve inter-company accounts with a subsidiary of recovery, the following several aspects from a number of recommendations are given: (1) strengthen the management and monitoring functions, in accordance with the principles of financial management of the internal check. The company set up under the Ministry of Finance in the financial monitoring group led by the Finance Director to configure full-time accounting staff, responsible for marketing and monitoring of accounting transactions for all accounts receivable for each analysis and accounting, to ensure that accounts receivable in line with norms of the operators at the same time part of the requirements and procedures so that systematic standardization of business activities. (2) improve internal accounting methods. Sales, respectively, for different services, such as purchases of the distributors with direct sales operations, sales offices and sales outlets, the company supply and trading company with the money owed to the company which occurred between the units against the sales business, product returns, etc. , respectively, using different accounting methods and procedures to show the difference and take the appropriate management. (3) accounts receivable and is responsible for the implementation of life-long responsibility of the person first. Who handles the occurrence of bad business, regardless of whether the transfer of responsibility for the company, have against the parties responsible. At the same time, the responsibility of staff to carry out a clearly defined, and as a basis for performance evaluation summary. (4) regular or ad hoc basis to conduct an inspection of the marketing network for monitoring and internal audit. Due to poor management to prevent the emergence of embezzlement, corruption and issues such as funding to reduce the risk of cardiopulmonary bypass. (5) establish a sound internal control system of organization.


AppendixESTABLISH CREDIT SYSTEM INENTERPRISES TO STRENGTHEN THEMANAGEMENT OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE1Hong MeiAbstract: The main point about account receivable management is enterprises is that makes a reasonable credit policy is a enterprise according to real running state of the enterprise and reputation state of a customer。It is an important component as well as guiding principle and policy which should be made reasonably in the enterprise to achieve the goal about management of accounts receivable. At present, an overall amount of accounts receivable increased progressively each year and never cut down on overdue accounts in our country. This has become one of chronic and stubborn problems in business activities ,In the paper. Problems and causes about accounts receivable in a enterprise is analyzed in our country .suggest that the firm want to change this kind of current state, it may start with the two aspects from establishment of accounts receivable ,mechanism on guard and handle of overdue accounts. As fallowing of exact measures: Establish a perfect credit management system, Enhance internal monitor and control against accounts receivable, Strengthen daily management on accounts receivable and integrate accounts receivable. Key words: account receivable, credit policy, debt reorganization, internal controlTARGET FOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENTThe target is that a firm should make a sensible and scientific credit policy about accounts receivable and weigh marketing gains and due costs from the credit policy, The firm can not put into effect and pursue this kind of credit policy until the marketing .earnings go beyond the costs added ,meanwhile the management has included the prediction and judgment on market and investigation on security of accounts receivable, If it seems that the market promises better ,higher security of accounts receivable, the firm can introduce more flexible collection policies and expand the credit business to make more profits. Conversely ,the firm should adopt strict policies or adjust the credit line to different customers so as to achieve better economic results2. ANALYSIS ON THE STATUS QUO AND CAUSE OF ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE IN OUR The status quo of accounts receivable in our countryAt present, many products are the buyers market. Supply exceed demand has already become the normality in all trades and professions Many firms introduce the way of credit business to develop markets and create more favorable competition environment. The current survey showed that about 80% firms have used the method of credit business in our country, the figure is about the same as developed countries, but results are widely divergent . The section concerned survey should that accounts receivable constitute over 50 per cent of flow cashes in our country’s firms, the proportion is higher above 20 percent than the developed countries. Firms especially, the state-owned firms, have fallen into arrears with their payment for goods mutually .This is a very very serious problem. According to analysis of a professional institute statistics, in general ,overdue accounts in a firm should be cower 10 percent of told accounts receivable in developed market economy, but the proportion has been higher up to over to percent. The success of recovery will be affected directly with aging of accounts receivable and the amount of the overdue days be good credit period. Accounts receivable cannot be controlled effectively, bad market environment and customers credit seem on the surface to lead the current state .Therefore ,it is the direct and foundational reason that an internal management has the greatest flaw ,the credit problems are very real problems having solved and prominent contradiction in the economic life so ,the firms development has been limited seriously with lack of credit management, we must strengthen credit management to face the challenges and opportunities after entrance of The cause of accounts receivable in our countryThe market economy necessarily produce accounts receivable ,this is normal phenomenon, its nature is credit economy. The way and relationship of credit is principal form in social economic life. It is difficult to recover accounts receivable, why? here is how: 1st. Lack of risk consciousness. In cut-throat competition, at the beginning of entry market ,sone firms want to get into the market, under the circumstances (without a thoroughgoing investigation of a payers credit, without right evaluation risk of accounts receivable),they conclude a short-term ,given credit-sale line contract (or agreement)with customers to attract more customers and expand their market shares. After that, the firm have to pay such enormous amounts of VAT(because the credit receipt is business receipt)that there is danger of exhausted cash. 2nd. Without vigorous internal control. A majority of firms put to use the link total payroll with economic performance in order to bring into play the initiation of the staff at present ,yet have ignored the probability of the bad debts . Since accounts receivable have not been thought into the check system .a business department just pays attention to business task ,but does not mind recovering on accounts receivable, results in accounts eceivable increasing constantly, Some of the firms have not asked for the department concerned and the staff to press for payment of accounts receivable vigorously with effective countermeasures, caused the shortage of the flow cash ,in fact, there is the phenomenon of ‘false surplus and real loss’. Sedimentation of enormous amounts of accounts receivable make the firm bear serious financial burden. 3rd. Weak of law awareness. As we know, at present default costs are relative lower .Many of the firms have this kind of mental attitude you owed mine, I owed his. Few people couldn’t safeguard their own lawful rights and interests with law, and then vicious circle .3. COUNTERMEASURES ON MANAGEMENT OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE IN OUR Establish a perfect system of credit managementCredit policy is a vital component of credit management system, in duding credit standards, credit conditions, collection policies. Credit standard refers to when a firm agrees to credit-granting for customers, customers must have the lowest ability to pay, in general, it expresses with anticipatory percentage of damage on bad debts, when a firm will decide on credit standards, you have to consider mainly three factors a ,to realize your customers, knowing that your opponent and yourself ,The firm can introduce generous or strict credit standards according to different situation so as so take advantage, b, to consider the firm’s ability to bear default risk, c, to know about the customer’s credit status, on the basis of this to give him credit preference or not. Credit condition is an exact condition that a firm asks for a customer’s payment, mainly including credit period, discount period and cash discount. Collection policy refers to a firm adopt the collection tactics when the credit condition was run counter to .If the firm adopted positive collection policy, you might reduce the cost of accounts recitative and the damage of bad debts ,that add to the collection costs ,sensible credit policy is decided ,the firm must consider credit standard, credit condition and collection policy to improve percentage of accounts Establishment of guarding system of accounts receivable It is necessary to establish guarding system ,in the purpose of providing against possible trouble. ①you’d better set up a professional credit management institute to manage credit sale; ②set up a dymatic management system of a customer’s resource; ③set up control system of accounts Integrate accounts receivableIn order to recover overdue accounts effectively ,a firm should adopt sensible and practical measures. ①set up special collecting group; ②regroup the debts; ③creditor’s rights on strengthen everyday management of accounts receivable . strengthen everyday management of accounts receivable ①take basic notes well; ②check customer’s credit line; ③realize customers’debts beyond credit period; ④analyse turnover rate of accounts receivable and average collection period; ⑤inspect the status to refuse payment; ⑥make the aging Strengthen post management of accounts receivable.①use sensible collection program; ②make advantage of a reasonable debt-recovery Accounts receivable assessment method and management system①enhance the departments of managing and monitoring; ②improve methods of internal assessment; ③internal audit; ④set up system of internal control . The firm should establish a set of controlling system on accounts receivable.

应收账款管理是企业 财务管理 的重要内容之一。它是对企业因赊销商品提供劳务过程中形成的应向客户收取的资产进行核算监督管理。下面是我为大家整理的企业应收账款管理研究论文,供大家参考。

《 企业应如何加强应收账款的管理 》

摘要:应收账款(Receivables)指企业因销售商品、材料、提供劳务等,应向购货单位收取的款项,以及代垫运杂费和承兑期已到而未能收到款项的商业承兑汇票。笔者结合企业的实际情况,就应收账款产生的原因,以及因管理不善所造成的损失;就如何对其进行事前、事中、事后的控制与监督、账款风险的转嫁等进行了分析和研究。并提出了一些管理办法和具体 措施 ,以便进一步改进和完善企业的应收账款管理制度,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。


中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 文章 编号:1001-828X(2012)04-00-01



























5.确定合理的讨债 方法 。若客户确实遇到暂时的困难,一般做法是对应收账款进行债权重组:接受欠款户按市价以低于债务额的非货币性资产予以抵偿;改变债务形式为“长期应收款”,确定一个合理的利率,同意用户制定分期偿债计划;修改偿债条件,甚至减少本金,激励其还款;将债权转变为对用户的“长期投资”,协助企业扭转亏损,以达到收回账款的目的。











总之,应收账款的管理应成为 企业运营 资金管理的重要组成部分,只有引起 企业管理 层的高度重视,并常抓不懈,才能加速企业资金的周转并及时收回账款。

《 应收账款对企业运营的影响及加强应收账款管理探讨 》

摘 要:企业应收账款是指企业在赊销、提供劳务后应得收入,或者其他应收款项。因此,加强应收账款的管理,加速企业资金的良性循环,提高资金周转效率,防止坏账的发生,减少收账费用及财务损失,是企业十分重要的财务管理活动。企业应采取有效措施,切实加强应收账款的财务管理工作。

关键词:企业 财务管理 应收账款 周转率 经营风险 建议




















首先,企业应加强公司领导自身思想道德建设,以高度的责任心和积极务实的作风,将应收账款的管理工作纳入议事日程,把各种应收账款的清、收、管理作为盘活资金、强化管理、提高效益的一条重要措施来抓,成立专门清收管理班子,领导挂帅,财务督促,部门专抓,将应收账款的回收作为考核个人和部门业绩的组成部分,与 承包合同 ,个人的经济利益挂钩;其次,加强员工业务知识、技能和职业道德的培训。企业应加强对员工业务知识和技能的培训,如 法律知识 、经济知识、语言知识、逻辑知识、心理知识等方面的培训,同时,还应加强对员工职业道德的培训,营造良好的 企业 文化 。






《 浅析企业的应收账款管理 》
























一是要建立严格的职责分工和严格的赊销审批制度。针对应收账款在内部控制方面存在的问题,企业应建立严格的职责分工制度,促使各部门之间,尤其是财务部门与销售部门之间的相互牵制,保证业务活动能够相互制衡中有效地进行。二是建立专门的信用管理部门,做好赊销审批的正确授权。信用管理部门定期报出客户信用分析 报告 ,并据此提出销售策略和客户欠款警戒线金额,以便及时调整销售方案。在赊销审批方面,企业可以制定销售限额,但对于超过限额以上的业务必须报上级专门的部门审批。三是加强各部门之间的交流与沟通。财务部门通过计算应收账款的账龄及增减变动情况,将得出的有关客户的信息及时反映给销售部门。










1. 有关应收账款管理论文

2. 关于应收账款管理论文

3. 辽宁省上市公司应收账款的特点分析论文

4. 浅论南晶公司应收账款的管理论文

5. 浅论江门远鸿公司应收账款的管理论文

6. 浅谈应收账款风险的成因及其控制论文

7. 快递企业应收账款管理之思考论文

On Enterprise Receivables Management Receivables本身就是“应收账款”的意思,论文题目不能太长

Make a summary As well as enterprise exports business's, development , the overseas account receivable increase by with the development of our country market economy energetically also step by step. How to tighten up the management to these accounts receivable , adapt to the need that our country enterprise fund finances , become the problem that our country enterprise shows solicitude for gradually gradually and. Factoring business becomes one collection trade financing gradually , commerce credit information , account receivable administration and credit risks guarantee in an integral whole comprehensiveness finance new and developing service under applying to common business credit extension sum. Among them, the account receivable factoring business , be regarded highly by our country enterprise Yue Lai Yue because the person can resolve this aspect problem very good. The article has complied with the basic concept introducing that the account receivable guarantees a reason's starting , has brought forward some feasibility countermeasure of development our country factoring business , has set forth our country enterprise superiority applying an account receivable to guarantee a reason in business in outlet, and has carried out priority investigation and discussion on the accountant treatment that the account receivable guarantor manages by the fact that carry out analysis on our country account receivable factoring business current situation and have the problem. Key words: Export business; Account receivable; Factoring business; The account receivable guarantees a reason; Advantage; The accountant is handled


可以参考一下:应收账款及管理什么是应收帐款应收账款是指企业销售产品、商品、提供劳务等原因,应向购货客户或接受劳务的客户收取的款项和代垫的运杂费,它是企业采取信用销售而形成的债权性资产,是企业流动资产的重要组成部分。应收账款管理的产生应收账款,是公司因销售商品、提供劳务等业务应向购买方、接受劳务的单位或个人收取的款项。形成应收账款的直接原因是赊销。虽然大多数公司希望现销而不愿赊销,但是面对竞争,为了稳定自己的销售渠道、扩大商品销路、开拓并占领市场,降低商品的仓储费用、管理费用、增加收入,不得不面向客户采用信用政策,提供信用业务。公司采用赊销,虽能给公司带来以上好处,但也要付出一定代价,给公司带来风险。如客户拖欠货款,应收账款收回难度越来越大,甚至收不回。所以,应收账款管理是一个企业管理的重中之重。应收账款的作用应收账款的作用主要体现在企业生产经营过程中。主要有以下两个方面:1.扩大销售在市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,赊销是促进销售的一种重要方式。企业赊销实际上是向顾客提供了两项交易:向顾客销售产品以及在一个有限的时期内向顾客提供资金。赊销对顾客来说十分有利的,所以顾客在一般情况下都选择赊购。赊销具有比较明显的促销作用,对企业销售新产品、开拓新市场具有更重要的意义。2.减少库存企业持有产成品存货,要追加管理费、仓储费和保险费等支出;相反,企业持有应收账款,则无需上述支出。因此,当企业产成品存货较多时,一般都可采用较为优惠的信用条件进行赊销,把存货转化为应收账款,减少产成品存货,节约相关的开支。应收账款管理现状应收账款管理存在以下两难局面:1、对购货企业应收账款放得太松,最直接影响的是企业资金运作,最坏的结果是应收账款不能收回,在企业中形成大量的呆账、死账。2、对应收账款管得太死,一些企业走向极端会出现不给钱不发货,紧缩供货现象,这将会影响企业的销售,造成部分客户流失。应收账款管理的目标对于一个企业来讲,应收账款的存在本身就是一个产销的统一体,企业一方面想借助于它来促进销售,扩大销售收入,增强竞争能力,同时又希望尽量避免由于应收账款的存在而给企业带来的资金周转困难、坏帐损失等弊端。如何处理和解决好这一对立又统一的问题,便是企业应收账款管理的目标。应收账款管理的目标,是要制定科学合理的应收账款信用政策,并在这种信用政策所增加的销售盈利和采用这种政策预计要担负的成本之间做出权衡。只有当所增加的销售盈利超过运用此政策所增加的成本时,才能实施和推行使用这种信用政策。同时,应收账款管理还包括企业未来销售前景和市场情况的预测和判断,及对应收账款安全性的调查。如企业销售前景良好,应收账款安全性高,则可进一步放宽其收款信用政策,扩大赊销量,获取更大利润,相反,则应相应严格其信用政策,或对不同客户的信用程度进行适当调整,确保企业获取最大收入的情况下,又使可能的损失降到最低点。企业应收账款管理的重点,就是根据企业的实际经营情况和客户的信誉情况制定企业合理的信用政策,这是企业财务管理的一个重要组成部分,也是企业为达到应收账款管理目的的必须合理制定的方针策略。应收账款管理不善的弊端1、降低了企业的资金使用效率,使企业效益下降。由于企业的物流与资金流不一致,发出商品,开出销售发票,货款却不能同步回收,而销售已告成立,这种没有货款回笼的入账销售收入,势必产生没有现金流入的销售业务损益产生、销售税金上缴及年内所得税预缴,如果涉及跨年度销售收入导致的应收账款,则可产生企业流动资产垫付股东年度分红。企业因上述追求表面效益而产生的垫缴税款及垫付股东分红,占用了大量的流动资金,久而久之必将影响企业资金的周转,进而导致企业经营实际状况被掩盖,影响企业生产计划、销售计划等,无法实现既定的效益目标。2、夸大了企业经营成果。由于我国企业实行的记账基础是权责发生制(应收应付制),发生的当期赊销全部记入当期收入。因此,企业的帐上利润的增加并不表示能如期实现现金流入。会计制度要求企业按照应收账款余额的百分比来提取坏帐准备,坏帐准备率一般为3%-5%(特殊企业除外)。如果实际发生的坏帐损失超过提取的坏帐准备,会给企业带来很大的损失。因此,企业应收款的大量存在,虚增了账面上的销售收入,在一定程度上夸大了企业经营成果,增加了企业的风险成本。3、加速了企业的现金流出。赊销虽然能使企业产生较多的利润,但是并未真正使企业现金流入增加,反而使企业不得不运用有限的流动资金来垫付各种税金和费用,加速了企业的现金流出,主要表现为:(1)企业流转税的支出。应收账款带来销售收入,并未实际收到现金,流转税是以销售为计算依据的,企业必须按时以现金交纳。企业交纳的流转税如增值税、营业税、消费税、资源税以及城市建设税等,必然会随着销售收入的增加而增加。(2)所得税的支出。应收账款产生了利润,但并未以现金实现,而交纳所得税必须按时以现金支付。(3)现金利润的分配,也同样存在这样的问题,另外,应收账款的管理成本、应收账款的回收成本都会加速企业现金流出。4、对企业营业周期有影响。营业周期即从取得存货到销售存货,并收回现金为止的这段时间,营业周期的长短取决于存货周转天数和应收账款周转天数,营业周期为两者之和。由此看出,不合理的应收账款的存在,使营业周期延长,影响了企业资金循环,使大量的流动资金沉淀在非生产环节上,致使企业现金短缺,影响工资的发放和原材料的购买,严重影响了企业正常的生产经营。5、增加了应收账款管理过程中的出错概率,给企业带来额外损失。企业面对庞杂的应收款账户,核算差错难以及时发现,不能及时了解应收款动态情况以及应收款对方企业详情,造成责任不明确,应收账款的合同、合约、承诺、审批手续等资料的散落、遗失有可能使企业已发生的应收账款该按时收的不能按时收回,该全部收回的只有部分收回,能通过法律手段收回的,却由于资料不全而不能收回,直至到最终形成企业单位资产的损失。强化应收账款管理的可行途径应收账款管理工作要做的好,最重要是制定科学合理的应收账款信用政策。政策制定好了以后,企业要从以下三个方面强化应收账款信用政策执行力度。1.做好客户资信调查企业在赊销前对客户进行资信调查,就是要解决几个问题:能否和该客户进行商品交易;做多大量,每次信用额控制在多少为宜;采用什么样的交易方式、付款期限和保障措施。一般说来,客户的资信程度通常取决于5个方面,即客户的品德、能力、资本、担保和条件,也就是通常所说的“5C”系统,这五个方面的信用资料可以通过以下途径取得:财务报表。这是信用分析最理想的信息来源之一,但需注意报表的真实性,最好是取得近期经过审计后的财务报表。通过计算一些比率,特别是对资产的流动性和准时付款能力的比率进行分析,来评价企业能力、资本、条件的好坏,以利于企业提高应收账款投资的决策效果。信用评级报告或向有关国家机构核查。银行和其他金融机构或社会媒体定时都会向社会公布一些客户的信用等级资料,可以从相关报刊资料中进行搜集,也可向客户所在地的工商部门、企业管理部门、税务部门、开户银行的信用部门咨询,了解该企业的资金注册情况、生产经营的历史、现状与趋势、销货与盈利能力、税金缴纳情况等,看有无不良历史记录来评价企业的品德等。商业交往信息。企业的每一客户都会同时拥有多个供货单位,所以企业可以通过与同一客户有关的各供货企业交换信用资料,如往来时期的长短、提供的信用条件以及客户支付货款的及时程度。对上述信息进行信用综合分析后,企业就可以对客户的信用情况做出判断,并建立客户档案,除客户的基本资料如姓名、电话、住址等以外,还需着重记录客户的财务状况、资本实力以及历史往来记录等,并对每一客户确定相应的信用等级。但需注意的是,信用等级并非一成不变,最好能每年作一次全面审核,以便于能与客户的最新变化保持一致。对于不同信用等级的客户,企业在销售时就要采取不同的销售策略及结算方式。一般地,企业在规定信用期限的同时,往往会附有现金折扣条件,即客户若在规定期限内付款的话,可享受一定的折扣优惠,无非是希望客户能尽早支付货款,但要注意把握好度,即提供折扣应以取得的收益大于现金折扣的成本为宜。2.加强应收账款的日常管理工作公司在应收账款的日常管理工作中,有些方面做得不够细,例如账龄分析表的编制等。具体来讲,可以从以下几方面做好应收账款的日常管理工作:做好基础记录,了解客户(包括子公司)付款的及时程度,基础记录工作包括企业对客户提供的信用条件,建立信用关系的日期,客户付款的时间,目前尚欠款数额以及客户信用等级变化等,企业只有掌握这些信息,才能及时采取相应的对策。检查客户是否突破信用额度。企业对客户提供的每一笔赊销业务,都要检查是否有超过信用期限的记录,并注意检验客户所欠债务总额是否突破了信用额度。掌握客户已过信用期限的债务,密切监控客户已到期债务的增减动态,以便及时采取措施与客户联系提醒其尽快付款。分析应收账款周转率和平均收账期,看流动资金是否处于正常水平,企业可通过该项指标,与以前实际、现在计划及同行业相比,借以评价应收账款管理中的成绩与不足,并修正信用条件。企业要遵循稳健性原则,对坏账损失的可能性预先进行估计,积极建立弥补坏账损失的准备制度。并考察拒付状况,考察应收账款被拒付的百分比,即坏账准备率,以决定企业信用政策是否应改变,如实际坏账准备率大于或低于预计坏账准备率,企业必须看信用标准是否过于严格或太松,从而修正信用标准。编制账龄分析表,检查应收账款的实际占用天数,企业对其收回的监督,可通过编制账龄分析表进行,据此了解,有多少欠款尚在信用期内,应及时监督,有多少欠款已超过信用期,计算出超时长短的款项各占多少百分比,估计有多少欠款会造成坏账,如有大部分超期,企业应检查其信用政策。3.加强应收账款的事后管理对于逾期拖欠的应收账款应进行账龄分析,并加紧催收,因为账款最忌讳不及时追讨,据美国收账者协会统计,超过半年的账款回收成功率为,超过1年的账款回收成功率为,超过2年的账款只有可以收回。收账管理包括如下两部分工作:确定合理的收账程序,催收账款的程序一般为:信函通知、电报电话传真催收、派人面谈、诉诸法律,在采取法律行动前应考虑成本效益原则,遇以下几种情况则不必起诉:诉讼费用超过债务求偿额;客户抵押品折现可冲销债务;客户的债款额不大,起诉可能使企业运行受到损害;起诉后收回账款的可能性有限。确定合理的讨债方法。若客户确实遇到暂时的困难,经努力可东山再起,企业帮助其渡过难关,以便收回账款,一般做法为进行应收账款债权重整:接受欠款户按市价以低于债务额的非货币性资产予以抵偿;改变债务形式为“长期应收款”,确定一个合理利率,同意客户制定分期偿债计划;修改债务条件,延长付款期,甚至减少本金,激励其还款;在共同经济利益驱动下,将债权转变为对客户的“长期投资”,协助启动亏损企业,达到收回款项的目的。如客户已达到破产界限的情况,则应及时向法院起诉,以期在破产清算时得到部分清偿。针对故意拖欠的讨债,可供选择的方法有:讲理法、疲劳战法、激将法、软硬兼施法等。应收账款管理的措施及对策加强应收账款的日常管理1.设置应收账款明细分类账企业为加强对应收账款的管理,在总分类账的基础上,又按信用客户的名称设置明细分类账,来详细地、序时地记载与各信用客户的往来情况。会计的作用在于提供与决策相关的信息,应收账款明细分类账在应收账款的管理上正是充当了这一角色。但是,决策的正确与否,还将取决于信息的相关性、可靠性、及时性和完整性等特征。所以,对于应收账款明细分类账的设置与登记通常应注意以下几点:(1)全部赊销业务都应正确、及时、详细登入有关客户的明细分类账,随时反映每个客户的赊欠情况,根据需要还可设置销货特种日记账以反映赊销情况;(2)赊销业务的全过程应分工执掌,如登记明细账、填制赊欠客户的赊欠账单、向赊欠客户交送或邮寄账单和处理客户收入的现金等,都应分派专人负责;(3)明细账应定期同总账核对。对于影响应收账款收回金额的因素通常有:(1)销售折扣中的现金折扣;(2)销货退回与折让;(3)销货运费归谁负担;(4)坏账因素。这四方面的资料都将在应收账款明细账与销货日记账中得到详细的记录。对于这些情况的掌握,不光对维护应收账款的完整性有利,而且还利于企业对生产经营的控制,提高产品质量,改善企业的生存环境。比如第二个因素,我们通过大量的退货与折让的信息可了解到企业的产品质量如何,客户的消费偏好如何,客户对企业的产品质量、包装、外观及功能有些什么样喜好等。第三个因素是客观的,第一、第四个因素将在以下管理方法中进行阐述。2.设置专门的赊销和征信部门应收账款收回数额的多寡及时间的长短取决于客户的信用。坏账将造成损失,收账期过长将削弱应收账款的流动性。所以,企业应设置赊销和征信部门,专门对客户的信用进行调查,并向对企业进行信用评级的征信机构取得信息,以便确定要求赊购客户的信用状况及付款能力。企业的赊销和征信部门在应收账款管理中的职能是:(1)对客户的信用状况进行评级;(2)批准赊销的对象及规模,未经批准,企业的其他部门及人员一般无权同意赊销;(3)负责赊销账款的及时催收,加速资金周转。一般对账款的催收期限不能间隔太长,因为在法律上太长的期限可能暗示债权的放弃。赊销和征信部门对客户信用状况的评级,其信息来源除了向对企业进行信用评级的征信机构取得外,另一个重要的来源应该是明细账和销货日记薄。对于这两本账薄进行分析的一个重要方法就是采用账龄分析法,因为应收账款账户余额随着年龄的增加,最终收款的前景就越暗淡,这也是销货折扣被广泛采纳的重要原因。将应收账款各客户的余额按账龄的长短进行分类的表我们称之为账龄法,我们除了可以利用账龄表来估计可能发生的坏账比例外,账龄表还有另一个优点,那就是它能使经理人员对各个客户的信用做出特殊的判断。3.实行严格的坏账核销制度应收账款因赊销而存在,所以,应收账款从产生的那一天起就冒着可能收不回来的风险,即发生坏账的风险,可以说坏账是赊销的必然结果。对于整个赊销而言,我们可以将个别坏账理解为赊销费用,为了缩小企业的损失,根据配比原则,发生的坏账应同收益进行配比,从收益中扣除,从而列示企业的实有资产,同时不虚夸所有者权益及收益,这也是谨慎性原则的要求。 企业对坏账的处理有直接核销法和备抵法两种,比较而言,备抵法更符合配比原则与谨慎性原则,因而受到青睐。备抵法又分为赊销百分比法、应收账款余额百分比法和账龄分析法,三者各有优缺点,对这些方法,不同的人有不同的偏好。而实行严格的坏账核销制度,不以方法的采用而区分,它主要包括以下三个方面的内容:(1)准确地判断是否为坏账,坏账的核销至少应经两人之手。准备地判断坏账及其多寡并不是一件容易的事情,而两人以上的经手为防止舞弊提供可能。如某位销售员对已收回的应收账款装入自己的口袋而向上级申报为坏账。(2)在应收账款明细账中应清晰地记载坏账的核销,对已核销的坏账仍要进行专门的管理,只要债务人不是死亡或破产,只要还有一线希望,我们都不能放弃。同时还为以后的核对及审查留下信息。(3)对已核销的坏账又重新收回要进行严格的会计处理,先做重现应收账款的会计分录,后做收款的会计处理。这样做有利于管理人员掌握信息:客户希望重塑良好形象的愿望。实行严格的内审和内部控制制度应收账款收回数额及期限是否如实关系到企业流动资金的状况、企业生产的决策、信用客户的形象和内部控制对贪污及挪用企业款项的抵制等。因此,为维护资金的安全运行,对应收账款应实行严格的内审和内部控制制度,其内容包括:1.可靠的人事和明确的责任。要想进行成功的控制,最重要的一个因素就是人的因素。不合格和不诚实的员工会削弱一个系统的作用。雇用、训练、激励和管理员工是一项基础工作。必须视个人的能力、兴趣、经验和可靠程度的不同,分别授予他们权利、责任、和义务。责任意味着将任何一项行为都尽可能地追溯到底,这样,其结果就同个人联系在一起了。将责任固定下来,还可对雇员产生心理影响,促使他们不得不小心行事和注重效率。2.责任分离与岗位替换。分离责任不仅有助于保证精确地编制数据,还限制了需要两人或多人合伙才能舞弊的机会,这是一个异常重要而又经常被人忽视的要素。岗位的替换可以带来两个好处:第一,它保证至少有两名雇员知道做同一样的工作,这样,当其中一个因故不能出勤时,另一人能及时补上;第二,采用轮换制度可以预防舞弊行为的发生,因为当替补人员接替工作时可以很容易地发现前任的不轨行为。3.坏账核销凭证完备,要有完整的程序。坏账的核销要有依据,对于永久性坏账的核销要有客观的媒体报道,象债务人的死亡或破产。对于估计的长期无法收回的坏账,核销后应专门登记,并仍然要派专人负责进行催收,定期核对,避免贪污行为的发生。4.对赊销的权限进行监督。赊销及征信部门有权决定赊销的对象及数量,但决定必须建立在对信用资料分析的基础之上,而且,其权力属于全部门,个人的权利不能凌架于集体之上。合理地使用销售折扣商业信用的采用产生了应收账款,应收账款是企业拥有的,经过一定期间才能收回的债权。作为一项流动资产,它具有或有的特性。因此,在销售的时候我们会毫不犹豫地选择现销。然而,在前面的阐述中我们也谈到了企业也将不得不接受赊销,所以,为鼓励客户及时付款或者是尽可能早地付款,我们选择了销售折扣这一手段。销售折扣的确会减少应收账款的风险,但是,在使用中我们还应注意使用的对象(客户)、使用的方式和提供折扣的范围,否则,销售折扣就不能靠近我们所希望的结果。比如,现金折扣一般不用于普通客户,而商业折扣尽量少用于赊销方式。充分利用应收账款进行融资应收账款的持有一般不会增值,若考虑货币的时间价值,它的持有将会造成损失。因此,叵能充分利用应收账款,使其增值,为企业带来效益,将是一件重要的而且会是一件很有意义的事情。应收账款可以通过抵借或让售获得资金,用于生产的再循环。通常应收账款的让售对客户的信用级别要求很高,这种款项发生坏账的可能性很小。而应收账款的抵借,则会形成企业的或有负债。尽管如此,这两种方法都可使企业提前获得资金用于周转而获得效益,但是,利用这两种方式进行融资时,一定要注意效益大于成本的原则,即提前使用资金增加的收益应大于提前使用这笔资金的成本,否则,这两种方法是不能使用的。准确地使用法律武器企业的经济活动受法律的约束,同时,法律也会保护企业合法的经济活动,所以,维护应收账款的完整,我们不能离开法律这一有效的武器。首先,应规范销售合同。销售部门应会同财务部门、生产部门和法律部门共同制定销售合同,完善合同的内容,明确各方的责任和义务,尤其是违约条款的相关规定等,以避免日后纠纷。对于信用级别较低的客户,可以采用有担保销售和不赊销。其次,定期对账催账后要取得具有法律效力的书面文件,避免口头承诺。最后,对于陷入债务危机的客户,如其没有发展潜力,应及时启动债权人申请破产程序,以减少损失;如其有发展潜力,应合理有效地利用债务重组等方式,以挽救自己的损失。如:1996年某公司曾向内蒙古乌海某公司出售铁路货车两列,共计100辆,价值1400余万元,当时在合同中明确了分期付款的进度并约定:“货款未全部付清前,产权仍归该公司所有。”至1999年底,乌海公司尚欠该公司货款500余万元未付清,乌海公司因其他经济纠纷被诉,内蒙古高级人民法院查封了该两列铁路货车,该公司在得知这一情况后,迅速向内蒙古高级人民法院去函,说明情况。并正式以产权人的身份对其查封裁定提出异议。后又多次去人去函联系,据理力争。经过多方努力,终于在2000年下半年内蒙古高级人民法院撤消了对该两列自备车的查封裁定,解除了对自备车的查封。公司抓住机会,及时与乌海公司协商,以合理的价格收回其中一列共50辆车的所有权和经营权,以批项货款500万元。并根据当时的实际情况,很快在内蒙古当地出租给另外一家公司运营,至今已累计收回租金300余万元,租凭合同目前尚在继续履行。这一成功的案例充分说明,如果在合同中作了明确的产权约定,债权的实现就有了较为可靠的保障,并且还可视具体情况将产品收回再利用,使其能够创造出新的价值,有时甚至可以实现比单纯销售产品更高的收益。另外,保理业务是一种集融资、结算、账务管理和风险担保于一体的综合性服务业务,对于销售企业来说,也能使企业免除应收账款管理的麻烦,提高企业的竞争力。应收账款管理对企业的影响1、应收账款对企业生产经营的正面影响在激烈的商业竞争中,企业为了获得利润,就要销售商品,取得销售收入,收入的多少是检验经营成果的依据,特别是在市场经济条件下,有无经营成果,决定了企业的命运,所以说企业只有有收入才能有利润,而企业为了取得销售收入就会采取多种方式促进销售,而赊销是重要手段之一,赊销产生了应收账款,它吸引了大量客户,扩大了销售额,为企业带来了效益,所以说应收账款对企业的经营有着重大的影响。2、应收账款对企业生产经营的负面影响应收账款的增加为企业带来收入的同时,也带来了风险。如果应收账款未及时收回,发生坏账损失,则直接会减少企业利润,影响企业的生产经营。应收账款是企业的一项资金投放,长期占用了企业的资金造成企业资金周转减慢,增加了企业的经营成本,而且严重影响其再生产能力。…………………………




1 全面核算应收账款的成本 机会成本。应收账款作为企业用于强化竞争、扩大市场占用率的一项短期占用, 明显丧失了该部分资金投入于市场及其他方面的收入。企业用于维持赊销业务所需要的资金乘以市场资金成本率 ( 一般可按有价证券利息率 ) 之积, 便可得出应收账款的机会成本。 管理成本。 企业对应收账款的全程管理所起费的开支, 主要包括对客户的资信费用 , 应收账款账簿的记录费用, 收账过程开支的差旅费、通讯费、人工工资、诉讼费以及其他费用。 坏账成本。 因应收账款存在着无法收回的可能性, 所以就会给债权企业带来果坏账损失 , 即坏账成本。企业应收账款余额越大, 坏账成本就越大。 以上前两项构成应收账款的直接成本,第 3项为应收账款的风险成本, 这三项就是企业提2建立信用体系 2 设立独立的信用管理部门及建立客户资信管理系统 因为企业对赊销信用的管理需要进行调查, 分析及专业化的管理, 并且涉及财务及销售等部门, 因此为确保各项信用管理政策的有效实施, 设立由总经理或财务总监领导的独立的信用管理部门是非常必要的。信用管理的目标,就是在最大限度销售产品, 达到销售最大化的同时, 将信用风险也就是坏账和逾期账款控制在最低限度。 要为客户建立资信管理系统。客户的资信状况如何, 信用是否良好, 偿债能力如何,都是资信管理系统所要求记录的。对于此, 可以通过与客户的日常交往情况;也可以通过信息渠道, 比如网络, 的报告等获得所需要的资料;还可以利用专业的机构对客户进行资信调查,然后根据所获得的相关资料, 进行整理、分析,建立客户数据库, 对客户进行分类管理, 并且及时更新数据库的记录。 2.1确定适当的信用标准 信用标准, 是给予客户最低的信用条件。一般用预期的坏账损失率表示。企业确定信用标准要力争在增强市场竞争力, 扩大销售与降低违约风险、收账费用这二者之间作出二个双赢选择, 调适应收赃款的风险、收益与成本的对称性关系。应着重考虑三个基本因素:一 是同行业竞争对手情况;二是企业承担失信违约风险的能力;三是客户的资信程度。 西方企业传统经验认为,客户的资信程度通常取决于5个方面。即客户的信用品质( Character)、偿付能力( Capacit 川、资本 ( Capital)、抵押品( Collateral)和经济状况(Conditions)。简称“5C”系统。信用品质主要通过客户过去的付款记录测其将来履约或赖账的可能性, 由此首先决定是否给予客户信用。客户偿付能力的高低主要看其资产的流动比率和变现能力的大校资本是客户财务状况与经济实力的客观反映,是客户偿付的最终保证。企业要通过客户的财务报告资料, 了解其资产规模、负债结构及产权比率, 判断客户自有资金实力是否雄厚。以掌握好商业信用额度的使用。抵押品是客户提供的资信安全保证,必须具有较高的市场性, 企业才可以向抵押人提供相应的商业信用工经济状况则要求客户的偿付能力在不利的经济环境影响下具有较强的应变能力。企业通过设定信用等级评价标准,利用既有或潜在客户的报表数据,计算各自的指标值,并与标准值进行比较分析,然后详尽地对客户的拒付风险作出准确的判断。以利企业提高应收账款的效果。 2.2实施具体的信用条件。 信用标准是决定给予或拒绝客户信用的依据 。一旦企业决定给予容户信用优惠时, 就需要考虑具体的使用条件。企业在接收客户信用订单时, 要向其明白提出付款时间及其他相关要求, 包括信用期限、现金折扣和折扣期限方面的约定。 企业允许客户购货款赊欠一定时间, 会在一定程度上扩大销售、增加毛利。但不适当地延长信用期限。会引起应收账款机会成本和收账费用的增加, 也许还会造成坏账损失。因此, 企业必须要求因信用期限的延长带来边际收入的新增量大于边际成本的上升数。 企业在延长信用期限的同时。为了加速资金周转、 及时收回货款、减少坏账损失, 对在规定期限内提前偿付货款的容户可以按销售收入的适当比率给予折扣。 采取现金折扣的前提就是只要企业通过加速收款带来的机会收益能够多剩有余地补偿现金折扣的付出。至 于给予客户现金折扣优惠的期限和程度应根据企业自身需要, 在信用成本前后收益比较基础上, 择定一个期量结合的最佳数据方案。 2.3不断完善收账政策 当企业应收账款遭到客户拖欠或拒付时, 企业应当首先分析现行的信用标准及信用审批制度是否在在继漏, 然后对违约客户的资信等级重新调查摸底, 进行再认识。对于恶意拖欠、信用品质差劣的客户应当从信用清单中除名, 不再对其赊销。并加紧催收所欠, 态度要强硬。催收无果, 可与其他经常被该客户拖欠或拒付账款的同伴企业联合向法院起诉。以增强其信誉不佳的有力证据。对于信用记录一向正常甚至良好的客户,在去电发函的基础上, 再派人与其面对面地沟通,协商一致, 争取在延续、增进相互业务关系中妥善地解决款拖欠的问题。 企业在制定收账政策时, 要在增加收账费用与减少坏胀损失、减少应收账款机会成本之间进行比较、权衡, 以前者小于后者为基本目标, 掌握好宽严界限,拟定可取的收账计划。 3 强化应收账款的日常管理 3.1实施应收账款的追踪分析。 应收账款一旦形成, 企业就必须考虑如何按期足额收回的问题。这样, 赊销企业就有必要在收款之前,对该项应收账款的运行过程进行追踪分析, 重点要放在赊销商品的变现方面 。企业要对赊购者的信用品质、偿付能力进行深入调查, 分析客户现金的持有量与调剂程度能否满足兑现的需要。应将那些挂账金额大、信用品质差的客户的欠款作为考察的重点, 以防患于未然。 3.2认真对待应收账款的账龄。 一般而言, 客户逾期拖欠账款时间越长, 账款催收的难度越大, 成为呆坏账损失的可能性也就越高。企业必须要做好应收账款的账龄分析, 密切注意应收账款的回收进度和出现的变化。 在应收账款的账龄结构分析中, 企业财务管理人员要把过期债权款项纳入工作重点, 研究调整新的信用政策, 努力提高应收账款的收现效率。对尚未到期前应收账款, 也不能放松监督, 以防发生新的拖欠。 3.3 满足应收账款收现保证率。 企业为了当期必要的现金支出, 必须要取得与之相匹配的现金流入总额。企业既定期间预期理金支付额扣出同期稳定可靠的现金流入额 ( 包括可临时支取的贷款、短期证券变现净额等 ) 后的差额。就非要通过应收账款的有效收现才能得以保证最低现金需求。 可以这样说, 应收账款未来的坏账损失对企业当前经营并非最为紧要, 更关键的是现期实际现金到位的应收款要能够填补同期现金流量缺口, 特别是要满足具有刚性约束的纳税债务、工资支付及偿付不得长期调换的到期债务的需要。 3.4建立应收账款坏账准备制度。 不管企业采用怎样严格的信用政策, 只要存在着商业信用行为, 坏账损失的发生总是不可避免的。 因此, 企业要遵循稳健性原则, 对坏账损失的可能性事先进行估计, 积极建立弥补坏账损失的准备制度。根据《企业会计准则》的规定:应收账款可以计提坏账准备金。企业要按照期末应收账款的一定比例提取用于补偿因债务人破产或死亡, 逾期未履行偿债义务,已无法收回的坏账损失, 以促进企业健康发展。 综上所述, 企业如果能建立和实行及时有效的事前、事中和事后控制, 就能有效地对应收账款进行管理, 确保企业在竞争激烈的市场经济中立于不败之地。

我写的也是这样的论文,但老师说我的没新意。我也是在网上凑的。提纲给你吧。希望你能用到。我现在要换选题了,我也在这上提了问题的。我现在还没有通过提纲。别人的都已经定稿了。我们老师太严了。不让我过。我还有一篇人力资源的也没让我过。一、应收账款形成的主要原因1.为了占有市场,稳定市场。2.因销售收款的方式不同3.是缺乏对客户资信情况的调查,缺乏一套完整的信用风险管理制度二、应收帐款管理中存在的问题1.降低了公司的资金使用效率使公司效益下降。2.夸大了公司经营成果。3.对企业营业周期有影响。4.增加了应收账款管理过程中的出错概率给公司带来额外损失。三、加强应收帐款的风险管理(一)加强内部控制 1. 要事先制定合理的应收帐款余额,实行应收帐款的计划管理。2. 应实行应收帐款的责任管理,作到每一笔应收帐款都有人负责。3.建立销售责任制,引入激励机制,实施奖惩措施。4.发挥会计的基督职能,辅助应收帐款的回收(二)制定合理的信用政策1.确定正确的信用标准2.采取正确的信用条件3.建立合理的收账政策(三)应收账款回款的技巧和风险防范1. 进行积极的收款政策2. 委托专业机构追讨或采取仲裁、法律诉讼的形式3. 应收账款证券化4 .应收账款的抵借5. 对部分不能收回的帐款进行实行风险转移



摘要: 企业的应收账款风险随时存在,如何进行应收账款风险管理,关系到企业的资金周转,甚至关系到企业的生死存亡问题。所以,企业应清醒地认识到应收账款风险的管理是一项长期而艰巨的工作,应常抓不懈。

关键词: 应收账款;风险管理





















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