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The importance of family education Family education on the issue since ancient times by people's concern, but as a subject to study in China in recent years is also the matter. This is the development of the times, the demand, the National necessary to improve the overall quality of the issues involved. Here with the parents of the importance of family education, the aim is to the family and society, the education sector to shoulder the common task of educating the next generation. The education is a system of education works here include a family education, social education, collective (Tuoyouyuansuo, school) education, the three interrelated and organic combination of mutual influence, interaction and mutual constraints The education project from which one can, but in this project, family education is the foundation of all education. The former Soviet Union educators famous Su Huomu Belinsky transferred to a child than marble, he said, to shape this into a marble statue of need six sculptor: 1 family, 2 schools, 3 children of the collective; 4 child; books; 6 occasional factor. From the order, the family was included in the first place, can see the family in shaping children in the course of a very important role in the hearts of the educators occupy a position. For this reason parents understand the importance of family education is very necessary. First, family education is the starting point for education and basic point Family education generally refers to the family of parents and adult children of minors education process. Their educational objectives should be: the child into the community to accept collective education (kindergarten, school education) prior to guarantee the physical and mental health development of children, to accept the kindergartens, schools of education to lay a solid foundation. The child for admission into the school, with kindergartens, schools to moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, the various aspects of comprehensive development. Education is the focus of moral education mainly among children good moral quality and develop good habits mainly habits include: living habits, labor practices, learning habits, the church children how to learn "life." As a result of family education in the family, and kindergartens, schools of education, social education, compared with the following characteristics of these features so that family education to become the starting point for education and basic point is by no other educational advantages. (A) family of early education The family is the cradle of life of children, who are receiving education after the birth of a venue that is the first class life; parents are children's first teachers, that is, the Enlightenment division. Therefore, parents of children by the application of early education the most. Generally speaking, after the birth of a child after three years of development, access to early childhood, from the 3-year-old…… 6-year-old is preschool, which is said in the early stages of education, this is the physical and mental development of an important period. China's Gu Yan: "Cang, with the Cang, with the yellow, yellow." Childhood is gradually nurture life with the beginning of many basic human capacity is a stage of this age, such as language, and some basic moves Living habits, and so on, the character is gradually taking shape. . psychologists Bloom, a person's intellectual development if his 17-year-old regarded as the level reached 100 percent, then 4 years old when it reached 50 percent. 4-8 years old and a 30% increase ,8-17-year-old also won 20 percent. This shows that children in the 5-year-old former intelligence is the fastest growing period, the early intellectual development is the best, if parents in this period by the implementation of good family education, early child will be the key to intellectual development. Since ancient times, many people with lofty ideals, celebrities in the early years of fruitful period by a good family education is their future become an important cause. For example, the German poet, playwright Goethe's become, effective early education in the family. Goethe 2-3 years old, his father hold on to the outskirts of the field visit to observe nature, culture Goethe's observation capability. 3-4 years old, his father taught him to sing, the songs back, said a fairy tale, and we intend to let him in the face of public lectures, training his speaking ability. These are awareness education so that young Goethe optimistic, progressive, happy to think, be good at learning. Goethe-8-year-old can use, Germany, Britain, Italy, Latin, Greek reading books, 14-year-old wrote the script, the 25-year-old with a month's time wrote a famous poem in Europe, "The Sorrows of Young Werther . " Another example of ancient "and his son calligrapher," Wang Xizhi's known for, Wang Xianzhi, there have been a number of 1350 Edison invented the great inventors, the generation of literary star Guo Moruo, Mao Dun and other celebrities of the growth process that the family education in the early intellectual development is very important . Instead, the period of childhood are not good family education and intellectual impact on the normal development of many of the examples is. Such as India, "Langhai" Ka Mala, who was Diao to the wolf, when 8-year-old was found, but their living habits with the same people, their living habits and almost like a wolf, limbs, crawling, eating raw meat, day V Night, Later, a man-made training, two years before standing, after six years can be like walking Xiangren, four years learned to six words, in his 17-year-old, the intellectual level reached only 3-year-old child's level. According to "China Women" revealed that China's Nanjing City Xingma one of the workers suffering from mental and psychological diseases, Shenpa children persecuted by the people, will own three children from small lock at home, people so that they contacts with the outside world, has a long Up to 10 years, resulting in the children mental retardation, speech delay, compared with their peers, intellectual capacity and very different life, near idiots, so the family can not be neglected the role of early education, (B) family education continuity of family education second characteristic is the continuity. After the birth of a child, from small to large, almost 2 / 3 of time living in the family, Zhaochaomumu, all the parents in the education. Such education is the intentional and unintentional, planned and unplanned, consciously and unconsciously, are carried out, no matter what, in what time education, parents are in their own words and deeds at any time affect their children's education . Such education of children living habits, moral conduct and behaviour and so on in the style of conversation kept to influence and demonstrations, the subtle influence of the considerable role, accompanied by a person's life can be said to live to old to learn the old, some Parent educator again called for life teachers. This life of the education often reflects a family's Family Style, Family Style is good or bad often have to continue for several generations, or even a dozen, dozens generation, and this Family Style often with family members engaged in the employment-related . Such as: Xinglin family "," Pear Orchard House, "" family education ", etc. At the same time Family Style also reflects a family's style of study, study, good or bad is often the continuation of many generations, a dozen people, several dozens of generations . As in modern China, Wuxi people Yan Gong added-not "countries selected in the Museum", statistics from 2003-Shunzhi Branch to Guangxu 30 years Bing Xu Jia Chen Branch, the champion of 114 people, including his son by the first brothers Shuzhileishi Absolutely not, such as Suzhou Miao, Wu and Pan Sanxing, Changshu Weng, both surnamed Jiang, Chen Haining, Zhejiang, check the two surnames. See, family education is often the continuity of personnel groups have an important impact on the rise. This Situation. Ancient and modern times quite prominent in the contemporary with the development of science, and social needs of the unemployed increased, the broad people's careers, a family member can not have all engaged in the same work, but many see this situation That some family members work frequently appears in the results, be commended, but some family members one after another crime. This is a continuous education and family have great relations. (C) family education authority Family Education is the authority of parents in their children on their elders reflected by the power and power. The existence of the family, parents and children identified the blood relationship, upbringing, emotional, moral and ethical children in the living needs of the elderly parents have great dependence, family members and the fundamental interests of consistency, have decided The father of each of their children a greater role in the constraints. Parent education was easier to accept and submit to the children, parents and reasonable use of this feature, the children good moral character and habits formed the usefulness, for child care, in particular, is the case. Child care and other children in playing the game, when disputes arise when parents are often invoked to confirm their own speech act is right, if they like to say: "My father is saying this." Or "My mother is So do. "And so on. Children of parents in the eyes of the authority decided to accept the child how to treat the nursery schools and community education. The relationship between children and parents, the child is the first to face an important social relations. In this relationship, almost embodies the moral social ethics in all aspects, if such a relationship in the formation of cracks and defects, the children then to the community, in a variety of relationships will be reflected. Therefore stressed the importance of parental authority, but also because the children of parents in childhood has always played a dual role: the safety of children is not only the survival of protected persons, but also a life of the Wizard of Enlightenment. The effects of parental education, depends on the extent to establish the authority of parents, foster parents must be authoritative Built on respect for children on the basis of personality, rather than the feudal patriarchal system, parents are wise to understand the importance of establishing authority, but also know how to establish the authority does not rely on repression and force, subjective assumptions, but the method used Gangrouxiangji. Both parents in the education of their children's attitude on the first concerted and coordinate with each other, should be wide, wide, it should be strict martial law, in front of their children establish a kind of dignity and image, so that parents accept their children's education. (D) of the infected family education Parents with children between the blood relationship and kinship between the natural and close, making the parents of the children have strong feelings on the role of infection. Children on the demeanour of the parents can often Xinlingshenkuai to intelligence-intelligence. In dealing with in and around the side of the relationship between matter and the issue of children on the attitude of parents is very easy to resonate. In the happy parents, the children will take part in joy, the parents showed irritability and Menmenbuyue, the child's emotions can easily be affected, even young children as well. If the parents lack of rational and emotional, hot temper, will enable blind children to absorb its weaknesses. Some parents in dealing with unexpected incidents, show panic anxiety, surprise, the impact on children is not good if the frightened parents the same, steady firm and children in distress will also calm the situation calmly, so the quality of child psychology training Play a positive role. (5) timeliness of family education Family education process, parents are parents of children in the family of the individual acts of education than kindergarten, school education should promptly. As the saying goes:知子莫若父, that women Morrow home. Overnight between parents and children, their situation can be said to be well known to the children was slightly changed, even a look, a smile can make parents Xinlingshenhui, so as parents through their children's every move, his every word and deed can make the best of At this very moment of their psychological state, found the child on the existing problems, timely education, timely corrective, not the problem overnight, so that bad habits in the embryonic stage of the eradication. And kindergartens, schools, teachers faced with dozens of children, only for the children of this age stage for general education, that is, education groups, because of time and energy constraints, it is impossible to take care of each child's characteristics, Prone to the phenomenon of loss, or even to take care of the children of teachers and the poor do not have a sense of trust, and parents could guide their children promptly correct understanding. So parents of children to the correct family education so that children can enter kindergarten before forming a good habit, to accept collective education has laid a good foundation, can make up for the lack of mass education. Second, a good family education is the 21st century created the necessary conditions for personnel "China's 1990s development program for children" in the specified: "Today's children are the masters of the 21st century, child protection and the bottom-up development is to improve the quality of the population base, which is a prerequisite for development. The healthy growth of children Related to the future and destiny of the motherland. Improve the quality of the entire nation, from the start with children. "And:" In 2000 to make 90 percent of children (under the age of 14) of the parents to varying degrees, master conservation, education of children of knowledge. "This Top targeted the parents shoulders for the state created the heavy responsibility of the 21st century talents. Can this generation of children training to become Dezhitimei the all-round development of people, this country is Houjiyouren relationship to the Bainiantaiji. Fu-Lu Bell also said: "The country's fate is not so much lies in the hands of those in power, we might as well have said to be in the hands of his mother." This sentence is very philosophical, it profoundly understand the parents pick in the education of their children in The role played by. Parents should first clear direction of education and national interests, the people's request in line with the principle, the child can not be regarded as private property, it is necessary to establish the idea of the country, correct educational purposes. China's 21st century is what the situation, with the words of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, to make our country in the middle of the 21st century to achieve the level of moderately developed countries, per capita income reached 4,000 . dollars, in gross national product amounted to 6 trillion . dollars. The 21st century should be a good ideologies and noble moral character, and improve the psychological quality, positive spirit of cooperation with others, strong adaptability, Chikunailao the comprehensive development of the new generation. If the 21st century do not have such a group of high-quality builders is very difficult to complete this great, with such a quality is not overnight can do, and a good family education training is a prerequisite for high-quality people. Third, a good family education is a catalyst to optimize the children hearts Children from infancy into childhood, with age, from the family environment will eventually enter the small community, contact with the crowd outside the home, things. Lee Jia Choue those in society from time to time to enter the child's perspective, adults take isolation tactics will not work, because in the family video from different angles will continue to reflect the reality in today's society, issues both positive and negative have The. Children, especially young children lack a rational ability to distinguish right from wrong, but sensitive than adults have the feeling of capacity. They occurred around the kind of terrible things, sensitive, and this sensitivity training is the ability to rationally distinguish between a good basis, as parents should take advantage of this extension, help the children feel in this capacity on the basis of , The development of the social life of the ability to identify and psychological capacity, social filter information, optimize the hearts of young children. If parents in their daily life can be for young children is not strong capacity to accept the characteristics specific to seize the day-to-day chores, help children understand the community in identifying the Shishifeifei, specifically so that they feel Lee's bright side, Experience to the ugly despicable, can help children enhance the Yangshan Chuxie sense of justice, thus resist the dark side of the ugly soul of the child erosion. For example, today's video into the urban residents in almost every family, the children almost every day to deal with them, it can be said is not out of their homes, Bianzhi the world. Which can be received from all over the world all kinds of information. There are political situation, scientific and technological progress, ordinary people of Sushi, from which you can learn a lot of knowledge and understanding of major domestic and international events, both within and outside small home. It is inevitable that some homicide violence, obscene absurdity of the lens Yingru child's eyelid. Parents should address these issues timely guidance, to improve their children's ability to identify, we need to keep their own perceptions of behaviour, for their children establish a positive image, optimizing the hearts of children, the prevention of child make mistakes, and even violations of law and discipline. Family to work in this area, help small and stability of the environment. The family is society's cells, with healthy cells, can we have a sound body, the sick cells, the body will cause disease. As an ancient saying goes: "body repair and then home-and-then-State governance, rule of the then-world", "Qijia, the country, the world-the" point of view is that this truth. For this reason parents do a good job in optimizing the work of children's mental stability and social, stability and national power in ages. In short, as parents to the importance of family education fully and conscientiously do a good job in their children's education, make good parents responsibilities and obligations for the country to train qualified personnel in the building.





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黑洞是什么 黑洞中隐匿着巨大的引力场,这种引力大到任何东西,甚至连光,都难逃黑洞的手掌心。黑洞不让任何其边界以内的任何事物被外界看见,这就是这种物体被称为“黑洞”的缘故。我们无法通过光的反射来观察它,只能通过受其影响的周围物体来间接了解黑洞。据猜测,黑洞是死亡恒星或爆炸气团的剩余物,是在特殊的大质量超巨星坍塌收缩时产生的。 因为黑洞是不可见的,所以有人一直置疑,黑洞是否真的存在。如果真的存在,它们到底在哪里? 黑洞的产生过程类似于中子星的产生过程;恒星的核心在自身重量的作用下迅速地收缩,发生强力爆炸。当核心中所有的物质都变成中子时收缩过程立即停止,被压缩成一个密实的星球。但在黑洞情况下,由于恒星核心的质量大到使收缩过程无休止地进行下去,中子本身在挤压引力自身的吸引下被碾为粉末,剩下来的是一个密度高到难以想象的物质。任何靠近它的物体都会被它吸进去,黑洞就变得像真空吸尘器一样 为了理解黑洞的动力学和理解它们是怎样使内部的所有事物逃不出边界,我们需要讨论广义相对论。广义相对论是爱因斯坦创建的引力学说,适用于行星、恒星,也适用于黑洞。爱因斯坦在1916年提出来的这一学说,说明空间和时间是怎样因大质量物体的存在而发生畸变。简言之,广义相对论说物质弯曲了空间,而空间的弯曲又反过来影响穿越空间的物体的运动。 让我们看一看爱因斯坦的模型是怎样工作的。首先,考虑时间(空间的三维是长、宽、高)是现实世界中的第四维(虽然难于在平常的三个方向之外再画出一个方向,但我们可以尽力去想象)。其次,考虑时空是一张巨大的绷紧了的体操表演用的弹簧床的床面。 爱因斯坦的学说认为质量使时空弯曲。我们不妨在弹簧床的床面上放一块大石头来说明这一情景:石头的重量使得绷紧了的床面稍微下沉了一些,虽然弹簧床面基本上仍旧是平整的,但其中央仍稍有下凹。如果在弹簧床中央放置更多的石块,则将产生更大的效果,使床面下沉得更多。事实上,石头越多,弹簧床面弯曲得越厉害。 同样的道理,宇宙中的大质量物体会使宇宙结构发生畸变。正如10块石头比1块石头使弹簧床面弯曲得更厉害一样,质量比太阳大得多的天体比等于或小于一个太阳质量的天体使空间弯曲得厉害得多。 如果一个网球在一张绷紧了的平坦的弹簧床上滚动,它将沿直线前进。反之,如果它经过一个下凹的地方 ,则它的路径呈弧形。同理,天体穿行时空的平坦区域时继续沿直线前进,而那些穿越弯曲区域的天体将沿弯曲的轨迹前进。 现在再来看看黑洞对于其周围的时空区域的影响。设想在弹簧床面上放置一块质量非常大的石头代表密度极大的黑洞。自然,石头将大大地影响床面,不仅会使其表面弯曲下陷,还可能使床面发生断裂。类似的情形同样可以宇宙出现,若宇宙中存在黑洞,则该处的宇宙结构将被撕裂。这种时空结构的破裂叫做时空的奇异性或奇点。 现在我们来看看为什么任何东西都不能从黑洞逃逸出去。正如一个滚过弹簧床面的网球,会掉进大石头形成的深洞一样,一个经过黑洞的物体也会被其引力陷阱所捕获。而且,若要挽救运气不佳的物体需要无穷大的能量。 我们已经说过,没有任何能进入黑洞而再逃离它的东西。但科学家认为黑洞会缓慢地释放其能量。著名的英国物理学家霍金在1974年证明黑洞有一个不为零的温度,有一个比其周围环境要高一些的温度。依照物理学原理,一切比其周围温度高的物体都要释放出热量,同样黑洞也不例外。一个黑洞会持续几百万万亿年散发能量,黑洞释放能量称为:霍金辐射。黑洞散尽所有能量就会消失。 处于时间与空间之间的黑洞,使时间放慢脚步,使空间变得有弹性,同时吞进所有经过它的一切。1969年,美国物理学家约翰 阿提 惠勒将这种贪得无厌的空间命名为“黑洞”。 我们都知道因为黑洞不能反射光,所以看不见。在我们的脑海中黑洞可能是遥远而又漆黑的。但英国著名物理学家霍金认为黑洞并不如大多数人想象中那样黑。通过科学家的观测,黑洞周围存在辐射,而且很可能来自于黑洞,也就是说,黑洞可能并没有想象中那样黑。 霍金指出黑洞的放射性物质来源是一种实粒子,这些粒子在太空中成对产生,不遵从通常的物理定律。而且这些粒子发生碰撞后,有的就会消失在茫茫太空中。一般说来,可能直到这些粒子消失时,我们都未曾有机会看到它们。 霍金还指出,黑洞产生的同时,实粒子就会相应成对出现。其中一个实粒子会被吸进黑洞中,另一个则会逃逸,一束逃逸的实粒子看起来就像光子一样。对观察者而言,看到逃逸的实粒子就感觉是看到来自黑洞中的射线一样。 所以,引用霍金的话就是“黑洞并没有想象中的那样黑”,它实际上还发散出大量的光子。 根据爱因斯坦的能量与质量守恒定律。当物体失去能量时,同时也会失去质量。黑洞同样遵从能量与质量守恒定律,当黑洞失去能量时,黑洞也就不存在了。霍金预言,黑洞消失的一瞬间会产生剧烈的爆炸,释放出的能量相当于数百万颗氢弹的能量。 但你不要满怀期望地抬起头,以为会看到一场烟花表演。事实上,黑洞爆炸后,释放的能量非常大,很有可能对身体是有害的。而且,能量释放的时间也非常长,有的会超过100亿至200亿年,比我们宇宙的历史还长,而彻底散尽能量则需要数万亿年的时间 黑洞 谈黑洞是在普遍没有了解引力场本质的情况下谈黑洞。 如果按照黑洞定义谈黑洞,那宇宙中的黑洞是不存在的。 因为宇宙中的物质具有物质的本质特性。 按照宇宙中物质本质特性,不可能恒星发出的光又会被恒星吸收回恒星。 黑洞是一种体积极小,质量极大的恒星,在其强大的引力下,连光也无法逃逸———从恒星表面发出的光,还没有到达远处即被该恒星自身的引力吸引回恒星。 一团物质,如果其引力场强大到足以使时空完全弯曲而围绕它自身,因而任何东西,甚至连光都无法逃逸,就叫做黑洞.不太多的物质被压缩到极高密度(例如将地球压缩到一粒豌豆大小),或者,极大的一团较低密度物质(例如几百万倍于太阳的质量分布在直径与太阳系一样的球中,大致具有水的密度),都能出现这种情形. 第一位提出可能存在引力强大到光线不能逃离的'黑洞'的人是皇家学会特别会员约翰·米切尔,他于1783年向皇家学会陈述了这一见解.米切尔的计算依据是牛顿引力理论和光的微粒理论.前者是当时最好的引力理论.后者则把光设想为有如小型炮弹的微小粒子(现在叫做光子)流.米切尔假定,这些光粒子应该像任何其他物体一样受到引力的影响.由于奥利·罗默(Ole Romer)早在100多年前就精确测定了光速.所以米切尔得以计算一个具有太阳密度的天体必须多大,才能使逃逸速度大于光速. 如果这样的天体存在,光就不能逃离它们,所以它们应该是黑的.太阳表面的逃逸速度只有光速的,但如果设想一系列越来越大但密度与太阳相同的天体,则逃逸速度迅速增高.米切尔指出,直径为太阳直径500倍的这样一个天体(与太阳系的大小相似),其逃逸速度应该超过光速. 皮埃尔·拉普拉斯(Pierre Laplace)独立得出并于1796年发表了同样的结论.米切尔在一次特具先见之明的评论中指出,虽然这样的天体是看不见的,但'如果碰巧任何其他发光天体围绕它们运行,我们也许仍有可能根据这些绕行天体的运动情况推断中央天体的存在.换言之,米切尔认为,如果黑洞存在于双星中,那将最容易被发同.但这一有在黑星的见解在19世纪被遗忘了,直到天文学家认识到黑洞可经由另一途径产生,在研讨阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的广义相对论时才重新提起. 第一次世界大战时在东部战线服役的天文学家卡尔·史瓦西(Karl Schwarzschild)是最先对爱因斯坦理论结论进行分析的人之一.广义相对论将引力解释为时空在物质近旁弯曲的结果.史瓦西计算了球形物体周围时空几何特性的严格数学模型,将它的计算寄给爱因斯坦,后者于1916年初把它们提交给普鲁士科学院.这些计算表明,对'任何'质量者存在一个临界半径,现在称为史瓦西半径,它对应时空一种极端的变形,使得如果质量被挤压到临界半径以内,空间将弯曲到围绕该物体并将它与宇宙其余部分隔断开来.它实际上成为了一个自行其是的独立的宇宙,任何东西(光也在内)都无法逃离它. 对于太阳史瓦西半径是公里对于地球,它等于厘米.这并不意味太阳或地球中心有一个大小合适现在称为黑洞(这个名词是1967年才首次由约翰·惠勒用于这一含义的东西存在.在离天体中心的这一距离上,时空没有任何反常.史瓦西计算表明的是,如果太阳被挤压进半径公里的球内,或者,如果地球被挤压进半径仅厘米的球内,它们就将永远在一个黑洞内而与外部宇宙隔离.物质仍然可以掉进这样一个黑洞但没东西能够逃出来. 这些结论被看成纯粹数学珍藏品达数十年之久,因为没有人认为真正的、实在的物体能够坍缩到形成黑洞所要求的极端密度。1920年代开始了解了白矮星,但即使白矮星也拥有与太阳大致相同的质量而大小却与地球差不多,其半径远远大于3公里。人们也未能及时领悟到,如果有大量的一般密度物质,也可以造出一个本质上与米切尔和拉普拉斯所想像的相同的黑洞。与任意质量M对应的史瓦西半径由公式2GM/c2给出,其中G是引力常数。c是光速。 1930年代,萨布拉曼扬·昌德拉塞卡(Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar)证明,即使一颗白矮星,也仅当其质量小于倍太阳质量时才是稳定的,任何死亡的星如果比这更重,必将进一步坍缩。有些研究家想到了这也许会导致形成中子星的可能性,中子星的典型半径仅约白矮星的1/700,也就是几公里大小。但这个思想一直要等到1960年代中期发现脉冲星,证明中子星确实存在之后,才被广泛接受。 这重新燃起了对黑洞理论的兴趣,因为中子星差不多就要变成黑洞了。虽然很难想像将太阳压缩到半径公里以内,但现在已经知道存在质量与太阳相当、半径小于10公里的中子星,从中子星到黑洞也就一步之遥了。 理论研究表明,一个黑洞的行为仅由其三个特性所规定——它的质量、它的电荷和它的自转(角动量)。无电荷、无自转的黑洞用爱因斯坦方程式的史瓦西解描述;有电荷、无自转的黑洞用赖斯纳—诺德斯特罗姆解描述;无电荷、有自转的黑洞用克尔解描述;有电荷、有自转的黑洞用克尔—纽曼解描述。黑洞没有其他特性,这已由‘黑洞没有毛发’这句名言所概括。现实的黑洞大概应该是自转而无电荷,所以克尔解最令人感兴趣。 现在都认为,黑洞和中子星都是在磊质量恒星发生超新星爆发时的临死挣扎中产生的。计算表明,任何质量大致小于3倍太阳质量(奥本海默—弗尔科夫极限)的至密超新星遗迹可以形成稳定的中子星,但任何质量大于这一极限的致密进退新星遗迹将坍缩为黑洞,其内容物将被压进黑洞中心的奇点,这正好是宇宙由之诞生的大爆炸奇点的镜像反转。如果这样一个天体碰巧在绕一颗普通恒星的轨道上,它将剥夺伴星的物质,形成一个由向黑洞汇集的热物质构成的吸积盘。吸积盘中的温度可以升至极高,以致它能辐射X射线,而使黑洞可被探测到。 1970年代初,米切尔的预言有了反响:在一个双星系统中发现了这样一种天体。一个叫做天鹅座X—1的X射线源被证认为恒星HDE226868。这个系统的轨道动力学特性表明,该源的X射线来自围绕可见星轨道上一个比地球小的天体,但源的质量却大于奥本海默—弗尔科夫极限。这只可能是一个黑洞。此后,用同一方法又证认了其他少数几个黑洞。而1994年天鹅座V404这个系统成为迄今最佳黑洞‘候选体’,这是一个质量为太阳质量70%的恒星围绕大约12倍太阳质量的X射线源运动的系统。但是,这些已被认可的黑洞证认大概不过是冰山之尖而已。 这种‘恒星质量’黑洞,正如米切尔领悟的,只有当它们在双星系统中时才能探测到。一个孤立的黑洞无愧于它的名称——它是黑暗的、不可探测的。然而,根据天体物理学理论,很多恒星应该以中子星或黑洞作为其生命的结束。观测者在双星系统中实际上探测到的合适黑洞候选者差不多与他们发现的脉冲双星一样多,这表示孤立的恒星质量黑洞数目应该与孤立的脉冲星数目相同,这一推测得到了理论计算的支持。 我们银河系中现在已知大约500个活动的脉冲星。但理论表明,一个脉冲星作为射电源的活动期是很短的,它很快衰竭成无法探测的宁静状态。所以,相应地我们周围应该存在更多的‘死’脉冲星(宁静中子星)。我们的银河指法含有1000亿颗明亮的恒星,而且已经存在了数十亿年之久。最佳的估计是,我们银河指法今天含有4亿个死脉冲星,而恒星质量黑洞数量的甚至保守估计也达到这一数字的¼——1亿个。如果真有这么多黑洞,而黑洞又无规则地散布在银河系中的话,则最近的一个黑洞也离我们仅仅15光年。既然我们银河系没有什么独特之处,那么宇宙中每个其他的星系也应该含有同样多的黑洞。Ic 星系也可能含有某种很像米切尔的拉普拉斯最初设想的‘黑星’的天体。这样的天体现在称为‘特大质量黑洞’,被认为存在于活动星系和类星体的中心,它们提供的引力能可能解释这些天体的巨大能量来源。一个大小如太阳系、质量数百万倍于太阳质量的黑洞,可以从周围每年食掉一到两颗恒星的物质。在这个过程中,很大一部分恒星质量将遵照爱因斯坦分工E=mc2转变成能量。宁静的超大质量黑洞可能存在于包括我们银河系在内的所有星 一团物质,如果其引力场强大到足以使时空完全弯曲而围绕它自身,因而任何东西,甚至连光都无法逃逸,就叫做黑洞.不太多的物质被压缩到极高密度(例如将地球压缩到一粒豌豆大小),或者,极大的一团较低密度物质(例如几百万倍于太阳的质量分布在直径与太阳系一样的球中,大致具有水的密度),都能出现这种情形. 第一位提出可能存在引力强大到光线不能逃离的'黑洞'的人是皇家学会特别会员约翰·米切尔,他于1783年向皇家学会陈述了这一见解.米切尔的计算依据是牛顿引力理论和光的微粒理论.前者是当时最好的引力理论.后者则把光设想为有如小型炮弹的微小粒子(现在叫做光子)流.米切尔假定,这些光粒子应该像任何其他物体一样受到引力的影响.由于奥利·罗默(Ole Romer)早在100多年前就精确测定了光速.所以米切尔得以计算一个具有太阳密度的天体必须多大,才能使逃逸速度大于光速. 如果这样的天体存在,光就不能逃离它们,所以它们应该是黑的.太阳表面的逃逸速度只有光速的,但如果设想一系列越来越大但密度与太阳相同的天体,则逃逸速度迅速增高.米切尔指出,直径为太阳直径500倍的这样一个天体(与太阳系的大小相似),其逃逸速度应该超过光速. 皮埃尔·拉普拉斯(Pierre Laplace)独立得出并于1796年发表了同样的结论.米切尔在一次特具先见之明的评论中指出,虽然这样的天体是看不见的,但'如果碰巧任何其他发光天体围绕它们运行,我们也许仍有可能根据这些绕行天体的运动情况推断中央天体的存在.换言之,米切尔认为,如果黑洞存在于双星中,那将最容易被发同.但这一有在黑星的见解在19世纪被遗忘了,直到天文学家认识到黑洞可经由另一途径产生,在研讨阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的广义相对论时才重新提起. 第一次世界大战时在东部战线服役的天文学家卡尔·史瓦西(Karl Schwarzschild)是最先对爱因斯坦理论结论进行分析的人之一.广义相对论将引力解释为时空在物质近旁弯曲的结果.史瓦西计算了球形物体周围时空几何特性的严格数学模型,将它的计算寄给爱因斯坦,后者于1916年初把它们提交给普鲁士科学院.这些计算表明,对'任何'质量者存在一个临界半径,现在称为史瓦西半径,它对应时空一种极端的变形,使得如果质量被挤压到临界半径以内,空间将弯曲到围绕该物体并将它与宇宙其余部分隔断开来.它实际上成为了一个自行其是的独立的宇宙,任何东西(光也在内)都无法逃离它. 对于太阳史瓦西半径是公里对于地球,它等于厘米.这并不意味太阳或地球中心有一个大小合适现在称为黑洞(这个名词是1967年才首次由约翰·惠勒用于这一含义的东西存在.在离天体中心的这一距离上,时空没有任何反常.史瓦西计算表明的是,如果太阳被挤压进半径公里的球内,或者,如果地球被挤压进半径仅厘米的球内,它们就将永远在一个黑洞内而与外部宇宙隔离.物质仍然可以掉进这样一个黑洞但没东西能够逃出来. 这些结论被看成纯粹数学珍藏品达数十年之久,因为没有人认为真正的、实在的物体能够坍缩到形成黑洞所要求的极端密度。1920年代开始了解了白矮星,但即使白矮星也拥有与太阳大致相同的质量而大小却与地球差不多,其半径远远大于3公里。人们也未能及时领悟到,如果有大量的一般密度物质,也可以造出一个本质上与米切尔和拉普拉斯所想像的相同的黑洞。与任意质量M对应的史瓦西半径由公式2GM/c2给出,其中G是引力常数。c是光速。 1930年代,萨布拉曼扬·昌德拉塞卡(Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar)证明,即使一颗白矮星,也仅当其质量小于倍太阳质量时才是稳定的,任何死亡的星如果比这更重,必将进一步坍缩。有些研究家想到了这也许会导致形成中子星的可能性,中子星的典型半径仅约白矮星的1/700,也就是几公里大小。但这个思想一直要等到1960年代中期发现脉冲星,证明中子星确实存在之后,才被广泛接受。 这重新燃起了对黑洞理论的兴趣,因为中子星差不多就要变成黑洞了。虽然很难想像将太阳压缩到半径公里以内,但现在已经知道存在质量与太阳相当、半径小于10公里的中子星,从中子星到黑洞也就一步之遥了。 理论研究表明,一个黑洞的行为仅由其三个特性所规定——它的质量、它的电荷和它的自转(角动量)。无电荷、无自转的黑洞用爱因斯坦方程式的史瓦西解描述;有电荷、无自转的黑洞用赖斯纳—诺德斯特罗姆解描述;无电荷、有自转的黑洞用克尔解描述;有电荷、有自转的黑洞用克尔—纽曼解描述。黑洞没有其他特性,这已由‘黑洞没有毛发’这句名言所概括。现实的黑洞大概应该是自转而无电荷,所以克尔解最令人感兴趣。 现在都认为,黑洞和中子星都是在磊质量恒星发生超新星爆发时的临死挣扎中产生的。计算表明,任何质量大致小于3倍太阳质量(奥本海默—弗尔科夫极限)的至密超新星遗迹可以形成稳定的中子星,但任何质量大于这一极限的致密进退新星遗迹将坍缩为黑洞,其内容物将被压进黑洞中心的奇点,这正好是宇宙由之诞生的大爆炸奇点的镜像反转。如果这样一个天体碰巧在绕一颗普通恒星的轨道上,它将剥夺伴星的物质,形成一个由向黑洞汇集的热物质构成的吸积盘。吸积盘中的温度可以升至极高,以致它能辐射X射线,而使黑洞可被探测到。 1970年代初,米切尔的预言有了反响:在一个双星系统中发现了这样一种天体。一个叫做天鹅座X—1的X射线源被证认为恒星HDE226868。这个系统的轨道动力学特性表明,该源的X射线来自围绕可见星轨道上一个比地球小的天体,但源的质量却大于奥本海默—弗尔科夫极限。这只可能是一个黑洞。此后,用同一方法又证认了其他少数几个黑洞。而1994年天鹅座V404这个系统成为迄今最佳黑洞‘候选体’,这是一个质量为太阳质量70%的恒星围绕大约12倍太阳质量的X射线源运动的系统。但是,这些已被认可的黑洞证认大概不过是冰山之尖而已。 这种‘恒星质量’黑洞,正如米切尔领悟的,只有当它们在双星系统中时才能探测到。一个孤立的黑洞无愧于它的名称——它是黑暗的、不可探测的。然而,根据天体物理学理论,很多恒星应该以中子星或黑洞作为其生命的结束。观测者在双星系统中实际上探测到的合适黑洞候选者差不多与他们发现的脉冲双星一样多,这表示孤立的恒星质量黑洞数目应该与孤立的脉冲星数目相同,这一推测得到了理论计算的支持。 我们银河系中现在已知大约500个活动的脉冲星。但理论表明,一个脉冲星作为射电源的活动期是很短的,它很快衰竭成无法探测的宁静状态。所以,相应地我们周围应该存在更多的‘死’脉冲星(宁静中子星)。我们的银河指法含有1000亿颗明亮的恒星,而且已经存在了数十亿年之久。最佳的估计是,我们银河指法今天含有4亿个死脉冲星,而恒星质量黑洞数量的甚至保守估计也达到这一数字的¼——1亿个。如果真有这么多黑洞,而黑洞又无规则地散布在银河系中的话,则最近的一个黑洞也离我们仅仅15光年。既然我们银河系没有什么独特之处,那么宇宙中每个其他的星系也应该含有同样多的黑洞。Ic 星系也可能含有某种很像米切尔的拉普拉斯最初设想的‘黑星’的天体。这样的天体现在称为‘特大质量黑洞’,被认为存在于活动星系和类星体的中心,它们提供的引力能可能解释这些天体的巨大能量来源。一个大小如太阳系、质量数百万倍于太阳质量的黑洞,可以从周围每年食掉一到两颗恒星的物质。在这个过程中,很大一部分恒星质量将遵照爱因斯坦分工E=mc2转变成能量。宁静的超大质量黑洞可能存在于包括我们银河系在内的所有星系星系的中心。 1994年,利用哈勃空间望远镜,在离我们银河系1500万秒差距的星系M87中,发现了一个大小约15万秒差距的热物质盘,在绕该星系中心区运动,速率达到约2百万公里每小时(约5*10-7 5乘于10的7次方,厘米/秒,几乎是光速的)。从M87的中心‘引擎’射出一条长度超过1千秒差距的气体喷流。M87中心吸积盘中的轨道速率决定性地证明,它是一个拥有30亿倍太阳质量的超大质量黑洞引力控制之下,喷流则可解释为从吸积系统的一个极区涌出来的能量。 也是在1994年,牛津大学和基尔大学的天文学家,在称为天鹅座V404的双星系统中证认了一个恒星质量黑洞。我们已经指出,该系统的轨道参数使他们得以给黑洞准确‘量体重’,得出黑洞质量约为太阳的12倍,而围绕它运动的普通恒星仅有太阳质量的70%左右。这是迄今对‘黑星’质量有最精确测量,因而它也是关于黑洞存在的最佳的、独特的证明. 有人推测,大爆炸中可能已经产生了大量的微黑洞或原始黑洞,它们提供了宇宙质量的相当大部分。这种微黑洞典型大小同一个原子相当,质量大概是1亿吨(10-11, 10的11次方千克)。没有证据表示这种天体确实存在,但也很难证明它们不存在。系的中心。 1994年,利用哈勃空间望远镜,在离我们银河系1500万秒差距的星系M87中,发现了一个大小约15万秒差距的热物质盘,在绕该星系中心区运动,速率达到约2百万公里每小时(约5*10-7 5乘于10的7次方,厘米/秒,几乎是光速的)。从M87的中心‘引擎’射出一条长度超过1千秒差距的气体喷流。M87中心吸积盘中的轨道速率决定性地证明,它是一个拥有30亿倍太阳质量的超大质量黑洞引力控制之下,喷流则可解释为从吸积系统的一个极区涌出来的能量。 也是在1994年,牛津大学和基尔大学的天文学家,在称为天鹅座V404的双星系统中证认了一个恒星质量黑洞。我们已经指出,该系统的轨道参数使他们得以给黑洞准确‘量体重’,得出黑洞质量约为太阳的12倍,而围绕它运动的普通恒星仅有太阳质量的70%左右。这是迄今对‘黑星’质量有最精确测量,因而它也是关于黑洞存在的最佳的、独特的证明. 有人推测,大爆炸中可能已经产生了大量的微黑洞或原始黑洞,它们提供了宇宙质量的相当大部分。这种微黑洞典型大小同一个原子相当,质量大概是1亿吨(10-11, 10的11次方千克)。没有证据表示这种天体确实存在,但也很难证明它们不存在

1975年,霍金以数学计算的方法证明黑洞由于质量巨大,进入其边界的物体都会被其吞噬而永远无法逃逸。黑洞形成后就开始向外辐射能量,最终将因为质量丧失殆尽而消失。而这种辐射并不包含黑洞内部物质的信息。这些信息应当在黑洞中保留下来。但是一旦黑洞消失,这些信息也就丧失了。这些信息的去向之谜就构成了所谓的“黑洞悖论”。而该假说与量子物理学的理论背道而驰。量子物理学认为,类似黑洞这样质量巨大物体的信息是不可能完全丧失的。 美国科学家质疑相对论宇宙中并不存在“黑洞”?据美国媒体报道,美国加州劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室物理学家乔治·卓别林(GeorgeChapline)表示,宇宙中并不存在着所谓的“黑洞”,并认为人们通常所指的黑洞神秘物 质实际上是“黑能(dark-energy)星体”。长期以来,黑洞已经成为了科幻小说中的重要材料之一。不少人认为,天文学家可以通过间接方式来观察到黑洞的存在,而巨型恒星死亡后就会形成黑洞。但卓别林认为,恒星死亡只会形成“黑能”物质。过去数年中,天文学家对银河系的观察表明,宇宙的70%左右是一种奇怪的“黑能”所组成,正是它们在加速着宇宙的膨胀。卓别林说:“几乎可以肯定地说,宇宙中并不存在着黑洞。”黑洞是爱因斯坦广义相对论中最为著名的预言之一。广义相对论解释了受巨型恒星重力影响,会导致时空结构产生扭曲的现象。该理论认为,当某颗恒星死亡后,会受自己的重力影响而缩成一个点。但卓别林却认为,爱因斯坦本人也不相信黑洞的存在。1975年,量子力学专家们表示,黑洞边界确实发生了一些奇怪的事情:遵守量子法则的物质对轻微干扰变得极为敏感。卓别林说:“这个发现很快就被大家忘记了,因为它不符合广义相对论的预言。然而今天看来,它却是完全正确的发现。”他认为,这种奇怪的活动正是时空“量子阶段转变”的证据。卓别林认为,死亡后的恒星并不会简单地形成一个黑洞,而是在该时空内部,它却充斥着黑能,并具备重力影响。卓别林称,在某颗黑能星的“表面”,它看起来很像一个黑洞,并能制造强大的重力牵引。然而在它的内部,黑能的“负”重力又有可能将物质重新弹出来。如果某颗黑能星体积很大,任何反弹出来的电子转变成了正电子,然后会在高能辐射中消灭其他电子




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英语专业毕业论文提纲2007-09-30 11:26Acknowledgements Abstract (English) Abstract (Chinese) Introduction Chapter 1 Moby-Dick and Individuation Theory Background of Herman Melville and Moby-Dick Brief Introduction of . Jung’s Individuation Theory Chapter 2 Failed Individuation of Captain Ahab Ahab’s Wounded Pride Ahab’s Madness Failed Individuation of Ahab Chapter 3 Individuation of Ishmael Alienated Ishmael in the very Beginning Tendency of Ishmael’s Ego-Self Reunification Individuation Process of Ishmael Differences between Ishmael and Ahab Conclusion Works Cited其实很简单.就分三部分. 1. Introduction of African American Vernacular English介绍黑人英语 2. An analysis of African American Vernacular English分析黑人英语 你可就以下几点来分析. a. History and social context历史和社会背景 b. Phonological features语音特点 c. Grammatical features语法特点 d. Negation否定句式 e. Other grammatical characteristics其它语法特点 f. Lexical features词的特点 summary总结




英美文学方向的选题太多了啊,网上一搜一大堆,选一个你自己喜欢并感兴趣的就行了。1、 透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观2、生与死的抗争--《厄舍古厦的倒塌》主题解读3、浅谈“欧·亨利式结尾”及其文学影响4、从宗教角度解读简爱的多重性格5、从女权主义角度剖析《小妇人》中的乔6、 “英雄”的陨落--悲剧美学角度分析《老人与海》7、 从《菊花》中看女主人公Elisa实现自我价值的障碍8、奉献与宽容---浅析《双城记》中的仁爱精神9、 《格列佛游记》中对理性的反思与批判10、浅析《警察和赞美诗》的戏剧化特色11、一场失败革命的反思---论《动物庄园》中所表现的象征意义12、论詹姆斯·乔伊斯《阿拉比》的精神顿悟13、从后印象主义角度解读《到灯塔去》中的双性同体观14、 从中西方道德观差异谈《伊利亚特》与《封神演义》人物品德15、 韦伯《猫》中的女性主义16、 浅析《儿子与情人》中的心理冲突17、浅析中西方喜剧文化---以《武林外传》和《老友记》为例18、从女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象19、《瓦尔登湖》中自然主义的现实意义20、 从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识21、论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识22、 论劳伦斯《虹》中的异化23、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《梁祝》悲剧结局所体现的中西文化差异24、从《在路上》看五六十年代美国社会价值观25、 评希思克利夫被扭曲的心路历程26、试论马克·吐温短篇小说的幽默特色27、惠特曼的死亡哲学28、 论《呼啸山庄》--原始古朴与文明理性的交错色彩29、 论《了不起的盖茨比》中“二元主角”手法的运用30、透过小说《威廉·威尔逊》和《黑猫》看艾伦·坡的善恶观

你的论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向? 老师有没有和你说论文往哪个方向写比较好?写论文之前,一定要写个大纲,这样老师,好确定了框架,避免以后论文修改过程中出现大改的情况!!学校的格式要求、写作规范要注意,否则很可能发回来重新改,你要还有什么不明白或不懂可以问我,希望你能够顺利毕业,迈向新的人生。1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。


被抓走做实验呗。装置就是控制魔女不跑到外边去泄露情报(随意控制使魔女融化而死),并且控制魔女私用魔法。目的,九想复活他妹妹怜娜。外星人不造诶╭( ̄▽ ̄)╮


