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Hua Mulan is a heroine who took the place of her father and joined the army, described in a famous Chinese poem known as the Ballad of Mulan. It is unknown whether the story has any factual basis. The poem was written during the Northern Wei dynasty,and first recorded in the Musical Records of Old and New from Southern and Northern Dynasties. According the description of the Ballad of Mulan, the khan of Northern dynasty ordered to recruit for the army to ward off incursions by the Rouran nomads. Her father need to perform obligation. Howere,her father is so old that he could not bear suffering from the bitterness, and she hasn’t an elder brother to go and fight. So Mulan decided to disguised herself into a man to join the army instead of her father. Many years later, the battle was over. In view of her military exploit , the Khan of Northern dynasty offered Mulan a high official position, but she turned down the position to return to her family. She made up herself after coming back home. When her former comrades visited her at home, they were shocked to see her dressed as a woman. Hua Mulan has been highly respected as a filial daughter by the Chinese people for hundreds of years, even though her story might be no more than a legend. In 1998, her story was adapted for an animated cartoon in a Disney amusement center in the United States, to the acclaim of all over the world. 花木兰是中国著名古诗《木兰辞》中描绘的一位代父从军的巾帼英雄,其真实性不详。该诗约作于北魏,最初录于南朝陈的《古今乐录》。 根据《木兰辞》的描述,北朝可汗征兵抵御柔然民族的入侵,女子花木兰之父亦在受召之列;木兰不忍见其年迈的父亲从军受苦,又没有年长的兄弟可以代替老父,她于是自己乔装成男子代父从军。 多年后战事结束,木兰因军功彪炳得到可汗召见;可汗虽授以高官厚禄,木兰却只请准予解甲返乡。木兰返乡后,回复女性装扮,昔日同袍才惊觉原来木兰实为女子。 千百年来,花木兰被作为一个孝顺的女儿受中国人的尊敬,尽管可能这只是一个传说。1998年,美国迪士尼公司将花木兰的故事改编成了动画片,受到了全世界的欢迎。

The legend of Hua MulanThe name Hua Mulan has been synonymous with the word "heroine" for hundreds of years in Chinese society and culture. Disney's 1998 animated film, "Mulan," brought her name to a wider audience. The following version of the well-known story is presented in the form of Longjiang Opera. On a peaceful morning, glistening with a rosy glow, Mulan washes clothes and practices martial arts with her fellow mates. But the sound of the bronze gong breaks off the harmony in the small town: The army is again recruiting new soldiers. The old and ailing Hua Hu, Mulan's father, is getting ready to be recruited, but his "son", a young and handsome soldier, is standing in front of the family - Mulan disguises as a man to stand for the duty of her father. With a sword inherited from ancestors of the family, Mulan leaves for the battlefield. In the cold evenings on the frontier, Mulan, who is not used to sleeping with other soldiers in the tent, stands on guard during the night shift. Soldiers like Zhang Shazi make fun of Mulan, but an honest officer called Jin Yong offers her his tent to sleep in: The two become good friends. Jin respects Mulan for her martial arts skills and ideas and Mulan admires Jin's masculine vigor and bravery. For 10 years on the battlefield, the two friends experience a great deal together and Mulan gets promoted to general. She is in love with Jin Yong but has no means of expressing her feelings. In a surprise attack against the enemy one evening, Mulan gets wounded by an arrow and goes to recover at Han Mei's home, a girl who was saved by Mulan. The girl has admired and loved Mulan "the general" for a long time. When Mulan is well and longs to go back to the battlefield, Han Mei tells Mulan that she wants to marry her. At this point, Mulan is forced to reveal her true identity. After Jin Yong learns that Mulan is female, he becomes even more infatuated with her, and Mulan also becomes more attached to Jin Yong. On the evening of Mid-autumn Day, Mulan dreams that she becomes a real woman again and marries Jin Yong. But the neighbors and Jin Yong's mother do not regard her as a woman and refuse to accept a wife who is also a general. Then Mulan awakes from her nightmare. Jin Yong gets drunk and breaks into Mulan's tent, toasting three cups of wine to her, and reveals his deep passion for her. Mulan promises that the day the war is over will be the day when they get married. The enemy launches a sudden assault and Jin Yong asks for an assignment. In the heated and brutal battle, Jin dies saving Mulan. Seeing the dead bodies on the battlefield, Mulan is devestated. When the enemy retreats, Mulan goes back to the old battlefield to offer sacrifices to the martyrs. She changes back to a girl's clothing and the other soldiers realize for the first time that the general who has experienced such hardships for twelve years is female. A feeling of reverence and respect towards the woman overwhelms all of the soldiers. The imperial edict comes to promote Mulan, but she resigns from the position and goes back home where she writes: "Honors and disgrace, gains and losses are all external things; it's utter dedication and loyalty to save the country".

Hua Mulan (Chinese: 花木兰) is a legendary Chinese woman warrior from the Northern and Southern dynasties period (420–589) of Chinese history, originally described in the Ballad of Mulan (Chinese: 木兰辞; pinyin: Mùlán cí). In the ballad, Hua Mulan, disguised as a man, takes her aged father's place in the army.华木兰(中文:花木兰)是中国历史上南北朝时期(420-589)的一位传奇女战士,原著于《木兰民谣》(中文:木兰;拼音:毛兰)。在民谣中,华牧兰伪装成一个男人,带着她年迈的父亲在军队里的位置。Mulan fought for twelve years and gained high merit, but she refused any reward and retired to her hometown. Though her existence is disputed she is most believed to be purely 奋斗了十二年,获得了很高的成绩,但她拒绝了任何奖励,退休后回到了家乡。虽然她的存在是有争议的,但她被认为是纯粹虚构的。The historic setting of Hua Mulan is in the Northern Wei (386–536). Over a thousand years later, Xu Wei's play from the Ming dynasty places her in the Northern Wei, whereas the Qing dynasty Sui Tang Romance has her active around the founding of the Tang c. 620.花木兰的历史背景是北魏(386—536)。一千多年后,明代的徐渭剧将徐渭置于北魏,而清代的隋唐传奇则活跃于唐朝建国前后。In 621, the founder of the Tang dynasty was victorious over Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande, the latter was the father of Dou Xianniang, another female warrior who became Mulan's laotong in the Sui Tang 年,唐朝的创始人战胜了王世冲和窦建德,窦建德是窦仙娘的父亲,窦仙娘是隋唐传奇中又一位成为木兰老通的女武士。The Hua Mulan crater on Venus is named after her.金星上的花木兰陨石坑是以她的名字命名的。

Once upon a time,therewas a girl called Hua Mulan has no brothers,she has no choice but to join the army instead of her father. In the army, no one found she was a girl. She fought the war, only when she returned to her hometown did her partners knew she was a girl.译文:从前,有一个女孩名叫花木兰,因家中没有男孩,她只好代替父亲参军,军队里没有人bai发现她是个女孩,她作战非常勇敢。战争结束后,她回到家乡,她的伙伴们才知道她是女儿身。


Opening the cabinet door under the sink, he saw no dripping water. He went to the closet and got a flashlight. When he shined the light into the cabinet under the sink, he saw drops of water on the sides of the dark blue steel cylinder. It looked like he had a leaky garbage disposal. To test his theory, he turned on the switch, and a stream of water flowed out of a seam onto the cabinet floor and then onto the kitchen carpet. Ed had a problem, but he didn’t have time o fix it now. He hadto run some errands. He put some tape over the switch so he couldn’t accidentally turn the disposal on gai

Many advertisements do indeed use attractive models or celebrities to entice consumers into buying the products that are being would not like to look like the beautiful models that are depicted enjoying the product?Who would not like to be like a Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods?To a certain extent,buying products to emulate the persons shown in the advertisements can make a person feel better about him or this type of advertisement can be a double-edged sword - when the product does not make the person "be like" the person in the advertisement,there can be disappointment and disillusionment with the product.

In ancient China, some individuality is frank, the personality good good girl, the name is called "Hua Mu Lan", the body for flower's big daughter, Hua Mu Lan enlightened teaches under the regret in the parents, anticipated continuously very much oneself can spend bring the glory. But on in north Hsiungnu 来犯, national on a large scale conscription time, the Lily magnolia old father is unexpectedly also called up on the battlefield, sad Hua Mu Lan is afraid the father to be able to be gone forever, then was taking advantage of the midnight disguises as the men's clothing, steals away father's helmet and armor, replaces on the father the battlefield to go. Flower's ancestor for protects Hua Mu Lan, thereupon sends out a good-hearted wood to have the dragon to accompany her, this only speaks likes young Long which 连珠 the artillery likes being angry, brings on a road for the Lily magnolia many laughs heartily with the assistance. After joins the army, Hua Mu Lan is depending on the will and the patience which own persisted, passed many difficult trainings and the test, also becomes in the armed force the indispensable senior general. However, battles when going to, Hua Mu Lan's daughter body by armed force in colleague was discovered, the numerous families man is afraid the Lily magnolia to be able to sentence by the royal government high officials by "the guilt of deceiving one's monarch", has to abandon her in the iceberg snowy area, voluntarily goes to place of combat the Hsiungnu. Luckily in the such difficult time, wooden must the dragon continuously accompany in her side,


Mulan is a 1998 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19 thirty-sixth animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics and a part of the Disney Renaissance the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan.


Mulan was the first of three features produced primarily at the Disney animation studio at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando Florida. It was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook with story and screenplay by Robert D. San SouciRita Hsiao Philip LaZebnik Chris Sanders Eugenia Bostwick-Singer and Raymond Singer. Development for the film began in 1994 when a number of artistic supervisors were sent to China to receive artistic and cultural inspiration.


Mulan was well-received by critics and the public grossing $304 million earning Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations and winning several Annie Awards including Best Animated Feature.


Fa Mulan is the only daughter of aged warrior Fa Zhou. She impersonates a man and takes her father's place during a general conscription to counter a fictitious Hun invasion led by Shan Yu . Along with her guardian dragon Mushu her captain Li Shang a lucky cricket "Cri-kee" and her companions Yao Ling and Chien-Po she battles the invading Hun army.





1.先写花木兰的事迹 (虽然花木兰代父从军的事大家都已经很清楚了但先写何以给读者留下一个好印象,增加可看性和传奇性)2.再写古诗中女中豪杰的形象(结合 女中豪杰 谈)3.写花木兰与古诗中女中豪杰的相同之处(突出 关系 一词)4.议论这就是我的意见啊~ 还有很多不足,哥哥姐姐们见谅哈




Mulan is a 1998 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation, and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19, 1998. The thirty-sixth animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics, and a part of the Disney Renaissance, the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua was the first of three features produced primarily at the Disney animation studio at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida. It was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with story and screenplay by Robert D. San Souci, Rita Hsiao, Philip LaZebnik, Chris Sanders, Eugenia Bostwick-Singer, and Raymond Singer. Development for the film began in 1994, when a number of artistic supervisors were sent to China to receive artistic and cultural inspiration. Mulan was well-received by critics and the public, grossing $304 million, earning Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations, and winning several Annie Awards including Best Animated Mulan is the only daughter of aged warrior Fa Zhou. She impersonates a man and takes her father's place during a general conscription to counter a fictitious Hun invasion led by Shan Yu . Along with her guardian dragon Mushu , her captain, Li Shang , a lucky cricket, "Cri-kee," and her companions, Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po, she battles the invading Hun army.

Opening the cabinet door under the sink, he saw no dripping water. He went to the closet and got a flashlight. When he shined the light into the cabinet under the sink, he saw drops of water on the sides of the dark blue steel cylinder. It looked like he had a leaky garbage disposal. To test his theory, he turned on the switch, and a stream of water flowed out of a seam onto the cabinet floor and then onto the kitchen carpet. Ed had a problem, but he didn’t have time o fix it now. He hadto run some errands. He put some tape over the switch so he couldn’t accidentally turn the disposal on gai

花木兰的英语作文可以这样写。Hua Mulan is a heroine in ancient China for his father to join the army made a lot of contributions, and finally returned to the village to become a hero, respected by the world.英语学习的方法。1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然保持最为持久的生命力。3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。真正学好英语,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章,是根本不可能达到目的的,比如一个新单词,我们在书上看到,默写,背诵,还不能说真正认识了。在听力中听到了这个单词,能反应过来是它吗?在想表达这种意思的时候,能反应过来应该用它吗?……我们当初学说话的时候,都是无形中进行了听,说,读,写等不经意的“练习”才全面掌握了这门语言。4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。英语学习不是靠突击可以学好的,一下子花上好几个小时拼命学英语,是无济于事的。它的特点在于“细水常流”。每天花上十几分钟的零碎时间听,背一段课文,记几个单词,长期坚持,逐渐会得到提高的。5 要着意“卖弄”。新学会的词汇和用法,应该在可能的场合多多练习使用。不要老是用自己喜欢或者熟悉的单词或者句型,这样的话,新学的东西永远得不到强化,慢慢的又会变的陌生,人将会永远停留原有的水平。不断地将新东西变为旧东西,又不断接触新东西,再将其变为旧东西,如此往复,才能不断提高。




古道上空传来阵阵战马的嘶鸣.我挥舞着马鞭,奔跑在这崎岖的古道上.回家的感觉,就是爽!路旁的树绿多了,花也开了,处处洋溢着春的生机.马儿,快些,在快些,快点回到我的家乡.突然,一个熟悉的村庄出现了,哎,那不是我的阿爷阿娘吗?我从马背上一跃而下,扑进母亲的怀抱里.呼唤着:“娘,兰儿回来了,您的兰儿回来了!”母亲伸出颤抖的手抚摸着我的面颊,片言未吐,却已泣不成声.阿爷也不禁老泪纵横.我搂着双亲,激动万分.爷娘的梁上多了许多皱纹,阿娘的腰也弯了,阿爷住桌个拐棍,我知道那是担心挂念我的.岁月不饶人哪,一晃十多年了.还是那个村庄,还是座房子,只是人已经变了许多.小小村庄到处彩灯高悬,爆竹声声.姐姐妆扮一新地迎出来,她望着我,又惊又喜.“姐姐!”“小妹!”似乎生疏了,但终于又在一起,再也不分开了!“姐,怎么不见小弟?”“他呀,在忙着呢!”姐姐神秘地指指后院.只到了霍霍的磨刀声,来到后院.阔别10余载,往日的小淘气已长成一个英俊强壮的大小伙子.他正在杀猪宰羊:“报告花将军,一切准备就绪!”望着小弟,我笑开了花.堂屋而砂时传来大伙开怀畅饮的笑谈声.我来到了少女时代的闺房.屋里的摆设一切如往昔,角落里那台织布机仿佛在述说以往的故事.我赶紧脱下战袍,换上了美丽的红装,细心地梳妆打扮起来,十多年了,还没穿过我的红装呢…… 梳理完毕,轻移莲步,来到堂屋.一刹那,大伙儿都惊呆了.一位旧时的伙伴惊喜地对木兰的父亲说:“老爹,没想到您还有一位如此俊俏的闺女!”阿爷爽朗地笑了,对众人道:“你们好好看看,她就是木兰呀!”“什么?”大伙简直不相信自己的眼睛,与他们同甘共苦十余年的花木兰竟是一个妙龄女郎!我拿起宝剑,自如地舞起来.他们才认出我,哈哈!

我自小学起就没少背诵文言文,包括我最喜爱的《滕王阁序》,乃至十分难记的《长恨歌》都曾1字不差的背下来。然,近10年过去了,大多数已经忘怀,唯有《木兰辞》到现在我都可以拍着胸脯说能倒背如流。可能正是源自这种打小以来对木兰形象的喜爱吧,也有可能是赵薇演的这部《花木兰》着实拍的不错,总之,今天看完后我是非常的感动。“朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣,将军百战死,壮士十年归。”这是何等的壮怀激烈啊!“国家兴亡,女子有责”,至孝至忠。有女如此,真叫我们这些堂堂7尺男儿都不得不感叹:“谁说女子不如男?” 木兰,简单的两个字,与其说是一个巾帼英雄的名字,倒不如说已经成为了一种精神的象征。后世的女英雄,试问哪个不是以木兰为榜样,以木兰自许?女子尚且能为国,为家,为父征战沙场,驰骋纵横。那么“男儿何不带吴钩,收取关山五十州”呢?说实话,我很欣赏中国古时的那种尚武精神。如今的国人有些过于儒弱了。“儒弱”!是啊,多贴切的词啊。读书多了自然少了武者的雄气,难怪有人说百无一用是书生呢!可是,两宋之前的儒生并非现在这样子的。众所周知,李太白便能“十五好剑术,遍干诸侯;三十成文章,厉抵卿相。”周公瑾亦是书生,同样“谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。”这才是胸中自有百万兵的儒者真面貌,而并非现在被那些死读书的穷酸,弄得面目全非的懦弱,呆板形象。我最近看的电子书《新宋》中就这样描写:“大敌当前,秀才出身的战士们都视死如归,互约忠烈祠相见,把为国战死视为一种无上荣誉,受万世敬仰。”假设有这样的社会风气,那岂不是战无不胜?所以,即使现在不宜效古佩剑,但我认为我们每一个人心中也都应该有一把“剑”,有一身高傲不屈的骨气,正如我汉唐盛世那样:“犯我天威者,虽远必诛!” 武,我的名字里就包含着这个字。所以我对它是十分熟悉的——止戈为武。武的真正寓意就在于以武制武,罢息干戈。《花木兰》这部电影里就体现出了这样的真谛。正所谓一将成名万古枯,君不见那无定河边骨,皆是春闺梦里人啊!战争是残酷的,有时通过战争可以谋取一些利益,但始终流干的是无数壮士的鲜血。所以,自古以来就是文治和武治并重,有武有仁,即便有时“树欲静而风不止”,我们也可以做到有理、有力、有节,这才是仁者无敌。而惟武不仁,则只是穷兵黩武,祸国殃民罢了。所以,我又不禁想起武侠大师金庸的那句名言:“侠之大者,为国为民!”何为侠?并非唯武艺高强者居之。哪怕你身体单薄,只要有报国之心,即便只做出一些看起来微不足道的贡献,那么都堪称一个侠字。而木兰,虽一介女流,亦颇有侠气!当万世敬之! 最后一起回忆下《木兰辞》的结尾吧:“雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离,双兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌?”


