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大二学雅思 大三开始考 大四你就可以专心弄文书什么的了 时间就比较排的开 不会到时候手忙脚乱


雅思考7分是不错的成绩,如果: 1.大学期间各科成绩在85分以上,也就是美国的A。以上。 2.英语成绩高到不能再高,大概相当于雅思7分以上。 3.大学毕业论文和国外导师的研究方向一致,最好有国际知名学术期刊公开发表的文章。 4.大学期间有在与你学习专业相近的跨国大公司实习的经历。 差不多够资格申请美国的TOP100的奖学金了…… 如果拿到了美国的奖学金,基本上不用花自己的钱,只需要一张机票和办签证的钱,有2万足够。 接下来就要开始准备申请学校的材料、办理签证手续。 时间顺序上可以这样安排: 1.准备推荐信(Recommendation Letter) 申请者一般需要提供3封英文的推荐信。也有的学校只要求提供2封即可。推荐信要说明被推荐人的基本情况,介绍推荐人的成绩,包括学术论文、科研成果、获得奖励、所具备的能力等。一般由系主任、专业导师来写推荐信,最好能够拿到校长或者具备高级学术职称或在学术界较有影响的导师的推荐信,这样大大加强了推荐的力度但这2-3个推荐人都必须和申请者之间确实有过联系。 2.准备个人陈述(Personal Statement)和文章(Essay) 个人陈述是影响录取的重要文件。个人陈述要真实、全面,简明扼要,符合大学规定要求,有关内容不要遗漏。个人陈述对是否获得奖学金尤其重要。你可以通过文字向你申请的学校全面反映你的能力。 3.准备个人简历(Resume) 个人简历是申请人的说明书,招生办老师可以在最快的时间内了解你的所有信息。因此好的简历可以给你的申请增光添彩。在实际操作中,我们发现很多中国的学生并不了解英文简历的格式,措辞等,很多表述让外国人不知所云,因而适得其反。所以应当注意在制作英文简历时尽量符合外国人的书写习惯,格式及表述,这样才能让他们对你有准确的认识。同时这也是他们考察你英语写作能力的一个依据。 4.其他证明材料 为突出优势,最好提供其他能够充分证明自己才能的文件。例如参加社会活动的经历、特长证书、发明证书、发表过的文章、大学毕业论文、大学期间在与你学习专业相近的跨国大公司实习的证明及各种竞赛的获奖证书等等,这样将大大增加被录取和授予奖学金的机会。 5.申请学校:去你中意的学校网站查找专业、导师,然后按学校要求投寄材料。一般选择10所左右的学校,这叫做广撒网~~~你可能会问:我大学没毕业,毕业证和学位证都没有,怎么有条件申请?没有学位证没关系,只需要说明情况就可以了。与此同时,你要跟导师取得联系(这是关键),进行沟通。6.如果导师认为你的条件比较符合他的要求,会主动跟你联系。要求你提供一些材料如大学期间的成绩单(你凭导师的信可以去学校申请提取成绩单了……)、个人研究能力、有时甚至会要求你提一个研究计划,满意后向学校推荐你入读。你这时就可以向他提奖学金的事了。 以上这些步骤,基本上都是靠你自己去做的,中介也帮不了你…… 7.拿到Conditional offer后,就可以开始办理签证。这时你就可以找中介帮忙了,因为在应付移民官方面他们最有经验,也容易发现你材料上的硬伤,会给你比较好的建议。 当然也可以自己办,但比较费力不讨好。 签证时你还要准备一大批材料,如成绩单、学位证、毕业证、护照(以上全部需要公证)、英语证书、财产证明、出生公证、亲属关系公证……等等,均需要提供原件和复印件。


雅思的写作中遇到 广告 类的话题应该怎么写,先来看看一些优秀 范文 吧。


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe commodities that are popular among consumers reflect the power of advertisement rather than the real needs of people. Do you agree or disagree?

You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Whether we like it or not, advertisement has been pouring into our daily life. They are so powerful that some people believe that it is not the needs of people but the power advertisement that makes commodities popular. Personally I don’t agree with this opinion.

First, let’s make clear what the real needs of people are. Real needs can be divided into two categories: the material satisfaction and spiritual satisfaction. People tend to regard material satisfaction as real needs and spiritual satisfaction as waste of money and time. This is not true. Some commodities may not be useful but they can give the owner a kind of satisfaction.

Second, let’s make clear the reason why advertisement is powerful. The key principle of advertisers is to grasp the needs of consumers, then pass the potential consumers the information that their commodities can meet your need. Advertisers can promote the needs of people, exploit the needs or even produce the needs of people. But whatever they do, it will be based on the needs of people.

But there are some advertisements that exaggerate the functions of the commodities to tell the wrong information to consumers. They make the commodities popular by cheating the majority of consumers. And also there are some commodities that do harm to the health of consumers and to the society. For example, smoking is poisonous, but the advertisements try to make a heroic image of the smokers, as the result smoking is popular among young men who are dreaming to become heroes in women’s eyes. But such advertisements are minorities.

In summary, advertisements bring us convenience to choose the commodities that can meet our needs. Most of the commodities are popular due to their usefulness, only some of them are due to the influence of advertisement.(298 words)


雅思大 作文 题目:

Societywould benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it may serve nouseful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?


1. 广告的优势多多。第一,它能帮助刺激产品和服务的销量,特别是将那些新品牌引入市场。第二,很多公益性广告能 教育 大众。举例,很多广告反对暴力和歧视广告塑造了年轻观众的价值观。

2. 然而,很多广告包含了虚假信息,或是鼓励大众进行过度消费。举例,这会说服观众去购买不合适的,不需要的产品。


Itis undeniable that advertising industry has grown in the last years, positiveand negatives points of view have born among the people opinion due to theimpact over life consume. I particularly believe that it has a lot ofadvantages, but it should be regulated correctly.

Advertisinghas several benefits. Firstly, it helps to promote products and services amongpeople; it is especially true when a new brand and trends are being introducedon the market. Secondly, it is a powerful tool to induce sales and revenues bymany modern businesses; As a result, a lot of companies invest much money todevelop strategies on media to close their products to the customer. Lastly,adequate advertisements are useful to inform and educate our society. Forinstance, strong campaigns against violence, abuse and discrimination have hadexcellent results in schools among young people.

Onthe other hand, others argue that advertising has a negative impact, such as itgives false information and extreme consume is encouraged by a high quantity ofadvertisements on radio, TV and internet. Consequently, children could bepersuaded and influenced by unreal and overacted behavior showed on them. Incontrast of this, many companies and governments have started to regulatedthose announce and his content. For example, notes have been printed on coversrelated to the risk to get any product in excess or even changes made in theart and photos such as human body modifications or unreal effects.

Inconclusion, I believe with a correct regulation applied to agencies bygovernments, advertising is an excellent way to get people close to products,trends and information.(271 words)


Task: If the product is of good quality and meets people’s needs, people will buy it. Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1. 娱乐功能:在指导人们购物上,广告的作用正在衰退。举例,人们更喜欢通过互联网的帖子和测评信息来选择商品。

2. 销售功能:广告帮助人们有效地了解和对比产品。举例,通过广告中对于相关产品的参数,功能,和总体性能的描述,客户能了解到该产品的特点和价值,并对于产品的好坏做出判断。

3. 刺激销售:广告能勾起观众的购买欲。举例,一个精美的广告往往能让用户重复购买他们不需要的东西,如奢侈品广告。


What is the root function of an advertisement in media? Some people believe it is just for entertaining viewers and it has nothing to do with products selling. Personally, I hold an opposed view that advertising is still the main way of stimulating the consumption of common goods, and my reasons will be explored as below.

Admittedly, Advertisements today have less influence on the public to purchase commodities, because now there are diverse information accesses to understand a product. For example, on an age of Internet, people with desires of purchasing goods, especially the youngsters, prefer reading the professional articles of forums or assessment websites collecting comments and feedbacks from consumers, or listening to the advices from the face-to-face communication with friends and peers. In their eyes, the description of a certain product on an advertisement is unpractical, unobjective and unconvincing. Therefore, advertisements—such as posters in billboards and Videos in TV screens—are viewed as the amusement by which the audience’s stress and worries in minds can be relieved.

However, I strongly believe this assertion underestimate advertisement functions in day-to-day life. Firstly, by what way can a customer be sure of whether a product is really good or needed? The answer is definitely the advertisement. For example, today cell phones of different bands have a high similarity in their appearances and shapes, and it is a big challenge for customers to pick put the right one. So there is a necessity for adverting, which can clearly presents the inner components, parameters and unique features of a cell phone. By reading the detailed information, customers can easily distinguish one product from others, and make a proper judgment of which one is the best or most satisfying for them.

The second reason against this assertion is that advertisements can encourage viewers to buy items they do not need. For example, typical slogans on advertisements like “special discount”, “limited time offer” and “buy one get one free”, are overwhelming temptations. They manipulate brains of customers, driving them to purchase these bargains, with no concern of whether the products are really essential or not.

All in all, this assertion is basically problematic. Although the influence of advertisements is declining, they are still irreplaceable, in terms of their great contributions on instructing people to compare and select high-quality products, as well as sparking the desire of customers to do more shopping.




关键词television advertising

主要从两个方面完成此 文章




Para 1 开头段引入

Para 2 影响

1) 生理:长时间专注屏幕造成视力下降

2) 心理:一些偏商业的广告会促使孩子购买一些不必要的零食或者玩具,形成不良饮食或生活习惯;另外,广告中出现的一些负面信息一定程度上影响孩子身心健康

Para 3: 电视广告是否应该被控制取决于这类广告的积极或者消极性质

1) 一些具有教育意义的广告应该被鼓励

2) 而另外一些有可能会导致盲目消费的广告就应该被控制

Para 4 结尾段 总结


Currently, a debatable argument over whether children should be exposed to the environment teeming with TV advertising has already aroused public’s attention. According to the discussion, this article tends to focus on the effects it may cause on little children as well as point out the opinion towards whether it should be limited or not.

目前,关于 儿童 是否应该被电视广告所吸引的争论已经引起了公众的关注。根据讨论,这篇文章倾向于关注它可能对小孩造成的影响,并指出对它是否应该受到限制的看法。

The first concern should be the influence it may exert on the younger generation. This, to a large extent is due to both physical and mental effects. On the one hand, companies always post some images as well as flashes on screens for the sake of attracting children, and thus long-time exposure to those colorful pictures may cause damages to their eyesight. On the other hand, profit-oriented advertising stimulates the eagerness for children to purchase some unnecessary commodities such as junk food and toys, which contributes to the development of their unhealthy diet or living habits. Besides, negative information such as violence or pornography may find their way in television advertising, which to some extent may leave a negative impression on the youth.


However, in terms of the issue whether TV commercials for children should be less adopted, the answer depends on the influence it may impose on children. For those that provide little children with a large amount of useful information, limitation should not be taken into consideration. This is due to the fact that those ads about educational events can develop children’s cognitive abilities, artistic creativity pt active lifestyle. Nevertheless, to another concern, for these advertisement that cause wasteful consumption, they should be regulated by the government, since those may leas to a long-term effect on the rates of children’s diet-related disease, such as obesity and high-blood pressure.


In a nutshell, the impacts that television commercials exert on the younger generation should be analyzed both physically and mentally. Individually, laws or regulation only need to be imposed on those which contain negative information.




题目:The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.

On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.

On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of community and neighbourliness.

In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.

题目:Art classes, like painting and drawing, are not as important as other subjects, so some people think that it should not be a compulsory subject at high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Schools are places where students acquire knowledge and skills needed for further achievements. Given the pressure that students are facing, some cannot help wondering whether art classes should still be compulsory.

Those holding the view that art classes should not be compulsory might think that art consumes too much of students' time. Fierce competitions students will face When applying for universities necessitate total devotion to academic subjects. College students who intend to take science as their major are even expected to be fluent in foreign languages now so that essays written by foreign scholars are not barriers in their academic pursuit. In other words, high school students are supposed to show higher levels of academic competence,which seemingly makes art unessential.

However, art classes are by no means only intended for entertainment. Children even dabbling in art tend to be more creative in mind. Those skilled in music or painting can interpret the world in a way that we cannot expect from a layman. This kind of ingenuity is also a rare quality constantly found in great scientists, whose contributions have served to create a totally new field for the latter generations. In his reply to a question about death, Albert Einstein considered his departure from the mortal world to be forever farewell to another great musician. With a sigh he answered "I cannot listen to Mozart anymore". Thus, can we simply regard art classes to be selective?

In conclusion, although stricter academic requirements are imposed on students, this cannot be an excuse for excluding art subjects from their curricula. Whatever kind of art can stimulate and inspire students, paving way for their future academic attainment.


When the news came that art classes such as music, painting and drawing would be made mandatory in my high school, it was met with both approvals and objections. This mixed response reflects the different attitudes towards the role of art in the education of high school students.

Those who stand up for art classes argue that art is so important to the students’ development that it should be made compulsory. By taking art classes, students may come out of their shell socially and make friends with those with similar interests. Furthermore, rather than a waste of time, taking art classes can actually help students with other subjects such as maths and physics. The theory is that art can help exercise our mental power (imagination, for example) and make us smarter. More importantly, art calls for persistent practice and unyielding stamina, which are also important qualities that we expect our students to possess.

Objections of art classes as required mainly come from those who think art classes are a waste of time because they are not useful to students. Except for the very few who may take art as their lifelong career, the great majority of students will not get a job in relation to art when they finish their high school. Besides, what is the point of compelling a student who has no interest in art to spend many hours restlessly in the art classes?

To my mind, art classes should become compulsory in high school. The objective of education is not just to let students acquire the basic practical survival skills, but to prepare them for the future life, both physically and mentally. With this in mind, we can safely conclude that the time spent on art will be rewarding in the long run. Of course, the schools should be very careful when deciding on the required hours that should be spent on art classes.

认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用出色范文里的出色内容。那你知道雅思作文正反观点范文有哪些吗?下面是收集整理的一些雅思作文正反观点范文,大家一起来看看吧!雅思作文正反观点范文篇一:使用电脑的利弊题目:People can go to shop, bank and work with computer. But the danger of the computer is people are getting isolated and losing some social skills. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?范文:The progression of computer is inevitable and undeniable. Nowadays computers also have become a part of our daily life. Instead of leaving home to go to shop bank and work people can do these at home by clicking the buttons. However, some people hold the opinion that it will cause people isolated from each other and lose social I find it hard for me to agree with this opinion by following reasonsIn the first instance, computers are tool to communication with people instead of isolation from the world. When we say a person is isolated it means that he is lonely and cut off the world. However, people seldom have this feeling while they are surfing the Internet. On the contrary, people tend to make more friends through the , people also can acquire social skills on Internet. Communication on Internet has the same purpose as face-to-face communication has. For example, through Internet we can send greeting cards to our friends. Furthermore, sometimes it might be a better way of communication on some occasions such as when you find it embarrassing to say sorry face to face we can send a message of apology to your but not least, doing something through Internet actually spares more time for our social life. Sometime we need to spend a lot of time shopping in department stores. Now we can save the time and may visit our general, computer just make our life more colorful so we don’t need to worry about the changes its may bring to us. Especially most of these changes are positive.雅思作文正反观点范文篇二:出国留学的利与弊Nowadays many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?In recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of students choosing to study abroad. This is partly because people are more affluent and party due to the variety of grants and scholarships which are available for overseas students nowadays. Although foreign study is not something which every student would choose, it is an attractive option for many overseas has a number of advantages. Firstly, it may give students access to knowledge and facilities such as laboratories and libraries which are not available in their home country. Furthermore, by looking abroad students may find a wider range of courses than those offered in their country’s universities, and therefore one which fits more closely to their particular the other hand, studying abroad has a number of drawbacks. These may be divided into personal and professional. Firstly, students have to leave their family and friends for a long period. Furthermore, studying abroad is almost always more expensive than studying at one’s local university. Finally, students often have to study in a foreign language, which may limit their performance and mean they do not attain their true my opinion, however, the disadvantages of studying abroad are usually temporary in nature. Students who study abroad generally become proficient in the language quite soon and they are only away from their family and friends for a year or two. Furthermore, many of the benefits last students all their lives and make them highly desirable to prospective employers.雅思作文正反观点范文篇三:使用机器人的利弊Intelligent machines such as robots are increasingly being used. They can do many things that used to be done by human. Discuss the benefits and centuries, people have fantasized that someday machines could have intelligence like mankind and work as faithful servants. Today this dream has come true in many fields thanks to rapid development in artificial intelligence research. Wonderful as this seems, machines have begin with, people lose jobs when machines take their places, especially in the mass production industry such as automobile business. In factories of the famous car company Ford, almost every step of car making is done by giant robots that work faster with higher reliability and precision than human labor. Because of the adoption of robots, thousands of workers are put out of their old jobs and forced to make changes in their work. Even such changes create job opportunities because robots need people to take care of and operate, the number of new jobs is much smaller than that of lost, thus causing huge pressure on the labor market and become less smart because of the wide use of machines in their life. Nowadays people need to use their brain less than they did in the past. Everything is programmed and the only thing we need to do is to push a button or throw on a switch. This has given us great convenience but made us lazier and less smart. Everyone has the awkward moment troubling with the spelling of a simple word when writing with a pen. But with a computer, it will automatically proofread the spelling and grammar of your writing. So people become less concerned with learning things right. This is not a progress but a regress of our intelligence and machines have many benefits that nobody can deny such as great work efficiency and low cost of mass production. The workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes. We have more purchasing power to enjoy a wider variety of goods and services because of the reduction of production costs with factories using machines. Other benefits include that machines could do dangerous jobs for people in high risk businesses like mining and conclude, machines have many merits that make our life easier and more convenient, but they have caused many problems such as undercutting our job opportunities and overdependence on machines.雅思作文正反观点范文篇四:独居的利弊More and more people are living by themselves today. What are the advantages of living alone? What are the disadvantages? Write an essay of about 250 words explaining the advantages and come home alone after a long day at work. You open the door to your home. No one is there. Is it blessed silence you hear - or echoing emptiness?Millions of people who live alone today may have either experience. Some love living alone, yet others wish they didn't have they open that door at night, people who live alone do not have to put up with demands or listen to someone's noise or meet anyone's dinner deadlines. They do not have to debate about which TV program to watch or stay off the phone because someone else is expecting an important call. No one else messes up their when they are sick, no one else will bring them an aspirin or call the doctor. Preparing dinner for one can be difficult, and eating dinner for one night after night can be very lonely. Perhaps no one really cares what they did all day. If they are feeling sad, there may be no one to cheer them up. Some people who live alone say the worst times come when something very good happens because there is no one to share the the course of a lifetime, one may sometimes live with others and sometimes live alone. Each way of life has its advantages. Learning to take advantage of them is one key to contentment.


我们想要提高雅思作文,多看范文,是非常有帮助的,下面是为大家整理的关于雅思大作文范文三篇的相关资料,希望帮到大家。 雅思大作文范文一: 在学习的时候分心做其他事情好不好 While I prefer to put away my cellphone when doing homework, I can see how some students could benefit from having a cellphone around. I think it is fine for students to use cellphones while studying as long as they can stay focused. One reason is that many students are accustomed to studying with music. They find that certain types of music puts them into a study mode, and that music can make the monotony of studying more bearable. My friend, for example, has a hard time sitting in one place unless she plays classical music. Normally she is very high-energy and distractible, but while listening to classical music, she calms down and becomes highly focused. For students like her, a cellphone is a highly useful study aid. It allows her to bring her music with her anywhere, so she is not limited to just studying in her room where her stereo is. Another reason is that students sometimes need to use the internet to do research or check assignments, but it is not always possible or desirable for them to carry a laptop around. In these situations, a cellphone is a good substitute. I remember one time when I had to complete a history assignment while on a family vacation. There wasn’t access to the internet where we were going, so my laptop would have been useless for research. Instead, I used my cellphone’s 3G connection to do research and wrote the assignment by hand. The vacation was much more relaxing because I didn’t have to lug my heavy laptop and charger around, and I still finished the assignment on time. Some will point out that cellphones can potentially distract students from their work. This is true, but in my experience they are far less distracting than laptops, which students use quite frequently for schoolwork. Cellphones have much smaller screens and generally take more effort to use, so students are less likely to waste time on them reading blogs or playing games. It simply isn’t as satisfying to procrastinate on a cellphone—laptops are much better for that. Plus, if you’re writing a paper on your laptop, your web browser is just a couple of clicks away. If you’re writing by hand with a cellphone next to you, it’s a bit less easy to put down your pencil, pick up your phone, unlock it, and open a browser. While I don’t personally use cellphones while studying unless absolutely necessary, I think that they can be helpful for a lot of students. It’s true that cellphones can be distracting, but they’re less damaging to productivity than laptops, so I think it’s hard to argue that students shouldn’t use them. 雅思大作文范文二: 探索太空是否是资源浪费 It is a waste of time to spend funds on space travel or space exploration. Nowadays, an increasing number of citizens are discussing the recent launch of ShenZhou carrier rocket. While there are some people who claim that this kind of launch is a waste of money or time because it could not bring any benefits for citizens, I hold a different opinion. From my perspective, space exploration is necessary. Admittedly, space travel or space exploration would waste a large sum of money. By spending much money on doing research regarding outer space life, government loses their focus on civil life where many people are suffering from starvation, air pollution and epidemics. Under this circumstance, there is no doubt that people would complain about government’s aloft behaviors. However,if viewing from a different angle, space exploration is a long time investment. Never should we expect the journey would bring immediate economic returns to the country. In this case, space travel and space exploration is quite helpful for the country. To begin with, space exploration might bring benefits for us to search for new energy resource. That is to say, other planets may be rich in certain kinds of resources that are in great shortage on the earth. According to the report released after the exploration to the Mars, the officials from NASA confirms that Mars contains a great volume of natural gas and iron. Moreover, engineers have also noticed that these resources on the planet are able to explore, and if they could solve the problem of long time transportation, these resources could be used on the earth. Consequently, the use of natural gas will not consume burning of petroleum and make our planet a better place to live in. In addition, space exploration aims to improve level of technology. In other words, it is the development of advanced technology that makes it possible to explore the outer space. It is usually the case that without the technology of launching satellite into the space, it is impossible for people to conduct research. As a result, scientists have to improved their knowledge in related areas so that they could guarantee the launch of these rockets, as well as satellites. Meanwhile, to ensure astronauts’ safety in the outer space, scientists have to repeated work on their suits in order to keep astronauts away from radioactivity. Also, to fill with enough oxygen, scientists have to run encapsulation tests again and again. Only if these equipment are guaranteed can astronauts be safely working in the outer space. To sum up, the seemly useless space exploration would cost a large sum of money; however, this space activity could still bring benefits in both new energy searching and technology improvement. 雅思大作文范文三: 养宠物能带来哪些益处 The issue whetherkeeping pets could benefit children might trigger intense debate amongindividuals. Some might argue that pets could bring both intangible andtangible advantages to children, citing the reason that pets might help toexplore the meaning of love and responsibility. However, from my perspective, iwould disagree with their statement. First, keepingpets could incur some health problems, because pets are often unhygienic due tothe rather dirty environment where they were born or raised up, which mightlead to the result that pets such as kittens or puppies would carry parasitesand potential virus which threaten the health of children. Cat hairs mightfloat in the air while fleas might originate from puppy heads. Even if the petsare born in hygienic or professional clinics, their instinct nature of playingwild would drive them and the homes to be unclean and insanitary which greatlyharm the healthy growing of children. Furthermore, petsmight interrupt the studies of children, considering the fact that their livelycharacter matches the natural demanding for fun of the children. Running andhiding around the corners in the house, purring and barking for a touch ofcare, dogs and cats would easily draw the attention from their little ownersand disrupt their focus on a specific and difficult mathematical question or aconcentration on the development of a composition idea. To apply the abovepoint further, in a long run, children accompanying their pets would experiencea decline in their academic performance and ruin the prospect of their future. Admittedly,children do learn the meaning of caring and responsibility from their pets dueto the fact that they have to take time everyday to handle the food, water andshelter for their beloved ones. And they could also acquire seemly genuineenjoyment and happiness from playing with their pets. But those enjoyment couldbe attained from other safer and simpler ways, specifically games or arts,other than pets. The mental benefits such as the sense of responsibility andcaring could be narrowed and segmentary because the emotion of animals cannotbe as difficult and sensitive as that of humans. Children might be depressedand desperate when they find they don’t pay off as they give. The world doesnot operate as children do with their pets. In conclusion, keeping pets would not bring as many benefits as we think to children. Instead,it often ends up doing more harms to them. To ensure the healthy development ofchildren, we must not let them have their pets. 以上就是雅思大作文范文三篇的内容,希望对大家有所帮助哦。



Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children.

Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer:

I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.

However, the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children. These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the ‘hero’ of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others.

Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction. Spending time with other children and sharing nonvirtual experiences is an important part of a child's development that cannot be provided by a computer.

In spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. Their adult world will be changing constantly in terms of technology and the Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world today. Therefore it is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives.

I think the main point is to make sure that young children do not overuse computers. Parents must ensure that their children learn to enjoy other kinds of activity and not simply sit at home, learning to live in a virtual world.







Some people feel that certain workers like nurses, doctors and teachers are undervalued and should be paid more, especially when other people like film actors or company bosses are paid huge sums of money that are out of proportion to the importance of the work that they do.

-How far do you agree?

-What criteria should be used to decide how much people are paid?

Model Answer:

Nobody can deny that there are certain professionals like nurses, doctors and teachers who are essential to the fabric of society, and who should therefore be rewarded accordingly. However, this is seldom the case. When we look at the salaries and fees commanded by certain film stars and actresses and people who run large companies, this does not seem fair.

First of all, not all film stars earn huge sums of money. In fact, at any one time in the UK, for example, roughly 80 per cent of actors are out of work and on top of that the number who are paid so-called ‘telephone number fees’ is even smaller. One must also remember that the career of many actors is very short and that therefore the money they earn has to be spread over many years. The same applies to company bosses.

Stating a set of criteria as to how much people should be paid is not easy. The idea of performance-related pay is very much in vogue at the moment. Rewarding people according to qualifications has long been used as a yardstick for paying people, but it is not a consistently good measure. Another is years of relevant experience, but there are many cases where a younger person can perform a task better than someone with lots of experience.

Whatever criteria are used to assess salaries, an on-going cycle will develop. This will create pressure in other areas. This considered, generally I feel that certain key professionals should have their salaries assessed by independent review bodies on an on-going basis so that they do not fall behind.







Cambridge IELTS 13)

The maps illustrate some changes that were made to a city hospital's transport infrastructure between the years 2007 and 2010.

It is noticeable that three main modifications were made to the hospital’s vehicle access. These involved the building of a new bus station, new roundabouts and new parking facilities.

Looking at the changes in more detail, we can see that in 2007 there were three bus stops on either side of Hospital Road. These were no longer present in 2010, and instead we see the addition of a bus station on the west side of Hospital Road. This bus station is accessed via two new roundabouts; the first roundabout is at the intersection of City Road and Hospital Road, while the second is at the other end of Hospital Road, at the junction with the hospital ring road.

The two maps also show that changes were made to public and staff parking areas. In 2007, staff and visitors used the same car park, which was situated to the east of Hospital Road and accessed via the ring road. However, by 2010 this original car park had become a designated area for staff parking only. A new car park, located on the east side of the ring road, provided parking for members of the public.

Cambridge IELTS 13

雅思小作文雅思写作小作文干货:必写特征数据及小作文常用词提到雅思小作文数据题,很多同学都会不由自主的挠头:“最讨厌数字了,”“我数学不好”,“哪个该写,哪个不该写呢”等等都会成为考生的常见问题。不仅如此,由于考生词汇量的缺乏,小作文数据类词汇也是他们很头疼的事。今天这篇文章会将上面的问题一网打尽,让雅思考生的小作文写作不再难。备考时,面对饼图、柱图、线图等各式各样的数据,学生很容易忙乱,再加上考试时间短(20分钟),更怕写超了(或写不完)。那么,什么样的数据该写呢, 请注意,如果图中出现以下数据,就一定要“交代“。在静态表格图中,极值,等值,倍数关系是必写的,其中极值包括最大值和最小值。在动态图例如折线图,我们必须要写的数值包括:起点,终点及转折点,其中转折点你只需介绍非常明显的转折点即可,否则由于小作文考试时间短,很有可能写不完。在其他动态图如柱图饼图等,请同学们注意,变化趋势是必写的特征数据,当然也是因为时间的关系,只需介绍明显的趋势即可。对于其他数据,只要在时间允许的情况下尽量多介绍就好。谈到了趋势,我们肯定要用到上升,下降等等一系列词汇。那么,这些词在英文中到底该怎么表达呢。接下来我为大家进行了整理,而且都是一些简单又经典的词汇。请注意:每组最多背3个就足够。一、动词,(括号里为过去时)1. 表上升:go up (went up) / increase (increased) / grow (grew) / rise (rose)2. 表下降:decline(declined)/fall(fell)/ drop (dropped)/ decrease (decreased)3. 表波动的动词:fluctuate (fluctuated)4. 表稳定于某一水平(的短语):remain stable at/ remain steady at5.表示经历了某种变化:see (saw)/ witness (witnessed) / experience (experienced)6. 表示到达最高点(的短语):peak at/ reach its peak at7. 表示到达最低点(的短语):reach its lowest point at/ fall to its lowest point at8. 达到/位于:reach/stand at9. 表占多少份额(的动词): account for (accounted for) /represent (represented) /make up (made up)/constitute (constituted)10. 表对将来数字的预测(以被动出现):is expected / is predicted / is projected11. 变成原来两倍或三倍:double/increase twofold, triple二、形容词和副词,括号里为副词1. 表急剧的形容词:sharp (sharply) /rapid (rapidly) /dramatic (dramatically)2. 表持续的形容词:consistent(consistently)3. 表显著:significant(significantly) / considerable (considerably)4. 表很小幅度:slight (slightly)5. 表大约:about / around/ approximately6. 分别: respectively经过了上面的整理,同学们看完后是否就没那么恐惧了呢?小作文写作真的不像大家想象得那么难。接下来就是行动的时间了,小作文和大作文一样,一定要多写多练,实践检验理论嘛。接下来我想说下学生在大作文写作上的问题。中国考生普遍在写作上摒弃不了中国思维,从而写出的文章会有些不太符合外国文章的习惯,这些都很正常,用了十几二十几年的语言已经在我们的头脑中定型,想一下改过来也没那么容易。例如一个学生想表达为了使人们变得更加健康,我们需要改善一些饮食习惯,比如说不吃夜宵,要吃早饭等等,那么他翻译过来的时候就说“don’t eat food at night, and must have breakfast,”这里就不太符合英语的表达习惯,首先,祈使句是不可以用在写作里,而且更地道的表达应该是we should avoid having food at night,所以,就需要同学们在学习中多积累,并逐渐摒弃中文思维。#

雅思写作在雅思备考中是很重要的一部分。如何写好雅思小作文呢?那必须要有好的雅思备考攻略啊!刚好,本文就专门为大家带来五个忠告,针对小作文的,大家可以收藏起来以便随时查看。准备好的雅思备考攻略,才有写好雅思小作文的本事。这里小编告诉带五个忠告,希望你们用心记住。能够为你们的雅思写作带来臂之力。寻觅小作文需要学会去表达的重点见到图形表达题,那么你心中就需要思考这个图形题需要表述的重点在哪里。作答的时候还要先说明再梳理数据。切不可将文章写成种账本式的文字,否则,你就只能得到个很低的分数。二、了解图形的分类规律图形描述题,需要去按照标准图形来分,般可以分为linegraph(curve),barchart,piechart以及table,你可以按照表达的重点来分,般可以分为趋势类和大小类,分类需要依据于题中的时间列表。般来说,出现时间段的图形题都是以描述数据变化趋势为主。三、准备必要的表达方式四、注重连词的使用只有身怀雅思备考攻略,才能够在雅思考中脱颖而出。连词在语句中往往起着承上启下的作用,添加连词,不但可以增加文章的逻辑感,同时还会使得文章更加严谨,同时,文章中连词的使用也是需要去讲究定的形式,这些我们在文章中般称之为形连。五、Integrity and Perfection当这篇文章有了恰当的表达方式,还需要再去进行些细节方面的修饰,添加数据时,形式定要做到整齐划,增加连词的使用,还要去加强文章的严谨度,同时可以采用些多样化的数据添加方式,这样就能够使文章看起来有理有据,中心思想贯穿全文。好了,以上五个忠告,就是告诉大如何去写好雅思小作文,当你们身怀了这些雅思备考攻略,那么小编相信小作文对于你们而言不在话下了。




这个其实问题不大,只要让英国人看出你的写作有逻辑就好了,你倒着写也是一种强逻辑,高分小作文要求要从图表中找出规律和特性,光文字漂亮是没有用的,你是否已经找到小作文中暗藏的特点了呢?找到的话你的Band Score一定不会低!

小作文其实就是图标描述 建议楼主多看看FT中文网上的文章 这里面好多都是描述经济的 文章里面的意思不一定要看懂 主要看里面是怎么样导入数据和时间的 当年考BEC Higher的时候天天看 因为商英高级作文第一部分和雅思是一样的 天天看还是有帮助的 一定要注意句子的多样化 不要单一化 实在不行报个班吧 其实这是我不建议的 楼主多看看范文多写写 肯定能出成绩的 自己不练 报班也是徒劳无益 希望楼主好运哦

2011雅思小作文写作万能模板1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that 、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。)There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: 、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to 、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because ______________. Besides, 、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出_________________________, just like many other things, are preferred by being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that according to the chart```2 the date lead us to the conclusion that```3 the date show```4 the tree diagram reveals how```5 the figures show```6 this is a cure graph which describes the trend of```7 the pie graph depicts```8 the graph provides some interesting date regrarding```9 the table shows the changes in the number of ``` over the periodfrom ```to ```10 as is shown in the table ```11 from the table ,we can clearly see that ```12 this table shows the changing proportion of X and Y from ``` to ````13 the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in```14 as can be seen from the grape ,the two curves show the flutuation of ```15 over the period from ```to ```the```remained in the year between ```and ```.17 in the 3 years spanning from 2005 through the number of ``` remained steady from ```to ````.19 the number sharply went up to ```20 the percentage of ``` stayed the same between ``` and ```21 the percentage remainede steady at```22 the percentage of ```is sightly large than that there is not a great deal of differece between ```and ```24 the graphs show a three fold increase in the number of ```25 ```decreased year by year while ```increased there is an upward trend in the number of ```27 a considerable increase occurred from ```to ```28 from ```to ```the rate of decrease slow from this year on,there was a gradual declinel reduction in the```reaching a figure be similar to ```be the same as31 there are a lot similarities between ```and ```32 the difference between X and Y lies in ```雅思学术性写作考试中Task 1 考查考生解释,说明信息的能力,这些信息通常体现在图解,表格和插图中,这一部分的模式化程度更高一些。下类50个句式是雅思留学类考生需要背诵的最最基础的句子。请同学们自己背诵。在写作小作文的时候,也可以作为参考材料。1. the table illustrates the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。2. the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了...3. the graph provides some interesting data regarding...该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。4. the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了...5. the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了... is a cure graph which describes the trend of...这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。7. the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明...8. the tree diagram reveals how...该树型图向我们揭示了如何...9. the data/statistics show (that)...该数据(字)可以这样理解...10. the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that...这些数据资料令我们得出结论...11. as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table...如图所示...12. according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)...13. as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...14. as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in...从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。15. from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that...从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到...16. this is a graph which illustrates...这个图表向我们展示了...17. this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to...该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。18. the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in...该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势。19. this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了...20. as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of...如图所示,两条曲线描述了...的波动情况。21. over the period from...to...the...remained level.在...至...期间,...基本不变。22. in the year between...and... 在...年到...期间...23. in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998...1995年至1998三年里...24. from then on/from this time onwards... 从那时起...25. the number of...remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year)....月(年)至...月(年)...的数量基本不变。26. the number sharply went up to... 数字急剧上升至...27. the percentage of...stayed the same between...and......至...期间...的比率维持不变。28. the figures peaked at...in(month/year)...的数目在...月(年)达到顶点,为...29. the percentage remained steady at... 比率维持在...30. the percentage of...is slightly larger/smaller than that of......的比例比...的比例略高(低)。31. there is not a great deal of difference between...and......与...的区别不大。32. the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of...该图表表明...的数目增长了三倍。33. ..decreased year by year while...increased steadily....逐年减少,而...逐步上升。……太多啦,你给个邮箱,我发给你吧!


