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By means of integration of theory with practice , Using incentive theory to make a study of incentive mechanism of the employee of medium-sized and small enterprises of our country by which one problem that was brought to the light that medium-sized and small enterprises of China has an one universially-existed high employee turnover rate and can not retain the talents with the little euthusiasm to be possessed by the employees.

In the development of network information technology education today, technology and curriculum integration are involved in actual teaching, but under the network environment, system integration may not have the more effective application. Education and curriculum integration technology, the purpose is to cultivate the information literacy of teaching, to make into students in the process of knowledge, skills, and mastering information acquisition method. In this paper is the guiding thought of education, from the understanding and curriculum integration technology, illustrates the significance of integration. Through the analysis of the characteristics of network series under the network environment, and probes into the education and curriculum integration technology in actual teaching several advantages. Then in the education idea, with the combination of modern reference, this paper puts forward relevant documents under the network environment, the integration model of several principles, and introduced a kind of the author thinks more effective integration model of a kind of open mode, as integration -- the actual development and use for reference. Finally, how to effectively organized under the environment of network integration course puts forward some matters needing attention.


With the further deepening of economic globalization, the global economy has gradually become an integral whole, As the largest developing country in the global economy play an increasingly important role, but in China's eastern coastal Wenzhou in China status is important, as one of four pillar industries Wenzhou glasses industry, in 2008 the world financial crisis, the industry has influence on economic growth. This article focuses on the rapidly changing face of the optical industry in Wenzhou international economic environment facing development bottlenecks, and analyze the reasons, discussed the countermeasures,Take this opportunity to Wenzhou in the optical industry to keep up the pace, and further development and growth, standing in the forest of the world economy.

Abstract: In view of the current labor contracts and termination of the lifting of the different interpretations. In this paper, a unilateral lifting of workers to the labor contract, it should be how to properly exercise their rights, the labor contract after the lifting of how the confidentiality obligations, and between employers and leave behind, as well as how to deal with issues related to access to file proof of workers in the labor contract is the lifting of must face the question of the future.

Ayalysis of the influence of RMB appreciation on the trade Abstract: On July 21th ,2005,our country reformed the mechanism for setting the renminbi exchange it ,the renminbi continues the gradual appreciation .Due to the charastistics of our exports to America's poliacy ,the moderate appreciation of renmibi 's effect on the amount of import and export trade wil be term ,the RMB appreciation will put pressure on our export companies ,to promote their technology innovation ,thus promote the sino-us trade stucture promotion .Combined with price elasticity and the market competition ,this essay come to a conclusion that RMB appreciation improves the price terms and dual-factor trade terms for China's trade to . Finally, it is emphasised that RMB appreciation must be within a small range and be carried on gradually. Active measures shoud be taken to ease pressures on RMB appreciation and handle the risks involved in RMB currency rate changes.

Be aimed at make of at present different to labour contract uncaging and termination. The main body of a book ask folk prescription to relieve a labour contract with labourer, naturally how rightness exercises of rights , the labour contract relieves problem must be confronted with as how the queen guarding dense duty bearing it, and that the queen between servant unit loses getting how item handles as well as the relevance testifies archives being that labourer relieves a hereafter in the labour contract.标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、




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This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.



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你好!翻译大部分为:ABSTRACT: With the improvement of people's living standards and material conditions, children's body shape is quite different from before. On the other hand, China has a vast territory. Influenced by climate conditions, economic development and other factors, children's body types in different regions are also different. The change of children's body shape has a great impact on children's wear enterprises. At present, the current implementation standards of children's wear size can not meet the current children's wear market, which brings great difficulties to the production and sale of children's wear enterprises and the choice of contact anthropometric method was used to measure 18 parts of a total of 101 children aged 3 to 6 years old in a randomly selected kindergarten in Zhengzhou. The mathematical analysis software spss was used to descriptively analyze the measured human data.

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