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Differences Between Chinese Marriage Custom and Western Marriage Custom 中西方婚俗的差异AbstractThere are many procedures in Chinese marriage custom. The book propriety and ceremony, which records earliest wedding ceremony, says that marriage includes six etiquettes, namely, proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal presents to the girl's family, discussing the date of marriage and meeting the bride. In western marriage, there are four procedures. They are proposal, changing surnames, choosing the day and holding the wedding. As the different religions, cultural origins, marriage concepts and geographies, there are many differences existing in the two kinds of marriage customs. In Chinese marriage custom, the matchmaker functions almost all the time and youths have no right to choose and women are not on an equal footing with men. By contrast, in western marriage custom, the priest functions and the youths have legal right to choose whom they want to marry and men and women are equal. There also exist common things in the two sides. They have been maintained for thousands of years. But in recent years (especially after the founding of modern China), people have tended to discard some of the details and advocate simplified marriage procedures and wedding WordsMarriage custom; differences; reasons摘 要中国婚俗有着许多的仪式。最早记载婚礼习俗的《仪礼》云:“婚有六礼,纳采、问名、 纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。”而在西方国家主要有4个程序,即建议,改姓,选期和举行婚礼。由于宗教、文化根源、婚姻观念以及地理环境的不同在一定程度上导致了中西方婚俗的不同。在中国婚俗中,媒人起着决定性的作用,而作为婚姻当事人的青年男女却没有选择的自由和权力,而且男女在婚姻中的不平等现象也屡有出现。 在西方,是牧师在婚姻中起作用,并且青年男女有合法的权力去选择自己的夫婿或妻子。当然中西方的婚俗也存在相同的地方。它们存在了上千年之久。近年来(特别是新中国成立之后),中西结合的婚姻屡有出现。关键词婚俗;差异;原因IntroductionMarriage is formed in a long historical evolution of the marriage custom in a nation. It is the regularity of the activities that restrains people's awareness of marriage and marriage. Marriage custom’s binding does not depend on the law, and it can not rely on science tests neither, but on the force of habit, traditional culture and national psychology. During the development of human history, the institution of marriage and family system has experienced different processes of development. Human have experienced group marriage, the dual system of marriage and individual marriage system (monogamy).As a union of a man and a woman and a family formation stage, marriage includes not only marriage, but also the preparation phase for the marriage and the performance stage after the festivities. It runs through the whole process of life. These customs, as a national symbol and cultural development, plays a very important role in ethnic studies and the history of is a country with an ancient civilization and a long history, and many customs. Among so many customs, there is a particular marriage custom. This custom goes through various and long stages of development from ancient simple wedding ceremony to later complex ceremony, from feudal marriage custom to the modern free marriage custom. During these courses, people’s ideas are progressing, though we can not say that their ideas are up to the top of mankind’s ideas in all over the world at all over the time because there are still backward ideas existing in many places, in many people’s mind and they maybe will still exist for a long time. However, they are up to the top of mankind’s ideas in a certain stage of the uninterrupted development of civilization is the base of western culture. Britain plays an important role in western history and western culture, and of course marriage with each other, they are different in many aspects such as in right aspect and in freedom aspect and there are many reasons that result in these differences such as cultural reason and geographical reason. I. Chinese Marriage CustomLike other folk, marriage custom has the same development and evolving process. In the early days of humanity, the human relationship in a very long period of time still carried the irregular relations like the animal world. There was no marriage at all, if suggest some, the only "arbitrary marriage." In China, marriage has gone through for a long time. As a most grand etiquette, it has always been a high degree of attention. To control the marriage, the family and the whole society, since the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, Chinese marriage should comply with six procedures, which is the so-called "six etiquettes." And Later in Tang and Ming Dynasty in China, marriage also complied with the "six etiquettes". As time goes by, although many wedding customs experienced various changes "Six etiquettes" as the basic pattern has not changed much. It is still essential and core in marriage has changed much today, but in many places, there still remains traditional marriage feudal society, a marriage would be decided not by the youths’ love, but by their parents' desires. Only after a matchmaker's introduction and when parents considered the two family conditions were similar and could be matched, would the marriage procedures went forward. Conditions that should be taken into consideration included wealth and social status. If a boy's family was well-off or an official family, his parents would never permit him to marry a girl from a poor family. Essential to the marriage process were the commonly recognized 'three Letters and six etiquettes'. The three letters were the betrothal letter, the gift letter with a gifts list and the wedding letter used on the day the bridegroom met his bride at her home. The book propriety and ceremony, which records earliest wedding ceremony, says that marriage, usually, involves six necessary procedures, namely, proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal present to girl's family, discussing date of marriage and meeting the . Proposing:Proposing is the first etiquette in marriage and is the first meet between the members in the two families. Thus, it is very important. Using a common expression, it is making an offer of marriage to another family on behalf of the son or the parents thought that the girl could be the daughter-in-law in old times, they would ask a matchmaker for sending the gifts and bring the son and the girl together. If the girl’s parents also agreed on the marriage, they would accept the gifts. People usually used a wild goose when sending the gifts. Because the wild gooses could fly to the south or the north according to the seasons and they would never change it which implied the woman would be punctual and also because when the wild gooses flied they were in a row and when they stopped they were in a line which implied that woman should comply with the marriage rules and arrange in order that one should not breach . Asking the NameIt aims to ask for girl’s name and ancient times the girl’s name would not be known by other people until the girl was in an age of marriage. First, one must have the matchmaker and inform of the man’s family through a card. And the man’s family would lastly receipt for postal remittance. Thus it can be seen that “asking the name” not only meant that the man’s family wanted to know the girl’s name, but also wrote down the woman’s birthday and Eight-characters (in four pairs denoting the time, date, month and year of a person’s birth, each pair consisting of one Heavenly Stem and one Earthly Branch, used in fortune-telling). If the birthday and Eight-characters were not harm the man, the man’s family would lastly receipt for postal remittance. Sometimes the woman’s parents also wrote down the official position of the woman’s great-grandpa, grandpa and father and the dowry that could be supplied. What’s interesting is that during this progress it was the matchmaker that functioned, not the man’s family or the woman’s family. Matchmaker was also important in the other procedures. In traditional Chinese marriage, people believed “behest of the parents and proposal of a matchmaker”. That’s why many marriages in the past were arranged by parents and matchmakers. Matchmaker’s proposal was the marriage’s valid basis in Tang has been simplified today. Many marriage does not need this . Asking for Fortune After asking the name, the bridegroom’s side had got the woman’s birthday and Eight-Characters and they went to consult a fortune-teller then which was called “asking for fortune”. It included two aspects of contents. One was consult the female virtues. Ancient people regarded female virtues as the most important one in the gospel of three obedience that were obedience to one’s father before marriage, to one’s husband after marriage, and to one’s son after one’s husband’s death and four virtues that was morality, proper speech, modest manner, and diligent work for a woman according to Confucian lichun, Zhuge Liang’s wife (Zhuge Liang was a statesman and strategist in the period of the Three Kingdoms, now a symbol of wisdom in Chinese folklore) was famous for her ugliness, wisdom and high female virtues. A man in old times always had many wives. In order to solidifying and stead in the family, people paid much attention to female virtues. Hence there was the saw “Marry wife is marrying virtues and take a concubine is marrying appearance”.The other one was consult good or bad luck. If they were not fit for each other in Eight-Characters according to the birthday and what’s more, the woman would harm the man, the result was that this marriage would not be held and would be cancelled. If the result was fit for each other and moreover the woman would make the man prosperous, the man’s side would inform the woman’s side through the matchmaker and send the betrothal gifts and exchange cards. Thus the marriage was actually decided to be . Sending Betrothal Presents to the Girl’s FamilyThe book propriety and ceremony wrote by the scholars in Han dynasty regards it as sending money. If there is no receipt of gifts, there is no marriage. Hence whether receipt the gifts or not is the implication of the agreement of the marriage by the woman’s significance of it includes two aspects of meaning. One is the thanks for the woman’s parents because the parents feed up her. The other is help the woman’s family prepare for . Discussing the Date of MarriageIn the past, the bridegroom’s side decided the lucky day and sent the matchmaker to inform of the woman’s family. People paid much attention to the marriage time. They usually had a person looked at the almanac or asked for fortune. They liked having marriage in spring or autumn because spring was the time that everything comes back to life and time when spring was changing into summer and was favor to pregnant with new life; autumn was the season of harvest. After the labor for a year, people had enough money to hold the , it is also an important event. People pay many attentions to . Meeting the BrideThe marriage is finally held after the five procedures. In the past, the bridegroom wore wedding suit, riding on a horse, and guided the bridal sedan chair to marry the bride on the day. And the bride wore a red cheongsam waiting for the bridegroom. Now, the bridegroom wares western suit, and the bride wares wedding dress and usually in a car.待续

西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从开始到结束到充满了浪漫气息。新娘的礼服一般为白色,新郎是黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃.到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先,随着婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。而新娘手中的花球也不是一般的装饰用品.在婚礼结束时,新娘就会抛给到场的女宾客,如果谁接到花球,谁就是下一个结婚的人,这就使整个婚礼在欢声笑语中结束了。二.西方人结婚时的很多习俗都是大家所熟悉的,婚庆场面既欢快热闹,又美丽浪漫。由于中国的不断开放和东西方文化交流,我国的婚俗不少方面也在受其影响,例如穿婚纱、戴钻戒等等已经成为都市婚礼不可或缺的重要内容。然而究其渊源和象征意义,并不是所有人都很清楚的。下面就简要介绍一下一些西方婚礼用品和名词的来历和含义。 三.比如以浪漫著称的法国就被称为白色婚姻,白色是浪漫的法国婚礼的住色调;在菲律宾,观礼的嘉宾会轮流与新郎跳舞,并把金钱钉在他们的衣服上,有时后候双方亲戚朋友还会比赛哪方得到的金钱多。韩国的婚礼服装也挺有特色,值得一提――“两点”,新娘韩国新郎会穿上大礼服,新娘的嫁衣则是七彩的丝织服,配以长袖子和黑丝顶冠,这以阿拉伯的婚礼服装我认为是挺相似的,因为阿拉伯的新娘会穿着华丽的土耳其长袖袍子,不同的是视礼的女士会依习俗为新娘出嫁而恸哭,所以阿拉伯的婚礼又称为“恸哭”,当然这与我所谈论的服装无关。 四.而西方的婚礼风俗则是浪漫式的,婚礼重在礼而不在乎排场。婚前礼节也没那么复杂。一切都爱轻松自在的气氛下进行。而结婚在西方国家也是各国有各国的独特的方式。如:法国的白色为婚礼的主色调。无论是布置用的鲜花,还是新娘的服饰。可以看出法国人眼中的婚姻应该是纯洁无暇的,而新人用的杯子,也有特定的名称,名为“Coupdemarriage”,意思为“婚礼之杯”。而德国人的“疯狂”与德国人一直崇高的理智与冷静不同。他们的婚礼更多呈现出疯狂的一面。德国人在婚礼中会举行party(派队),派对中,新人会被戏弄。这类似于我们中国的“闹洞房”,其中重头节目就是兴高采烈地将碟子掷碎……西方给东方人带来的最亮点大概就是举行教 回答者:anonymous首先,是在传统结婚仪式上面。中国的传统婚俗有三书六礼”三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。(聘书订亲之书,男女双方正式缔结婚约。纳吉(过文定)时用。 礼书过礼之书,即礼物清单,详尽列明礼物种类及数量。纳征(过大礼)时用。 迎亲书迎娶新娘之书。结婚当日(亲迎)接新娘过门时用。)而六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。(纳采古时婚礼之首,属意女方时,延请媒人作谋,谓之纳采,今称「提亲」。 问名男方探问女方之姓名及生日时辰,以卜吉兆,谓之问名,今称「合八字」。 纳吉问名若属吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,谓之纳吉,今称「过文定」或「小定」。 纳征奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等, 回答者: 缚灵


研究中西方婚俗文化的重要性或者意义是什么?文化是人们经历一代又一代的学习、积累而形成的物质和非物质财富的总和,包括信仰、价值观、风俗、社会体系等。不同历史、不同环境中的民族都有各具特色的文化。 婚礼一直以来被看做是见证男女之间爱情的一种方式,是婚姻最充分的阐释,是每一对新人最难忘的甜蜜回忆。受不同文化和地域的影响,随着时间的推移,中西方形成了各具特色的婚俗文化。 随着社会经济的全球化以及国与国之间的文化交流日益频繁,中国逐渐被世界所了解,同时也经受着外来文化的冲击,其中就包括外来婚俗文化对中国的影响。



提到婚礼(wedding ceremony),我们就容易想到新娘的服饰(wedding dress)、婚纱 (wedding veil)、新郎抱新娘过门槛(carrying the bride over the threshold),结婚戒指(wedding ring)都是戴在左手的无名指上,新娘拿花、新娘站在新郎的左边等习俗,可是你了解这些习俗的起源吗?新娘服饰的习俗可追溯到维多利亚时代 (Victorian Times),结婚时新娘穿的服饰与“某种旧的、新的、借来的和白色的东西”有关。因为旧的东西与新娘家族和她以往生活有联系。新的东西代表新娘未来的幸福新生活中能有好运和成功(good fortune and success)。结婚时穿戴借的东西能给婚姻带来好运,这可以是一件婚礼服、一块手帕、一件首饰。白色的东西被认为是纯洁和忠贞的象征。关于新娘披婚纱的习俗有两种解释。一是在包办婚姻的时代,新郎在婚礼上正式娶新娘前,新娘的脸都要盖起来,这样,等新郎看清新娘时,即使不喜欢她的容貌,也为时已晚了。另一种解释是,新娘佩带婚纱是为了在婚礼那天不被在空中游荡的邪恶鬼魂伤害。新郎抱新娘过门槛的习俗则源于罗马时代。那时的人们认为,如果新娘第一天进新家门槛时绊脚的话,将会带来厄运,把新娘抱过门槛就能避免此类事情的发生。结婚戴戒指的习俗,一般认为始于17世纪。在那时的婚礼上,牧师按顺序从左手食指摸起,边摸边说:“以圣父、圣子、圣灵的名义……(in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit)”,刚好摸到无名指。新娘拿花(carrying flowers)的习惯起源于古时。人们觉得香味浓郁的花草或香料可以驱除邪恶的鬼魂、厄运和疾病。到了维多利亚时代,当情人们通过互送鲜花来传达各自不同的情意时,花便有了更多的含义。如苹果花(apple blossom)代表“好事的到来(better things to come)”;红色的玫瑰代表“我爱你”;白色的玫瑰代表“纯洁”;勿忘我(forget-me-not)是“真挚的爱情和记忆(true love and remembrance)”。至于新娘站在新郎左边则是很有趣的说法。古时候抢婚成风,新郎用左手护住未来的新娘的同时,还必须腾出右手,用剑打败并赶走其他想抢她为妻的人。虽然今天人们对这些习俗习以为常,但了解这些古老的文化传统是很有意思的。西方婚礼仪式之后看西方电影的婚礼镜头时,总对婚礼过后那对新人穿过林荫丛,坐进敞蓬小车双双绝尘而去的镜头羡墓不已。最近看到一篇文章,才知道其中留下的还有很多讲究。在仪式结束时,牧师祝贺新婚夫妇。管风琴开始演奏退场音乐。新娘从伴娘手中拿过花束。如果戴着面纱,此时应该打开。如果作过决定,新娘和新郎接吻。新娘右手拿鲜花,和新郎转过身来。或者新娘的左手穿过新郎的右臂,或者手挽手,二人走下台阶。花童和托戒指的男孩,伴娘和伴郎一起走。然后,傧相和引导随后,两人一对。如果在冬天,仪式前,引导或伴郎会在更衣室为新郎穿上外衣,这样一来就不必在仪式结束后去取衣服。在大门口,已经有人为新娘准备好外衣。尽管进入时是单独走,出来时傧相可以和引导两人一起走。这具有象征意义,有效仿新娘,新郎来时单独来,走时一起走的意思。在仪式其间,一直呆在教堂后面的摄影师,此时可以在两位新人沿通道返回时,拍下这对幸福的人。汽车等在入口处。如果迎宾队列在招待会会上组成,此时伴郎可以帮助新婚夫妇坐进新娘的汽车。这辆车先走,然后是傧相的,然后是新娘父母的,然后是新郎父母的。如果没有租高级大轿车,伴郎将担任新婚夫妇的司机。话题先回到教堂里,退场式一结束,两名引导就回去,首先是新娘的母亲,然后是新郎的母亲到门口。如果新娘和新郎的母亲更愿意和他们的丈夫一起走,他们可以这样做,跟随着前来陪同她们的引导一起出门。大多数人婚礼上,只有两位新人母亲由引导陪同。而她们的丈夫则由其他女人的陪同和他们一起出门。在预留长凳上的其他人自己走。按从前排到后排的顺序。当丝带撤走,示意可以离开座位时,客人可以离开,前面和后面的客人可以一起走,如果还没有支付牧师费用,此时伴郎可以赶回礼拜室做完这件事。陪同新婚夫妇的父母离开,撤走丝带,引导们就可以离开,赶往招待会,为摄影帮忙。他们的小汽车或交通工具应当停在方便的地方,以免被离开的客人堵住。 (以上来自百度。)







西方婚礼文化,提到婚礼(wedding ceremony),我们就容易想到新娘的服饰(wedding dress)、婚纱 (wedding veil)、新郎抱新娘过门槛(carrying the bride over the threshold),结婚戒指(wedding ring)都是戴在左手的无名指上,新娘拿花、新娘站在新郎的左边等习俗。新娘服饰的习俗可追溯到维多利亚时代 (Victorian Times),结婚时新娘穿的服饰与“某种旧的、新的、借来的和白色的东西”有关。因为旧的东西与新娘家族和她以往生活有联系。新的东西代表新娘未来的幸福新生活中能有好运和成功(good fortune and success)。结婚时穿戴借的东西能给婚姻带来好运,这可以是一件婚礼服、一块手帕、一件首饰。白色的东西被认为是纯洁和忠贞的象征。关于新娘披婚纱的习俗有两种解释。一是在包办婚姻的时代,新郎在婚礼上正式娶新娘前,新娘的脸都要盖起来,这样,等新郎看清新娘时,即使不喜欢她的容貌,也为时已晚了。另一种解释是,新娘佩带婚纱是为了在婚礼那天不被在空中游荡的邪恶鬼魂伤害。新郎抱新娘过门槛的习俗则源于罗马时代。那时的人们认为,如果新娘第一天进新家门槛时绊脚的话,将会带来厄运,把新娘抱过门槛就能避免此类事情的发生。结婚戴戒指的习俗,一般认为始于17世纪。在那时的婚礼上,牧师按顺序从左手食指摸起,边摸边说:“以圣父、圣子、圣灵的名义……(in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit)”,刚好摸到无名指。新娘拿花(carrying flowers)的习惯起源于古时。人们觉得香味浓郁的花草或香料可以驱除邪恶的鬼魂、厄运和疾病。到了维多利亚时代,当情人们通过互送鲜花来传达各自不同的情意时,花便有了更多的含义。如苹果花(apple blossom)代表“好事的到来(better things to come)”;红色的玫瑰代表“我爱你”;白色的玫瑰代表“纯洁”;勿忘我(forget-me-not)是“真挚的爱情和记忆(true love and remembrance)”。至于新娘站在新郎左边则是很有趣的说法。古时候抢婚成风,新郎用左手护住未来的新娘的同时,还必须腾出右手,用剑打败并赶走其他想抢她为妻的人。中西方婚礼文化差异摘要:婚礼作为文化的一个有机组成部分,也是一个人一生中最为重要的仪式之一,它在中西方不同文化熏陶下也逐渐的呈现出了不同的婚俗习惯,因而这些差异也明显的体现着中西方文化的不同。本文旨在对中西方婚礼的地点、着装、礼仪、婚宴的差异进行比较。关键词:婚礼文化地点着装婚俗内涵 婚礼,是一个温暖的词汇,它开启了情侣通往幸福婚姻的一扇门,执子之手与子偕老的佳话从此刻被书写。伴随婚礼的是各样多彩的婚庆习俗,这是由于不同的文化背景造成的。现在就让我们一起来探究一下中西方文化的差异。(一) 中西方婚礼地点差异作为人们一生最重要的日子之一,作为一对幸福恋人新的起点,中国人的婚礼是隆重热闹的。古代的时候,人们会在自己家里或是酒楼里摆上酒席以宴请亲朋好友作为新人的见证。在当代中国,新人一般会邀请亲朋好友去酒店或是宾馆。会在酒店宾馆里将排场弄得很大,突显婚礼隆重、热闹的特点。而在西方,人们的婚礼一般是在教堂或者是其他比较安静的地方举行,井井有条,不像中国婚礼般热闹。西方的婚礼突出庄重和圣洁,追求浪漫与实在的结合。(二) 中西方婚礼着装差异中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘具着红色的礼服。中国人的婚礼离不开红色,习惯以鲜艳的颜色来烘托气氛。因此,历朝女式婚服颜色为大红色已成了定制,以示喜庆,衬托新人,预示未来生活蒸蒸日上,幸福美满。 新娘礼服为广袖对襟翟衣,头戴珠凤冠。值得说明的是,翟衣上面的图案很有讲究。对襟本身就有完整的对称感,且在中国文化里本身就代表合称、合美的意思,而上面密布的左右对称且成双成对的锦鸡图案,则象征着中国传统文化里夫妻生活的和美、和乐。 一般新娘在婚礼当天高挽发髻,区别于未婚女子。而在婚礼当天,新娘子以红色头盖蒙面,象征着童贞、年轻、纯洁。结婚后由新郎亲手揭开。而西方的新娘则穿白色的礼服。自罗马时代开始,白色象征欢庆。1850年到1900年之间,白色亦是富贵的象征。到了本世纪初,白色所代表的纯洁意义更远超其他。西方认为白色与童贞有关。古罗马的新娘穿着白色的婚纱,蒙着鲜橙黄色的面纱,象征着激情的火焰。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐;其他一些地区,白色在他们的婚礼和葬礼里指示各种各样的通路典礼和意义在维多利亚女王时代,大多数的新娘只能穿传统的国家服装,只有上层阶级才能穿代表权力和身份的白色婚纱。一直到近代,贵族阶级的特权消失以后,白色的婚纱才成为普通新娘的礼服。(三) 中西方文化婚俗差异中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓“三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀、痰盂、尺、片糖、银包皮带、花瓶、铜盆及鞋、龙凤被、床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗、七十二套衣服,用扁柏、莲子、龙眼及利是伴着(丰衣足食)等物,每样物品都有其不同的含义。同时,在婚礼进行时也有一定的顺序,按一般的情况,在整个婚礼过程中有:祭祖、出发、燃炮、等待新郎、讨喜、拜别、出门、礼车、掷扇、燃炮、摸橘子、牵新娘、喜宴、送客、闹洞房、三朝回门。由此可以见到我国文化的繁琐,但不要以为繁琐是我国婚礼的特有特征,其实,不同国家虽然有不同的婚俗,但从繁复的细节与用品的喻意,都可见对婚姻的尊重和期许无分国界。在西方国家中,婚礼时有旧、新、借、蓝等习俗。旧是指母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切;新是指朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活;借是指可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运;蓝是指新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。而在进行婚礼时,西方亦有大量的习俗。比如,在结婚时新娘总要带着一方手帕,西方人认为白手帕象征好运。根据民俗说法,农夫认为新娘在磨擦婚当天所流下的泪能使天降甘露,滋润家作物。后来,新娘在新婚汉天流泪,就变成她将有幸福婚姻的好兆头。而在婚礼典礼时,新娘总是站在新郎的左边,据说,古时候,盎格鲁撒克逊的新郎必须保护新娘子免得被别人抢走。在结婚典礼时,新郎让新娘站在自己左边,一旦情敌出现,就可以立即挥出配带于右边的剑,吓退敌人。在进行结婚晚宴时,要特别定制结婚蛋糕,根据历史记载,自罗马时代开始,婚礼结束时,人们会在新娘头上折断一条面包的材料----小麦象征生育能力,面包屑则代表着幸运。新人必须以糖霜,就形成今天的结婚蛋糕了。由此可见,西方的婚俗并不比中方简洁。(四) 中西方婚礼内涵差异 著名民俗学家高巍认为,传统婚姻的很多仪式中都体现了中国向往“天地人和谐”的哲学,以及人们祈福迎祥的文化心理事。因为传统意义上的婚姻不仅仅关系到结婚的双方当事人,而是两个家族和全社会的。需要通过一系列仪式反映婚姻庄重,引起当事人和亲属朋友对婚姻本身的重视。其背后蕴含着对天地人融合的观念。请亲友来证明婚姻本身的正式和庄重,不是随意的,这和重视人与人的和谐结合在一起。由于婚姻的产生,使得二人的家庭形成姻亲关系。仪式可以体现家长在家庭中的地位。仪式结束时,新郎新娘要把敬神的钱粮和裱文都要放到钱粮盆中拿到院里焚化。随着火焰、纸灰升腾,此时鞭炮齐鸣,锣鼓喧天,表示已经得到了“天”的认可。国人敬天,这和农业社会生产水平有关。当时必须以家族为纽带,和自然形成共同生活的原则。因此只有天人合一、和谐关系,人才能够丰衣足食。再比如,传统婚礼中有很多装饰性的器物,以及语言禁忌、参与人的禁忌。像喜娘伴郎不能由鳏寡孤独者担任。这并不像庸俗化解释中说的那样是担心“不吉利”影响新人,而是因为在传统观念中,鳏寡孤独恰恰表现了一种不和谐,不圆满,和仪式中象天地祈福的初衷是相反的。因此有了这样的禁忌。传统婚礼中多用的乐器也反映了“和谐”的思想,以及对“天”的重视。锣鼓、唢呐、笙都是以响声明亮为主的,婚礼上的音乐也不是文人的自娱自乐,而是要表达人的声音,声音大才能让“天”知道,同时反映婚姻本身的隆重。参与者在四面大鼓,两面开道锣的巨大声响中能够感受到灵魂的净化作用。人在天地间生活,要与天地和谐,也要与人和谐。中国人的祈福迎祥,也就是这样一种社会文化心理的反映。而在西方是神前的婚礼。神的认知和庇护下求得永恒,并依照上帝的约定尊崇教义对婚姻的理解和规定。延伸到承诺和彼此生命赋予对方的神圣。宗教对人们心灵的掌控根深蒂固,信奉宗教的人们不容易对各种教义规定的教条敢于反叛和摒弃,特别是关于对婚姻的界定和教义阐述让信教的男女惟命是从,不敢越雷池半步,因为不止有教会家庭对他们的约束更有来自于心灵深处对神上帝的敬畏。从新郎新娘在婚礼上的教义讲解和誓词中都能找到佐证。婚姻是一种盟约,盟约又意味着一种结合,圣经说“因此,人要离开父母与妻子连合,二人成为一体”.耶稣也教导我们“夫妻不再是两个人,乃是一体的了,所以神所配合的,人不可分开”。


中西方结婚习俗对比与结合!自从汉武帝“废黜百家,独尊儒术”之后,世人的婚姻越来越重礼轻爱。为了促进社会的稳定,防止有人钻墙窥隙做出苟且的事,儒家特别提倡礼法制度,规定只有举行正式仪式的婚姻才被社会和家庭认可。所谓“婚姻之道,谓嫁娶之礼。”婚姻礼仪包括议婚、订婚和结婚等全部过程的礼仪程式,主要分为“成妻之礼”和“成妇之礼”。“成妻之礼”分为“六礼”,即纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期和亲迎。 “成妇之礼”即拜见公婆、拜谒祖庙。婚姻大事草率不得,当事人是没有自主权的,而是由媒人与父母参预或作主~中国婚礼的产生中西婚礼文化比较自古以来,婚姻是人伦之首,更重要的是人们可以透过纷繁绚丽的婚俗,更清楚地认识人类社会历史,探索人类社会发展的基本规律。随着中国加入WTO,中国和西方国家间的经济、文化交流日渐频繁,中国和西方国家人民之间的合作和往来与日俱增,这种要求更显迫切。而对西方国家文化、风俗习惯的了解仅限于课堂是远远不够的,因此开展对西方国家文化、风俗习惯的研究,所以我们选择此课题作为研究对象。几乎在每一种社会文化中,都有举办婚礼的习俗。人类似乎天生就有这么一种需要:用婚礼将丈夫和妻子之间的关系公开确定下来。但是,婚礼的形式却随着人类社会的进展不断地发生着变化,不过万变不离其宗,所有婚礼习俗中都设计了一些颇有难度的环节。西方在19世纪以前,少女们出嫁时所穿的新娘礼服没有统一颜色规格,直到1820年前后,白色才逐渐成为婚礼上广为人用的礼服颜色。这是因为英国的维多利亚女王在婚礼上穿了一身洁白雅致的婚纱。从此,白色婚纱便成为一种正式的结婚礼服。中西文化的差异表现在很多的方面,婚礼是其一。这主要是来自与中西不同的文化背景和历史背景,在不同的思想和风俗的作用下,慢慢演化而成的。但不论在哪个国家,婚礼都充满了祝福和笑声

首先,是在传统结婚仪式上面。中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓“三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。(聘书:订亲之书,男女双方正式缔结婚约。纳吉(过文定)时用。 礼书:过礼之书,即礼物清单,详尽列明礼物种类及数量。纳征(过大礼)时用。 迎亲书:迎娶新娘之书。结婚当日(亲迎)接新娘过门时用。)而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。(纳采:古时婚礼之首,属意女方时,延请媒人作谋,谓之纳采,今称「提亲」。 问名:男方探问女方之姓名及生日时辰,以卜吉兆,谓之问名,今称「合八字」。 纳吉:问名若属吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,谓之纳吉,今称「过文定」或「小定」。 纳征:奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等,即正式送聘礼,谓纳征,今称「过大礼」。 请期:由男家请算命先生择日,谓之请期,又称「乞日」、今称 「择日」。 亲迎:新郎乘礼车,赴女家迎接新娘,谓之亲迎。)而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀(蝴蝶双飞)、痰盂(子孙桶)、尺(良田万顷)、片糖(甜甜蜜蜜)、银包皮带(腰缠万贯)、花瓶(花开富贵)、铜盆及鞋(同偕到老)、龙凤被、床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗(有衣食)、七十二套衣服,用扁柏、莲子、龙眼及利是伴着(丰衣足食)等物,每样物品都有其不同的含义。同时,在婚礼进行时也有一定的顺序,按一般的情况,在整个婚礼过程中有:祭祖(男方在出门迎娶新娘之前,先祭拜祖先。)、出发(迎亲车队以双数为佳。)、燃炮(迎亲礼车行列在途中,应一路燃放鞭炮以示庆贺。)、等待新郎(礼车至女方家时,会有一男童侍持茶盘等候新郎,新郎下车后,应赏男孩红包答礼,再进入女方家。)、讨喜(新郎应持捧花给房中待嫁之新娘,此时,新娘之闺中密友要拦住新郎,不准其见到新娘,女方可提出条件要新郎答应,通过后才得进入。)、拜别(新人上香祭祖,新娘应叩拜父母道别,并由父亲盖上头纱,而新郎仅鞠躬行礼即可。)、出门(新娘应由福高德劭女性长辈持竹筛或黑伞护其走至礼车,因为新娘子在结婚当天的地位比谁都大,因此不得与天争大。)、礼车( 在新娘上礼车后,车开动不久,女方家长应将一碗清水、白米撒在车后,代表女儿已是泼出去的水,以后的一切再也不予过问,并祝女儿事事有成,有吃有穿。)、掷扇(礼车起动后,新娘应将扇子丢到窗外,意谓不将坏性子带到婆家去,扇子由新娘的兄弟拾回,掷扇后必须哭几声,且在礼车之后盖「竹筛」以象征繁荣。)、燃炮(由女方家至男方家的途中,同样要一路燃放礼炮。)、摸橘子(迎新车队到达新郎家时,由一位拿着橘子或苹果的小孩来迎接新人,新娘要轻摸一下橘子,并赠红包答礼。这两个橘子要放到晚上,让新娘亲自剥皮,意谓招来「长寿」。)、牵新娘(新娘由礼车走出时,应由男方一位有福气之长辈持竹筛顶在新娘头上,并扶新娘进入大厅。进门时,新人绝不可踩门槛,而应横跨过去。)、喜宴(时下颇流行中西合壁式的婚礼,大都在晚上宴请客人同时举行观礼仪式,在喜宴上,新娘可褪去新娘礼服,换上晚礼服向各桌一一敬酒。)、送客(喜宴完毕后,新人立于家门口送客,须端着盛香烟、喜糖之茶盘。)、闹洞房(新人被整之灾情大小,端视新人是否曾在其他的婚礼上戏弄别人,或平素待人够不够忠厚等。)、三朝回门(在婚后第三天,新妇由夫婿陪同下,带备烧猪及礼品回娘家 祭祖,甚至小住一段日子,然后再随夫婿回家。)。有此可以见到我国文化的繁琐,但不要以为繁琐是我国婚礼的特有特征,其实,不同国家虽然有不同的婚俗,但从繁复的细节与用品的喻意,都可见对婚姻的尊重和期许无分国界。在西方国家中,婚礼时有旧(Something Old)、新(Something New)、借(Something Borrowed)、蓝(Something Blue)等习俗。旧是指母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切;新是指朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活;借是指可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运;蓝是指新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。而在进行婚礼时,西方亦有大量的习俗。比如,在结婚时新娘总要带着一方手帕,西方人认为白手帕象征好运。根据民俗说法,农夫认为新娘在磨擦婚当天所流下的泪能使天降甘露,滋润家作物。后来,新娘在新婚汉天流泪,就变成她将有幸福婚姻的好兆头。而在婚礼典礼时,新娘总是站在新郎的左边,据说,古时候,盎格鲁撒克逊的新郎必须保护新娘子免得被别人抢走。在结婚典礼时,新郎让新娘站在自己左边,一旦情敌出现,就可以立即挥出配带于右边的剑,吓退敌人。在进行结婚晚宴时,要特别定制结婚蛋糕,根据历史记载,自罗马时代开始,婚礼结束时,人们会在新娘头上折断一条面包的材料----小麦象征生育能力,面包屑则代表着幸运。新人必须以糖霜,就形成今天的结婚蛋糕了。由此可见,西方的婚俗并不比中方简洁。其次是在服装方面。在进行婚礼不只是有仪式习俗需要遵守,在穿着方面也有讲究。中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘具着红色的礼服,象征的吉祥如意,预示在结婚后日子红红火火。而西方的新娘则穿白色的礼服。自罗马时代开始,白色象征欢庆。1850年到1900年之间,白色亦是富贵的象征。到了本世纪初,白色所代表的纯洁意义更远超其他。西方认为白色与童贞有关。古罗马的新娘穿着白色的婚纱,蒙着鲜橙黄色的面纱,象征着激情的火焰。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐;其他一些地区,白色在他们的婚礼和葬礼里指示各种各样的通路典礼和意义。例如,在安达曼群岛(Andaman Islanders),白色代表一种地位的变化。“传统”的白色结婚礼服,在早期是贵族的特权。在多利亚女王时代,大多数的新娘只能穿传统的国家服装,只有上层阶级才能穿代表权力和身份的白色婚纱。一直到近代,贵族阶级的特权消失以后,白色的婚纱才成为普通新娘的礼服。而相对于西方白色婚纱的历史,中国婚礼中的大红色的凤袍的历史则较简单。龙凤在中国的神话中有着重要的地位。龙主阳凤主阴,而阳则代表男子,阴就表示女子。因此新娘就用凤表示。所以在红色的礼服上绣着凤也就很容易理解了。还有就是在一些小的习惯上面,中西方的婚俗有相似的地方。例如,中国古代有抛绣球迎亲的习俗;而西方的新郎新娘在教堂举行婚礼后,会把手中的鲜花抛向空中,如果有人接到的话就预示着他将很快结婚。中西方在婚俗上面有以上种种的差异,这和中西方人在思想思维的差异有直接的联系。中国人比较保守,喜欢热闹,思维较古板,所以在中国历史几千年的时间里整个婚礼的习俗并没有多大的变化。直到近代西方的文化传入以后,中国的传统文化才开始向西方转化,但在很大的程度上任有中国传统婚俗的礼仪。而中国人爱热闹的性格在中国传统婚礼中可以得到充分的体现。除了中西方都有的结婚晚宴以外,在中国的传统婚俗中,还有一个为新娘饯行的结婚午宴。其次在婚宴结束以后,新人的亲朋好友会去新房中闹洞房。认为在新房中越热闹,新人在婚后的生活越幸福。因此闹新房的成员们无不用所其极,用种种方法刁难新郎新娘。西方人的思想则比较开放,对于婚礼的要求也比较低,他们婚礼的高潮则是在教堂中:随着神圣的《婚礼进行曲》步入鲜红的地毯,娇美的新娘手挽着父亲捧玫瑰慢慢向新郎走去,新娘的父亲将女儿的手放在新郎的手上,将女儿的一生托付给你,所有人的目光注视着这对新人,幸福洋溢在他们的脸上。她是今天最美的新娘。 在神圣的教堂上空,他们的誓言在回荡,带上永结同心的婚戒,只到神父说:“你可以亲吻你的新娘了…… 结婚是一生的盟约,你是要为之坚守一辈子的誓言。 主耶稣说:上帝所配合的人便不可分开。 这一生一世的爱情,因为今天而完美。”然后新郎新娘或是去晚宴地点或是去渡蜜月,并没有中国传统婚俗的种种礼节。另一个造成中西方差异的原因是中西方不同的宗教。中国是以佛教为主,而西方则是基督教为主的。所以西方的婚礼是在教堂中举行而主婚人则是神甫。中方的传统婚俗中的最重要环节就是拜天地,拜了天地以后就算是礼成了。西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从开始到结束到充满了浪漫气息。新娘的礼服一般为白色,新郎是黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃.到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先,随着婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。而新娘手中的花球也不是一般的装饰用品.在婚礼结束时,新娘就会抛给到场的女宾客,如果谁接到花球,谁就是下一个结婚的人,这就使整个婚礼在欢声笑语中结束了。中国的婚礼就不同于西方,整个婚礼的主色调是红色,这也是中国的传统的代表喜气的颜色。这也就使婚礼变的喜气洋洋.在传统婚礼中,新娘一般穿着红色罗衣,头戴凤冠,上面还有一块红色丝巾.而新郎就穿着红色的长衫马褂,头戴红色大沿帽。新娘乘着大红花轿在后,新郎骑着马在前,随着红娘和迎亲队伍到新郎家中拜堂.双方家长坐在上堂,而新郎新娘在下堂成婚.整个婚礼由司仪主持,在他的指挥下,新郎新娘一拜天地,下拜高堂,然后夫妻对拜,送入洞房.闹洞房是婚礼的高潮,新娘先回洞房等待新郎,而新郎就在外招待客人,酒足饭饱后,新郎在一大堆人的簇拥下来到洞房.众人就开始闹洞房了,新郎新娘在大家的起哄下做各种游戏……这样整个婚礼就在一片笑声中结束了。

差异:一、婚礼形式 1.中国式婚礼形式及流程 ①纳采:即男方请媒人提亲后,女方同意议婚,男方备礼去女方家求亲; ②向名:男方在求婚后托媒人问女方的出生年月,准备合婚的仪式; ③纳吉:是把问名后占卜合婚的好消息再通知女方的礼仪,这是订婚阶段的主要礼仪形式。古代的风俗要用大雁作为订婚的信物,说明双方已经订婚。后来就发展成送首饰,绸缎,甚至是羊猪; ④纳征:是纳吉后,男方将聘礼送往女方,是成婚阶段的礼仪,俗称完聘或大聘,过大礼等。聘礼的多少及物品名称多取吉祥如意的含义,数目取双忌单; ⑤请期:送完聘礼后,选择结婚日期,备礼到女方家,征得同意; ⑥亲迎:就是新婿亲往女家迎聚的仪式。这项仪式往往被看作婚礼的主要程序,而前五项则当成议婚、订婚等过渡性礼仪。 2.西方婚礼形式 ①来宾入席; ②奏结婚进行曲,亲友点上蜡烛,牧师领唱诗班进场,宣布婚礼开始,伴郎伴娘和新郎陆续进场,女方家长陪新娘进场全体起立; ③女方家长入席,新娘挽着父亲的手,步入大堂,伴娘和花童一同进入会场,全体来宾起立,父亲郑重的把女儿交给新郎,女方家长就坐,全体来宾就坐; ④牧师证婚,新人进行结婚宣誓,宣告愿意结为夫妻; ⑤新郎新娘互戴婚戒,宣誓; ⑥献诗,来宾在唱诗班的带领下,唱祝福歌; ⑦礼成,奏乐,新郎站右边,新娘站左边,两人一起走出教堂,伴郎伴娘随后,家属以及来宾随后退场; ⑧茶会或晚宴。但是整个婚礼过程却有着让人不可亵渎的神圣与庄重 。二、婚礼服饰 1.中国式服装 中国服饰强调统一而不突出个性,在中国红色象征喜庆、幸福,吉祥如意。在传统的婚礼仪式上,新郎新娘都要穿着红色的礼服,是祝愿夫妻婚后的生活能够红红火火的意思。而且衣服上的龙凤图案也是必不可少的,按照中国传统龙象征男性,风象征女性都预示着吉祥。家里到处贴着红色的喜字,门两边也要贴上红色的对联,新房里的物品也大都是红色为主的。尽管现在受到西方的影响,也会穿婚纱,但在迎娶和婚宴开始后,还是要换上红色的衣服。 2.西方服饰 西方服饰强调浪漫纯洁而有个性,因白色在西方文化中象征着吉利、平安、善意,富贵和童贞。新娘穿着白色的婚纱,代表着对新郎的忠贞和自身的圣洁,新郎则是一声笔挺的西装。新娘的捧花和周围环境的装饰都是以白色为基调的。 三、结婚礼俗 1.中国结婚礼仪 传统新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀象征蝴蝶双飞,痰盂,即子孙桶,是多子多 福的意思,铜盆及鞋意为同携到老,银包 2.西方结婚礼仪 在古代的西方社会,新娘还需准备一些“旧、新、借、蓝”的东西。“旧”是指新娘头上的白纱必须是母亲用过的旧纱,表示不忘父母的养育之恩;“新”指新娘的白色礼服必须是新的,它是纯洁童贞的象征;“借”是指新娘手里拿的手帕必须是从女朋友那借来的,表示不忘朋友的友谊之情;“蓝”是指新娘身上披的缎带必须是蓝色的,表示新娘对爱情的忠贞之情。融合 : 1.中西方婚俗融合的方面 中式的婚礼在世界上越来越受欢迎。一些外国人举行婚礼仪式都按照中国婚礼的风格。虽然婚礼饰物比如说婚车的装饰是西式的,但他们中的一些人表示在他们的婚礼上有很多的中国元素,例如,中国结、大红灯笼、红蜡烛、对联,这样会对整体气氛做到提升,增加喜庆气氛,还有就是婚礼请柬在西方婚礼中的应用。 在中国,现在的新娘通常有两组在婚礼当天的穿的礼服。婚礼仪式上新娘会穿着白色的婚纱,可以给新娘纯洁典雅的形象,更适合神圣的婚礼。当婚宴开始时,新婚夫妇向来宾祝酒时,新娘就会换上红色的旗袍作为婚宴礼服。从此也可以看出,中西方婚礼习俗在婚礼服饰方面的融合。 2.中西方婚俗融合的原因 中国的快速发展。新世纪的中国,经济等方面的快速发展,使得中国在国际上的地位不断提高,中国五千年的传统文化也逐渐成为焦点。中国婚礼文化作为传统文化的重要组成部分,也逐渐受到世界各国人民的喜爱,比如,中式婚礼礼服。因此,许多西方人受到中国文化的影响,婚礼仪式就选择中国婚礼习俗。全球化。随着社会的发展和不断的跨文化交流,人们可以更加轻松方便地了解各国不同的文化。婚礼文化作为文化的重要组成部分,也在不断地进行融合,比如中国的西式婚礼、西方的中式婚礼等。它们丰富了婚礼习俗的形式和婚礼文化。中西方婚礼习俗的融合反映了中西方文化的融合,我们能够更好地了解西方文化,了解文化差异的原因,从而更好地进行跨文化交际。

首先,是在传统结婚仪式上面。中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓“三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。(聘书:订亲之书,男女双方正式缔结婚约。纳吉(过文定)时用。 礼书:过礼之书,即礼物清单,详尽列明礼物种类及数量。纳征(过大礼)时用。 迎亲书:迎娶新娘之书。结婚当日(亲迎)接新娘过门时用。)而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。(纳采:古时婚礼之首,属意女方时,延请媒人作谋,谓之纳采,今称「提亲」。 问名:男方探问女方之姓名及生日时辰,以卜吉兆,谓之问名,今称「合八字」。 纳吉:问名若属吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,谓之纳吉,今称「过文定」或「小定」。 纳征:奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等,即正式送聘礼,谓纳征,今称「过大礼」。 请期:由男家请算命先生择日,谓之请期,又称「乞日」、今称 「择日」。 亲迎:新郎乘礼车,赴女家迎接新娘,谓之亲迎。)而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀(蝴蝶双飞)、痰盂(子孙桶)、尺(良田万顷)、片糖(甜甜蜜蜜)、银包皮带(腰缠万贯)、花瓶(花开富贵)、铜盆及鞋(同偕到老)、龙凤被、床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗(有衣食)、七十二套衣服,用扁柏、莲子、龙眼及利是伴着(丰衣足食)等物,每样物品都有其不同的含义。同时,在婚礼进行时也有一定的顺序,按一般的情况,在整个婚礼过程中有:祭祖(男方在出门迎娶新娘之前,先祭拜祖先。)、出发(迎亲车队以双数为佳。)、燃炮(迎亲礼车行列在途中,应一路燃放鞭炮以示庆贺。)、等待新郎(礼车至女方家时,会有一男童侍持茶盘等候新郎,新郎下车后,应赏男孩红包答礼,再进入女方家。)、讨喜(新郎应持捧花给房中待嫁之新娘,此时,新娘之闺中密友要拦住新郎,不准其见到新娘,女方可提出条件要新郎答应,通过后才得进入。)、拜别(新人上香祭祖,新娘应叩拜父母道别,并由父亲盖上头纱,而新郎仅鞠躬行礼即可。)、出门(新娘应由福高德劭女性长辈持竹筛或黑伞护其走至礼车,因为新娘子在结婚当天的地位比谁都大,因此不得与天争大。)、礼车( 在新娘上礼车后,车开动不久,女方家长应将一碗清水、白米撒在车后,代表女儿已是泼出去的水,以后的一切再也不予过问,并祝女儿事事有成,有吃有穿。)、掷扇(礼车起动后,新娘应将扇子丢到窗外,意谓不将坏性子带到婆家去,扇子由新娘的兄弟拾回,掷扇后必须哭几声,且在礼车之后盖「竹筛」以象征繁荣。)、燃炮(由女方家至男方家的途中,同样要一路燃放礼炮。)、摸橘子(迎新车队到达新郎家时,由一位拿着橘子或苹果的小孩来迎接新人,新娘要轻摸一下橘子,并赠红包答礼。这两个橘子要放到晚上,让新娘亲自剥皮,意谓招来「长寿」。)、牵新娘(新娘由礼车走出时,应由男方一位有福气之长辈持竹筛顶在新娘头上,并扶新娘进入大厅。进门时,新人绝不可踩门槛,而应横跨过去。)、喜宴(时下颇流行中西合壁式的婚礼,大都在晚上宴请客人同时举行观礼仪式,在喜宴上,新娘可褪去新娘礼服,换上晚礼服向各桌一一敬酒。)、送客(喜宴完毕后,新人立于家门口送客,须端着盛香烟、喜糖之茶盘。)、闹洞房(新人被整之灾情大小,端视新人是否曾在其他的婚礼上戏弄别人,或平素待人够不够忠厚等。)、三朝回门(在婚后第三天,新妇由夫婿陪同下,带备烧猪及礼品回娘家 祭祖,甚至小住一段日子,然后再随夫婿回家。)。有此可以见到我国文化的繁琐,但不要以为繁琐是我国婚礼的特有特征,其实,不同国家虽然有不同的婚俗,但从繁复的细节与用品的喻意,都可见对婚姻的尊重和期许无分国界。在西方国家中,婚礼时有旧(Something Old)、新(Something New)、借(Something Borrowed)、蓝(Something Blue)等习俗。旧是指母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切;新是指朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活;借是指可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运;蓝是指新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。而在进行婚礼时,西方亦有大量的习俗。比如,在结婚时新娘总要带着一方手帕,西方人认为白手帕象征好运。根据民俗说法,农夫认为新娘在磨擦婚当天所流下的泪能使天降甘露,滋润家作物。后来,新娘在新婚汉天流泪,就变成她将有幸福婚姻的好兆头。而在婚礼典礼时,新娘总是站在新郎的左边,据说,古时候,盎格鲁撒克逊的新郎必须保护新娘子免得被别人抢走。在结婚典礼时,新郎让新娘站在自己左边,一旦情敌出现,就可以立即挥出配带于右边的剑,吓退敌人。在进行结婚晚宴时,要特别定制结婚蛋糕,根据历史记载,自罗马时代开始,婚礼结束时,人们会在新娘头上折断一条面包的材料----小麦象征生育能力,面包屑则代表着幸运。新人必须以糖霜,就形成今天的结婚蛋糕了。由此可见,西方的婚俗并不比中方简洁。 其次是在服装方面。在进行婚礼不只是有仪式习俗需要遵守,在穿着方面也有讲究。中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘具着红色的礼服,象征的吉祥如意,预示在结婚后日子红红火火。而西方的新娘则穿白色的礼服。自罗马时代开始,白色象征欢庆。1850年到1900年之间,白色亦是富贵的象征。到了本世纪初,白色所代表的纯洁意义更远超其他。西方认为白色与童贞有关。古罗马的新娘穿着白色的婚纱,蒙着鲜橙黄色的面纱,象征着激情的火焰。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐;其他一些地区,白色在他们的婚礼和葬礼里指示各种各样的通路典礼和意义。例如,在安达曼群岛(Andaman Islanders),白色代表一种地位的变化。“传统”的白色结婚礼服,在早期是贵族的特权。在多利亚女王时代,大多数的新娘只能穿传统的国家服装,只有上层阶级才能穿代表权力和身份的白色婚纱。一直到近代,贵族阶级的特权消失以后,白色的婚纱才成为普通新娘的礼服。而相对于西方白色婚纱的历史,中国婚礼中的大红色的凤袍的历史则较简单。龙凤在中国的神话中有着重要的地位。龙主阳凤主阴,而阳则代表男子,阴就表示女子。因此新娘就用凤表示。所以在红色的礼服上绣着凤也就很容易理解了。 还有就是在一些小的习惯上面,中西方的婚俗有相似的地方。例如,中国古代有抛绣球迎亲的习俗;而西方的新郎新娘在教堂举行婚礼后,会把手中的鲜花抛向空中,如果有人接到的话就预示着他将很快结婚。 中西方在婚俗上面有以上种种的差异,这和中西方人在思想思维的差异有直接的联系。中国人比较保守,喜欢热闹,思维较古板,所以在中国历史几千年的时间里整个婚礼的习俗并没有多大的变化。直到近代西方的文化传入以后,中国的传统文化才开始向西方转化,但在很大的程度上任有中国传统婚俗的礼仪。而中国人爱热闹的性格在中国传统婚礼中可以得到充分的体现。除了中西方都有的结婚晚宴以外,在中国的传统婚俗中,还有一个为新娘饯行的结婚午宴。其次在婚宴结束以后,新人的亲朋好友会去新房中闹洞房。认为在新房中越热闹,新人在婚后的生活越幸福。因此闹新房的成员们无不用所其极,用种种方法刁难新郎新娘。西方人的思想则比较开放,对于婚礼的要求也比较低,他们婚礼的高潮则是在教堂中:随着神圣的《婚礼进行曲》步入鲜红的地毯,娇美的新娘手挽着父亲捧玫瑰慢慢向新郎走去,新娘的父亲将女儿的手放在新郎的手上,将女儿的一生托付给你,所有人的目光注视着这对新人,幸福洋溢在他们的脸上。她是今天最美的新娘。 在神圣的教堂上空,他们的誓言在回荡,带上永结同心的婚戒,只到神父说:“你可以亲吻你的新娘了…… 结婚是一生的盟约,你是要为之坚守一辈子的誓言。 主耶稣说:上帝所配合的人便不可分开。 这一生一世的爱情,因为今天而完美。”然后新郎新娘或是去晚宴地点或是去渡蜜月,并没有中国传统婚俗的种种礼节。另一个造成中西方差异的原因是中西方不同的宗教。中国是以佛教为主,而西方则是基督教为主的。所以西方的婚礼是在教堂中举行而主婚人则是神甫。中方的传统婚俗中的最重要环节就是拜天地,拜了天地以后就算是礼成了。西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从开始到结束到充满了浪漫气息。新娘的礼服一般为白色,新郎是黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃.到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先,随着婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。而新娘手中的花球也不是一般的装饰用品.在婚礼结束时,新娘就会抛给到场的女宾客,如果谁接到花球,谁就是下一个结婚的人,这就使整个婚礼在欢声笑语中结束了。 中国的婚礼就不同于西方,整个婚礼的主色调是红色,这也是中国的传统的代表喜气的颜色。这也就使婚礼变的喜气洋洋.在传统婚礼中,新娘一般穿着红色罗衣,头戴凤冠,上面还有一块红色丝巾.而新郎就穿着红色的长衫马褂,头戴红色大沿帽。新娘乘着大红花轿在后,新郎骑着马在前,随着红娘和迎亲队伍到新郎家中拜堂.双方家长坐在上堂,而新郎新娘在下堂成婚.整个婚礼由司仪主持,在他的指挥下,新郎新娘一拜天地,下拜高堂,然后夫妻对拜,送入洞房.闹洞房是婚礼的高潮,新娘先回洞房等待新郎,而新郎就在外招待客人,酒足饭饱后,新郎在一大堆人的簇拥下来到洞房.众人就开始闹洞房了,新郎新娘在大家的起哄下做各种游戏……这样整个婚礼就在一片笑声中结束了。


中西方婚礼风俗差异The western wedding customs vary众所周知,当今世界正在向全球化的趋势发展,各国之间的关系也变得更为紧密了。今天无论是“借鉴”还是“拿来”西方的礼仪,或者是我们自创一套自己的礼仪系统,这在形式上都不难。难的是我们也能有一个完整而自洽的价值体系,有对自身文化的高度认同和深刻的觉悟。 As everyone knows, the world today is to the trend of globalization, the relations between various countries are also becoming more closely. Whether it is" reference" or" used" the western etiquette, or are we created a set of their own etiquette system, this form is not difficult. The difficulty is that we can have a complete and consistent value system, have to their own cultural identity and profound consciousness of height.自古以来,婚姻就是人的一生中至关重要的一项活动,几乎在每一个社会文化中,都有举办婚礼的习俗。人类似乎天生就有这么一种需要,用婚礼将丈夫和妻子的关系公开并确立下来。而最重要的是人们可以透过纷繁绚丽的风俗来更清楚的认识人类社会历史,探究人类社会的发展历程和规律,因此我门从这方面着手只到整个礼仪系统的学习。 Since ancient times, marriage is vital to people's life in an activity, in almost every culture in society, has held the wedding customs. Humans seem to be born with this kind of need, with the wedding will be husband and wife relationship public and established. And the most important thing is that people can through numerous beautiful custom to better understanding the history of human society, to explore the development of human society and the law, so me from this respect proceed only to the etiquette system study.婚礼同时也体现了中西方文化的碰撞。中国有着5000年灿烂而悠久的传统文化,这是世界各国有目共睹的,而婚礼文化在中国经历了历史的变迁后,已经有非常悠久的历史。而西方的婚礼文化也是随着社会的进步在不断地发生变化。Wedding but also reflects the western culture collision. China has a bright 5000 tradition culture, this is be obvious to people all over the world, and the wedding culture in China has experienced changes in the history, has a very long history. While the western wedding culture is also along with the progress of the society is constantly changing.现在社会上流行中式婚礼西方化,西式婚礼中国化,都在说明着婚礼的形式在不断的发生变化,这体现了婚礼文化的丰富,中西方两种文化的碰撞,以及中西方文化的交融。而文化的进一步交流也必然带动各国之间经济的合作发展,没有了文化上的冲突,政治也会变得相对稳定。 Now the popular Chinese wedding western, Western-style wedding in China, are in the form of a wedding in constant change, which reflects the rich western wedding culture, the collision of two kinds of culture, as well as the western culture blend. And cultural exchanges between countries also will promote the economic cooperation and development, no cultural conflict, political will become relatively stable.中国的婚礼形式在我门年轻人的眼中都觉得很烦琐,首先介绍个对象不说,还得各个亲戚看看是否“通过”,那我就简单说几句吧,相亲,是我们国家的俗称,大多数是男的相女的,哈哈,接下来就是“见面”、“递贴”、“换号”,后边才结婚呢,结婚当天也不是那么简单的,“通路”、“接亲”等等,就是事情比较多,也比较麻烦!现代的婚礼形式受到西方文化的影响,一般是在教堂或酒店里,男女双方在结婚公证处领取结婚证后就是喜宴,在喜宴上新娘要轮流向每位客人进酒,不管男女老少,都要喝一口新娘进的酒。有时双方的朋友会刁难新娘,新娘若回答不出他们的提问就要送一大堆的喜糖作为交换。喜宴结束后,大多数情侣会去度蜜月。 无论是古代还是现代都体现了中国婚礼的特点:隆重,热闹,喜庆。Chinese wedding in my young people feel very cumbersome, first introduced the object does not say, still have various relatives have a look whether" through", I would simply say something, to date, is our country most commonly known as, is male is female, ha ha, the next is"."," stick", pass" change", behind only wedding, wedding day is not so simple," the passage", "the kiss" and so on, is a thing more, have more trouble! Modern wedding has been the impact of western culture, is in the church or in a restaurant, both men and women in marriage notary office received a marriage certificate is the reception at the wedding reception, bride to rotate towards each guest wine, regardless of people of all ages and both sexes, to drink the bride into wine. Sometimes the friends will create difficulties for the bride, bride if you can't answer their questions was to send a lot of candy in exchange. After the wedding reception, the majority of couples take a ancient or modern reflects the Chinese wedding features: grand, lively, happy.西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从一开始就充满了浪漫的气息。一般有以下步骤:1来宾入席。2奏结婚进行曲。亲友点上蜡烛,牧师领唱诗班进场,宣布婚礼开始.伴郎伴娘和新郎陆续进场,女方家长陪新娘进场全体起立.3女方家长入席。新娘挽着父亲的手,步入大堂,伴娘和花童一同进入会场,全体来宾起立,父亲郑重的把女儿交给新郎,女方家长就坐,全体来宾就坐。4牧师证婚。新人进行结婚宣誓,宣告愿意结为夫妻。5新郎新娘互戴婚戒,宣誓。6献诗。来宾在唱诗班的带领下,唱祝福歌。7礼成。奏乐,新郎站右边,新娘站左边,两人一起走出教堂,伴郎伴娘随后,家属以及来宾随后退场。8茶会或晚宴。Western wedding is a romantic type, the whole wedding party from the beginning is full of romantic atmosphere. The general has the following steps: 1 guests attend. 2 played the wedding march. Friends and relatives of a candle, the priest a choir approach, announces the beginning of the wedding. And groom groomsman Bridesmaid enters the arena in succession, the wife's side parents to accompany the bride enters the standing ovation . 3 female parents sitting. The bride in her hand, stepped into the lobby, flower girl bridesmaid and they entered the hall, all the guests stood up, father solemnly put the daughter to the groom, wife's side parents sat, all the guests sitting. The 4 priest. The new marriage oath, declaring to be married. 5 the bride and groom each other wearing a wedding ring, oath. The 6 choir. Guests at the choir 's lead, sing a song. The ceremony is over 7. The bride, groom on the right, stand on the left, along with two people out of the church, a groomsman Bridesmaid subsequently, families and guests then exit. 8 party or dinner.



Chinese wedding is more serious, while western wedding is relaxed and pleasant. These traditional wedding customs reflect the cultural differences between different regions.


The biggest difference between Chinese and Western wedding customs is color. In China, red is known as a festive, lively, auspicious and prosperous color. On the wedding day, red is the main color, and the word "zhe" must be adhered to all kinds of items. The bride is centered on red, and the bride can only wear red clothes to get married.


In western countries, white is the main color of wedding. The bride on the wedding day must wear white wedding dress, because white symbolizes inner loyalty.


The custom of wearing white wedding dress in the West originated from the Victorian period in England. White wedding dress became the favorite dress for girls on the wedding day, while men in the West must wear white or black suits.











一般来说,西式婚礼是由牧师或神父主持的。亦有所谓的Civil Wedding,在此情况下,婚礼并没有任何的宗教仪式,那当然亦不会由牧师或神父主持了。)当牧师或神父到来时,伴郎及伴娘就会进入会场,这时也会播放或演奏进场的乐曲。而宾客即会起立;戒子童Ring Bearer 也同时会把戒子交给该牧师或神父。

跟着就会奏出婚礼进行曲,新娘会挽着她爸爸的手进场。新娘进场后,新娘的父亲就会把新娘交到新郎的手中。跟着就是最重要的时候了,全场的宾客都会肃静,而所有的奏乐也会停止。主持人会问新郎新娘会否愿意成为夫妇,这就是说I Do 我愿意的时候了!




西方,“蜜月”(Honeymoon)  一词的由来起源于古欧洲的习俗。新婚夫妇在婚后的30天内,或直到月缺时,每天都要喝由蜂蜜发酵制成的饮料,以增进性生活的和谐。古时候,蜂蜜是生命、健康和生育能力的象征。“蜜月”是新婚夫妇在恢复日常生活前的单独相处。



隐喻的中西方文化差异Abstract: Metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon but also a way of thinking, which is one of the basic methods for human survival and cognition. It is rooted in language, thought and culture. Through the analysis and comparison of the use and concept of metaphor in different countries, we find that its universality and commonality of the metaphor as a basic human cognitive activities. However, metaphor in different languages reflects a different way of thinking and behavior and different cultural patterns. Owing to the different two modes of thinking and culture, there are some differences in understanding and formation that can not be ignored. Therefore, this paper will discuss the questions : metaphor, cross-cultural differences, translation. 1. Preamble Metaphor is a common phenomenon, a large number of people use metaphor to express his feelings and ideas. British scientists rhetoric Richards (IARichards) once said, "We have day-to-day in almost every conversation in three sentences may be a metaphor." According to statistics, life around the use of 4,700,000 new metaphor, 2,140,000 stereotypes of metaphor. Research in recent years, there is a great metaphor. This article introduced in the definition of metaphor on the basis of summing up the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western metaphor, and that its culture, precisely because of the prevalence of metaphor, how to translate metaphor has become a very important issue in the latter part of the article is aimed at The translation of metaphor put forward a translation of the three strategies. This paper studies aimed at trying to comparative analysis of English and Chinese in a large number of day-to-day language of metaphor to express, find out the differences and similarities, in order to be able to accurately translate the article in good metaphor to explore a little. This article is about the metaphor from the point of view to explore the differences in the way Thinking allows us to a deeper understanding of language, culture, the relationship between thinking and can more clearly understand the different ethnic language, culture, way of thinking, and so on On the nature of translation. 2. Metaphors in Chinese and Western studies In 1980, Lakoff & Johnson (George Lakoff & Mark Johnson) made a "living metaphor" (Metaphors We Live By) of the book, a modern metaphor to open a new chapter in the school. Domestic academia on the "metaphor" This is also a review of the system, such as Lin Wu's book "Study abroad metaphor Looking at the" beam-setting "metaphor research," Li of China and India "The main subjects Metaphor" and so on. However, the Chinese metaphor for the academic study of rare. "Chinese scholars on the study of metaphor, I am afraid the real contribution should be through the metaphor of the Chinese characteristics of research and study, through the metaphor of the Chinese and other languages in the comparative study of metaphor, metaphor for the establishment of a more general theory of the strong, and even unique The basis. "Lin Wu in the book" metaphor of the basic research the status quo, and the focus of the trend "in the main text, put forward a model of cultural metaphors with the relationship:" The language of metaphor is the emergence of expression into the system, which not only reflects the psychological Structure, but also reflect the different cultural models also play a role. " metaphor in the relationship between Chinese and Western cultures relationship Correspond to (corresponding) refers to the relationship between the two languages, English and Chinese in the meaning and metaphor in the use of the same meaning in the culture and image, and so on and-one mapping. This is because the survival of mankind itself, as well as all the external conditions, including the geographical environment, climate change, and the whole of human society and cultural background are certain there is a common, which formed a common humanity of their own and the outside world on many issues. In the "angry" mood, the English are angry that physiological responses, such as: grind one's teeth. (Teeth), bare one's teeth. (Ziyaliezui) an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth), reflecting the Chinese culture on the basis of common experience. non-correspondence English-Chinese metaphor, after all, rooted in two different languages on the soil, resulting in very different cultural backgrounds, fully corresponds to the few metaphors, the vast majority do not have common cultural identity in order to form the corresponding non-(non-corresponding ) Relations. Non-relationship metaphor can be roughly divided into three categories: Vehicle counterpart, Yu Yi does not correspond to English and Chinese in some cases there is the same as a metaphor, but in their own language and culture in the meaning of the metaphor means is different, even different. Peacock in the Chinese culture is auspicious, a symbol of beauty, especially the Dai people to express jumped Pavaner desire to better their own. If the Chinese people will be likened to a peacock, it means that beautiful light. However, in English, peacock (Peacock) is a symbol of pride, often interpreted as arrogance, love to show off. For example, They were eager to take the young peacock down a peg. (They want to pressure a pressure that the arrogant young guy's momentum). counterpart Yu Yi, the vehicle does not correspond to English-Chinese two nations due to their differences, from different angles to look at things the same, it will be a different analogy. As a result both English and Chinese language there is a different vehicle, but Yu was referring to was basically the same as the meaning of the case, that is the same kind of non-correspondence. Such as: a person described as the hearts of anxious, restless, Chinese is "ants on the hot pan" and English is "a cat on the bricks". There are similar: To kick down the ladder. Guohechaiqiao. Yu Yu Yi and do not correspond to Some of the metaphors Yu-Yu has a meaning and it refers to the language and culture are closely related, in another culture often can not find corresponding Yu and Yu Yi, which resulted in a culture known as the default Phenomenon. For example: in English "my rib" I am referring to Yu's wife, it comes from the "Bible" story, that is, Adam (Adam)'s wife Eve (Eve) God is with a piece of Adam's rib made. The Chinese did not, "the Bible" cultural background, and there was no analogy with rib habit, so the formation of a corresponding gap. Similarly, "ugly duckling" (Ugly Duckling) refers to the metaphor will get ahead of Little, "early bird" refers to the diligent Yu, in the words into Chinese language, culture, as a result of the default, can not find a corresponding relationship between metaphor . Chinese and Western cultures in the common metaphor Metaphor and culture to a large extent, human beings have a common understanding, rooted in the people's own day-to-day experience. In this connection, often between different ethnic groups are the same. Both English and Chinese language in a lot of abstract thinking that the metaphorical expression is the same. For example: the human child in the period to form a position on the concept of input in that direction in the form of many of them easily understood, including the position expressed by metaphor, which has become a fixed pattern of thinking. For example: The term direction (up, down) to describe people's social status, physical, emotional, and other abstract concepts to the case when the good is up; Sad is down. We Chinese are also not difficult to find a similar sentence: "Gas Prices "," enhance the social status "and" vision "and" depressed. " Since the objective laws of nature with the relative unity of different cultures to understand the nature of the course is similar to the cognitive experience. in the metaphor of the difference between Chinese and Western cultures As the English-Chinese geographical and cultural differences, living in two different cultures in practice there are a lot of differences, and different life experiences and let people understand the objective world, a different language carries different nationalities Cultural characteristics and cultural information. Understanding of metaphor is not out of socio-cultural backgrounds. For example, social and cultural impact of the color words is deep-rooted, some color words in different cultures in an entirely different meaning, has a distinctive feature of our national culture. Such as: English, said in green "inexperienced" and "shallow knowledge", such as: "a green hand", "I was very green when I started working there." The Chinese like to express the meaning of the word is "yellow" Such as: "Huangmaoyatou" and "flower girl". Cultural background knowledge is the metaphor to create a rich source of thinking, as the Eastern and Western cultures are different, metaphors in English and Chinese applications there are also significant differences. The metaphor of the cross-cultural differences between Chinese and Western influence Language is a cultural change in the development of the complex, subject to political, economic, historical, environmental and other factors. Chinese and Western styles are different, but in many ways to infiltrate interaction and integration, language differences and cultural metaphor for the inevitable impact is complex and diverse. metaphorical expression of cultural conflict Different nationalities in the world to observe a different perspective and ideas, different cultures there are a lot of conflict or inconsistency metaphor. If the animal metaphors, in English Long (dragon) is a kind of evil, will belch out smoke monster. "Bible", the dragon is the devil, is a symbol of evil and terror, there is a terrible vicious meaning. The Chinese dragon is in power, the auspicious symbol of Chinese traditional culture, the Chinese have "Wangzichenglong", "descendants of the Dragon." The same analogy in different cultures, different meaning, of two cultures "Dragon" to give a different connotation. differences in living conditions caused by differences in metaphor In English is a lot of metaphor and marine-related, such as: all at sea (at a loss what to do); drink like a fish (drinking cow); fish in the air (Shuizhonglaoyue); give up the ship (give up). In Chinese, there are a lot of the horse or cattle pose a metaphor, such as: "a willing ox" (a willing horse) Gan means to serve the community; "old ox" (a working horse) refers to the hard work; "bragging "(Talk horse), and so on. This is due to different geographical location and natural environment caused by different cultural metaphor. Britain is an island, ultimately, dependent on the sea, and China is a large agricultural country, farming culture deeply feudal society. different religious and cultural differences arising from the metaphor Religious culture of human culture is an important part of it by referring to the nation's religious beliefs, such as the formation of the sense of culture, "the Bible" in the story, with its language and meaning has become a feature of daily life in the West in terms of . For example, power of the keys (the keys to the kingdom of heaven; the rights of the Pope), in the right church, but in the wrong pew (in general is right, but not the details), and so on. Chinese culture and Buddhism, Taoism and more affected by the impact of Confucianism, the Chinese, there are a lot of related argot. "Jiehuaxianfo"; "临时抱佛脚"; "做一天和尚撞一天钟" and so on. It is due to the diversity of culture, resulting in the differences between English and Chinese metaphor. This difference to the cross-cultural communication has brought the impact. As a foreign language students, do not understand the difference between metaphor and language will make mistakes, sometimes mistakenly made good as pleasant, caused by either one or both of the conversation unpleasant; also sometimes mocked as a praise. When a native language other operators do not understand the language contained in the cultural differences, it is often difficult for such language to accurately convey the meaning of the understanding, difficulty to the cross-cultural exchange. 3. Metaphor of the three methods of translation The translation of metaphor not only accurately and effectively convey the original language, but also loyal, accessible, complete reproduction of the original language and cultural connotation and significance. But in the West because of cultural differences and different, so the translation of metaphor in English on the need to consider not only its literal sense, and so on, but also in the West should pay attention to their cultural differences. American Eugene Nida said: "Translation is the exchange between the two cultures. The real success of the translation, even more familiar with the two cultures is more important to master two languages. Because only in terms of its role in the culture In the background will only be meaningful. "Therefore, the translation of metaphor to combining Chinese and Western cultures, and cultural backgrounds to leave the translation, can not be achieved between the two languages of the real exchange. Literal Translation The so-called "literal" is asked in the language when conditions permit, in the translation to maintain the original content, but also to maintain the original form, in particular, to maintain the original metaphor, the image of the nation, and other local color. In the literal translation method to maintain the original expression of the culture and at the same time, target enriched the vocabulary and expression, such as: "a Pandora's box" (Pandora's Box); "chain reaction" (chain reaction). In the original text and asked the information contained in the same culture, we should adopt the literal translation method. (1) You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. : You are my sun, my only sunshine. In Chinese and English, the sun is warm, beautiful, in both languages, they disseminate information on culture are the same. As a rule, and asked in the original text in the form of grammatical structure, similar to the style or color on basically the same, the law should adopt the literal translation. (1) He is another Shylock. : He is also a Shylock. (Note: Shakespeare's Shylock is "The Merchant of Venice" in a very harsh mean business People. ) (2) To carry coals to Newcastle. : Coal to Newcastle. (Note: "Newcastle" is a British coal, coal is superfluous here.) 4. Conclusion Metaphor as a way to figures of speech or skills, a unique feature of grammar, which features make the sentence more flexible and constructive, but the United States. Is a metaphor to express more complex ideas and things, a powerful tool. Wherever and whenever people in their daily lives are often used metaphor. As Mr. Lin Zhuang said: "The metaphor is no longer expanding his knowledge and understanding of a passive process. To help us in the form of new knowledge, the metaphor has played an active role so that we can better a better understanding of the objective world." In English and Chinese Metaphorical significance of the difference is due to cultural differences between East and West, that mode of thinking, moral values and sense of difference. However, different cultural impact of what is the concept of metaphor, it is still a need to examine and address the problem. At the same time, in the metaphor of the process of translation must pay special attention to cultural differences. The best translation is to be able to accurately reflect the true meaning of the author, as well as its cultural and stylistic characteristics of the translation, that is, the translation of metaphor to make as much as possible the original language and to achieve the target language culture, and so on.


西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从开始到结束到充满了浪漫气息。新娘的礼服一般为白色,新郎是黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃.到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先,随着婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。而新娘手中的花球也不是一般的装饰用品.在婚礼结束时,新娘就会抛给到场的女宾客,如果谁接到花球,谁就是下一个结婚的人,这就使整个婚礼在欢声笑语中结束了。二.西方人结婚时的很多习俗都是大家所熟悉的,婚庆场面既欢快热闹,又美丽浪漫。由于中国的不断开放和东西方文化交流,我国的婚俗不少方面也在受其影响,例如穿婚纱、戴钻戒等等已经成为都市婚礼不可或缺的重要内容。然而究其渊源和象征意义,并不是所有人都很清楚的。下面就简要介绍一下一些西方婚礼用品和名词的来历和含义。 三.比如以浪漫著称的法国就被称为白色婚姻,白色是浪漫的法国婚礼的住色调;在菲律宾,观礼的嘉宾会轮流与新郎跳舞,并把金钱钉在他们的衣服上,有时后候双方亲戚朋友还会比赛哪方得到的金钱多。韩国的婚礼服装也挺有特色,值得一提――“两点”,新娘韩国新郎会穿上大礼服,新娘的嫁衣则是七彩的丝织服,配以长袖子和黑丝顶冠,这以阿拉伯的婚礼服装我认为是挺相似的,因为阿拉伯的新娘会穿着华丽的土耳其长袖袍子,不同的是视礼的女士会依习俗为新娘出嫁而恸哭,所以阿拉伯的婚礼又称为“恸哭”,当然这与我所谈论的服装无关。 四.而西方的婚礼风俗则是浪漫式的,婚礼重在礼而不在乎排场。婚前礼节也没那么复杂。一切都爱轻松自在的气氛下进行。而结婚在西方国家也是各国有各国的独特的方式。如:法国的白色为婚礼的主色调。无论是布置用的鲜花,还是新娘的服饰。可以看出法国人眼中的婚姻应该是纯洁无暇的,而新人用的杯子,也有特定的名称,名为“Coupdemarriage”,意思为“婚礼之杯”。而德国人的“疯狂”与德国人一直崇高的理智与冷静不同。他们的婚礼更多呈现出疯狂的一面。德国人在婚礼中会举行party(派队),派对中,新人会被戏弄。这类似于我们中国的“闹洞房”,其中重头节目就是兴高采烈地将碟子掷碎……西方给东方人带来的最亮点大概就是举行教 回答者:anonymous首先,是在传统结婚仪式上面。中国的传统婚俗有三书六礼”三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。(聘书订亲之书,男女双方正式缔结婚约。纳吉(过文定)时用。 礼书过礼之书,即礼物清单,详尽列明礼物种类及数量。纳征(过大礼)时用。 迎亲书迎娶新娘之书。结婚当日(亲迎)接新娘过门时用。)而六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。(纳采古时婚礼之首,属意女方时,延请媒人作谋,谓之纳采,今称「提亲」。 问名男方探问女方之姓名及生日时辰,以卜吉兆,谓之问名,今称「合八字」。 纳吉问名若属吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,谓之纳吉,今称「过文定」或「小定」。 纳征奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等, 回答者: 缚灵


首先,是在传统结婚仪式上面。中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓“三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。(聘书:订亲之书,男女双方正式缔结婚约。纳吉(过文定)时用。 礼书:过礼之书,即礼物清单,详尽列明礼物种类及数量。纳征(过大礼)时用。 迎亲书:迎娶新娘之书。结婚当日(亲迎)接新娘过门时用。)而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。(纳采:古时婚礼之首,属意女方时,延请媒人作谋,谓之纳采,今称「提亲」。 问名:男方探问女方之姓名及生日时辰,以卜吉兆,谓之问名,今称「合八字」。 纳吉:问名若属吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,谓之纳吉,今称「过文定」或「小定」。 纳征:奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等,即正式送聘礼,谓纳征,今称「过大礼」。 请期:由男家请算命先生择日,谓之请期,又称「乞日」、今称 「择日」。 亲迎:新郎乘礼车,赴女家迎接新娘,谓之亲迎。)而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀(蝴蝶双飞)、痰盂(子孙桶)、尺(良田万顷)、片糖(甜甜蜜蜜)、银包皮带(腰缠万贯)、花瓶(花开富贵)、铜盆及鞋(同偕到老)、龙凤被、床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗(有衣食)、七十二套衣服,用扁柏、莲子、龙眼及利是伴着(丰衣足食)等物,每样物品都有其不同的含义。同时,在婚礼进行时也有一定的顺序,按一般的情况,在整个婚礼过程中有:祭祖(男方在出门迎娶新娘之前,先祭拜祖先。)、出发(迎亲车队以双数为佳。)、燃炮(迎亲礼车行列在途中,应一路燃放鞭炮以示庆贺。)、等待新郎(礼车至女方家时,会有一男童侍持茶盘等候新郎,新郎下车后,应赏男孩红包答礼,再进入女方家。)、讨喜(新郎应持捧花给房中待嫁之新娘,此时,新娘之闺中密友要拦住新郎,不准其见到新娘,女方可提出条件要新郎答应,通过后才得进入。)、拜别(新人上香祭祖,新娘应叩拜父母道别,并由父亲盖上头纱,而新郎仅鞠躬行礼即可。)、出门(新娘应由福高德劭女性长辈持竹筛或黑伞护其走至礼车,因为新娘子在结婚当天的地位比谁都大,因此不得与天争大。)、礼车( 在新娘上礼车后,车开动不久,女方家长应将一碗清水、白米撒在车后,代表女儿已是泼出去的水,以后的一切再也不予过问,并祝女儿事事有成,有吃有穿。)、掷扇(礼车起动后,新娘应将扇子丢到窗外,意谓不将坏性子带到婆家去,扇子由新娘的兄弟拾回,掷扇后必须哭几声,且在礼车之后盖「竹筛」以象征繁荣。)、燃炮(由女方家至男方家的途中,同样要一路燃放礼炮。)、摸橘子(迎新车队到达新郎家时,由一位拿着橘子或苹果的小孩来迎接新人,新娘要轻摸一下橘子,并赠红包答礼。这两个橘子要放到晚上,让新娘亲自剥皮,意谓招来「长寿」。)、牵新娘(新娘由礼车走出时,应由男方一位有福气之长辈持竹筛顶在新娘头上,并扶新娘进入大厅。进门时,新人绝不可踩门槛,而应横跨过去。)、喜宴(时下颇流行中西合壁式的婚礼,大都在晚上宴请客人同时举行观礼仪式,在喜宴上,新娘可褪去新娘礼服,换上晚礼服向各桌一一敬酒。)、送客(喜宴完毕后,新人立于家门口送客,须端着盛香烟、喜糖之茶盘。)、闹洞房(新人被整之灾情大小,端视新人是否曾在其他的婚礼上戏弄别人,或平素待人够不够忠厚等。)、三朝回门(在婚后第三天,新妇由夫婿陪同下,带备烧猪及礼品回娘家 祭祖,甚至小住一段日子,然后再随夫婿回家。)。有此可以见到我国文化的繁琐,但不要以为繁琐是我国婚礼的特有特征,其实,不同国家虽然有不同的婚俗,但从繁复的细节与用品的喻意,都可见对婚姻的尊重和期许无分国界。在西方国家中,婚礼时有旧(Something Old)、新(Something New)、借(Something Borrowed)、蓝(Something Blue)等习俗。旧是指母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切;新是指朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活;借是指可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运;蓝是指新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。而在进行婚礼时,西方亦有大量的习俗。比如,在结婚时新娘总要带着一方手帕,西方人认为白手帕象征好运。根据民俗说法,农夫认为新娘在磨擦婚当天所流下的泪能使天降甘露,滋润家作物。后来,新娘在新婚汉天流泪,就变成她将有幸福婚姻的好兆头。而在婚礼典礼时,新娘总是站在新郎的左边,据说,古时候,盎格鲁撒克逊的新郎必须保护新娘子免得被别人抢走。在结婚典礼时,新郎让新娘站在自己左边,一旦情敌出现,就可以立即挥出配带于右边的剑,吓退敌人。在进行结婚晚宴时,要特别定制结婚蛋糕,根据历史记载,自罗马时代开始,婚礼结束时,人们会在新娘头上折断一条面包的材料----小麦象征生育能力,面包屑则代表着幸运。新人必须以糖霜,就形成今天的结婚蛋糕了。由此可见,西方的婚俗并不比中方简洁。 其次是在服装方面。在进行婚礼不只是有仪式习俗需要遵守,在穿着方面也有讲究。中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘具着红色的礼服,象征的吉祥如意,预示在结婚后日子红红火火。而西方的新娘则穿白色的礼服。自罗马时代开始,白色象征欢庆。1850年到1900年之间,白色亦是富贵的象征。到了本世纪初,白色所代表的纯洁意义更远超其他。西方认为白色与童贞有关。古罗马的新娘穿着白色的婚纱,蒙着鲜橙黄色的面纱,象征着激情的火焰。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐;其他一些地区,白色在他们的婚礼和葬礼里指示各种各样的通路典礼和意义。例如,在安达曼群岛(Andaman Islanders),白色代表一种地位的变化。“传统”的白色结婚礼服,在早期是贵族的特权。在多利亚女王时代,大多数的新娘只能穿传统的国家服装,只有上层阶级才能穿代表权力和身份的白色婚纱。一直到近代,贵族阶级的特权消失以后,白色的婚纱才成为普通新娘的礼服。而相对于西方白色婚纱的历史,中国婚礼中的大红色的凤袍的历史则较简单。龙凤在中国的神话中有着重要的地位。龙主阳凤主阴,而阳则代表男子,阴就表示女子。因此新娘就用凤表示。所以在红色的礼服上绣着凤也就很容易理解了。 还有就是在一些小的习惯上面,中西方的婚俗有相似的地方。例如,中国古代有抛绣球迎亲的习俗;而西方的新郎新娘在教堂举行婚礼后,会把手中的鲜花抛向空中,如果有人接到的话就预示着他将很快结婚。 中西方在婚俗上面有以上种种的差异,这和中西方人在思想思维的差异有直接的联系。中国人比较保守,喜欢热闹,思维较古板,所以在中国历史几千年的时间里整个婚礼的习俗并没有多大的变化。直到近代西方的文化传入以后,中国的传统文化才开始向西方转化,但在很大的程度上任有中国传统婚俗的礼仪。而中国人爱热闹的性格在中国传统婚礼中可以得到充分的体现。除了中西方都有的结婚晚宴以外,在中国的传统婚俗中,还有一个为新娘饯行的结婚午宴。其次在婚宴结束以后,新人的亲朋好友会去新房中闹洞房。认为在新房中越热闹,新人在婚后的生活越幸福。因此闹新房的成员们无不用所其极,用种种方法刁难新郎新娘。西方人的思想则比较开放,对于婚礼的要求也比较低,他们婚礼的高潮则是在教堂中:随着神圣的《婚礼进行曲》步入鲜红的地毯,娇美的新娘手挽着父亲捧玫瑰慢慢向新郎走去,新娘的父亲将女儿的手放在新郎的手上,将女儿的一生托付给你,所有人的目光注视着这对新人,幸福洋溢在他们的脸上。她是今天最美的新娘。 在神圣的教堂上空,他们的誓言在回荡,带上永结同心的婚戒,只到神父说:“你可以亲吻你的新娘了…… 结婚是一生的盟约,你是要为之坚守一辈子的誓言。 主耶稣说:上帝所配合的人便不可分开。 这一生一世的爱情,因为今天而完美。”然后新郎新娘或是去晚宴地点或是去渡蜜月,并没有中国传统婚俗的种种礼节。另一个造成中西方差异的原因是中西方不同的宗教。中国是以佛教为主,而西方则是基督教为主的。所以西方的婚礼是在教堂中举行而主婚人则是神甫。中方的传统婚俗中的最重要环节就是拜天地,拜了天地以后就算是礼成了。 西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从开始到结束到充满了浪漫气息。新娘的礼服一般为白色,新郎是黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃.到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先,随着婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。而新娘手中的花球也不是一般的装饰用品.在婚礼结束时,新娘就会抛给到场的女宾客,如果谁接到花球,谁就是下一个结婚的人,这就使整个婚礼在欢声笑语中结束了。 中国的婚礼就不同于西方,整个婚礼的主色调是红色,这也是中国的传统的代表喜气的颜色。这也就使婚礼变的喜气洋洋.在传统婚礼中,新娘一般穿着红色罗衣,头戴凤冠,上面还有一块红色丝巾.而新郎就穿着红色的长衫马褂,头戴红色大沿帽。


