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金黄色葡萄球菌 相关疫病:败血症、呼吸道、消化道感染、乳腺炎、心内膜炎。首选药物:青霉素G 次选药物:红霉素、罗红霉素、强力霉素、林肯霉素、复方磺胺、庆大。 链球菌相关疫病:猪链球菌病、肺炎、化脓创、乳腺炎、心内膜炎、关节炎。首选药物:青霉素G 次选药物:红霉素、罗红霉素、头孢菌素、复方磺胺、四环素类。 猪丹毒杆菌相关疫病:猪丹毒、关节炎、创伤感染。首选药物:青霉素次选药物:红霉素、庆大霉素。 大肠杆菌相关疫病:仔猪白痢、仔猪黄痢、水肿病、子宫炎、无乳综合症。首选药物:环丙沙星、恩诺沙星、氟哌酸、氧氟沙星。次选药物:庆大霉素、氯霉素、链霉素、复方磺胺。 沙门氏菌相关疫病:伤寒与副伤寒 首选药物:氯霉素、甲砜霉素。次选药物:氟喹诺类、四环素+链霉素、氨苄、青霉素、磺胺类。 巴氏杆菌 相关疫病:猪肺疫、运输热。首选药物:链球菌次选药物:氟喹诺酮类、青霉素G、复方磺胺、四环素类。 嗜血杆菌相关疫病:猪传染性胸膜肺炎(胸膜肺炎、胸膜肺炎放线菌感染) 首选药物:环丙沙星次选药物:氨苄青霉素、四环素类、链霉素、头孢菌素、其他氟喹诺酮类、本病对青霉素、链霉素、土霉素不敏感。 猪痢疾蜜螺旋体相关疫病:猪痢疾(猪血痢)。首选药物:痢菌净次选药物:林肯霉素、泰妙灵、二甲硝咪唑、新霉素、泰乐菌素、杆菌肽。 氏梭菌相关疫病:猪魏氏梭菌病“猪猝死症” 首选药物:氯霉素、二甲硝咪唑次选药物:氟喹诺酮类、庆大霉素。 猪支气管败血波氏杆菌相关疫病:猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎。首选药物:复方磺胺、四环素类次选药物:四环素、泰乐菌素、青霉素。 猪肺疫支原体相关疫病:猪喘气病(猪气喘病) 首选药物:氟喹诺酮类次选药物:泰乐菌素、卡那霉素、红霉素、土霉素。 猪胃肠道线虫相关疫病:线虫病 首选药物:阿维菌素、依维菌素、多拉菌素、莫西菌素。次选药物:丙硫咪唑、左旋咪唑。 螨相关疫病:猪蚧螨。首选药物:阿维菌素次选药物:拟除虫菊酯类、有机磷酸酯类。 猪附红细胞体病首选药物:四环素类次选药物:黄色素、新胂凡那明。 弓形体、垄地弓形体相关疫病:猪弓形体病。首选药物:复方磺胺类。

猪疾病的治疗与诊断不仅对养猪业发展有所影响,也关系著广大人民群众的健康,因此养殖户对猪疾病的预防与治疗极为关注。下文是我为大家蒐集整理的的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 浅析猪流感的防治技术 [摘 要] 猪流感是猪的一种急性的传染病,是由于猪流行性感冒病毒引起的。猪流感最主要的特点就是发病突然,并且在猪群中的传播速度极快,感染上病毒的猪很快就会出现发热以及上呼吸道发炎的症状。近几年,甲型流感疫情更是成为了猪流感中的一个典型,成为了引起全世界广泛关注的一个国际性的公共卫生事件。猪流感对猪的养殖和猪产品市场都带来了较大的不利影响,因此,为了保证养猪业的健康持续发展,需要对猪流感的防治技术进行研究。本文将结合猪流感发病的情况,简要谈谈猪流感的防治技术。 [关键词] 猪流感 特点 防治 1 猪流感的主要情况 要想做好猪流感的防治工作,首先需要对猪流感这种急性的传染病有深入的了解,只有在了解了猪流感的特点、症状以及病理的情况下,才能对猪流感采取科学的防治措施。 流行特点 猪流感作为一种急性的传染病,其最大的特点就是流行的范围广。无论哪个品种、哪个性别、哪个年龄的猪都有可能感染。并且无论哪个季节都可能爆发猪流感,只是在晚秋在早春这一时间段内感染的可能性更大。病猪和康复猪是猪流感最主要的传染源,并且传播的途径很广,通过飞沫经过呼吸道进行传染是最主要的传染方式。除此之外,也可以通过被病毒污染的水和饲料进行传播,传播速度极快。虽然说猪流感一般不会造成猪的死亡,但是大范围的感染情况,还是会给养猪户造成巨大的损失。 临床症状 猪流感在临床上最典型的症状之一就是发病急,传播快。通常只有发现猪群中有猪感染上了猪流感,在1到2天内,大面积的感染情况就会爆发。猪在感染猪流感之后会出现精神萎靡、食欲减弱、体温升高等情况,病情严重的还会出现呼吸急促、口流白沫等情况,甚至还会因为肌肉和关节的疼痛,无法站立起来。但是猪流感的病程比较短,只有没有其他的并发症,通常发病后7天之内猪就能恢复健康,但是如果出现了并发症就很可能引起死亡的现象。妊娠期的母猪抵抗力一般比较弱,如果感染上了猪流感就极易由于胎盘的感染造成流产的现象,严重的还会直接导致母猪的死亡。即便是母猪没有流产或者死亡,最终产下的猪仔即使不是木乃伊胎,也会在后天的发育过程中表现出发育不良的情况。 病理变化 感染上猪流感的猪之所以会表现出上述那些症状,是因为猪的身体内部由于感染猪流感出现了病理变化。感染猪流感之后猪的呼吸道会出现充血、肿胀的情况,并且会附有粘稠的液体。胸腔内部也会积蓄过多的有纤维素样的浆液。心叶、肺脏尖叶等的背部和基底部还会呈现为紫红色,并且变得坚实、塌陷。与此形成强烈对比的是,周围的肺组织反而呈现出苍白气肿的状态,器官和周围组织之间的界限变得愈加分明。不仅如此,染病的猪的胃肠还会出现卡他性炎症。 2 猪流感的防治技术 预防措施 提高猪体的抗病能力 想要降低猪感染猪流感的机率,最基本的预防措施就是要提高猪体的抵抗力,猪的抵抗力提高了,自然不容易被病毒感染。要想提高猪的抵抗力,主要应该通过对猪进行的精心、科学的饲养。首先,要保证猪饲料干净,未被污染,其次还要注意进行合理搭配,以保证猪从饲料中获得足够的生长所需要能量和必须的营养物质,尤其要注意猪饲料中蛋白质、维生素等物质的供给,其对增强猪的体质、提高猪的抵抗力有很重要的作用。 抓好猪舍保温 猪作为一种恒温动物,其健康成长需要处于一个适宜的温度环境下,因此为了不打破猪内外体温的平衡,提高猪对于流感病毒的抵抗力,需要做好猪舍的保温工作。阴冷潮溼、或者多变的猪舍环境都会影响猪的生长,降低猪的抵抗力,提高猪患上猪流感的可能性。 坚持适当运动 适当的运动同样有利于提高猪的抵抗力,促进猪的健康成长。坚持让猪每天都进行适当的运动,但是同时也要注意把握好运动的度,切记不可太过,例如不能让猪户进行快跑,更不能让猪因为运动而出大汗。 带猪喷雾消毒 为了尽可能减少流感病毒对猪的威胁,需要有计划的定时的对猪舍进行喷雾消毒,特别是在晚秋到早春这段疫情高发的季节更是要加强喷雾消毒工作。除了每周必须进行的一次定期消毒之外,每天还应该根据需要进行2次到3次的紧急消毒。消毒使用的喷雾容易通常是的醋酸溶液。 及时隔离病猪 正如前面所说猪流感具有传播迅速的特点,因此一旦发现有猪感染了猪流感病毒或者疑似感染了猪流感病毒就应该及时的将其进行隔离。另外在其他养猪户的猪出现了猪流感的情况下,养猪户应该要及时的保护和封闭好自家的猪,尽量减少无关人员之间的往来,以免疫病的进一步传播。 治疗方法 脱敏治疗 脱敏治疗主要是针对猪的疫病比较轻的情况使用的治疗方法。如果猪仅仅出现打喷嚏、流涕或者轻微的咳嗽等症状,采取脱敏治疗的方法基本是就能够控制住疫病了。脱敏治疗的方法是对猪进行维生素C的补给,从而维持猪体的白细胞内维生素C的浓度。补给的量为每次10到20毫克,每日一到两次。 抗病毒治疗 当猪的病情比较严重的时候,仅仅依靠脱敏治疗已经很难控制疫病了,这时候就需要对猪进行抗病毒治疗。可以在猪食用的饲料中新增盐酸吗啉胍,也可以在猪饲料或者饮用水中加入克毒金刚。若在猪饲料中新增盐酸吗啉胍则其比例应该为到,并且需要每天饲喂三次,连续饲喂三天。若是使用克毒金刚兑饮用水的方法则应该按照100g克毒金刚兑250kg水的比例,需要让猪连续自由饮用3到5天。还可以按照克毒金刚100g,水400kg,饲料200kg的比例进行拌料,用拌料对猪连续进行3到5天的饲喂。如果猪出现体温过高的情况,还可以对其进行3%的安乃近的注射,注射量根据猪的体重来确定,通常每千克对应30毫克的剂量,每日注射两次,连续注射两天。 中药治疗 中药治疗的方法,对于猪流感的治疗也有很好的功效。可以将25g的杏仁、麻黄、甘草,50g的生石膏、桑皮、知母,混合起来进行研磨之后,新增到饲料中对猪进行喂养,用量为每日60g,连续喂养3天。与此同时还需要取葛根、大青叶、绿豆、贯众各150g煎水之后让猪引用。 总而言之,猪流感作为猪的一种急性的传染病,是猪的养殖过程中的一个较大的风险,如果没有做好猪流感的防治,极有可能给养猪户造成严重的损失。因此研究猪流感的病例和特点,总结猪流感的有效防治技术,对于猪的养殖有重要的意义。 参考文献 [1]刘纯,朱萍. 猪流感的防治技术[J]. 畜牧兽医科技资讯,2012,02:81-82. [2]上官新乐. 猪流感和猪感冒的防治技术[J]. 农村养殖技术,2012,21:27. [3]张仕权. 猪流感的防治技术[J]. 中国猪业,2009,07:51 篇2 浅谈猪的疾病防治措施 [摘 要] 近年来,随着经济社会的不断发展,养殖产业也在向着大型化、规模化、科学化的新方向高速发展,尤其是在养猪业,大型养殖场的发展已经越来越成为市场供应的主要来源。但是,由于猪的疾病防治不到位等因素,在一定程度上抑制了大型养猪场的发展。本文通过论述种猪养猪过程中可能遇到的一些疾病种类进行归类与总结,并对种猪养殖现状所面临的问题进行概括与分析,并针对这些疾病提出一系列防御措施,为广大养殖户提供一些可行性建议与参考。 [关键词] 猪的疾病防治 归类与总结 防御措施 一、做好猪的疾病防治的意义与目的 随着我国目前养猪产业的不断发展,规模化的大型养殖场不断形成,在大型养猪场内部其养殖密度越来越大,所以猪的疾病问题也越来越突出。猪患上各种疾病,已经成为制约大型养猪业发展的瓶颈。近年来,在个体养殖户所养殖的猪患上传染性呼吸道疾病的发生概率与流行比例日益变高,对于个体养殖户而言,这些疾病的发生严重威胁养猪业的发展。以及造成疾病的传染,从而对养殖户的利益产生重大的影响。 做好猪的疾病防治工作不仅仅要了解常见的疾病,还要深入养殖场内部,不管观察与研究其疾病的特性。并且,在种猪肢蹄病、种猪的消化系统疾病、呼吸系统病、链球菌病以及面板病等各类疾病上要充分解释说明,及时做好防控工作,在最大程度上避免疾病的蔓延与传播,避免养殖户的损失。 二、常见猪的疾病种类与防治工作 1.猪链球菌病 猪患上炼球菌病主要包括三种类型,分别是急性败血症脑膜脑炎症、关节炎型以及淋巴结脓肿型。其中,急性败血症脑膜脑炎症的主要表现症状为猪突然倒地且伴随着体温升高的现象,还可能伴随着猪的四肢出现游泳形状或者口吐白沫。 在猪链球菌病防治上可以选用不同种类的药物,其中可以选择强力霉素、10mL 安痛定、加 160-480 万青霉素等等。如果猪的淋巴结脓肿型症状出现红肿或脓包,最简单的方式就是先将其切开,然后将里面的脓水排出,用药物进行清洗。 2.猪消化系统疾病 猪的消化系统疾病主要包括病毒性腹泻疾病、细菌性腹泻疾病以及出血性肠炎疾病等三种。其中病毒性腹泻的表现症状为:猪的粪便向水一样地漏出,严重的情况下会出现直接喷出的现象。在观察猪是否患有消化系统疾病上,可以观察粪便的颜色,如果颜色是黄绿色或者是青绿色,且伴随着疑似病猪出现食欲不振的现象,外形明显消瘦等。猪的消化系统疾病均可以通过观察猪的形态以及粪便来看出,如果患上了细菌性腹泻疾病,就会出现粪便为稀糊状。 那么,该如何做好猪消化系统疾病呢?第一:要保持猪圈的干净与整洁,充分保证阳光照射以及做好消毒工作。同时,尽量不要给猪喂食已经霉变的饲料或别的东西。第二:在防御措施上也保持饮水的清洁,可以进行全群投药,在饲料中可以尝试新增抗生素以及米糠等。第三:当猪出现消化系统疾病时,要及时进行药物治疗。土霉素、林可霉以及5-15mL 的痢菌净,这几种药物应当分开注射。 3.猪的肢蹄病与猪面板病 猪的肢蹄病目前主要发病特征为猪的各个关节肿大,严重的会导致猪脚破裂,严重地情况下会使得患病的猪无法站立。对于患猪的肢蹄病防治工作上,可以采取如下几个防治措施:1.要保障猪舍的环境清洁与空气流通干爽。2.要使得猪群的密度不适宜太大,以防止猪群之间的打斗。3.要定期对猪舍进行消毒工作,保障猪舍内没有尖锐物体。一旦病猪患上肢蹄病要立刻采用药物治疗,所采用的药物有10mL安痛定、青霉素与塞米松等。 病猪患上面板病的主要症状表现为猪的面板表面会出现一些结节,并且这些结节一般为黄豆大小。在发病的时候,猪会比较痒,严重的情况会出现猪的形体消瘦以及表面皮毛松乱的症状。目前,治疗猪的面板病的主要措施有,前期防治有保障猪舍的清洁与干爽且定期做好消毒工作。后期治疗措施要在猪身上喷洒高锰酸钾溶液或敌百虫溶液等。如果猪的面板病出现全身感染,应当进行注射青霉素与塞米松。 4.猪的呼吸道系统疾病与传染性呼吸道疾病 患猪出现呼吸系统疾病的症状主要变现在咳喘、呼吸急促以及食欲减退等,如果情况严重地化会出现发烧、肺炎等严重症状。目前,对猪的呼吸道系统疾病的防治措施主要分为饲养防治与药物防治措施。饲养防治措施主要指的是猪舍通风条件要好,对猪舍要做好御寒与避暑工作,保障猪舍的总体生活环境良好。药物防治措施主要包括土霉素、阿莫西林以及强力霉素等各类药物。 猪的传染性呼吸道疾病种类众多,症状也不明显,其主要患病症状分为初期与后期,在初期患病阶段主要是病猪出现精神沉郁、慢性干咳,而后期则会出现猪皮毛少,且生长受阻与发育迟缓。主要防治措施包括使用大剂量青霉素类药物进行治疗,但是值得注意的是,如果是慢性呼吸道疾病要进行长期的治疗与调理,切不可急于求成。 三、猪的疾病防治的综合措施 做好猪的疾病防治的综合措施主要包括如下三个方面:第一:要科学饲养,切实提高饲料的营养水平,同时要改善猪舍的环境,必须杜绝畜禽同样以及人畜一起居住的现象,在减少人与患畜接触的同时,减少畜禽与人的相互传播。第二:要切实加强环境消毒工作,定期实行重点消毒与混合消毒,对猪舍的重点区域要进行重点消毒,同时在较短时间内养成对猪舍定期消毒的习惯。第三:加强日常检验力度,根据猪群表现出的不同症状与特征及时采取不同的治疗与防御措施,要在发病时采取切实有力的措施,争取治疗的第一时间,同时要防止病情的蔓延。第四:要加强对猪群的检疫力度,这不仅仅包括养殖的安全,这还是对人食用猪肉这一严峻问题能否安全的关键,所以一切要掌握好搞笑的检疫方法,绝不能让一头病猪流入市场,也绝不能为了经济利益而不顾百姓的身体健康。 参考文献 [1]记者 熊昌彪. 建立重大疾病防治体系[N]. 中国医药报,2011-03-08B01. [2]姜学良,江希玲,姜学武. 猪疾病防治的方法和措施[J]. 吉林畜牧兽医,2013,01:24-27.

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Listeria monocytogenes mutants carrying Newcastle disease virus F gene fused to its actA and plcB: In vitro expression and immunogenicity in chickens, Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39(1):57-6621. 陈亚波,徐 程,张桂芝,方维焕。新城疫病毒HN蛋白抗原表位分析及结构域基因原核表达。中国预防兽医学报,2007,29(1):32-3522. Li XL, Shuai JB, Fang WH*. Protection of Carassius auratus Gibelio against infection by Aeromonas hydrophila using specific immunoglobulins from hen egg yolk. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2006, 7(11):. Yang ZZ, Fang WH, Habib M. First Results of Detection of PRRSV and CSFV RNA by SYBR Green I-based Quantitative PCR. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B, 2006;53(10):. Li L, Fang WH, Li JR, Huang YW, Yu L. Oral DNA vaccination with the polyprotein gene of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) delivered by attenuated Salmonella elicits protective immune responses in chickens. Vaccine, 2006, 24(33-34):. John Dikki M, Chen XY, Chen N, Fang WH*. 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The horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) belong to the 兰 surname germ for cent of the Cs streptococci, include the horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi),the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury,surgical operation,or cure etc. the path infect various animals, causing diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis,meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..Its particular gene expression outcome is pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a information of make use of the living creature's learn(Bioinformatics) can adjust to control to carry on the estimate and analysis to the function and expression of the gene, the province goes to a trivial experiment to investigate, providing the instruction direction for the experiment function and sequence of the gene are closely-related, when the likeness that is a sequence exceeds certain scope, they carry out same function probably, pass will don't know the function sequence with have already known the contrast of the function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a sequence to correspond function. The purpose of this topic research is to be learn with the living creature information Be the theories foundation usage tool software with according to WEB on-line service to some a do not know the horse streptococci gene carry on a series of analysis, the result integrate, predicting the function of this gene expression outcome thus. The horse streptococci P50 gene sequence length is a 100 BPs, the whole gene has a to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs, coding 100 amino acids 残基s. The horse streptococci P50 the gene sequence entered the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, handle stuffs with the form and list of the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over to the data server to go forward to act like the source index(the homology Search).Many living creature information centers all have the BLAST server of the specialized applied http:www. last?(Circulate , the United States, the maintenance GenBank)Then the result detection of the basis BLAST index(Search) and the protein of the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence expression together the source is the tallest of 3 kinds of protein one by one in order is 123The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence into the amino acids sequence, the result manifestation P50 gene sequence translates 20 amino acidses totally. Will and the horse streptococci P50 amino acids sequence together source the high sequence inputs to the tool software respectively, carrying on evolving a tree(the Phylogenetic Tree) to draw. Hand over the horse streptococci P50 amino acidses(the Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) to the professional website in, can immediately predict the second class structure of that amino acids make use of a software analysis P50 gene protein physics and chemistry property. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(the Evolutionary theory) gave comparison the gene set to learn to provide the theories relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence is a source(homology) together more sequences together the source is more high, may express the function of the outcome(the Expression Product) very much so more the sorting to the , according to discover the horse streptococci P50 genes express of may be the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a kind of bottom thing combine, participate the metals transport system(the Transport System) to constitute directly, the kind's transport system has in the germ from process acquire nourishment inside the host(HOST) body to close an important kind of egg white is the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a conveyance,such as the bottom thing of the metals ions, such as iron,manganese and zinc...etc., combine, we can call it as the streptococci metals to combine the fat egg white.(the Metal binding lipoproteins, MBLS)This kind of egg white is a kind of poisonous dint factor(the virulent factor) of the horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) is a germ with the result that the foundation of the disease to the horse streptococci physiology bio-chemical characteristic and pathogenic have very important influence and the meaning.

The horse chain coccus (Streptococcus equi) belongs to a blue minutefungus C crowd of chain coccuses, including horse chain coccus horsesubspecies (Streptococcus. equi subsp. equi), horse chain coccus兽疫 subspecies (S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus) and horse hammerfungus category horse subspecies (S. equi subsp. equisi milis) Thisfungus passable flesh wound, surgery, or way infection many kinds ofanimals and so on treatment, initiation septicaemia Sepsis, meningitisEncephalitis, mastitis (Mastitis) and so on disease Its specific geneexpresses the product (Pathogenicity) to have the special significanceto the bacterium pathogenicity The research gene, is for must understand its function and theexpression and the regulative way. (Bioinformatics) may carries on theforecast and the analysis using the biological information study tothe gene function and the expression regulation, has omitted thetroublesome experimental exploration, confirms for the experimentprovides the instruction direction. The gene function and the sequenceare the close correlation, when the sequence similarity surpasses thecertain scope, they possibly carry out the same function, throughunknown function sequence and known function sequence contrast, iftheir similarity comparatively takes a higher position may infer thesequence the corresponding function. This topic research goal is carries on a series of analyses by thebiological information study as the rationale using tool software andbased on the WEB on-line service to some unknown horse chain coccusgene, finally conformity, thus forecast this gene expresses theproduct the function The horse chain coccus P50 gene sequence length is 100BP, the entiregene has an opening reading frame (ORF) span 90BP, codes 100 aminoacids remnant bases First enters the BLAST service network industry which NCBI provides,has processed the horse chain coccus P50 gene sequence fills in netindustry in the table list, chooses the corresponding parameter tosubmit to the data server on carries on the homology retrieval(homology Search) Many living thing information center all has thespecially movement the BLAST server Here applies http: last (to move the , US, maintains GenBank) Then acts according to the BLAST retrieval (Search) the resultdiscovery and the horse chain coccus P50 gene sequence expressionprotein homology highest 3 breeding eggs white matter is 123 in turn Next translates using DNASTAR software the horse chain coccusP50 gene sequence the amino acid sequence, finally demonstrated theP50 gene sequence altogether translates 20 amino acids Separately will input with the horse chain coccus P50 amino acidsequence homology high sequence to tool software in, will carry on theevolution tree (Phylogenetic Tree) plan. (Amino Acids) the sequence (Sequence) submits the horse chain coccusP50 amino acid to the specialized website in, then forecasts thisamino acid sequence two levels of structures Then analyzes the P50gene protein physics and chemistry nature using software Darwin's theory of evolution (Evolutionary theory) (comparativegenomics) has provided the theory basis to the comparison gene groupstudy. Blood relationship relations (kinship) nearer, its genesequence homology (homology) is higher Two sequences homology higher,then very possibly expresses the product (Expression Product) thefunction is more similar Passes through to the result reorganizationThe analysis, according to discovered the horse chain coccus P50 geneexpression possibly is one kind of substrate union lipoprotein(Substrate binding Lipoprotein), directly participates in the metaltransportation system (Transport System) the composition, this kind oftransportation system (HOST) in vivo obtains the nutrition in thebacterium from the host in the process the very important functionThis kind of protein is metallic ion the and so on a transportationlike iron, manganese, zinc substrate union lipoprotein (Substratebinding Lipoprotein), we may call it the chain coccus metal unionlipoprotein (Metal binding lipoproteins, MBLS) This kind of proteinas horse chain coccus (Streptococcus equi) one kind of toxicity factor(virulent factor) is the bacterium pathogenesis foundation has theextremely important influence and the significance to the horse chaincoccus physiology biochemistry characteristic and the pathogenicity

The horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) belong to the 兰 surname germ for cent of the Cs streptococci, include the horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi),the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury,surgical operation,or cure etc. the path infect various animals, causing diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis,meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..Its particular gene expression outcome is pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a information of make use of the living creature's learn(Bioinformatics) can adjust to control to carry on the estimate and analysis to the function and expression of the gene, the province goes to a trivial experiment to investigate, providing the instruction direction for the experiment function and sequence of the gene are closely-related, when the likeness that is a sequence exceeds certain scope, they carry out same function probably, pass will don't know the function sequence with have already known the contrast of the function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a sequence to correspond function. The purpose of this topic research is to be learn with the living creature information Be the theories foundation usage tool software with according to WEB on-line service to some a do not know the horse streptococci gene carry on a series of analysis, the result integrate, predicting the function of this gene expression outcome thus. The horse streptococci P50 gene sequence length is a 100 BPs, the whole gene has a to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs, coding 100 amino acids 残基s. The horse streptococci P50 the gene sequence entered the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, handle stuffs with the form and list of the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over to the data server to go forward to act like the source index(the homology Search).Many living creature information centers all have the BLAST server of the specialized applied http:www. last?(Circulate , the United States, the maintenance GenBank) Then the result detection of the basis BLAST index(Search) and the protein of the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence expression together the source is the tallest of 3 kinds of protein one by one in order is 123 The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence into the amino acids sequence, the result manifestation P50 gene sequence translates 20 amino acidses totally. Will and the horse streptococci P50 amino acids sequence together source the high sequence inputs to the tool software respectively, carrying on evolving a tree(the Phylogenetic Tree) to draw. Hand over the horse streptococci P50 amino acidses(the Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) to the professional website in, can immediately predict the second class structure of that amino acids make use of a software analysis P50 gene protein physics and chemistry property. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(the Evolutionary theory) gave comparison the gene set to learn to provide the theories relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence is a source(homology) together more sequences together the source is more high, may express the function of the outcome(the Expression Product) very much so more the sorting to the , according to discover the horse streptococci P50 genes express of may be the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a kind of bottom thing combine, participate the metals transport system(the Transport System) to constitute directly, the kind's transport system has in the germ from process acquire nourishment inside the host(HOST) body to close an important kind of egg white is the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a conveyance,such as the bottom thing of the metals ions, such as iron,manganese and zinc...etc., combine, we can call it as the streptococci metals to combine the fat egg white.(the Metal binding lipoproteins, MBLS)This kind of egg white is a kind of poisonous dint factor(the virulent factor) of the horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) is a germ with the result that the foundation of the disease to the horse streptococci physiology bio-chemical characteristic and pathogenic have very important influence and the meaning. 回答者:6392541196 - 同进士出身 六级 3-9 20:52The horse streptococci(Streptococcus equi) belongs to an orchid surname the Cs of the germ a streptococci for cent and include the horse streptococci Ma3 Ya3 's kind(Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi), the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with the horse Lian4 Qiu2 Jun4 Lei4 Ma3 Ya3 's kind(S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury, surgical operation, or cure etc. the path infect various animals and cause diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis, meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..It particular gene expression the outcome be pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a information of make use of the living creature learn(Bioinformatics) and can adjust to control to carry on an estimate and analyze to function and expression of gene, saved to go to a trivial experiment to investigate, for test a verification to provide an instruction and sequence of gene are closely-related, the likeness which is a sequence exceed certain scope, they probably carry out same function and pass will don't know a function sequence and have already known the contrast of function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a correspond of sequence function. The purpose of this topic research be is learn with living creature information Be the usage tool of the theories foundation software with according to WEB of on-line service to some a have never known a horse streptococci the gene carries on a series of analysis and the result integrate and thus predict that this gene expresses the function of outcome. The gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 length is a 100 BPs and the whole gene has 1 to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs and code 100 amino acids remnants Ji. The gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 got into the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, once handle stuffs with the form and list on the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over a data server to go forward to act like a source an index(homology Search).The many living creature information center all has the BLAST server of specialized applied http:www. last?(Circulate , the United States, support GenBank) Then the protein of the search result detection of the basis BLAST and the gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 expression together the source be the tallest of 3 kinds of proteins one by one in order is 123 The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 into an amino acids sequence and the gene sequence of the result manifestation P50 totally translates 20 amino acidses. Will with the amino acids sequence of the horse streptococci P50 together source the sequence of the Gao inputs tool software respectively and carry on evolving a draw of tree(Phylogenetic Tree). Hand over the amino acidses(Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) of the horse streptococci P50 to the professional website in, then predict the second class structure of that amino acids make use of the physics and chemistry property of the gene protein of the software analysis P50. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(Evolutionary theory) give comparison gene the set learn to provide a theories relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence together source(homology) more sequences together the source be more high, so and very may express the function of outcome(Expression Product) more process i

医学研究广博深繁,医学论文自然也就深奥广达。所以,拟定医学论文题目要精心琢磨,表意精确。下面我给大家带来2021本科生医学 毕业 论文题目有哪些,希望能帮助到大家!















14、医学专业本科生就业 市场调查 与分析——以广东省为例










3、多肽酶检测和细胞表面荧光标记的新 方法 研究














17、Free β-hCG和PAPPA光激化学发光免疫分析试剂的研制


19、阿托伐他汀对动脉粥样硬化患者外周血中PPAR γ的作用研究及相关炎症因子与动脉粥样硬化关系的建模分析















34、hr HPV、L1壳蛋白、p16蛋白与宫颈病变的关系及诊断价值研究








2、口腔锥形束CT对下颌牙 种植 位点线性测量精度的实验研究

















19、口腔医学专业人文素质 教育 现状调查及课程教学发展策略






















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核酸检测有b族链球菌核酸检测,那么b族链球菌核酸检测是查什么的呢? B族链球菌是体内常见的一组球菌,是体内经常出现的寄生菌,寄生于女性的阴道和直肠中较为常见,在人体内有寄生菌属于正常的现象,不需要特殊检测和特殊处理。但如果在孕妇产前检查中发现有B族链球菌,而且B族链球菌呈强阳性,具有一定的临床意义。因为在母亲分娩时宝宝经过产道分娩,可能会吸入分泌物而感染B族链球菌。 另外在子宫内还可能造成胎膜早破,出现宝宝的宫内感染,造成新生儿败血症、新生儿脑膜炎、新生儿肺炎等等一系列的感染。建议母体在35-37周之内进行B组链球菌的核酸检测,以排除是否有B族链球菌感染,如果发现B族链球菌核酸检测呈阳性,建议提前应用青霉素治疗和控制。













B族链球菌是Group B Streptococcus的缩写,GBS学名无乳链球菌,即我们常说的B族链球菌,正常寄居于阴道和直肠,它是存活于人体的诸多细菌之一,是一种条件致病菌,一般正常健康人群感染GBS并不致病。正常寄居于成年女性的阴道和直肠中,一般情况下,正常健康女性感染GBS并不致病。







国际贸易实务专业毕业论文参考选题 1、 电子商务与我国对外贸易发展研究 2、 入世对我国农产品贸易的影响与对策研究 3、 绿色壁垒对我国外贸出口的影响分析 4、 跨国公司在华扩张模式透析 5、 我国高新技术产品出口现状及发展探析 6、 对外贸易与可持续发展战略 7、 对外贸易与我国经济增长的关系研究 8、 我国对外贸易的现状与问题研究 9、 我国的亚洲区域合作战略研究 10、 自由贸易与“绿色壁垒”——中国的外贸与环境保护 11、 绿色壁垒对出口产品竞争力的影响分析 12、 中国农产品出口的现状、问题与对策研究 13、 我国服装出口的优势与问题 14、 中美经贸关系现状及存在的问题 15、 国际贸易中动植物卫生检疫对我国畜产品出口的影响 16、 无配额时代我国纺织品出口的对策研究 17、 外资商业资本进入中国市场的状况及影响研究 18、 欧洲经济一体化对国际贸易模式的影响研究 19、人民币升值对我国外贸的影响 20、 中国与东盟产业机构互补性研究 21、 当前中国面临的国际经济摩擦与对策 22、 外商直接投资对中国经济的影响及对策 23、 跨国公司在华投资的现状及影响 24、 外国对华反倾销问题探析 25、 中美贸易摩擦初探(浅议) 26、 论绿色壁垒对发展中国家对外贸易的影响 27、 WTO农业协定与欧盟及美国的农业政策的比较研究 28、 关于非关税壁垒的历史、现状及前景的分析 29、 WTO反补贴协议对我国政府补贴制度的影响及应对措施 30、 跨国公司从国际贸易转向国际直接投资的原因分析 31、 技术性贸易壁垒对我国机电行业出口的影响和策略 32、 中国企业应诉反倾销争端的法律准备研究 33、 WTO国民待遇原则与我国的企业制度改革分析 34、 东盟与中国经济发展的关系 35、 环境与绿色贸易壁垒 36、 SA8000对中国纺织品出口的影响 37、 中国水果出口贸易现状及发展对策研究 38、 新型国际贸易壁垒的影响及对策研究 39、 经济结构调整背景下加工贸易的升级对策研究 40、 国际贸易中信用证风险的防范对策研究 41、 劳动密集型产品出口所面临的市场风险分析 42、 加入WTO对中国汽车业的影响 43、 跨国公司并购对中国企业出口环境的影响 44、 WTO框架下的新贸易保护主义评析 45、 中国企业跨国并购的风险分析 46、 中国企业在国际工程招标中的竞争力分析 47、 软条款信用证研究 48、 跨国公司避税的形式分析 49、 我国对外贸易中的贸易术语选用问题 50、 取消纺织品配额对中国纺织出口企业的影响研究 51、 中国出口贸易增长方式的转变所面临的机遇和挑战研究 52、 中国屡遭反倾销的根源分析 53、 “绿色壁垒”:国际贸易保护主义的新形式 54、 “技术壁垒”:贸易保护主义的新策略 55、 贸易保护主义的新趋势及我国面临的挑战与对策 56、 试析“新贸易保护主义”的主要特点与理论基础 57、 中国外贸结构的现状和对策研究 58、 我国出口市场多元化战略评价与调整。 59、 浅析我国频遭国外歧视性反倾销的原因及应对之策。 60、 国际贸易实务中货款拖欠产生的原因及对策分析。 61、 新贸易保护主义的本质透析及对策研究。 62、 对我国出口商品结构问题的分析与思考。 63、 对“出口导向”和“进口替代”两种外贸发展战略的再认识。 64、 我国出口退税政策机制的构建与完善。 65、 我国出口低价竞销的原因及治理对策。 66、 中国加工贸易管理模式探析。 67、 浅析区域经济一体化与中国的对策。 68、 浅析我国加工贸易政策调整。 69、 我国外贸企业L/C风险的防范对策研究。 70、 中美贸易摩擦日趋激烈的原因及对策分析。 71、 非关税措施与国内产业保护。 72、 浅析贸易自由与反倾销的关系。 73、 浅析贸易自由与保障措施的关系。 74、 浅析入世对我国补贴制度的影响。 75、 浅析我国关税的有效保护。 76、 我国对外贸易可持续发展战略探析。 77、 WTO发展中成员优惠待遇探析。 78、 我国外贸企业盈利能力探析。 79、 经济全球化与我国企业跨国经营。 80、 浅论绿色贸易与多边规则。 81、 《鹿特丹规则》对我国进出口贸易的影响分析 82、 对报关有关问题的思考。 83、加工贸易政策调整对我国加工贸易为主的企业的影响及应对措施 84、人民币升值压力过大和贸易顺差过大对我国外贸出口产生的影响。 85、出口退税政策调整对外贸企业的影响和利弊以及应对措施。 86、我国对外贸易模式研究 87、国际贸易合同履行中的违约问题研究




在Journal of clinical microbiology、Journal of sexually transmitted infections(英国)、Journal of sexuallytransmittedinfections (英国)、中华皮肤科杂志、中国皮肤性病学杂志、临床皮肤科杂志、中国新药与临床杂志、中国美容医学杂志等国内外专业杂志上发表论文40余篇。荣誉成就 :作为第一完成人曾获广东省科委优秀论文奖,在美国的研究成果获美国CDC 2004年度Charles Shepherd成就奖提名。学术专著:副主编“皮肤性病护理学”并参编其它五部专著。主任医师,硕士研究生导师。国际皮肤科协会(InternationalDermatologySociety,ISD)会员;P&G国际化妆品PremierSciencePanel专家;中华医学会广东省皮肤性病学专业委员会副主任委员兼真菌学组和皮肤美容学组组长;中华医学会皮肤性病学专业委员会性病学组成员;中国微生物学会医学真菌专业委员会委员;中国中西医结合学会皮肤性病学专业委员会真菌学组及实验皮肤学组成员;中华医学会医学美学与美容学分会青年学术委员会常委、美容皮肤科学组组长;中华医学会广东省美容与美学专业委员会常委及学术组组长;“岭南皮肤性病科杂志”及“中华性传播疾病杂志”编委;广东省医药管理局新药评审专家;广东省医疗事故鉴定委员会专家库成员;卫生部化妆品皮肤病专家咨询委员会委员;卫生部化妆品评审专家;广州市性病防治技术指导小组成员。擅长各种常见和疑难皮肤病的诊治,尤其是真菌性皮肤病的诊治、性病的实验室诊断和治疗、化妆品皮肤病的诊断、鉴定和治疗及美容相关产品的临床和实验室评价。作为第一完成人曾获广东省科委优秀论文奖,在美国的研究成果获美国CDC2004年度Charles Shepherd成就奖提名。在国内外专业杂志发表论文130余篇,其中代表性论著有: W, Chen CY, Morse SA, et al. Increasing relative prevalence of HSV-2 infection among men with genital ulcers from a mining community in South Africa. Sex Transm Infect. 2003 Jun;79(3): W, Lai W, Wang XM, et al. Skin phototyping in a Chinese female population: analysis of four hundred and four cases from four major cities of China. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2006 Aug;22(4): L, Xuemin W, Wei L, et al. Skin color measurement in Chinese female population: analysis of 407 cases from 4 major cities of China. Int J Dermatol. 2007 Aug;46(8): YQ, Lai W, Li H, et al. Inhibition of herpes simplex virus type 1 by small interfering RNA. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2008 Jan;33(1): W, Chen S, ..., Lai W, et al. A novel mutation in COL7A1 responsible for dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: more severe phenotype in female members of a Chinese family. J Dermatol Sci. 2008 Feb;49(2):.赖维, 龚子鉴, 黄朝伟等. 抑制性消减杂交结合基因芯片研究淋球菌耐头孢曲松的分子机制. 中华皮肤科杂志. ; 41(5):.龚子鉴, 赖维, 黄怀球等. 淋球菌RAPD反应条件的优化选择与应用. 中华皮肤科杂志. ;41(5):.赖维, 龚子鉴,黄怀球等. 广州地区慢性病毒性肝炎患者甲真菌病流行病学研究. 中华皮肤科杂志. ;41(11):.龚子鉴, 赖维, 黄朝伟等. 耐头孢曲松淋球菌菌株的体外人工诱导及多重耐药现象. 中国皮肤性病学杂志. ;23(2):.赖维, 黄怀球, 万苗坚等. 特比萘芬短程口服加外用特比萘芬治疗中重度皮肤癣菌病的临床对照研究. 中国真菌学杂志. ;2(2):.赖维, 吕瑛, 万苗坚等. MEXAMETER MX 16和DIGIMIC800型皮肤图像分析仪在评价美白祛斑疗效中的应用. 现代医学仪器与应用. 2005;17(3):.赖维, 刘玮,王学民等. 2003年度5城市化妆品皮肤病监测结果分析. 临床皮肤科杂志. 2005;34(7):.赖维, 吕瑛, 万苗坚等. 保湿类护肤品功效评价方法的探讨. 临床皮肤科杂志. 2005;34(7):.赖维, 朱国兴, 杨慧兰等. 两种氯雷他定治疗慢性特发性荨麻疹的临床疗效观察. 临床皮肤科杂志. 2005;34(12):.赖维, Cheng-Yen Chen, 苏向阳等. 荧光多重实时PCR检测单纯疱疹病毒. 中华皮肤科杂志. ;37(5):.赖维, 苏向阳, 万苗坚等. 荧光多重PCR与血清型特异性抗体检测诊断生殖器疱疹的比较(英文). Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2004;4(1):7-11.

经检查支原体衣原体阳性,现正在治疗,请问会不会传染给我小孩, 悬赏分:10 - 解决时间:2007-4-18 10:58我在年前的时候就觉得外阴痒,白带无异常,去医院检查说只是外阴炎开了点药后经治疗好了大约有半个月,后来又觉得有点痒但不是很厉害,白带也无异常,上个星期我又去医院检查,化验结果显示支原体阳性,沙眼衣原体阳性,我们平时生活很自律,不知怎么会传染到的。还有,不知道我小孩会不会被传染上提问者: 匿名最佳答案这个一般都是有性生活传播的,也有一小部分是通过日常的接触:如公共浴池等.这个疾病有可能会传染给孩子的. 平时多注意洗手,衣服不要和小孩的一起洗.在大夫的指导下用药,按疗程用.建议你的爱人和孩子都应该去检查一下. 内裤最好在外面多晒.这病菌不耐高温和干燥.回答者:医学之家 - 助理 二级 4-4 13:37


