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翻译行业中针对不同题材的文稿有着不同的翻译标准,论文翻译是翻译中较为严谨的一种翻译类型,这种学术性翻译对于翻译的词汇水平、翻译技巧有着较高的要求,其中最为典型的便是论文翻译中的“八注意”,这是我们在翻译论文时最为可靠的“八项注意”!一、注意“从一而终”所有的论文,在权威平台上发布的时候都必须译为英文文稿,中文与英文之间在语法、语言习惯方面存在较大差别。其中汉语多用省略句,语言言简意赅,句式语法较为灵活;英文多用长句,讲究句式中的语法完整,在翻译过程中务必抓住精神实质,不可以不变应万变。至于怎么应变,这就是显示译者功力的地方了。比如:都是“问题”,共同关心的问题 questions of common interest解决问题 solve a problem问题的关键 the heart of the matter关键问题 a key problem原则问题 a question/ matter of principle悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue二、注意望文生义,机械直译论文翻译中,汉语与英语在长期的独立发展过程中,不可能达到词汇之间完全的对应,翻译过程中难免遇到词汇之间的不对称现象,所以在翻译的过程中,要根据语境进行适当意译,以免望文生义,产生啼笑皆非的翻译三、注意“水土不符”,习惯搭配失当?中英之间的语法搭配存在较大差异,所以在翻译过程中不能一味按照一种语言的搭配方式来翻译,这的确是难度系数较大的问题,它要求论文翻译中译者既有较高的中文修养,又要有较高的英文造诣,一知半解的人常常在此“翻车”。四、注意“愚忠”,不谙增减之道在论文翻译过程中,我们必须根据两种语言之间的特点,对论文进行适当增减,例如:中文多省略,所以在翻译成英文的过程中需要进行适当增添,进行解释,而英文翻译为中文时,如果一味忠实翻译,将使得文章过于冗杂,则需要适当删减。五、注意语句重复这同样是由于论文翻译中两种语言的语法特点导致,汉语多重复,以强化语气;英语则要尽量避免重复。先生曰:“狼负我,狼负我!”狼曰:“吾非固欲负汝。天生汝辈,固需吾辈食也。”"You are an ungrateful beast," complained the man."Not at all," retorted the wolf, "it is not that I'm ungrateful, but you men were created for us to devour."?(颜惠庆译《马中锡·中山狼传》)六、注意主语暗淡论文翻译的主语是句子的灵魂, 定住译文的主语的是关键的一步棋。主语定偏了,整个句子将显得松散乏力,甚至会误导读者。如果这个问题不解决,势必影响两国的利益。Failure to settle this issue is bound impair the relations between the two countries seriously. If the problem is not solved , it is sure to affect the interests between the two countries在上面的两种译文中,显然第一种译文主语选得好,句子流畅。共同的利益把我们两个伟大的国家连接在一起。What holds our two great nations together is the cement of common interests.此句主语部分处理得颇为干练。七、注意结构单调,组合生硬 “拉郎配”由于汉英结构不同,表达方式迥异,“硬性翻译”不仅读起来别扭,而且会闹出笑话。这就要求译者在翻译时灵活使用整合的技巧,将句子整合,凸显汉语中所隐含的层次,补充所缺失的成分。有时要将简单句译成并列句,有时将并列句译成主从句。八、注意另起炉灶,走失精气神,沦为法国作家梅纳日所批评的 “不忠的美人”即语言优美但不忠于原文。(参见2005年08月26日《济南日报》:艾临文章《不忠的美人与忠实的美人——写在〈每天幽它一默〉出版后》)严复在翻译《天演论》时偶 有为“雅”而不“信” (见陈廷佑《英文汉译技巧》)。论文翻译要力求其“信”,尽可能契合汉语原来句子的气势、情绪和结构。以上便是论文翻译过程中的“八项注意”,这八条注意律不仅仅适用于论文翻译中,也可以在文学翻译中进行使用,但归根结底,翻译的准则只有一条:保证翻译的严谨规范,使得翻译后的句词保持原有的文意。













Abstract: A firewall is a technological measure developed in recent years to protect the security of a computer network, it's also the most widely used technology of a network security protection now. A firewall is one or a set of system to access controling policies, it can be software, hardware or a combination of them, whose aim is to provide security protection for the network. A firewalls is usually located between internal and external networks, and it can monitor, control and change communications in the internal and external networks, and controling external computers can visit internal protected environment and determine the access time, authorities, the types of service and checks the spread of the internal information to avoid the outflow of confidential information and resist external invasion and prevent internal information leaking. This paper presents the importance of firewall configuration in the network security, and explains that the set of firewall rules is an important measure for firewall product security. Key words: firewall,configuration,network,security


With the advent of the information age, the development of enterprises are also increasingly showing industrial diversification, the structure of the distribution, management information features. Computer network technology continues to improve, expanding the scope of information management, both internal departments, suppliers or outside the enterprise, affiliates and outgoing personnel, are required to establish between the corporate headquarters with a fast, secure and stable network communication environment. How to establish secure communication with the external environment and the internal network between the network environment, remote access to enterprise branch offices outside the internal network resources, a lot of companies in the current building information network problems to be solvedKeyword: VPN , network , tunnel , safely,IPSec,GRE

答辩后大概率是要修改,因为答辩专家会提一些建议或者问题,会后你要根据这些建议或问题进一步完善论文,这也是答辩的目的之一。北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系他们一下 统一查下。







毕业论文”的英文:Graduation Dissertation

Dissertation 读法 英 [,dɪsə'teɪʃ(ə)n]  美 ['dɪsɚ'teʃən]

n. 论文,专题;学术演讲


1、academic dissertation 学位论文 ; 学术论文

2、Graduation Dissertation 毕业论文

3、Doctorate dissertation 博士论文

4、Dissertation Committee 论文委员会

5、dissertation topics 毕业论文题目


article, paper,dissertation, essay, prose, thesis这组词都有“文章”的意思,其区别是:

1、article 多指在报刊、杂志上发表的非文艺性的文章,包括新闻报导、学术论文等。

2、paper 正式用词,多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文,或学校里的作文练习。

3、dissertation 书面语用词,指独立研究后所写的较为详细的专题文章;也可指学位论文。

4、essay 指任何一种非小说性的,篇幅不长、结构简练的文章,如论说文、报道、评论、讽刺性杂文等。

5、prose 专指散文。

6、thesis 既可指毕业论文、学位论文,又可指一般的为阐述学术观点而写的论文。


1、Exploring "Trinity Working Mode" of Integrating Graduation Field Work, Graduation Dissertation and Employment on Graduation.


2、On Problems in Writing Graduation Dissertation









2 accident reason analysis Analysis of gas boiler room the cause of the accident, there are two possible: boiler ontology explosion, boiler room to explode gas explosion concentration and explosions. Boiler blast furnace body, because be in, or flue gas mixture in explosive existence, when achieved by fire or explosion limit, boiler heat ignites causing accidents in itself. This point and the national norm of building fire system that conform to the relevant provisions. The actual current boiler product has considered safe production measures to avoid it. Qualified gas boiler itself has the explosion-proof process design, such as burner in abnormal situation automatic stop, self-control device also stop output fuel, Gas boiler combustion system higher automatization, including the gas pressure is high, low limit alarm protection, when the control logic where step does not meet the conditions set start corresponding interlock protection. Avoid the boiler exploded possibility, but still ontology exist above another possibility, can avoid? How to avoid it? Three measures In fact in design, according to the boiler design code "and" automatic fire alarm system design code "GB50116-1998 etc standard, we have taken the following measures: Natural gas pipelines valves, meter, may occur gas leak place, boiler room may produce gas storage product area [relative density , it is to be in commonly roof area in these areas], all equipped with combustible gas concentration measurement alarm device, according to combustible gas concentration situation give out sound and light alarm signal and start exhaust fan, when leakage accident concentrations reach explosion limit of the lower limit 50% [this value for reference only], but also immediately close natural air intake duct total intake solenoid valves. In the boiler room and a natural gas pipeline in and out of the room, the incident, but also with the smoke exhaust fan combustible gas alarm interlocking (start). Electrical, instrument by cable selection TongXin, not less than mm2 minimum section. Gas radiation tube tube top or the nearby, the lightning rod should be installed above the pipe jacking tip should be not less than 3m, and its scope of protection tube top above not less than 1-m. Gas pipeline should be static grounding device that, when pipeline as metal materials, and lightning protection or electrical engineering protective grounding wire connected, the measured resistance R more than 4 Ω. In pipe joints, such as the bend, flange, valve and pipe with good place cannot metal contact, also with metal soft line will be both ends jumper. In the boiler room and a natural gas pipeline in and out of the room door, window take pressure measures. According to the explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design specification "the laws bar, accord with one of the following conditions may, when the explosion danger area: devin in item 3, in the process of production use fire equipment near, A combination of these several measures can clearly, electrical equipment selection for the explosion. At the same time according to the explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design specification "the laws bar, accord with one of the following conditions may, when the explosion danger area devin: the first 2 items, and the highest possible flammable explosive chroma does not exceed 10% of the lower limit, Close air intake duct natural total intake solenoid valves, concentration exceed 10% of the lower limit explosion limit, boiler room near the roof area are gas storage product area, so lighting lamps and lanterns and switch choosing is explosion-proof type. 4 conclusion In gas boiler room electrical design, lighting choose explosion-proof lamps, other part adopts the explosion-proof type. references [1] boiler design standard. GB50041-1992. [2] explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design standard. GB50058-1992. [3] the code for fire protection design of buildings. GB50016-2006. [4] automatic fire alarm system design standard. GB50116-1998.


