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Funds are the lifeblood of our ability to operate normally, while the fund management has become the core content of corporate governance. Finance and Accounting is exclusively through certain technical means and methods of accounting for funds, and specifically for corporate governance, decision-making accounting information in a we all know, with the continuous development of the economy, financial accounting in the management, decision-making in an increasingly important role. Accordingly, the financial accounting of quality, a direct impact on the managers, operators, investors and the public interest, but also affect the company's economic, social image and social credibility, and therefore the process of socio-economic operations irreplaceable status. Enterprise Management is designed to achieve maximum benefits in the enterprise, that is a great honor to bring to the enterprise, and the various enterprises will realize the healthy and sustainable development. Business operations and financial condition is through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and reflected. The accounting department directly through the corporate accounting, business conditions and results for effective financial analysis, not only to promote enterprise managers can quickly understand how much of the current corporate profits and the level of debt capacity, but also can be found Enterprise The size of the risks, pros and cons of corporate capital structure, so that the operators use many aspects of the enterprise to make the right decisions, with minimal risk, the most healthy financial position to achieve the maximum profit the best. At the same time, you can also find some essential issues, in order to improve management to provide the basis of some is the accounting?For many years the popular saying,accounting is accounting,scores and China "accounting" arising out of the Western Zhou Dynasty,mainly referring to the activities of the income and expenditure records,inspection and the Qing Dynasty scholar Jiao Xun "Mencius justice",a book on the "will" and "dollars" for the general explained:"it is sporadic in terms of the total cost-effective it will," it is necessary to carry out the accounting for the individual accounts,individual accounts should be integrated,comprehensive accounting concept:Accounting is the currency as a major units of measurement,using a series of specialized method,the economic activities of enterprises continuous,systematic,comprehensive and integrated accounting and oversight and based on this analysis of economic activity,forecast and control to improve the economy the effectiveness of a management to be a good accountant? In recent years accountant is such a boom that many people are eager to it. Then how to be a good accountant? In the first place a good accountant must have strong technical skills which is the most the second place a good accountant must be careful and have a strong sense of responsibility for his or her job. Besides a good accountant should develop wide relationship with some people who own abundant skil knowedge in order to widen your knowledge. What's more a good accountant should own the ability learning new knowledge by yourself so that you can adapt the fluxion. The last but not the least a good accontant also should have good professional ethics which is ethics is primarily a field of applied ethics, the study of moral values and judgments as they apply to accountancy. It is an example of professional ethics. Accounting ethics were first introduced by Luca Pacioli, and later expanded by government groups, professional organizations, and independent companies. Ethics are taught in accounting courses at higher education institutions as well as by companies training accountants and to the diverse range of accounting services and recent corporate collapses, attention has been drawn to ethical standards accepted within the accounting profession. These collapses have resulted in a widespread disregard for the reputation of the accounting profession. To combat the criticism and prevent fraudulent accounting, various accounting organizations and governments have developed regulations and remedies for improved ethics among the accounting nature of the work carried out by accountants and auditors requires a high level of ethics. Shareholders, potential shareholders, and other users of the financial statements rely heavily on the yearly financial statements of a company as they can use this information to make an informed decision about investment. They rely on the opinion of the accountants who prepared the statements, as well as the auditors that verified it, to present a true and fair view of the company. Knowledge of ethics can help accountants and auditors to overcome ethical dilemmas, allowing for the right choice that, although it may not benefit the company, will benefit the public who relies on the accountant/auditor's is an economic management. In the non-commodity economy accounting directly for property and materials management in commodity economy because of commodity production and exchange of commodities economic activity in the property and materials are a form of value performance accounting is used form of value the management of the property and materials. If accounting is an information system and mainly focused on corporate and external information users then that is an economic management accounting activities was mainly within the enterprises the. History and reality the accounting is social production develops to a certain stage of the product development and production is to meet the needs of the management especially with the development of the commodity economy and the emergence of competition in the market through demand management on the economy activities strict control and the same time the content and form of accounting constantly improve and change from a purely accounting scores mainly for accounting operations external submit accounting statements as in prior operating forecasts decision-making on the matter of economic activities control and supervision in hindsight check. Clearly accounting whether past present or future it is people's economic management will introduce my major .my major is accounting in xxx my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern years’ university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing expriment as much as possible). in the university life,i have made many good help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.

q我 帮你

Accounting ethics is primarily a field of applied ethics,the study of moral values and judgments as they apply to is an example of professional ethics were first introduced by Luca Pacioli,and later expanded by government groups,professional organizations,and independent are taught in accounting courses at higher education institutions as well as by companies training accountants and auditors. Due to the diverse range of accounting services and recent corporate collapses,attention has been drawn to ethical standards accepted within the accounting collapses have resulted in a widespread disregard for the reputation of the accounting combat the criticism and prevent fraudulent accounting,various accounting organizations and governments have developed regulations and remedies for improved ethics among the accounting profession. The nature of the work carried out by accountants and auditors requires a high level of shareholders,and other users of the financial statements rely heavily on the yearly financial statements of a company as they can use this information to make an informed decision about rely on the opinion of the accountants who prepared the statements,as well as the auditors that verified it,to present a true and fair view of the of ethics can help accountants and auditors to overcome ethical dilemmas,allowing for the right choice that,although it may not benefit the company,will benefit the public who relies on the accountant/auditor's reporting. 参考资料:维基



给我汉字 Funds are the lifeblood of our ability to operate normally, while the fund management has become the core content of corporate governance. Finance and Accounting is exclusively through certain technical means and methods of accounting for funds, and specifically for corporate governance, decision-making accounting information in a discipline. As we all know, with the continuous development of the economy, financial accounting in the management, decision-making in an increasingly important role. Accordingly, the financial accounting of quality, a direct impact on the managers, operators, investors and the public interest, but also affect the company's economic, social image and social credibility, and therefore the process of socio-economic operations irreplaceable status. Enterprise Management is designed to achieve maximum benefits in the enterprise, that is a great honor to bring to the enterprise, and the various enterprises will realize the healthy and sustainable development. Business operations and financial condition is through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and reflected. The accounting department directly through the corporate accounting, business conditions and results for effective financial analysis, not only to promote enterprise managers can quickly understand how much of the current corporate profits and the level of debt capacity, but also can be found Enterprise The size of the risks, pros and cons of corporate capital structure, so that the operators use many aspects of the enterprise to make the right decisions, with minimal risk, the most healthy financial position to achieve the maximum profit the best. At the same time, you can also find some essential issues, in order to improve management to provide the basis of some relevant

Time being spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person's life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her knowledge base. Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief fi'om study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of university life. During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his intellectual ahilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges of future responsibilities.


Accounting, the Environment and Sustainability(会计、环境与可持续发展) Sustainability relates to both present and future generations. It is discuss that the needs of all peoples are met. Those needs are both social and environmental. The link between accounting and environmental degradation is well-established in the literature (see, for example, Eden, 1996; Gray et all 1993). The crucial point is that accounting which takes the business agenda as given should include much environmental and social accounting. Thus, central to any discussion of accounting and the environment is a basic, challenging, and deeply unsettling question: do we believe that the organizations which accounting serves and supports can deliver environmental security and sustainability? At the same time as the technical implementation of social accounting and reporting has been developing the philosophical basis for such accounting has also been developed. Thus, Benston (1982, 1984) and Schreuder and Ramanathan (1984) consider the extent to which accountants should be involved in this accounting. Donaldson (1982) argues that such accounting can be justified by means of the social contract as benefiting society at large. Batley and Tozer (1990) and Geno (1995) have argued that “sustainability” is the “cornerstone” of environmental accounting. 6. Social and Environmental Reporting(社会与环境报告) The questions of how business should report its social performance and how that performance should be assessed have been dominant themes in the social accounting literature (Gray et al, 1996) and the social issues in management literature (Wood 1991) over the past decade. We are now witnessing both a number of initiatives that seek to set guidelines or standards for social accounting, for example the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). If there is one area which accounting researchers have embraced with enthusiasm it is the phenomenal growth in environmental reporting by organizations. The research in this area has been dominated, initially at any rate, primarily by studies descriptive in orientation. Such studies typically employ some variant of content analysis (see, for example, Milne and Adler, 1999; Gray et all, 1995). Both country specific studies and comparative studies have recorded an upward trend in environmental disclosure both through the annual report and through stand-alone environmental reports. However, analyses of the phenomenon ( Hackston and Milne1996; Fekrat et al1996; Pava and Krause 1996 ; Adams et al 1998) confirm that such reporting is principally restricted to the very largest companies and is, to a degree at least, country and industry variant. Research into environmental disclosure is developing rapidly with examinations of the impact of pressure groups (Tilt, 1994) and other external forces (Gray et all, 1995; Deegan and Gordon, 1996), exploration of user’s needs (Epstein and Freedman, 1994; Deegan and Rankin, 1997), focus on particular aspects of reporting such as environmental policies (Tilt, 1997), exploration of the truthfulness of environmental disclosure (Deegan and Rankin, 1996) and much needed theoretical development (see, for example, Patten, 1992; Roberts, 1992; Gray et al, 1995, Buhr, 1998; Adams et al, 1998; Brown and Deegan, 1998; Neu et all, 1998). Environmental reporting takes place in a predominantly voluntary regime and with the continuing interest in voluntary guidelines for such reporting (see, for example, KPMG 1997), such survey of practice are crucial in keeping attention focused on the doubtful quality and, especially, the global paucity of such reporting. If environmental reporting is important (for social accountability reasons even if it is of dubious “financial user need” value) then the predominant view of business – that environmental reporting is adequate in voluntary regime – must be challenged. Whilst the early research into environmental disclosure appeared to be so delighted that any such disclosure was taking place, this acquiescence has given way to a more critical analysis of practice. This analysis, primarily informed by the “critical school” (Laughlin, 1999), comprises three main themes. The first two of these themes are, in essence, the same critique made of social accounting. First, accounts of any kind are necessarily partial and biased constructions of a complex world. Not only do such constructions, by making some things visible, make other things invisible (Broadbent, 1994) but they are most likely to limit and even destroy the essential nature of the thing accounted for. (See, for example, Maunders and Burritt, 1991; Maunders, 1996; Cooper, 1992; Johnson, 1998). Second, the critical theorist would argue that environmental reporting is voluntary activity it can only reflect those aspects of environmental performance which organizations are willing to release. It can, therefore, only be a legitimation device and not an accountability mechanism. Consequently, the critical theorist argue, environmental accounting- including environmental reporting- is almost certain to do more environmental harm than it does good. These two themes are now developing into an important – if, as yet, unresolved – theoretical debate which seeks to counter the inherent managerialism of most accounting (and environmental accounting) research. The final theme in the critique of environmental disclosure develops the issue of the voluntary nature of environmental disclosure and brings a much-needed re-assessment of the importance and role of law in the construction of society. Specifically, Gallhofer and Haslam (1997) could be taken to use researchers’ views on the role of regulation in governing environmental reporting as an indicator of the researcher’s managerialist or alternative perspective. In essence, a non-managerialist environmental reporting would have to challenge an organization’s legitimacy and, in particular, the legitimacy of the means by which it earned the reported profit and gained its growth. The critical challenges to environmental reporting are not ill-founded when they remark that too little environmental reporting research examines this question to any substantial degree. One of the more inexplicable, although exceptionally welcome, consequences of the growing environmental agenda has been the re- emergence of a serious interest in social accounting. This is not the place to try and review, in any detail, the broad social accounting literature (see, for example, Gray et al 1996) – although a few general observations seems opposite. Social Accounting had its principal heyday in the 1970s but, although some researchers maintained an active interest in the field, it virtually disappeared from the popular consciousness of accounting academe during the 1980s and 1990s. Its re-emergence seems to be a response to a number of factors. One such factor seems to be the recognition that separation of environmental from social issues is difficult at best and pernicious at worst. As environmental issues are explored more carefully, the underlying implications for employment, communities, health and safety and even the organization’s very posture on ethics and social responsibility inevitably resurface. Equally, corporate practice has re-discovered social accounting and when organizations as diverse as Ben and Jerry’s, the Body Shop and Shell commit to social accounting, the wider business community begins to take notice. Finally, as we shall see, the environmental debate leads us inexorably towards discussions of sustainability. Such discussions must, by definition, embrace social accounting matters. The recent research literature on social accounting is still a little sparse but examples exist. The Adams/Roberts project has maintained a focus across both social and environmental disclosure (see, for example, Adams et al, 1998; Gray et al 1995; Hackston and Milne, 1996). Work by Roberts (1992), Pinkston and Carroll (1996), Patten (1995), Epstein and Freedman (1994), Mathews (1995) and Robertson & Nicholson (1996) continues to keep the social responsibility accounting debate moving forward whilst simultaneously, we are starting to see a re-emergence of normative work designed to guide how social accounting might be accomplished and what it might look like (See, Zadek et al, 1997; Gray et al, 1997; Gonella et al, 1998).


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Analysis of the effect of the impairment of assets on the profit - to regulate behavior analysis under the new accounting standards based on listing Corporation

[经济管理] 浅谈会计人才评价 [佚名][2007年4月24日][2] 简介:无 内容: 在以人为本、人才兴国的战略指导下,财政部从去年开始直接组织高层次会计人才培训,计划用10年左右的时间,培养和造就一批精通业务、善于管理、熟悉国际惯例、具有国际视野和战略思维的高素质、复合型领军人才,发挥会计人才在强化会计职能、宣传会计政策、组织继续教育、研究实务问题等方面的组织推动和辐射作用。这是促进我国会计队伍整体素质全面、迅速提高的一个重要举措。国家通过组织会计从业资格考试、会计技术职称考试、…… [Economic Management] on the evaluation of accounting personnel [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [2] Description: None Content: In people-oriented, human resources strategy of rejuvenating the country, under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance last year directly from high-level accounting personnel training, plans to use about 10 years time, to cultivate and foster a number of good business, good management, familiar with international practice, with an international perspective and strategic thinking of high-quality, complex-type leader personnel, accounting personnel to play in strengthening the accounting functions, accounting policies publicity, organization of continuing education, research and other aspects of the practical problems of organizations to promote the role and radiation. This is to promote the overall quality of China's accounting comprehensive, rapid increase in an important initiative. Through the organization of national accounting qualification examination, the examination of accounting titles, ... ... 12. [Economic Management] On Budget Accounting Problems and Solutions [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [7] Description: None Content: To 1 January, 1998 full implementation of "a total budget of the financial accounting system", "administrative accounting system", "accounting standards and institutions" (pilot), "Accounting systems and institutions" as the signs that have been out of our budget accounting under the planned economy model, embarked on the establishment of the need to adapt to a market economy with Chinese characteristics, scientific norms of the road budget for the accounting model. In recent years, with the financial management to accelerate the pace of structural reform, designed in accordance with the theory of public finance budget management model has to start building, budgeting, implementation and other aspects of the management system is undergoing a fundamental change in the budget accounting of customer ... ... 13. [Economic Management] of the bank accounting management [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [7] Description: None Content: Bank accounting is the emergence of banks and at the same time the birth. Each bank's business operation, that is, the operation of bank accounting, the accounting process to achieve through accounting. In other words, the bank accounts of the accounting process, that is specific for banking business and the realization of the basic functions of the banking process. Bank accounting is not only an important basis for the work of banks, the banks can be an objective starting to reflect the operations, accounting and supervisory role, and of these three banks accounting functions can also be counterproductive in the operation of banks, which are complementary to each other. Accounting functions of the bank to play properly, it may be to promote the bank's business ... ... 14. [Economic Management] of accession to the WTO to meet in rural areas, economic and accounting challenges [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [1] Description: None Content: I. Analysis of the current situation: the 21st century, peace and development remain the two main themes of the world. However, we are faced with the times and changes in the competitive environment. (-) Modern science and technology, the rapid development of knowledge-based economy. The 21st century, state-to-state competition in comprehensive national strength, the key is the competitive scientific and technological strength, the use of high precision, the new science and technology to improve the social productive forces, has been to increase the overall national strength has become an important tool. The overall development of science and technology, integrated and cross-cutting nature, science and technology of an unprecedented rapid spread of knowledge into application and production, will greatly promote the economic and social development. (B) of the whole ... ... 15. [Economic Management], after joining the WTO China's CPA industry supply and demand analysis [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [1] Description: None Content: After China's accession to the WTO Institute of Certified Public Accountants industry analysis of supply and demand has joined the World Trade Organization, which China's reform and opening up will enter a new phase. Accession to the WTO on China's accounting market is bound to a certified public accountant and have a profound impact on the industry, this has been done on a number of experts and scholars. This article from the perspective of supply and demand of China's accession to the WTO a certified public accountant, after an analysis of the industry and pointed out that China's CPA industry will face in the WTO situation and problems, and countermeasures to be taken. A needs analysis: a huge market demand and development of space after China's WTO entry, China's CPA industry needs to face the main ... ... 16. [Economic Management] on the application of a number of issues of Management Accounting Thoughts [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [1] Description: None Content: Management accounting is to meet the needs of economic management within the organization need to be gradually formed and developed, its main function is to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness of a variety of established system of internal accounting controls, preparation and delivery of internal management needs of the kinds of data, information and so on. Ways and means of its needs depending on the design, depending on its mode of economic organization in nature, size, operation and management mode to another. It is the most important function is the best business decisions for maximum operational efficiency and provide a variety of useful programs and information. At present, the Management Accounting in China in the application of business management are at a critical turning point ... ... 17. [Economic Management] Accounting for the current problems and countermeasures [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [0] Description: None Content: The current issue of Accounting and Accounting Measures of the work of my late start, from the 20th century until the late 70s, has experienced trying to stage, stage of development of spontaneous and organized, planned and steady development stage, to current management accounting software-based phase of development. More than 20 years in this course of development, has made great progress, the commercialization of GM of the financial software is widely used. Many of the accounting software development is moving toward specialization, commercialization and socialization of the track. However, due to the financial characteristics of the work itself, as well as the rapid development of networks, the rapid emergence of e-commerce, etc., some ... ... 18. [Economic Management] accounting integrity remodeling [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [2] Description: None Content: Securities market in 2001, the Guangxia, MACAT, ST Dawn of listed companies, such as a series of accounting fraud cases came to light, like a nuclear bomb, the explosion of China's accounting profession, and the outbreak of the end of last year the United States the wake of the Enron case, as well as the recent WorldCom, Xerox, the company's accounting fraud case, it led to a serious crisis in international accounting, the past was known as the iron abacus accounting staff, as a rat running across the street. The credibility of accounting has been severely damaged, resulting in Premier Zhu Rongji in Shanghai National Accounting Institute made no inspection of the school motto accounting. Facing a serious crisis of confidence, how to rebuild the credibility of accounting, ... ... 19. [Economic Management] The essence of strategic management accounting research and analysis of the characteristics [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [0] Description: None Content: First, the nature of strategic management accounting studies, the nature of Strategic Management Accounting Strategic Management Accounting (Strategic Management Accounting hereinafter SMA) is the development of management accounting, but also of the SMA did not form a unified understanding. Although many people have heard their is a clear lack of understanding. Here the author and from the strategic management of SMA, SMA, and the meaning and the development of SMA with the traditional distinction between the management of three areas of accounting, the nature of the SMA. (A) Strategic Management and the SMA SMA-shaped ... ... 20. [Economic Management] Internet era accounting system of innovation: to define property rights and market-oriented [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [10] Description: None Content: 【Abstract】 The development of network technology, making accounting information in order to lower cost is expected to be completed to define property rights, which means private products to sell in the market; to negotiate lower costs, so that the original accounting controls may become loose; information distance real-time transmission costs decline, making the production functions of accounting information may be completed by the market, that is, shareholders can be the production of accounting information entrusted to the enterprise other than the trustee, and so on. Finally, this paper, the direction of future research. 【Key Words】 accounting information network technology to hand over power market transaction costs of technology innovation, as well as existing accounting in many ... ...12. [经济管理] 试论我国预算会计存在的问题与对策 [佚名][2007年4月24日][7] 简介:无 内容: 以1998年1月1日起全面执行《财政总预算会计制度》、《行政单位会计制度》、《事业单位会计准则》(试行)、《事业单位会计制度》为标志,表明我国预算会计已摆脱计划经济体制下的模式,走上了建立适应市场经济需要,具有中国特色、科学规范的预算会计模式的道路。近几年,随着财政管理体制改革的步伐加快,按照公共财政理论设计的预算管理模式已开始建立,预算编制、执行等环节的管理制度正在发生根本性的变化,预算会计的客…… 13. [经济管理] 浅谈银行会计管理 [佚名][2007年4月24日][7] 简介:无 内容: 银行会计是与银行的出现而同时诞生的。银行每一笔经营业务的运作过程,也就是银行会计的运作、核算过程,都要通过会计来实现。也就是说,银行会计的核算过程,就是具体办理银行业务和实现银行基本职能的过程。 银行会计不仅是银行的重要基础工作,可以客观地对银行的经营运作起反映、核算和监督作用,而且银行会计的这三个职能还可以反作用于银行的经营运作,它们是相辅相成的。银行会计的职能发挥得当,就可能会促进银行的经营…… 14. [经济管理] 浅谈加入世贸组织,迎接农村、经济、会计的挑战 [佚名][2007年4月24日][1] 简介:无 内容: 一、当前形势分析: 21世纪,和平与发展仍然是世界的两大主题。但是我们正面临着时代条件和竞争环境的变化。(—)现代科技、知识经济迅速发展。21世纪,国与国之间综合国力的竞争,关键是科技实力的竞争,利用高、精、尖、新的科学技术提高社会生产力,己成为各国提高综合国力的一个重要手段。科学技术发展的整体性、综合性和交叉性,科技知识的空前快速传播、转化应用和生产,将极大地推动经济和社会的发展。(二)全…… 15. [经济管理] 入世后我国注册会计师行业的供求分析 [佚名][2007年4月24日][1] 简介:无 内容: 入世后我国注册会计师行业的供求分析 我国已经加入世界贸易组织,这标志着我国改革开放将进入一个新阶段。入世必将对我国会计市场和注册会计师行业产生深刻影响,对此已有许多专家学者做过论述。本文仅从供给和需求角度,对入世后我国的注册会计师行业进行分析,并指出我国注册会计师行业在入世后将面临的形势和问题,以及应采取的对策。 一、需求分析:巨大的市场需求和发展空间 入世后,我国注册会计师行业面临的需求主…… 16. [经济管理] 关于我国管理会计应用若干问题思考 [佚名][2007年4月24日][1] 简介:无 内容: 管理会计主要是为适应经济组织内部的经营管理需要而逐步形成和发展起来的,它的主要职能是为提高经营效率和效益而建立的各种内部会计控制制度,编制和提供内部管理需要的各种数据、资料等。它的方法和手段视不同的需要而设计,其模式视不同的经济组织性质、规模大小、经营管理方式而异。它是最重要的职能是为最优经营决策和最高经营效率提供各种有用的方案和资料。 目前,管理会计在我国企业管理中的应用正处在一个关键的转折点…… 17. [经济管理] 会计电算化目前的问题及对对策 [佚名][2007年4月24日][0] 简介:无 内容: 会计电算化目前的问题及对对策 我国的会计电算化工作起步较晚,从20世纪70年代末才开始,经历了尝试阶段、自发发展阶段和有组织、有计划地稳步发展阶段,到目前的管理型会计软件发展阶段。在这20多年的发展过程中,已取得了长足的进步,商品化、通用化的财务软件得到了广泛的应用。许多会计软件的开发已经走向专业化、商品化、社会化的轨道。但由于财务工作本身的特点,以及网络的迅速发展、电子商务的迅速兴起等等,一些…… 18. [经济管理] 重塑会计诚信 [佚名][2007年4月24日][2] 简介:无 内容: 在2001年的证券市场上,银广夏、麦科特、ST黎明等一系列上市公司会计造假案件曝光,像一枚枚重磅炸弹,在我国会计界炸开,而在去年年底美国爆发的安然事件,以及近来的世界通信公司、施乐公司的会计造假案,则引发了一场严重的国际性会计危机,昔日被称为铁算盘的会计人员,成为过街老鼠。会计的信誉已受到了严重损害,以致于朱总理在上海国家会计学院视察时提出了不做假账的校训。面临严重的信任危机,如何重塑会计的诚信,…… 19. [经济管理] 战略管理会计的本质研究和特点分析 [佚名][2007年4月24日][0] 简介:无 内容: 一、战略管理会计的本质研究 一、战略管理会计的本质 战略管理会计(Strategic Management Accounting以下简称SMA)是对管理会计的发展,但目前人们对SMA还没有形成统一的认识。许多人虽然对其有所耳闻,却缺乏一个清晰的理解。这里笔者从战略管理与SMA、SMA的发展及含义和SMA与传统管理会计的区别三个方面,阐述SMA的本质。 (一)战略管理与SMA SMA的形…… 20. [经济管理] 网络时代会计的制度创新:产权界定与市场化 [佚名][2007年4月24日][10] 简介:无 内容: 【摘要】网络技术的发展,使得会计信息可望以较低的成本完成产权界定,从而以私人产品的方式在市场上出售;谈判成本的降低,使原本的会计管制可能变得宽松;信息远程实时传送成本的下降,使得会计信息的生产职能可能由市场来完成,即股东可将会计信息的生产委托给企业经营者以外的受托人,等等。最后,本文提出了未来的研究方向。【关键词】会计信息 网络技术 交易成本 交权市场化 技术的不断创新以及现行会计在许……

一、财务管理 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括基础会计学、财务管理学、中级财务会计、高级财务会计、跨国公司财务、财务分析、资产评估学、金融工程、投资银行学、财务工程学、财务分析与预算等课程所涉及的相关内容. 二、会计学 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括基础会计学中级财务会计、高级财务会计、成本会计、管理会计、金融会计、财务管理学、审计学、会计信息系统、会计制度设计、会计电算化等课程所涉及的相关内容. 三、会计学(国际会计方向) 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括基础会计学中级财务会计.高级财务会计、成本会计.管理会计、公司财务、会计理论.外汇业务会计.国际会计、国际金融、国际商法.会计英语等课程所涉及的相关内容. 四、会计学(注册会计师方向) 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括基础会计学、中级财务会计.高级财务会计、成本会计、管理会计审计学、财务管理学、会计英语.财务报表分析.外汇业务会计、股份公司会计、证券公司会计.国际会计、预算会计等课程所涉及的相关内容. 五、会计学(金融会计方向) 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括基础会计学、银行会计学、证券公司会计、保险会计、衍生金融工具会计.成本会计财务管理学、会计电算化、审计学、会计法.财务报表分析等课程所涉及的相关内容. 六、会计学(法务会计方向) 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括基础会计学、中级财务会计、高级财务会计、财务管理学、成本会计、审计学、审计技术方法、管理学、经济法、税法、民法、刑法等课程所涉及的相关内容. 七、会计电算化 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括基础会计学、高级财务会计、财务管理学、预算会计、成本会计、管理会计纳税会计、财务报表分析、审计学、电子商务管理实务、电算化会计与财会软件、会计实务模拟等课程所涉及的相关内容. 八、会计信息化 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括基础会计学、管理信息系统、中级财务会计、高级财务会计、财务管理学、成本会计、管理会计、审计学、统计学、会计信息化、会计软件开发技术、会计信息系统分析设计与开发等课程所涉及的相关内容. 九、审计学 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括货币银行学、中级财务会计、公共部门会计、财务管理学、审计学、网络审计、内部审计、国家审计、国际审计、资产评估学等课程所涉及的相关内容. 十、统计学 本专业毕业生可选择的毕业论文范围包括统计学、概率论、数理统计、多元统计时间序列统计调查、统计软件、抽样调查、计量经济学、国民经济统计与分析、数据分析案例实务、经济预测与决策、金融数学等课程所涉及的相关内容. 财务会计类毕业论文的参考题目 一、财务管理专业毕业论文参考题目 1.浅析企业现金流量财务预警系统的建立与完善 2.论企业财务增值型内部审计及其实现增值服务的路径 3.加速企业资金周转的途径与措施 4.企业财务危机预警模型构建 5.企业财务报销制度的思考 6.论应收账款的风险规避 7..上市公司财务报表舞弊行为研究 8.论企业财务内控制度体系的构建途径 9.浅论企业集团财务绩效考核指标体系 10.浅谈新准则下XX企业财务报告分析 二、会计学专业毕业论文参考题目 1.企业内部会计控制存在的问题与对策 2.浅谈所得税会计处理对企业的影响 3.绿色会计核算初探 4.上市公司会计信息披露规范化探讨 5.发展网络会计亟须解决的问题 6.论我国民营企业中存在的会计诚信问题及解决对策 7.企业财务风险的分析与防范 8.不同经济体制中的会计模式比较 9.中小型企业财务管理存在的问题及对策 10.财务预警系统初探 三、会计电算化专业毕业论文参考题目 1.会计电算化可能出现的问题及对策 2.会计电算化对会计工作方法的影响探讨 3.企业财务报表粉饰行为及其防范 4.浅谈企业会计电算化的风险与对策 5.会计电算化账务处理制度分析 6.会计核算电算化与会计管理电算化之比较 7.会计电算化犯罪的预防探讨 8.会计电算化报表系统的问题及对策分析 9.完善企业会计电算化系统内部控制浅析 10.会计电算化工作的质量控制研究 四、审计学专业毕业论文参考题目 1.关于经济责任审计风险的探讨 2.我国上市公司的会计造假现象及审计防范 3.论企业集团内部审计制度的构建 4.资产评估审计的理论与实务研究 5.经济责任审计的问题与对策探析 6.试论会计政策选择对会计信息的影响 7.中国审计市场集中度研究 8.影响企业审计质量的因素及其完善路径分析 9.试论高校内部审计风险及其防范 10.试论风险导向审计模式在我国会计师事务所的应用 五、统计学专业毕业论文参考题目 1. 基于多元统计方法的空气污染状况综合评价研究 2.统计方法在投资学中的应用. 3. 金融风险管理中的贝叶斯方法 4.统计数据质量评价及修正 5.低碳经济的标准与测度方法. 6.典型调查在新形势下的运用与发展 7.统计指数法在物价统计中的运用研究 8.长江水质的综合评价与预测. 9.我国股市收益率分布特征的统计分析 10.长三角区域创新能力评估指标体系与实证研究


统计学是一门涉及范围非常广的学科,它是通过搜索、整理以及分析数据等手段,来尽可能精确地推测研究对象的本质,甚至是预测研究对象未来的一门综合性的学科,几乎覆盖了自然科学和社会科学的各个方面。下文是我为大家搜集整理的关于统计学方面论文的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!关于统计学方面论文篇1 试谈统计学在会计专业中的教学创新 统计学这一学科是各个学校内管理类专业以及经济类专业的一门重要课程。它主要是研究数据之间的内在规律,进而对数据进行合理的整理与搜集。由于它有较强的使用价值,所以在各行各业中都得到了广泛的应用,在工业以及商业中,它用来控制程序,对一些重要的决策提供数据讲解;在生产领域中,它用来进行产品开发,管理财务等;在第一产业方面,它可以通过计算各种农业产品的实际需求量,来对生产进行正确合理的指导。等等。它在会计专业中的作用更是非常可观,做出了不可估量的巨大贡献。本文就针对统计学在会计专业中的教学创新进行了详细的探讨与研究。 1.统计学在会计专业中的教学的现状 教材缺乏指导性和专业性。现今的统计学教材中,拥有很多的有关数理统计的公式,以及一些相关的推理过程,这就使得教材无法吸引学生的兴趣,可读性非常差,不能真正体现出统计学这一学科在实际生活中使用价值。教材中一些较常规的统计知识已经被减化甚至是删除,这就使部分学生的统计学基础无法达到要求,部分企业并不很重视统计工作,算上工资的原因,一些会计人员甚至要一身兼很多职,还要收集数据,又要设计统计 表格。 2.统计学在会计专业教学中的创新教学 自主探究教学 审计学是统计学中非常重要的部分,由于在这一部分中拥有许多结论性的知识,但是只由教师口头上的分析与讲解,学生并不能很好的掌握其中的知识,这就需要教师进行一定的引导,帮助学生自主探索,让学生在自主探索的过程中发现结论,这样,有助于学生更好地掌握知识。审计抽样是指从被审计的总体中,抽出一定数量的样本,对样本进行合理的统计,再由样本推断出总体的基本特征。教师在实际的教学过程中,就可以让学生在自主探索,这样有助于他们对审计抽样的过程更加了解。 举一个例子,在审计抽样的教学时,教师可以先为学生大至讲解一下抽样审计的过程,再将某一公司的第一季度的各种产品的销售总量,以及商品的种类为学生展示出来,让学生自己运用审计抽样的方式,对公司整年的销售进行估计。在学生面对众多数据的时候,就会逐渐理解抽样审计的过程,在学生计算与统计的过程中,就会自觉地运用很多种统计的方式,最后,当学生计算完之后,由学生讲解自己运用到的统计方式,以及最后所估计的总体特征,再由其他学生进行点评,等到学生都发完言,教师就可以做一个总结,再将这节课需要注意的地方进行强调,这种让学生自主探索的教学方式能够大大提高学生对于课堂的自主性,发散学生的思维,有助于他们对课程有更深的理解。 统计报表的强化练习 在统计学中,统计报表可以说是各种统计分析的基础和前提,为了使学生在今后的统计数据的过程中,更加顺利,教师就应该强化统计报表的练习,帮助学生打下良好的基础。在这就需要教材中对统计报表知识的增加与重视,有关统计报表知识越多,学生才会更加重视这部分知识,同时,教师还要在学习方法上进行改革与创新,使学生在意识到统计报表重要的同时,还能够全身心的投入到统计报表的学习当中,只有学生充分的重视,才会使学生对知识掌握得更加深刻,在今后的生活中,才能够更加顺利的运用知识。因此,教师在教学的过程中要加强统计报表的练习,全面提高学生的能力,为学生打下坚实的基础。 引导学生学以致用 众所周知,学习知识就是为了能够在实际的生活中合理的运用,同时,由于统计学的有很强的实用价值,这就使得教学中的实践尤为重要。教师应该设置一些教学活动,引导学生进行实践,在实践的过程中,教师就能够了解到学生对知识的掌握程度,它也能够使学生对自己的学习状况有一个充足的认识。在教学中引导学生实践,还能够使学生对所学的知识学以致用,起到巩固的强化的作用。 举一个例子,在实际的教学当中,例如在学习数理统计的时候,教师就可以组织学生运用计算机软件进行操作,由于现今是高科技社会,电脑在人们的生活中占有非常重要的地位,所以,为了使学生对统计学在现实生活中能够更加合理的进行运用,教师就可以让学生将自己近几个月的学习成绩运用Excel表格记录下来,再通过表格进行数据的分析与总结,这种与多媒体相互联系的教学能够高效的提高学生上课的兴趣,进而就能够大大的提升课堂的效率,这种教学方式还有助于学生在今后的工作过程中更加顺利的运用计算机软件,为今后的顺利工作打下良好的基础,打造学生更好的未来。 结束语:通过研究,可以得知统计学在实际的教学过程中,应该充分考虑学科自身的特点,注重挖掘统计思想,将思想传递给学生,塑造学生的思维能力,塑造他们的统计能力,要培养学生的实际操作能力,让学生能够在实际的生活当中合理的运用知识。教师也要加强与学生之间的交流,深入的与学生沟通,对传统的教学方式要进行合理的改革,适当加入一些有关统计报表的练习,引导学生自主探索,进而提高教学效率,加强学生的能力。 关于统计学方面论文篇2 论经济统计学如何适应新核算体系的改革 一、前言 我国的国民经济统计学当中,国民经济核算的内容是其必然包括的,而在这个过程中,会涉及到大量的国民统计学以及国民经济的核算关系的内容。国民经济统计学与国民经济核算之间的关系,主要有两个方面,首先,站在五大核算系统的角度上来看,国民经济核算属于国民经济统计学的内容,相关学者认为国民经济核算体系的宗旨是及宏观统计之大成。其次,国民经济统计学必须要建立在国民经济核算的基础上,否则将会无法很好的满足国民经济管理对统计的要求。 二、现代方法的统计化问题 对于国民经济的统计,主要是能够引入各种现代化的统计方法,在各个学术领域吸收相关的知识,以此来促进国民经济统计学的发展,并且以此来使其更好的适应现代化的经济统计学的要求[1]。对于现代化方式的选择,不能够仅仅是模仿现代化的方式,必须要能够结合实际的情况,进行研究,在国民经济统计学中,必须要重视应用理论的研究,这能够很好的利用现代化的方法将经济统计中的问题阐明,如此一来,现代方法也就属于统计化的内容了。 要想使统计工作更好的完成就离不开对相应的统计指标的利用,但是目前对于指标的问题,其规定还不够明确,无法对其进行完整的探讨分析。指标是客观社会经济现象的一种反映,但是客观的现象是不断的变化的,因此,其指标也是不断变化的,所以,对于统计学的发展与研究,一定要能够对各项指标进行完整的确立,同时也要进行全面的解释,以此来满足国民经济统计的工作。 三、经济统计学的内容设计 (一)以社会再生产的环节来设计局限性 经济统计学,主要是按照再生产的基本环节进行内容的组织与安排的,首先是对相应的社会产品进行生产统计,然后是对社会产品的流通性进行统计,尤其是要对其的分配以及使用进行明确的统计[2]。但是这种方式却存在一定的局限性,其中主要的困难是难以对各个环节中的界限进行明确,以至于在价格方面以及金融统计的内容方面,无法对其进行定位,仅仅是按照再生产的环节进行安排,那么很多的内容是无法归纳到相应的学科体系中,这样只能将其归纳到相关的综合统计分析中,但是随着社会的不断发展,会导致这一模块中的内容越加的复杂与庞大。 (二)以国民经济核算系统位置的设计需要深究 近年来,很多的学者都是对国民经济核算的五大系统进行研究,并且以此来对经济统计学的内容进行设计[3]。首先是对国名经济的总量进行核算,其中包括资金流量、国际收支核算以及资产负债核算等,这样的安排会导致现代化的内容逐渐增多,但却也十分简单明了,能够满足宏观调控对于经济统计的要求。与此同时,这种核算方式也存在一定的缺陷,主要表现在无法容纳一些国民经济中的动态统计内容。 (三)将国民经济运行过程与统计认识过程相互结合 要能够将国民经济运行过程与统计认识过程相互结合,根据近年来宏观经济管理对于统计的要求,要把其中的动态统计、结构统计以及相关的国际经济比较统计等内容进行全面的补充,将其相互结合,对于国民经济统计学来说,必须要能在量化的基础上反映出国民经济运行全过程的高度,对统计方式进行研究,不能够仅仅是局限于再生产的四大环节。 对于国民经济运行全过程的统计研究,必须要对其中的内容进行全面的认识,其中主要是包含了国民自愿的统计、国民经济总量的统计、国民经济过程的统计、国民经济动态的统计、结构的统计、国民经济关系的统计、国民经济效益的统计以及国民经济核算体系等方面。对于这些方面的研究,必须要坚持先存量统计,后流量统计的形式,在流量的统计中,主要是按照总量的指标进行统计,但是对于指标的统计,要能够遵循着先总量统计、然后再进行分部的统计,最后进行动态统计以及结构统计。通过国民经济核算体系,人们能够迅速掌握到国民经济运行的概论。 (四)结构设计是动态的以及相对的 通过相关学者对于经济统计的不断研究,可以发现,在经济统计的内容上,属于一个相对优化的问题,很多的专著中都是主要讲经济的存量统计,并且能够在进行经济存量统计时候,将其中的存量以及流量的关系进行全面的阐述[5]。一些学者则是先讲流通统计或者是分配统计,很多学者的阐述都是不相同的,并且内容的安排不是有序的,必须要能够根据教材的内容进行一些设计。 四、国民经济统计学中的内容 首先,是国民经济资源的统计,其中主要是包含了劳动力资源的统计、自然资源的统计以及国民财产资源的统计等,在国民经济运行的时候,必须要具备相应的资源,这样才能够保证正常的生产活动,各项生产以及生活服务才能够得到有序的展开。其次,是对于国民经济总量的统计,主要是在一定的时期之中,通过对经济运行总量进行统计,能够使人们充分的掌握到相关的国民经济水平以及国民经济发展的规模。其中国民经济的发展主要包含了生产、流通、分配以及使用的环节。在这个过程中,其中社会生产是主要的基础,生产成果则是国民经济统计学的核心内容。然后,对于国民经济的过程进行统计,主要是指能够在完整的国民经济的运行过程中,将一些若干项目运行的子过程进行统计,对其进行分析,只有这样才能够更好的对国民经济进行一个全面的了解。 另外,是国民经济的动态统计,主要是对国民经济的发展数量进行科学的分析以及预测,尤其是对其中的动态指标进行分析。对于国民经济结构的统计也要进行分析,主要是对国民经济的内部组成进行分析。最后,还包含了国民经济关系的分析、国民经济效益的分析以及国民经济的核算分析等方面。 五、结语 国民经济的统计必须要能够对国民经济核算体系的结构进行完整的说明,随着社会的不断发展,国民经济核算体系在不断的完善,因此必须要对其进行全面的分析,要能够不断的对其进行研究,从而选择出适当的方式使其能够适应新核算体系的改革。 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于统计学的论文 2. 浅谈统计学专业相关论文 3. 浅谈统计学论文论文 4. 关于统计学的论文 5. 统计学论文范文

统计分析是运用统计 方法 与分析对象有关的知识,从定量与定性的结合上进行的研究活动。下文是我为大家整理的关于统计分析论文的 范文 ,欢迎大家阅读参考!


[摘要] 统计分析与决策二者有联系又有区别。统计要参与决策,必须搞好统计分析。搞好统计分析,需要解决选题、分析、撰写 报告 三个问题。

[关键词] 统计分析 分析方法 决策



广义的讲,统计分析与决策是密不可分的。一方面,统计分析贯穿于决策过程之中。一个决策过程大体上可分为下列三个大步骤:第一,诊断问题所在,确定决策目标;第二,探索和拟定各种可能的备选方案;第三,从各种备选方案中选出最合适的方案。从这三大步骤看,尽管要用到多种方法和手段,但哪一步也离不开统计分析,第一步就是通过统计分析,诊断问题所在,并在分析的基础上确定决策目标;第二步拟定备选方案,要经过“轮廊设想”和“细部设计”这个阶段对轮廊设想的方案要做初步筛选,对每一方案要充实具体内容,“筛选”和“充实”都要经过统计分析;第三步选择最佳方案,首先要对各个备选方案进行评价、论证,这又需要统计分析。因此可以说,没有统计分析,也就没有科学决策。另一方面,从某种意义上讲,决策是统计分析的结果。一般来说,统计分析报告是提出问题、分析问题、指出解决问题的办法,其实,决策方案也就是解决问题实现决策目标的办法,只不过比“今后意见”“几条 措施 ”之类的办法更全面、更详细、更科学罢了。医生诊断是为了正确处方,治病救人,不能只诊断不处方。统计分析是为了发现问题,解决问题,推动社会经济的顺利发展;也不能只提出问题,而不寻找解决问题的办法。从这个意义上讲,统计分析也就包括预测和决策。我们不能为统计而统计,也不能为分析而分析。统计应该参与决策,为了决策科学化,必须搞好统计分析。










































它是研究分类问题的一种多元统计方法,聚类分析的基本思想是首先将每个样本当作一类,然后根据样本之间的相似程度并类计算新类与 其它 类之间距离,再选择近似者并类每合并一次减少一类,继续这一过程直到所有样本都合并成为一类为止。所以聚类分析依赖于对观测间的接近程度或相似程度的理解,定义不同的距离量度和相似性量度就可以产生不同的聚类结果。企业制定 市场营销 战略时要弄清在同一市场中哪些企业是直接竞争者,哪些是间接竞争者是非常关键的一个环节。要解决这个问题,企业首先可以通过 市场调查 ,获取自己和所有主要竟争者,从而寻找企业在市场中的机会。

































[2]高惠璇.应用多元统计分析[M].北京,北京大学出版社 ,2005:343—366.


[4]傅德印.主成分分析中的统计检验问题 [J].统计 教育 ,2007(9):4—7.



摘 要:概率是研究随机现象的数学学科,其理论严谨、 应用广泛、 发展迅速。目前,概率的理论与方法已广泛应用于 统计学中,主要是从正态分布、小概率事件两方面介绍了概率在统计学中的一些应用。



同一仪器多次测量同一物体的重量,所得的结果彼此总是略有差异,这是由于诸如测量仪器受大气影响,观察者身体或 心理上的变化等等偶然因素引起的。同样的,同一门炮向同一目标发射多发同种炮弹,弹落点也不一样,因为炮弹制造时的种种偶然因素对炮弹质量也会有影响。此外,炮筒位置的误差,天气条件的微小变化等等都影响弹落点。再如从某生产线上用同一种工艺生产出来的灯泡寿命也是有差异的等等。





一般来说若影响某一个数量指标的随机因素很多,而每个因素所起的作用又不太大,则服从正态分布这点可以用概率论的极限定理来加以证明。另一方面正态分布具有许多良好的性质,许多分布可用正态分布来近似,另外一些分布又可由正态分布来导出,因此在理论研究中,正态分布十分重要。如利用正态分布规律统计学校的成绩分布,得出一个阶段的学生总体是否进步,然后寻找原因,得出改进办法。分析一年 经济的发展,预测来年的收入。找出影响发展的主要因素,寻求改进的方法等等。



事件 A1概率 事件 A2概率

事件 A3概率 事件 A4概率

事件 A5概率





统计在现代化 管理和 社会生活中的地位日益重要,随着社会经济和科学技术的发展统计在现代化国家管理和企业管理中的地位越来越重要,人们的日常生活都离不开统计,统计的影响是这样巨大,故与之密切相关的概率的作用也越来越重要。



























q我 帮你

CONCLUSION The Committee believes that calls for separate private company GAAP should be framed within the legal and institutional environment of each country. If public and private companies are subject to the same financial reporting requirements, as in many IASB countries, then the need for separate private company GAAP might be justified within an appropriate cost-benefit framework. In contrast, private companies in the . are not required to comply with public company GAAP. Given this difference in the institutional environment, calls for private company GAAP in the . must consider the demand for and supply of financial reporting information in the current private company marketplace. Survey research in the . indicates that private company users find public company GAAP financial statements to have significant decision usefulness, and to be cost-benefit effective. In addition, evidence suggests that when the cost-benefit calculus is not favorable, market forces lead to deviations from GAAP. While some assert that the needs of private company financial statement users differ from those of public company stakeholders, the Committee does not find clear evidence of differential user needs or a clear articulation of how differential needs would lead to a framework for GAAP that differs from the current public company financial reporting requirements in the . Overall, if there is demand for separate private company GAAP, then market forces, rather than standard setters, may be better at meeting the differential information needs of variousprivatecompanystakeholders. The Committee does not see a persuasive argument for standard setters to create a separate private company GAAP in the .结论 该委员会认为要求独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则应裱在法律和制度环境的。如果公共和私人公司有相同的财务报告的要求,在许多国家,并在此基础上,需要IASB进行为独立的私人公司公认会计准则的称义在适当的财政框架。相比之下,私营企业在美国也不需要符合上市公司一般公认会计原则。鉴于此,分别在制度环境呼吁私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国必须考虑需求和供给的财务报告信息在当前的私人公司的市场。 调查研究表明,在美国上市公司,用户找到私人公司财务报表有显著的公认会计准则决策有用性、利益有效。此外,有证据表明,在财政微积分并非有利,市场力量导致偏离公认会计准则的前提下。虽然有些断言的需要,民营企业财务报表使用者不同利益相关者的上市公司,委员会不会发现明显的证据表明微分用户需求或一个清晰的清晰度的需求导致了差,不同于一般公认会计原则框架当前上市公司财务报告的要求,在美国的整体,如果有需求,独立的私人公司公认会计准则的前提下,市场力量,而非标准者,可以更好地满足需求. variousprivatecompanystakeholders微分信息该委员会也不觉得有说服力的论据为准则制定者去创造一个独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国

At present, almost every school hundreds of colleges and universities in our country have a financial professional, especially in the accounting are tens of thousands of university graduates in accounting into the talentmarket every year, although accounting is a popular occupation, in this situationthe ordinary and primary financial personnel also apparent accounting professional talent demand gradually heat. According to statistics from related departments, as at present, lacking of 90000 with the international market international accounting talents in China, a huge gap talentsmeans that we are facing to broaden international vision and the ability to deal with new challenges, to the internationalization, specialization. Students can also be the development to their own understanding and evaluation, found himself still exist in the learning problem, although able to constantly update their knowledge, canquickly accept new things; but learning is not careful enough, resulting ininefficient. Doing things are always hard. Careful, careless but do financial a taboo, so it must be in the future study, life and work in the continuous improvement.

给我汉字 Funds are the lifeblood of our ability to operate normally, while the fund management has become the core content of corporate governance. Finance and Accounting is exclusively through certain technical means and methods of accounting for funds, and specifically for corporate governance, decision-making accounting information in a discipline. As we all know, with the continuous development of the economy, financial accounting in the management, decision-making in an increasingly important role. Accordingly, the financial accounting of quality, a direct impact on the managers, operators, investors and the public interest, but also affect the company's economic, social image and social credibility, and therefore the process of socio-economic operations irreplaceable status. Enterprise Management is designed to achieve maximum benefits in the enterprise, that is a great honor to bring to the enterprise, and the various enterprises will realize the healthy and sustainable development. Business operations and financial condition is through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and reflected. The accounting department directly through the corporate accounting, business conditions and results for effective financial analysis, not only to promote enterprise managers can quickly understand how much of the current corporate profits and the level of debt capacity, but also can be found Enterprise The size of the risks, pros and cons of corporate capital structure, so that the operators use many aspects of the enterprise to make the right decisions, with minimal risk, the most healthy financial position to achieve the maximum profit the best. At the same time, you can also find some essential issues, in order to improve management to provide the basis of some relevant


