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一、研究性学习的背景及特点 从20世纪80年代末开始,世界各国开始对本国的教育系统作重大改变,教育改革的一个基本点和共同点集中在如何使本国的青少年具备21世纪所需要的“关键能力”,即用新技术获取和处理信息的能力、主动探究能力、分析和解决问题的能力、与人合作及责任感、终生学习的能力等。要培养这些能力,仅靠传统的学科和原有的学习方式显然不行。于是,project--based learning或project learning,(我国称之为“研究性学习”),应运而生。研究性学习是20世纪80年代末以来国际教育界比较普遍推崇和实施的一种新课程。这种课程源于美国,自20世纪80年代杜威提倡“新教育”以来,美国中小学始终比较强调学校与社会、教育与生活的联系,强调学生自主地探究学习。1996年美国国家科学院推出的《国家科学教育标准》明确指出,科学探究是科学教育的核心,学校教育要把科学探究作为获取知识和认识世界的一种方法,突出了学生主动探究的学习在整个教育中的地位和作用。其他国家也在这方面表达了相同的认识。 什么是研究性学习?从广义理解,研究性学习泛指学生主动探究的学习活动,它是一种学习的理念、策略、方法,适用于学生对所有学科的学习。从狭义看,作为一门独立的课程,研究性学习指在教学过程中以问题为载体,创设一种类似科学研究的情境和途径,让学生通过自己收集、分析处理信息来实际感受和体验知识的生产过程,进而了解社会,学会学习,培养分析问题,解决问题的能力和创造能力。 研究性学习的核心是要改变学生的学习方式,强调一种主动探究式的学习,是培养学生创新精神和实践能力、推行素质教育的一种新的尝试和实践,与现有的学科相比,它有以下特点: 1.“问题”(或专题、课题)是研究性学习的载体,整个课程主要围绕着问题的提出和解决来组织学生的学习活动 在研究性学习活动中,指导者通常不是提供一篇教材,让学生理解、记忆,而是呈现一个需要学习、探究的问题(专题或课题)。这个问题可以由展示一个案例、介绍某些背景或创设一种情景引出,也可直接提出;可以由教师提出,也可以引导学生自己发现和提出。 2.开放性是研究性学习在内容选择上的主要特点 在研究性学习中,问题多来自学生生活着的现实世界,内容涉及的面可以相当广泛教材、校园以外的各种教育资源,学生学习途径、方法不一,最后研究结果的内容和形式各异,它必然会突破原有学科教学的封闭状态,把学生置于一种动态,开放、主动、多元的学习环境中。 3.研究性学习过程主要由学生自己负责完成 研究性学习强调以学生的自主性,探究性学习为基础,在确定研究性学习的内容后,通常采用学生个人或小组合作的方式来进行,整个课程的内容、方式、进度、实施地点,最后的表现形态主要取决于学生个人或学生小组的努力。学生在老师的指导下,在规定的时间内,成为某一个研究课题的提出者、设计者、实施者,他对课程目标的达成负有主要的责任。 4.综合性、社会性和实践性是研究性学习内容组织时应重视的几个方面 综合性即围绕某个专题组织多方面或跨学科的知识内容,以利于知识的融合贯通和多角度、多层面的思考问题;社会性即加强理论知识与社会生活实际的联系,特别关注与人类生存、社会发展密切相关的重大问题,注意开发社区资源;实践性即在学习间接经验的同时,提供学习直接经验并在探究实践中获得积极情感体验的途径与机会。二、研究性学习设计 语法教学中的研究性学习 现行的高中英语教学中语法知识多以直接描述的方法呈现,且同一知识点分散于几个单元,这种编排虽体现了循序渐进、高复现率中加深印象的教学方法,但接触时对学生的不求甚解便可的要求无疑加重了学生的机械记忆的负担,从而减弱学生学英语的兴趣。语法是有规律性的东西,采用研究性学习让学生根据已有的初步知识自己去总结规律,在这一过程中再发现、再创造,从而培养学生的创新能力和问题意识。在教学中,教师应采用学生感兴趣的素材,尽可能多地从启发诱导入手,设计一个个有梯度、有意图的问题、逐步引导学生去归纳总结出语法知识。学生归纳正确,给予肯定,增强学生的自信心;学生归纳不正确时,分析原因,指明正确的用法,让学生在“原来如此”的情感体验中加深对此语法知识的理解与记忆;学生归纳之后,教师再给予相应的操练,以期收到触类旁通和巩固的效果。 以学习倒装为例,我采用以下步骤: 1.创设情景,提供材料(在幻灯片上打出下列句子) ①Here comes the bus. The bus comes here. ②Out rushed the children. The children rushed out. ③LiLei rushed out. So did LiMing. LiLei rushed out. So LiMing rushed out too. ④Only then did he realize that he forgot his bag. He realized that he forgot his bag only then. 2.出示问题:请学生仔细观察句子,分析每组句子的异同。 3.学生研读每个句子后,可得出如下结果:每一对句子意思都相同,但语序不同;每组的前一句都是倒装句型。(若学生首次碰到,可由教师直接告知)教师设问:何为倒装?学生归纳倒装的共性(主谓颠倒)。在学生对倒装有一定的认识之后,引导学生找疑问: Q1:倒装的作用是什么? Q2:倒装句都一样吗? Q3:在什么情况下需要倒装? 让学生把每组句子的第一句连成文章,请学生比较异同,从而回答Q1;请学生对比14两组句子,引导学生回答Q2,再观察每组句子,并且让学生研读教材上提供的例句,让学生分组讨论、总结,然后以小组为单位发言,从而回答Q3。在完成对这三个问题的回答之后,倒装作为一语法知识便已轮廓清晰、重点鲜明地凸现在学生面前。在学生归纳分析过程中,教师适当讲评、补充。这一过程始终让学生处主导地位,教师只起指导作用。 在语法教学的研究性学习中,教师应始终用问题的提出引导学生步步进入语言规律的认识,提供的素材应力求贴近学生实际富有趣味性。 总之,在高中英语教学中,本着研究性学习的特点,教师应用多尝试以问题为载体,引导学生的思维;始终以学生为主体,多创设各种合作学习的活动,让学生在讨论、合作、探究、体验中锻炼思维,培养学生学英语的兴趣和自信心,让学生在提高听、说、读、写能力的同时,养成自主学习和创新意识,从而为成为二十一世纪的主人奠定基础。


On the Cultural Translation of Chinese Poetry From the Perspective of Peter Newmark’s Theory【Abstract】As a type of classical Chinese literature with a long history, the ancient Chinese poetry has long attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad and been translated by them. This paper attempts to make a tentative study on Peter Newmark’s theory in the culture translation of Chinese poetry. It proves that the theory plays a key role in the culture translation of Chinese poems.【Key Words】Peter Newmark;communicative translation;semantic translation; poem translationAs a type of classical Chinese literature with a long history, the ancient Chinese poetry has long attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad and been translated by them. For different translators, the translated versions and methods are quite different. Based on his own past research and some other transdisciplinary knowledge, Peter Newmark, the famous English translation theorist, has put forward the principles of “semantic translation” and “communicative translation”.1. The Characteristics of Poem TranslationPoem translation is quite different from the translations of novels, dramas, proses and film scripts. This is determined by its own characteristics. Then what are its characteristics? Generally speaking, there are three prime , poem emphasizes on the beauty of tempo and metre. A beautiful poem must have much attractiveness between the lines. When you hear some reading the charming poem, it seems that you are listening to a beautiful , from a lingual perspective, the languages of poem is quite succinct and the information in one unit structure. Its structure is rather different from some common lingual structures, due to the requirement of its metre, rhythm and , a poem is the most senior form of literature, its metre, form and idea becoming integration. The lack of anyone of them will lead to the destruction of the whole poem. What’s more,the significance should be read between the lines, because the lines consist of many constituents of imagination when the author produces the poem. That is to say, we can always see the beauty of obscurity from poems. The understanding and feeling towards a poem depends on the appreciator, time and . About Peter Newmark’s Translation TheoryAccording to Peter Newmark, communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original. In theory, there are wide differences between the two translation must emphasize the effect rather than the content of the message, and semantic translation would be more informative but less effective. Semantic translation attempts to recreate the precise flavor and tone of the original and it relates to the “expressive” function of language, whereas communicative translation responds to the representational and vocative functions. Thus for “Wet Paint!”, the communicative translation “Don’t touch the wet paint” is mandatory; the semantic translation(‘paint is wet’) would be more informative but less . A Study on the Cultural Transference of Chinese Appellation CultureAppellation culture is a dual-property semiotic system which concerns with appellation and involves both linguistics and culture. It is a semiotic system because it is marked by words or phrases in languages. The evolution of Chinese history and the continuous blending among nationalities in ancient China has given rise to a complex Han culture. Appellation culture is a good case in point. Appellation can be divided into relative appellation and association. A relative appellation is a cultural symbol produced by marriage system. After long-term cultural sediment, it has become well established. In ancient China, the complex marriage system finally led to a complicated relative appellation system, which inevitably causes troubles in 未谙姑食性,先遣小姑尝。Verginial: I decide that not my my husband’s young sister shall have the first Yuanchng: To meet my mother-in-law’s taste,I send her daughter the first : But what kind of taste auntie likes, I don’t know,So send to my sister-in-law the first ancient China, there was a traditional custom, which meant to turn cousinship into marriageship. In other words, a girl was supposed to marry the son of her mother’s brother, thus she would call her husband’s parents, . her father-in-law and mother-in-law uncle and aunt or auntie. Fletcher, obviously, has been confused by the surface meaning of “姑”, hence, he translates this word semantically as “auntie”. Although the girl calls her husband’s mother aunt, she has to present as a daughter-in-law and look at the “aunt” as mother-in-law and serve her everyday after the marriage. This is determined by the feudal marriage system. Thus, Fletcher has made a semantic here the “auntie” only acts as a “signifier”. A good way to deal with it is to uncover its veil and make the readers see clearly its face, to reveal the word in its true colours. After analyzing and consulting reference books, this is not a difficult task. The best way is to take a communicative translation. Both the first two translators have done in this way. “姑”is translated communicatively as “mother in law”. Under this condition, the TL readers will understand the poem in a full; otherwise, they must be confused about the let’s take another example: 嫦娥应悔偷灵药,碧海青天夜夜心。Zhang Tingchen & Wei Bosi: Chang E must regret having stolen the magic elixir——In that blue ocean of a sky: endless thoughts, night after Dayu: Chang’e should now sorely regretFor stealing the herb of fay,So she hath to face all alone the blue skyAnd the sea immense night and : Are you sorry for having stolenThe potion that has set purple seas and blue skies,To brood through the long nights?Chang’e is a fairy lady in a Chinese legend who swallowed elixir stolen from her husband and flew to the moon. Here, in order to let the TL readers get to know the legendary figure in Chinese culture, both Chinese translators have taken the semantic translation and transcribed it into “Chang’e”, the alphabetic correspondence of “嫦娥”. Since the original verse is a narrative, in which “Chang’e” functions only as a sign of a person, it is hard for readers to fully understand the figure in the poem. So, this kind of transcription is quite all , Bynner, starting from the western thinking mode, has communicatively translated the verse by using the second as if in a dialogue with God or someone else. This kind of tone may bring the TL readers kindness and make them feel as if they are participating. But this can’t yet explain who “嫦娥”is. This shows that sometimes when the differences between the two languages can’t be understood by TL readers, they should be eliminated by sensible Culture about Weights and MeasuresWeights and measures were very complicated before the unity by the Qin Dynasty. Each country followed its own system of weights and measures. After the unity of the country, Qin also standardized them. Such a system is handed down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, they are unknown or unfamiliar to foreigners. Although the Tang Dynasty reached in a peak in cultural influence abroad, some of the cultural concepts are unknown to foreigners. Now let’s see the following instances: 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。Obata: The Peach Flower Lake is a thousand fathoms deep,But it cannot compare, O Wang Lun,With the depth of your love for 一片孤城万仞山。Wen Shu: On a steep high mountain the lone garrison town standsZhang Tingchen & Wei Bosi: Amid the massive mountains lies the solitary sliver of a townSun Dayu: And a lone pile lies by a mount a hundred furlongs highXu Yuanchong: The lone Great Wall lost amid the mountains proudFletcher: ‘Mid peaks so high our tiny town to sight is almost lostSuch units as “尺” (in its ancient meaning), “仞”have no equivalence in Anglo-American culture or modern Chinese culture. According to A Dictionary for Ancient Chinese Words, both of them are measures of length, height or depth. In ancient Chinese, 1尺≈; 1仞≈(current)≈. So “万仞”≈24000meter~25000m. Even people in China today may not know these. We may translate them semantically as 260m and 24000m, but which may make the translated versions lost their original charming and become more complicated. Therefore, Obata chooses another way, he adapts and makes the thought and cultural content of original more accessible to reader. In his version, “尺”is replaced by “fathom”, a word familiar to foreigners. 1尺≈, then 1000尺≈260m; 1fathom≈, then 1000fathoms≈1800m. Thus it seems the two figures differ largely from each other, but after all, the “千尺” here is in its exaggerated meaning. In this way, the readers can get the rough meaning of a great depth conveyed by the original in the second version, Sun Dayu has semantically translated “仞”into “a hundred furlongs”. He used a similar unit in Anglo-American culture for replacement. 1furlong≈201m, then 100furlong≈20100m. This is almost equal to the height of “万仞”. The domesticating method here has not merely made the TL readers understand the grandeur of the mountains the author wanted to convey, but also given them a perceptual knowledge of this point. Thus we can see that Mr. Sun has really given much thought to the for the other versions, they should be categorized under communicative translation. Although the key cultural word has been sacrificed, all the versions have become clear enough to be accepted by TL the above examples, we see that semantic translation is not always the only valid method. Sometimes communicative translation may also help to translate those words that are heavily culture-loaded. However, when it is imperative to retain the culture, semantic translation should be considered, that is, we can translate the words literally and then add a note. In versions that aim to introduce Chinese culture, it is necessary to use this Time CultureTime culture refers to some culture that is related to time or the techniques to express time. During the development of Chinese history, ancient Chinese invent their own special methods to express time. Using lunar calendar to calculate months is a good case in point. That is to divide a year according to the twenty-four solar terms. In this way, people can easily depict what the climate or scenery is like during a period of 烟花三月下扬州Yang Xianyi &Gladys Yang: In the mist and flowers of spring,He goes down to Dayu: In this flowery April clime,For thickly peopled Yuanchong: For Yangzhou in spring green with willows and red with to Best-Known Tang and Song Four-Line Poems,“烟花” is a phrase to depict the spring that is filled with the mist-like willow catkin and the brocade-like flowers, that is to describe a splendid spring. Here in the verse, it is used to modify “三月”. “三月”in the lunar calendar refers to the third month, the period almost from the pure Brightness till soon after Grain Rain. This period of time is nearly equal to the fourth month of the year,April. During this time, flowers blossom and the trees begin to put forth new leaves.”Against such a background, starting from the TL culture, Mr. Sun Dayu communicatively translates it into “flowery April”. Thus, the TL readers can easily imagine the flowery scenery. The same strategy has been adopted in the others. From the readers’ angle, the other two translators have succeeded in avoiding confusion to the TL readers by omitting “三月”. Otherwise the TL readers will wonder why it says it is spring and flowery since it is obviously cold in March? By omission of “三月”, the two versions appear clearer in meaning and easier to the above several examples, we may draw a conclusion that communicative translation is mainly adopted to transfer the culture, especially in appellation culture and culture about weights and measures, while semantic translation is added to render some culture in Chinese poetry. But no matter which method a translator adopts, he must render the original accurately and accurately convey the true information to the TL in all, Peter Newmark’s translation theory applies successfully to the English versions of ancient Chinese poems. It proves that all translations must be in some degree both communicative and semantic. Both semantic translation and communicative translation are necessary in translation. The theory plays a key role in the English translation of Chinese poems.







论文格式 当我们对一个问题研究之后,如何将其展现于众人面前是一个重要的工作。在这里我们结合具体的事例,给大家介绍科研的一个重要部分枣论文的一般格式及其注意事项。当然,要写出一篇好的论文,绝不是单单这么一个简要的介绍就够了,还需自己多写、多练。 随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的学者涉及到学术论文的写作领域,那么怎样写学术论文、学术论文写作是怎样要求的、格式如何,下面就介绍一下学术论文的写作,希望能对您论文写作有所帮助。 (一)题名(Title,Topic)1、论文格式的论文题目:(下附署名)要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 论文题目是一篇论文给出的涉及论文范围与水平的第一个重要信息,也是必须考虑到有助于选定关键词不达意和编制题录、索引等二次文献可以提供检索的特定实用信息。 论文题目十分重要,必须用心斟酌选定。有人描述其重要性,用了下面的一句话:论文题目是文章的一半。 对论文题目的要求是:准确得体;简短精炼;外延和内涵恰如其分;醒目。对这四方面的要求分述如下。1.准确得体要求论文题目能准确表达论文内容,恰当反映所研究的范围和深度。 常见毛病是:过于笼统,题不扣文。关键问题在于题目要紧扣论文内容,或论文内容民论文题目要互相匹配、紧扣,即题要扣文,文也要扣题。这是撰写论文的基本准则。2.简短精炼力求题目的字数要少,用词需要精选。至于多少字算是合乎要求,并无统一的硬性规定,一般希望一篇论文题目不要超出20个字,不过,不能由于一味追求字数少而影响题目对内容的恰当反映,在遇到两者确有矛盾时,宁可多用几个字也要力求表达明确。 若简短题名不足以显示论文内容或反映出属于系列研究的性质,则可利用正、副标题的方法解决,以加副标题来补充说明特定的实验材料,方法及内容等信息使标题成为既充实准确又不流于笼统和一般化。3.外延和内涵要恰如其分外延和内涵属于形式逻辑中的概念。所谓外延,是指一个概念所反映的每一个对象;而所谓内涵,则是指对每一个概念对象特有属性的反映。 命题时,若不考虑逻辑上有关外延和内涵的恰当运用,则有可能出现谬误,至少是不当。4.醒目论文题目虽然居于首先映入读者眼帘的醒目位置,但仍然存在题目是否醒目的问题,因为题目所用字句及其所表现的内容是否醒目,其产生的效果是相距甚远的。 有人对36种公开发行的医学科持期刊1987年发表的论文的部分标题,作过统计分析,从中筛选100条有错误的标题。在100条有错误的标题中,属于省略不当错误的占20%;属于介词使用不当错误的占12%)。在使用介词时产生的错误主要有:①省略主语枣第一人称代词不达意后,没有使用介词结构,使辅助成分误为主语;②需要使用介词时又没有使用;③不需要使用介词结构时使用。属主事的错误的占11%;属于并列关系使用不当错误的占9%;属于用词不当、句子混乱错误的各占9%,其它类型的错误,如标题冗长、文题不符、重复、歧意等亦时有发生。(二)作者姓名和单位(Author and department)这一项属于论文署名问题。署名一是为了表明文责自负,二是记录作用的劳动成果,三是便于读者与作者的联系及文献检索(作者索引)。大致分为二种情形,即:单个作者论文和多作者论文。后者按署名顺序列为第一作者、第二作者厖。重要的是坚持实事求是的态度,对研究工作与论文撰写实际贡献最大的列为第一作者,贡献次之的,列为第二作者,余类推。注明作者所在单位同样是为了便于读者与作者的联系。(三)摘要(Abstract)论文一般应有摘要,有些为了国际交流,还有外文(多用英文)摘要。它是论文内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述。其他用是不阅读论文全文即能获得必要的信息。摘要应包含以下内容:①从事这一研究的目的和重要性;②研究的主要内容,指明完成了哪些工作;③获得的基本结论和研究成果,突出论文的新见解;④结论或结果的意义。论文摘要虽然要反映以上内容,但文字必须十分简炼,内容亦需充分概括,篇幅大小一般限制其字数不超过论文字数的5%。例如,对于6000字的一篇论文,其摘要一般不超出300字。论文摘要不要列举例证,不讲研究过程,不用图表,不给化学结构式,也不要作自我评价。 撰写论文摘要的常见毛病,一是照搬论文正文中的小标题(目录)或论文结论部分的文字;二是内容不浓缩、不概括,文字篇幅过长。(四)关键词(Key words)关键词属于主题词中的一类。主题词除关键词外,还包含有单元词、标题词的叙词。主题词是用来描述文献资料主题和给出检索文献资料的一种新型的情报检索语言词汇,正是由于它的出现和发展,才使得情报检索计算机化(计算机检索)成为可能。 主题词是指以概念的特性关系来区分事物,用自然语言来表达,并且具有组配功能,用以准确显示词与词之间的语义概念关系的动态性的词或词组。关键词是标示文献关建主题内容,但未经规范处理的主题词。关键词是为了文献标引工作,从论文中选取出来,用以表示全文主要内容信息款目的单词或术语。一篇论文可选取3~8个词作为关键词。关键词或主题词的一般选择方法是:由作者在完成论文写作后,纵观全文,先出能表示论文主要内容的信息或词汇,这些住处或词江,可以从论文标题中去找和选,也可以从论文内容中去找和选。例如上例,关键词选用了6个,其中前三个就是从论文标题中选出的,而后三个却是从论文内容中选取出来的。后三个关键词的选取,补充了论文标题所未能表示出的主要内容信息,也提高了所涉及的概念深度。需要选出,与从标题中选出的关键词一道,组成该论文的关键词组。关键词与主题词的运用,主要是为了适应计算机检索的需要,以及适应国际计算机联机检索的需要。一个刊物增加关键词这一项,就为该刊物提高引用率、增加知名度开辟了一个新的途径。(五)引言(Intorduction)引言又称前言,属于整篇论文的引论部分。其写作内容包括:研究的理由、目的、背景、前人的工作和知识空白,理论依据和实验基础,预期的结果及其在相关领域里的地位、作用和意义。引言的文字不可冗长,内容选择不必过于分散、琐碎,措词要精炼,要吸引读者读下去。引言的篇幅大小,并无硬性的统一规定,需视整篇论文篇幅的大小及论文内容的需要来确定,长的可达700~800字或1000字左右,短的可不到100字。(六)正文(Main body)正文是一篇论文的本论,属于论文的主体,它占据论文的最大篇幅。论文所体现的创造性成果或新的研究结果,都将在这一部分得到充分的反映。因此,要求这一部分内容充实,论据充分、可靠,论证有力,主题明确。为了满足这一系列要求,同时也为了做到层次分明、脉络清晰,常常将正文部分人成几个大的段落。这些段落即所谓逻辑段,一个逻辑段可包含几个自然段。每一逻辑段落可冠以适当标题(分标题或小标题)。段落和划分,应视论文性质与内容而定。(七)参考文献[序号]. 编著者. 书名[M],出版地:出版社,年代,起止页码 [序号]. 作者. 论文名称[J],期刊名称,年度,卷(期),起止页码电子文献的载体类型及其标识随着我国信息化进程的加快,电子文献的采用量逐渐加大,其标注方式的规范化已经提到议事日程上来了。现根据国家新闻出版署印发的《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》的有关规定,对来稿提出如下要求:一、对于数据库、计算机程序及电子公告等电子文献类型的参考文献,以下列双字母作为标示:电子文献类型数据库计算机程序电子公告电子文献类型标识DBCPEB二、电子文献的载体类型及其标识对于非纸张类型载体的电子文献,当被引用为参考文献时需在参考文献类型中同时标明其载体类型。《规范》采用双字母表示电子文献载体类型:磁带(magnetic tape)MT,磁盘(disk)DK,光盘(CD-ROM) CD,联机网络(online)OL,并以下列格式表示包括了文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识:[文献类型标识/载体类型标识]如:[DB/OL]——联机网上数据库(database online)[ DB/MT]——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)[M/CD]——光盘图书(monograph on CD-ROM)[CP/DK]——磁盘软件(computer program on disk)[J/OL]——网上期刊(serial online)[EB/OL]——网上电子公告(electronic pulletin board online)如:[1]王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准数据库系统工程的进展[DB/OL].文献网址, 1998-08-16/1998-10-04. 以纸张为载体的传统文献在引作参考文献时不必注明其载体类型。编写要求 页面要求:毕业论文须用A4(210×297)标准、70克以上白纸,一律采用单面打印;毕业论文页边距按以下标准设置:上边距为30mm,下边距为25mm,左边距和右边距为25mm;装订线为10mm,页眉16mm,页脚15mm。 页眉:页眉从摘要页开始到论文最后一页,均需设置。页眉内容:浙江广播电视大学汉语言文学类本科毕业论文,居中,打印字号为5号宋体,页眉之下有一条下划线。 页脚:从论文主体部分(引言或绪论)开始,用阿拉伯数字连续编页,页码编写方法为:第×页共×页,居中,打印字号为小五号宋体。 前置部分从中文题名页起单独编页。 字体与间距:毕业论文字体为小四号宋体,字间距设置为标准字间距,行间距设置为固定值20磅。

一.开头句型 1. As far as...is concerned就……而言 2. It goes without saying that...不言而喻,...... 3. It can be said with certainty that...可以肯定地说...... 4. As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的, 5. It has to be noticed that...必须注意到,...... 6. It's generally recognized that...普遍认为...... 7. What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是...... 8. There's no denying the fact that...不可否认...... 9. Nothing is more important than the fact that...没有什么比......更重要 , ..., which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ... Second, ... What makes things worse is that...现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是…… 二.衔接句型 1. A case in point is ...一个典型的例子是...... 2. As is often the case,... 正如通常情况下,...... 3. As stated in the previous paragraph, 如前段所述, 4. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore,... 但是问题并非如此简单,所以,…… 5. But it's a pity that...但遗憾的是…... 6. For all that...对于这一切...... In spite of the fact that...尽管事实...... 7. Further, we hold opinion that...此外,我们坚持认为...... 8. However , the difficulty lies in...然而,困难在于...… 9. Similarly, we should pay attention to...同样,我们要注意...... 10. In view of the present station, 鉴于目前形势, 11. As has been mentioned above, 正如上面所提到的, 12. In this respect, we may as well say...从这个角度上我们可以说...... 13. However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is...然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即 …... 三.结尾句型 1. I will conclude by saying...最后我要说…... 2. Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我们有理由相信…... 3. All things considered,总而言之, 4. Therefore, in my opinion, it's more advisable...因此,在我看来,更可取的是…... 5. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that… 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论...… data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that… 通过数据我们得到的结论是...... 7. It can be concluded from the discussion that...从讨论中可以得出......的结论 8. From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来,如果……也许更好 四.举例句型 1. Let's take...to illustrate this.让我们用......来阐明这一点。 2. let's take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.让我们用以上图标做例子来阐明这一点。 3. Here is one more example.还有一个例子。 … for example. 以......为例。 offers a typical instance of…. 这为......提供了一个典型的例子。 6. We may quote a common example of…. 我们可以引用一个关于......的常见例子。 五.常用于引言段的句型 1. Some people think that…. 有些人认为…... 2. To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below.坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。 3. For years,… has been seen as …, but things are quite different now. 多年来,……一直被视为……,但现在的情况有很大的不同。 4. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that… 我无法完全同意这一观点的…... 5. My argument for this view goes as follows.我对这个问题的看法如下。 6. Along with the development of…, more and more…随着……的发展,越来越多…... 7. There is a long-running debate as to whether...关于是否......有着个长期的辩论。 8. It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that…. 普遍/广泛认为…... 9. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我而言,我完全同意前者/后者。 10. Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides.在给出我的观点之前,我想有必要看看双方的论据。 六.表示比较和对比的常用句型和表达法 1. A is completely / totally / entirely different from B. A和B完全不同。 2. A and B are different in every way / respect / 和B在每方面都不同。 3. A and B differ in… A和B在......方面不同。 4. A differs from B in... A在......方面和B不同。 5. The difference between A and B is/lies in/exists in… A和B的区别在于...... 6. Compared with/In contrast to A, B…. 和A比起来,B...... 7. While it is generally believed that A…, I believe B… 虽然普遍认为A......,但是我认为B...... 8. Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.尽管它们有相似性,但是A和B也是不同的。 9. Both A and B…. However, A…; on the other hand, B… A和B都......然而,A......;另一方面,B...... 10. The most striking difference is that A…, while B…. 最显著的区别是A......,然而B...... 七.演绎法常用的句型 1. There are several reasons for…, but in general, they come down to three major ones. 对于......有几个原因,但一般地,他们可以归结为三个主要原因。 2. There are many factors that can account for…, but the following are the most typical ones. 有许多因素能够解释......,但以下是最典型的因素。 3. Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective.有很多方法可以解决这个问题,但下面的可能是最有效的。 4. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.一般来说,这些优势可以列举如下。 5. The reasons are as follows.原因如下。 八.因果推理法常用句型 1. Because/Since we read the book, we have learned a lot.因为我们读过这本书,所以我们学到很多。 2. If we read the book, we will learn a lot.如果我们读这本书,我们会学到很多。 3. We read the book;as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, we've learned a lot. 我们读了这本书,因此我们学了很多。 4. As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, we've learned a lot.由于读了这本书,我们已经学到了很多。 5. The cause of/reason for/overweight is eating too much.超重的原因是吃得太多。 is caused by/due to/because of eating too much.超重是由于吃得太多。 7. The effect/consequence/result of eating too much is overweight.吃太多的结果是超重。 8. Eating too much causes/results in/leads to overweight.吃太多导致超重。 早检测论文查重系统我祝大家顺利通过~~~


2016 2017高三外研版英语周报第11期答案及解析Book 4 Modules 3-4参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BACAC 6-10CBCBA11-15 CAACB 16-20CAABC21-25 ADCCB 26-30ABBAB31-35 BCCBC 36-40FBDGE 41-45 CADBB 46-50DCCAD51-55 BCBAA 56-60DBACC61. environmental 62. successfully63. to 65. began . them been rejected69. to harvest 70. the短文改错:71. ... jog near my home ... jog → jogging72. ... in a morning. a → the73. ... with a purpose. with → without74. Then next day ... next前加the75. ... that amazed me ... that → what76. ... at them cheerful ... cheerful → cheerfully77. ... not my friend ... friend → friends78. ... tomorrow and sometime. and → but79. By giving up ... 去掉up80. ... who benefit most. benefit → benefitsOne possible version:Dear Andy,How are you doing these days? I'd like totell you something about the annual Campus Book Fair in my was held on the afternoon of lastThursday in order to encourage teachers and students to read more. The latestbooks of different types brought by the booksellers were displayed for us toread and purchase. Teachers and students also sold or exchanged their like the fair very much, which not onlyintroduced us to a lot of interesting books but allowed us to buy books at alower price. Besides, it gave us a chance to make new friends. Do you havesimilar activities in your school?Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua部分解析阅读理解:A篇(学校生活)本文是记叙文。作者被斯坦福大学录取后反思自己的高中生活。21. A。推理判断题。由第二段末的Now that I've gotten into college, however, my life seems almostwell ... pointless及第三段开头的Foryears, getting into Stanford was my only goal. So what if I lost my friends andeven my own personality to pursue this dream可推断,作者为考上斯坦福大学的得与失而困惑。倒数第二段开头的For now, my future is vague. To others, I may seem extremelyexcited, but inwardly, I am conflicted也是提示。22. D。细节理解题。由第三段末的I sent the teacher an email informing her of Hannah's difficulty ...sacrifice my grade可知,作者为了不影响自己在团队项目中的成绩向老师抱怨Hannah不太好的表现。23. C。词义猜测题。由上文的paint myself as a typical Stanford student及下文的what's better than a girl who loves engineering可推断,作者在自己的大学申请中将自己描述成了一个渴望成为工程师的人。故C项恰当。24. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段末的Instead of haggling for points with my teachers ... I should haveexplored my talents and interests可推断,作者后悔自己读高中时太在乎成绩,应当更注重开发自己的潜能和兴趣。据此可推断C项正确。B篇(计划与愿望)本文是议论文。文章主要讲希望的含义以及希望对于成功的重要性。25. B。段落大意题。由第一段中的what people accept as hope is a ... Hope in ancient Greek is “elpis” meaning ... 可知,本段主要讲hope的含义。26. A。推理判断题。由第二段末的Not giving up on his hope, he worked hard toward it and at last hebecame president of Anglo Gold Ashanti可知,Jonah的例子主要是为了证明有希望才会有成功。27. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的Someone may say “I've tried andfailed several times” ... they alsofailed; however, they didn't give up on their hope可知,要想成功就不能轻言放弃。28. B。标题归纳题。本文主要讲了希望的含义以及希望对于成功的重要性,并鼓励人们心怀希望,并不轻易放弃。故B项最恰当。C篇(科普知识)本文是说明文。研究表明人们的情绪影响对颜色的判断。29. A。细节理解题。由第二段末句There's a reason, he says, that sad people commonly describe theworld as “colorless,” and “gray,” and happy people use words like “bright” and “colorful.”可知,人们描述世界的方式可以反映出他们的感受。30. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的the researchers randomly assigned people to one of two in the “sadness” group watched a sad scene from The Lion King. Those in the “amusement” group watcheda comedy可推断,实验中让一部分参与者看《狮子王》中悲哀的场面是为了让他们感到伤心,让另一部分人看喜剧是为了让他们开心,进而为之后的实验做准备。31. B。细节理解题。由第四段中的Some of the patches are pretty difficult to make out ... People werescored on how accurate their color perception was可知,实验中将不同颜色的斑点处理得略带灰色是为了使它们较难辨认。32. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段末的they did not have problems seeing colors in the red-green spectrum... response to anger可知,伤心的人较容易辨认出红色。D篇(文娱与体育)本文是应用文。文章介绍了两项夜间娱乐活动。33. C。细节理解题。由文中的These special nights enable a family ... at no charge可知,该活动对成年人和儿童都免费。34. B。细节理解题。由文中的Kids 14 and under are invited to complete a fitness challenge uponarrival to earn free admission to the event可知。35. C。细节理解题。由文中的designed to help grown-ups and children develop a lifetime ofhealthy habits可知,该组织致力于帮助人们养成健康的生活习惯。七选五:话题:日常活动本文是说明文。文章介绍了几点关于如何成功的建议。36. F。F项是对上文的strengths的举例说明,且与下文的Maybe you'll become an auto mechanic相呼应。37. B。B项与上文的Did you fail acourse?并列,并与上文的few mistakes aredisastrous相呼应。38. D。由下文Cecilia的例子可推断,在某些方面的成功能使一个人具备成功人士的素质和心态,进而在其它方面也获得成功。39. G。G项中的who were also achievers与上文的Cecilia's grades improved相呼应。40. E。E项与上文的I've met peoplefrom top universities who have experienced unemployment and even homelessness都是对本段主题句Getting into a top university — or any university — will notguarantee success的具体解释说明。完形填空:话题:健康本文是记叙文。一位乳腺癌患者康复后致力于提高女性对心脏疾病的认识。41. C。由上文的when cancer crashes down on your life plans及下文的Drown in sorrow可推断,当一个人得知自己患癌症后通常会“哭(Cry)”。42. A。由上文的pick yourself up and enjoy the glory of及下文的with a mission to serve可推断,癌症患者在伤心过后会振作起来,享受“活着(alive)”的幸福,并努力做些事情。43. D。由上文的my life's goal可知,在患癌症之前,作者的人生目标是“说服(persuade)”自己的丈夫再生一个宝宝。44. B。由下文的I felt lost可推断,患癌症后,作者的梦想破灭了。故选dead。45. B。由下文的the body heals much faster可推断,“治疗(treatment)”结束后,作者感到很茫然。46. D。由上文的I felt lost及下文的the bodyheals much faster than ... 可推断,作者感到生存是如此“艰难(difficult)”。47. C。由上文的When I was done with my ... I felt lost可推断,身体恢复得比“精神(soul)”快很多。48. C。由上文的What was my calling now ... I felt I should help save others可推断,作者想要给那些有生命和健康危险的人带来“不同(difference)”。49. A。一位朋友告诉作者,在以色列,心血管疾病“致死(kills)”的女性比所有因癌症而死的女性还要多。50. D。由下文的If women knew可推断,女性甚至不“知道(know)”心血管疾病的危害。51. B。如果女性知道心脏病的“起因(causes)”和前兆,她们就能挽救自己的生命。52. C。由上段可知,通过和朋友的谈话,作者“找到了(found)”自己的使命。53. B。由上段末的If women knew ... signs of heart disease, they could save theirlives可推断,作者开始致力于提高人们对心脏病的“认识(awareness)”。54. A。作者帮助那些健康风险“严重(severe)”的人了解心脏病。55. A。作者的努力促使议会委员们讨论心脏健康,这令作者感到非常“满足(satisfaction)”。56. D。由上文的Status of Women及第四段末的If womenknew ... signs of heart disease, they could save their lives可推断,议会委员们讨论了“女性的(women's)”心脏健康。57. B。由第三段中的I felt I should help save others可知,癌症治愈后,作者帮助保护很多人的“生命(lives)”。58. A。59. C。由作者经历癌症后大有成就的事例可知,“灾难(Disasters)”可以让一个人变得“更好(better)”。60. C。你只需要向前迈几步,再凭借一点点运气,“转变(transformation)”就会发生。语法填空:61. environmental。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处修饰名词impact,故填形容词environmental。62. successfully。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语,故填副词successfully。63. to。考查介词。up to意为“多达”。64. where。考查关系副词。设空处引导限制性定语从句且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。65. began。考查一般过去时。由Since可知begin所表示的动作发生在过去,故填began。66. fastest。考查形容词最高级。句中含表示范围的in the fresh produce market,且设空处前有the限定,故填fast的最高级fastest。67. them。考查代词。设空处指代前面的“Ugly” fruits and vegetables,且在此作sell的宾语,故填them。68. have been rejected。考查虚拟语气。由once(曾经)可知,设空处表示与过去事实相反的假设,且produce与reject之间是被动关系,故填have beenrejected。69. to harvest。考查不定式作宾补的用法。send sb. to do sth.意为“派某人去做某事”。70. the。考查定冠词。“the +形容词”表示一类人,此处意为“饥饿的人们”。


摘要: 传统的语言教学法在中国的英语课堂上已盛行了很多年。传统的英语教学主要是以老师和教材为中心的翻译法。在整个英语课堂教学中,教师通过解释语言的含义和用法来支配整个课堂,而学习者的参与却微乎其微。结果中国的英语学习者在分析句子结构﹑翻译文章等方面是能手,但用英语与人交流的能力却是差强人意,这种英语能力无法适应当前社会发展的需要。因此,英语教学方面的专家和教师就课堂上出现的这种问题给以反思,并积极改变目前的教学方法,使学生所学的知识能够应用于实际的生活中来。越来越多的教师和语言学家已经意识到交互式教学法是一种克服语言教学问题的一个有效的方法,并且逐渐认识到培养学生的交际能力的重要性和迫切性。

关键词: 交互式教学法;英语阅读教学;课堂互动;学习态度



作者:王欢 单位:辽宁师范大学







人民大学国际汉语教育硕士生导师目前还尚未弄清,但我们可以从人民大学语言学及应用语言学研究生点来找寻答案。一下是为您提供的:中国人民大学语言学及应用语言学研究生点全介绍人民大学对外汉语语言学及应用语言学专业介绍本专业是博士学位、硕士学位授予点。本专业由老一辈著名教育家、语言文字学家吴玉章教授于50年代亲手创建,1981年首批获得硕士学位授予权,著名语言学家胡明扬先生曾长期担任学科带头人,至今仍指导着本专业的建设。本专业主要研究方向包括:语言学理论研究、句法语义研究、音系学研究、社会语言学研究、对外汉语教学理论研究和计算语言学研究等。本专业培养具有扎实的语言学专业知识、独立的科研能力、良好的理论素养和实践能力的高素质语言研究和应用人才。本专业目前共有教授5人,副教授7人,讲师2人,85%具有博士学位。目前博士生导师有贺阳教授、劲松教授、张卫国教授、李泉教授。本专业主要课程包括:现代语言学论著选讲、语言研究方法、语法学、语义学、音系学、社会语言学、历史语言学专题、对外汉语教学学科理论研究、第二语言教学法研究、语言学中的数理方法、语言信息处理等。本专业毕业生主要到各级党政机关、新闻出版单位、教育和科研机构从事语言文字的应用、教学和研究工作。语言学及应用语言学 贺阳 博士生导师贺阳,男,1955年出生,北京人,教授,博士生导师。1985年考入中国人民大学中文系,攻读普通语言学专业硕士研究生,师从胡明扬教授。1988年获硕士学位,留校任教。2005年在中国人民大学文学院获博士学位。现任中国人民大学文学院副院长,人大复印报刊资料《语言文字学》主编,北京市语言学会常务理事、副秘书长。2006年获“北京市优秀教师”称号。研究的领域包括北京话、现代汉语语法和语言接触,先后参与和主持的研究项目有“北京话研究”、“现代汉语词类问题考察”、“现代汉语句法问题考察”、“间接语言接触的个案调查与理论研究”、“汉语国际推广研究”等。讲授的硕士研究生课程有:现代语言学论著选讲、语法学、汉语句法语义研究、语言研究方法等。发表的主要论文:(1)《北京牛街地区回民话中的借词》(2)《北京牛街回民的北京话调查》(3)《北京话语调的实验探索》(合作)(4)《试论汉语书面语的语气系统》(5)《北京话的语气词“哈”字》(6)《程度副词+有+名”试析》(7)《汉语完句成分试探》(8)《性质形容词作状语情况的考察》(9)《性质形容词句法成分功能统计分析》(10)《形容词与不及物动词的区分》(11)《形名兼类的计量考察》(12)《动趋式“V起来”的语义分化及其句法表现》(13)《从现代汉语介词中的欧化现象看间接语言接触》(14)《现代汉语数量词中的若干欧化语法现象》(15)《现代汉语DV结构的兴起及发展与印欧语言的影响》语言学及应用语言学 劲松 博士生导师劲 松1956年出生于北京,1983年毕业于北京师范大学中文系,1988年毕业于中国人民大学中文系,获文学硕士学位,留校任校今。2006年获得北京大学文学博士学位,同年评为教授,担任博士生导师。教授课程本科生:语音学硕士生:汉藏语言研究的理论和方法社会语言学社会语言学专题博士生:社会语言学研究领域1、当代北京话及普通话规范问题,侧重研究北京话和普通话的语音现象,如语调、轻声、儿化韵等。2、语言学理论研究,侧重于音系学和社会语言学的研究主要著作《马学良学述-当代人文社会科学名家学述》(与瞿霭堂合作),《汉藏语言研究的理论和方法》(与瞿霭堂合作),《现代汉语轻声动态研究》,民族出版社,2002年1月。《社会语言学研究》,民族出版社,2009年3月发表论文:《北京话的口语语体》《北京话的语气和语调》《北京话语调的实验探索》(与贺阳合作)《北京话的字调和语调-兼论汉藏语言的声调》(与瞿霭堂合作)《论汉藏语言的类型和共性》(与瞿霭堂合作),《论普通话的性质和存在形式》《双语研究中的语言态度问题》《流行语新探》《漫谈“洋味”汉语》《网络语言是什么语言》《汉藏语言研究的理论和方法》(与瞿霭堂合作)《双语学习中目的语对基础语的影响》《儿化的语素形位学》《被字句的偏误与规范》《中介语“僵化”的语言学意义》《词的认知基础》《儿化词变化和变异的社会调查研究》《常州话前高元音的舌尖化》《嘉戎语上寨话》(与瞿霭堂合作)《嘉戎语藏语借词的时空特征》《尖团音新议》《叠置式音变献疑》(与瞿霭堂合作)《儿词缀的意义和功能》语言学及应用语言学 吴红云 博士生导师1、基本资料、教育背景、工作经历、社会职务、奖励、荣誉称号吴红云教授(1963- ),女,出生于江西南昌,语言学博士,博士生导师,英国爱丁堡大学访问学者(1999-2000),美国富布莱特项目研究学者(明尼苏达大学, 2008-09)。现任中国人民大学外国语学院教授,文学院外国语言学和应用语言学专业博士生导师,兼任《中国英语教学》杂志编委、全国英语写作教学与研究协会常务理事。曾先后在武汉大学、清华大学、新加坡国立教育学院、爱丁堡大学、北京外国语大学学习。曾先后荣获“霍英东教育基金优秀青年教师奖”、“北京外国语大学优秀博士论文奖”、“《现代外语》最佳论文奖”、“第九届中国人民大学优秀论文成果奖”,曾先后两次荣获“全国CCTV杯英语演讲比赛三等奖获奖选手指导教师奖”。2、教授课程第二语言习得、语言学导论、英语综合实践、英语泛读等。3、主要研究方向第二语言习得、应用语言学、应用语言学研究方法、英语写作。4、主要科研项目与课题1)2006-2007:主持中国人民大学科学研究基金项目“英语学习宏观理念和微观策略”2)2004-2007:参与国家社科基金研究项目“中国英语学习者句法发展模式研究”3)2005-2008:参与国家语言文字委员会项目“外国语言规划的理论与实践研究”4)2007-2008:指导“国家大学生创新性实验计划”课题“北京市公共场所英语标识规范性研究”5、主要科研成果1) 《二语写作元认知理论的实证研究》专著 2006 外语教学与研究出版社“注重英语学习的内在规律”《光明日报》2008年2月13日“时间限制对EFL作文成绩的影响”《外语教学与研究》2006/1“大学英语写作中元认知体验现象实证研究”《外语与外语教学》2006/3“教学活动条件下大学生英语写作元认知的特点”《心理发展与教育》2006/2“二语写作元认


The great and good


Last year's winter vacation. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to huangshan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,my shoes broke. Dad said to me,“liming, don’t do anything halfway.” So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so then, I've kept these shoes。i was very happy




美利坚大学American University是一所私立大学,成立于1893年。截止2013年该校在校本科生7299人,坐落在郊区,校园占地84英亩。美利坚大学实行学期制,在2014美国的大学排名是第75名,2013-2014年该校公布的学费及其他费用一共是40649美元。

美国大学AmericanUniversity创校于公元1893年,简称AU,为一所拥有百年历史的私立四年制全球性大学,美国大学American University师资阵容坚强,教学严谨。主要有7个学院,华盛顿法律学院,文理学院,商学院,传播管理学院,国际服务学院,公共事务学院 ,教育学院。


