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Many managers will swear that they draw very little from the world of academia. Academics are seen by such managers as being theory–obsessed, too far removed from the practical, pragmatic world through which management yet, the ideas that have come from business schools completely shape the goals that business leaders accept and embrace, and many of the actions that years, business schools have taught that managers have to be carefully controlled because, left to their own devices, they may not do what is said to be their main job – to maximise shareholder value. The interests of managers have to be brought into line with those of shareolders by making stock options a major part of their beliefs have become so standard, you need never have set foot inside a business school to have your day to day choices affected by them. And some of these theories have become fact after the event. If you preach that managers cannot be trusted to run business, and they are purely the agents of the shareholders, then in time the fact that people behave as though this were so, makes it so. Even if this is a bad you think management is a science – like the laws of physics are science – then you come up with some strange notions. Such as the notion that things like ethical values should not be a part of is where Milton Friedman came in – with his oft–quoted line: "Few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible".This is important. When companies do bad things, managers often claim that they were powerless to make alternative choices. The demands made upon them in the market, and through the pressure from the analysts and shareholders, meant that their free choice was wholly , of course, was unable to move away from SUVs and fundamentally improve environmental performance because its marketplace insisted on big cars. How long ago that now truth, there is always a choice. Lloyds TSB used to be attacked by some shareholders for not being more adventurous in the cause of ramping up the profit. Its caution turned into a big positive in the end. And the fact the managers had not simply folded in the face of shareholder expectation was shown to be – good where does the enormous certainty in Friedman's position actually come from? Why do so few dare to question today the idea that the role of the manager is to 'maximise shareholder value'? When did it stop being good enough to get a 'fair return' on investment?The other big critics of corporate social responsibility will often cite similar factors. According to some, if a manager spends money on something unrelated to maximising profit, he or she is 'stealing shareholders money'. This is not don't own the company – not in the way that you and I would understand ownership. They just own a right to some of the surplus cash flows of the company. They don't own the assets. They don't own the business (which is in law a legal person in its own right). And if they did, then they would have to be directly responsible for the actions of the company. When human rights are abused, it would be the shareholders that got sued – which of course does not don't shareholders enable the wealth creation in the first place by providing capital? Sure – but only because the resources of management and other employees are applied to it. The staff arguably have the biggest stake in the company. Although people move from job to job, it is still a harder thing to do than it is to buy or sell happens in practice with all these theories?Take the line that you need to police management to ensure they keep in line with shareholder interests. That means that you have to expand the number of independent non–executive directors on boards, split the role of chairman and CEO and the rest of academic review of 54 studies on how the make up of the board affects the company's performance showed that the number of non–executive directors has no effect. Another review of 31 studies on the difference made by separating leadership roles showed a similar message. And yet these principles have formed governance law over the last few decades. The payment of CEOs in stock options has led to all sorts of scandals. It has not lead to shareholders being better served. Even Michael Jensen, the original proponent of the practice, noted in the Economist magazine in 2002 that it hadn't worked out the way he had thought it were quick to point out that Enron had a number of CSR programmes when they thought this might be a stick to beat the CSR movement with. But Enron also had a board stuffed with independent directors (80 percent), had split the role of CEO and chairman, and granted large stock options to its senior managers. Why do people cling to a theory that clearly isn't working? Because if you do, you can pretend that management is a science. And you can build models around it that will predict what will companies have to take due regard to their impact on other stakeholders in society, it is impossible to model that. It depends on judgement, and instinct, and cultural influence. Friedman said that one of his major aims was that ethical problems would be left to individuals to wrestle with – such concerns would be removed from management theory, which would deal only with the science of of course there is no such science. Modeling the economy rested upon the belief that people would make rational decisions based upon their own self–interest. But tests with real people showed that they allow their decisions to be tinged by notions of fairness, compassion, and community spirit. So where does this take us?First of all, we need to use the current crisis to challenge some of the outdated assumptions that have had their hand in creating it. And that includes the business schools – who should be starting to re–evaluate what we have need to start asking some fundamental questions and thinking through what they mean for theory – and if, for instance, the goal of maximising shareholder value CAUSES credit bubbles, because the only way to achieve the goal is to ramp up consumption until the point it can no longer be sustained, and collapses? What if climate change means that we need a business model capable of providing sufficient, but not ever increasing consumption? What would that model look like?Is it easier to achieve if you assume people can make decisions based on something other than pure self–interest, or is it harder?Would it be helpful at this point in history if business leaders and business schools had more of a dialogue, or less, on such questions?ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This article draws together a number of themes I have covered in different articles over the last few years, but is very much indebted to the late Sumantra Ghoshal, whose 2005 article 'Bad Management Theories are Destroying Good Management Practices' provided the business school / academic angles. I am grateful to Shakti Kapoerchan for drawing my attention to it.

1、必须包含标题、摘要、关键词、正文四个部分;如有引用他人文章的还要加注参考文献,具体顺序如下:                                                                      1) 标题 2) 摘要 3) 关键词  4) 正文


(1)标题。建议采用规范化的标题格式,基本格式为 “关于××××的调查报告”、“××××调查”等,如《关于××公司人力资源管理情况调查》;也可采用正副标题结合式,正题陈述调查报告的主要结论或提出中心问题,副题标明调查的对象、范围、问题,如《企业 发展重在制度创新――××公司管理制度建设实践思考》等。

3、摘要的写法                                                                     摘要包括以下三方面内容:第一,简要说明调查目的,即简要说明调查的原因;第二,简要介绍调查的对象和调查内容。包括调查时间、地点、对象、范围、调查要点及所要解答的问题;第三,简要介绍调查研究的方法。介绍调查研究的方法,有助于使确信调查结果的 可靠性,并说明选用该方法的原因。


关键词是从论文标题、内容提要或正文中提取的、能表现该论文主题的、具有实质意义 的词语,通常不超过4个,中间空1个字符距离。

4、正文的写法                                                                      正文一般分前言、主体、结尾三部分。

1)前言。有几种写法:第一种是写明调查的起因或目的、时间和地点、对象或范围、经过与方法,以及人员组成等调查本身的情况,从中引出中心问题或基本结论来;第二种是写明调查对象的历史背景、大致发展经过、现实状况、主要成绩、突出问题等基本情况,进而提出中心问题或主要观点来;第三种是开门见山,直接概括出调查的结果,如肯定做法、指 出问题、提示影响、说明中心内容等。前言起到画龙点睛的作用,要精练概括,直切主题。

2)主体。这是调查报告最主要的部分,这部分详述调查研究的基本情况、做法、经验, 以及分析调查研究所得材料中得出的各种具体认识、观点和基本结论。

3)结尾。结尾的写法也比较多,可以提出解决问题的方法、对策或下一步改进工作的建议;或总结全文的主要观点,进一步深化主题;或提出问题,引发人们的进一步思考;或展 望前景,发出鼓舞和号召。我要调查网,让调查更简单方便!









































对应的平均数就是按照你上述说法来算的。至于算标准差是方差开二次方,有个公式算方差 计平均数为AS=(1/N)∑(X-A)(X-A) X为每一个分值数





CONCLUSION The Committee believes that calls for separate private company GAAP should be framed within the legal and institutional environment of each country. If public and private companies are subject to the same financial reporting requirements, as in many IASB countries, then the need for separate private company GAAP might be justified within an appropriate cost-benefit framework. In contrast, private companies in the . are not required to comply with public company GAAP. Given this difference in the institutional environment, calls for private company GAAP in the . must consider the demand for and supply of financial reporting information in the current private company marketplace. Survey research in the . indicates that private company users find public company GAAP financial statements to have significant decision usefulness, and to be cost-benefit effective. In addition, evidence suggests that when the cost-benefit calculus is not favorable, market forces lead to deviations from GAAP. While some assert that the needs of private company financial statement users differ from those of public company stakeholders, the Committee does not find clear evidence of differential user needs or a clear articulation of how differential needs would lead to a framework for GAAP that differs from the current public company financial reporting requirements in the . Overall, if there is demand for separate private company GAAP, then market forces, rather than standard setters, may be better at meeting the differential information needs of variousprivatecompanystakeholders. The Committee does not see a persuasive argument for standard setters to create a separate private company GAAP in the .结论 该委员会认为要求独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则应裱在法律和制度环境的。如果公共和私人公司有相同的财务报告的要求,在许多国家,并在此基础上,需要IASB进行为独立的私人公司公认会计准则的称义在适当的财政框架。相比之下,私营企业在美国也不需要符合上市公司一般公认会计原则。鉴于此,分别在制度环境呼吁私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国必须考虑需求和供给的财务报告信息在当前的私人公司的市场。 调查研究表明,在美国上市公司,用户找到私人公司财务报表有显著的公认会计准则决策有用性、利益有效。此外,有证据表明,在财政微积分并非有利,市场力量导致偏离公认会计准则的前提下。虽然有些断言的需要,民营企业财务报表使用者不同利益相关者的上市公司,委员会不会发现明显的证据表明微分用户需求或一个清晰的清晰度的需求导致了差,不同于一般公认会计原则框架当前上市公司财务报告的要求,在美国的整体,如果有需求,独立的私人公司公认会计准则的前提下,市场力量,而非标准者,可以更好地满足需求. variousprivatecompanystakeholders微分信息该委员会也不觉得有说服力的论据为准则制定者去创造一个独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国

At present, the accounting information distortion exposed more and more. False Accounting Information has seriously affected the normal economic order and economic construction. Accounting information managers, investors and creditors to improve its management and evaluation of the financial situation, make investment decisions. the main basis for preventing business risks. Accounting information will be distorted to managers, investors and creditors incalculable damage. Therefore, the reasons for recourse lead to distortion of accounting information and how to ensure the authenticity of accounting information. how accounting information in the broadest scope possible to prevent distortion, is a very important practical significance. and has become a matter of urgency. This paper from the accounting method, the macro enterprises outside supervision mechanisms, and accounting personnel and internal factors. incompatible with the economic development of the incentive mechanism of this phenomenon is explained by the distortion of accounting information, then analyze the reasons for the foundation, raised a number of approaches and measures to resolve the accounting information distortion. In the macro, accounting regulations and strengthening law enforcement efforts, and improve internal and external supervision mechanisms, the accountant appointment. change government functions and strengthen their self-discipline, the better to create a good economic environment for enterprises; at the micro level. raise awareness of the law, strict accounting methods to strengthen financial personnel, to improve the quality of information. False Accounting Information is not short-term issues, the implementation of the above preventive measures, it will be a long process and means.





At present, the colleges and universities there are some outstanding problems in vocational education, school education and students employment and the market demand for talents, the separation of teaching effectiveness is poorer, teaching in the embarrassing situation. In adopting sampling survey method, questionnaire investigation, visiting and other methods, the status of the demand for business English professional market, the business English major teaching and the requirements of curriculum development situation has carried on the investigation and analysis, such as for reform of higher vocational education and teaching work.


The demand for business English in the employment market


In the national education system, vocational education is an important part of which cannot be ignored, because it is to promote economic and social development and employment of important ways. Professional education is the employment of education, and social demand is the productivity of education. Only by adhering to the reform and innovation, and adjusting the major in time according to the demand of the market, is the fundamental way for the sustainable development of professional education.


August 20 * * to * * 20 years in September, jilin province department of foreign languages education college course in higher vocational business English professional development and research of the curriculum reform in jilin province, liaoning province, zhejiang province, and Beijing, Shanghai, shenzhen, hangzhou, yiwu, dalian and other places for a market demand social questionnaire sampling survey, tries to survey the social demand for business English professional talents, learn some basic situation and the proportion, provide the basis for further development of business English professional, and according to the social demand and employment guidance curriculum development and reform, redesign to the employment as the guidance, the students career planning as the main line of teaching plan, make the specialty and its curriculum more perfect and effective, and meet the needs of the development of contemporary society, with timeliness.


One, about the questionnaire


The question of the survey


The questionnaire was designed by members of the study group. Consists of three parts, namely the basic situation, main questionnaire investigation unit and to investigate the situation of business English professional curriculum, a total of 35 design problem, the research unit and five respondents personal basic situation, market demand and the curriculum research 30 specific problems.


The way of the survey


The questionnaire issued to take one of two ways, one is questionnaire, and the second is, by means of visiting a questionnaire to survey unit directly, face-to-face meetings and interviews with managers, and submit the answer on the spot. The questionnaire and the scope of the survey were sent in 5 provinces and 12 cities in the whole country, with a total of about 500 questionnaires, and a total of 156 questionnaires, including 128 valid questionnaires.


Second, the basic situation


The units of the survey mainly involve state-owned and public enterprises, private enterprises, sino-foreign joint ventures, commercial and joint-stock companies, individuals and private companies. From the scale of the enterprise, large enterprises account for 22, 0 percent, medium enterprises accounting for 31, 5 percent, small businesses accounting for 46 percent and 5 percent. From the economic type, state-owned enterprises accounted for 10, 4%, 23, private enterprises accounted for 5%, a sino-foreign joint venture accounting for 0%, commerce and the joint stock cooperative system 9, the company accounted for 5%, 25, 31, 6% of individuals and private companies.


Investigation to company and enterprise managers as the object, in which the business operators position as chairman of the board of directors, general manager, director, corporate senior deputy accounted for 0% of 26, marketing and human resources manager accounted for 5% of 38, engineers and technical personnel 8, 7%, 17, 5% employees and other positions of 9 and 3%. Men accounted for 64 percent of the 128 people surveyed, 35 percent of women and 9 percent of women.


Third, the requirement of business English specialty


In the survey, there were 60 or 9 per cent of the units chosen to "have" when asked whether they had introduced a business English talent programme. The absence of consideration was 23, 4 and 15, and 6 percent. This shows that the demand for business English graduates is more important, and the prospect of cultivation is optimistic. Survey, think is the most popular with the enterprise of business English major graduates type is "good grades, and have strong ability of social" (60%), followed by 9% of 27, "social skills", and "good grades" of 12, 1%, the graduates of high comprehensive quality is the most popular type.


Asked for the specific requirements of business English graduates (multiple), put forward the "good spoken English" the most proportion of 61, 6%, in turn, is 53, accounting for 8% of "communicative competence", "has a solid foundation of basic skills, business ability" accounted for 6% of 42, "has a certain business practice ability" accounted for 5% of 40, "English + business accounted for 19%," graduates "to English level 4" accounted for 5% of 18, "national secondary computer certificate" accounted for 3%, 10, "has a good professional ethics and employment concept" of 5, 6%, of the top image temperament of 3, 1%.


Excellent examples of excellent examples of English survey report


For professional qualification certificate of graduates is an important issue, said important investigation unit, 45% think not too important, practical ability of accounting for 7%, 54. Thus can see that unit of choose and employ persons tend to value the practical ability of graduates and level, but from the statistics of proportion of also can see that at present many units are attaches great importance to the graduates have a variety of certificates.


Fourth, the requirement investigation for business English major student teaching and course development


In this survey, the survey unit was concerned about the issue of business English majors and curriculum. When asked whether basic English courses in business English need to be used for learning materials, 82 and 5 percent of the units chose to agree. Disagreeing and disagreeing are 12, 3 and 5 and 2 percent respectively. This shows that the basic English courses in business English are in accordance with the requirements of the market.


In the course of business English professional teaching should be taught in English or with the aid of Chinese issues, agree with the highest percentage of teaching of Chinese business accounted for 3% of 45, agreed to use English to tell the proportion accounted for 6%, 33, don't agree with it is not against the proportion of 21, 1%. It is shown that the importance of learning business knowledge by using native language is not very important.


Asked for business English majors in college what should be taught as well, there are 31, 5% of the operator is suggested to open "business English intensive reading" and "business English" courses; The requirements for "international trade practice", "business etiquette" and "marketing" are also larger than 25, 6, 14, 1 and 10, and 9 percent. "Business English writing" accounted for 18%, 3% of 16, "e-commerce", "international finance" 15, 3%, accounted for 6% of 14, "economics", and put forward for "sociology" and "management", etc.


The main problems and Suggestions for improvement


Through the investigation understands, unit of choose and employ persons have higher demand to training students for the school, which thinks that schools should train students to deal with all kinds of people, with strong communication skills up to 43, the proportion of 5%, the second is: to cultivate students with strong practice ability (21, 5%), cultivating ability and knowledge that pay equal attention to students (19, 3%) is unclear or no advice (15%).


Asked "can you as a unit of choose and employ persons, business English major students in vocational college, put forward some valuable opinions and Suggestions", some investigation showed a strong sense of social responsible for unit, put forward many constructive comments and Suggestions, sums up the following aspects; 1) improve the overall quality of students; 2) cultivate students with good moral values; 3) students are required to be fluent in English, fluent in oral English and strong in business practice. Schools should pay attention to the quality of teaching; 5) find a practical unit, take part in social practice study, and carry out the practical type education. 6) to train students to have certain written and translation abilities; 7) encourage students to increase their confidence; 8) cultivate students' ability to socialize and improve their overall image.

从此次调查问卷可以看出,用人单位对毕业生和学校的要求都具有较强的实用性和针对性的特点,既要求学生有较高的英语语言技能,尤其是英语口语水平,又需要学生具有较好的商务实践和商务沟通能力,也对学校提出了培养学生的综合素质和提高教育教学质量的要求。这些调查结果应引起我们极大的关注和重视,有待在今#from 本文来自高考资源网 end#后的商务英语专业教学中进行调整和强化,它也是进行商务英语专业课程开发和课程设置改革的重要依据,具有宝贵的参考和实用价值。

Can be seen from the survey questionnaire, and unit of choose and employ persons to graduate school requirements has stronger practicability and pertinence, the characteristics of both require students to have higher English language skills, especially in spoken English, and students need to have good business practices and business communication, also put forward to the school to cultivate the students' comprehensive quality and improve the teaching quality of education. These findings should cause our great concern and attention, to be in this # from this article from the college entrance examination after the net resource end# to adjust and strengthen business English professional teaching, it is also for business English professional curriculum development and the important basis of the curriculum reform, has a valuable reference and practical value.


