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如何撰写科技论文英文信息型摘要 摘要:科技论文英文摘要是进行文件检索,促进国际科技交流的重要手段。科技论文通常采用信息型摘要(Informative abstract),其内容包括研究背景、目的、方法、结果和结论五个方面,重点在于方法、结果和结论。摘要写作应遵循客观、写实的原则,避免主观评论和感 *** 彩。1.信息型摘要的写作方法信息型摘要表达的是论文的内容要点,它是论文内容的浓缩和代表,也是国外文件检索所使用的主要形式。科技论文英文摘要遵循科技论文准确、客观和简洁的语言特点,必须提纲挈领、重点突出、内容完整。按照科技论文的组织结构,摘要通常包括背景(Background)、目的(Purpose)、方法(Method)、结果(Result)和结论(Conclusion)五个方面:背景句:介绍研究的背景、现状和问题,常用现在时。目的句:叙述研究的前提、目的、任务和所涉及的主题范围,常用过去时。方法句:陈述研究所使用的原理、对象、材料、工艺、手段、程序等,常用过去时。结果句:陈述研究的结果、数据、效果、性能等,常用过去时。结论句:陈述对研究结果的分析、比较、应用,或根据结果提出问题、建议、预测等,常用现在时或情态动词。 如何写英文科技文 第1章关于科技论文 正确看待科技论文的撰写和发表 正确处理做实验与写论文的关系什么是科技论文 科技论文的新形式 科技论文的写作特点 科技论文的一般格式 参考文献 第2章标题(Title)的撰写 标题中字母大写格式 题要对文 标题要简明 标题中的缩写和化学式 标题中应含有关键词 副标题(Subtitle) 标题的结构 页眉标题(Running Title或Title Running Head) 层次标题 参考文献 第3章作者署名(Authors)与单位(Affiliation)的撰写 第一作者 通讯作者 作者单位 参考文献 第4章摘要(Abstract)和关键词(Keywords)的撰写 摘要的写作原则 英文摘要的时态 英文摘要的语态 关键词 参考文献 第5章引言(Introduction)的撰写 研究领域的背景介绍 相关文献的总结 指出问题所在 简述论文工作 引言实例 参考文献 第6章实验部分(Experimental Section)的撰写 写作技巧 结构 实验部分实例 参考文献 第7章结果与讨论(Results and Discussion)的撰写 写作技巧 结果部分的写法 讨论部分的写法 结果与讨论合并写 结果与讨论分开写 结果与讨论实例 参考文献 第8章结论(Conclusion)的撰写 参考文献 第9章致谢(Acknowledgment)的撰写 参考文献 第10章参考文献(References)的撰写 第11章插图(Illustrations)的绘制 第12章表格(Tables)的设计 第13章科技论文写作中常用的单词、短语和句子 第14章科技论文实例分析 参考文献 致谢 英文科技论文写作怎么写 一般碰到这种的很浪费时间,我都交给海硕之星论文帮忙,我的同学们都是在那找人帮写的; 如何写一篇科技论文 英语作文 300字 ‘ *** eenasteadystreamofhopefuljobseekersfromthevillagesandfarmstothelargemetropolitanareas.城市生活和乡村和农场生活大不相同。大城市的人更注意尊重个人隐私。有时候这种感觉似乎是一种冷漠,但是它是城市生活的一个约俗,以遏制一个人对陌生人的个人事务的好奇。村民和农民有可能所有的邻居对表现出极大的兴趣。城市给聪明的年轻人提供了机会,来自村庄和农场的求职者有往大都市发展的稳定趋势 英文科技论文写作中,怎么描述公式 作品中的环境描写,不论是社会环境或自然环境,都不是可有可无的装饰品,而是密切地联系着人物的思想行动。”因此写人的论文常常需要对环境进行描写。 怎样写英文科技论文题目谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 科技论文的题名是表达论文的特定内容 反映研究范围和深度的最恰当、最简明的逻辑组合 即题名应“以最少数量的单词来充分表述论文的内容”[1 2]。题名的作用主要有二方面[1 3] :(1)吸引读者. 题名相当于论文的“标签”(label) 一般读者通常是根据题名来考虑是否需要阅读摘要或全文 而这个决定往往是在一目十行的过程中做出的。因此 题名如果表达不当 就会失去其应有的作用 使真正需要它的读者错过阅读论文的机会。(2)帮助文献追踪或检索。文献检索系统多以题名中的主题词作为线索 因而这些词必须要准确地反映论文的核心内容 否则就有可能产生漏检。此外 图书馆和研究机构大都使用自动检索系统 其中有些是根据题名中的主题词来查找资料的。 因此 不恰当的题名很可能会导致论文“丢失” 从而不能被潜在的读者获取。 英文科技论文要怎么写 有人在美国这边留学的可以帮忙下吗 Literary Analysis说直白了,也就是文学作品分析。文学作品听起来总觉得枯燥无味,但也有一些教授喜欢布置这样的作业。常常让我们这些留学生苦叫连天。我之前是找的51due帮忙,我现在分享一下,希望能更直观更有效的帮助小伙伴们写好Literary Analysis,以下详解Literary Analysis写作技巧。 方法 1: 确定主旨(1)确定主旨。主旨就是用于概述文章主要内容或回答文章中提出的问题的一句或几句话。主旨句要写得靠谱,就要考虑以下问题: a、我的主旨是什么? b、我该怎样论述? c、我该怎样组织论据?(2)写主旨句。一句好的主旨句应该: a、点明你文章主体部分即将阐述的3个论点。 b、说明文章结构。 c、阐明论点重要性。 d、作为文章的引子部分出现在文章第一段。一般来说,主旨句应该是第一段的最后一句话,以便读者了解文章主体部分将要论述的内容。(3)提炼主旨。在你写作文学分析时,主旨一般也会跟着发生变化。文章写完后,一定要回过头来调整主旨,以便于文章内容精确吻合。 方法 2: 支持论点:写作引入段(1)写作强有力、有趣味的引入段。引入段是文章的开头部分,因此你要尽量使你的文章给人可信、有趣的第一印象,吸引读者继续阅读。以下是写作引入段的几种窍门: a、引用名言或轶事。你引用的可以是几句台词,也可以是一段对白,这要取决于你所分析的文本类型。 b、陈述一个有趣的事实或提出一个巧妙的问题。 c、承认对立观点的合理性。 d、应用讽刺、隽语或类比。(2)在引入段末尾写上主旨句。主旨句要引起下文。

外国语学院英语论文格式规范(附样例) A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”)外国语学院 2001级英语教育1030120011XX XXX 指导老师:XXX(学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中)【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of ……(英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距。)【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。)1. Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及专有名词外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行) In both English and Chinese, …. So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999). (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;夹注的标注法:出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;另外,汉语参考文献的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;夹注出现在标点符号之前)2. The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, …. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples: (1) I don’t know。我不知道。 (2) I am not a poet. 我不是诗人。 (正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为脚注或尾注的上标序号)…3. The differences between English idioms and Chinese The characteristics of English idioms(正文章节序号编制:章的编号:1. ,2., 3.,…;节的编号:…,…;小节的编号为:, …。小节以下层次,采用希腊数字加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a), (b),…;每章题目左顶格,小四号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,小四号字,不加粗但要斜体;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号) …. In conclusion, …. The characteristics of Chinese idioms …. Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夹注的另一种写法): (9) We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose it. …. The analysis of the differences between English and Chinese idioms …(i) …. ….(ii) …. …. 4. Conclusion ….Bibliography (References) (小四号,加粗,后面不加任何标点符号)Sanved, ed. The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C]. New York: OUP, 1981.常亮,“关于英语的偏离否定”[J] 。《外国语文》,1993,4:44。冯树健,“否定之否定新说”[J] 。《英语辅导》,1998,6:11。李光陵,“不完全否定浅析” [J] 。《大学英语》,2000,30:30。(论文最后的参考文献中所有文献的排列顺序:尾注:按照编号顺序。夹注:英文文献----网络文献----汉语文献,各个文献的先后以作者的姓氏字母或拼音为序,不用单独加序号或编号;每个参考文献的第二行起必须缩进4个英文字符;倍行距;另外,与文中的夹注一一对应;不同类型的参考文献写法请参照写作指南中附件2的内容)(以下内容单独一页)汉英习语的对比研究(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中)【摘 要】 汉英的习语问题是个既简单有复杂………………(中文摘要:上空二行;题目采用黑体五号字,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,缩进2个汉字字符,方括号中的“摘要”两个字之间空一格;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号,采用楷体五号字,不加粗,单倍行距; 第二行起要顶格;字数约400字,约8-10行;)【关键词】 习语;对比;英语;汉语(中文关键词:题目采用黑体五号字,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,缩进2个汉字字符;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号,采用楷体五号字,不加粗,单倍行距;各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后不空格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距)一、 基本格式:论文只能打印在每页纸的一面上,不得打印在正反面上。论文纸的大小尺寸为A4纸打印。侧面装订。二、题名页:论文题名页上打印格式基本相近,中、英文对照,中文题目页在第一页,英文题目页在第二页。一般由顶部往下三分之一页处打印论文题目,论文题目都用大写字母,下隔八行打印论文调查者姓名、所属电大,再下隔八行视实际情况打上提交日期XX年XX月XX日以及课程名称:论文项目设计上述各项内容都应打印在论文题名页的中间部位。三、摘要及关键词页摘要及关键词页上打印格式同论文题名页,中、英文对照,中文题目页在上,英文题目页在下。一般根据提要的内容多少安排打印。中文题目摘要采用宋体一号,加粗,摘要正文部分采用宋体,小四号。关键字题目部分采用宋体三号,加粗,关键字短语部分采用宋体,小四号。英文题目摘要采用Times New Roman字体,字号为一号,加粗,摘要正文部分采用Times New Roman字体,字号为小四。四、致谢页学员可以自选致谢页,一般不要求写中文。英文大标题采用Times New Roman字体,字号为一号,加粗,正文部分采用Times New Roman字体,字号为小四。五、目录页英文大标题采用Times New Roman字体,字号为一号,加粗,小标题部分统一采用Times New Roman字体,字号为三号,加粗。注意在右方注明对应的页号,中间虚线连接。六、正文页论文的正文需隔行打印,正文采用Times New Roman字体,字号为小四。大标题为Times New Roman字体,字号为三号、加粗字。副标题为Times New Roman字体,字号为三号、加粗。七、尾注、参考文献页与附录页尾注、参考文献页与附录页(大标题采用Times New Roman字体,字号为一号,加粗)正文部分如尾注、参考文献目录与附录可不必隔行打印,字体为Times New Roman小四。











论文集:作者名(包括前三位)、文题、编著者、书名、出版社、出版年。 刊物:作者名(包括前三位)、文名、刊物名称、期(卷)。


[1] 盛宝怀. Ba空间中Kantorovich算子的饱和性. 数学杂志,1992,12(2):146-154.

[2] Wu Garidi. The Jackson theorem in Ba spaces. Approx. theory & Appl.,1996,12(2):60-69.

[3] 孟伯秦. 内插空间理论及其应用.内蒙古人民出版社, 2001, 183-192.





××× 学号

数学科学学院 数学与应用数学专业 20xx级汉班

指导教师 ×××

摘 要 科技人才是经济发展、社会进步、文化繁荣的先决条件和制约因素,本文根据内蒙古自治区xxxx年科技人才调查统计的数据,对内蒙古地区人才分布现状、差异及形成差异的原因和今后发展对策等方面进行了初步探讨.

关键词 内蒙古自治区、科技人才、地域差异、人才优势





内蒙古自治区自然资源丰富,但缺乏与之相适应的人才资源. 因此人才资源急需解决[2]. 解决的办法就是引进人才的同时,切实加强本地区的人才开发培养工作.







[1] 盛宝怀. Ba空间中Kantorovich算子的饱和性. 数学杂志, 1992, 12(2): 146-154.

[2] Wu Garidi. The Jackson theorem in Ba spaces. Approx. theory & Appl.,1996,12(2):60-69.

[3] 孟伯秦. 内插空间理论及其应用.呼和浩特:内蒙古人民出版社, 2001, 183-192.








例1: S1:Loss of efficiency in the boiler will be caused if heat is dissipated through the walls of the combustion chamber。

S2:Loss of efficiency in the boiler will be caused by the dissipation of heat through the walls of the combustion chamber。

在上述例子中,第二句使用了名词化结构将第一个句子(复合句)转换成简单句,简化了句子结构。通过抽象名词“dissipation ”及其构成的介词词组,表达明显地取得了简练、凝重和浓缩的效果。抽象名词的使用还表明科技语体借助于抽象思维的逻辑性和概念化。



例2:These symptoms are caused by “transient is—chemic attacks(TIA's)”,or “little strokes”。

例3:All these factors can be expressed as complex mathematical equations which can be solved by a computer to give the optimum equipment minimum cost。

以上两例把“symptoms” 和 “factors” 放在主语的突出地位,使读者立即注意到句子所要讨论的对象是这些“症状”的原因,这些“因素”的表示方法。







例4:(1) Energy will operate some changes under this temperature。 (in physics)


(2)The computer can operate only according to instructions。 (computer science)


(3)Storage cells can be used to operate automobiles。 (automobile engineering)


(4)The doctor decided to operate on him immediately。 (medicine)


从以上句子我们可以看出,“operate”一词在不同的句子中有不同的含义。这是因为其所用于的学科领域和与其搭配的词汇不同,即语境不同。在第1句中, 因为句子的其他部分暗示这是一个物理概念,而且与“changes(变化)搭配,operate” 译为 “引起”比较合适。第2句中,“operate”用于计算机领域,与“instructions(指令)”搭配,译为“运行”。在第3、第4句中,“operate”分别用于车辆工程和医学领域,译为“发动”和“动手术”。对于这种一词多义词的翻译,一定要根据语境进行准确的词义选择。


例5:The adjustment screw has stops at both sides。





例6:There is a difference between science and technology。 Science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems。 Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniques, and procedures for implementing the findings of science。 Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the process in each。


分析:原文是典型的演绎型段落,第 1句是主题句,指出“科学与技术之间有区别”。然后从三个方面解释了这一区别。本段是描述性修辞,使用的修辞手段有“比较和对照”。原文对“science”、“technology”以及“difference”三个核心词的重复,对文章的连贯起到了重要作用。而且原文中的第2、第3、第4 句存在着隐性的逻辑关系,即并列关系。因此在翻译过程中,在展开部分增加了逻辑连接词“首先”、“其次”、“最后”,使隐性的逻辑关系显化。这样的译文能使文章的层次清晰。


例7:We think it is often possible to obtain a more pure precipitate by redissolving the the precipitate, having washed it as free as possible from soluble impurities, and reprecipitating。

译文:我们认为应该首先尽可能地将沉淀物中的可溶性杂质洗去, 然后再次将沉淀物溶解, 溶解之后再进行沉淀。这样常常能够获得较纯的沉淀物。

分析:本段中,“by”后面有三个分词短语,我们应该注意这些分词的不同时态。第2个分词短语“having washed ”用的是完成时态,暗示着这个动作发生在其他两个动作之前。在翻译过程中,我们应该注意逻辑顺序,改变原来的句子顺序,按照时间顺序重新安排这三个动作。


基于上述理论演绎和例子分析可以得出结论,将文体分析的方法 应用于科技翻译,能提高科技翻译译文的质量。采用这种方法产生的译文,不仅符合科技文体的 语言特征,在各个层面符合译入语的习惯表达,而且有利与科技文章的翻译达到准确、简洁、清晰、严谨的文体效果,最重要的是其适合的文体和语言形式能充分实现译文的信息功能。


Early Electronic Computers The first real progress toward electronic digital computer came in the late 1930s when Howard Aiken of Harvard University and George Slibits of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed an automatic calculator using relay networks;the relay is an electromagnetically controlled relay machines were developed during World War II for artillery ballistic these machines were relatively slow and comparatively large. they demonstrated the versatility of the electronic computer. Then,in the early 1940s, John Mauchly and Eckert,Jr.,of the University of Pennsylavania designed and built a vacuum tube computer,which they called the electronic numerical inegrator and calculator(ENIAC);it was completed in 1945 and installedat Aberdeen Proving Ground,Maryland. ENIAC used 18000 electron tubes,which required tremendous amounts of power;its failure rate wa high and it was difficult to program because a plugboard was required. Three very important discoveries were then made,which began the rapid evolution toward today's digital computer. First,John von Neumann proposed that the program reside in the computer's memory where it could be changed at will,solving the pogranmming difficulties of ENIAC;second,in 1947 the transistor was invented by John Bradeen,Waltr , and William Shockley,which drastically reduced the size and power requirements by replaceing the electron vacuum tube;, and his associates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed the magnetic,core memory,which made large amount of storage book: Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design(Authors:Victor Nagle Irwin)

A Flow Shop with Compatibility Constraints in a Steelmaking Plant* Abstract We present a scheduling methodology for applications where the generation of schedules is constrained by antagonistic and vague knowledge. Besides temporal and capacity constraints, compatibility constraints between consecutive jobs are managed. We model the vague constraints and uncertain data by fuzzy set theory. The importance of single jobs and the difficulty to schedule them is defined on the different constraints and is used to control the generation of schedules. A preliminary schedule is generated by considering the important jobs and those that are difficult to schedule first. Easy or not so important jobs are scheduled later. Finally, the achieved schedule is “repaired” until a schedule is found that achieves a given level of satisfaction. Since the goodness of solutions is rated by fuzzy sets, robust schedules achieve better evaluations than weak schedules. However, if no robust solution is found constraints will be relaxed. This methodology is appropriate for applications in process engineering where uncertain knowledge is dominant. We explain the methodology with a case study from a steelmaking plant for high-grade steel 补充: Bidding for the Olympic Games, in a way, an image-creating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unipue image. What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics? It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red. First, yellow is a meaningful color. The Yellow River is China's Mother River and the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people. Beijing is the capital of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history. So, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games. Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country. We adore red. On big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in red. It is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity. Red is one of the most suitable colors to describe the future of Beijing . Beijing , together with the whole country, is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernization. Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red : the red torch,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people. Above all, the 2008 Olympics will be a green Olympics. Adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can't deny the fact that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be. Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing. Big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the city. According to a project entitled" The Green Olympic Action Plan", between 1998 and 2007, Beijing, we have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment. Some million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road. By then, the city's green area will make up 40% of its total. The city will also dredge its reservoirs used as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper. Certainly, all of this is no easy task. But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these green goals. For now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens. Each citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes. As the saying goes, United, we stand, and a green Beijing will be achieved. When our aspiration becomes a reality, it will be a unique Olympics." New Beijing, Great Olympics"; will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and green. 追问: 用中文写清楚 这篇英文文章研究的是什么问题?这个问题是怎么研究的?发现了什么?这些发现意 味着什么? 谢谢 回答: 第一篇与电有关求采纳

When my father was young,he practiced Chinese calligraphy every day and enjoyed Peking Opera with my grandfather on as his daughter,I type in English when communicating with my friends and enjoy surfing on the Internet during I enjoy the pleasure and convenience that new technologies have brought me,some people cry out that as technology develops traditional cultures must be it true that we cannot have both?Different as my lifestyle is from that of my father,I still believe that the development of technology won't lead to the loss of the contrary,it will facilitate the development of traditional cultures. Some people draw the conclusion that technology leads to the loss of tradition because they find nowadays many people,especially the young,take interest in new things like the Internet,thus make less contact with traditional cultures. However,decreased popularity isn't equal to the development of technology,we have more choices of arts and other words,many new forms of culture are coming into existence,which provide people with more choices rather than threaten the existence of the traditional actuality,if we look at the tradition itself,we can find that great achievements have been made in many fields with the development of operas are on show; new researches about history are going on; new facts about historical cities have been found; all of which can prove that technology can stay peacefully with traditions. In fact,technology works far beyond that. The development of technology boosts that of the tradition. On one hand,new technologies make the research for traditional cultures possible as well as provide advanced techniques of reserving historic calligraphy as an example,new ways of illumination,which is the fruit of Hi-tech,can prevent the color of scripts from the other hand,the rapidly developing media such as the Internet and communication satellite provide traditional cultures with a stage to face the whole we can see,after the short piece of ad of Shanghai Expo.,more people will know the beautiful melody of "Jasmine." In addition,if we look back to history,we can find out that it was always in the era when economy developed greatly that cultures prospered the most. No doubt that the development of technology can guarantee that of economy,which eventually influences the prosperity of culture. As we all see,the development of technology brings us richness,making the research and development of cultures affordable brings us more leisure time,making our desire to enjoy ntertainments all,as the great philosopher Marx aid,"economy determine

With the development of science and technology, people's lives have been greatly changed. There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways. For instance, the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past. Apart from this, new discoveries and technology in medicine improve people's health, which allows them to enjoy a longer life. The progress of science also enlarges human's ablilities to explore the world around them, from up into space to deep under the sea. Thanks to the development of science and technology, human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience. However, just like a double-edged sword, science can cause problems too. It is known to all that the nuclear power, an environmentally friendly source of energy, can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction. In addition, human cloning, which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives, may bring disasters of social morality. As a matter of fact, most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in. Therefore, how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.


I'm wangNan,a student of Middle School. I have a gooa friend,' an USA are both in Class Two,Grade is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study 'm good at physices,but she's good at often help each other with of us like helping others. We both like sports very enjoy playing Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends


作文常用句式总结开头 Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern. 最近,…问题已引起人们的关注. Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色.它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题. Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face. 如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了. It is commonly believed that… / It is a common belief that… 人们一般认为… Many people insist that… 很多人坚持认为… With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that… 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为… A lot of people seem to think that… 很多人似乎认为… 引出不同观点: People’s views on… vary from person to person. Some hold that… . However, others believe that…. 人们对…的观点因人而异.有些人认为….. 然而其他人却认为... People may have different opinions on… 人们对…可能会有不同的见解. Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异. There are different opinions among people as to… 关于…. 人们的观点大不相同. Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同. 结尾 Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that… 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论… Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that… 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论… Hence/Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that… 因此,我们最好得出这样的结论… There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点. All in all, we cannot live without… But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有…是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题. 提出建议: It is high time that we put an end to the (trend). 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了. It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of … 该是采纳…的建议,并对…的进展给予特殊重视的时候了. There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of … 毫无疑问,对…问题应予以足够的重视. Obviously,…. If we want to do something… , it is essential that… 显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是… Only in this way can we… 只有这样,我们才能… It must be realized that… 我们必须意识到… 预示后果: Obviously, if we don’t control the problem, the chances are that… will lead us in danger. 很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险. No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that… 毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,很可能会… It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation. 很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展. 论证 From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that… 我无法完全同意这一观点…. Personally, I am standing on the side of … 就个人而言,我站在…的一边. I sincerely believe that… 我真诚地相信… In my opinion, it is more advisable to do … than to do…. 在我个人看来,做…比做…更明智. Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why… 给出原因: This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, … Second, … Third, … 这一现象的存在是有许多原因的.首先, … 第二, … 第三, … Why did… ? For one thing… For another…. Perhaps the primary reason is… 为什么会…? 一个原因是… 令一个原因是… 或许其主要原因是…. I quite agree with the statement that… the reasons are chiefly as follows. 我十分赞同这一论述,即…,其主要原因如下: 列出解决办法: Here are some suggestions for handling… 这是如何处理某事的一些建议. The best way to solve the troubles is… 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是… People have figured out many ways to solve this problem. 人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题. 批判错误观点和做法: As far as something is concerned, …. 就某事而言,… It was obvious that… 很显然,…. It may be true that…, but it doesn’t mean that… 可能…是对的,但这并不意味着… It is natural to believe that… , but we shouldn’t ignore that… 认为….是很自然的,但我们不应忽视…. There is no evidence to suggest that… 没有证据表明… 如何连接 强调 still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially. Obviously, clearly. 比较 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally. 对比 by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast. 列举 for example, for instance, such as, take …for example. Except (for), to illustrate. 时间 later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while. 顺序 first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important. 可能 presumably, probably, perhaps. 解释 in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms. 递进 What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as, additionally, again. 让步 although, after all, in spite of…, despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, whatever may happen. 转折 however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately. whereas 原因 for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to. 结果 as a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence. 总结 on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short. 其他 Mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly, commonly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in this case, 图表作文常用句型 As is shown in the graph… 如图所示… The graph shows that… 图表显示… As can be seen from the table,… 从表格中可以看出… From the chart, we know that… 从这张表中,我们可知… All these data clearly prove the fact that… 所有这些数据明显证明这一事实,即… The increase of …. In the city has reached to 20%. ….在这个城市的增长已达到20%. In 1985, the number remained the same. 1985年,这个数字保持不变. There was a gradual decline in 1989. 1989年,出现了逐渐下降的情况.




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一篇较长的.英语论文(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与打印纸顶端的距离约为打印纸全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中)。如果该篇英语论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为(论文其他部分行距同此)。



英语论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。主要纲目以大写罗马数字标出,次要纲目则依次用大写英文字母、阿拉伯数字和小写英文字母标出。各数字或字母后均为一句点,空出一格后再打该项内容的第一个字母;处于同一等级的纲目,其上下行左边必须对齐。需要注意的是,同等重要的纲目必须是两个以上,即:有Ⅰ应有Ⅱ,有A应有B,以此类推。如果英文论文提纲较长,需两页纸,则第二页须在右上角用小写罗马数字标出页码,即ii(第一页无需标页码)。



如何撰写科技论文英文信息型摘要 摘要:科技论文英文摘要是进行文件检索,促进国际科技交流的重要手段。科技论文通常采用信息型摘要(Informative abstract),其内容包括研究背景、目的、方法、结果和结论五个方面,重点在于方法、结果和结论。摘要写作应遵循客观、写实的原则,避免主观评论和感 *** 彩。1.信息型摘要的写作方法信息型摘要表达的是论文的内容要点,它是论文内容的浓缩和代表,也是国外文件检索所使用的主要形式。科技论文英文摘要遵循科技论文准确、客观和简洁的语言特点,必须提纲挈领、重点突出、内容完整。按照科技论文的组织结构,摘要通常包括背景(Background)、目的(Purpose)、方法(Method)、结果(Result)和结论(Conclusion)五个方面:背景句:介绍研究的背景、现状和问题,常用现在时。目的句:叙述研究的前提、目的、任务和所涉及的主题范围,常用过去时。方法句:陈述研究所使用的原理、对象、材料、工艺、手段、程序等,常用过去时。结果句:陈述研究的结果、数据、效果、性能等,常用过去时。结论句:陈述对研究结果的分析、比较、应用,或根据结果提出问题、建议、预测等,常用现在时或情态动词。 如何写英文科技文 第1章关于科技论文 正确看待科技论文的撰写和发表 正确处理做实验与写论文的关系什么是科技论文 科技论文的新形式 科技论文的写作特点 科技论文的一般格式 参考文献 第2章标题(Title)的撰写 标题中字母大写格式 题要对文 标题要简明 标题中的缩写和化学式 标题中应含有关键词 副标题(Subtitle) 标题的结构 页眉标题(Running Title或Title Running Head) 层次标题 参考文献 第3章作者署名(Authors)与单位(Affiliation)的撰写 第一作者 通讯作者 作者单位 参考文献 第4章摘要(Abstract)和关键词(Keywords)的撰写 摘要的写作原则 英文摘要的时态 英文摘要的语态 关键词 参考文献 第5章引言(Introduction)的撰写 研究领域的背景介绍 相关文献的总结 指出问题所在 简述论文工作 引言实例 参考文献 第6章实验部分(Experimental Section)的撰写 写作技巧 结构 实验部分实例 参考文献 第7章结果与讨论(Results and Discussion)的撰写 写作技巧 结果部分的写法 讨论部分的写法 结果与讨论合并写 结果与讨论分开写 结果与讨论实例 参考文献 第8章结论(Conclusion)的撰写 参考文献 第9章致谢(Acknowledgment)的撰写 参考文献 第10章参考文献(References)的撰写 第11章插图(Illustrations)的绘制 第12章表格(Tables)的设计 第13章科技论文写作中常用的单词、短语和句子 第14章科技论文实例分析 参考文献 致谢 英文科技论文写作怎么写 一般碰到这种的很浪费时间,我都交给海硕之星论文帮忙,我的同学们都是在那找人帮写的; 如何写一篇科技论文 英语作文 300字 ‘ *** eenasteadystreamofhopefuljobseekersfromthevillagesandfarmstothelargemetropolitanareas.城市生活和乡村和农场生活大不相同。大城市的人更注意尊重个人隐私。有时候这种感觉似乎是一种冷漠,但是它是城市生活的一个约俗,以遏制一个人对陌生人的个人事务的好奇。村民和农民有可能所有的邻居对表现出极大的兴趣。城市给聪明的年轻人提供了机会,来自村庄和农场的求职者有往大都市发展的稳定趋势 英文科技论文写作中,怎么描述公式 作品中的环境描写,不论是社会环境或自然环境,都不是可有可无的装饰品,而是密切地联系着人物的思想行动。”因此写人的论文常常需要对环境进行描写。 怎样写英文科技论文题目谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 科技论文的题名是表达论文的特定内容 反映研究范围和深度的最恰当、最简明的逻辑组合 即题名应“以最少数量的单词来充分表述论文的内容”[1 2]。题名的作用主要有二方面[1 3] :(1)吸引读者. 题名相当于论文的“标签”(label) 一般读者通常是根据题名来考虑是否需要阅读摘要或全文 而这个决定往往是在一目十行的过程中做出的。因此 题名如果表达不当 就会失去其应有的作用 使真正需要它的读者错过阅读论文的机会。(2)帮助文献追踪或检索。文献检索系统多以题名中的主题词作为线索 因而这些词必须要准确地反映论文的核心内容 否则就有可能产生漏检。此外 图书馆和研究机构大都使用自动检索系统 其中有些是根据题名中的主题词来查找资料的。 因此 不恰当的题名很可能会导致论文“丢失” 从而不能被潜在的读者获取。 英文科技论文要怎么写 有人在美国这边留学的可以帮忙下吗 Literary Analysis说直白了,也就是文学作品分析。文学作品听起来总觉得枯燥无味,但也有一些教授喜欢布置这样的作业。常常让我们这些留学生苦叫连天。我之前是找的51due帮忙,我现在分享一下,希望能更直观更有效的帮助小伙伴们写好Literary Analysis,以下详解Literary Analysis写作技巧。 方法 1: 确定主旨(1)确定主旨。主旨就是用于概述文章主要内容或回答文章中提出的问题的一句或几句话。主旨句要写得靠谱,就要考虑以下问题: a、我的主旨是什么? b、我该怎样论述? c、我该怎样组织论据?(2)写主旨句。一句好的主旨句应该: a、点明你文章主体部分即将阐述的3个论点。 b、说明文章结构。 c、阐明论点重要性。 d、作为文章的引子部分出现在文章第一段。一般来说,主旨句应该是第一段的最后一句话,以便读者了解文章主体部分将要论述的内容。(3)提炼主旨。在你写作文学分析时,主旨一般也会跟着发生变化。文章写完后,一定要回过头来调整主旨,以便于文章内容精确吻合。 方法 2: 支持论点:写作引入段(1)写作强有力、有趣味的引入段。引入段是文章的开头部分,因此你要尽量使你的文章给人可信、有趣的第一印象,吸引读者继续阅读。以下是写作引入段的几种窍门: a、引用名言或轶事。你引用的可以是几句台词,也可以是一段对白,这要取决于你所分析的文本类型。 b、陈述一个有趣的事实或提出一个巧妙的问题。 c、承认对立观点的合理性。 d、应用讽刺、隽语或类比。(2)在引入段末尾写上主旨句。主旨句要引起下文。


思维导图模板合集主要整理了:  1、读书笔记相关模板,如名著推荐、职场类、经济类思维导图模板等; 2、知识学习类模板,如校园知识、考研考公等思维导图模板; 3、互联网相关模板,如产品设计、技术开发、市场营销和组织架构类思维导图模板; 4、管理方法相关模板,如人事行政、团队管理等思维导图模板;  5、职场考证相关模板,如医药、会计等行业模板;在【知犀思维导图模板知识库】共挑选了50个精品思维导图模板整理出来分享给大家,大家如果绘制思维导图的时候遇到问题,就可以参考这些思维导图模板思路哦~ 希望整理的这些模板能够帮助到大家! 海底两万里 骆驼祥子 钢铁是怎样炼成的 鲁滨逊漂流记 三国演义 红楼梦 水浒传 西游记 乡土中国 朝花夕拾 以上仅举例读书笔记类部分的思维导图模板,像傅雷家书、红星照耀中国、四大名著、儒林外史、简爱等思维导图模板就不再一一列举。 小学三年级数学下册 高中生物必修一 英语定语从句 八年级生物上册 七年级历史上册 数学函数 成人高考数学公式 全脑记忆法 七年级数学上册有理数 极限 以上仅举例十个模板,还有从小学到初中、初中、高中、大小、考研和考公等各科知识类思维导图不再一一举例。 社群运营 网络推广方法 互联网九大思维 用户研究方法 公司组织架构图 产品设计方案 运营知识体系 营销计划 竞品及资料的查找 公益组织结构图模板 以上仅举例十个互联网领域的思维导图模板,其他模板不再一一举例。 每月计划模板 年终总结 工作法 可复制的领导力 工作分析法 复盘的重要性 高效学习 管理 原则 番茄工作法 以上就是管理方法相关的思维导图模板整理。 会计的产生与发展 教育心理学 未成年人保护法 教师职业道德 计算机二级Office必考 制定进度计划 法律知识大纲 法理学 知识产权法 公司法律制度 以上就是职场考证相关思维导图模板的整理了。 50个各行各业的思维导图模板已经整理完毕了,如果觉得不错的话就赶紧来试一试自己绘制的思维导图吧~ 关键词:思维导图,思维导图模板,思维导图怎么画,思维导图软件

















