The existence of God has been a controversial tropic for thousand years. Some say God does exist, and some say no, God never exists. Most of people who say God exists are Christian. Well, I am not a Christian. But what I want to say is, God does exist. However, my opinion is, there must be one powerful and unknowable ruler behind us but it doesn't mean this ruler should be the one who called God by humans and Christian. It can be a spirit, a abstract creature, or something what we can't imagine at all! My arguements are as fallows:.First of all, There must be someone who created all the things in universe. As our teachers taught us, every thing have a cause and an effect, there must be a reason to explain the existence of this world and universe. What's more, the most reasonable answer should be, there is a ruler over the universe. Therefore, the disagreement of the existence of God must be , there are many things that can't be known by human forever. Assuming we are the highest rulers of the universe. If so, why can't we solve all the mysteries? Why can't we know and explain all the things happened in this world? Nowadays, many scientists turn to believe Christianism. it is because when they were trying to look for a truth, they finally find there should a ruler who is not a human. As the old saying goes, the more you are closer to truth, the more things you do not know. Similarly, we are not the highest rulers. There is a ruler who know and creat everything. The agreement of the existence of God directly refers to the agreement of human's powerless. Actually, we are , we always see ghosts in some photos. Many people think those photos have been disposaled by photoshop and they are unreal. But I don't think so. Maybe there are ghost and Satan like what bible depicts. We are unwilled to agree with these ideas because we don't want to admit those things we cannot see or touch. But some of them are actually exist. Those things we can't touch and see and smell are not absolute imagination. They may exist just as God should be , I want to restate my position. I believe there is someone who exists like God. but this ruler is not necessary to be "God". However, there is a holy and highest ruler. This is true. I believe that one day the truth will be known by people all over the world. Even if we can never solve all the mysteries of the enormous universe, we can recognize the existence of God and our inability of exploring all the universe which can lead us one step closer to the truth. 我不对你文章中唯心主义及不可知论的观点作任何评价,但就英语这方面给出我的一些看法,不当之处请谅解。首先这遍文章太中文化,我估计很多是直接翻译过来的吧,一些用几个单词可以说清的句子你绕了几个弯。其次是时态混乱,没有分清过去时及现在时的用法。再次是使用的词汇太简单,很多可以表否定意义的词汇是可以使用的,但你却非要用助动词加not。最后很多情态动词使用不合适,很多地方使用must太过绝对,而另一些你的论点的地方情态动词用使用显得语气太弱。我改了几十处吧,但没作太大变动,请你对照你的原文看看,不当之处还请原谅。