先到百度文库,找一篇此类文档中文的,然后用有道翻译,或是谷歌在线翻译翻成英 文,然后把英文放上面,中文放下面。希望可以帮到你。如果要找标准的PDF格式外文文 献,可以在谷歌,用英文文献名+空格+PDF 这样比较容易找到。 第一是Google搜索,主要是英文,尤其是其学术搜索,意义大。第二,通过各大学图书馆系统,进入几个主流的出版发行集团。第三,利用网络免费储存、电子书系统。尤其是国外多。1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。一,选题要新颖。这次我的论文的成功,和高分,得到导师的赞许,都是因为我论文的选题新颖所给我带来的好处。最好涉及护理新领域,以及新进展,这样会给人耳目一新的感觉。二,大量文献做基础仔细查阅和你论文题目和研究范围相关的文献,大量的文献查阅会你的论文写作铺垫,借鉴别人的思路,和好的语言。而且在写作过程不会觉得语言平乏,当然也要自己一定的语言功底做基矗三,一气呵成做好充分的准备,不要每天写一些,每天改一些,这样会打断自己的思路,影响文章的连贯。四,尽量采用多的专业术语可能口语化的表达会给人带来亲切感,但论文是比较专业的形式,是有可能做为文献来查阅和检索的,所以论文语言的专业化,术语化会提升自己论文的水平。五,用正规格式书写参考正规的论文文献,论文格式。不要因为格式问题,而影响到你论文的质量。六,最好在计算机上完成写作过程如果有条件最好利用电脑来完成写作过程,好处以下几点:1,节省时间,无论打字的速度慢到什么程度,肯定要比手写的快。2,方便,大量的文献放在手边,一个一个查阅是很不方便的,文献都是用数据库编辑,所以都是在电脑上完成。提前先在电脑上摘要出重点,写出提纲,随时翻阅,方便写作。3,修改编辑,在电脑随时对文章进行修改编辑都是非常的方便。4,随时存档,写一段,存一段,防止突然停电,或者电脑当机。本人就是吃了这个大亏,一个晚上的劳动,差点就全没了,幸亏男友是电脑高手,帮我找回。否则就恨着电脑,哭死算了。七,成稿打印好交给导师无论你的字写的多么优美,还是按照惯例来,打印出的文字显的正规,而且交流不存在任何的问题,不会让导师因为看不懂你的龙飞凤舞,而低估你的论文。而且干净整洁,女孩子不仅注意自己的形象问题,书面的东西也反映你的修养和气质。八,听取导师意见,仔细修改导师会给你一些关于你论文建设性的意见,仔细参考,认真修改。毕竟导师是发表过多篇论文,有颇多的经验。��调�����{4 ?4样法、问卷法,论文论证中的实证分析法、比较分析法等。写明研究方法及措施,是要争取在这些方面得到指导老师的指导或建议。(4) 研究工作的步骤、进度。 课题研究工作的步骤和进度也就是课题研究在时间和顺序上的安排。毕业设计(论文)创作过程中,材料的收集、初稿的写作、论文的修改等,都要分阶段进行,每个阶段从什么时间开始,到什么时间结束都要有规定。在时间安排上,要充分考虑各个阶段研究内容的相互关系和难易程度。对于指导教师在任务书中规定的时间安排,学生应在开题报告中给予呼应,并最后得到批准。学生在实际操作中,时间安排一般应提前一点,千万别前松后紧,也不能虎头蛇尾,完不成毕业设计(论文)的撰写任务。(5) 主要参考文献。在开题报告中,同样需列出参考文献,这在实际上是介绍了自己的准备情况,表明自己已了解所选课题相关的资料源,证明选题是有理论依据的。在所列的参考文献中,同样应具备不少于2篇的外文文献。 选题依据包括:选题的学科性质、理论意义及实践意义;国内研究现状的分析。研究方案包括:研究内容、研究中所要突破的难题、拟采取的研究方法,有何特色与创新之处以及与选题有关的参考文献等内容。选题背景及意义是写一些关于你所选题目的现今研究的相关情况,比如:前人研究的成果,所选题目到目前所研究到的状况,而你又对选题有何特别看法,为何会选此题,对前人的研究成果和看法有何异议或者是有何更深入的观点,可综合所选题目的相关学科对它的影响来说~~~(这个回答希望对你有用)
计算机专业方面的外文翻译都是找wo拿参考 。
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Market Research and Export Promotion Export Marketing Plan The marking plan is the basis on which all the overseas promotion is formulated. To devise the marketing plan involves reconciling the export strategies and objectives of the manufacturer into marketing marketing plan embraces many elements including market research project, promotion/advertising details, products involved and their quantity available, distribution arrangements and total volume/value of goods Where relevant, various costing information should be included, particularly the research and advertising budget. Overall; the plan must be realistic and should have a clear sense of purpose and direction Export Market Research Before making goods for a new overseas market, as in the home trade, it is necessary to discover first of all if the goods can be sold profitably in that market. To answer that question is one of the objects of market research. Export market research, in particular, is a study of a given market abroad to determine the needs of that market and the methods by which the products; can best be supplied. It may be carried out to determine: 1. If a new product likely to find a market. 2. Whether an established product is likely to meet with a good demand in a new market. sales of a product have declined, either generally or in a certain area Here, in this chapter is laid on the first point: Market research is vital to success in overseas Markets To look for a suitable market an exporter must consider, for example: and Economic Conditions Countries with different political and economic systems take different attitudes toward foreign trade policies and regulations concerning import and export,foreign exchange control,customs, duties and other tariffs will greatly affect the suitability for a new market. and Climatic Conditions The suitability of his products: heavy clothing is not worn in hot climates; mountaineering equipment would not be in demand in a flat country. 3. Social Conditions If there is a low standard.of living with poor wage levels, there nay be no market for television sets or cars or luxury products. It may be desirable, even necessary,for price lists and sales promotion literature to be translated into a local language,with local units of measurement 5 and of the survey questionnaire and in the interviewing process. Surveys may be very expensive, and they are time--consuming: Another key weakness is that respondents often cannot or will not give true answers. The interviewing in the survey may be done by the researcher in person, by telephone, or by mail. Interviews Personal interviews are more flexible than the other two types because interviews can alter the questions to fit-the situation as they see it: They are able to probe snore deeply if an answer is not satisfactory. Ordinarily, it is possible to obtain more information by personal interview .than by telephone: or mail. Also, the interview can by observation; obtain data regarding the respondents'socioeconomic status-their home ,neighborhood, and apparent standard of living. The major limitations of this method of interviewing are its relative high cost, the length of time needed to conduct the survey, and the chance of introducing ,errors during the interviewing. 2. Telephone Survey In a telephone survey, the respondent, is approached by telephone, and interview is completed at that time. Telephone surveys can usually be conducted more rapidly and at less cost than either personal or mail surveys. Tele: phone surveys are lees flexible than personal Interviews, but more flexible than mail survey. Another significant advantage is that a telephone. survey -may be timely. For instance, people may be asked whether they are watching television at the moment and; if so, the name of the program and the sponsor. One limitation of the telephone survey is that interviews must be short: Lengthy interviews cannot be conducted satisfactorily over the phone. by Mail Interviewing by mail involves mailing a questionnaire to potential respondents and having them return the completed form by mail. Mailed questionnaires ape more economical than personal interviews and are particularly useful in national surveys,Also, if the respondents remain anonymous, they are more likely to give true answers because they do not feel the need to impress the interviewer. A major problem with mail' questionnaires is the Compilation of a good mailing list, especially for a broad-scale survey. If the sample can be drawn from a limited list, such as property taxpayers in certain counties or subscribers to a magazine, the list presents no significant limitation concerns the reliability of the questionnaire returns, Particularly when the returns are-anonymous. If the respondents have characteristics that 6 differentiate them from nonrespondents, the survey results will be invalid. Further,the questionnaire must be reasonably shorted the questions very simple; there is no to explain in a puzzling question. Ideally :Yes.'' or“No" or prechoice type of :produces the best results. Here is an example: Questionnaire for Market_Research on Smoking A. Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes/No (If No,terminate) B How. many do you smoke a day? C. What size of cigarette do you smoke ? Mini ,Standard ,Large D. Do you smoke filter tips.? Yes/No E. Do you smoke menthol cigarettes?一Yes/No Observational Method In the observational method, the data are collected by observing some action of the respondent: No interviews are involved, although an interview may be used as a follow-up to-get additional information. For instance,if customers are observed buying beer in cans instead of bottles; they may be asked; why they prefer that one form of packaging to the other. Information may be gathered by personal or mechanical observation. In one form of personal observation the researcher poses as a customer in a store. This technique is useful in getting information about the caliber of the -sales people,or in determining what brands they push. Mechanical observation is illustrated by an electric cord stretched across a high way to count the number一of cars that pass during a certain time period The observation method has several merits. It can be highly accurate.Often it removes a11 doubt about what the customer does in: a given, situation. The consumers are unaware that they are being observed; so presumably they action theft usual fashion. The observation technique reduces interviewer bias. However, the possibility of bias is not- completely eliminated as long as people are used as :observers. Another disadvantage is that the technique is limited in its application. Observation tells what happened; but it cannot tell why. It cannot delve into motives, attitudes,or opinions. Experimental Method The experimental method of gathering primary data involves the establishment of a controlled experiment that stimulates the real market situation as much as possible. The theory is that' the small-scale experiment will furnish valuable information f tar designing a large scale marketing program. 7 The experimental method may be used in several different ways. In one instance, a firm may manufacture a few units of a product and give them to employees or consumers to try out: Probably the major application of the experimental method has been in market testing. This technique consist establishing a control market, in which all factors remain constant and one or more test markets,in which one factor is varied. A firm may be trying to determine whether to change the color of its city A, the product is marketed in its traditional color. In each of cities B, C, and D, a different color is used. All other factor are kept constant. By measuring sales in the four market over a period of time;.the manufacturer, hopes to determine which color is most effective. The outstanding merit of the experimental method is it realism. It is the only one of the three methods of gathering primary data that stimulate an actual maket situation. The problem is that it is requires long periods of careful planning and administration. Analyze the Data and Prepare a Report The final steps in market research project are to analyze the data and interpret the findings. Information gathered from market research is a guide to the invention,production and sales of the products for which there is a market. Today sophisticated electronic data processing equipment enables a researcher to tabulate and analyze masses of data quickly, and inexpensively. The end product of the investigation is the researcher's conclusion and recommendations, submitted, in written form on which the company's policy and proceedings concerning export promotion are based. Export Promotion-Advertising After deciding there are good prospects, for his goods abroad through the study of the market research investigation, the maker or the exporter will, of course; take measures to promote, exporting of the goods to that market. A most important measure in this respect is to advertise; the aid to trade that deals with the problem of giving information about the goods and 0helps to put buyers and sellers in touch with one another. By means of advertisements a supplier, tells people what goods he has for sale and emphasizes their good points in the hope that people will buy them. Advertising can, be undertaken by the company's sales or publicity department; or an advertising agcy is to be.engaged as an adviser. Purpose of Advertising Inform 8 Advertising can be used to place facts before public. An advertisement for a car may include some technical details, so that part of the advertisement is informative. Another advertisement may be .entirely informative,such as the announcement of the opening of a new To Persuade although the advertisement for the car may give some facts, its over-all objective is to persuade people to buy the car. To do this various subtle methods may be used. The illustration, for instance; may give an exaggerated impression of the car's power The wording and the lay-out may be designed to appeal to the emotion rather than the mind: If you study some advertisement for practical products, you will find that they contain little or no technical information. One would not expect to find a .scientific analysis in an' advertisement for a cake of toilet soap, of course, but an examination of advertisement for. medicinal goods will show that the appeal is mainly to the : To Remind Some advertisements aim merely to keep the name of :the product before the public. A newspaper advertisement may consist of only a picture of a packet of cigarettes; a bus may carry,the name of an insurance company; a poster may display a well-known advertising phrase. They say nothing but serve a useful. purpose in constantly reminding the public of, the, name of the product Advertising Media The term "media" means the forms used 'to carry advertisement. The choice of media depends upon the product and the audience the advertisement is aimed at For example, very few people are interested in coins. A coin dealer would want to appeal to that small number of people and to no one else. He would therefore advertise in a magazine which most coin enthusiasts read. The cost of advertising in newspapers large depends upon the circulation of each a newspaper sells a million copies, it is possible (although not probable) that a million people will read an advertisement in it. Some pages in a newspaper are more expensive to advertise in than are others, because most people will read the general news pages but only some will the pages devoted to sport, fashion, the arts; etc. Different一types of people read different newspapers, so an advertiser will use those papers whose readers are likely to be possible buyers of his products. For example, an art gallery would not advertise in a "popular" news paper because few of its readers would be likely to be visitors to art galleries. 2 Magazines The same principles about which media to use also apply to magazines. There are magazines which men read, those which women read and those which both read. Within each 9 group there is specialization, so that one magazine will be read by one "social group" and not by another. 3. Radio and Television These are the most、expensive of advertising media. A broadcast at a "peak time"will be heard or seen by millions of people: If only a tiny fraction of them respond, the huge cost twill have been justified. One reason for the success of such advertising is that it is difficult to ignore. A broadcast will be heard: or seen by everyone using a radio or television set; even if only subconsciously, it will make an impression. On the other hand, when you read a newspaper or a magazine you will not even notice most of the advertisements A radio or television advertisement must make an instant appeal. There may be only 30 seconds to get the message across; so its impacts must be immediate. 4 Outdoor Advertising This includes posters, advertisements on vans and buses and in trains. The message must be simple and short, perhaps with an immediately recognizable illustration. Selection of Customers-Credit information Once the overseas' market has been found, the next step is to look for suitable customers with whom the maker or exporter expects to establish good business relationships. Undoubtedly, he wishes to deal with those customers of high credit standing, and that is one of the chief factors to consider at the tune of setting up new business information about the credit or financial standing of an overseas trader can be obtained from various sources. They are chiefly banks, trade associations professional credit information services, and consulates abroad. Upon application for or on receipt of letters asking for the credit standing of the foreign trader in question these organizations are willing to provide, without any responsibility on their part,a credit or financial report on the trader, which is usually considered as private and confidential. The report is based on the relative references, files, and records they have kept or on the result of an investigation made accordingly. In view of the financial or credit status stated or recommended in the report alongside of other factors the maker .or manufacturer may freely consider the intended customer acceptable or not.
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