翻译方向的论文2010-09-15 20:31翻译是跨学科的,注定要采取多学科的视角研究翻译现象和翻译问题。一、选题范围1、翻译与文化:可以从宏观和微观两个方面考虑。宏观方面,一般从翻译在目的语社会文化中的生产、接受、翻译在目的语社会文化中所起的功能等角度讨论,可以从社会、文化、历史、交际的视角切入。阐述为什么有那样的译文?如严复的翻译,林纾的翻译,傅东华翻译《漂》时为什么使用归化的手段,鲁迅翻译的策略,翻译材料的选择等等。微观方面,可以讨论语言文字所承载的文化内容和内涵如何在翻译中表达,如文化负载词的翻译策略等。2、翻译与语言学理论:可以从篇章语言学,功能语言学(如喊韩礼德的系统功能理论等),对比语言学,心理语言学,交际语言学、文化语言学等方面考虑选题。如功能语言学和篇章语言学中讨论的衔接与连贯及其翻译,也可以讨论他们在英语和汉语中的差别入手,进一步讨论他们在翻译中的处理,主位、述位的推进极其在翻译中的体现。英语汉语对比及其翻译策略等等。3、翻译与语文学。主要从艺术的角度讨论文学翻译中的问题。4、应用翻译:主要从特殊用途英语如商务英语、科技英语、旅游英语等方面讨论在这些特殊领域中涉及的翻译问题如何处理。如旅游宣传资料的翻译等。5、译文对比:可以是同一篇文章、同一本书,不同的译者在同以时期或不同时期进行的翻译做的对比,也可以是同一个译者对同一篇文章或书在不同时期的翻译的对比;可以是翻译技巧等微观层面的对比,也可以是宏观曾面的对比,以探索为什么在不同时期译者回采取不同的策略,有哪些社会的、文化的、政治的、意识形态的原因?6、翻译及评论:首先选择一篇长文,一般是文学作品且没有人翻译过,进行翻译,翻译完后,从上述五个方面选择一个理论视角对自己的翻译进行评论。7、译者风格。8、翻译与美学。二、选题方法:上述各个方面均可写出几本甚至几十本专著,因此大家从上述方面可以选出一个写作的范围。缩小选题范围:首先是广泛浏览上述各有关方面翻译研究资料,以确定自己对哪方面感兴趣且有话可说,这是缩小范围的第一步。然后在自己感兴趣的范围内,浏览资料,做笔记,把有关资料的名称、作者、出版信息及重要观点和内容等资料记录下来,以便进一步缩小范围,形成初步的论文研究方向,然后在仔细浏览阅读这个研究方向资料,并作好相关笔记,为形成论文的观点打下基础,以确定初步的论文题目。三、选题资料来源:1、图书馆的藏书(有关翻译的图书在南区图书馆三楼、杂志包括现刊和过刊)。2、图书馆提供的电子数据库,如中国电子期刊全文数据库(CNKI),万方数据库。3、图书馆所藏的《全国报刊索引》上面记载了每年各个报刊杂志中主要的和重要的文章,这里主要指其中的语言文字类及英语类中的有关翻译的文章索引。该索引可以帮助我们了解在哪里可以找到所需的资料。4、常见杂志:《中国翻译》《中国科技翻译》《上海翻译》;《外国语》《外语教学与研究〈外语与外语教学〉〈外语教学〉〈外语研究〉〈解放军外国语学院学报〉〈外语学刊〉〈四川外语学院学报〉〈天津外国语学院学报〉〈山东外语教学〉,以及各综合性大学学报。2010-4-12 18:59 回复霸王霸玺329位粉丝2楼1.关于幽默在翻译中的缺失2.关于广告、公示语的翻译3.关于儿童文学的翻译4.关于商品说明书的翻译文章来源:原文链接: 19:01 回复霸王霸玺329位粉丝3楼1. 谈英语谚语的翻译 2. 谈英语幽默的翻译 3. 英语汉译技巧初探 4. 地方名胜古迹汉译英 5. 翻译中常见错误分析 6. 中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响 7. 会话含义的推导与翻译 8. 词汇的文化内涵与翻译 9. 语境在翻译中的作用 10.翻译技巧探索 11.商标词翻译 12.广告语言的翻译 13.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题 14.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响 15.英汉谚语的理解和翻译 16.浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译 17.中西文化差异与翻译障碍 18.英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译 19.英语意义否定表现法及其汉译 20.浅谈新闻标题的翻译2010-4-12 19:02 回复霸王霸玺329位粉丝4楼一些用于翻译方向英语论文的参考文献本文分析了高校本科英语专业翻译方向课程体系的现状,指出现有课程体系存在的弊端,并提出了相应的调整对策。关键词:英 英语论文 摘要:专业课程体系能反映选择该附录1提供了三个方向的部分参考选题,考生可从中选择,也可根据自己的实际情况 并具有从事英语或商务英语翻译工作或实际工作的初步能力毕业论文应在老师指下由论文,英语,下载,毕业论文英语论文网首页>国内英语考试>英语论文题目>英语翻译论文题目 英语翻译方向论文题目论文作者:佚名论文属性:essay登出时间:2010-01-06编辑文档下载详细资料 更多附件5:外语系2004级翻译英语方向毕业论文选题方向参文档用文档搜索王!附件5:外语系2004级翻译英语方向毕业论文选题方向参考以下是些英语论文,你可以参考下:)~~ 英语毕业论文 英语论文类文章1001篇,里面有很多的:)~ 19:02 回复霸王霸玺329位粉丝5楼功能对等的角度论英语习语翻译法律语言特征和法律语言翻译英汉模糊语言对比研究及其翻译翻译中的语境因素分析导游词翻译中的跨文化意识涉外商函的特点及其翻译2010-4-12 19:04 回复霸王霸玺329位粉丝6楼The Characteristics of Athletic English and Its Translation体育英语的特点及翻译 翻译The Semantic Contrast of Color Words between English and Chinese and their Translation中英颜色词的语义对比及翻译 翻译Chinese Reduplicated Words and their Translation into English汉语叠词及其英译 翻译Brand Translation商标翻译 翻译On Translating Methods of Numerals between Chinese and English中英数字的翻译方法 翻译Literal and Free Translation in the Translation of Advertisement Headlines and Slogans广告用语的直译和意译 翻译On the Translation of Chinese Trade Mark into English中文商标的英译 翻译Culture Differences and Translation文化差异和翻译 翻译Charactecistics and Translation of Adventisement广告英语的特征及其翻译 翻译Principles and Methods on Brand-Translation商标翻译的原则和方法 翻译The Study on Features of Advertising and its Translation 广告语的点及其翻译 翻译Non-Correspondence in English-Chinese Translation of Color Words中英文翻译中颜色词的非对应 翻译A Study on the Translation of Movie Titles电影片名的翻译 翻译On the Cultural Signification of Animal Idioms and Translation动物俚语文化含义与翻译 翻译The Translation of Color Terms试论颜色词的翻译 翻译A comparative Study of the Old Man and the Sea---Concerning the Perfection in Literary Translation《老人与海》译文比较-谈影响文学翻译完美性的因素 翻译On the Translation of Advertisement ――From the Perspective Of Functionalist Theory从功能派理论角度看广告翻译 翻译Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation of Idioms文化差异与习语翻译 翻译Foreignizing and Domesticating Translations in Cross-cultural Vision跨文化视野中的异化和归化翻译 翻译The Subject and Topic in Chinese-English Translation Shift汉译英中的主位与话题 翻译The Loss of Affective Meaning in Translation ―from the Perspective of Cultural Differences从文化差异的角度看翻译中情感意义的丢失 翻译2010-4-12 19:05 回复霸王霸玺329位粉丝7楼On the Explicitness and Implicitness of Conjunctions in English-Chinese Translation Process论连词再英汉翻译中的显性和隐性存在 翻译Approaching Domestication and Foreignization in Translation from a Functional Perspective从功能翻译角度看归化与异化 翻译On Translation of Idioms论习语的翻译 翻译Translation of Chinese Receipts and the Differences of Cookery Culture between Chinese and English-speaking Countries中餐菜谱的英译及中西饮食文化差异 翻译On the Untranslatability due to Cultural Differences不可译现象在中英文化差异中的体现 翻译Extra-linguistic Context and Translation非语言语境与翻译 翻译Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms汉英习语对比与翻译 翻译On Translation of Chinese and English Idioms from Cultural Perceptives从文化的角度谈英汉习语的翻译 翻译Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Idioms And Translation中英文习语翻译中的文化差异比较 翻译Impact of Culture Differences on Brand Translation of Trademarks 文化差异对商标翻译的影响 翻译Cultural Context and The Translation of Metaphors文化语境和隐喻的翻译 翻译Conversion of Part of Speech in English-Chinese Translation 英译汉中词类的转换 翻译Foreignizing and Domesticating strategies in Cross-cultural Translation 跨文化翻译中的异化与归化策略 翻译A Study of the Chinese-English Translation of Trademarks 浅谈商标的汉英翻译 翻译How To deal with culture-loaded words in idioms translation习语翻译中文化词的处理 翻译Cultural Connotation and Translation for Color Words颜色词的文化内涵与翻译 翻译The Translation of English Loanwords into Chinese英语外来词汉化的基本途径 翻译When in Rome do as the Romans do——On translation of Chinese trademarks into English入乡随俗——论中文商标的英译 翻译Cultural differences and Translation between Chinese and English Idioms汉英习语的文化差异与翻译 翻译Foreignization In Translation in the 21st in China21世纪中国的异化翻译 翻译The Transfer of Culture Image and of English and Chinese Idioms in Translating论英汉习语翻译中的文化意象的转化 翻译Basic Strategy for Advertisement Translation-Target-language Oriented Strategy广告翻译的基本策略--以目的语言为取向的翻译策略 翻译2010-4-12 19:06 回复霸王霸玺329位粉丝8楼Lexical Rhetorical Devices in English-Chinese Translation英汉翻译中的词义修辞格 翻译The Criteria of the Translation of Computer English计算机英语的翻译标准 翻译Comprehension: A Very Important Part of Translation理解:翻译中不可或缺的一部分 翻译The Translation of the Brand Name商标名称的翻译 翻译Strategies for Translationg English Slang into Chinese英语俚语汉译的技巧 翻译Cultural Factors in the Translation of Poems诗歌翻译中的文化因素 翻译Cultural Differences and the Translation of Brand Names文化差异与商标翻译 翻译Cultural Differences and Untranslatability文化差异和不可译性 翻译Cultural Differences and Vocabulary Translation文化差异及词汇翻译 翻译The Application of Fuzziness in the Translation翻译中的模糊语现象 翻译Translator as Artist -Translator's Individuality in Literary Translation译者作为一位艺术家--论文学翻译中的译者个性 翻译The Translation of Movie Titles电影名的翻译 翻译Translating the English Verbs into Chinese 英 语 动 词 的 汉 译 翻译Colour Words and the Translation颜色词及其翻译 翻译Domestication and Foreignizationin The Book of Songs诗经翻译的归化和异化 翻译Cultural Comparison and Idioms Translation文化对比与习语的翻译 翻译Social-cultural Context and the Translator’s Choice of Words ——A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre社会文化背景和译者的选词——对简爱两种译本的比较 翻译The Effect That Non-linguistic Context Has on Translation非语言语境在翻译中的作用 翻译Cultural Gaps between English and ChineseIdioms and Their Translation英汉习语的文化差异及其翻译 翻译Words Translation between Different Cultures不同文化中词汇的翻译 翻译On Cultural Differences and Idiom Translation文化差异与习语翻译 翻译On Translation of English Trademarks Into Chinese----On Beauty In Sense Sound And Form浅谈英文商标的汉译--意美、音美、形美 翻译Some of the Ways to Idiom Translation 习语翻译法 翻译Paralanguage and Literature Translation -With Reflections on the Version of Dream of Red Mansions副语言与文学翻译--对《红楼梦》译本的思考 翻译Methods of Translating Color Words Based on Cultural Differences between Chinese and English 翻译Culture-gap Words and the Translation文化空缺词及其翻译 翻译Understanding-the Key to Translation理解是翻译的关键 翻译A Brief Talk about Two Approaches to the Translation of Metaphor浅谈隐喻翻译的两种方法 翻译A Glimpse of English Film Title Translation英语电影名翻译一瞥 翻译Social-cultural Differences and the Translator’s Choice of Words社会文化差异与译者的选词 翻译The Application of Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of Culture文化翻译中归化与异化的应用 翻译Cultural Differences and Untranslatability文化差异与不可译性 翻译The Context in Relation to Translation语境与翻译 翻译Female and Translation女性与翻译 翻译Effects of Difference between the Chinese and Western Cultures on Translation中西文化差异对于翻译的影响 翻译The Cultural Differences and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms英汉习语的文化差异与翻译 翻译Cultural Gaps and Translation Limitation文化差异与翻译局限 翻译The Approaches to Proverb Translation in Cultural Context从文化语境谈谚语翻译 翻译Allusion Translation in Song Poems宋词典故的翻译 翻译Blind Spots in English Proverbs Translation英谚汉译中的盲点的探讨 翻译Advertisement Translation广告翻译 翻译Differences Between Chinese Headline and English Headline aswell as Their Translation论中英文新闻标题的差异与翻译 翻译On the Mistranslation of Idioms习语的误译 翻译
(英语系毕业论文)英文谚语的文化场景在中译文中的缺失与弥合 摘 要本文从谚语文化角度着手,分析谚语中的文化因素,以及英汉谚语中的文化差异,尝试研究在谚语的英汉翻译过程中发生文化缺失时如何弥合。最终通过意译手段实现英语谚语的可译性,从而顺利完成跨文化交际活动,实现国际间的文化交流与传播。关键词 谚语文化; 文化缺失; 意译; 翻译补偿ContentsAbstract ⅠKeywords Ⅰ摘要 Ⅱ关键词 ⅡIntroduction 1I. The Brief Introducton to Proverb 3II. Proverb Culture Factors in Proverb Different Cultures Between English and Chinese Proverb. Belief Living Conditions. 8III. English Proverb Translation in English to Chinese Translation of English Proverb National Feature Art of Language Compensation 12Conclusion 14Acknowledgements 15Bibliography 16
The frame of the thesis: 1, explain what is meaning that truth or falsity conversion( Generalization, Concretization and Adaptation in C/ E Translation)2, truth or falsity conversion truth or falsities convert to make use of in 虚s say the solid the example that turn solid say the example that 虚 turn 3, several kinds uses the familiar circumstance in conversion in truth or falsity: 虚s say the solid turning the application of usual common sayings in the some application in the article solid say the 虚 on the ancient text applied 4. the familiar problem that truth or falsity conversion meet translate concerning the common translation of result the circumstance that meet to can't translate: solid say the 虚 turn of embody 5, the summary of the full text 6, consult cultural heritageI attend the 华 inside Normal University network college educates, the profession learned is attend in 1995 since work, has been being engaged in grade school English teaching, have the research to thesis that I plan to write translates the aspect for English, having many techniques in 汉 translate 英 and method, I a truth or falsity for expatiating conversion is to translates the familiar translation in realm so-called truth or falsity conversion is to points to generalize the concrete concept turn, or the abstract idea Chinese-to-English translate, pass the truth or falsity conversion means can attain the language righteousness of the bilingual sign to sho有疑问找偶
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ABSTRACT The development of people's ability totranslate figurative speech was studied, using sentences containing metaphors, dual function words, and proverbs, aspresented in classroom workbooks. One hundred twentychildren from first, third, fifth, and seventh grades wereasked to describe the meaning of each figurative word orphrase placed in context. Responses were scored on a fourpoint scale indicating the extent to which the child used aliteral or figurative translation. Significant effects betweengrade levels and figurative conditions were found, indicatingthat the ability to translate figurative speech proceeds alonga developmental hierarchy of language comprehension. Themajority of third grade children were able to translate metaphors and dual function words into figurative language successfully. The ability to translate proverbs required a levelof comprehension that does not appear in most childrenuntil seventh grade, as suggested by recent review of the psychological literature onmetaphor suggests a strong relationship betweenmetaphor comprehension and Piaget's cognitive stagesof thought development (3). Piagetian theory suggeststhat children from seven to twelve years of age developa broad range of transformational skills that allows themto operate on reality, building a repertoire of symbolsand signs (8). This display of cognitive growth representsan enormous expansion of power and abstraction in thatit frees children from the literal aspects of their percep and Piaget suggest that the capacity for poeticusage and the ability to operate on linguistic elementsmay be the last facet of language to develop (3). Theauthors' experiences in third grade classrooms, whileobserving children's understanding of figurative speechas presented in reading workbooks, revealed a wide rangeof abilities in the children's interpretation of metaphorsand proverbs at the concrete operations period of development. Some children had an immediate grasp of the multiple meanings of terms, while others, regardless of theamount of explanation given, could not override theircognitive ties to the literal suggests that the capacity to understandmetaphoric speech occurs at an age beyond the preschoollevel (5). An early study investigated the development ofchildren's ability to understand dual function words,terms that have a joint reference in language to bothphysical and psychological data (1). For example, suchwords as "cold" and "warm" denote thermal propertiesand can serve a dual function in describing psychologicalaspects of people. The authors suggested that these termsare an elementary instance of metaphorical thinking andinvestigated the order in which children's understandingof dual terms emerged. Results indicated that childrenfrom three to seven are sensitive only to the literal translation, while seven- to eight-year olds demonstrate thebeginning of the ability to use the psychological sense ofthe terms. The ability to state the dual function of theterms was clearly developed in the twelve-year-old group(for example, "hard things and hard people are bothunmanageable").Further work examined the ability of preschool children to make metaphoric links, to perceive relationshipsamong disparate phenomena (6). Children, ages three tonineteen, were asked to indicate their knowledge ofliteral meanings of word pairs and then project them ontosensory domains using metaphoric skills. In contrast toearlier findings, these results indicated that the capacityfor metaphoric association between sensory modalitiesand adjectives was evident in young recent investigation found a developmental trendtoward the comprehension of metaphors, though it concluded that not until the age of ten were children ableto demonstrate metaphoric understanding of dual function words (12).The ability to understand proverbs has been explainedby Piaget as part of the development of cognitive thinking (10). He proposed that children from nine to elevenyears of age use a simple projection of the proverb intosentences by process of immediate fusion. At this level,there is no analysis of detail in comprehending proverbs,but a general fusion of two propositions without analysisof their meanings. Piaget believed that this phenomenonprecedes the development of logical thinking, that theability to translate proverbs does not occur until theformal operations present study examined the relationship amongmetaphors, dual function words, and proverbs, specificallylooking at children's ability to translate classroom materialpresented in context. Context has been cited as an impor
[关键词]歇后语 类型 翻译
对“歇后语”一词的翻译,有几种观点。罗胜豪教授翻译为“Chineseenigmatic folk similes”[1],这一译法的缺点是歇后语中不全是比喻,也有谐音或双关式歇后语。有人翻译为“quiz-cracks”(隐语或谜语),同样也不全面。于是有人提议直接翻译为“xiehouyu in Chinese”,这倒是有一定的可借鉴性。但是,追根溯源,歇后语最早是文人之间的一种文字游戏,最早叫做“俏皮话”,因此,有人据此大胆翻译为Chinese folk wisecracks[2]。
对大多数喻义歇后语,由于比喻部分生动形象,喻意部分逻辑推理合乎情理,且不包含一词两义的双关或谐音,通常采用直译法,既传达源语的内容,又维持源语的形象,便于读者阅读和欣赏。例如:瞎子点灯———白费蜡。It is as useless as a blind man lighting a can-dle.
黄鼠狼给鸡拜年———不怀好意。A weasel wishing Happy NewYearto a chicken harbors no good intention.
肉包子打狗———有去无回。To chase a dog by throwing meatdumplings at it———you never expect it to return.
竹篮打水———一场空。Like ladling water with a wicker basket-all isempty.
八仙过海———各显其能。The Eight Immortals crossing the sea-eachshowing his or her special prowess.(Each of them shows their true worth.)(二)套译法也叫套用法或借用法,是歇后语翻译中常见的方法。当在英汉翻译中无法保留原语中的形象时,可以套用译语读者所熟悉的形象,使译文更容易为译语读者所接受,也能达到语义对等的效果。例如:梅香拜把子———都是奴才。We’re all birds of a feather–all slaveshere.
(Note:“梅香”refers to any maid servants in the old society;and“拜把子”refers to a Chinese traditional etiquette,which means the persons are nowbrothers or sister in low)
Salted vegetables with bean curd—there is salt at the beginning,(pun)there are words beforehand.(Note:In this expression,“言”(words)and“盐”(salt)are homophones in Chinese.)三十晚上贴“福”字———倒着贴Putting up the character”fu”on the New Year’s Eve———putted upsidedown.(Note:This refers to the traditional Chinese custom of putting up thecharacter“福”upside down to impl“y福到了”,which means your good luckhas arrived.)
对于某些采用双关手法的歇后语,不论是谐音还是谐意,都可采用解释性意译的翻译方法。保留原来的文化色彩,并加上简要的解释说明以突出其形象性。例如:牛角抹油———又尖(奸)又滑(猾)Spreading oil on an ox horn———to make it sharper and more slippery orcunning and treacherous.
擀面杖吹火———一窍不通Arollingpin used as a bellows—nogood atall.
擀面杖是中国传统炊具,因由实木做成所以不可能有窍,该句用于比喻某人对事物一无所知。该歇后语涉及到语义的双关,“一窍不通”既是对擀面杖的描摹,又是对人的一种比喻,翻译的处理“nogood at all”,可以说把握住了这个比喻的精神内核,言简意赅,是非常成功的译例。
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