数字钟的VHDL设计 1、设计任务及要求: 设计任务:设计一台能显示时、分、秒的数字钟。具体要求如下: 由实验箱上的时钟信号经分频产生秒脉冲; 计时计数器用24进制计时电路; 可手动校时,能分别进行时、分的校正; 整点报时; 2 程序代码及相应波形 Second1(秒计数 6进制和10进制) Library ieee; Use ; Use ; Entity second1 is Port( clks,clr:in std_logic; Secs,Secg: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); cout1:out std_logic); End second1; Architecture a of second1 is Begin Process(clks,clr) variable ss,sg: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); variable co: std_logic; Begin If clr='1' then ss:="0000"; sg:="0000"; Elsif clks'event and clks='1' then if ss="0101" and sg="1001" then ss:="0000"; sg:="0000";co:='1'; elsif sg<"1001" then sg:=sg+1;co:='0'; elsif sg="1001" then sg:="0000";ss:=ss+1;co:='0'; end if; end if; cout1<=co; Secs<=ss; Secg<=sg; end process; End a; Min1(分计数器 6进制和10进制 alm实现整点报时) Library ieee; Use ; Use ; Entity min1 is Port(clkm,clr:in std_logic; mins,ming:buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); enmin,alarm: out std_logic); End; Architecture a of min1 is Begin Process(clkm,clr) variable ms,mg :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); variable so,alm :std_logic; Begin If clr='1' then ms:="0000"; mg:="0000"; Elsif clkm'event and clkm='1' then if ms="0101" and mg="1001" then ms:="0000";mg:="0000"; so :='1'; alm:='1'; elsif mg<"1001" then mg:=mg+1; so :='0';alm:='0'; elsif mg="1001" then mg:="0000";ms:=ms+1; so :='0';alm:='0'; end if; end if; alarm<=alm; enmin<= so; mins<=ms; ming<=mg; End process; End a; Hour1(时计数器 4进制与2进制) Library ieee; Use ; Use ; Entity hour1 is Port(clkh,clr:in std_logic; hours,hourg:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); End; Architecture a of hour1 is Begin Process(clkh,clr) variable hs,hg :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Begin If clr='1' then hs:="0000"; hg:="0000"; Elsif clkh'event and clkh='1' then if hs="0010"and hg="0011" then hs:="0000";hg:="0000"; elsif hg<"1001" then hg:=hg+1; elsif hg="1001" then hg:="0000";hs:=hs+1; end if; end if; hours<=hs; hourg<=hg; End process; End; Madapt(校分) Library ieee; Use ; Use ; Entity madapt is Port(en,clk,secin,m1:in std_logic; minset:out std_logic); End; Architecture a of madapt is Begin Process(en,m1) Begin if en='1' then if m1='1' then minset<=clk; else minset<=secin; end if; else minset<=secin ; end if; End process; end; Hadapt (校时) Library ieee; Use ; Use ; Entity hadapt is Port(en,clk,minin,h1:in std_logic; hourset:out std_logic); End; Architecture a of hadapt is Begin Process(en,h1) Begin if en='1' then if h1='1' then hourset<=clk; else hourset<=minin; end if; else hourset<=minin; end if; End process; end; Topclock(元件例化 顶层文件) Library ieee; Use ; Use ; Use ; Entity topclock is Port(clk,clr,en,m1,h1:in std_logic; alarm:out std_logic; secs,secg,mins,ming,hours,hourg:buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); End; Architecture one of topclock is Component second1 Port( clks,clr:in std_logic; secs,secg: buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); cout1: out std_logic); End Component; Component min1 Port(clkm,clr:in std_logic; mins,ming:buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); enmin,alarm: out std_logic); End Component; Component hour1 Port(clkh,clr:in std_logic; hours,hourg:buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); End Component; Component madapt Port(en,m1,clk,secin:in std_logic; minset:out std_logic); End Component; Component hadapt Port(en,h1,clk,minin:in std_logic; hourset:out std_logic); End Component; signal a,b,c,d: std_logic; begin u1:second1 port map(clr=>clr, secs=>secs,secg=>secg,clks=>clk, cout1=>a); u2:min1 port map(clr=>clr,alarm=>alarm, mins=>mins,ming=>ming,clkm=>b,enmin=>c); u3:hour1 port map(clr=>clr, hours=>hours,hourg=>hourg,clkh=>d); u4:madapt port map(en=>en,m1=>m1,clk=>clk,secin=>a,minset=>b); u5:hadapt port map(en=>en,h1=>h1,clk=>clk,minin=>c,hourset=>d); end; 3 电路图 4 实验心得程序全部都给你写好了啊,只 要你自己仿真,再下载到实验箱就OK了啦