企业理论最重要的参考文献包括:Holmstrom, Bengt and J. Tirole, 1989, “The Theory of the Firm”, in Handbook of Industrial Organization, R. Willig (eds.), Amsterdam: North HollandFoss, Nicolai J., 1999, The Theory of the Firm: Critical Perspectives in Economic Organization, London: RoutledgeGibbons, Robert, 2005, “Four Formal (izable) Theories of the Firm”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58: 200-245在中国大陆,在企业理论方面比较有研究的学者包括:张维迎、杨瑞龙、杨其静、聂辉华等人。主要作品包括杨瑞龙主编《企业理论:现代观点》之第二、三、四章,中国人民大学出版社,2006