sample 1:题目: English Vocabulary Learning Strategies (英语词汇学习策略)The mathematicians that study language and have lots of computing power are forming English language databases. These databases can be used for machine language translation, formulas to rank collocation, most used priority word lists, word grouping tendencies and other linguistics research. These frequency-based wordlists contain the words that are most used in English. Frequency-based wordlists can help you target specific English vocabulary by indicating which words you should try to learn first. Vocabulary analysis and summaries from the "Brown Corpus 1990". Table 1 Words - Percent of words in average text 86,741 - 43,831 - 15,851 - 6,000 - 5,000 - 4,000 - 3,000 - 2,000 - 1,000 - 10 - Table 1 shows us that in most written English just a few word types account for most of the English words in any text. Ten words account for % of the words on any page and just 1000 word families account for more than 70% of the words used. The ESL in Canada English Immersion camps experimented with the 1000 word lists and used them for the core vocabulary for spelling, poetry writing and public speaking contests. The constant reinforcement and repetition with variable context was quickly absorbed by the beginner students and greatly increased their confidence when speaking or writing. Altavista's Babelfish or Google by Systran machine translation performs with an error rate of 20 to 30 percent. The large error rate is due to how a word's meaning varies with context. One example: "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" translated from English to Russian and back again only to yield "The vodka is good but the meat is rotten." So far Babelfish has 19 language pairs available and it has taken decades to develop language-pair rules for each of the 9,900 language word pairs. Some observations for language students and language teachers is the translation pool for just average translations is 9900 words. The big variable is context, which means that a word can be used in various formats: "formal, industry specific jargon, slang, idioms, act a different part of speech performing a different function within that particular meaning. If every word has an average of five context variables then the student really has to learn 50,000 items. As final conclusions: second language learning takes time and effort and there should be plenty of translation jobs for the next 20 years if you are willing to invest the seven to nine years to be proficient. In the following example the word "weather" can be used in about eight different contexts and be used to mean, define or explain about thirty different situations or conditions. To properly study vocabulary students require background information and context. "Weather" As a NounDefinition 1. the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as characterized by sunshine, moisture, temperature, precipitation, and other Words: elements, climate Definition 2. unpleasant, turbulent, or violent atmospheric conditions. Example: We needed shelter from the weather. Similar Words: gale, elements, blow, windstorm , storm As a Transitive Verb Inflected Forms: weathered, weathering, weathers Definition 1. to dry, season, or modify by exposing to weather. Similar Words: season , dry Definition 2. to discolor, deteriorate, or harm by exposing to weather. Similar Words wash , rot , erode, deteriorate Definition 3. to endure past the end of; survive. Example Their marriage weathered the hard times. Synonyms: withstand , survive, stand, outlast , endure , ride outSimilar Words: overcome, surmount, outlive, sustain, braveAs an Intransitive Verb Definition 1. to resist deterioration when exposed to weather. Example: The colour has been able to weather the intense sun 2. to display the effects of exposure (deterioration or change in color)Similar Words: rot, corrode, fade, deteriorateAs part of Idiomatic ExpressionsPhrase used as an idiom: "under the weather" = sick or not well sample 2:题目: Using the keyword method to learn vocabulary(重点记忆学习法)The keyword mnemonic is undoubtedly an effective means of learning the words of a foreign language How well you remember depends on how well you learned them, not on whether you have learned the words using a keyword mnemonic or rote repetition or some other method Even using a keyword mnemonic, you still need to rehearse the information to be learned The keyword mnemonic is not always the best method of learning particular words Skilled learners may be best to use the keyword mnemonic selectively, for particularly difficult words The keyword mnemonic requires individual instruction and practice, to use effectively Using a verbal (sentence) link is at least as effective as an image, and is easier for many people Whether using a sentence or an image, the critical factor is that the keyword interact with the definition or own-language 3: 题目: experience of learning vocabulary and grammar (英语词汇及语法的学习经验) I could say what I’ve been instructed is a focus on deductive ways. In junior high school, my teacher listed out the key rules of each lesson and would did the fill-in the blank exercise in the class. Since I was not a quick thinker, what I could do was merely imitate the examples given by the teacher. This meant that I didn’t know “why” I was supposed to make a sentence in this days went to high school, the mode of instruction didn’t change much. The teacher would point out the crucial rules as well, but he didn’t do much practice in class. In the scope of vocabulary teaching, he just read through the words and sample must be curious about how I could last my interest in learning English under this way of instruction? I think what prompt me to keep on learning is owing to my highly motivated attitude. Because I like the language and its culture, I’ll do my best to learn it well through self-study. Though the inspiration from teachers is essential in some ways, the attitude of learners will be the momentum to maintain a lifelong don’t like the ways I’ve been taught because I learn the rules by rote-learning. Actually, I didn’t object the use of rote-learning. But, it should be under the condition of meaningful practice so that I know “why” the rules are supposed to be used in this way. As for the ways how I will teach in the future, I’m still struggling to explore my answers. No matter what, I will put much emphasis on learner-centered aspects and inductive teaching.
al 表示人、物 如:rival 竞争者 mural 壁画cy 表示状态、职位 如:bankruptcy 破产 captaincy 船长er 表示人、物 如:teacher 老师 cooker 厨具able 表示可能的 如: movable 可移动的 passable 可通行的ful 表示充满 如: beautiful 美丽的 useful 有用的or 表示人、物 如:actor 男演员 mirror 镜子ist 表示人 如:copyist 抄写员 socialist 社会主义者ment 表示行为 如:enjoyment 娱乐 movement 运动ing 表示令人 如:exciting 令人兴奋的 interesting 令人有兴趣的ed 表示感到 如:excited 感到兴奋的 interested 感到有兴趣的less 表示没有的 如: resistless 不抵抗的 homeless 无家可归的ly 副词后缀 如:gently 轻轻地 intently 专心地tion 名词后缀 如:graduation 毕业 relation 亲属典型的前后缀应用举例:1excite vt.刺激 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的 excited adj.感到兴奋的 excitement n.兴奋2 smile v./n.微笑 smiling adj. 微笑的 smilingly adv.微笑的 unsmiling adj.不笑的自学小贴士:词根词缀记忆法常常被英语初学者所忽略,如果将此法配合多遍反复记法在自学中应用则可以做到举一至少反三的妙用。词根词缀组成规律亦是英语专业中词汇学必讲必学的一门课程。对比近义词、反义词及形似总结记忆法:英语中存在不计其数的近义词、反义词,如果能够将众多的单词想办法联系在一起进行记忆,不仅可以有效地扩大词汇量,而且实在地锻炼了自己的思维能力。1)形似记忆:China 中国 sina 中国 sinopec中国石化 sinopetrol中国石油yahoo长着虎牙的人 乡巴佬 baggage luggage 行李2)音似记忆:sofa 沙发 talk show 脱口秀 hacker黑客 gene基因 radar雷达 ballet芭蕾 tango探戈 golf高尔夫 cartoon卡通 model模特 aspirin阿斯匹林 cigar雪茄 nicotine尼古丁 shock休克 lemon柠檬 salad沙拉 copy拷贝 morphine吗啡 nylon尼龙3)特殊记忆:black tea红茶 brown sugar红糖 love pea红豆 beauty红颜 sweet potato红薯 traffic light→红绿灯 good luck红运 green-eyed眼 红4)总结式记忆:表达“胖” plump(丰满的) heavy(份量重的) stout(壮实的) husky(结实的) strong(很壮的) well-built(健壮的)表达“生气”: angry (英式用法) mad(美式用法) be blue in the face (词组) feel hot under the collar (词组) piss off(词组)表达“破坏”: damage destroy表达“旅行”: trip (出差性的) travel(周游世界性的) journey(陆地上的) flight(空中) voyage(海上) tour(以玩目的) sightseeing(观光)表达“打扰”: bother(口语) disturb(正式) interrupt (较不礼貌的)表达“很好的”: wonderful terrific excellent fantastic fabulous extraordinary表达“瘦” thin(干瘦) scrawny(骨瘦如柴的) bony(瘦骨嶙峋的 ) skinny(皮包骨) skin and bone(极瘦的) slim(纤细的) slender(苗条的) lean(无脂肪的)5)搞怪式记忆:“三围” bust(胸围) busty (波霸) waist(腰围) waist-belt腰带 hip(臀围) hip-hop 街舞床上六件套 mat(褥子) sheet(床单) quilt(被子) bed spread(床罩) pillow(枕头) cushion(小垫子)多种衣服 cloth(布) clothes(衣裳) garment(衬衣) blouse(女衬衫) sweater(毛衣) coat(外套) jumper(短衫) suit(西装) costume(戏服) pants(裤子) jacket(夹克) dress(女服) T-shirt(T恤) skirt(裙子)四种虾 shrimp(虾米) dried shrimps(虾仁) prawn(对虾) lobster龙虾
(此内容整理自《英语词汇学》中的第三第四个章节) 在词汇扩展中借词起到了重要的作用,但现代词汇的扩展主要还是靠其内部构词。也就是说,利用英语中现有的材料不管是本族语材料,还是外来语材料,来创造新词。在我们实际讨论构词方式之前,我们需要分析构词的形态结构,实际了解各种构词要素。 一、词素 人们都认为词是语言中独立表达意义的最小单位。但从结构上讲,词并不是最小的单位,因为许多词都可以再分成更小的有意义的单位。 以denaturalization(使改变本性)为例。这是一个词,但可以划分为de-,nature, -al,-ize,-ation等5部分,每一部分都有各自的含义。这5部分不能再分,否则就没有意义了。虽然-ation有-tion,-sion,-ion等变体,但因为它们具有相同的含义和语法功能,所以属于同一后缀。 这些不同的单位叫词素。换句话说,词素是“构词中最小的功能单位”。 二、词素变体 词素(形位)是个抽象单位,是由分立的形素在话语中具体实现的。“形素是实际说出来的最小的意义携带体”。形位与形素的关系同音位与音素的关系一样。大多数词素都是由单个形素实现的,如bird(鸟),tree(树),green(绿),sad(悲伤),want(想),desire(想要)等。这些词素与词一致,因为它们在句中可以独立起作用,这类词叫单语素词。 然而有些词素根据它们在词中的位置不同可由一个以上的不同形素实现,这些不同的形素叫词素变体。比如名词复数的词素-s在不同的语言环境中就有许多词素变体:在cats中是/s/,bags中是/z/,matches中是/iz/。这样的词素变体并不是随意出现的,而是受语音条件制约的,因此也是可以预测的。 名词复数{-s}在/t,p,k/音后是/s/,如packs,dishes, garages, damages等。 名词复数词素的变体也有一些特殊情况,可以通过改变内部元音来实现名词复数,如foot-feet,man-men,goose-geese; 或通过零形素来实现,如deer-deer,fish-fish。 动词过去式的标记{-ed}也是如此:在以/p,k/音结尾的动词尾后是/t/,如looked,helped;在以元音和辅音/m,n,y,l/等结尾的动词词尾时是/d/,如tired,warmed,lived, enabled;在以/t,d/音结尾的动词词尾时是/id/,如wanted,landed等。 这一原理也适用于词缀词素。前缀{in-}根据词基的第一音的情况,可以有/im,ir,il/等不同词素变体。如果词基的第一个音是/p,b,m/,就加/im/,如improper,immovable, imbalance;如果是/r/,就加/ir/,如irreconcilable;如果是/l/,就加/il/,如illegible等。 三、词素的分类 词素有不同的分类方法,通行的分类方法是将词素分为自由词素和粘附词素。 1.自由词素 彼此之间互相独立的词素叫自由词素。这些词素本身具有完整的意义,在句子中可以用作自由语法单位。自由词素与根词一致,因为根词就是由单个的自由词素构成的,如man,earth,wind, car, anger等。因此,我们不妨说自由词素就是自由根词。 2.粘附词素 不能独立成词的词素叫粘附词素。之所以叫粘附词素是因为它们要粘附在别的词素上才能构成词。粘附词素主要出现在派生词里。试举recollection,idealistic和ex-prisoner为例。这三个词分别由三个词素构成:recollection(re+collect+ion),idealistic(ideal+its+ic),ex-prisoner(ex+prison+er)。在这9个词素中,只有collect,ideal,prison可以独立存在,它们是自由词素,其余的re-,-ion,-ist,-ic,ex-和er-都是粘附词素,因为它们都是不能独立存在的单位。英语中有许多词都是仅由粘附词素构成的,如antecedent,可以分为ante-,-ced-,和-ent,其中-ced-是词根,意为“去,到”,ante-是前缀,意为“前”,-cent是名词后缀,意为“人、物”,因此整个词antecedent意为“走在前面的物(先行词)”。这些例子清楚地表明,粘附词素分两类:粘附词根和词缀。 (1)粘附词根 正如例子antecedent所示,粘附词根就如自由词根一样,是带有基本意义的词的组成部分。与自由词根不同的是,粘附词根是一种粘附形式,必须与别的词素结合在一起才能构成词。 举-dict-为例。这是一个拉丁词根,有“说,讲”之意,但它不是一个独立的词,然而加上词缀后可以构成许多词,如加contra-(反对)和pre-(前),就可构成动词contradict(矛盾)和predict(预言),这两个词再加上后缀-ion就构成contradiction和prediction;若加后缀-or,就构成contradictor和predictor。除此以外,dictum,dictate,dictation,dictator,diction,dictionary等都是从词根-dict-派生出来的词。英语中的粘附词素不是来源于拉丁语,就是来源于希腊语。粘附词素虽然数量不多,但却有惊人的能产性,构成了数以百万的现代英语词汇。 (2)词缀 词缀是附着于词并对其意义或功能作修饰的形式。几乎所有词缀都是粘附词素,因为它们很少能独立成词。根据词素的功能,可将词素分为两组:内部曲折词缀和派生词缀。 ①内部曲折词缀 加在词尾表示语法关系的词缀发生曲折变化,因此叫做内部曲折词缀。现代英语是分析型语言,大多数词尾都消失了,只留下几个内部曲折词缀。规则复数后缀-s(-es)加在诸如machines(机器),fridges(冰箱),desks(桌子),radios(收音机),potatoes(番茄)等名词之后。 -s(-es)这一形式还可以加在动词后表示其主语是第三人称单数的一般现在时,如like-likes,work-works, go-goes等。 -‘s形式加在名词后表示所有格,如: the children's library(儿童图书馆),the man's role (男人的作用), a waitress's voice(女招待的声音),the mother-in-law's complaints (岳母的抱怨)。 还有-er,-est两种形式加在形容词或者副词后表示其比较级或最高级,如happy-happier-happiest, hard-harder-hardest。 除此之外,还有过去式标志-ed以及加在动词词尾构成现在分词或动名词的-ing形式。内部曲折词缀的数量很少而且很稳定,英语也因此成为一门易学的语言。 ②派生词缀 顾名思义,派生词缀就是加在其他词素上创造新词的词缀。派生词缀还可以进一步分为前缀和后缀。前缀加在词的前面,后缀加在词的后面,如pre+war, sub+sea, north+ward, blood+y。 在这些词素中,pre-和sub-是前缀,因为两者都加在词基之前,而-ward-,-y是后缀,加在词基之后。 根据以上讨论,我们可以用下表概括词素分类的情况:今天先介绍到这里,明天继续学习。
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