
中文摘要:大学生的消费行为和心理,直接影响他们的人生观和价值观,对他们的学习、生活乃至日后的工作成才都有着重要的影响。为了对大学生消费行为及其心理有比较全面和准确的了解,我们从两个方面展开研究。一方面,2005年11月,对辽宁大学的文、理院系的各年级的大学生进行问卷调查,共发放问卷360份,收回有效问卷345份,有效率为%。另一方面,通过个别谈话及网络资源,对其他学校的大学生进行个别调查和比较。分析大学生消费的现状并提出了建设性的对策思考,形成大学生以艰苦奋斗为荣,骄奢淫逸为耻的消费观,创建节约型校园文化。 关键字:大学生 消费 行为 心理 思想政治教育 一、大学生的消费现状 (一)大学生理性消费是主流 通过问卷调查和个别访谈可以概括地说当代的大学生的消费观念有些理性因素,突破传统的只求满足基本生存需要的观念。 1.在消费结构中发展资料占的比重呈扩大趋势。他们更多的注重改善自身的学习条件,满足对于精神文化的需要。根据本次调查显示被调查的大一的男女同学中有1/2多数每学期在教育学习方面的投资在200元以内,而被调查的大三的男女同学中则约有半数的同学在这方面的投资在400元以上。这说明刚入学的大一的学生已经有了要完善自己的追求,但是在为自己设定目的和计划的同时,投资比较谨慎;而大三的学生经过了两年多的大学生活,多数为自己设计了确定的目标(考研、攻读各种资格认证、英语过级考试等等),这些教育投资对他们就业及实现自我价值是必须的。 2.大学生也重视健康消费。调查的数据显示%的男同学在每月的消费上注重营养消费,女生的比例更大一些占到%。学校内设置的健身中心很受学生欢迎,通过调查和访谈部分学生,30%的同学选择定期的体育锻炼,他们中有利用校内的体育资源的,也有参加校外休闲健身俱乐部的。大学生的健康消费也涵盖了运动器械用品、衣物等内容。 3. 消费呈现多层次化。月消费达到800元以上的占%,低于350元的占%,%的学生月消费在350-500元之间,%的学生月消费额控制在500元到800元之间。可见,大学生的消费层次分化比较分明,中间层次的比重占绝对多数,既反映了我国当前剧烈转型的社会大背景,也说明了大学生的消费主体是趋向理性的。 从总体上看,大学生的消费观念正逐步向开放化、前卫化发展,但传统的理性消费观念仍是主流。绝大多数学生在消费时考虑最多的因素是商品或服务的质量、价钱,追求物美价廉。因为%的大多数学生的经济来源主要是父母供给,虽然%的学生自己兼职,但挣的钱不多。由于消 (二)当代大学生消费状况存在着若干问题: 1. 过分追求时尚和名牌,存在攀比心理。通过个别调查和访谈,我们得知:为了拥有一款手机或换一款流行的手机,有的同学情愿节衣缩食,不惜牺牲其他必要开支;有些同学为了一件名牌衣服、名牌鞋帽,甚至向别人借钱以满足欲望。反映出一些学生不懂得量入而出,受虚荣心的驱使极易形成无休止的攀比心理。 2. 人际交往消费过度,主要体现为通讯支出和恋爱支出。通讯开支大,拥有手机的同学占被调查总人数的三分之二强,月消费高于80元的占,将近被调查人数的一半。说明学生手机消费不理性、高开销的情况存在而且颇为严重。%谈恋爱的大学生每月大约多支出100-200元左右,他们大多承认追求情感需要物质投入,经常难以理性把握适度消费的原则。 3. 经济独立意识较弱,理财观念淡薄。在被调查的345人中有39人根本没有作过家教或兼职,而那些作过家教或兼职的同学也是抱有不同目的,1/2的学生是为增长社会经验,%的学生以渴望独立为目的,以“补贴日用”为目的的比例占到%,如果把“渴望独立”看作是主动的独立意识的话,那么“补贴日用”则可以看作是被动的独立意识。把前两者合计到一起来看拥有独立意识的学生比例也只占到被调查者总数的1/3强。当然也有%的学生是抱着闲着没事的态度。显然,大家这方面的意识比起欧美发达国家的同龄人16岁就要求经济独立来说,差距较为明显。 二、当前大学生的消费行为偏颇的原因分析 (一)从心理学角度分析部分学生的消费误区和偏颇的消费心理 1.个性自觉引起的消费自主心理导致学生消费的盲目性,部分学生消费没有计划,随意性强。大学时期是人生中一个独立性与依赖性并存的阶段。伴随着自我意识觉醒而来的是人们在物质生活和精神生活中强烈的自我支配要求。现在的大学生大都是改革开放后出生的,环境的塑造,使他们在思想、生活、学习等方面都有自己特有的看法。虽然他们的消费来源依赖于家庭,但他们却有强烈的消费自主要求。大学生的思想没完全成熟,如果缺乏适当的消费指导,就会出现消费的盲目性。 2.尊重需要而引起的消费炫耀心理在学生消费中表现为重物质消费,轻教育投资。在马斯洛的需要层次论中,尊重需要居于生理、安全、友谊和爱的需要之上而处于较高级的第四层次。大学生有着强烈的尊重需要,他们多方面的努力在相当程度上都是为了建立自尊和他尊体系,以实现其自我价值。炫耀心理实际上是一种超越自我客观价值的自我虚构,表现在生活消费领域,就是对物质生活的高追求。大学生中有许多以拥有各类名牌而不是用才华作为炫耀的资本,这实际上反映出他们心理上的一个症结:用富裕的物质生活来充实美化自己的形象,以求得自尊的满足和心理的平衡。这种现象的扩散,会在一定范围内形成重物质消费的风气。 3.从众心理和求异心理是大学生消费攀比心理的心理学动因。大学生们在推崇世俗化的物质享受时,在群体消费行为中往往会滋生独领风骚的畸形心理。这样,相互攀比现象就有了产生的土壤。攀比心理表现在看似相互矛盾,实则本质相同的两个方面:一是从众心理,即被大多数人所接受的事物,个人也基本上乐意接受,大学生也不例外;二是求异心理,这种心理状态的存在,使某种时尚满足了大学生一时审美的心理需要之后,又必然会产生新的需要,渴望消费再有新变化和创新。 (二)高校思想政治教育的内容中缺少对学生健康消费观的引导 当前的大学生能够全方位地与社会接触,当他们受到享乐主义、拜金主义、奢侈浪费等不良社会风气的侵袭时,如果没有及时得到学校老师和父母的正确引导,容易形成心理趋同的倾向。父母在日常生活消费的原则立场是子女最初始的效仿对象。有些父母本身消费观念存在误区,不能正确引导自己的子女。因此,我们应该关注学校教育环境对学生消费观念培养的重要影响作用。可事实是,高校思想政治教育对学生消费观教育还没有形成足够的重视。具体体现为: 1.在高校缺乏对大学生消费心理和行为研究。高校思想政治教育要真正达到有效性目的,就不能缺少对学生实际行为的了解与把握。近年来高校思想政治教育工作虽然在不断的改进,也取得了较大的进展,但是由于科研条件、人员配置等客观原因和思政教育工作者的主观认识等原因,对学生的教育首先从实践调查开始的教学科研风气仍然未能形成。 2.高校“两课”教学中对大学生消费观的教育引导不够。由于对大学生的消费心理和行为了解不够全面和客观以及课程设置等因素,在思想品德修养课中缺少与人生观、价值观、国情观等重要思想观念紧密相关的消费观的专题教育,从而也难以达到真正的引导目的。 3.校园文化建设中普遍缺少倡导大学生勤俭节约生活消费观的内容。大学生的消费心理和行为除了在个人喜好、穿着打扮等较少方面比较注重突出个性以外,他们对于时尚品牌、基本生活用品等消费内容都具有群体从众心理。高校校风主要体现的正是学生的群体心理和行为特征。把注重塑造和强化学生良好的消费意识和消费行为,培养学生良好的消费习惯,作为校园文化建设的一项主要内容,这也是高校思想政治教育一个非常重要的内容。 (三)社会上的不良风气是大学生健康消费观的形成的影响因素 1.社会上非主流的享乐主义消费观,给大学生带来了很深的影响,是造成大学生消费观念偏颇的主要因素之一。改革开放以来近30年,我国一直以经济建设为中心,经济持续快速增长,人民生活水平也不断的提高。部分先富起来的家庭消费方式有了很大的变化,传统的消费观念不断受到冲击。大学生的消费心理处在不成熟的阶段,互相攀比的消费心理较为普遍,直接影响到了大学生的消费观。 2.近年来消费主义的价值观在我们的社会中逐渐上升,当然也对在校的大学生产生了影响。按照这种价值观,一个人是不是值得尊重,是不是有品位,主要取决于他的消费水平。一个人的消费水平越高,消费能力越强,就越是能够证明他的成功。在中国,应该说是先富起来的那部分人首先接受了这种价值观,然后又逐渐辐射、传染到其他社会阶层,最后演变为一种国民的集体无意识。 三、引导大学生养成健康消费心理和行为的建议 构建节约型社会是我国十一五规划的重要任务之一。构建节约型的消费模式是解读节约型社会的一个重要方面。用节约型的消费理念引导消费方式的变革,在全社会树立节俭、文明、适度、合理的消费理念,大力倡导节约风尚。当代大学生是未来社会建设的栋梁,引导他们继续保持艰苦朴素、勤俭节约的消费观念,反对奢侈浪费、盲目攀比、过高消费等不良消费风气,加强大学生健康的消费观念的培养与塑造,在当前构建节约型社会的大环境下具有非常重要的意义。要正确引导大学生养成健康消费心理和行为,可以从以下四个方面着手: (一)加强对大学生消费心理和行为的调查研究。在思想理论教学中,我们应该大力提倡调查研究与理论教学相结合的科学方法,使理论教学真正摆脱空洞无物的说教。今后我们应当重视和加强对大学生消费状况的关注,注重在研究他们的消费心理与行为中发现问题和解决问题。当然,调查研究是一个艰辛的过程,但是作为教育工作者应该首先培养自己刻苦钻研的科学精神、实事求是的科学态度、理论联系实际的科学思维。 (二)教育学生要树立艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约、科学的消费意识。引导他们在考虑个人消费时不忘光荣传统,科学规划安排,是个人消费标准与家情相适应。当然,在社会主义市场经济条件下,从不断推动社会经济发展和繁荣市场这个角度看,需要鼓励人们积极、合理消费。如果不考虑个人经济状况和支付能力,盲目追求奢侈的消费模式是十分有害的。思政教育工作者要及时客观的分析社会上的消费主义现象,引导学生形成积极的心态,作一个清醒的消费者。 (三)培养和加强大学生的财商。所谓财商,指的是一个人在财务方面的智力,即对钱财的理性认识与运用。财商是与智商、情商并列的现代社会三大不可缺少的素质。财商主要包括两方面的内容:其一,正确认识金钱及金钱规律的能力;其二,正确运用金钱及金钱规律的能力。我们应该围绕这两方面的内容,在思想政治课和德育课的教学活动中设计生动活泼的教学形式以达到教育目的。 (四)大学生健康的消费风气应成为建设节约型校园的一项重要内容。高校校风建设应该把握育人第一位的原则,重视大学生为人处世每个环节的教育,重视培养和塑造大学生健康的消费心理和行为,以促进大学生学业的成功追求。建议把大学生良好消费心理和行为的培养作为校园文化建设的重要组成部分。在校园文化建设中设计有关大学生健康消费理念的活动专题,并且持之以恒。塑造节约型的校园理念,利用校园环境影响大学生理性健康的消费习惯的养成,形成良好的生活作风,向社会输出具有健康理性消费习惯的社会成员。 参考文献: (1)陈一祥,苏天恩,大学生经济差异现象及其对策,泉州师范学院学报,2003年9月第21卷第5期 (2)王永杰,徐凌中,任建庆,大学生消费行为及其影响因素,中国行为医学科学2004年第13卷第6期 (3)唐沙,王洪斌,当代大学生消费文化的探讨与分析,高等农业教育,2004年6月第156期 (4)温孝卿,等。消费心理学(M)天津大学出版社,2004 (5)余展洪,关注大学生的健康消费(J)中国教育,2003,(2)
首先,在学习方面,尽量考取一些资格认证,以备毕业后容易寻求工作。其次,积极参与学生会工作、社团活动,以及校外兼职工作,欲积累一定经验,因此这就保证了商家利用学生会大搞校内宣传,并充分利用兼职的高质量廉价劳动力成为可能。 二通过以上调研结果可以看出,大学生的基本生活消费和心理整体上是现实的、合理的,但离散趋势明显,个体差异大。主要归纳为以下几个方面: ⒈大学生消费有其不理性的一面 大学生没有经济来源,经济独立性差,消费没有基础,经济的非独立性决定了大学生自主消费经验少,不能理性地对消费价值与成本进行衡量。大学生没有形成完整的,稳定的消费观念,自控能力不强,多数消费都是受媒体宣传诱导或是受身边同学影响而产生的随机消费,冲动消费。这也正是大学生消费示范效应的结果。拿手机产品来说,目前,有手机的大学生中,一部分有通信的需要,且家庭经济条件允许;另一部分有通信需要,但是家庭经济条件负担不起的情况下“趋前”消费;还有一部分是既无通信需要又无家庭经济条件负担的“奢侈”消费。而“奢侈”消费则是由大学生消费的示范效应,攀比心理导致的。 ⒉大学生对品牌的忠诚度很高 大学生消费在一定程度上会相信自己的真实体验,如果使用某种品牌产品产生好的体验,就会坚持使用,从而逐步形成固定偏好,最终形成使用习惯,保持对此产品良好的忠诚度。比如洗发水,感性认识上的气味清香,质量好,效果明显,都会促使他们继续使用下去。 ⒊大学生更侧重时尚性消费 学生思想活跃,对新事物有强烈的求知欲,喜欢追求新潮,并敢于创新,消费的趋附性强,娱乐消费占全部消费额的比重很大。对企业而言,中国移动做的较好,他们借助流行时尚代言人周杰伦为“M-ZONE ”加油助威,同时利用学生追求物美价廉的心理,推出学生卡,从而赢得不菲的业绩。
(1) for the Internet experience. Research shows that the majority of Internet users can enjoy the fun of the network, the majority of respondents feel better on the Internet. of that time flies when you feel the Internet, of the Internet is very able to enjoy the fun. Another percent of people do not think the Internet Time flies, of people feel the Internet to bring the fun, when these students belong to those who do not know much of the network or by the network crash victims on the impact of the type . (2) towards the new view of things and willingness to pay for the network services. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, although overall consumption is still in college to meet the "survival needs" phase, namely food and clothing is still the main aspects of spending, of course, and their economic independence have a great relationship, but Students characterized by its own fashion and independent living needs, they need to be respected, interpersonal, and self-realization, so they present a psychologically consumption chase new change of trend. The survey shows that for new things or curiosity or to seek access to new technologies, as well as trying to achieve the requirement to have accounted for , more in line with this vibrant college, fashion novel features. Survey results also show that nearly 50 percent of the students do not want to provide services for online extra pay, only of the students are willing to pay extra fees for online services, there are of the students as the situation to be willing to pay. Such phenomena show that the popularity of the network is also broad enough and deep network of consumer's attitude towards students is not very positive, but also indicates that the network is not in place of civilization propaganda. Another level of regional economic development, people's living standards and also restricting the development of network consumption, network development is still at a preliminary stage. (3) Shopping cause and site selection. Survey shows that a considerable part of the students are active online shopping, personal shopping reasons, price concessions, merchandise styles complete, convenient shopping map, as well as the proportion of amused curiosity fashion each of , , , , due to network consumption, low cost, convenient, and it is different from the traditional consumption of new consumption patterns and other features and advantages of attracting highly qualified, innovative and receptive to new ideas of fashion students. Online purchase of goods requires a cognitive process, but also the factors that produce online shopping, which is the online shopping needs, go to determine how the choice of the merchant. This is the will of students as consumers emotional process. The research shows that, when asked the most visited commercial websites this problem, the result is that the top surface Taobao, eBay, Sina Mall, Mall Sohu, Tencent, NetEase Mall ratio was , , , %, , . Select the main reason of such sites is known, by the influence of friends, integrity ratio of , , . I. INTRODUCTION CNNIC statistics, as of the end of 2006, the number of Internet users in China reached 132 million, and the number of online shopping over 30 million. From the composition of Internet users look, about percent of the online personal user's age under 35 years old, and college students, is among the typical online consumers. College students are a special group with a higher education culture, their ideological consciousness is higher, for new things, new technologies, new ideas have a stronger ability to accept and comprehend, they are the direct object of the popularity of the network. Theory
Man on the Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Normal University East Campus, East Campus, Hebei University of Technology, Hebei Medical University East Campus four campuses humanities, economics and management,
Science, as well as
Engineering and other disciplines, students were investigated and analyzed. Second, the research methods and the research object thesis questionnaire method, Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Normal University East Campus, East Campus, Hebei University of Technology, Hebei Medical University East Campus four campuses humanities, economics and management,
Science, as well as
Engineering and other disciplines all grades way to take a sample survey, the actual 250 questionnaires, 231 valid questionnaires, recovery efficiency. Description of the contents of the questionnaire included 23 closed questions and two open-ended questions of three parts. Statistics Using SPSS For Windows software and the results EXCEL statistical software related statistics, in addition to open-ended questions used for classification and collation of research and analytical methods. Third, the analysis of a questionnaire. Psychological characteristics of students' network consumer survey (1) for the Internet experience. Research shows that the majority of Internet users can enjoy the fun of the network, the majority of respondents feel better on the Internet. of that time flies when you feel the Internet, of the Internet is very able to enjoy the fun. Another percent of people do not think the Internet Time flies, of people feel the Internet to bring the fun, when these students belong to those who do not know much of the network or by the network crash victims on the impact of the type . (2) towards the new view of things and willingness to pay for the network services. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, although overall consumption is still in college to meet the "survival needs" phase, namely food and clothing is still the main aspects of spending, of course, and their economic independence have a great relationship, but Students characterized by its own fashion and independent living needs, they need to be respected, interpersonal, and self-realization, so they present a psychologically consumption chase new change of trend. The survey shows that for new things or curiosity or to seek access to new technologies, as well as trying to achieve the requirement to have accounted for , more in line with this vibrant college, fashion novel features. Survey results also show that nearly 50 percent of the students do not want to provide services for online extra pay, only of the students are willing to pay extra fees for online services, there are of the students as the situation to be willing to pay. Such phenomena show that the popularity of the network is also broad enough and deep network of consumer's attitude towards students is not very positive, but also indicates that the network is not in place of civilization propaganda. Another level of regional economic development, people's living standards and also restricting the development of network consumption, network development is still at a preliminary stage. (3) Shopping cause and site selection. Survey shows that a considerable part of the students are active online shopping, personal shopping reasons, price concessions, merchandise styles complete, convenient shopping map, as well as the proportion of amused curiosity fashion each of , , , , due to network consumption, low cost, convenient, and it is different from the traditional consumption of new consumption patterns and other features and advantages of attracting highly qualified, innovative and receptive to new ideas of fashion students. Online purchase of goods requires a cognitive process, but also the factors that produce online shopping, which is the online shopping needs, go to determine how the choice of the merchant. This is the will of students as consumers emotional process. The research shows that, when asked the most visited commercial websites this problem, the result is that the top surface Taobao, eBay, Sina Mall, Mall Sohu, Tencent, NetEase Mall ratio was , , , %, , . Select the main reason of such sites is known, by the influence of friends, integrity ratio of , , . (2) Students online shopping attitudes and intentions are directly proportional to its network of consumer impact. Research shows that the online world can enjoy themselves with college students in general can enjoy the fun brought by the network, and the network was close to the goodwill of the students, so they are generally under conditions permitting would be willing to pay for services for the network, and from within understanding of the process of contact networks online shopping, preferences of the network, it will naturally shift to accept this convenient online shopping consumption. (3) networking experience students have in their network consumption is proportional to the impact. College students the importance of the awareness level of the network with the access time will be gradually increased to deepen, different students on the network in their understanding of the importance of university life there is a big difference. In general, the length of the net age students with their level of awareness of the importance of the network is positively correlated; college students network with increasing age, consider buying from a full range of correct decision or not. For very sensible motivation to buy the products in the business on how to select, through this business forum on the network evaluation, consult the advice of friends, search providers
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