Automatically translated text: Rising concerns about the effects of global warming, air pollution and declining fossil fuel stocks have led to increased interest in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energies. The prospects for generating electricity, hydrogen or synthetic fuels by employing only renewable energy sources are good. In some ways, electricity generation technologies including wind turbines and photovoltaic cells are as developed as hydrogen production via water electrolysis. Pure hydrogen can be used as a fuel for fuel cell vehicles, which are rapidly improving nowadays, or converted into synthetic liquid fuels by means of such processes as Fischer–Tropsch reactions (Dry, 1999). An adequate evaluation of the effects of introducing a renewable technology needs to include assessments of the environmental impacts and economics of the overall production and utilization life cycle (from ‘‘cradle-to-grave’’), including the construction and operation stages of renewable plants. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodology for this type of assessment, and represents a systematic set of procedures for compiling and examining the inputs and outputs of materials and energy and the associated environmental impacts directly attributable to the functioning of a product or service system throughout its life cycle (ISO, 1997). We reported LCAs previously (Granovskii et al., 2006a, b; Daniel and Rosen, 2002), based on data in the literature, of wind and solar technologies for electricity and hydrogen generation, as well as hydrogen production from natural gas and gasoline from crude oil. The principal technological steps employed in our LCA studies of the utilization in transportation of crude oil, natural gas, and renewable technologies are presented in Fig. 1. By introducing a capital investment effectiveness indicator (Granovskii et al., 2006a), it was shown that ‘‘renewable’’ hydrogen is less economically attractive (., it has a higher cost) than hydrogen produced via reforming of natural gas. In this article we utilize the different costs of electricity and hydrogen, depending on the technologies used for their manufacture, together with data on air pollution emissions from our LCA studies, to evaluate the costs of mitigating emissions by industrial-scale implementation of wind and solar energy systems. Numerical estimations are made using expressions introduced for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in our previous paper (Granovskii et al., 2006c). 上涨关注全球变暖的影响, 空气污染与矿物燃料库存下降导致更多的兴趣和风能等可再生能源 太阳能源. 发电前景,只有用氢燃料或合成再生能源是好的. 在某些方面, 包括风力发电、太阳能技术,为开发利用水制氢电解. 纯净氢气可作为汽车燃料的燃料电池,正在迅速改善现今 或转化为液体燃料合成等过程用费托反应(干,1999年). 充足影响评价引入再生技术需求包括环境影响评估、 经济学生产与利用总体生命周期(从'从摇篮到坟墓') 包括再生厂兴建及营运阶段. 生命周期评估(LCA)是这种评估方法, 是一套系统化、程序编制、审查、投入和产出的能源和原料 有关环境的好坏直接归因于产品或服务体系运作的整个生命周期(标准化、 1997). 以前我们报道链路容量(granovskii等. ,2006a,乙; 丹尼尔和罗森2002年),中国气象局在文学、 风力、太阳能发电技术的电力和氢气, 以及汽油和天然气制氢原油. 主要技术措施的研究周期受雇于我国利用输送原油、天然气、 列无花果和再生技术. 1. 通过引入资本投资效益指标(granovskii等. ,2006a) 结果表明'再生'氢经济吸引力较低(即 它具有较高的成本),比经改革天然气制造氢气. 本文利用氢气和电力成本不同, 依靠自己的技术用于生产,加上空气污染排放量的数据周期研究 评估成本消减排放工业规模实施风能和太阳能系统. 数值计算是用语用引进的温室气体排放上缓解我国纸张(granovskii等. ,2006c).