说到雅思写作利弊类话题大家的第一反应就是典型的考试指令“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”或者是“Is it a positive or negative development?” 这种特别直接的提问方式是有助于我们快速定位到题目的答题要领的,但是殊不知在其他的提问方式中,其实也隐藏了很多利弊类的题目。我们先给大家呈现几道相关的题目。1. More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introduced in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks?2. News media have become more influential in our life. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?3. Some people think robots are important to our society, while others believe they are dangerous and have negative effects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.先简单和大家分析一下这样三道题目。这三道题乍眼一看没有任何相关的地方,无论是从话题方向上还是提问方式上,其中:第一题是生活类话题方向,提问方式是优缺点比较,但文章重点要把安全措施利弊的侧重点体现出来;第二题是新闻媒体类方向,提问方式是同意不同意,但文章重点是在讨论新闻媒体是否是消极的发展;第三题是科技类方向,提问方式是双边讨论类,但文章重点是分别讨论机器人的利弊问题。仔细把题目读完之后,我们就会发现其实无论怎么出题,核心内容就是针对某一个特殊主题讨论利弊。但是文章的答题要点是不一样的,第一题是典型的偏向性作文;第二题可以有偏向,也可以中立,甚至也可以一边倒;第三题是权衡的写法(类似于中立)。不管怎么说,我们首要的还是要会读题。本文中,笔者将和大家一起来探讨典型的利弊类作文“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages”的写作技巧,希望能给各位考生在后期的备考中有一些帮助。1. 利弊类作文的词汇储备利弊类题目的写作核心是讨论利弊,所以对于烤鸭们来说首先就应该去积累相关的表达优缺点的词汇,这样可以有助于在作文中表达观点。a. 优点常用词汇:advantages, positive effects, benefit, merit, important, effective, pro常用短语:be helpful/useful to; make contributions to; play a key role in; have profound/far-reaching effects onb. 缺点常用词汇:disadvantages, demerits, negative effects, con, defects常用短语:cause problems; be harmful to; be detrimental to; pose a threat to; pose a risk to2. 利弊类作文的段落书写当我们已经对于固有词汇有了一定的了解之后,那下一步工作就可以进行题目的剖析,然后展开段落的书写。我们以第一题为例:More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introduced in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks?题目翻译:现在在很多大城市里有越来越多预防犯罪的措施来提高城市的安全性。你认为这些措施的优点大于缺点吗?a. 题目关键词1). urban areas这个词很多考生在读题的时候容易把它忽略不看,这是一种错误的读题方法,因为这类词是典型的地点限制词,会对题目的论点把控起到一定的提示作用。它的同义替换词可以是city center或者是downtown, 它的反义词是rural areas, outskirts或者是countryside。2). security measures或者是anti-crime measures是这道题目的核心词汇,要拿下这一道题目,我们就得进行一定的头脑风暴,想出有哪些常见的安全性措施,例如监控(monitoring systems), 安检(security check), 警察巡逻(police patrols)等。b. 考试指令的分析显性的利弊类话题最典型的提问方式就是“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” 这种题目的解题技巧就在于怎么把“outweigh”这个词在文章中具体地体现出来。它的一些同义表达有greater, more than, exceed等。对于这种提问方式,我们一般给出如下建议。1). 首先我们需要做的就是在文章的比例方面要有一定的侧重性体现。一般如果认为优点大于缺点的时候,那我们在优点这个段落上的字数建议要100字左右,用2-3个论点来支持。而对于缺点来讲,就可以少写一点,字数建议在80字左右,用1-2个论点来支撑中心句。2). 除了文章长短之外,还有要注意到的就是语气问题。同样的如果认为优点大于缺点的,那我们在表达优点的时候就要使用比较坚定的态度或词汇(should, be supposed to, ought to), 而在表达缺点的时候,语气适当可以放弱(may, might)或者给出一些可行的建议来弱化它的缺点。c. 段落示范在完成了上述的审题过程之后,我们就可以进行全文的书写了。1). 先是开头部分优缺点类作文的开头部分和其他的提问方式没有太大的区别,也是由背景、题目改写以及个人观点三部分来构成的。这里重点和大家讲解一下最后一句个人观点的表达方法。推荐句式:In my opinion, the positive effects are greater than the negative think there are more advantages than my perspective, although there are some drawbacks, the influence can also be beneficial in many cases.总结一下,上面三句话的核心意思就是想告诉大家碰到利大于弊这种类型的题目,一定要在开头观点部分把它表达清楚,千万不能有模棱两可的情况,不然task response这一块分数就会减少。2). 当开头基本明确要求之后,就要开始主体段的写作了。正如之前分析的,主体段分为两段,优点和缺点各一段就可以了。先来回忆一下一个段落是由中心句加上几个论点的形式构成的,论点一般推荐2个。我们以上面那道题目为例:1). 先来写好处的中心句学生句子:Indeed, having security measures has many advantages for local citizens. (10 words)句子评价:这一句话就内容和句式上来说并没有错误,但是它基本只能符合分的水平,因为它在词汇使用和内容丰富性上还是稍微差了点。教师句子:It is obvious that the installation of security measures in buildings and on streets is an effective means of local citizens’ safety. (22 words)句子评价:这个句子出彩的地方在于其词汇的多样使用,例如installation这个词,动词变名词的用法在作文中的使用频率还是比较高的。另外an effective means这个短语搭配也不错,是学生句子中的advantages的另外一个表达。使用in buildings and on streets这个介词短语来修饰句子可以更好地和之前头脑风暴中的点相结合,体现内容的充实性。2). body 1论点的论证(好处段)这个点最重要的推荐论证手法就是举例论证,分别对于室内和室外两种不同的安全措施进行详细描述即可。但是一定要注意的就是要把优点写清楚,不然在任务完成度上就不能有一个很好的体现。a. 室内的措施---监控---起到震慑和提醒作用(与中心句中的in buildings形成一致)For example, 24-hour surveillance cameras can remind(语气相对比较坚定) the would-be criminals that they have no chance to escape from the supervising(监管) of the police. Therefore, this kind of deterrent(震慑) makes those potential lawbreakers give up evil intension(罪恶念头).(典型的举例论证,37 words)b. 室外的措施---警察巡逻---能够及时抓住罪犯(与中心句中的on street形成一致)Meanwhile, the frequency of police patrols(警察巡逻) can stop illegal activities(违法行为), such as thefts and robberies, thus reducing the crime rate in open space directly and providing a safe living environment for local citizens. (典型的举例论证,33 words)一句中心句加上2个论证合在一起,整个写好处的段落就是97个字,基本符合我们上面讲解的100字左右的要求。3). body 2论点的论证(缺点段)缺点部分这一段落的具体写法和好处是一致的,但是要注意的是由于观点偏向于优点,所以这一段在篇幅上可以稍微短一点,语气词上也可以弱一点。段落示范:However, what we have to bear in mind is that there are also some negative effects when taking too many security measures in large city centers.(缺点中心句) One of the most worrying effects(重点讲一个方面即可) is that these anti-crime devices may increase(语气词弱化) the fear of crime and people’s freedom and privacy would be restricted or even invaded due to the surveillance cameras installed in many public places. All these may have a detrimental effect on people’s quality of life. (76 words)主体段落书写总结:段落的结构和论证形式在一定程度上和其他提问方式是一样的。唯一的区别就在于我们应该如何挑选典型的优点和缺点来说服考官。4). 结尾段的写法利弊类作文的结尾段还是分为两要素。第一部分是观点的总结,当然这一部分的观点是可以根据正文部分有效输入分论点的。第二部分就是可以针对缺点进行题目的升华,换句话说就是可以给出一些建议或者措施把缺点尽量减少或者消除。
TOPIC: Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.
A and B are two totally different ideas that have caused heated debate over a long period of time. Anyway, I agree with the idea of A. However, it is unfair to say which is better than the other if we don’t see both sides of the story in the following paragraphs.
Some people believe B because①. These people point out the fact that②. They also argue that ③.
However, other people stand on a very different ground. They believe that④. They firmly point out that⑤. An example can give the details of this argument: ⑥. In addition, ⑦.
In a word, A is too tempting not to be chosen. A, as shown above, has ⑧. ⑨.
Some people believe that①. Other people take the view that②. While both methods may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinion about it.
For A, ③
But this also demonstrates that④
Moreover, ⑤
B, on the other hand, ⑥. For example, ⑦.
In my opinion, the advantages of B are more than those of A because B fits me better in two ways; First⑧. Second, ⑨.
一、Traditional shopping way 传统的购物方式
1. Experience goods in person 亲自感受产品
2. Avoid being defrauded 避免上当
3. Bargain with attendant 和服务员砍价
4. Make decision after comparing goods 在比较过产品后决定购买
5. Get goods, receipts, and invoices immediately 可以立即得到货物、 收据 和发票
6. A good chance for family members to communicate via items 是家庭成员通过货物沟通的一个好机会
7. Bridge generation gap and develop same aesthetic concept 解决代沟并培养相同的审美观点
8. A pastime for us to spend leisure time and ease pressure 可以作为一种消遣来打发闲暇时间而且可以缓解压力
9. An opportunity for parents to teach their children how to be thrifty 父母可以借此机会教孩子怎样省钱
10. An opportunity for children to teach their parents how to be fashionable 孩子可以借此机会教父母怎样时尚
1. Labor-consuming and time-costing 耗体力、费时间
2. The public tastes and styles are unified 公众的品位与风格统一了
3. Shopping expenses are mainly shouldered by men and they will be confronted with more serious economic burden.男性承担了绝大多数的购物费用,他们要面临更为严重的经济负担
4. Buying some unnecessary bargains.买一些不需要的东西。
二、 Other means 其它 方式
(一)Advantages 优势
1. Effective and convenient 高效率、方便
2. Effortlessly comparable 可以不费力气的进行比较
3. Extensive choices on intensive platform在密集的平台上选择广泛的货物
4. Make barter dealing available 使得易货贸易成为了可能
5. Enable consumers to purchase items as a package 使得消费者可以一下买齐所有产品
1. Extra expenses are required 要花额外的费用
2. Incomplete payment system 不完善的支付系统
3. Adulterated goods 参杂使假的货物
4. Unsuitable for consumers to purchase the goods in eager demand 不适合消费者购买急需的产品
5. Offending copy rights and patents 侵犯版权与专利
6. Pirated misconducts can not be effectively avoided 盗版行为无法有效的避免
7. Booking ticket by e-commerce may delay one’s scheduling 通过电子商务订票会耽误人的安排
8. The information filed in e-commerce websites may reveal one’s privacy 存在电子商务网站的信息会透露隐私
雅思写作 范文 :频换工作的优缺点
Version 114 Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.
----------Discussion---------20+99+111+67=297words in
Introduction( 20 words)
Nowadays very few people intend to go in for a life-time career. Still there
are some advantages to doing so.
Body1( 99 words)
Merits of always taking a position can be examined by three aspects.(topic sentences) First, if you stick at taking a post, all angles of the job will have appeared; after
some time,you will definitely have a good command of it. Consequently you may become
a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others. Second, you can
establish an extensive social connections relating to the field, helping you tear down
most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor. Finally, mistakes
of the routine tasks would be minimized because you have learned the lessons.
Body2 (111 words)
On the other hand, I would like to illustrate the advantages of experiencing different
jobs. (topic sentence) Initially, we look at the issue of bribery. Many high-level staff
are inclined to accept bribes via power in hand. However, if he knows that someone else
will soon take his place, such acts can be avoided. We then look at work motivation.
If one works for the same company for a long time without promotion, he may get sick and
tired of doing the same daily routine. Nonetheless, a manager should have qualities of a
sense of teamwork and the capability of coordination. Therefore, to try various positions
can help you gain ground to be promoted.
Conclusion ( 67 words)
In summary, staying in the same post can cultivate one to cut out for the job but involve
one in a boring career while changing jobs frequently can be both advantageous by keeping
bribery away and providing one with more opportunities of promotion and disadvantageous by
making mistakes occasionally. In my opinion, people should seek a decent and good-paid job and pay little attention to changing it.
介绍雅思写作对比技巧是雅思大 作文 写作中的高分 方法 ,因为使用对比可以突出主题,也可以是 文章 更为吸引人。雅思写作对比技巧在雅思大作文写作这种的应用很多,可以把对比应用在事例中,也可以应用在顺序中。
雅思写作的双边讨论型文章一直是老师和学生较为推崇采用的写作结构,除了写作题目本身出题的偏好性 —— 多以两面讨论为主,清晰的结构,多角度的思路更利于学生在较短的时间里构建出符合字数要求和题目立意的文章。但是,笔者在教学中发现,尽管一些学生在规定时间内完成了达到字数的文章,却仍然不能取得理想的分数,与其交流分析后发现,多半是对题目意图理解不够明晰,“言不对题”成为了学生的普遍弊病。许多学生对于“双边”的理解过于笼统,常常抓住题目某个字眼,简单构建赞成和反对的主体结构,或是一味认为“双边”就是“利弊”,因而导致偏题甚至离题。
Nowadays, people in some countries can choose to live and work anywhere they want, because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
此类题目中常有利弊字眼,或者在指令部分提出进行利弊对比分析,常见词如“advantage, benefit, usefulness(好处);disadvantage, drawback, limitation(坏处)等”,考生只需对题目细节进行把握,弄清主旨,再构建“好处”—— “坏处”的主体部分,列举观点。
该题主要就“人们可以随意选择生活和工作的地方”的现象进行讨论,考生可多联系社会现状, 总结 利弊即可。
Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic development, however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others think that this has little effect and other measures are required. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
此类题目特点十分突出,一方面有“the only, the most…”等强调字眼,另一方面提出“other”的其他观点,细想之下,后者似对前者的补充,主体段可先对前者进行承认,但不要承认其绝对性,为后文做好铺垫,在论述另一方面时,主要使用列举法进行说明。
该题是对“如何提高公众健康”的 措施 进行讨论,首先可分析建设体育设施的好处所在,再列举一些其他有效措施,便可以达到两面兼顾又不至于偏颇的目的。
Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world. The ordinary people can get no advantage with the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from other sources (such as the Internet, television). To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both of views and give your opinion.
Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Others think the purpose of museums is to educate, not to entertain. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
该题主要讨论的是“博物馆的功能”是 教育 还是娱乐,科技、自然博物馆及一些主题博物馆如杜莎夫人蜡像馆都是属于后者,而历史、军事乃至革命博物馆就有前者意义。
A hundred years ago, people think that human race is steadily improving in every area of life. Nowadays, there is no certainty of this case. In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress?
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