
Main business is to complete its business objectives and engaged in day-to-day activities of the major activities over a period of time should remain relatively stable, in order to ensure the normal operation of enterprises. However, the growth of long-term process, with their own characteristics and external market conditions are constantly changing, the main business of the transition in order to adapt to constantly changing conditions of their own characteristics and the outside world. In this sense, the transformation of enterprises should be the main business growth, a normal process. However, the effect of view, the success of some listed companies in transition, there are some threat to the successful transformation of the survival of enterprises. Therefore, "the main industry in transition" is not a panacea. Then the main business of enterprises in transition should have the characteristics of what? Main business of enterprise performance in transition will have any impact? Transition in the main business out of and access to what features of the industry? Main business companies in transition to follow what the law? Whether the generality of the abstract economic theory to explain the complexity of the real world of business is the main business transformation? All these problems we need to respond from the theory and used to guide practice. Part of this paper to discuss the six main business transformation and its relationship to performance: Introduction part, including in this paper to study the problem, research ideas, research and methodological framework of this article, and the inadequacies of innovation; the second part is Main business transformation and performance of the literature review, this article first to define the relevance of the concept, and then in accordance with the results of the main industry in transition, respectively, both at home and abroad on the main business of the enterprise restructuring and performance study of the relationship between literature; the second part is the full text of theoretical analysis, the main from nuclear and chemical diversity and to the two aspects, the main business enterprise on the theoretical basis for the transition; the fourth part of the framework of empirical research, first on the sample data collection and select a brief description, and then in accordance with the degree of diversification and quantitative performance indicators, the empirical research and the establishment of an empirical model assumptions; in accordance with Chapter IV of Part V of the quantitative indicators, methods and models, select the 1998 listed in the SSE 165 manufacturing enterprises in the study object, using its published from 2003 to 2008 for six consecutive years of data, listed companies on China's main business performance transformation empirical research on the empirical results and then further in-depth analysis of a few preliminary conclusions drawn; the sixth part of combination In this paper, research results and current business owners in our country the main transition state of the industry, the use of industry business owners to improve business performance transformation of the countermeasures and suggestions, pointing out that China's main business of listed companies in transition should be based on their own strength and the external environment, a reasonable measure of restructuring costs, accurately grasp the transformation of the opportunity to carry out innovative and detailed transition strategy for the transformation of their own development model, which the enterprise is the key to high performance. Finally, the relevance of this paper belongs to empirical conclusions, and outlook to future research in order to better the future of this issue in-depth and meticulous research. Key words: Core Business in transition; diversified; Refocusing; performance Add: I hope that is the manual translation, quality assurance, after all, is the need to send out a blind trial papers
三、电子商务下第三方物流发展的对策 为了适应电子商务发展的需要,第三方物流企业应不失时机地抓住机遇,认真制定本企业的发展对策。针对电子商务下我国第三方物流企业面临的主要问题,提出了以下几点对策: 1.不断完善物流装备、创新物流服务,提高第三方物流企业的服务能力 电子商务环境下的物流与一般的配送供货系统相比,面临更复杂的情况,其部分业务活动在网上完成,商品采购和配送等服务从虚拟走向实体。电子商务环境下的物流己经不仅仅局限于传统的物流运输和仓储,要求其参与到客户物流体系中去,旨在提高效率和效益进行整体运作,其业务领域己广泛深入到客户销售计划、库存管理计划、生产计划等整个生产经营过程中,这就要求第三方物流企业完善装备,提高专业化水平,将业务做大,从而提供高效、低成本的服务,使第三方物流企业取得良好的经济效益。
传统储运业向现代物流业转型的几点思考 现代物流作为现代经济的重要组成部分,在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要作用。从1999年我国第一家“物流”企业诞生以来.短短几年间。“物流热”已经成为继“网络热”、“电子商务热”之后的又一新经济热点。目前.我国的现代物流产业正从萌芽期向起步期转变,且随着物流业对外商开放.迎来了新一轮的外商投资物流的热潮。传统储运企业(指传统的采用各种运输方式的运输公司、储运公司、外运公司,以下统称“传统储运企业”) 传统储运业如何向现代物流进行战略转型谈点粗浅的认识。一、传统储运业向现代物流转型的必然性根据国际经验和我国生产、流通改革发展趋势.人们已经形成了一个共识:传统储运业向现代物流业转化是一条不能不走的道路。1.现代物流可克服传统储运业管理的弊端。在现代物流的冲击下,传统国有储运业管理模式上暴露出“业务单一”、“功能单一”和“效率低下”的弊端:一是业务上“储而不运”、“运而不储”.提供的物流服务主要局限在仓储、装卸等传统业务上,形式单一,附加值低.较少涉足利润率较高的运输、配送、货代、报关等服务。二是功能单一.主要是根据货主委托对商品进行保管和养护。而现代物流则向货主(供应商)与消费者两头延伸,具有核查验收、分拣、配货、加贴标签、重新包装等流通加工方面的诸多功能。三是效率低下.现代管理手段缺失,现代化、社会化、网点化、信息化的程度很低.存在部门分割、地区分割、各为其主、互无往来现象。而现代物流的仓储业能对市场需求作出快速反映,面向全社会提供及时、高效、低价、高质的服务。 传统储运怎样向现代物流演变随着国民经济的快速发展,现代物流在国民经济以及区域经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用,现代物流成为生产与流通的主导因素.传统储运管理模式陈旧、粗放,资源有效利用率低。传统储运向现代物流转变,一方面可以盘活资源、走出困境;另一方面又可快速成长、发展壮大。 一、传统储运与现代物流的关系 我国的传统储运企业,是在高度计划经济体制下,为执行物资调拨计划任务发展起来的全国性物资储运网络系统,主要开展仓储和运输服务。现代物流与传统储运之间,最重要的区别在于它们的内涵不同,虽然储运指的是储存、运输等活动,物流也包括储存、运输等活动,但现代物流代表着各种物流活动的集成协调。现代物流不仅仅是包含这些局部的活动,在一个共同的目标下,经过权衡而能达到比较好的配合。由此不难看出,现代物流是以传统的仓储、运输业务为基础,利用先进的理念和技术,对由此延伸的加工、配送、包装、信息服务等功能进行有效整合和提升,注重物流系统设计和物流资源的合理规划,是以为客户创造价值为前提,在实践中不断创新的业务。因此,传统储运业向现代物流转变有着得天独厚的先天条件和业务继承性。 传统储运企业拥有较大占地面积的库房货场、便利的交通运输条件、运输装卸设备等优势,与新建物流企业相比,在加强物流功能整合、追求整体方案最优的前提下,将有较大的成本竞争优势和物质基础。所以,传统储运企业要充分发挥自身的综合优势,在现有的仓储运输基础上,加快物流功能的扩展,使自身尽快向现代物流企业转化和成长。 二、如何实现传统储运向现代物流转变 传统储运企业在向现代物流企业转变的过程中,应本着“理念先导、因地制宜、合理规划、分步实施”的原则,逐步提升,最终实现转变的目标。 1.导如现代物流理念,认识现代物流价值的重要性 过去我国在高度集中的计划经济时代,几乎所有的生产资料和消费资料都是由各级政府通过计划手段进行调配和供应,诸如采购、运输、仓储、加工、包装等各环节,也都基本上通过计划手段进行管理和控制,本质上适应了计划经济条件下产品生产的需要。但在市场经济发展的今天,滞后的管理模式带来的问题越来越严重地影响了经济运行的质量。一是企业两项资金占用过大,二是企业物流管理粗放。原材料和产成品库存过多,成本企业管理的一个漏洞。据 统计,2003年我国物流成本占GDP的比重约为,而发达国家和地区发展最快的产业之一,成为“第三利润源”。近几年来,从中央政府到地方政府,都开始高度重视物流业的地位、作用和发展,尤其是不少地方政府已把发展物流业列为本地区的支柱型产业,更重要的是我国企业界对物流的认识和观念已经开始发生根本性的变化,物流需求在酝酿中、不断增长。基于我国物流成本高于国际通行成本的现实,可以预见,现代物流在未来必将有一个突破性的发展。因此,作为传统储运企业,要以 提高认识,转变观念为先导,紧跟物流经济发展趋势,导入现代物流理念,改变传统的粗放管理模式,自觉运用物流理论,优化物流管理,提高物流服务水平,推进企业物流的转变和发展。 2.整合物流资源,延伸服务链,发展多功能物流服务 传统储运企业的资源,如仓库、货场、专用线、 运输车队、装卸设备、枢纽站点、土地等,资源的配置有效性差,利用率不高,极具深度开发潜质。作为传统的储运企业,通过引入现代物流理念,通过对企业自身资源整合,聚合物流功能,重组业务运作模式和优化流程,逐步由传统的储运企业转型为现代物流企业或第三方物流企业,由单纯的仓储运输服务型向为企业客户提供基于信息化、专业化、网络化、个性化的供应链一体化解决方案、供应链管理及物流咨询的全面物流服务。在实际的操作和管理过程中,要充分利用自身在专业领域的知识和经验优势,努力与客户建立战略性合作伙伴关系,服务功能不仅局限于简单的执行客户的仓储和运输指令,还从多个层面上帮助客户构建从物流战略策划、管理体系建立、流程优化、计划管理等一体化的物流体系。可以预见,这样的一种服务方式,将引领今后第三方物流服务的发展趋势,成为客户供应链中一个重要的参与者,充当物流服务的整合者、甚至是策划者的角色,与客户乃至整个供应链中上下游的相关企业,如客户的供应商和购买者,结成更加紧密的合作关系,切实地融入供应链的管理之中。 3.适应社会需求,积极开展物流配送业务 随着商品消费市场的不断发展,仓储周转速度逐渐加快,过去大批量的货物运输变为多次批小批量流动,配送这种新型高效的物流方式应运而生。作为传统的储运企业,要抢抓机遇,依托仓储运输优势,完善商品配送功能,将集货、分货、仓储、运输、包装、咨询等服务功能结合起来,大力开展物流配送业务。尤其是在已有的硬件设施的条件下,应当更加重视完善和运用先进的信息处理手段,按照电子商务和现代物流的要求不断改进服务水平,满足客户多元化、个性化的需要,提高服务档次,就可以保有原来的客户群体,并能够开发新的客户,加快向现代物流企业转变的步伐。 4.充分利用现有资源,因地制宜,开展“本土化物流” 传统储运在向现代物流转变的过程中,还可效仿台湾地区“本土化物流”模式。台湾地区在物流的发展和成长过程中,推崇“本土化物流“观念,他们认为“自动化”不是万能的,必须考虑自身财力规模、土地成本、建筑成本、设备成本等条件。因此,台湾地区的物流配送中心多为中小规模的平房仓库,并且采用适合本地区特点的设施设备,科技含量相当高。传统储运企业要因地制宜,充分利用现有的资源,不求大求全,不盲目追求投资,盘活现有资源,在不断拓展的现代物流业务中,实现自身的不断发展。 5.加快物流信息化的改造与建设 随着现代物流技术和信息技术的持续发展,传统储运企业的运作模式越来越不适应市场的需要。要提高自己的综合实力和竞争力,提高工作效率和工作质量,必须引进先进的物流管理理念和信息技术。对于传统储运企业而言,必须加快物流信息化的改造与完善,构建与时俱进的物流信息网络。 相比传统物流,现代物流更多地借助于信息流的调控作用,不再把建立基础设施视为惟一手段,而是通过信息技术,利用现有的各种基础设施,共享企业的物流信息和物流需求并快速专递。现代物流的核心是信息技术,因为正是信息技术将物流之中原先割裂的各个板块整合在一起,从而显现现代物流的整合化特征--借助于信息技术,最大限度地实现物资空间位移中所进行的运输、仓储、包装、装卸、加工以及配送等多个环节的整合,以一个有机整体面对社会的物流需求。 二十一世纪经济全球化与信息网络化将成为社会发展潮流,社会生产力的发展推动着物流的发展。现代技术的广泛应用,尤其是信息技术、现代化设施和管理技术在物流领域的投入,为传统物流走向现代物流打造了新的平台。
摘要 :
关键词 :
Main business is to complete its business objectives and engaged in day-to-day activities of the major activities over a period of time should remain relatively stable, in order to ensure the normal operation of enterprises. However, the growth of long-term process, with their own characteristics and external market conditions are constantly changing, the main business of the transition in order to adapt to constantly changing conditions of their own characteristics and the outside world. In this sense, the transformation of enterprises should be the main business growth, a normal process. However, the effect of view, the success of some listed companies in transition, there are some threat to the successful transformation of the survival of enterprises. Therefore, "the main industry in transition" is not a panacea. Then the main business of enterprises in transition should have the characteristics of what? Main business of enterprise performance in transition will have any impact? Transition in the main business out of and access to what features of the industry? Main business companies in transition to follow what the law? Whether the generality of the abstract economic theory to explain the complexity of the real world of business is the main business transformation? All these problems we need to respond from the theory and used to guide practice. Part of this paper to discuss the six main business transformation and its relationship to performance: Introduction part, including in this paper to study the problem, research ideas, research and methodological framework of this article, and the inadequacies of innovation; the second part is Main business transformation and performance of the literature review, this article first to define the relevance of the concept, and then in accordance with the results of the main industry in transition, respectively, both at home and abroad on the main business of the enterprise restructuring and performance study of the relationship between literature; the second part is the full text of theoretical analysis, the main from nuclear and chemical diversity and to the two aspects, the main business enterprise on the theoretical basis for the transition; the fourth part of the framework of empirical research, first on the sample data collection and select a brief description, and then in accordance with the degree of diversification and quantitative performance indicators, the empirical research and the establishment of an empirical model assumptions; in accordance with Chapter IV of Part V of the quantitative indicators, methods and models, select the 1998 listed in the SSE 165 manufacturing enterprises in the study object, using its published from 2003 to 2008 for six consecutive years of data, listed companies on China's main business performance transformation empirical research on the empirical results and then further in-depth analysis of a few preliminary conclusions drawn; the sixth part of combination In this paper, research results and current business owners in our country the main transition state of the industry, the use of industry business owners to improve business performance transformation of the countermeasures and suggestions, pointing out that China's main business of listed companies in transition should be based on their own strength and the external environment, a reasonable measure of restructuring costs, accurately grasp the transformation of the opportunity to carry out innovative and detailed transition strategy for the transformation of their own development model, which the enterprise is the key to high performance. Finally, the relevance of this paper belongs to empirical conclusions, and outlook to future research in order to better the future of this issue in-depth and meticulous research. Key words: Core Business in transition; diversified; Refocusing; performance Main business is to complete its business objectives and engaged in day-to-day activities of the major activities over a period of time should remain relatively stable, in order to ensure the normal operation of enterprises. However, the growth of long-term process, with their own characteristics and external market conditions are constantly changing, the main business of the transition in order to adapt to constantly changing conditions of their own characteristics and the outside world. In this sense, the transformation of enterprises should be the main business growth, a normal process. However, the effect of view, the success of some listed companies in transition, there are some threat to the successful transformation of the survival of enterprises. Therefore, "the main industry in transition" is not a panacea. Then the main business of enterprises in transition should have the characteristics of what? Main business of enterprise performance in transition will have any impact? Transition in the main business out of and access to what features of the industry? Main business companies in transition to follow what the law? Whether the generality of the abstract economic theory to explain the complexity of the real world of business is the main business transformation? All these problems we need to respond from the theory and used to guide practice. Part of this paper to discuss the six main business transformation and its relationship to performance: Introduction part, including in this paper to study the problem, research ideas, research and methodological framework of this article, and the inadequacies of innovation; the second part is Main business transformation and performance of the literature review, this article first to define the relevance of the concept, and then in accordance with the results of the main industry in transition, respectively, both at home and abroad on the main business of the enterprise restructuring and performance study of the relationship between literature; the second part is the full text of theoretical analysis, the main from nuclear and chemical diversity and to the two aspects, the main business enterprise on the theoretical basis for the transition; the fourth part of the framework of empirical research, first on the sample data collection and select a brief description, and then in accordance with the degree of diversification and quantitative performance indicators, the empirical research and the establishment of an empirical model assumptions; in accordance with Chapter IV of Part V of the quantitative indicators, methods and models, select the 1998 listed in the SSE 165 manufacturing enterprises in the study object, using its published from 2003 to 2008 for six consecutive years of data, listed companies on China's main business performance transformation empirical research on the empirical results and then further in-depth analysis of a few preliminary conclusions drawn; the sixth part of combination In this paper, research results and current business owners in our country the main transition state of the industry, the use of industry business owners to improve business performance transformation of the countermeasures and suggestions, pointing out that China's main business of listed companies in transition should be based on their own strength and the external environment, a reasonable measure of restructuring costs, accurately grasp the transformation of the opportunity to carry out innovative and detailed transition strategy for the transformation of their own development model, which the enterprise is the key to high performance. Finally, the relevance of this paper belongs to empirical conclusions, and outlook to future research in order to better the future of this issue in-depth and meticulous research. Key words: Core Business in transition; diversified; Refocusing; performance Add: I hope that is the manual translation, quality assurance, after all, is the need to send out a blind trial papers
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