Broadband hot-rolled steel is an important iron and steel industry of steel varieties, production technology and equipment level, the level of the entire steel industry's technological progress and economic efficiency has an important influence, also shows that the iron and steel industry of a country's level of development. This design is the production of hot-rolled against the leading broadband by 2050 hot-rolled steel finishing mill on the plane. According to 2050 data of the hot rolling mill (Baosteel 2050 hot rolling mill finishing mill work-Block) hot rolling mill of four roll-on the selection and design of the structure, including the completion of strip hot rolling mill for work at the structure, Component design; Roller roller bearings and design; balance (pinched) and roll bending device design work roll teloping design; rack role, structure and characteristics of the design. In the design process in detail to find relevant information and by the use of the method and theory, analysis and design work for hot strip mill at the structure and ultimately successful completion of graduate design. Key words: Roll and Roll bearing, balance and roll bending device, rack