目录方法1:文章内引用的基本格式1、注明作者2、使用插入3、在句中注4、在句中注方法2:来源于网络资源的文章内引用1、电子书与2、如果需要3、如果需要方法3:特殊情况下文章内引用的规则1、当资料有2、当责任作3、在引用资4、用名字首5、当同一个6、在括号内7、要了解如MLA格式中的大多数文章内引用写法是很简单的,但在一些特殊情况下需要格外注意。以下是详细介绍。方法1:文章内引用的基本格式1、注明作者和文章页数。对于书籍、文章和绝大多数纸版资料,需要注明作者的姓氏和引用摘取的页码范围。这些信息可以写在圆括号或句中,也可以两种形式结合。2、使用插入式引用。在引用或释义之后添加一对圆括号,写入作者姓氏和信息来源的页码。When all is said and done, however, “in-text citations are fairly easy to write” (Doe 17).In-text citations are not as difficult as they may seem according to some sources (Doe 17).3、在句中注明作者和出处。如果你已经在句中标注作者姓氏和引用或释义的来源,就不需要再在括号内提及以上信息。引用出处的位置可标记到页或段落,但至少要达到这样的精确度。In the first paragraph of his article, Doe notes, “in-text citations are fairly easy to write.”In the first paragraph of his article, Doe explains that in-text citations are not as difficult to write as they may 、在句中注明作者,但在括号内注明来源。如果你想在句中交代作者姓氏,那么在括号内只需要标明引用或释义的来源页码。这些括号应该紧跟在引用的信息之后。According to Doe, “in-text citations are fairly easy to write” (17).Doe explains that in-text citations are not as difficult to write as they may seem (17).方法2:来源于网络资源的文章内引用1、电子书与纸版书的引用方式相同。如果电子书或其他网络资源含有作者姓名和页码,这两者的标注方式与纸版书完全相同。In spite of arguments to the contrary, some claim that “the rules for in-text citations can get complicated once you start getting into special circumstances” (Smith 23).Some may argue otherwise, but Smith insists that “the rules for in-text citations can get complicated once you start getting into special circumstances” (23).2、如果需要,用引用来源名称代替页码。如果网络资源没有页码,在圆括号内标明网页来代替。Guidelines and rules for MLA citations can be found in a variety of places (Johnson, “Writing Essays”).Johnson notes that guidelines for MLA citations can be found in many places (“Writing Essays”).3、如果需要,用引用来源名称来代替作者姓名。 如果网络资源中未出现注明姓名的作者,在括号内或句内标明网页。In spite of any special circumstances, most MLA in-text citations are “straightforward and simple to remember” (“MLA Citations” 3).In “MLA Citations,” the author notes that most MLA in-text citations are “straightforward and simple to remember” (3).方法3:特殊情况下文章内引用的规则1、当资料有两到三位责任作者时,列出每一位。如果文章或书籍有多位作者,在引用中要列出每一位作者的姓氏。然而这种方式只适用于作者有两到三位的情况。Smith and Hoffman insist that “most academic writers get used to the MLA style guide once they have used it a few times” (62).Some students can balance knowing multiple style guides while others find it difficult to remember the specifics of each one (Johnson, Smith, and Doe 102).2、当责任作者有4位及以上时需要精简作者信息。如果文章或书籍作者超过3位,只需要在引用中注明第一作者的姓氏。其余作者要以缩略词 “et al”来概括。The MLA, APA, and Chicago style guides all share similarities, but each one also has its differences (Doe, et al. 44).As noted by Doe, et al., the MLA, APA, and Chicago style guides all share similarities, but each one also has its differences (44).3、在引用资料有多个版本的情况下,需要提供另外的引用信息。如果引用的资料多次再版,可能需要注明章节、部分、段落、分栏、册数等信息来源,以便读者更容易在不同版本中找到同一句引用或释义。From Austen's perspective, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife” (4; ch. 1).In the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice, Austen states, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife” (4).4、用名字首字母来标注姓氏相同的作者。如果引用的两篇文章的两位不同作者形式相同,就需要用他们名字的首字母来区分。Some believe that MLA citations are the most practical (J. Doe 17) while others believe that APA is a superior style guide (B. Doe 9).J. Doe believes that MLA citations are the most practical (17) but B. Doe argues that APA is a superior style guide (9).5、当同一个作者的两篇文献被引用时需注明标题。如果引用同一作者的两篇文献,应该在括号内列出缩略题目来区分。According to Smith, in-text citations are simple enough (“MLA In-Text Citations” 92) but the “Works Cited” page can get complicated depending on the “variety and particular types of sources used in a given paper” (The Fun of MLA 13).6、在括号内用分号分隔多个引用。如果在同一句内解释或总结来自两个文献的信息,在括号内正常标注引用信息并用分号隔开。The rules of MLA citations have been discussed by many (Smith 16; Doe 32).7、要了解如何标注间接引用。如果你所引用的信息不是原始来源,需要标注原始作者,同时包括信息直接来源的作者和页码,在前面标注缩写 “qtd”。Doe notes that "in-text citations are fairly easy to write" (qtd. in Smith 102).