Divorce, another injury to a childIn recent years, China's divorce rate was gradually rising trend, accounting for about marriage a few of 10%. Children of divorced parents on psychosomatic health can not be ignored negative impact. A related study shows that: 54% of divorced families of the children in emotional and emotional problems, manifested as depression little Huan, easily angered, and the tense relations between the same age children, and even heap, psychological and behavioral deviations. How to help children adapt to life after the divorce of their parents, will not affect the healthy development of their personality, psychologists recommended: Grasping her own feelings: divorce, the vast majority of couples are not a happy thing. Abandoning the child as "punching bag" and venting their emotions, divorce is not the child's fault. We should continue to give their children a warm and caring can help children grow up. To live together with their children: some divorced couples to take their children to the custody of their elders or other relatives, their only map where he considers safe. This will have the children feel abandoned by their parents, have inferiority and resentment, pessimistic turn hostile society. His father or mother after the divorce party should assume the obligation to bring up children, create a harmonious family home atmosphere. Not that spouses坏话: Most of the children after their parents divorce, hope that they can reunion between, and is willing to maintain good relations with them. However, if the dependent child's party vandalism parent-child relationship, often in front of the children said that the former spouse坏话, not conducive to the cultivation of mental health, this will affect their future happiness of love and marriage. Communicate with your child: before and after the couple divorced in, we should talk more communication with their children, why should tell his parents divorce, the marriage to have a correct understanding of the objective, and not simply as which side is wrong. If the lack of communication, some children of divorced parents will be attributed to them, there can not悦纳themselves, the loss of self-confidence, and other psychological crisis, vulnerable emerging extreme acts. Do not deprive parents love: not by blood between husband and wife, although the divorce, but parents and children of the parent-child relationship will never change. Some people, after divorce, child custody prohibit their former spouses and relatives between the exchanges, forcing kids do not recognize this gate relatives, to express their grievances, all of which are undesirable. After the divorce both parents should not be lightly denied the integrity of the children's love, perfect for the child's personality can be more caring. The child is innocent, the divorced parents should love to give them a little care, do not let children have been hurt by divorce. Even when one of remarriage, should also regularly visit the children, sharing family happiness.有两处中文自己解决下吧。
Summary Purpose: Probing into P300 lie detection is distinguished and tried training the resulting detection result that lies of false identity to the true identity or a short time, and P300 lie detection, to trying through the detection result of different levels of experience of lying of the short-term training income; Tried: The author himself. Method: Divide 9 study for false identity that understand any, in order to make, try, produce different experience of lying, carry on P300 lie detection after the each study, through boot France experimental data of punishing, comparative learning process different to lie experience corresponding P300 amplitude change. Result: ( 1) Analyze the amplitude data of the 1st time, the 5th time, the 9th Fz and Cz, P300 amplitude that three kinds of stimuli bring out all have a prominent difference in three tests among them; ( 2) In the 1st time, the 5th time, the 9th test, survey and stimulate stimulating and having nothing to do and stimulating the coefficient correlation of P300 amplitude brought out not to demonstrate with the target that experience increase the law increased progressively or decreased progressively to lie at the same time. Conclusion: ( 1) P300 lie detection can be distinguished and tried training the lying of false identity obtained to the true identity or a short time; ( 2) P300 lie detection can distinguish, try, train obtain lie different competence of experience through a short time. Keyword: P300 lie detection Boot statistical analysis Lie experience
Abstract: Human resources are strategic resources for the modern enterprise ①, enterprise development is the most critical factor, and incentives are an important part of human resources, it is a psychological term referring to stimulate the mental processes of human behavior. In essence, is to promote the object of some kind of managed organization to achieve goals beneficial to the specific motives and in accordance with the way organizations need to make organizations more quickly and better goals. In today's world, into almost all the managers are seeking to work and the best way to achieve the best efficiency. The manager, by definition, is work with people and play a guiding role. To do this, how to mobilize staff and workers, to enable them to organizational goals and services, has become an urgent need to address each and every manager one of the issues. According to studies by psychologists, human motivation is associated with the need, is motivated by the people themselves to promote the. As for the motive, it is a way to provide spiritual strength, vitality and power, and the ability to guide behavior to achieve the objective state of mind. It is precisely because this state of human behavior can play a stimulating, promoting and strengthening the role. This also can be good or bad use of incentive mechanisms to some extent determine the success of enterprise is a very important : incentive mechanism an important factor in determining human resource management role
Since Dewey developed the concept of “critical thinking”, many scholars abroadhave carried out a series of studies about improving students' critical thinking skills ineducation field. In the 1980s,critical thinking became the target of higher educationprograms in such foreign countries as the US and Canada. It has gained its widespreadattention in China only in recent years. But there are only few studies about it ineducation field. Our traditional English teaching method pays much attention to thetraining of students' linguistic knowledge and language skills but ignores thecultivation of students' critical thinking abilities. In the process of skill practice,teachers often stress the importance of memorizing vocabulary and imitating skillsrigidly,but neglect the students' abilities in analyzing problems and putting forwardinnovative solutions. Therefore, English writing teaching is affected by this andmerely attaches emphasis to train students' reading and writing skills. There are fewstudies which aim at systematically cultivating students' analysis, synthesis, summary,comparison and reasoning skills while they are writing. Therefore,this study aims atdesigning some writings tasks and teaching strategies which can be used to fostercollege students' critical thinking awareness and promote students' all-rounddevelopment.
According to six critical thinking skills,this study was carried out by requiringstudents to hand in an argumentation. All participants in this study are non-Englishmajor college freshmen from a 211 key university. The revised version of Rubric forQualitative Critical Thinking Skills Instrument was used in this study. Withquantitative and qualitative analysis,writing experiment is conducted within a wholesemester to collect data concerning students' learning behavior. Reading-to-write isused in experimental class while traditional method is adopted in control class. Thewriting scores by the experimental and control class were statistically processed bysoftware SPSS . And also the interview was launched in some of students inexperimental class to assess students' critical thinking abilities reflected in theirwritings-The final analysis indicated that EGAP writing model exerted a significantlypositive influence in improving students' critical thinking skills, especially in arousingstudents' writing enthusiasm and critical thinking awareness. Compared with controlclass, students in experimental class made big progress in writing competence. Inaddition, this study put forward some reform proposals to the teaching of Englishwriting. The study is of great value to instruct students to employ critical thinkingskills in their writing.
A large body of research has been conducted on the effects of technology-enhancedEnglish vocabulary learning since the 1960s (Marty, 1981)。 However, no consensus hasbeen reached yet (Choo, Lin, & Pandian,2012; Mohsen & Balakumarohsen, 2011)。
Despite the fact that some narrative reviews have evaluated and explored thesecontradictory results, this study aims at quantifying the overall effectiveness oftechnology-enhanced English vocabulary learning with a different approach to review:meta-analysis and performing in-depth moderator analyses of learning method and testtype further.
Totally, twenty effect sizes from thirteen pieces of primary research are obtainedafter collecting related literature published or unpublished in recent ten years via fourchannels and selecting through three filters. Later, all the primary research is coded anddata are computed in random-effects model with software ComprehensiveMeta-Analysis.
Results show that: (1) Technology has a positively large effect on Englishvocabulary learning according to Cohen's standards as proposed in 1992 (g = 95% confidential interval of [, ])。 (2) Learning methods (intentional learning,incidental learning, and integrated learning) have impacts on the overall effectiveness.
Heterogeneity exists in the three learning methods (g = = 0,01 < ),Effectiveness of intentional learning, incidental learning and integrated learning is ^ =, g 二 , g = respectively. Incidental learning under technology-enhancedenvironment yields the largest effectiveness on English vocabulary learning. (3) Testtypes (recognition tests, recall tests,recognition + recall tests) also have impacts on theoverall effectiveness. The three test types are heterogeneous as well {Q = , p = < )。 Recognition tests, recall tests, and recognition + recall tests have effectsizes of and respectively. Technology-enhanced English vocabularylearning achieves the largest effectiveness in recognition tests.
The present study, which is based on the Competing Values Framework (. CVF:a framework to identify the organizational effectiveness and to define organizationalculture), aims to investigate English teachers, teaching motivation at universities, theirperception of the organizational culture in the target university,their professionalaspiration and how they affect each other. The research questions to be addressed are asfollows: (1) How do the English teachers perceive the organizational culture at theirworkplace? (2) How much effort will the teachers pay for their professionalengagement and aspiration? (3) What kinds of motivation do the English teachers in thetarget university appear to have? (4) How will the organizational culture and theprevious experience affect teachers' motivation?
This study employed four different questionnaires as the research instruments,including one demographic questionnaire and three research questionnaires, . thedemographic questionnaire, the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (. theOCAI) (Cameron & Quinn, 1999),the Professional Engagement and CareerDevelopment Aspiration-scale (. the PECDA-scale) (Watt & Richardson, 2008b),andthe Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers Teaching (. the WTMST) (Fernet et al.,2008),to investigate the above mentioned research questions. The whole investigationtook roughly 12 weeks and involved three stages: the preparation stage,the pilot study,and the main study.
The findings of the present study show that most of the teachers are intrinsicallymotivated and with identified regulation influenced by the performance culture and theclan culture which are the dominant culture types of the target research site. Results alsoindicate that the overseas experience and length of teaching experience affect teachers'perception of tixe organizational culture and motivation. The participants who haveoverseas experience tend to be more with the sense of professionalism, moreintrinsically motivated and be more confident with their competence in the academicarea; and the ones who have longer years of teaching experience are with moreidentified regulation and introjected motivation and are more committed and moreassured of staying in the education field. The participants in the target universitybasically belong to the highly engaged persisters,and the male teachers expect to be theleadership.
Owing to the economic, social and academic needs as well as the advantages of EGAP(General Academic Purpose in Chinese College English) itself, there exist 这 great deal ofnecessity and feasibility for applying English for EGAP class. It is our understanding thatwriting plays an extremely important role in the course of EGAP and genre is a quiteinfluential factor in improving students5 writing competency. However,the investigation ofstudents' current writing situation shows that being deeply influenced by traditional writingteaching methods which emphasize grammar and vocabulary; the students have littleknowledge about genre approach theoretically or systematically and lack the awareness ofgenre. Because of this,it becomes necessary to put forward an English writing teachingapproach which is effective as well as applicable to the situation in China so as to enhancetheir writing competence.
This paper firstly gives a brief introduction to the developing trend of EGAP bydiscussing its necessity and applicability in China and the main views of two schools of genretheory, the tiieoretical foundation and genre-based approaches of three main schools of genrestudy and practice. And also,their characteristics are compared and the adaptability inChinese College EGAP class is analyzed, based on which it puts forward a modifiedGenre-based approach in EGAP writing class in order to enhance students' genre awarenessand improve their writing skills.
To achieve this, two non-English major classes of freshmen in East China University ofScience and Technology (ECUST) have been selected as the experimental class andcontrolled class, and the research lasts one semester. The Genre-based approach is applied inthe experimental class following a modified Genre-based approach. And a comparison hasbeen made on the same subject at the beginning and the end of the semester and thecomparison and contrast between the experimental class and controlled class have also beenmade. Owing to various factors,such as learning motivation, different students show variedextent of acceptance to certain teaching approaches. Therefore, emphasis has not only beenput on the overall changes,but also on the individual differences.
There are three hypotheses:
1. Can Genre-based approach enhance students' genre awareness? 2. Can “genreawareness” really improve students' writing ability in EGAP? If the students can get overallimprovement, is there any difference in gender and the students with diverse learningaptitudes because of the individual difference? If some students fail to improve, what's thepossible reason behind it? 3. Will Chinese students accept and adapt to Genre-basedApproach?
Three sets of data from six writing assignments, writing in final-term examination andquestionnaires are collected and analyzed with the help of the software SPSS . And thestudy indicates that: (1) Genre-based approach has a significant effect in sensitizing students'genre awareness, improving holistic writing competence; (2) during the whole experimentalprocess, girls have a stable superiority over boys, however, boys' improvement fluctuation iscomparatively obvious; (3) students of medium efficiency have the greatest potential to makebig improvement; (4) Unavoidably, in this research there are some students who fail to gainimprovement in terms of writing ability or get changed in terms of writing notions, andthrough analysis it has been found that the main objective reasons are: the difficulty ofwriting itself,the differences of culture and ways of thinking between east and west,thelimited teaching period, etc.; and subjective reasons mainly come from: the limitedcompetence of students themselves, the lack of interest in English writing, etc(5) aoverwhelming majority of students are liable to accept this approach and able to adapt to itpretty well, yet acceptation is not absolutely accompanied by adaptation; (6) feedback is adispensable part in English writing teaching, and more specific feedback will bring strongermotivation in students' self-correcting and developing;In the end,the author presents some limitations in her research and hopes that this cangive some hints and tips to further research in EFL writing classes.
In college English listening & speaking classrooms, language and other semioticsystems cooperate together to help students construct meaning. It can be reflected inthe design of textbooks and the use of audios, videos and images, etc. Thus, in thisthesis, the theoretical foundation is the theory of multimodal discourse analysis (MDA)derived from Systemic Functional Linguistics and Social Semiotics. The essence ofMDA is that other semiotic resources such as: images, audios, etc. are as important aslanguage in the meaning-making system. Visual Grammar, Acoustical Grammar andthe integrated frameworks of MDA are the main analysis approaches in this thesis.
Meanwhile, the results of the teaching investigation and the MDA for textbooksare the practical foundation for the multimodal teaching design, providing feasibleand effective suggestions in this thesis. According to the results, it can be concludedthat students have more or less realized multimodality in this course and argue thatmultimodality should be used in moderation; multimodal classroom activities, socialcontent, etc. should be brought into the class; teachers should remind students to payattention to images, fonts change and other multimodal factors in textbooks.
Therefore, when conducting the multimodal teaching design, attention should bepaid to: (1) Modalities influence each other with clear priorities in this course. (2)Words modality and acoustical modality are the primary modalities, while othermodalities are just used as tools to provide supplementary information and to improveteaching efficiency. (3) The chosen modalities should provide supplementaryinformation to make the learning material more easily understood and help studentsconcentrate. Then, on the basis of the above principles and the writer's teachingexperience, a sample teaching design has been worked out, then its' feasibility andeffectiveness have been verified by an empirical study with the method of interview.
Degree adverbs play a crucial role in daily language communication. However,owing to their wide varieties and similar meanings, it is hard for language learners toreally master their meanings and usages.
With the aid of AntConc and based on the corpora of FROWN (TheFreiburg-Brown Corpus of American English),FLOB (The Freiburg-LOB Corpus ofBritish English) and CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus), the study aims tocompare the actual use of common English degree adverbs in terms of semanticprosody between Chinese EFL learners and native English speakers. The researchprocedures consist of two steps. First, AntConc is launched to extractconcordance lines of the target node words in each corpus and the semantic featuresof the node words' collocates are analyzed; then, the semantic prosodies of these nodewords are summarized and comparisons are made between the two corpora.
The results indicate that there are differences as well as similarities betweennative English speakers and Chinese learners in their use of semantic prosody.
Chinese EFL learners tend to underuse the negative semantic prosodies of fairly,highly, and totally?,overuse the negative semantic prosodies of extremely; and misusethe semantic prosody of terribly. The results also show that some problems exist inChinese learners' use of semantic prosodies of degree adverbs, and the reasons mayinclude their first language transfer, intralingual transfer, and the lack of informationabout the semantic prosody in dictionaries and textbooks.
A Dream's Worth, Lesson on Psychology of DreamsA picture is worth a thousand words. You've heard it so many times that it sounds trite. But a picture really IS worth a thousand words. And if a dream is a very special kind of picture, how much is IT worth? Maybe more? What about very simple pictures and very simple dreams? No doubt they're worth a little bit less than complex, elaborate ones. Or are they? In my psychotherapy course one day, I presented my undergraduate students with these questions. "Here's a very simple dream from a psychotherapy client I worked with years ago. I won't tell you anything about the client. I'll just tell you his dream, and then lets see what we can discover about him by exploring it...... Here's the dream:" "I was wearing a white shirt and a purple tie." The students just stare at me, expecting more to come. "No," I explain, "that's it. That's the dream. Now let's start to explore it." I then lead them through a group process of free associating to the dream (much like I describe on the Working and Playing with Dreams Page). "Just let your imagination go. Take every element of the dream and just let your mind wander on it. Whatever comes to mind. Don't censor anything, that's important. There is no right or wrong. It can be a fun, playful exercise - although the results sometimes may be serious and powerful. Freud thought that free association bypasses the defenses of rational, logical thinking and unlocks deeper links within the unconscious. It opens one up to fantasy, symbolism, and emotion - the very place from which dreams spring." Here is a list of some of the associations the students come up with. For the purpose of this article I've organized them somewhat, whereas during the actual exercise the ideas surface in a much more freewheeling stream of consciousness: PURPLE .... royalty, bruises, choking, holding one's breath, grief, a combination of blue and pink, goes well with black, The Color of Purple TIE .... formal attire, going to work, phallic symbol, tied up, being tied to something, chokes the neck, confining PURPLE TIE .... unconventional, stands out, rebellious, showing off WHITE .... clean, pure, unstained, "good," light SHIRT .... the top part, covered up, tucked in, stuffed shirt, where are the pants? WHITE SHIRT.... conventional, boring, going to work, going to church, corporate America WHITE SHIRT AND PURPLE TIE.... unusual combination, contradictory combination, very unconventional, tie really stands out DEPLETION?.... there's nobody else in the dream, it's so static, there's nothing happening, where are the feelings? After we finish this free associating, I then describe the client to the class. At the time Dan had the dream, he was 23 years old. I would describe him as a quiet, held-back person who was very confined (the tie) in how he talked, behaved, and felt towards others. Put bluntly, people found him rather boring to be with (white shirt). His emotional and interpersonal life were choked (the tie). He had almost no friends and felt little connection to his family (the tie again). Other than going to his tedious job (white shirt) as a low level technician for a computer company, essentially nothing was happening in his static, uneventful life (depletion). Dan was also very limited in understanding anything but the most surface, top-level (shirt) characteristics of his personality. Although outwardly conventional in how he dressed and acted at his job (white shirt), secretly he felt rebellious against authority (purple tie on white shirt) and generally superior (purple) to most people. He liked to think of himself as a political activist who firmly believed in the rights of abused (purple) people and felt more tied to them than anyone else. Comparing outside to inside, he was a bit of a contradiction (white shirt on purple tie). But none of these issues is what consciously drove him to therapy. What he most desperately needed to discuss and resolve was the fact that he was homosexual (purple tie). Yet he didn't know whether he wanted to come out of the closet or not (the tie). Part of him wanted to let everyone know, to even show off and parade the fact that he was gay (purple tie on white shirt), to escape the feeling that his identity was being restrained and choked (more tie). His rebellious, unconventional side liked that idea. He sometimes did indeed bravely experiment with revealing his gay identity by wearing a purple triangle, which to him symbolized being homosexual (a combination of pink and blue). But another side of him (purple tie versus white shirt) was afraid to come out. He sometimes felt dirty, tainted, sick, for being gay. That part of him wanted to be somehow cleansed and redeemed (white shirt). Part of the problem was that sex in general was a very unpleasant issue for him. When he was young he had had surgery on his genitals. He still felt insecure and "bruised" (purple) down there. He was so conflicted about sex that I sometimes wondered if he had been sexually abused as a child (purple tie?, suffocating tie?). A dream, even a simple one, is worth at least a thousand words. Freud thought that there was no limit to how much you could analyze a dream. You can always go further and further into the symbols, the links of associations, the memories that generate a dream. At some deep unconscious level, any dream fans out into the infinite horizon of emotion and thought that constitute the individual psyche... that even transcends the individual psyche and constitutes us all. 920字左右,觉得不够你还可以再在开头或者结尾加一小段。本片小论文短小精悍,包括了理论与案例分析。觉得还能用的话希望能尽快加分:)
Summarized as follows Abstract Objective: To explore the P300 lie detector test for distinguishing between the true identity of income or short-term training effects of false identities to lie detection, and P300 lie detector pairs of subjects were obtained through short-term training for different levels of experience lie detection results; Were tested: the author. Methods: The study was originally sub-nine times without any understanding of a false identity in order to produce different subjects were lying experience, every time after learning P300 lie detector, through the experimental data dealing with the bootstrap method to compare the learning process corresponding to the different experiences of lying P300 amplitude changes. Results: (1) Analysis of the 1st, 5th, 9th Fz and Cz amplitude data, including three tests in three kinds of evoked P300 amplitudes were significantly different; (2) The 1st, 5th, 9th tests to detect target stimuli and irrelevant stimulus and evoked P300 amplitude of the correlation coefficient does not show an increase with the experience of lying increment or decrement rule. Conclusions: (1) P300 lie detector test can be distinguished by the identity or the real short-term training to obtain the false identity of lying; (2) P300 lie detector test can not distinguish be obtained through short-term training experience in different levels of lying. Key words: P300 lie detector lie bootstrap statistical analysis of the experience
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