Currently mechanization of packer application list slice machine control the step come into the electrical engineering realization of isn't very extensive, past of the wrap provide to send much adoption crank connect the pole machine be intermittent to pull to take a way, structure complications, adjust difficulty, and wrap waste a lot step enter electrical engineering with pull to take to roll a round direct conjunction pull to take, not only the structure got simplification, and regulate extremely convenience, economical regulate time, again economy packing material. This literary grace use the AT89 C51 as tiny processing controller, pass a keyboard importation data control step into the electrical engineering, use a figures tube manifestation related data in the assurance normal drive a step into the electrical engineering of in the meantime, come to an a keyboard and manifestation two big part close combine, let this time design can be getting more perfect. At step enter electrical engineering of control aspect, this text emphasize from the step enter electrical engineering structure the principle commence to carry on choosing a type, and according to electrical engineering of concrete characteristic design correspond the best of step enter electrical engineering control system, can valid, stability realization its function, and do certain of improvement. This system has a work stability, the cost cheap etc. characteristics, easy to actual application and development. Keyword:89 C51;The step enter electrical engineering;Manifestation;Packer