
起找吧,人多力量大哦。[中英译文-外文资料]汽车依赖性对经济发展的影响Automobile Dependency and Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development Impacts of Automobile DependencyAutomobile dependency has various impacts that affect economic These are summarized below and some are discussed in detail later in this . Increased Mobility And Convenience For MotoristsAutomobile dependency directly benefits vehicle users: favorable pricing, investment, facilitydesign, parking and land use practices make driving relatively fast, convenient and affordable. It also allows businesses to use more centralized distribution systems and Just-In-Time production, and to access a wider range of possible employees and customers, which can cause certain types of agglomeration efficiencies, such as large retail centers. These savings and efficiencies can increase economic development if they increase the productivity of local industries. These productivity benefits are separate and in addition to consumer benefits from increased mobility. However, not all increased vehicle use by producers represents increased productivity. As discussed later in this paper, automobile dependent transportation systems and land use patterns require more travel to provide a given level of services.汽车依赖性对经济发展有着多方面的影响,概括起来主要是以下几点,在后文中我将对其进行详细的讨论和分析。(一)对于汽车使用者而言,出行更为便捷汽车依赖性首先造福的是那些汽车的拥有者:合适的价格、投资、配件设计、停车场和土地使用方式的变化使得驾车变成更为快捷、舒适、方便的出行选择。同时,这也使得商业活动更加聚集,使得企业能够在更大地理范围得到潜在雇员和顾客,例如大型零售消费中心。由此得来的收入可以通过促进当地工业的生产力来促进经济发展。通过增加流动性而得到的收益增加是脱离于消费者收益的,也就是增加的部分。当然,并不是所有的汽车使用增加都能够使得生产力得到增加,正如后文将要讨论的那样,交通状况和土地使用方式都是关键的影响因素。还有一个:[中英译文-外文资料]美国汽车产业中的新兴企业能力与创新(节选)The capabilities of new firms and the evolution of the US automobile industry我尽力了,能找到的都在这里了。如果能帮到你,要加分哦。
装有自动变速器的汽车如果发现自动变速器油变色或有焦味,或者在行驶中最高车速明显下降,发动机转速偏高,加速或爬坡无力,这些现象表明自动变速器可能损坏。自动变速器损坏程度较低时不会使汽车立即丧失行驶能力,故障不易被察觉,不及时修理而使损坏程度加重,甚至导致重要零件严重损坏,失去修理价值,最后只能更换总成。因此,自动变速器一旦有故障,应及时送厂检修,不可带故障运行,以免造成更大的损失。 一、汽车自动变速器的维修工具 维修汽车自动变速器使用的工具很多,大致可以归纳为以下几类: ①常用工具:内六角扳手、外六角扳手、套筒及力矩扳手、钳子、铳子、锉 刀、丝锥与板牙等。 ②专用工具:轴承、衬套及齿轮专用拉器、定位环钳等。 ③动力工具:气动或电动扳手、棘轮等。 ④提升工具:千斤顶、安全支架、液压或电动升降机等。 ⑤测量工具:内径千分尺、外径千分尺、百分表、塞尺等。 ⑥检测仪器:万用表、示波器、监测器及故障检测仪等。 二、汽车自动变速器的常规检查项目 汽车自动变速器的常规检查项目有:自动变速器油的油面高度检查、油质检查、自动变速器油液泄漏情况检查、发动机节气门开启情况检查、选档手柄档位检查、自动变速器各控制开关工作情况检查、发动机怠速转速检查等。 三、汽车自动变速器故障的一般检修程序 故障诊断与检测程序:初步检查→故障代码检查→手动换档试验→机械系统试验→液压系统试验→电控系统试验→查对常见故障及原因分析与排除方法。 ①根据故障现象分析,进行故障现象确认。 ②如果是电控自动变速器,而且故障指示灯亮,首先进行自我诊断读取故障码,排除故障码所代表的故障。 ③进行自动变速器和发动机的常规检查,主要项目有: a.检查油面高度和油质。 b.检查并调整加速踏板拉线和节气门位置传感器。 c.检查选档手柄连动杆系。 d.检查空档起动开关及档位开关。 e.检查发动机怠速。 f.检查轮胎气压及传动系其他相关部位。 ④进行失速试验,检查发动机和自动变速器内部机械技术状况。 ⑤手动换档试验;确定故障是在电控部分还是在自动变速器内部。 ⑥进行时滞试验,检查日动变速器的离合器、制动器的磨损情况。 ⑦电子控制系统自我诊断和组件及线路检测。 ⑧油压测试,检查油泵、调压阀、调速器油压和油路压力。 ⑨进行道路试验,检查自动换档点、有无异常噪声、振动、打滑以及发动 机的制动作用等。 ⑩综合各项测试结果,分析和判断故障原因和部位。 四、检修自动变速器应注意事项 ①自动变速器发生故障,与发动机、电控系统和自动变速器有关,因此应确认故障在自动变速器内部后,方可对其进行拆卸检修。 ②举升或支撑车辆,若只需顶起汽车前端或后端,必须用三角木塞住车轮。 ③拆检电气元件,应先拆下蓄电池负极接线。拆下蓄电池负极接线后,可能导致音响系统、防盗系统等锁死,并可引起某些系统设定参数的消失,因而在断电前必须做好有关记录。 ④更换熔丝时,新熔丝必须具有相当的电流强度,不能用超过或低于规定电流值的熔丝;检查电气元件应使用量程合适的数字万用表,以免损坏零件。 ⑤分解自动变速器之前应对其外部进行彻底的清洗,以防脏物污染内部零件。因为即使是细小的杂物,也会引起自动变速器液压系统的故障。 ⑥拆卸自动变速器时,所有零件应按顺序放好,以利装复。特别是分解阀体总成时,其阀门应与弹簧放在一起。 ⑦对分解后的自动变速器各零件进行彻底清洗,各油道、油孔用压缩空气吹通,确保不被堵塞。建议用自动变速器油或煤油清洗零件。清洗后用风干的方式使其干燥。 ⑧总成装配前,仔细检查各零件与总成,发现损坏零件应更换。若总成 ⑨一次性零件不可重复使用,如开口销、密封元件等。 ⑩衬套因磨损需更换时,配套零件必须一同更换。 ⑾滚针轴承和座圈滚道磨损或损坏应予更换。 ⑿更换新的离合器、制动器摩擦片时,在装配前必须将其放人自动变速器油中浸泡至少15min。 ⒀所有密封圈、旋转件和滑动表面,在装配前都要涂抹自动变速器油。 ⒁可利用润滑脂(黄油)将小零件粘在相应的位置上,以便组装。 ⒂所有滚针轴承与座圈滚道都应有正确的位置和安装方向。 ⒃在密封垫或类似零件上不能用密封胶。 ⒄各零件、总成按拆卸的相反顺序进行装配;螺钉应按规定力矩拧紧。 ⒅所有拆装过程应尽量使用专用工具。 ⒆检查软管与电线端子,确保连接正确可靠。 五、检修技巧 ◆自动变速器换档冲击大故障的排除 (1)故障现象 起步时,选档手柄从p或n挂人d或r位时,汽车振动大;行驶中,自动变速器升档瞬间产生振动。 (2)故障原因 发动机怠速过高;节气门拉线或节气门位置传感器调整不当,主油路油压高;升档过迟;真空式节气门阀真空软管破损;主油路调压阀故障,使主油路油压过高;减振器活塞卡住,不起减振作用;单向阀球漏装,制动器或离合器接合过快;换档组件打滑;油压电磁阀故障;电控单元故障。 (3)排除方法 检查发动机怠速;检查、调整节气门拉线和节气门位置传感器;检查真空式节气门阀的真空软管。路试检查自动变速器升档是否过迟,升档过迟是换档冲击大的常见原因。 检测主油路油压。如果怠速时主油路油压高,说明主油路调压阀或节气门阀存在故障;如果怠速油压正常,而起步冲击大,说明前进离合器、倒档及高档离合器的进油单向阀损坏或漏装。 检查换档时主油路油压。正常情况下,换档时主油路油压瞬时应有下降。若无下降,说明减振器活塞卡住,应拆检阀体和减振器。 检查油压电磁阀的工作是否正常;检查电控单元在换档瞬间是否向油压电磁阀发出控制信号。如果电磁阀本身有问题则应更换;如果线路存在问题则应修复。 ◆自动变速器打滑故障的排除 (1)故障现象 起步时踩下加速踏板,发动机转速上升很快但车速升高缓慢;上坡时无力,发动机转速上升很高。 (2)故障原因 液压油油面太低;离合器或制动器磨损严重;油泵磨损严重,主油路漏油造成主油路油压低;单向超越离合器打滑;离合器或制动器密封圈损坏导致漏油;减振器活塞密封圈损坏导致漏油。 (3)排除方法 检查液压油油面高度和油的品质;若液压油变色或有烧焦味,说明离合器或制动器的摩擦片烧坏,应拆检自动变速器。 路试检查,若所有档都打滑,原因出在前进离合器。 若选档手柄在d位的2档打滑,而在s位的2档不打滑,说明2档单向超越离合器打滑。若不论在d位、s位的2档时都打滑,则为低档及倒档制动器打滑。若在3档时打滑,原因为倒档及高档离合器故障。若在超速档打滑,则为超速制动器故障。若在倒档和高档时打滑,则为倒档和高档离合器故障。若在倒档和1档打滑,则为低档及倒档制动器打滑。 在前进档或倒档都打滑,说明主油路油压低。此时应对油泵和阀体进行检修。若主油路油压正常,原因可能是离合器或制动器摩擦片磨损过度或烧焦,更换摩擦片即可。 ◆自动变速器不能升档故障的排除 (1)故障现象 行驶途中自动变速器只能升1档,不能升2档及高速档;或可以升2档,但不能升3档或超速档。 (2)故障原因 节气门拉线或节气门位置传感器调整不当;调速器存在故障;调速器油路漏油;车速传感器故障;2档制动器或高档离合器存在故障;换档阀卡滞或档位开关故障。 (3)排除方法 电控自动变速器应先进行故障诊断。检查调整节气门拉线和节气门位置传感器;检查车速传感器;检查档位开关信号。测量调速器油压,如果车速升高后调速器油压为0或很低,说明调速器有故障或漏油。如果控制系统无故障,应拆检自动变速器,检查换档执行组件是否打滑,用压缩空气检查各离合器、制动器油缸或活塞有无泄漏。 ◆自动变速器升档缓慢故障的排除 (1)故障现象 汽车行驶中,升档车速较高,发动机转速也偏高;升档前必须松开加速踏板才能使自动变速器升入高档。 (2)故障原因 节气门拉线或节气门位置传感器调整不当;调速器存在故障;输出轴上调速器进出油孔的密封圈损坏;真空式节气门阀推杆调整不当;真空式节气门阀的真空软管或真空膜片漏气;主油路油压或节气门油压太高;强制降档开关短路;传感器故障。 (3)排除方法 电控自动变速器应进行故障诊断。检查、调整节气门拉线或节气门位置传感器,测量节气门位置传感器电阻,如不符合标准应更换。采用真空式节气门阀的自动变速器,应检查真空软管是否漏气。检查强制降档开关是否短路。 测量怠速主油路油压,若油压太高,应通过节气门拉线或节气门位置传感器予以调整。采用真空式节气门阀的自动变速器,应用减少节气门阀推杆长度的方法进行调整。若以上调整无效,应拆检油压阀或节气门阀。 测量调速器油压,调速器油压应随车速的升高而增大。将不同转速下测得的调速器油压与规定值比较,若油压太低,说明调速器存在故障或调速器 油路存在泄漏。此时应拆检自动变速器,检查调速器固定螺钉是否松动,调速器油路密封环是否损坏,阀芯是否卡滞或磨损过度。 如果调速器油压正常,升档缓慢的原因可能是换档阀工作不良。应拆卸阀体检查,必要时更换。 ◆自动变速器无前进档故障的排除 (1)故障现象 倒档正常,但在d位时不能行驶;在d位时汽车不能起步,在s、l位(或2、1位)时可以起步。 (2)故障原因 前进离合器打滑;前进单向超越离合器打滑;前进离合器油路泄漏;选档手柄调整不当。 (3)排除方法 检查调整选档手柄位置。测量前进档主油路油压。若油压太低(说明主油路油压低),拆检自动变速器,更换前进档油路上各处密封圈。检查前进档离合器,如果摩擦片烧损或磨损过度应更换。若主油路油压和前进离合器均正常,应拆检前进单向超越离合器。 ◆自动变速器无超速档故障的排除 (1)故障现象 汽车行驶中,不能从3档升人超速档;车速已达到超速档工作范围,采用松加速踏板几秒钟再踩下加速踏板的方法,自动变速器也不能升人超速档。 (2)故障原因 超速档开关故障;超速电磁阀故障;超速制动器打滑;超速行星排上的直接离合器或直接单向超越离合器故障;档位开关故障;液压油温度传感器故障;节气门位置传感器故障;3—4换档阀卡滞。 (3)排除方法 对电控系统自动变速器应进行故障诊断,检查有无故障码输出。 检查液压油温度传感器电阻值;检查档位开关和节气门位置传感器的输出信号。档位开关,信号应与选档手柄的位置相符,节气门位置传感器输出电压应与节气门的开度成正比。 检查超速档开关。在on位时,超速档开关触点应断开,指示灯不亮;在off位时,超速档开关触点应闭合,指示灯应亮。否则检查超速档电路或更换超速档开关。 检查超速档电磁阀的工作情况。打开点火开关,不起动发动机,按下o/d开关,超速档电磁阀应有接合声音。若无接合声音,应检查控制电路或更换电磁阀。 用举升器举起车辆,使四轮悬空。起动发动机,使自动变速器在d档工作,检查在无负荷状态下自动变速器升档情况。如果能升人超速档,并且车速正常,说明控制系统工作正常。如果不能升人超速档是因为超速制动器打滑,所以在有负荷情况下不能升人超速档。如果能升人超速档,而升档后车速提不高,发动机转速下降,说明超速行星排中直接离合器或直接单向超越离合器故障。如果在无负荷情况下不能升人超速档,说明控制系统存在故障,应拆检阀体,检查3~4换档阀。 ◆自动变速器无倒档故障的排除 (1)故障现象 汽车在d档能行驶而倒档不能行驶。 (2)故障原因 选档手柄调整不当;倒档油路泄漏;倒档及高档离合器或低档及倒档制动器打滑。 (3)排除方法 检查并调整选档手柄位置。检查倒档油路油压。若油压太低,说明倒档油路泄漏,应拆检自动变速器。 如果倒档油路油压正常,应拆检自动变速器,更换损坏的离合器或制动器摩擦片或制动带。 ◆自动变速器频繁跳档故障的排除 (1)故障现象 汽车行驶中,自动变速器出现突然降档现象,降档后发动机转速升高,并产生换档冲击。 (2)故障原因 节气门位置传感器故障;车速传感器故障;控制系统电路故障;换档电磁阀接触不良;电控单元故障。 (3)排除方法 对电控自动变速器进行故障诊断。 测量节气门位置传感器;测量车速传感器。 拆下自动变速器油底壳,检查电磁阀连接线路端子情况;检查控制系统各接线端子电压。 ◆无发动机制动的故障排除 (1)故障现象 汽车行驶中,当选档手柄位于2、1或s、l档位时,松开加速踏板,发动机转速降至怠速,但汽车减速不明显;下坡时,自动变速器在前进低档,但不能产生发动机制动作用。 (2)故障原因 选档手柄位置调整不当;档位开关调整不当;2档强制制动器打滑或低档及倒档制动器打滑;控制发动机制动的电磁阀故障;阀体故障;自动变速器故障。 (3)排除方法 对电控自动变速器进行故障诊断。 路试检查自动变速器有无打滑现象。 如果选档手柄在s位时没有发动机制动作用,而在l位时有发动机制动作用,说明2档强制制动器打滑。如果选档手柄在l位时没有发动机制动作用,而s位时有发动机制动作用,说明低档及倒档制动器打滑。 检查控制发动机制动作用的电磁阀是否存在故障。拆检阀体,清洗所有控制阀。检查电控单元各接线端子电压,如果正常,再检查各个传感器电压。更换新的电控单元重新试验,如果故障消失,说明电控单元损坏。 ◆液力变矩器离合器无锁止故障的排除 (1)故障现象 汽车行驶中,车速、档位已经满足离合器锁止条件,但锁止离合器仍没有锁止作用;油耗增大。 (2)故障原因 锁止电磁阀故障;锁止控制阀故障;变矩器中锁止离合器损坏。 (3)排除方法 检查锁止电磁阀;检查清洗锁止控制阀;若控制系统无故障,则应更换变矩器。 ◆不能强制降档故障的排除 (1)故障现象 汽车以3档或超速档行驶时,突然把加速踏板踩到底,自动变速器不能立即降低一个档位,汽车加速无力。 (2)故障原因 节气门拉线或节气门位置传感器调整不当;强制降档开关损坏;强制降档电磁阀短路或断路;强制降档阀卡滞。 (3)排除方法 检查节气门拉线、节气门位置传感器的安装情况。 检查强制降档开关。在加速踏板踩到底时,强制降档开关触点应闭合;松开加速踏板时,强制降档开关触点应断开。如果加速踏板踩到底时,强制降档开关触
AbstractAn engine speed control system causes an engine, equipped with an automatic transmission which shifts up according to predetermined shift schedules, to reduce its output at a predetermined engine speed so as to protect the engine by preventing the engine from being subjected to "over-revolution." The predetermined engine speed is changed according to engine operating conditions such as a decrease in engine temperature. Simultaneously, a shift-up vehicle speed, at which the automatic transmission shifts itself up, is decreased according to engine operating conditions and, more particularly, engine temperatures and throttle openings. As a result, an up-shift of the automatic transmission properly takes place, even when the vehicle travels at lower . An engine speed control system for an automobile engine equipped with an automatic transmission, said engine speed control system comprising: over-revolution prevention means, actuated at a predetermined engine speed so as to decrease engine output, for preventing said engine from being brought into over-revolution while said engine operates under loads; engine operating condition detecting means for detecting an engine operating condition, including at least a throttle opening of an engine throttle valve; speed altering means for altering said predetermined engine speed depending upon said engine operating condition detected by said engine operating condition detecting means; and shift-up vehicle speed shift means for determining a regular shift-up vehicle speed, at which said automatic transmission is shifted up, according to a throttle opening of said engine throttle valve detected by said engine operating condition detecting means, and shifting said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a alteration of said predetermined engine speed. 3. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 2, wherein said engine operating condition detecting means also detects an engine temperature, said speed altering means decreasing said predetermined engine speed as an engine temperature detected by said engine operating condition detecting means becomes lower. 4. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 3, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means shifts said regular shift-up vehicle speed by shift coefficients according to engine temperatures detected by said engine operating condition detecting means. 5. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 4, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease in said predetermined engine speed. 6. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 5, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease in said predetermined engine speed only while said engine operates at certain engine loads. 7. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 6, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means increases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to an increase in said predetermined engine speed while said engine operates at other engine loads. 8. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 3, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means includes means for limiting a throttle opening of said engine throttle valve detected by said engine operating condition detecting means to a predetermined guard opening. 9. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 8, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease in said predetermined engine speed. 10. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 9, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease in said predetermined engine speed only while said engine operates at certain engine loads. 11. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 10, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to an increase in said predetermined engine speed while said engine operates at other engine loads. 12. An engine speed control system for an automobile engine equipped with an automatic transmission which shifts up at predetermined shift-up vehicle speeds according at least to throttle openings, said engine speed control system comprising: over-revolution prevention means, actuated at a predetermined engine speed so as to decrease engine output, for preventing said engine from being brought into over-revolution while said engine operates under loads; engine temperature detecting means for detecting an engine operating temperature of said engine; speed altering means for decreasing said predetermined engine speed with a decrease in engine temperature detected by said engine temperature detecting means; and shift-up vehicle speed shift means for decreasing a predetermined shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease of said predetermined engine speed. 13. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 12, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means decreases said predetermined shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease of said predetermined engine speed only while said engine operates at certain engine loads. 14. An engine speed control system as recited in claim 13, wherein said shift-up vehicle speed shift means increases said predetermined shift-up vehicle speed in response to a decrease of said predetermined engine speed while said engine operates at other engine loads. 15. An engine speed control system for an automobile engine equipped with an automatic transmission which shifts up at predetermined shift-up vehicle speeds according at least to throttle openings, said engine speed control system comprising; over-revolution prevention means, actuated at a predetermined engine speed so as to decrease engine output, for preventing said engine from being brought into over-revolution while said engine operates under loads; engine temperature detecting means for detecting an engine operating temperature of said engine; speed altering means for decreasing said predetermined engine speed with a decrease in engine temperature detected by said engine temperature detecting means; throttle valve opening detecting means for detecting a throttle opening of an engine throttle valve; and shift-up vehicle speed shift means for limiting the throttle opening of said engine throttle valve to a predetermined guard opening according to which a predetermined shift-up vehicle speed is restrictively determined when said engine temperature detecting means detects a predetermined engine temperature. 16. An engine speed control system for an automobile engine equipped with an automatic transmission, said engine speed control system comprising: over-revolution prevention means, actuated at a predetermined engine speed so as to decrease engine output, for preventing said engine from being brought into over-revolution while said engine operates under loads; engine operating condition detecting means for detecting an engine operating condition, including at least an engine load on said engine; speed altering means for altering said predetermined engine speed depending upon said engine operating condition detected by said engine operating condition detecting means; and shift-up vehicle speed shift means for determining a regular shift-up vehicle speed, at which said automatic transmission is shifted up, according to the engine load detected by said engine operating condition detecting means, and shifting said regular shift-up vehicle speed in response to an alteration of said predetermined engine of Related Art In order to prevent an automotive engine from operating in an "over-revolution" condition, ., at rotational speeds beyond a specific rotational speed for which the engine is rated, it is typical to establish an upper critical speed for the automotive engine so as to prohibit an undesirable rise in rotational speed beyond the upper critical speed. Such an upper critical speed is referred to as an over-revolution restrictive speed in this specification. Prohibiting such an undesirable speed rise is performed by interrupting or cutting fuel supply to the engine, by controlling fuel ignition, or by controlling the rate at which intake air is admitted into the engine. An engine speed control system having an over-revolution prevention feature is known from, for instance, Japanese Unexamined Utility Model No. 59-194,550. On the other hand, because engine lubrication qualitatively deteriorates with a decrease in engine temperature, it has been proposed to lower the over-revolution restrictive speed, depending on a decrease in engine temperature, so as to realize reliable engine lubrication over allowable engine speeds. Automotive engines require a certain speed control so that an over-revolution restrictive speed becomes lower for low engine temperatures. Such a speed control is hereafter referred to as an over-revolution prevention control, and is provided to protect the engine against deterioration of engine lubrication at low engine temperatures. Executing the over-revolution prevention control at low engine temperatures, however, may cause an automatic transmission to fail to up-shift in response to a requirement for quick acceleration. Moreover, an over-revolution prevention control system for an engine equipped with an automatic transmission may also have the disadvantage of letting the engine operate too sluggishly in speed for a long period of time to cause an up-shift, even if quick acceleration is needed. This is because the engine is normally forced to maintain a higher speed while operating at lower temperatures. This causes the shift-up vehicle speed to become higher, thereby heating up the engine. However, since the over-revolution restrictive speed established for lower engine temperatures remains low, although the shift-up vehicle speed is changed so that it becomes higher, no up-shift of the automatic transmission takes place, even though the engine operates at full throttle. 这是英文原文,瑞士的~希望对楼主有用!您还可以参考以下网站:
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