浅析内部审计风险的成因及解决途径[摘 要] 内部审计风险成因包括内部审计机构的独立性不够,内部审计人员的业务不精,内部审计方法的科学性不强,内部审计管理的制度不健全。为了降低内部审计风险,应加强内部审计的法制建设,保证内部审计的独立性,提高内部审计人员的素质,执行科学合理的审计工作程序,正确处理降低风险与经济效益的关系,开展以风险为导向的风险基础审计。[关键词] 审计 风险 管理内部审计风险包括固有风险和控制风险。固有风险是指在假定与内部会计控制无关的情况下,被审计单位整体财务报表和各账户余额或某项业务发生重大差错的可能性,即由于被审计单位经济业务的特点和会计核算工作本身的不足而形成的审计风险。如某些企业缺乏对会计制度应有的重视,账户体系庞杂、会计信息明晰性降低,报表利用困难,成本、费用缺乏成本核算概念等。控制风险是指由于被审单位内部控制制度不够健全完善,内部控制行为不力,不能及时发现和纠正某个账户或某种业务中的重大错误而形成的审计风险。有时即使审计人员确认被审计单位的内部控制制度不合理或在关键环节上失控,其提出的修正建议能否真正适合被审计单位的经营活动,也会形成一种修正风险。一、内部审计风险形成的原因1.内部审计机构的独立性不够内部审计机构是单位内设机构,在单位负责人的领导下开展工作,为单位服务。因此,内部审计的独立性不如社会审计,在审计过程中,不可避免地受本单位的利益制约。内审人员面临的是与单位领导层之间的领导与被领导的关系以及与各科室、部门之间的同事关系,所涉及的人不是领导就是同事,非直接有关也是间接相关,审计过程及结论必然涉及到具体的个人利益,因而审计过程难免受到各类人员干扰。2.内部审计人员的业务不精审计人员素质的高低是决定审计风险大小的主要因素。审计人员的素质包括从事审计需要的政策法规水平、专业知识、经验、技能、审计职业道德和工作责任。审计经验是审计人员应有的一种重要技能,审计经验需要实践的积累。我国的内部审计人员中不少人仅熟悉财务会计业务,一些审计人员不了解本单位的经营活动和内部控制,审计经验有限。另外,内部审计人员工作责任和职业道德也是影响审计风险的因素。由于我国内审准则工作规范和职业道德标准方面还有一些空白,许多内审机构和人员缺乏应有的职业规范的约束和指导。总之,目前我国内审人员总体素质偏低,直接影响到内审工作开展的深度和广度。面对当今内审对象的复杂和内容的拓展,内审人员势单力簿,这将直接导致审计风险的产生。3.内部审计方法的科学性不强我国内审方法是制度基础审计,随着企业内部经营管理环境复杂化,这种审计模式不适应开展内部管理审计的需要,因为它过分依赖于对企业内部管理控制的测试,本身就蕴藏巨大的风险内部审计一般采用统计抽样方法,由于抽样审计本身是以样本的审查结果来推断总体的特征,因此,样本和总体之间必然会形成一定的误差,形成审计的抽样风险。随着信息化程度提高,被审计单位的会计信息资料会越来越多,差错和虚假的会计资料掺杂其中,失察的可能性也随之加大。虽然统计抽样是建立在坚实的数学理论基础之上,但其本身是允许存在一定的审计风险的。同样,大量的分析性审核也会产生相关风险,使审计风险的构成内容更为复杂。4.内部审计管理的制度不健全内部审计管理的制度建设及执行情况是内部审计的前提和基础。健全有效的内部管理制度能及时发现和控制企业经济活动中发生的各种差错和舞弊。为保证内部审计质量,内审组织应建立完善的质量控制制度,但是,部分审计机构至今仍缺少事前的审计计划、事中的审计程序和报告期的审计复核;审计工作底稿不完整,一般仅记录审计问题事项,而未记录审计人员认为正确的审计事项,使得审计复核、审计质量控制无从入手;审计报告以协调关系为出发点,以肯定工作成绩为基调,问题定性模棱两可。以上现状的存在,使得保证内部审计质量成为一句空话,更谈不上防范风险。二、降低内部审计风险的途径1.加强内部审计的法制建设完善和健全审计法规体系是内部审计风险控制的基础措施。审计规范是审计人员的行为规范和工作准则,不仅可以控制和减少审计风险,而且也是衡量审计人员法律责任的标准。我国内部审计起步较晚,与西方国家相比,在相关制度建设上存在着许多不完善的地方。为了适应现代内部审计不断发展的要求,就必须加强审计工作法制化、规范化建设,尽量减少审计工作的盲目性和随意性。2.保证内部审计的独立性独立性可以使内部审计师提出公正的和不偏不倚的专业判断,这对审计工作的恰当开展是必不可少的。内部审计机构独立性的内涵应主要表现为形式上的独立和实质上的独立两方面。形式上的独立要求内部审计在组织内具有较高的组织地位,内部审计师的工作应能够获得高级管理层和董事会的支持。实质上的独立是指内部审计人员在精神上必须保持必要的独立性,应以公正的态度,避免利益冲突,在开展内部审计工作时,保持诚实的信念,遵守职业道德准则,在整个审计过程中不做出重大的妥协。3.提高内部审计人员的素质审计人员是审计工作的具体执行者,其业务素质的高低直接关系到审计项目质量的好坏和审计风险的大小。因此,提高审计人员的素质,对控制和防范审计风险,提高审计质量起着根本性作用。首先,应加强内审人员政治素质教育和能力的培养,树立内审人员一丝不苟的工作精神和扎扎实实的工作作风,对其进行定期与不定期的培训,使其具备与其工作相适应的高尚品质,高度的事业心、责任感以及处理问题的能力;二是要引导审计人员通过工作实践,及时总结内审工作经验,不断完善审计手段和方法,不断提高运用理论知识解决实际问题的本领和应对复杂多变的工作局面的能力;三是要在进一步完善审计队伍准入制度,实行执证上岗的基础上,建立科学的激励机制,充分调动审计人员的积极性,激发其爱岗敬业的热情,使审计工作队伍在稳定的基础上不断发展壮大;四是要加强审计人员的业务培训和继续教育,使他们能熟练掌握审计的基本知识、基本技能和基本方法,熟悉会计、经济管理、经济法规等相关知识,提高内审人员的审计查证能力,以适应新形势的需要。4.执行科学合理的审计工作程序科学的审计程序是圆满完成各项审计任务、降低审计风险的重要手段。从审计任务的下达和审计工作方案的编制,到实施审计、编制审计工作底稿、出具审计报告整个工作流程必须有一套规范的程序。在实施审计的工作中,要充分运用现代的及成熟的审计技术方法。从审计组提交审计报告到作出审计决定阶段应有完善的“把关”程序。要抓好执法检查和廉政回访工作,要检查审计人员在审计活动中,证据收集是否齐全,程序是否符合要要求,决定是否合法,发现问题要及时进行补救和纠正。审计人员应严格按照程序操作一环扣一环,并且对每个环节进行控制,将审计风险隐患消灭在审计的各个环节。5.正确处理降低风险与经济效益的关系审计风险可以控制但不能完全消除,如果一味降低审计风险,就可能违背成本效益原则。因此,在接受审计任务时,要认真评价被审计单位的风险程度,高风险单位应该选派经验丰富,解决问题能力强的人员,并适当延长审计时间,而对低风险单位可以投入较少的人力,物力和时间,这样就能使降低审计风险、提高效率和降低成本三者统一起来。6.开展以风险为导向的风险基础审计风险基础审计是通过对审计风险进行系统的分析和评价,来确定审计风险是否可以控制在可以接受的范围内。它主要运用分析性复核的方法,不仅对客户的控制风险进行评价,同时更要对产生风险的各个要素进行分析和评价,以确定实质性测试的范围和重点。这样就使审计风险与整个审计过程密切联系起来,以风险的分析与控制为出发点,以保证审计质量为前提,统筹运用符合性测试、实质性测试、分析性检查等方法,综合各种审计证据,以控制审计风险。近年来,风险基础审计在世界各国已广泛应用,其原因就在于它从审计准备阶段开始就考虑审计风险。我国内部审计也应尽快实现向这种审计模式的过渡,以提高审计质量。参考文献:[1]邱 嘉:试论内部审计与内部控制的关系.消费导刊,[2]范太艳等:浅议内部审计的咨询服务职能.网络财富,~53[3]段 琳:内部审计:风险管理的抓手.中国石油企业,~33[4]刘 莉:企业内部审计风险分析与规避对策.商业会计,~47[4]赵 菁:降低内部审计风险的途径.西安建筑科技大学学报,~20[5]张孝兰等:内部审计的风险与防范对策.乐山师范学院学报,~53[6]周丽琼:企业内部审计的风险管理.企业家天地,~80Analysis of the causes of internal audit risk and its solution[Abstract] internal audit risk factors include the independence of internal audit bodies enough, the internal audit staff ill-equipped business, internal audit of the scientific method is not strong, internal audit management systems. In order to reduce the risk of internal audit, internal audit should strengthen the legal system, guarantee the independence of internal audit, internal audit staff to improve the quality of the audit of the implementation of scientific and rational work processes, reduce risks and to correctly handle the relationship between economic efficiency and conduct a risk - oriented risk-based audit.[Key words]Audit,Risk,RiskInternal audit risks include the inherent risks and control risks. The inherent risks is the assumption that has nothing to do with internal accounting controls, the units being audited financial statements and the overall balance of the account of a business or the possibility of a major error, that is caused by the audit unit economic characteristics of business and accounting work itself the formation of the lack of audit risk. Some enterprises such as the lack of due attention to the accounting system, account system complex, reducing clarity of accounting information, reports, use of difficulty, cost, cost of lack of cost accounting concepts. Control risk refers to as a result of inadequate internal control system被审单位perfect, weak internal control behavior, not timely detection and correction of a business account or a major error in the formation of audit risk. Sometimes, even if the auditors audited units to confirm the internal control system is unreasonable or out of control in key areas, the amendments proposed by the audit can really suitable for operating activities, but will also create a risk , the internal audit risk causes1. The independence of the internal audit agency enoughInternal audit body is set up units in institutions, in the unit under the leadership of the responsible persons to work as a unit of service. Therefore, the independence of internal audit as social audit, the audit process, inevitably affected the interests of the unit constraints. OIA staff faced with the unit leadership was among the leadership and the leadership of the relationship, as well as with various sections, the relationship between colleagues, people are not involved in the leadership of my colleagues is, non-directly related to also indirectly related to the audit process and conclusions will inevitably involve the interests of specific individuals, which inevitably affected the audit process for all categories of personnel . Internal audit operations personnel ill-equippedThe quality of auditors is to determine the size of audit risk factors. The quality of the audit including those engaged in the audit of the policies and regulations need to level of expertise, experience, skills, audit professional ethics and work experience, the audit staff should have an important skill, the need for the audit practice of the accumulation of experience. China's internal audit staff, many people only familiar with the financial and accounting operations, some auditors do not understand the business activities of this unit and internal controls, audit limited experience. In addition, the internal audit staff responsibilities and professional ethics is the impact of audit risk factors. Because of China's internal guidelines for the work of norms and ethical standards still some gaps, and many internal organs and personnel lack of occupational norms bound and guidance. In short, China's overall quality of the low OIA staff and directly affected the internal audit work carried out by the depth and breadth. Faced with the complexity of today's OIA object and content development, internal audit staff and powerful single force book, which will directly lead to the selection of audit . Internal audit of the scientific method is not strongChina's system of internal audit is the basis of the audit, with the internal operation and management of environmental complicated models are not suited to carry out this audit internal management audit of the needs, because it is overly dependent on the internal management of enterprises controlled test, in itself a huge potential the risk of internal audit generally use statistical sampling methods, as a result of the sample itself is based on a sample audit of the results of the review can be inferred from the general characteristics, therefore, between the samples and the overall form is bound to a certain degree of error, the formation of audit sampling risk. With the degree of information technology improved, the audited accounting information will be more and more errors and false accounting information doped them, and failed to investigate the possibility of also increasing. Although the survey sample is built on the solid foundation of mathematical theory, but its existence is to allow a certain degree of audit risk. Similarly, a large number of analytical review will also have associated risks, so that the composition of the contents of audit risk is more . Internal Audit management systemsInternal audit management system construction and implementation of internal audit is the prerequisite and foundation. Sound and effective internal management system to detect and control of enterprise economic activity occurring in a variety of errors and fraud. To ensure the quality of internal audit, internal audit organizations should establish a perfect quality control system, however, some audit institutions still lack of prior audit plan, a matter of auditing procedures and audit review of the reporting period; the audit working papers incomplete, generally only Records of audit matters, not the recording of audit staff that the correct audit matters, making the audit review, audit quality control no way; to coordinate the relationship between the audit report as a starting point to certain performance-based, qualitative ambiguous issues. More than the existence of the status quo, making the internal audit quality assurance become an empty talk, let alone ward off , reduce the risk of internal audit ways1. Strengthen the internal audit of the legal systemImprove and perfect the legal system for the audit of internal audit is the basis of risk control measures. Audit norms, the audit staff code of conduct and guidelines, not only to control and reduce audit risk, but also to measure auditors liability standards. China's internal audit late start compared with Western countries in the relevant system-building there are many imperfections. In order to adapt to the continuous development of modern internal audit requirements, it is necessary to strengthen the audit work of legalization and standardization construction to minimize the audit work of blindness and . To ensure the independence of internal auditThe independence of the internal auditor can make a fair and impartial professional judgment, which is appropriate to carry out the audit work is essential. The independence of internal audit bodies connotation should be reflected mainly in the form of independence and de facto independence in two ways. Formal independence requirements of internal audit in the organization of organizations with high status, the internal auditor should have access to senior management and board of directors support. Essentially refers to an independent internal audit staff in the spirit of the need to maintain the necessary independence, should be a fair and just manner and avoid conflicts of interest, in carrying out internal audit work, to maintain an honest belief in compliance with the Code of Ethics for the entire audit process does not make a significant :[1]Qiu Jia: On the internal audit and internal control relationship. Consumer Guide, [2]Fan Wen-Yan ,etc: On the internal audit function of the advisory services. Network wealth ~ 53[3] Duan Lin: Internal Audit: Risk Management grasps. China's oil companies, ~ 33[4] Liu Li: Corporate Internal Audit Risk Analysis and Countermeasures to circumvent. Commercial accounting, ~ 47[4] Zhao Qing: Reduce the risk of internal audit ways. Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Journal, ~ 20[5]Zhang Xiao-Lan,etc: internal audit risks and preventive measures. Leshan Teachers College Journal, ~ 53[6]Zhou Li-Qiong: enterprise internal audit risk management. Entrepreneurs world, ~ 80仅供参考,请自借鉴希望对您有帮助
《一种量化的企业内部控制评价方法》:《新会计》刊号:ISSN1674-5434/CN31-2022/F 刊登时间:2013年7月这篇是我看过的实用性较强的文章,杂志质量还行。
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