For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.若要优美的嘴唇,要说友善的话;For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.若要可爱的眼睛,要看到别人的好处;For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.若要苗条的身材,把你的食物分给饥饿的人;For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.美丽的秀发,在于每天有孩子的手指穿过它;For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.若要优雅的姿态,要记住行人不只你一个。People, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.人之所以为人,是应该充满精力、能够自我悔改、自我反省、自我成长,而不是抱怨他人。Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find them at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.如果你需要一只援助之手,你可以在自己的任何一只手臂下找到;随着年龄的增长,你会发现你有两只手,一只用来帮助自己,另一只用来帮助别人。
在生命中总会想起那样一个时刻,守望着温柔的九月,阅读着一些优美的英文的 散文 。下面是有优美英文散文带翻译,欢迎参阅。 优美英文散文带翻译:你点燃我的生命 是你,点燃了我的生命 You Light up My Life 善待,每一个和我们结缘的人;珍惜,我们身边的每一个朋友;爱,生命中,每一个和我们结缘的人。茫茫的人海中,相识,其实,就是缘份……感觉,奥修所说的,也许是一种纯净、超越世俗和男女,充满神性和佛性的博爱,弥发,一种禅性和机锋,而我,却好像永远,都,无法参透…… Be good to every one who becomes attached to us; cherish every friend who is by our side; love every one who walks into our life. It must be fate to get acquainted in a huge crowd of people...I feel, the love that Osho talks about, maybe is a kind of pure love beyond the mundane world, which is full of divinity and caritas, and overflows with Buddhist allegorical words and gestures, but, it seems that I cannot see through its true meaning forever... 也许,我并不只是"接受";而是,因为那种爱,让我,情不自禁、无法抗拒、不能拒绝……知道吗,是你,点燃了我的生命!而我,固执的相信,这种情感,在我的生命中,只有一次。因为爱,我们,不再孤单;因为思念,品尝,更多的寂寞。 Maybe, I do not just "absorb" your love; but because the love overpowers me and I am unable to dispute and refuse it...Do you know? It's you who light up my life! And I stubbornly believe that such love can only be experienced once in my life. Because of love, we won't be lonely any more; because of yearning, we taste more loneliness. 优美英文散文带翻译:微笑吧,多微笑可以让你多活七年 The broader your grin and the deeper the creases around your eyes when you smile, the longer you are likely to live. 你在微笑的时候嘴咧的越大,眼周围的皱纹越深,你可能活的越久。 Broader grins and wrinkles around the eyes reflect an underlying positive outlook on life that translates into better long-term health, the researchers believe. 大大的笑容和眼周深深的皱纹反应了你对生活潜在的态度,这种态度让你过一个长久健康的生活。 Experts studied 230 pictures of major league baseball players printed in the 1952 Baseball Register. 专家们从1952年的一些主要的 棒球 联盟中研究了230名注册棒球队员的照片。The researchers ranked each player according to whether they had no smile at all, a partial smile, where only the muscles around the mouth were involved, or a full-blown smile that featured a toothy grin, raised cheeks and creases around the eyes. The researchers then compared the photos with the life span of each player. 专家们按队员们的笑容进行等级分类,分别是“一点都不笑”,“笑了一点儿”,“微笑时嘴部肌肉有抽动”或是“笑的合不拢嘴”,以及“扬起脸,眼睛都笑出了皱纹”等这几个分类。然后他们把这些照片与队员们的寿命进行了比较。 The results revealed that of the 184 players that had since died, those in the ’no smile’ category had lived an average of years. 结果显示,在184名现已去世的队员中,那些属于在照片中“从不微笑”的人,他们的平均寿命是岁。 The findings support another study which showed that being happy can reduce the risk of heart disease. 这些证据同时也支撑了另一项研究,那就是保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。 优美英文散文带翻译:年轻人,应该如何更好的生活? You’re young once only. How do you make the most out of it instead of wasting time only on the unnecessary parties and drinks all the time? Feross Aboukhadijeh, a web developer, designer, and Stanford computer science graduate, who has a company StudyNotes that helps students learn faster and better, shared on Quora what a young person should do to life. 你只会年轻一次。你该如何追求理想的生活而不总是把时间都浪费在无聊的聚会和酒宴上呢?费罗斯·阿巴克哈迪贾是一名网站开发师、设计师, 毕业 于斯坦福大学计算机科学专业。他创立了StudyNotes公司,致力于帮助学生更快更好地学习。他在Quora上分享了年轻人应该如何生活。 1. Prioritize learning. 把学习放在首位。 Learn the 10,000 hour rule. 不要忘记一万小时定律。 作家葛拉威尔在《异数》一书中指出:“人们眼中的天才之所以卓越非凡,并非天资超人一等,而是付出了持续不断的努力。只要经过1万小时的锤炼,任何人都能从平凡变成超凡。” Start early. 尽快开始。 Read a lot. 2-3 hours a day, at least. 大量阅读。每天至少2到3小时。 2. Don’t talk about doing stuff. Do stuff. 不要说要做什么事。做事。 The world is full of so many talkers, and so few doers. 世界上不乏空口说白话者,而行动者只是少数。 Too much planning is as bad as no planning. 考虑太多和没有计划一样糟糕。 "Posting about your plans is shadow of Done" “吹嘘计划是对实际行动的臆想。” Make stuff while your brain is young and fresh. The brain gets slower as you age. 趁你的思想年轻有活力时做事。你的大脑随着你的年龄的增长而变迟钝。 3. Figure out what you like. Try to become the best in the world at it. 找到你喜欢做的事。努力成为这个领域里的顶尖人物。 If you start early, you will have time to change your mind. 如果你趁早开始,你还有机会改变主意。 Don’t worry if it’s not "prestigious" or won’t make you a lot of money. If you’re good at it, you’ll make it prestigious. 不要担心你所喜欢的事情不“体面” 或者不能赚到很多钱。如果你很擅长这件事,你会让它受人尊敬的。 4. Experience stuff. 多多经历。 Watch epic movies/books/music. 去看史诗级的电影、书籍、音乐。 Go on adventures (road trips, travel to other countries). 去冒险(公路旅行、异国游)。 Talk to interesting people and really LISTEN. 和有趣的人交谈,认真倾听。 5. Spoil yourself on the stuff that matters. 在重要的事情上宠爱自己。 Eat well, sleep well, drink (water) well. 吃好、睡好、喝好(喝水)。 Buy a good bed (you spend ⅓ of your life in your bed). 买一张好的床(你一生有三分之一的时间在床上度过)。 Buy a good computer (since you will spend so much time on it). 买一台好的电脑(因为你会花很多时间在它身上)。 Similarly, good chair, keyboard, mouse, etc. 同样地,好的椅子、键盘、鼠标等等。 6. You may ignore the opposite sex until you are 20. 在20岁之前,你完全可以忽视异性。 At the very least don’t feel bad if you don’t have a girlfriend/boyfriend before age 20. You’re not "missing out" — in the grand scheme of things, it’s not very important. 至少,在你20岁之前不要因为没有女朋友或男朋友而心情不好。你并没有”错过机会“——在庞大的人生计划中,这并不是非常重要。 7. Try to work hard to get into college. 努力学习进入大学。 In high school, try to get all A’s — even when the class is unpleasant. 上高中时,努力每个科目都拿到A——即使这堂课不是那么让人愉快。 University is such a formative experience, you’ll make lifelong friends and business partners, and learn a ton about yourself. 大学是一段有重大影响的形成经历,你会结交一辈子的朋友和商业伙伴,而且深入了解自己。 You’ll want to do this at the best possible school you can get into. 你当然会希望在你所能进入的最好的大学里完成这些事。 8. Don’t worry about your grades once you got into college. 进入大学后就不要太在乎成绩了。 Once in college, don’t worry about grades (caveat: unless you plan to go to grad school, especially law or PhD programs, or apply for a competitive job). 一旦进入大学后,不要为成绩操心了(警告:除非你想读研,特别是法律专业或者想读博,再或者你想应聘一份竞争激烈的工作)。 Optimize for learning and personal happiness. 充分追求知识和个人幸福。 Find time for side projects. 为业余活动腾出时间。 9. Be genuine. Be nice. 真诚。友好。 Being a generally nice person will make you so many awesome lifelong friends. 做一个大方友好的人可以让你结交到许多很棒的终生挚友。 Being genuine is freeing since you can just be yourself with everyone you know — you won’t have to worry about keeping lies straight in your head. 真诚就是自由,因为这样你能在所有认识的人面前做真实的自己——不需要因为脑中藏着谎言而担心。 10. Learn to delay gratification. 学会推迟享受。 Ability to delay gratification predicts future success. 推迟享受的能力预示着未来的成功。 Those who succumb to pressures and do what’s immediately satisfying miss out on later satisfaction. 那些向压力投降而享受片刻的欢愉的人,错过了享受以后的满足的机会。 Kids in high school who partied every night are bagging groceries at Safeway now, while those who delayed that "fun" for just a few more years get to work at their dream job for the rest of their lives. 那些在高中夜夜聚会的孩子们现在在西夫韦超市整理杂货,而那些推迟了不过几年“享受”的孩子可以在余下的人生里从事着他们梦想的工作。
唯美主义是西方十九世纪后期出现的一种文艺思潮,一直以来也都是人们关注的话题。下面是我带来的唯美经典英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读!
Of Study论读书
-By Francis Bacon弗兰西斯·培根
Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment, and disposition of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best, from those that are learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar.
They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves, do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation Read not to contradict and confute nor to believe and take for granted.
读书补天然之不足, 经验 又补读书之不足,盖天生才干犹如自然花草,读书然后知如何修剪移接;而书中所示,如不以经验范之,则又大而无当。有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者羡读书,唯明智之士用读书,然书并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而在书外,全凭观察得之。读书时不可存心诘难作者,不可尽信书上所言,亦不可只为寻章摘句,而应推敲细思。
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them bothers; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books, else distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy things.
First Snow初雪
This morning, when I first caught sight of the unfamiliar whitened world, I could not help wishing that we had snow oftener, that English winters were more wintry.
How delightful it would be, I thought, to have months of clean snow and a landscape sparkling with frost instead of innumerable grey featureless days of rain and raw winds.
I began to envy my friends in such places as the Eastern States of America and Canada, who can count upon a solid winter every year and know that the snow will arrive by a certain date and will remain, without degenerating into black slush, until Spring is close at hand. To have snow and frost and yet a clear sunny sky and air as crisp as a biscuit - this seemed to me happiness indeed.
And then I saw that it would never do for us. We should be sick of it in a week. After the first day the magic would be gone and there would be nothing left but the unchanging glare of the day and the bitter cruel nights.
It is not the snow itself,the sight of the blanketed world, that is so enchanting, but the first coming of the snow, the sudden and silent of the relations, for ever shifting and unanticipated,of wind and water comes a magical event.
Who would change this state of things for a steadily recurring round,an earth governed by the calendar? It has been well said that while other countries have a climate, we alone in England have weather. There is nothing duller than climate,which can be converted into a topic only by scientists and hypochondriacs.
But weather is our earth's Cleopatra, and it is not to be wondered at that we, who must share her gigantic moods, should be for ever talking about her. Once we were settled in America, Siberia, Australia, where there is nothing but a steady pact between climate and the calendar,we should regret her very naughtinesses, her willful pranks,her gusts of rage, and sudden tears.
Summer Afternoon夏日午后
Summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words. Summer is the glorious time of the year when most of us can put on our shorts and short-sleeved shirts and actually feel the air and sunlight on our skin; when we don't have to turn up the heat in the morning when we get up; but also when we lay hot and sweaty in bed, unable to sleep at times (those of us who don't have air conditioning, anyway); when we get the sunburn and the heatstroke and all those wonderful things.
All green and fair the summer lies, just budded from the bud of spring, with tender blue of wistful skies, and winds that softly sing. How beautiful the summer night is, which is not night, but a sunless, yet unclouded day,descending upon earth with dews and shadows and refreshing coolness! How beautiful the long mild twilight,which, like a silver clasp, unites today with yesterday!
Summer is a sailor in a rowboat and ice-cream on your dress when you're four years old. Summer is a man with his coat off, wet sand between your toes, the smell of a garden an hour before moonrise. Summer is silk itself, a giant geranium and music from a flute far away!
No matter how we see it, summer has a magic that we can't deny - all four seasons do.
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