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在国外大学中,要想写好电影影评,首先要了解电影影评作业分裂有哪些,一般被分为下面四种:电影报告(Screening Report)为discussion或者exam而准备的一篇小essay,主要是在一般描述性的文章里集中分析与题目相关的几个论点。它的写作目的主要是在视觉和听觉两个方面尽可能的客观和详尽一些。电影评论(Movie Review)movie review是我们大部分留学生都比较熟悉、常见于报刊杂志的一种电影分析论文作业形式。它的主要写作目的是介绍或推荐大家要不要去看某部电影,在前面的文章我们也给大家具体分析过如何去写movie review。理论文章(Theoretical Essay)这类论文作业并不常见,如果你的老师足够奇葩的话可能你会遇到。它的写作目标受众常常是对具体的类型电影、电影历史和其他与电影有关的知识有足够了解的相关专业领域的人士,其写作目的是解释电影中更大和更复杂的结构,以及我们该怎么去理解它。看完是不是觉得有点难写?没事赶紧交给我们meeloun为您搞定吧!评论文章(Critical Essay)介于理论文章和影评之间,此类文章作者预设他的读者可能并没有认真思考过这部电影,但已经看过或者至少很熟悉将要讨论的电影。作者尽可能地揭示一些观众有可能在观看时忽略的细节或复杂点。当你在评论电影时,你的个人意见和品位必定成为你的论述的一部分,评写电影的大部分文章都包含个人意见和评价。但是,没有一个读者会对一个以自己的个人意见来避免或者掩饰其批判立场的作者感到满意,作者必须找到个人经验和客观观察之间的平衡点。想:理解观影经历留学生们在写影评的过程中常见的一个问题就是怎样理解观影经历的多个层面。简单地说,就是你应该选择什么角度来分析和评写,在开始一部影评之前,你要思考更多并尽可能多地为写做准备。看:与电影的交谈开始时,需要注意电影中的哪些元素使你产生了陌生或困惑的感觉,注意哪些元素一直在重复强调某一个观点。每部电影都有其重复的模式,这些重复与电影中某些激动人心的非凡时刻形成了强烈对比。找出这些模式并且解释它们是分析电影意义的第一步。写:记笔记如果你想要写出一篇让自己也让老师满意的影评,首先要做的看电影,可能看一遍是不行的,同时还要做好笔记。电影与传统艺术联系这里,我们讨论三个电影研究与其他文学及视觉艺术相关的术语:叙事、角色和视点。叙事(Narrative):叙事电影可以被分为以下三个部分故事(story)是所有呈现给我们的事件或我们可以推断出的事件。情节(plot)是以某种形式或结构对一些列事件的安排或建构。叙事(narration)是指根据某个特定情感的、身体的,或智力的观点来组织情节的视角。角色(Character):角色集中了人物的行为和电影的主题。记住,在分析影片角色的时候,如果你混淆了真实人物、演员和角色三者之间的区别,或者你认为他们仅仅是真实人物的反映,那么这样的分析一定会非常枯燥而且浅薄。但是如果你一直关注角色类型和建构的不同,你将会看到不用电影间的角色功能及其意味等细微复杂之处。视点(Point of View):广义地说,它指看的位置,及暗示视点决定你所见之事的方式。狭义地说,视点是有形的,更深入一层,视点可以是心理的和文化的。通常,电影使用客观的视点,它所呈现的事件并不局限于任何人的视角。视点是评写电影的一个核心词汇,基本上电影都是以某种特定的方式来看待世界的。评写电影的六种方法分析一部影片时,了解你所要使用的分析方法将会帮助你察觉该方法的局限性、观众的需要和文章的意义。1.历史方法是使用最广泛的方法之一。使用此种方法组织和研究电影时,会依据它们在电影史中的地位而从历史发展的角度出发。在使用历史方法来阐释一部电影时,要避免事先假定在任何一部电影里,甚至是纪录片里,关于一个社会或某个历史时期的画面是未经媒介处理的。历史是一件精致的工具,使用的时候要多加鉴别。2.民族电影从文化和民族性格的角度来讨论电影。这种方法背后的假设是,电影文化通过相当数量的个体性来演化和获得理解。根据这种方法,电影中看待世界和描绘世界的方式依国家和文化的不同而不同。3.类型类型(Genre)源于法语词,是“种类”的意思,根据其形式和内容的模式对电影进行分类。如:西部片、歌舞片、公路电影、科幻电影等。4.作者论“作者批评”是接受程度最广而且最容易在无意间被运用的电影批评的一种方法,它是通过将电影和导演或片中主人公联系起来,以此来定义和检视一部电影。5.形式主义形式主义是电影批评中的一个词汇,主要是关于一部电影的风格和结构、或是如叙事或场面调度等技巧是如何在电影中以某种方式组织起来的。探讨形式主义的文章其焦点是关于模式或镜头和片段相互之间的关系。但目前已经很少有纯粹的形式主义讨论文章了。6.意识形态在一篇诉诸意识形态的评论文章中,任何文化产物或创作,都会直接或间接地传达出:这是一个怎样世界,我们应该如何看待它……意识形态批评家认为,电影从来不是一些无意义的人间影像,而且,电影中那些看起来自然的社会和个人价值观都应当加以分析。写作风格与结构对电影的宏观构想和执行那个计划的细节之间存在着不可避免的差别。评写电影也是相似的,我们最后表达出来的观点或许已经改变初衷,或许最终表现平平。当作者遵循一定的规则或参考关键词汇来反思一部电影时,一篇文章的实际写作过程可能会变得相对容易。词使用具体的语言,因为文章是通过语言来重塑电影或者观感的,因此,用词的敏锐和准确极为重要。“具体化”是一些有些电影评论的核心,最主要是因为读者相当依赖于对某一场景或片段的具象化。同样,作者准确地描述他的观影得以证明一个观点,常常是最具说服力的一种方式。句使用有力的句子,追求两个主要的风格目标:简洁、有趣。删除那些言之无物或没有风格的词语及句子。段段落要有条理,段落最重要的是有突出的主题句,且段与段之间的过渡要有转承。要特别注重抓住读者兴趣的首段和画龙点睛的结尾段落。
While the character Sun Wukong came from Wu Cheng'en's famous classical novel Journey to the West,[7] in an interview with Screen Power magazine, actor Collin Chou denied that the plotline would be related to the novel. The details of the plot were devised by screenwriter John Fusco along with actor Jet Li. Li explains,“ The screenwriter is a good friend of mine and we have been sparring partners for the past three years. I was among the first to get hold of the story and later we were joined by Jackie and others. The screenwriter and I discussed how to turn the story into a fantasy and dream-like film. He is a superb screenwriter and has been learning Chinese martial arts for more than 10 years. He has roughly put across in the film some of my basic understanding of martial arts and principles of Buddhism.[8] ” In a behind the scenes article he wrote for Kung Fu Magazine, screenwriter John Fusco also stated he derived the surname for the Jason Tripitikas character from “the wandering monk, Tripitaka, from Journey to the West.”Production began in early May 2007 in the area around the Gobi Desert in China. [9] Before filming began, the entire cast did a costume fitting and a script read through, certain dialogues were altered to suit the different actors' English speaking abilities; this was due to the majority of the cast having English as their second language. Chan described the first day of shooting as "very relaxing" because the shots only required drama and walking, with no action.[10]. When the two martial arts veterans (Chan and Li) did film action scenes together for the first time, they both expressed how easy it was to work with one another. Chan explained:“ I have not worked with someone whom I’m comfortable with, in terms of movements, rhythm and natural reactions, in the last 10 years. I have done many fight scenes with others but there were usually more than 10 takes, which is a waste of time as the person may forget his moves and unnecessary injuries. When I fought with Li, our actions were quick. We also didn’t have to do the same stunt over 20 times.[11] ” The fight choreographer was Yuen Woo-ping, who had previously directed or choreographed Jackie Chan in several films, including Drunken Master. However, Yuen and Chan had not worked together in over 15 years, the last time being when Yuen worked as one of the action directors on Twin Dragons.[12] Filming continued at the Wuyi Mountains and at the Hengdian World finished on August 24, 2007,[12] and the film went into post-production on September 29, response to The Forbidden Kingdom, by both critics and audiences, has generally been positive. As of May 12, 2008, the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 61% of critics gave the film positive reviews, based on 101 reviews — with the consensus being "Great fight scenes, but too much filler."[13] Metacritic reported the film had an average score of 57 out of 100, based on 26 reviews — indicating mixed or average reviews.[14] The movie received an average score of from 48 film critics according to Movie tourism in China sprang up in the early 1950s. In 1954, the China International Travel Service was established, with 14 branches in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and other major cities. In 1964, the State Tourism Administration of China was formally established. Since the initiation of the policies of reform and opening to the outside world in 1978, China’s tourism has entered a stage of rapid development. In 1999, the number of tourists entering China reached million, of which million were foreign tourists, 40 times the figure for 1978. Consequently, the foreign exchange income from this industry reached US$ billion, 54 times that of 1978. Currently, China has become an important tourism destination in Asia, and the fifth large fourism country in the world. Domestic tourism is also growing vigorously. In 1999, the number of domestic tourists reached 719 million, spending a total of billion yuan— percent and percent increases over 1995, respectively. With the improvement of the Chinese people’s living standards, Chinese citizens have an increasingly strong interest in traveling abroad. In recent years, Chinese citizens have traveled to Southeast Asia and Europe. Foreign travel agencies are now opening offices in China to attract Chinese to travel abroad. Now, China is fast on its way to becoming a country with developed tourism, and constantly improving tourism facilities and services. It is estimated that, by 2020, China will be the world’s No. 1 tourism destination and the fourth-largest nation of tourists. The Shaolin Temple in Henan Province, the birthplace of Chinese Zen Buddhism and famous for its Shaolin kungfu martial arts, dates back to 495 A. D. Here can be seen the Ming period Five-Hundred-Arhats Mural and Qing period Shaolin kungfu paintings. In central China's Hubei Province, beautiful Wudang Mountain, with 72 grotesque peaks in 30 sq km, is a sacred site of Taoism, which preserves China's most complete, largest-scale and best ancient Taoist architecture. In western Sichuan Province, Mount Emei, dotted with ancient Buddhist temples and structures, is one of China's four holy Buddhist mountains
《 Float 》 , is my favorite the beauty of si brave strong, like the rui especially of tactful is resolute, like the outside of the meilanrui soft inside the beauty of si this person thing, my felling is self-contradict, is to dislike the but again and have to respect and admire is a person for having the character very much, loving two men in her whole life, but she didn't an is an understanding she understands the rare gift of a, that she will not love him;If she understands the rui especially, that she will not lose always is to be ungrateful to the rui especially of, she is just not to stop the rare gift of prince- a who make track for oneself's in a is just to think the characteristics that loves by herself that the rare gift of a have, she just does a gorgeous clothes, letting rare gift of a put on, being in love with him and fact is, she love just that her, I am to have to admire of, admire her strong, admire her to the persist of land, admire her ability under the education that that in environment under let go of before be subjected to the farmland stem live, admiring the speech that she can neglect the society but founding own life contain a few souls, an is her mother is a madam with expensive very able and gentle and soft typical model, is the person who she respect and admire most .But, mother typhoid for saving the person but ising infect, , is her more than ten in the last years favourite of person- a rare ability stands up in the adverse circumstances, have very greatly a part of reason is a rare gift of a .She the rare to a gift persists have a, is the meilanli .More than ten years that struggle together in, the meilanli has already become her life in the indispensability of a feel that the beauty of si is like a child, persisting to the thing that oneself want unusually, but to the thing that oneself own but disdain to on attend at try very hard to make the oneself happy, a push the happiness to leave constantly again, push the lover toward beauty of si is loving is a rare gift of a , but,a rare gift but don't want like the rui to especially say of, the rare gift of a is a gentleman, just wasing born in an and he inharmonious still uses the rules of the game of the old world life, will bump only beauty of si doeses not understand the a to hope the gift, so she loves him, think that exhausted whole wayses get him, but when she recognize pure he, she did not love him any beauty of si is a contradictory body, can have again who not is a contradictory body?She is in the life of road up all the way walk, be when she face the difficulty, she chooses the accolade, be when she face the responsibility, she chooses to carry, can be she face loving choice is, at first, he choose to hoodwink the oneself, being her to recognize finally pure, to face, but is already the hour already she, at incapable is a dint, will tell the oneself, tomorrow is new day, everythings will like tomorrow, the Tomorrow is another is all an in the whole story full of fire, be filled with the person of the will to enjoy most of, would be her this" Tomorrow is another day.".Was filled with the hope forever, be filled with the will to fight, can never give up, can never spirit, the most worthy of I , whenever I meet the difficulty, mood not good, I will tell the oneself then:" Tomorrow is another day.".The another in book make the female that me admire very, would be the meilanli .She is an outside soft inside just of female, she almost owned the whole virtue that female can if the rui especially says of, she is a that a handful of expensive madam that he saw is strong, she is patriotic, she uses her heart love nearby all her husband fight, she silent in the rear guard the hon, do the business of her what lies in one's power, be the north guy to beat in the city and she again soon about to deliver child, she still the town settle, being the next stem of the her body infirmity and nobodies to live soon didn't When the rice eat, she similar to beauty of si , let go of past education for be subjected to and sense of superiorities, trail weak of body next stem live, be she see the beauty of si kill a north guy, she did not be rattled, but help to bury the corpse, searching the money, wiping the blood stain, being the war finally end, north guy soldier whom she hate bitterly before arriving at her door request to look after and themselves also have no excessive food, she still fulfil her ability the ground helped them, because she hopes to also have the north guy woman of a good heart afar to her just at homing a rice of husband strong female, the but again is a such gentleness kind and persists the ground to believe the rare gift of beauty of si and a's, even someone see with own eyes they hug together, also persisting the ground to believe them, protection si knows perfectly well pain and sufferings that own body can't bear again to grow, but persist the ground to want to hope the gift to give birth to a child for the a again, end leave she loved the close relatives of the really too great, looking at themeilanli, make me thought of much more Chinese ancient times females of, they are also such dociles, work hard in spite of criticism, assist husband and bring up children, then silent unknownly old go to and depart from this the whole book, I is a rui for the person that like most is brave and persists, he can love the beauty of si so and deeply for more than ten years wants to protect the beauty of si , the doter si beauty, look after the beauty of si, let her everything feel happy, but the beauty of si says, again the time that eternal love also will dub out, but his love, drive beauty of si, drive rare gift of a , was dub out by the adherence that the si beauty is stupid heart, his daughter leaves him, his heart, return any further not to says, he has always been to have no that patience shear the ground pants and sew and like, then tells the oneself this is similar to lately, just deceive yourself as well as is ground, return and don't go to any further, even make allies, the top still stays the crack, is not originally any further that.《飘》,是我最喜爱的书。喜欢斯佳丽的勇敢坚强,喜欢瑞特的机智果断,喜欢玫兰妮的外柔内刚。对于斯佳丽这个人物,我的感觉是矛盾的,是讨厌却又不得不敬佩她。她是个非常有个性的人物,她一生中爱了两个男人,而她却没一个是了解的。如果她了解阿希礼,那她就不会爱他;如果她了解瑞特,那她就不会失去他。她一直以来是辜负瑞特的,她只是不停追寻着自己梦中的王子——阿希礼。她只是把自己爱的特点认为阿希礼有,她只是做了一件华丽的衣服,让阿希礼穿上,而后爱上他。而事实是,她爱的只是那件衣服。对于她,我是不得不佩服的,佩服她的坚强,佩服她对土地的执着,佩服她能在那中环境下放下以前所受的教育下田干活,佩服她能不顾社会上的言论而开创自己的事业。她生命有几个灵魂,一个是她的母亲。他的母亲是一位非常能干、温柔的典型贵夫人,是她最敬佩的人。可是,母亲为了救人而被传染伤寒,去世了。另一个,是她十几年来最爱的人——阿希礼。她能在逆境中站起来,有很大一部分原因就是阿希礼。她对阿希礼是异常执着的。还有一个,就是玫兰妮。在一起奋斗的十几年里,玫兰妮已经成为她生命中不可缺少的一部分了。我觉得斯佳丽就像个小孩子一样,对自己想要的东西异常执着,而对自己所拥有的东西却不屑一顾。一面在拼命让自己幸福,一面又不断地把幸福推离,把爱人推向深渊。斯佳丽爱的是阿希礼,可是,阿希礼却不要她。就像瑞特说的,阿希礼是个君子,只是生在了一个和他格格不入的时代。他还是用旧世界的游戏规则生活,只会撞得一鼻子灰。斯佳丽不了解阿希礼,所以她爱他,想尽一切办法得到他,而当她认清他时,她再也不爱他了。斯佳丽是个矛盾体,可又有谁不是矛盾体呢?她在生命的道路上一路走来,当她面对困难时,她选择迎接,当她面对责任时,她选择担负,可当她面对爱的抉择是,起初,他选择蒙蔽自己,当她终于认清,要面对时,却已为时已晚。而她,在无能为力时,就会告诉自己,明天是新的一天,明天一切都会好了,Tomorrow is another day。她在整个故事中,都是个充满生气、充满斗志的人。我最欣赏的,便是她的这句“Tomorrow is another day.”。永远充满了希望,充满斗志,永远不会放弃,永远不会绝望。这份精神,是最值得我学习的。所以,每当我遇到困难、心情不佳时,我便会告诉自己:“Tomorrow is another day.”。书中另一个使我十分佩服的女性,便是玫兰妮。她是个外柔内刚的女性,她几乎拥有了女性所能拥有的一切美德。正如瑞特说的,她是他所见过的少数贵夫人中的一个。她是坚强的,她是爱国的,她用她的心爱身边所有的人。当她丈夫打仗时,她在后方默默守侯,做她力所能及的事,当北佬打进城而她又快要临盆时,她依然镇定,当她身体虚弱而没人下地干活快要没饭吃时,她和斯佳丽一样,放下过去所受的教育和优越感,拖着虚弱的身体下地干活,当她看到斯佳丽杀了一个北佬时,她没有惊慌失措,而是帮着掩埋尸体,搜查钱财,擦拭血迹,当战争终于结束,她痛恨的北佬士兵来到她门前要求照顾而她们自己也没有过多粮食时,她还是尽她所能地帮助他们,因为她希望在远方也有一个好心的北佬女人给她正在回家的丈夫一口饭吃。如此一位坚强的女性,却又是如此的温柔善良和善解人意。她执着地相信斯佳丽和阿希礼,即使有人亲眼看见他们搂在一起,也执着地相信他们,保护斯佳丽。她明知自己的身体无法再承受生育的痛苦,却执着地要再为阿希礼生个孩子,最终离开了她爱了一辈子的亲人们。真的是太伟大了,看着玫兰妮,使我想到许许多多的中国古代女性,她们也是如此的善良,任劳任怨,相夫教子,然后默默无名地老去、死去。整部书中,我最为喜欢的人物就是瑞特。他勇敢、执着,他能那么深地爱着斯佳丽十几年不变。他想保护斯佳丽,宠爱斯佳丽,照料斯佳丽,让她事事称心,而斯佳丽却拒绝了。他说过,再永恒的爱也会有磨光的时候,而他的爱,是被斯佳丽,被阿希礼,被斯佳丽愚蠢的固执磨光的。他的心,死了。当他女儿离开他时,他的心,再也回不来了。他说过,他从来没有那个耐心把剪碎的裤子缝好,再告诉自己这就和新的一样,自欺欺人罢了。碎了就是碎了,再也回不去了,即使修好,上面仍然留有裂缝,再也不是原来那条了。瑞特是个复杂的人,他有良好的家世,但却仍和旧时代格格不入,他有锐利的眼睛,可以在乱世找到自己的处身之道,他对国家有热情,即使他明知必败无疑,却仍在最后关头入了军。他爱斯佳丽,但他更了解斯佳丽,所以他从不说,只是通过行动表达,而斯佳丽却从来不想去了解他。最后,他绝望了,一次又一次的失望使他再也没有勇气再去尝试,他累了。《飘》绝对是部值得再三品味的好书,文字优美,情节跌荡起伏、扣人心弦,虽然其中由于作者的主观因素,对于美国南北战争的评价并不客观和全面,但以文学角度来说,这绝对是一部绝世佳作,值得一看。备注:中文后几段英文好像没有翻译,宁外《飘》英文名应该是《go with wind》
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