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Recent publications:1)Chuan Shi, Yaying Ji, Uschi M. Grahama, Gary Jacobs, Mark Crocker*, Zhaoshun Zhang, Yu Wang, Todd J. Toops, “NOx storage and reduction properties of model ceria-based lean NOx trapcatalysts”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 119-120: 183-196Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )2)Chuan Shi*, Anjie Zhang, Xiaosong Li, Shaohua Zhang, Aimin Zhu, Yufei Ma, Chak Tong Au, “Ni-modified Mo2C catalysts for methane dry reforming”, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012, 431: 164-170Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )3)Chuan Shi*, Bing-bing Chen, Xiao-song Li, Mark Crocker, Yu Wang, Ai-min Zhu, “Catalytic formaldehyde removal by ‘‘storage-oxidation’’ cycling process over supported silver catalysts”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012: 200-202: 729-737Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )4)Chuan Shi*, Yu Wang, Aimin Zhu, Bingbing Chen, Chaktong Au*, “MnxCo3?xO4 solid solution as high-efficient catalysts for low-temperature oxidation of formaldehyde”, Catalysis Communications, 2012, 28: 18-22Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )5)Shi Chuan*, Xu Li, Ai-Min Zhu, Zhang Yuzhuo, Au Chak Tong, “Copper Oxide Clusters Stabilized by Ceria for CO, C3H6, and NO Abatement”, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 33: 1455-1462 (封面文章)Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )6)Hong-Yu Fan, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Shuo Zhang, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “In-situ plasma regeneration of deactivated Au/TiO2 nanocatalysts during CO oxidation and effect of N2 content”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 119-120: 49-55Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor:)7)De-Zhi Zhao, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Ai-Min Zhu*, Ben . Jang*, “Enhanced effect of water vapor on complete oxidation of formaldehyde in air with ozone over MnOx catalysts at room temperature”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 239: 362-369Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )8)Lan-Bo Di, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Uniformity, structure and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 films deposited by 2 atmospheric-pressure linear cold plasma”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2012, AcceptedImpact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )9)Bin Zhu, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Jing-Lin Liu, Tian-Liang Zhao, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Pressurization effect on dry reforming of biogas in kilohertz spark-discharge plasma”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37: 4945-4954Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )10) Zhao Dezhi, Ding Tianying, Li Xiaosong, Liu Jinglin, Shi Chuan, Zhu Aimin*, “Ozone catalytic oxidation at room temperature of HCHO in air over MnOx”, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 33: 396-401Impact Factor: (5-Year Impact Factor: )(11) Zhao De-Zhi; Li Xiao-Song; Shi Chuan; Fan Hong-Yu; Zhu Ai-Min*, Low-concentration formaldehyde removal from air using a cycled storage-discharge (CSD) plasma catalytic process” CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2011, 66(17), Factor: (12) Anjie Zhang, Aimin Zhu, Bingbing Chen, Shaohua Zhang, Chatktong Au, Chuan Shi*, “In-situ Synthesis of Nickel Modified Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst for Dry Reforming of Methane”, Catalysis Communications,2011, 12(9) : Factor: .(13)Hong-Yu Fan, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, De-Zhi Zhao, Jing-Lin Liu, Yan-Xia Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Plasma catalytic oxidation of stored benzene in a cycled storage-discharge (CSD) process: catalysts, reactors and operation conditions”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2011, 31: 799-810Impact Factor: .(14) Xiaomei Chen, Aimin Zhu, C. T. Au, Chuan Shi* “Enhanced Low-Temperature Activity of Ag-Promoted Co-ZSM-5 for the CH4-SCR of NO”, CATALYSIS LETTERS 2011 141 (1) 207-212 .Impact Factor: .(15) Li Xiao-Song; Zhu Bin; Shi Chuan, Xu Yong; Zhu Ai-Min*. “Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane in Kilohertz Spark-Discharge Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure”, AICHE JOURNAL, 2011, 57(10), Factor: .(16) Xiaomei Chen, Aimin Zhu, C. T. Au, Xuefeng Yang,, Chuan Shi* “The Role of Active Sites of CoH-ZSM-5 Catalysts for the C2H4-SCR of NO” CATALYSIS LETTERS 2010 135 (3-4) 182-189Impact Factor: .(17) An-Jie Zhang, Ai-Min Zhu, Jun Guo, Yong Xu and Chuan Shi* “Conversion of greenhouse gases into syngas via combined effects of discharge activation and catalysis” CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2010, 156 (3) 601-606Impact Factor: .(18)Jun Guo, Anjie Zhang, Aimin Zhu, Yong Xu, Chatktong Au, Chuan Shi*, “A Carbide Catalyst Effective for the Dry Reforming of Methane at Atmospheric Pressure”, ACS Symposium Series, Advances in CO2 Conversion and Utilization, American Chemistry Society: Washington, 2010, pp. 181-196.(19)Fan, H. Y., C. Shi, X. S. Li, X. F. Yang, Y. Xu, and A. M. Zhu, Low-temperature NO (x) Selective Reduction by Hydrocarbons on H-Mordenite Catalysts in Dielectric Bar rier Discharge Plasma. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2009. 29(1): p. Factor: .(20) Xiaomei Chen , Aimin Zhu, Chuan Shi* “The Nature of Active Sites of Co/Al2O3 for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with C2H4”, Catalysis Letters, 2009, 133 (1-2) Factor: .(21) Hong-Yu Fan, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, De-Zhi Zhao, Yong Xu and Ai-Min Zhu, “High-efficiency plasma catalytic removal of dilute benzene from air”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 225105Impact Factor: .(22) Zhiwei Yao, Aimin Zhu, C. T. Au, Chuan Shi*, “Redox Properties of cobalt nitrides for NO dissociation and reduction”, Catalysis Letters, 2009, 130 (1-2) 63-71..Impact Factor: .(23) Xiao-Mei Chen, Xue-Feng Yang, Ai-Min Zhu, Hong-Yu Fan, Xin-Kui Wang, Qin Xin, Xin-Rui Zhou, Chuan Shi*,In situ DRIFTS study on the partial oxidation of ethylene over Co-ZSM-5 catalyst,Catalysis Communications,10 (2009) Factor: .(24) Zhiwei Yao, Chuan Shi*, “Development of a catalytic cycle in molybdenum carbide catalyzed NO/CO reaction”, Catalysis Letters, 2009, 130 (1-2) Factor: .(25) Xiaoqing Cheng, Aimin Zhu, Yuzhuo Zhang, Yong Wang, . Au, Chuan Shi*, “A combined DRIFTS and MS study on reaction mechanism of NO reduction by CO over NiO/CeO2 catalyst”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 90 (3-4) Factor: .(26) Xiaomei Chen , Xuefeng Yang , Aimin Zhu, . Au , Chuan Shi*, “In situ DRIFTS study during C2H4-SCR of NO over Co-ZSM-5 ”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2009, 312(1-2), Factor: .(27) Di, L. B., X. S. Li, C. Shi, Y. Xu, D. Z. Zhao, and A. M. Zhu, Atmospheric-pressure plasma CVD of TiO2 photocatalytic films using surface dielectric barrier discharge. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2009 42(3) Factor: .(28)Li, X. S., C. K. Lin, C. Shi, Y. Xu, Y. N. Wang, and A. M. Zhu, “Stable kilohertz spark discharges for high-efficiency conversion of methane to hydrogen and acetylene”. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2008. 41(17) Factor: (29)Wang, K. J., X. S. Li, H. Wang, C. Shi, Y. Xu, and A. M. Zhu, “Oxygen-Free Conversion of Methane to Ethylene in a Plasma-Followed-by-Catalyst (PFC) Reactor”. Plasma Science & Technology, 2008. 10(5): p. Factor: (30)Yao, Z. W., A. J. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Z. Zhang, X. Q. Cheng, and C. Shi, An investigation of the thermal stability, crystal structure and catalytic properties of bulk and alumina-supported transition metal nitrides. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008. 464(1-2): p. Factor: (31) Yong Wang, Aimin Zhu, Yuzhuo Zhang, . Au, Xuefeng Yang, Chuan Shi* “Catalytic reduction of NO by CO over NiO/CeO2 catalystin stoichiometric NO/CO and NO/CO/O2 reaction”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 81 (2008) 141– Factor: .(32) Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Xiu-Ling Zhang, Kang-Jun Wang, and Ai-Min Zhu, “Pulsed streamer discharge plasma over Ni/ZSM-5 catalysts for methane conversion to Aromatics at atmospheric pressure.” Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2007, 4: Factor: .(33)Hongyan Zhang, Aimin Zhu, Xinkui Wang, Yong Wang, Chuan Shi*, “Catalytic performance of Ag-Co/CeO2 catalyst in NO-CO and NO-CO-O2 system.” Catal. Commun. 2007, 8: Factor: .(34) Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Kang-Jun Wang and Ai-Min Zhu, “A novel process for high yield of aromatics from oxygen-free conversion of methane: combining plasma with Ni/HZSM-5 catalysts”, Green Chemistry, 2007, 9: Factor: .(35) Niu, J. H., A. M. Zhu, C. Shi, H. Y. Fan, X. M. Chen, and X. F. Yang, “The reactions and composition of the surface intermediate species in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx, with ethylene over Co-ZSM-5”. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2007. 33(6): p. Factor : .(36)Long-Hui Nie, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Qing-Hao Wu, Ai-Min Zhu, “Atmospheric cold plasma for synthesizing nanocrystalline anatase TiO2 using dielectric barrier discharge”, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2007, 4: Factor: .(37) Zhiwei Yao, Aimin Zhu, Jing Chen, Xinkui Wang, . Au, Chuan Shi*, “Synthesis, characterization and activity of alumina-supported cobalt nitride for NO decomposition”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2007, 180: Factor: .(38) Zhang, X. L., L. H. Nie, Y. Xu, C. Shi, X. F. Yang, and A. M. Zhu, “Plasma oxidation for achieving supported TiO2 photocatalysts derived from adsorbed TiCl4 using dielectric barrier discharge”. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2007. 40(6): p. Factor: .(39) Zhu, A. M., L. H. Nie, Q. H. Wu, X. L. Zhang, X. F. Yang, Y. Xu, and C. Shi, Crystalline, uniform-sized TiO2 nanosphere films by a novel plasma CVD process at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2007. 13(4): p. Factor: .
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