2. The impact of FDI at the macro-level The impact of FDI on host countries can be generalized by actual impact and financial impact. Actual impact refers to the contribution of FDI to production sectors, which can be found in trade structure and employment, while for financial impact, we can looks at the balance of payments as a result of FDI. (1) The impact of FDI on the host country's trade structure One of the most tangible potential benefits of FDI is in the export sector of the host country as MNCs develop ever more refined international divisions of labor. The need for close interaction between affiliates and the parent at all stages of production makes it very difficult for a local company on its own to provide sophisticated intermediate inputs to a firm from another country. Broadly, export-led FDI for which products sell on foreign market is likely to (2) FDI can improve host country s employment structure Since equity restrictions in many developing countries have declined, total employment in all firms in which foreigners hold a minority stake is likely to be much higher. Given that some direct investors tend to have more labor-intensive operations, the total employment in firms with foreign participation could be several million. concession complex sentence is complex sentence on the important content of its subjectivity and strong, the early results of many research shows that the selective issues. In this paper, the typical sentence concessions complex sentence "would rather" with the sentence "even if" the sentence request to discuss and determine ownership of their respective vested under the prerequisite of further from the pragmatic point of pre-inspection of their respective default, and default on different Sentence selective effects. This paper pointed out that the complex sentence of selective default and its closely related, "would rather" sentence, and "even if" the sentence is similar to selective, concessions are in the lower body show the premise of selective, and selective concessions are inseparable ; However, the two sentences in selective areas there are also many different and specific expression: the different levels of concessions, the focus of different default, choose different context, the choice of the situation is different and selectivity Weak, such as different levels of 类诶!