第二篇:Why Do People Keep Pets? With the increasing of the living standard,more and more people like keeping some animals as pets at home,like cats,dogs and so 's true that keeping a pet can have some of all,it can make our life take their pets out for a walk in their spare time,which has been part of their daily dogs are royal friends of human we are not at home,they can help look after our pets can make their hosts pets are clever,they know their hosts' feelings and act as they tell him,which makes them happy. To my mind,I agree with the view of raising a pet for the reasons mentioned above. 第三篇:My View on Private Tutoring Taking a spare time job as a private tutor is very popular among college students students do the job on weekends,some during their holidays and some even do it every should admit that private tutoring can benefit can gain more social experience and abilities by doing can get some money to pay for their they can make a lot of friends during the private tutoring. Hower,everything has its two tutoring has some negetive one thing,a college student who is doing private tutoring will have less time for his or her the other,middle school students rely on their private teachers so much that they lose interest in normal classes. In my opinion,I believe that private tutoring has more advantages than disavantages,so it should be encouraged.
PLC和变频器在中央空调系统中的节能应用摘要:介绍一种以PLC作为总控制部件,采用变频器控制中央空调冷冻水循环泵,构成恒压循环供水;变频调速循环供水,以及用PLC控制一台软起动器分别起动4台井水泵的控制系统。从而实现节能的目的,提高系统的可靠性,确保设备的安全运行。关键词:PLC;变频器;软起动器;节能1引言晶澳太阳能有限公司采用3台设备制冷机组用于生产设备制冷,设备冷冻水循环泵2台,额定功率30kW,一备一用。另采用2台空调制冷机组用于环境制冷,空调冷冻水循环泵3台,额定功率37kW,二用一备。两种循环水泵均为工频全速运转,由于设备冷冻水采用传统的固定节流方式来满足生产设备恒压供水要求和空调冷冻水采用固定节流的方式实现调节室内温度的目的,造成了大量电能的浪费,减短了水泵和阀门的使用寿命。现改造为由PLC作为核心控制部件,由变频器和设备冷冻水泵组成恒压供水系统。空调冷冻水根据温差△T控制原理,由变频器,PID温差控制器,温度变送器,循环泵组成温差△T控制变频调速系统。现公司有4口水井,井水泵额定功率为75kW,采用工频恒速运行。井水统一供给两种制冷机组冷却水、其他车间用水、消防用水等。由于井水泵的自耦降压起动方式控制机构宠大,故障率高。现改造为由PLC控制一台软起动器分别起动4台井水泵的起动方式。2硬件配置设计选用一台PLC作为核心控制部件,控制井水泵的软起动,设备冷冻水恒压供水和空调冷冻水的变频调速。其中,PLC选用Siemens公司的s7-200,CPU选用S7-222,电源模块一块,数字扩展模块选用EM223 24VDC 16输入/16输出。共24个输入点,22个输出点。数字量输入主要有循环泵手/自动运行方式的切换,循环水泵和井水泵的手动启/停操作和井水流量反馈。数字输出点用于19点继电器输出和两个冷冻水系统故障报警和井水流量报警。变频器选用MicroMaster430系列2台,一台额定功率30kW,用于控制设备冷冻水循环泵,另一台额定功率37kW,用于控制空调冷冻水循环泵。MicroMaster430系列变频器是风机类和水泵类的专用变频器,它拥有内置PID调节器,可以提高供水压力的控制精度,改善系统的动态响应。软起动器选用SIRIUS 3RW40系列一台,额定功率75kW,用于软起动井水泵。PID温差控制器一台,选用Transmit(全仕)G-2508系列PID双路温差控制器,用于设定温差,并将PID处理后的4~20mA的模拟信号送至变频器。压力变送器一个,用于检测设备冷冻水的管网压力,并将压力信号反馈给变频器。温度变送器两个,用于检测蒸发器两端的温度,并将温度信号送至PID温差控制器。3控制方案设计设备冷冻水恒压供水控制方案设计控制原理如图2所示,设备冷冻水循环系统是一个密闭的系统,由1#,2#循环泵供水,供水压力要求在±。正常情况下,一台循环泵工频全速运转时,出水压力可达 Mbar。具有很大的裕量,为避免电能的浪费,将设备冷冻水循环系统设计为恒压供水系统。方案设计有手动/自动两种工作方式。在手动方式下,工作人员可以根据实际情况现场决定起/停水泵的变频运行,并设最高优先控制级,不受PLC的自动控制,以保证检修或出现故障时的安全使用。自动方式控制过程:将控制面板上设备冷冻水泵的手动/自动开关,打到“自动”档,由井水泵的运行给定PLC设备冷冻水泵的起动信号,PLC控制KM11吸合,并与变频器通信,由变频器1F软起动1#循环泵。压力变送器检测设备冷冻水管网压力,转化为4~20mA的模拟信号反馈至变频器1F,变频器1F通过内置的PID将检测压力与压力给定值进行比较优化计算,输出运行频率调节1#循环泵的转速。当压力变送器检测到的管网压力低于给定压力时,变频器输出频率上升,增加1#泵的转速,提高管网压力;反之,则频率下降,降低1#水泵的转速。为防止备用泵在备用期间发生锈蚀现象,在自动控制方式下,将1#、2#循环泵设置起始/停止周期,使其自动定时循环使用。为避免在水泵切换时,管网压力变化过大,应采取必要的起/停时间协调措施,以尽量保证水压的稳定,并在切换过程中,对压力检测信号进行一定延时的“屏蔽”,防止变频器在较高的压力信号下不起动。切换过程为:当设定的循环周期已到时,屏蔽压力检测信号。将正在运行的水泵的频率升至50Hz后切换为工频运行,之后将备用泵变频起动(备用泵与运行泵不固定),在频率升至30Hz时,切除工频泵,并取消对压力信号的屏蔽,恢复正常运行,如此循环。在水泵切换时为了防止KM11与KM12、KM21与KM22、KM11与KM22误动作同时吸合发生故障,须将它们电气互锁和程序互锁。当工作泵发生故障时,则立即停止工作泵,将备用泵投入变频运行,并输出声光报警,提示工作人员及时检修,当变频器发生故障时则停止水泵运行立即输出报警。空调冷冻水系统循环泵变频调速控制方案设计控制原理如图3所示,空调冷冻水系统的供回水温度之差反映了冷冻水从室内携带热量的情况。温差大,说明室内温度高,应提高冷冻水泵的转速,加快冷冻水循环;反之,温差小,说明室内温度低,可以适当降低冷冻水泵的转速,减缓冷冻水循环。一般中央空调冷冻水系统设计温差为5oC~7oC。通过温差△T控制,控制冷冻水系统的循环状态,可以降低能源损耗,延长水泵的寿命。此外,空调冷冻水系统是一个密闭的系统不必考虑恒压问题。差控制器和循环泵温差闭环变频调速系统,控制冷冻水泵的转速随着室内热负载的变化而变化。工作过程为:温度变送器1、2分别在空调机组蒸发器输入和输出端测得温度后,转换为4~20mA的标准信号送入PID温差控制器,经PID与给定温差值比较处理后,输出4~20mA的标准信号到变频器2F的模拟量输入端,变频器2F输出相应频率,调节循环水泵的转速,达到控制温度的目的,形成一个完整的闭环控制系统。系统设计为手动和自动两种控制方式手动方式工作过程与设备冷冻水泵手动工作方式类似自动控制过程为:将控制面板上的空调冷冻水循环泵手动/自动控制开关打到“自动”档,系统将在自动方式下运行,由井水泵的运行给定PLC空调冷冻水泵起动指令后,首先控制KM31吸合投入3#循环泵变频运行,由温度变送器1、2检测蒸发器两端的温度,并将温度信号送到PID温差控制器,PID温差控制器将检测到的温差与给定温差比较处理后的标准信号反馈给变频器2F。若检测到的温差大于温差给定值时,变频器2F提升输出频率,提高水泵的转速,加快冷冻水的循环;反之,则降低频率,降低水泵转速。在自动运行方式下,将3台水泵设定自动循环周期,定时自动循环使用。3台水泵的开闭顺序为“先开先关”的顺序,当室内热负荷加大时,若变频器2F的输出频率已升至50Hz,经一定延时(如20min),当检测温差值仍大于温差给定值时,通过PLC程序控制,把3#水泵切换为工频运行,再投入4#水泵变频运行,如此循环,直到变频运行5#水泵。当3台水泵被全部投入运行,且变频泵频率已至50Hz,经延时若频率仍没下降,则由PLC输出报警,提醒工作人员及时修改空调机组设定值;相反,当室内热负荷减小时,变频器2F降低输出频率,降低5#泵的转速,当频率降到20Hz时,若检测温差值仍低于温差给定值时,经延时(如20min),停止3#泵,依此类推。为保证变频器2F只控制一台水泵,将KM31、KM41和KM51电气互锁和程序互锁,同时须将KM31与KM32、KM41与KM42、KM51与KM52电气互锁。当变频器2F或水泵发生故障时,由PLC输出声光报警,提示工作人员及时检修。井水泵软起动控制方案设计如图1所示,利用PLC控制一台软起动器,即可分别起动4台井水泵.将井水泵的运行方式设计为手动方式。具体控制过程为:按下控制面板上相应的起动按钮,如按下6#泵起动按钮,PLC控制KM61吸合并运行软起动器,软起动6#井水泵。当软起动器起动完毕后利用其辅助触点反馈信号给PLC,PLC断开KM61并立即闭合KM62,将6#井水泵切入工频运行,并停止运行软起动器,依此类推。为防止软起动器同时起动两台以上的井水泵,须将KM61、KM71、KM81、KM91电气互锁和程序互锁,另须将KM61与KM62、KM71与KM72、KM81与KM82、KM91与KM92电气互锁,4 S7-200与MM430变频器的通信设置S7-200PLC作为核心控制部件,它有总线访问权,可以读取或改写变频器的状态,控制软起动器的运行状态,从而达到控制和监视设备运行状态的目的。系统采用总线式拓扑结构,两台变频器采用总线接插件连入总线。S7-200选用S7-222CPU,软件采用。采用西门子Profibus屏蔽电缆及9针D形网络连接头。利用S7-222的自由通信口功能,即RS485通信口。由用户程序实现USS协议与两台MM430变频器通信。在硬件连接完毕后,需要对两台MM430变频器的通信参数进行设置,如表1所示。5软件设计在应用设计中,PLC起到“总监总控”的角色,可以对两台变频器的状态进行查询和控制。程序首先将S7-222的通信口初始化为自由通信口方式,然后程序进入一个顺序控制逻辑功能块。控制顺序为:手动起动井水泵,在井水流量满足要求的情况下,自动运行设备冷冻水循环泵和空调冷冻水循环泵。在PLC的程序中设计了井水泵的手动软起动井水泵控制、设备冷冻水循环泵和空调冷冻水循环泵自动定时循环程序;同时设计了设备冷冻水循环泵和空调冷冻水循环泵的手动控制程序。在本系统中采用了变频器自身控制的方法,这样就省去了对PLC的PID算法的编程。6结论本系统设计实际应用运行一个夏季后,得出与上个季度循环水泵电能消耗数据及故障次数如表2所示。数据显示,系统改造后节能达30%以上,并且在春,秋、冬季节空调冷冻水循环泵的节能效果会更加明显,并且故障发生次数大幅下降。因此采用调速调节流量的方式,可以大幅度降低截流能量的损耗,具有显著的节能效果,并能延长水泵的寿命,提高系统运行的稳定性,降低生产成本,提高生产效率。参考文献[1]王仁祥,王小曼.变频器在中央空调中的应用.通用变频器选型,应用与维护.北京:人民邮电出版社,2002:176-202.[2]西门子有限公司.MM430通信设置.MICROMASTER430使用大全..[3]蔡行健.S7-200模块.深入浅出西门子S7-200PLC.北京:北京航空航天出版社,2003:95-125.[4]原魁,刘伟强.变频器基础及应用.北京:冶金工业出版社,2006.[5]罗宇航.流行PLC实用程序及设计(西门子S7-200系列).西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2004.叮叮猫进士 回答采纳率: 2010-03-24 20:38 随着我国经济的高速发展,交流变频调速技术已经进入一个崭新的时代,其应用越来越广泛。而电梯作为现代高层建筑的垂直交通工具,与人们的生活紧密相关。随着人们对其要求的提高,电梯得到了快速的发展,其拖动技术已经发展到了变压变频调速,其逻辑控制也由PLC代替原来的继电器控制。通过对变频器和PLC的合理选择和设计,大大提高了电梯的控制水平,并改善了电梯运行的舒适感,使电梯得到了较为理想的控制和运行效果。并利用旋转编码器发出的脉冲信号构成位置反馈,实现电梯的精确位移控制。通过PLC程序设计实现楼层计数、换速信号、开门控制和平层信号的数字控制,取代井道位置检测装置,提高了系统的可靠性和平层精度。该系统具有先进、可靠、经济的特色。该电梯控制系统具有司机运行和无司机运行的功能,并且具有指层、厅召唤、选层、选向等功能和具有集选控制的特点。关键词: 电梯; PLC; 变频调速; 旋转编码器ABSTRACTAs China's rapid economic development, exchange of VVVF technology has entered a new era, its application more widely. The elevator as a modern high-rise building the vertical transport, and is closely related to people's lives, as people raise their requirements, the lift has been the rapid development of its technology has developed to drag the PSA Frequency Control, the logic control Also by the PLC to replace the original control the PLC chip and a reasonable choice and design, Greatly improving the control of the elevator, the elevator and to improve the operation of comfort, so that the lift has been better control and operation results. And using a rotary encoder pulse a position feedback, and lift the precise control of displacement. PLC program designed to achieve through the floor count, for speed signal, to open the door of peace control of the digital control signals to replace Wells Road location detection devices, improving the reliability of the system accuracy of the peace. The system has advanced, reliable and economic elevator control system has run drivers and drivers operating without that manual and automatic features, and with that layer, called the Office for the election of the Commission to function, with election-control : lift ; PLC; VVVF; rotary encoder目 录1 绪论 PLC控制交流变频电梯的简介 电梯控制的国内外发展现状 题目选择的来源与意义 本文所做的主要工作 32 电梯设备的介绍 电梯设备 电梯的分类 电梯的主要参数 电梯的安全保护装置 53 变频器的选择及其参数计算 变频器的分类 变频器的选择 变频器品牌型号的选择 变频器规格的选择 选择变频器应满足的条件 VS-616G5型通用型变频器 变频器有关参数的计算 变频器容量的计算 变频器制动电阻的计算 114 PLC的选择及硬件开发 PLC简介 控制器件的选择 PLC的选择 轿厢位置的检测元件 PLC硬件系统的设计 设计思路 I/O点数的分配及机型的选择 215 系统软件开发 电梯的三个工作状态 电梯的自检状态 电梯的正常工作状态 电梯的强制工作状态 系统的软件开发方法确定 软件设计特点 软件流程 模块化编程 系统的软件开发 电路的开关门运行回路 电梯的外召唤信号的登记消除及显示回路 利用旋转编码器获取楼层信息 呼梯铃控制与故障报警 电梯的消防运行回路 36结 论 38致 谢 39参考文献 40附录 Ⅰ VS-616G5型变频器的常用参数 41附录 Ⅱ VS-616G5变频器主要参数设置表 42附录 Ⅲ 梯形图 43
编译 | 未玖
Nature , 21 October 2021, VOL 598, ISSUE 7881
《自然》 2021年10月21日,第598卷,7881期
天文学 Astronomy
Carbon monoxide gas produced by a giant impact in the inner region of a young system
作者:Tajana Schneiderman, Luca Matrà, Alan P. Jackson, Grant M. Kennedy, Quentin Kral, Sebastián Marino, et al.
Models of terrestrial planet formation predict that the final stages of planetary assembly—lasting tens of millions of years beyond the dispersal of young protoplanetary disks—are dominated by planetary collisions. It is through these giant impacts that planets like the young Earth grow to their final mass and achieve long-term stable orbital configurations. A key prediction is that these impacts produce debris. So far, the most compelling observational evidence for post-impact debris comes from the planetary system around the nearby 23-million-year-old A-type star HD 172555. This system shows large amounts of fine dust with an unusually steep size distribution and atypical dust composition, previously attributed to either a hypervelocity impact or a massive asteroid belt. Here we report the spectrally resolved detection of a carbon monoxide gas ring co-orbiting with dusty debris around HD 172555 between about six and nine astronomical units—a region analogous to the outer terrestrial planet region of our Solar System. Taken together, the dust and carbon monoxide detections favour a giant impact between large, volatile-rich bodies. This suggests that planetary-scale collisions, analogous to the Moon-forming impact, can release large amounts of gas as well as debris, and that this gas is observable, providing a window into the composition of young planets.
材料科学 Materials Science
Half- and quarter-metals in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
作者:Haoxin Zhou, Tian Xie, Areg Ghazaryan, Tobias Holder, James R. Ehrets, Eric M. Spanton, et al.
Ferromagnetism is most common in transition metal compounds where electrons occupy highly localized d orbitals. However, ferromagnetic order may also arise in low-density two-dimensional electron systems. Here we show that gate-tuned van Hove singularities in rhombohedral trilayer graphene drive spontaneous ferromagnetic polarization of the electron system into one or more spin and valley flavours. Using capacitance and transport measurements, we observe a cascade of transitions tuned to the density and electronic displacement field between phases in which quantum oscillations have fourfold, twofold or onefold degeneracy, associated with a spin- and valley-degenerate normal metal, spin-polarized ‘half-metal’, and spin- and valley-polarized ‘quarter-metal’, respectively. For electron doping, the salient features of the data are well captured by a phenomenological Stoner model that includes valley-anisotropic interactions. For hole filling, we observe a richer phase diagram featuring a delicate interplay of broken symmetries and transitions in the Fermi surface topology. Finally, we introduce a moiré superlattice using a rotationally aligned hexagonal boron nitride substrate. Remarkably, we find that the isospin order is only weakly perturbed, with the moiré potential catalysing the formation of topologically nontrivial gapped states whenever itinerant half- or quarter-metal states occur at half- or quarter-superlattice band filling. Our results show that rhombohedral graphene is an ideal platform for well-controlled tests of many-body theory, and reveal magnetism in moiré materials to be fundamentally itinerant in nature.
Superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
作者:Haoxin Zhou, Tian Xie, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe & Andrea F. Young.
To access superconductivity via the electric field effect in a clean, two-dimensional device is a central goal of nanoelectronics. Recently, superconductivity has been realized in graphene moiré heterostructures; however, many of these structures are not mechanically stable, and experiments show signatures of strong disorder. Here we report the observation of superconductivity—manifesting as low or vanishing resistivity at sub-kelvin temperatures—in crystalline rhombohedral trilayer graphene, a structurally metastable carbon allotrope. Superconductivity occurs in two distinct gate-tuned regions (SC1 and SC2), and is deep in the clean limit defined by the ratio of mean free path and superconducting coherence length. Mapping of the normal state Fermi surfaces by quantum oscillations reveals that both superconductors emerge from an annular Fermi sea, and are proximal to an isospin-symmetry-breaking transition where the Fermi surface degeneracy changes. SC1 emerges from a paramagnetic normal state, whereas SC2 emerges from a spin-polarized, valley-unpolarized half-metal and violates the Pauli limit for in-plane magnetic fields by at least one order of magnitude. We discuss our results in view of several mechanisms, including conventional phonon-mediated pairing, pairing due to fluctuations of the proximal isospin order, and intrinsic instabilities of the annular Fermi liquid. Our observation of superconductivity in a clean and structurally simple two-dimensional metal provides a model system to test competing theoretical models of superconductivity without the complication of modelling disorder, while enabling new classes of field-effect controlled electronic devices based on correlated electron phenomena and ballistic electron transport.
Dexterous magnetic manipulation of conductive non-magnetic objects
作者:Lan N. Pham, Griffin F. Tabor, Ashkan Pourkand, Jacob L. B. Aman, Tucker Hermans & Jake J. Abbott.
Dexterous magnetic manipulation of ferromagnetic objects is well established, with three to six degrees of freedom possible depending on object geometry. There are objects for which non-contact dexterous manipulation is desirable that do not contain an appreciable amount of ferromagnetic material but do contain electrically conductive material. Time-varying magnetic fields generate eddy currents in conductive materials, with resulting forces and torques due to the interaction of the eddy currents with the magnetic field. This phenomenon has previously been used to induce drag to reduce the motion of objects as they pass through a static field, or to apply force on an object in a single direction using a dynamic field, but has not been used to perform the type of dexterous manipulation of conductive objects that has been demonstrated with ferromagnetic objects. Here we show that manipulation, with six degrees of freedom, of conductive objects is possible by using multiple rotating magnetic dipole fields. Using dimensional analysis, combined with multiphysics numerical simulations and experimental verification, we characterize the forces and torques generated on a conductive sphere in a rotating magnetic dipole field. With the resulting model, we perform dexterous manipulation in simulations and physical experiments.
地球科学 Earth Science
Pliocene decoupling of equatorial Pacific temperature and pH gradients
作者:Madison G. Shankle, Natalie J. Burls, Alexey V. Fedorov, Matthew D. Thomas, Wei Liu, Donald E. Penman, et al.
赤道太平洋的海洋动力学驱动热带气候模式,影响全球海洋和陆地生态系统。该地区如何应对全球变暖对全球气候、经济稳定和生态系统 健康 具有深远影响。因此,许多研究调查了上新世(530-260万年前)和中新世晚期(约600万年前)期间的赤道太平洋动力学,作为该地区在全球变暖下未来行为的模拟。
Ocean dynamics in the equatorial Pacific drive tropical climate patterns that affect marine and terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. How this region will respond to global warming has profound implications for global climate, economic stability and ecosystem health. As a result, numerous studies have investigated equatorial Pacific dynamics during the Pliocene (– million years ago) and late Miocene (around 6 million years ago) as an analogue for the future behaviour of the region under global warming. Palaeoceanographic records from this time present an apparent paradox with proxy evidence of a reduced east–west sea surface temperature gradient along the equatorial Pacific—indicative of reduced wind-driven upwelling—conflicting with evidence of enhanced biological productivity in the east Pacific that typically results from stronger upwelling. Here we reconcile these observations by providing new evidence for a radically different-from-modern circulation regime in the early Pliocene/late Miocene that results in older, more acidic and more nutrient-rich water reaching the equatorial Pacific. These results provide a mechanism for enhanced productivity in the early Pliocene/late Miocene east Pacific even in the presence of weaker wind-driven upwelling. Our findings shed new light on equatorial Pacific dynamics and help to constrain the potential changes they will undergo in the near future, given that the Earth is expected to reach Pliocene-like levels of warming in the next century.
Direct radiative effects of airborne microplastics
作者:Laura E. Revell, Peter Kuma, Eric C. Le Ru, Walter R. C. Somerville & Sally Gaw
研究组计算了空气中微塑料的光学性质和直接辐射效应(不包括气溶胶-云相互作用)。假设平均表面浓度为1个微塑料颗粒/ m3 ,且垂直分布在10公里高空,则计算出当今大气中空气微塑料的ERF为 mW/ m2 。
然而,微塑料的地理和垂直分布存在很大的不确定性。假设它们局限于边界层,短波效应占主导地位,微塑料ERF约为 mW/ m2 。与气溶胶-辐射相互作用引起的总ERF相比( 至 W/ m2 ),微塑料ERF很小。
Microplastics are now recognized as widespread contaminants in the atmosphere, where, due to their small size and low density, they can be transported with winds around the Earth. Atmospheric aerosols, such as mineral dust and other types of airborne particulate matter, influence Earth’s climate by absorbing and scattering radiation (direct radiative effects) and their impacts are commonly quantified with the effective radiative forcing (ERF) metric. However, the radiative effects of airborne microplastics and associated implications for global climate are unknown. Here we present calculations of the optical properties and direct radiative effects of airborne microplastics (excluding aerosol–cloud interactions). The ERF of airborne microplastics is computed to be milliwatts per square metre in the present-day atmosphere assuming a uniform surface concentration of 1 microplastic particle per cubic metre and a vertical distribution up to 10 kilometres altitude. However, there are large uncertainties in the geographical and vertical distribution of microplastics. Assuming that they are confined to the boundary layer, shortwave effects dominate and the microplastic ERF is approximately milliwatts per square metre. Compared with the total ERF due to aerosol–radiation interactions ( to watts per square metre), the microplastic ERF is small. However, plastic production has increased rapidly over the past 70 years; without serious attempts to overhaul plastic production and waste-management practices, the abundance and ERF of airborne microplastics will continue to increase.
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