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Accounting, the Environment and Sustainability(会计、环境与可持续发展) Sustainability relates to both present and future generations. It is discuss that the needs of all peoples are met. Those needs are both social and environmental. The link between accounting and environmental degradation is well-established in the literature (see, for example, Eden, 1996; Gray et all 1993). The crucial point is that accounting which takes the business agenda as given should include much environmental and social accounting. Thus, central to any discussion of accounting and the environment is a basic, challenging, and deeply unsettling question: do we believe that the organizations which accounting serves and supports can deliver environmental security and sustainability? At the same time as the technical implementation of social accounting and reporting has been developing the philosophical basis for such accounting has also been developed. Thus, Benston (1982, 1984) and Schreuder and Ramanathan (1984) consider the extent to which accountants should be involved in this accounting. Donaldson (1982) argues that such accounting can be justified by means of the social contract as benefiting society at large. Batley and Tozer (1990) and Geno (1995) have argued that “sustainability” is the “cornerstone” of environmental accounting. 6. Social and Environmental Reporting(社会与环境报告) The questions of how business should report its social performance and how that performance should be assessed have been dominant themes in the social accounting literature (Gray et al, 1996) and the social issues in management literature (Wood 1991) over the past decade. We are now witnessing both a number of initiatives that seek to set guidelines or standards for social accounting, for example the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). If there is one area which accounting researchers have embraced with enthusiasm it is the phenomenal growth in environmental reporting by organizations. The research in this area has been dominated, initially at any rate, primarily by studies descriptive in orientation. Such studies typically employ some variant of content analysis (see, for example, Milne and Adler, 1999; Gray et all, 1995). Both country specific studies and comparative studies have recorded an upward trend in environmental disclosure both through the annual report and through stand-alone environmental reports. However, analyses of the phenomenon ( Hackston and Milne1996; Fekrat et al1996; Pava and Krause 1996 ; Adams et al 1998) confirm that such reporting is principally restricted to the very largest companies and is, to a degree at least, country and industry variant. Research into environmental disclosure is developing rapidly with examinations of the impact of pressure groups (Tilt, 1994) and other external forces (Gray et all, 1995; Deegan and Gordon, 1996), exploration of user’s needs (Epstein and Freedman, 1994; Deegan and Rankin, 1997), focus on particular aspects of reporting such as environmental policies (Tilt, 1997), exploration of the truthfulness of environmental disclosure (Deegan and Rankin, 1996) and much needed theoretical development (see, for example, Patten, 1992; Roberts, 1992; Gray et al, 1995, Buhr, 1998; Adams et al, 1998; Brown and Deegan, 1998; Neu et all, 1998). Environmental reporting takes place in a predominantly voluntary regime and with the continuing interest in voluntary guidelines for such reporting (see, for example, KPMG 1997), such survey of practice are crucial in keeping attention focused on the doubtful quality and, especially, the global paucity of such reporting. If environmental reporting is important (for social accountability reasons even if it is of dubious “financial user need” value) then the predominant view of business – that environmental reporting is adequate in voluntary regime – must be challenged. Whilst the early research into environmental disclosure appeared to be so delighted that any such disclosure was taking place, this acquiescence has given way to a more critical analysis of practice. This analysis, primarily informed by the “critical school” (Laughlin, 1999), comprises three main themes. The first two of these themes are, in essence, the same critique made of social accounting. First, accounts of any kind are necessarily partial and biased constructions of a complex world. Not only do such constructions, by making some things visible, make other things invisible (Broadbent, 1994) but they are most likely to limit and even destroy the essential nature of the thing accounted for. (See, for example, Maunders and Burritt, 1991; Maunders, 1996; Cooper, 1992; Johnson, 1998). Second, the critical theorist would argue that environmental reporting is voluntary activity it can only reflect those aspects of environmental performance which organizations are willing to release. It can, therefore, only be a legitimation device and not an accountability mechanism. Consequently, the critical theorist argue, environmental accounting- including environmental reporting- is almost certain to do more environmental harm than it does good. These two themes are now developing into an important – if, as yet, unresolved – theoretical debate which seeks to counter the inherent managerialism of most accounting (and environmental accounting) research. The final theme in the critique of environmental disclosure develops the issue of the voluntary nature of environmental disclosure and brings a much-needed re-assessment of the importance and role of law in the construction of society. Specifically, Gallhofer and Haslam (1997) could be taken to use researchers’ views on the role of regulation in governing environmental reporting as an indicator of the researcher’s managerialist or alternative perspective. In essence, a non-managerialist environmental reporting would have to challenge an organization’s legitimacy and, in particular, the legitimacy of the means by which it earned the reported profit and gained its growth. The critical challenges to environmental reporting are not ill-founded when they remark that too little environmental reporting research examines this question to any substantial degree. One of the more inexplicable, although exceptionally welcome, consequences of the growing environmental agenda has been the re- emergence of a serious interest in social accounting. This is not the place to try and review, in any detail, the broad social accounting literature (see, for example, Gray et al 1996) – although a few general observations seems opposite. Social Accounting had its principal heyday in the 1970s but, although some researchers maintained an active interest in the field, it virtually disappeared from the popular consciousness of accounting academe during the 1980s and 1990s. Its re-emergence seems to be a response to a number of factors. One such factor seems to be the recognition that separation of environmental from social issues is difficult at best and pernicious at worst. As environmental issues are explored more carefully, the underlying implications for employment, communities, health and safety and even the organization’s very posture on ethics and social responsibility inevitably resurface. Equally, corporate practice has re-discovered social accounting and when organizations as diverse as Ben and Jerry’s, the Body Shop and Shell commit to social accounting, the wider business community begins to take notice. Finally, as we shall see, the environmental debate leads us inexorably towards discussions of sustainability. Such discussions must, by definition, embrace social accounting matters. The recent research literature on social accounting is still a little sparse but examples exist. The Adams/Roberts project has maintained a focus across both social and environmental disclosure (see, for example, Adams et al, 1998; Gray et al 1995; Hackston and Milne, 1996). Work by Roberts (1992), Pinkston and Carroll (1996), Patten (1995), Epstein and Freedman (1994), Mathews (1995) and Robertson & Nicholson (1996) continues to keep the social responsibility accounting debate moving forward whilst simultaneously, we are starting to see a re-emergence of normative work designed to guide how social accounting might be accomplished and what it might look like (See, Zadek et al, 1997; Gray et al, 1997; Gonella et al, 1998).
本课程以“山东外国语职业学院教学理念文件“中的工学结合的教学改革理念为指导原则, 以《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》为导向,以职业为背景,以应用为目的,以知识为主线,设计整个课程。将语言能力与职业能力进行无缝对接,使语言教学服务于学生英语应用能力的需要,服务于专业人才培养目标
设计明确清晰的目标 Specific Objectives
设计满足学生需要的目标Desired Objectives
设计难度适当的目标Comprehensible Objectives。
1. 过分讲究方法和技巧,而不愿意下真功夫。
2. 过分讲究速度和效率,不愿花时间经常重复(复习)已学过的内容。
3. 三天打鱼两天晒网,没有恒心,不能长期坚持学习。
4. 不重视听力训练。
5. 只学而不用。
1. 英语思维方式的培养应该从模仿开始
2. 英语思维模式的培养应该培养自己摆脱母语的影响,用英语想英语。
3. 在学习英语的过程中要保持良好的心态
总之就是不要把英语作为功课、任务来学,而是要培养自己对于英语的兴趣,毕竟兴趣是最 好的导师。
在本学期的课程学习中,虽然跟林老师接触的时间不是很多,但是这短暂的交流时间也让我受益匪浅。林老师的授课让我对英语的原始观点发生了转变:我们知道的,无论是在初中还是在高中,英语在总成绩中一直都占有很大的比重, 而我们学习英语的最终目的无非是提高我们的总成绩。但我们却忽略了他最重要的用处——应用.。学习英语不仅是为了应付考试,它更大的目的是应用于生活中和交流中。是的,我知道了学英语的真正意义!
B的第八小组表明,对我们所有的样品,均无显著性差异的强、弱银行的国家的发病率广为接受的公司。如果有什么区别的话,几乎没有证据表明是具有强烈的银行有更多国家广为接受的公司。小组的表第八表明更多的银行金融方面有更大的发病率,在广泛持有公司的直接对比”bank-centered“金融体系的假设。这个结果是一致的,然而,找到了洛杉矶胆囊等。那个国家(1997)和成功的股市也有成功的债务市场。总之,在某种程度上,我们已经测试”银行-以“成功,我们的结果似乎没有受到区别bank-centered”和“market-centered”的公司治理结构。 第三个关心的是,我们的结果被差异税收规则。毫无疑问,我们已经在不同国家的税收规则的所有权结构的影响。我们有了更多的困难理解为什么税收规则与规定保护中小股东,除非税收规则本身是内生(例如,浓缩的所有者可能游说税收规则,阻碍所有权分散)。虽然如此,我们认为两种类型的税收规则可能影响广泛持有公司的发生率。首先,如果intercorporate股息纳税,因为他们是在一些国家,它可能是有利于企业或合并完全分离完全不是自己的股票在对方。这可能会有效果,增加了企业的广泛发病率。第二,如果税收规则允许使用合并会计为了避税,它可能更有利于公司的其他公司的部分股权,因为他们将能够用一个公司的亏损抵消了利润。我们会因此希望看到更广泛的国家里,公司合并会计是被禁止的。D、E目前面板除国家的结果针对这两方面的税法。我们还没有找到证据表明这些特别的规则影响广泛持有公司的发生率。
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