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SCI收录论文(1)Shi C. H.*, J. G. Wu and P. Wu, Developmental behavior of gene expression for brown rice thickness under different , 2002, 33(4):185-190.(2)Chen Z. X., J. G. Wu, W. N. Ding, H. M. Chen, P Wu andC. H. Shi*, Morphogenesis and molecular basis on naked seed rice, a novel homeoticmutation ofOsMADS1regulating transcript level ofAP3 homologue in , 2006, 223(5):882-890.(3)Li W. Q., J. G. Wu, S. L. Weng, Y. J. Zhang, D. P. Zhang andC. H. Shi*, RiceDwarf62(D62) encodes a novel GRAS protein modulating gibberellin , 2010.(4)Shi C. H.*, J. M. Xue, Y. G. Yu, X. E. Yang and J. Zhu, Analysis of genetic effects for nutrient quality traits and Applied Genetics,1996, 92(8):1099-1102.(5)Shi C. H.*, J. Zhu, R. C. Zang and G. L. Chen, Genetic and heterosis analysis for cooking quality traits ofindicarice in different and Applied Genetics, 1997, 95(1-2):294-300.(6)Li C. T.,C. H. Shi*, J. G. Wu, H. M. Xu, H. Z. Zhang and Y. L. 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Shi*, Prediction of grain weight, brown rice weight and amylose content in single seeds of rice using near-infrared reflectance Crops Research,2004, 87:13-21.(21)Li W. Q., J. G. Wu, S. L. Weng, D. P. Zhang, Y. J. Zhang andC. H. Shi*, Characterization and Fine Mapping of the Glabrous Leaf and Hull Mutant (gl1) in Rice (Oryza sativaL.).Plant Cell Reports, 2010, 29:617~627.(22)Wu J. G.,C. H. Shi*and H. Z. Zhang, Genetic analysis of embryo, cytoplasmic and maternal effects and their environment interactions for protein content inBrassica Journal of Agriculture Research, 2005, 56(1):69-73.(23)Shi C. H.*, Y. Shi, X. Y. Lou, H. M. Xu, X. Zheng and J. G. Wu*, Identification of endosperm and maternal plant QTLs for protein and lysine contents of rice across different & Pasture Science, 2009, 60(3):295-301.(24)Zhang H. Z.,C. H. Shi*, J. G. Wu, Y. L. Ren, C. T. Li, D. Q. Zhang and Y. F. 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