随着市场经济体制的逐步建立,房地产市场已发展起来,房地产的买卖、租赁等行为日趋活跃,由此也产生了为数不少的房地产纠纷案件。此类案件现已构成法院受理的民事案件中很大一部分。其中存在的新情况、新问题很多,亦有多年以来未彻底解决的老问题。笔者结合审判实践,对其中的几个常见问题做了调查分析,在此略抒己见。本文共分六个部分:第一部分,预售商品房按揭,介绍了按揭的含义及其法律特征。第二部分,明确无效房屋租赁合同的认定及处理,阐明民法通则关于无效民事行为的规定及九条相关规定。第三部分,分析落实私房政策遗留的问题,指出我国私房因社会主义改造所遗留的问题。第四部分,分析离婚案件中房屋纠纷的处理方式。第五部分,研究拆迁纠纷的受理问题。第六部分军事房问题,介绍了所谓军产房的含义及军队干部腾退军产房问题。 Along with market economy system's gradual establishment, the real estate market has developed, real estate business, rents and so on behaviors to be day by day active, from this has also produced a substantial number of real estate dispute case. This kind of case already constituted in the civil case which the court accepts to be very big a part. And the existence new situation, the new question are many, since also has had many years not the thorough settlement unsolved problem. The author unifies the trial practice, has made the diagnosis to several frequently asked questions, slightly expresses the personal opinion in this. This article is divided six parts: The first part, sells in advance the commercial housing mortgage, introduced the mortgage meaning and the legal characteristic. The second part, is clear about the invalid house leasing contract recognizing and processes, exposition general provisions of the civil law about invalid civil behavior stipulation and nine related stipulations. The third part, the analysis carries out the confidential policy carry-over the question, points out question which because our country privately-owned house the socialist transformation leaves behind. The fourth part, in analysis divorce case housing dispute's processing mode. The fifth part, the research relocation dispute accepts the question. The sixth part of military room question, introduced the so-called armed forces delivery room's meaning and the army cadre vacate buildings and return them to the original owners the armed forces delivery room question. 房地产市场 Real estate market 法律特征 Legal characteristic 遗留问题 Carry-over question