我给些选题,你自己看下,1.多功能语音小车 2.智能小车 3.防噪音耳机 4.儿童益智产品—算术遥控赛车 5.智能后车雷达 6.多充电方式手电筒 7.简易数字存储示波器 8.神州六号模拟系统 9.家庭智能控制与报警系统 10.PC控制终端 11.多功能逆变器 12.超声波测距系统测距机应用——迎宾系统 13.智能壁障机器人 14.客车超载控制系统 15.智能温控风扇 16.新世纪车载必备系统 17.远程智能电话门铃的设计 18.PID水温测量控制系统 19.模拟锅炉加热控制系统 20.智能防盗报警电话 21.三指机器手 22.多功能数字钟 23.智能语音显示娃娃 24.人行横道交通灯 25.暖气控制系统 26.基于单片机的家庭绿色管家 27.超声波测距 28.具有语音播报功能的水温控制系统
模板背景千万不要太花哨 因为是学术论文字数尽可能少一些,自己准备演讲稿展开PPT不是最主要的 弄熟论文才是王道模板题目 答辩人 指导老师论文结构(目录)是否有创新之处论文研究 目的 方法 过程挑重点说出本论文的闪光点(切忌不要放太多,要熟悉内容,否则......)结论 感谢可行性研究类文章 最好字数少一些 配合图表 以及具体实例。最最重要的是熟悉论文 这是最根本的。还有一点是PPT是论文的缩影,重点突出自己会的,到时候就会的多讲点,要是有演示程序什么的就弄到最后边,讲完PPT就跑跑程序。答辩的老师不会细看所有论文的,主要就是听你的PPT,所以一定要扬长避短,还有,最好要突出你论文较新的东西,就算是讲和别人相似的题目有相同的地方也绝不说自己和谁的比较像,最后就是只要是你写在PPT上的就一定弄懂了,PPT前边的会比后边的更受答辩老师关注。我刚参加完答辩 以上是我的建议
产品简介:PPT模板是指Powerpoint所用的模板,一套好的PPT模板可以让一篇PPT文稿的形象迅速提升,大大增加可观赏性。 同时又可以让PPT思路更清晰,逻辑更严谨,更方便处理图表、文字、图片等内容,ppt模板又分为动态模板和静态模板,动态模板是通过设置动作和各种动画展示达到表达思想同步的一种时尚式模板。
汽车智能化指数是指为衡量或评价汽车智能化水平,根据标准化、合理性、易比较等准则,考虑美国SAE提出的等级划分等因素构建的对应各阶段智能汽车技术与产品的一体化、可延伸的基准指标。其宗旨是基于一系列立体化、实践性、全方位定位,发挥产品研发准则、技术测评标尺、科技发展导向等作用。汽车智能化指数是引领全球汽车智能化发展的风向标,其本质是汽车智能化水平的方法论、智能汽车研发的基准值及验证系统。其基本思想是借助可横向扩充和纵向深化的系统性指标,通过科学合理地确定各个指标的不同权重,进行各个子指标的详细对标,从而完成汽车智能化水平综合评价。汽车智能化指数的构建将贯穿汽车智能化水平发展进程全周期的评价体系,依据SAE提出的Level 0-5不同阶段的汽车智能化等级,建立详细的横向扩充和纵向深化的系统性评价指标,并通过专业测评(实验室测评、虚拟场景测评、封闭场景测评)、实践工况(开放道路测评、科技赛事测评)、市场评价(品牌指标、满意度指标)等“三位一体”方法加权核算出对应指数。汽车智能化指数总体可从功能型和性能型两个阶段开展研究。对于目前已量产的智能汽车所处的Level 1-2以及向Level 3的过渡阶段,则主要考虑高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、V2X通信功能等方面评价指标,建立对应的三级树型指标层级结构,形成以单车智能和联网智能为基础,以高级驾驶辅助功能、车与车(V2V)、车与路(V2I)、车与网(V2N)以及车与人(V2P)等方面为划分依据,涵盖自适应巡航控制、自动泊车、车道保持辅助、前向碰撞预警、交通灯预警、在线/实时导航、行人穿行预警等功能的评价体系。基于已建立的评价指标体系,综合利用主客观评价方法确定指标权重,并构建评价模型完成汽车智能化评价实例的具体实施流程。最终计算得出的评价分数与星级结果可为汽车智能化等级提供判断依据,从而促进智能汽车技术研发及产品开发水平的整体提升,也为社会消费者提供科学、合理、可靠的参考依据。本论文的研究成果将有助于整车及零部件企业加快产业转型升级,为智能汽车技术突破以及产品制造提供“详细定位、精准对标”的指导作用;有利于国家部委制定智能汽车产业发展政策,不断完善智能汽车测试与评价技术,推动智能汽车测试与评价相关标准法规的建设与完善;有利于增强社会群体对于智能汽车的客观认知,快速推进大众对智能汽车的认同和认可,为消费者购车提供高权威、可信赖的参考依据。另外,用指数来描述智能化的思想对于研究其它产品智能化同样具有重要的意义。
调查法 调查法是科学研究中最常用的方法之一。它是有目的、有计划、有系统地搜集有关研究对象现实状况或历史状况的材料的方法
1,电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修2,汽车发动机怠速成抖动现象的原因及排查方法探讨3,关于汽车排放控制系统的检修问题4,论汽车检测技术的发展5,关于排放控制系统的结构控制原理与检修探讨6,关于发动机电控系统故障的诊断与检修探讨7,电子燃油喷射系统的诊断与维修8,试论汽车自动变速器检测技术9,汽车自动变速器检测技术初探10,对比电喷与普通化油器性能优劣问题11,中国家用轿车的性价比初探及展望家用轿车发展的趋势.12,中国汽车性能与我国道路状况适应性问题探讨.13,浅谈电子技术在汽车上的应用.14,车用防抱死制动系统(ABS)控制器研究.15,试论柴油能否用在汽油机上,汽油能否用在柴油机上.16,买车辆保险要注意的问题17,关于个人汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷案件的法律分析18,浅谈我国汽车保险改革 19,车辆识别代码在汽车保险中的运用研究 20,尝试汽车消费贷款保证保险 21,被保险人因素对强制汽车责任保险费率厘定的影响22,保证保险项下汽车消费贷款业务的主要问题及风险防范23,保证保险下汽车消费贷款法律问题探讨24,保证保险对银行汽车信贷风险的影响分析25,汽车保险制度改革及其影响26,中国汽车制造业保险模式的探讨.27,浅论广州汽车保险市场28,在汽车维修与保险中推行政府采购制度29,柴油机动态供油提前角的测量和应用30,浅析汽车发动机常见故障31,浅析离合器常见故障的诊断与排除 32,论柴油车自由加速烟度排放 33,浅析柴油机气缸盖/气缸套之间的密封性能 34,浅析电控共轨喷射系统的应用35,汽车发动机故障的仪器诊断与经验判断36,浅析提高车用发动机能量利用率37,产品生命周期理论在汽车制造业中的应用38,浅析汽车养护要注意的几个问题39,谈一谈汽车维修专业理论与实践的关系40,浅谈汽车保养与汽车美容
直接下载Microscopic traffic simulation: A tool for the design, analysis and evaluation of intelligent transport systemsJ Barcelo, E Codina, J Casas, JL Ferrer - Journal of Intelligent & , 2005 of possibilities and proposals of intelligent transport system (ITS) implementation in LithuaniaA Jarašūniene - Transport, 2006
CAN bus in the electric vehicle monitoring system of Abstract Now, CAN, high-performance and reliability has been recognized and was widely used in industrial automation, marine, medical equipment, industrial equipment, and so on. Field Bus is the development of automation technology One of the focuses of the area known as automated computer LAN. It is a distributed control system to achieve real-time between the nodes, reliable data communications providing strong technical support. CAN bus belonging to the scene of the areas, it is an effective support for real-time control of distributed control or serial communication network. Compared with many of the current RS-485 based on the R line Construction of the Distributed Control System, based on the CAN bus distributed control system has obvious advantages. In this paper, occupies a lot of relevant information based on the comprehensive use of various methods of the CAN bus in the electric vehicle monitoring system in the application of theory and an analysis of development issues, and some of the problems raised his own views. The full text is divided into four parts: The first part of the main topics on the background and content of the subjects studied in the context of topics to write on the CAN bus status and significance in the research described in the content of the object of measurement requirements and complete the task of this paper. The second part, write data acquisition module design, from the SJA1000 CAN-based communications port design, acquisition, the electric car design; electric car design capacity of the collection node consists of three parts. The third part, mainly to write the electric vehicle monitoring network design, the first Fieldbus awakened comparison and choice, selected after the introduction of the CAN bus, the last of the SJA1000 CAN bus controller is introduced. The fourth part is really on the reliability of the system design for discussion, data from the calibration, the anti-jamming software and hardware design of the anti-jamming design in three areas to address the reliability of the system problems. Key words :Fieldbus; CAN bus; SJA1000; nodes;
Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, disappear
Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, eliminate interference, the use of wireless digital module CC1101 for two car communication. The intelligent design two cars are from the start to car, overtaking alternately lead, lead a circle overtaking about 27 seconds. Key words: C8051F340 infrared to the dc speed-down wireless digital overtaking lead