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高考英语考试时,若是写作题,你会写议论文还是陈书文,亦或是散文?下面是我给大家带来高考英语议论文,供大家参阅! 篇1 It is widely acknowledged that the amount of violence in films and on TV is one of the direct causes that lead to our high crime rate in our society. The voice of demanding the government to control violent scenes in media has been much louder than before. Personally, I totally agree with this voice.论点 First and foremost, violence on TV or in films is often as extreme as possible in order to attract audiences and this will definitely set a bad example for those immature audiences, who lacking correct guidance and are most likely to copy the violent behaviors and mit real violent crimes.论据 For example, teenagers will regard those killers and murderers in the films and on TV as role models and copy their behaviors. It is recently reported in the news that a seventeen-year-old killed his parents out of hatred. Furthermore, media, such as TV or film, is considered as the correct rmation source regulated by the government. It should be reporting and reflecting true phenomena in the society. Violence certainly has to be reported. However, excessive violence is offering misleading rmation to the public. In a word, what the government has to do immediately is to take effective measures to control the amount of violence in media. Only in this way, can our society enjoy high level of security and peace.结论 篇2 The progression of puter is inevitable and undeniable. Nowadays puters also have bee a part of our daily life. Instead of leaving home to go to shop bank and work people can do these at home by clicking the buttons. However, some people hold the opinion that it will cause people isolated from each other and lose social skills. Personally I find it hard for me to agree with this opinion by following reasons In the first instance, puters are tool to munication with people instead of isolation from the world. When we say a person is isolated it means that he is lonely and cut off the world. However, people seldom have this feeling while they are surfing the Internet. On the contrary, people tend to make more friends through the net. Secondly, people also can acquire social skills on Internet. munication on Internet has the same purpose as face-to-face munication has. For example, through Internet we can send greeting cards to our friends. Furthermore, sometimes it might be a better way of munication on some occasions such as when you find it embarrassing to say sorry face to face we can send a message of apology to your friend. Last but not least, doing something through Internet actually spares more time for our social life. Sometime we need to spend a lot of time shopping in department stores. Now we can save the time and may visit our friends. In general, puter just make our life more colorful so we don’t need to worry about the changes its may bring to us. Especially most of these changes are positive. 篇3 Some reports have discovered the incidence of violence for young women is increasing. Give possible reasons and remendations to the situation. It is reported that the proportion of young female criminal unfolds a steady increasing trend, and women crime, especially the young female's delinquency has bee a serious social problem indeed. Young women, as the most peaceable parts of human, are always regarded as the last aim by the police office. Why they go astray is mainly due to the two following reasons: one is their own character peculiarity, the other is from social pressure. For one thing, the female is sensitive to the trifles and sentimental to the reins and loves. Sensitivity often puts them to the edge unnecessarily and forms extreme ideas, which frequently leads to direct criminal. Frangibility of sensibility makes them so depressed and despaired that they have a high probability to do the illegal behavior when they slip down in loves. As for the latter reason, the social pressure es of traditionally sexual discrimination and survival petition. It is no denying the fact that the contemporary including the women are confronted with the more severe petition than their ancestors were, and in addition to this point, females still have to struggle with the deep-booted discrimination. When young women make their debut in the society, all kinds of crises, trouble and pressure lay them into flat, which pels them to avenge and relieve their feeling with lawless methods in unassisted situation. Ponderance of young female criminal reveals long-term negligence to the female's inner and outer circumstance. It is almost impossible to change female's nature, so the society should take more care of women, especially for the young women. For example, some psychological courses and the methods of solving problem are effective measures to adjust the mood of women. In the meantime, prejudice to women should be out of the social stage and fair, equal and friendly atmosphere should be set up, which can help women to take part in the formal and rational contention. Additionally, the society should approbate the female's indispensable position of munity and encourage them to show their special aptitude and intelligence.


第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题)

Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文:

第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)

Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)

第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)

Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由) 结论:

第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)

第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages. 正文:

第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is


第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势) 结论:

第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论) オ 3.观点论述类议论文模板: 导入:

第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:

第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:

第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:


第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论:

第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)

第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:

第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:

第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构) 4."How to"类议论文模板:


第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论:

第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)








第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)


第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)



第4段: (个人观点)




As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision . (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)


1 No one can doubt the essential fact that over the last years has caused wide public concern all over the world. 人 in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that [来源:学科网]


2 There is a general debate today over the phenomenon of ————————

3 When it comes to education,------- ---------------说到~~~

4 There’s no denying the fact that...-----------.事实不容否认----------

5 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. …已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

6 There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


7 There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


8 Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.


9 .It go es without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的)[来源:Zxxk.Com]


1 No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

3 Many people believe that-------- produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote-----------------------

4 People differ in their attitudes towards failure. Faced with it, some of them ------. Others, however,-------人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人------,。然而,另一些人却------

5 To average people, they often tend to live under the illusion that——————, is this really the case?对于一般人来说,他们常常以为————,然而这是真的吗?

6 There is a growing tendency for sb to ----越来越多的人••

——人——seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward —————

7 An increasing number of experts believe that ?will exert positive effects on———

However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more ------who complain that ———have brought many serious problems越来越多的 --相信-----起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的----却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨--了许多严重的问题

8 What calls for special attention is that...需要引起特别注意的是...


With the op ening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000years.?I

随着改革开放政 策的贯彻执行,数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个有着5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。

In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。

human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


1 ---人---tend to have a favorable attitude toward ------

2 Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


3 The harder you work, the more progress you make.你越努力,你越进步。

4 Many people seem to overlook the basic fact:许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:

5 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.听音乐能使我们放松。

6 On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge


7 There is no one but longs to.------人们都希望------

8 So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们不能浪费它。


From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although ——indeed bring us many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldn’t be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:尽管----很多优点,但它的缺点不可忽视,且远大于它的优点。

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____


It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view,I find----



As for me, I’m in favor of the opinion that ———for the following reasons:

就我而言,我同意 观点。

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.



In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.



With the development of society, ______.So it"s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


seriously disturb social order


to promote economic


make for good health


a hazard to health


poisoning the environment[来源:学|科|网]


protect the environment


a waste of money,time and energy


facilitating learning


influnce one's study


upgrade oneself




in favor of








Find ways to praise your children often,and you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.


Only after talking to two students did I discover that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.


Raised in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.


Finding the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level.


Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.


It is a waste of time trying to persuade him to change his mind.As is known to us all,he is so stubborn.


The moment/instant/minute I heard the voice或On/Upon hearing the voice,I knew Father was coming.


When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for whatever his family might need,he burst into tears.


On/Upon hearing this news,he began to cry.


However,it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.


To learn more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.


It is a good idea to have a cool drink on such hot day.


The majority of people live in cities and do not farm for a living.


You aren’t going out until you’ve finished this.


Would you mind giving me and my classmate a lift to school?


(3)This opportunity will not only make you happy,but also satisfy your interest in Chinese operas.(用倒装句式改写)

Not only will this opportunity make you happy,but also it will satisfy your interest in Chinese operas.


(3)One of his hobbies is collecting stamps.

Collecting stamps is one of his hobbies.(用动名词短语作主语改写)

(4)His teacher was very angry because he came late.(用动名词的复合结构作主语改写)

His coming late made his teacher very angry.



I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to spacebut also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.


On the one hand,of course,cars are useful.But on the other (hand),they cause a huge amount of pollution.


Thank you.You’ve given me hope that I can follow my heart.


The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.


More generally,the Internet functions as if it were my memory.



It goes without saying that he has drunk too much.


When communication becomes more efficient,people are able to contact one another no matter where they are and at whatever time they wish to.


The fire lasted a whole night,causing great damage.


I used to be a very self­centered person,but in the past two years I have really changed.


It is obvious to the students that they should get prepared for their future.


(1)I feel honoured to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.(用it作形式主语改写)

It is my honour to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.

(2)She was surprisingly unafraid and seemed to be curious about what he was doing.



(3)The couple were so curious about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.(用倒装句改写)

So curious were the couple about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.

You are an adult now and you need to take responsibility for your actions.




I will wait for my son coming back from school however late it is/no matter how late it is.


Although/Though the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him.



So much homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.


Once we have a common interest,a friendship can begin.


Although/Though the job takes a significant amount of time,most students agree that the experience is worth it.


If I had worked hard/Had I worked hard,I would have surely succeeded.


It has been a month since I came to this new school.





There are different opinions among people as to____.Some people suggest that____.


There is an old saying____.It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


Today,____, which havebrought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____.Second,____.What makes things worse is that____.


Nowadays,it is common to____.Many people like ____because____.Besides,____.


Everything has two sides and____is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.


People’s opinions about____vary from person to person.Some people say that____.To them,____.


Man is now facing a big problem____which is becoming more and more serious.


____has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


____has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10.根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that____ while.Obviously,____,but why?



On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ____ .At the same time,they say____ .


But I don’t think it is a very good way to solve ____ .For example,____.Worst of all,___.


____is necessary and important to ourcountry’s development and construction.First,____.What’s more, ____.Most important of all,____.

4.有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt.First, we can____.


Confronted with____,we should take a series of effective measures to____.For one thing,____For another,____.


It is high time that something was done about it.For example,____.In addition.____.All these measures will certainly____.


Why____? The firstreason is that____.The second reason is____.The third is____.For allthis, the main cause of ____due to ____.


However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides,____also has its own disadvantages, such as____.


None the less, I believe that____is more advantageous.


I fully agree with the statement that____because____.



As far as I am concerned, I agree with thelatter opinion to some extent.I think that____.


In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ____.Only in this way can ____in the future.


But ____and ____have their own advantages.For example, _____, while_____.Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.


Personally, I believe that____.Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.


With the development of society, ____.So it’s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


For my part, I think itreasonable to_____.Only in this way can you _____.


In my opinion, I think it necessary to____.The reasons are as follows.First ____.Second ____.Last but not least,____.


It is difficult to say whether ____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______.However, from a personal point of view find ______.

9.综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论…… From what has been discussed above, we mayreasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.


If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.



1.Let me tell you something about the activity.

2.I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr.9th.I’m pleased to hear that you’re comingto China for a visit.

3.I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America.

4.And I would like to write a letter to tell you that…



2.I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

3.I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.



Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement tomake.


All the teachers and students are required to attend it.Please take your notebooks and make notes.Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups.Please come on time and don’t be late.


Please come and join in it.Everybody is welcome to attend it.I hope you’ll have a nice time here.That’s all.Thank you.




第1段Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should...(导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


第2段Most of the students are in favor of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons.First...Second...Finally...(列出2~3个同意的理由)

第3段However, the others are strongly against it.(反方观点) Their reasons are as follows.In the firstplace...What’s more...In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)


第4段Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)



第1段Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways.Others, however, argue that B is much better.Personally, I would prefer A because I think Ahas more advantages.


第2段There are many reasons why I prefer A.Themain reason is that ...Another reason is that...(同意A的原因)

第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent...(列出1~2个B的优势)


第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B.From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论)



第1段提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision.(亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)The reasons for this may be listed as follows.(过渡句段承上启下)


第2段Firstof all...Secondly...Besides...(列出2~3个同意或反对的理由)

结论 第3段In conclusion, I believe that...(照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:




第2段 Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective.First of all...Another way to solve the problem is ...Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)


第3段These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take.But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)



Look at this picture./The picture shows that.../From this picture, we can see.../As is shown in the picture.../As is seen in the picture...


As well as l know, .../As is known to all,.../It is well known that.../In my opinion,.../As far as I am concerned,.../This sight reminds me of something inmy daily life.


In conclusion.../In brief.../On the whole.../In short.../In a word.../Generally speaking.../Ashas been stated..




Encouraging Buying Cars Isn’t Fit For Today


Nowadays, we can often hear the discussion whether buying cars should be encouraged. Some people suggest that we should buy cars. But others claim that driving cars is not a wise idea. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter opinion.

To begin with, there are few parking lots, so the streets are made narrower by the cars parked along the roads. For example, my father could not find any place to park when we went to the supermarket.

Moreover, many drivers do not obey regulations, because people do not pay enough attention to the rule of traffic. For instance, I often see people cross the road when the traffic lights are still red.

Last but not least, the growth of new roads’construction is usually slower than the increasing number of cars. For example, the length of the road has gone up by 20% in 2002. However, the number of cars increased by 50% in the meantime.

From what have been discussed above, we could draw a conclusion that encouraging buying cars is not fit for today.

as far as I am concerned 就我看

in favor of 赞成

to begin with 首先

for example =for instance 例如

moreover 并且

last but not least 其次

in the meantime 同时draw a conclusion 得出结论


The Good and Bad Sides of Setting off Firecrackers


Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you about our discussion we had on the afternoon of last Wednesday about the good and bad sides of setting off firecrackers during the Spring Festival. 20 boy and 20 girl students attended the discussion. As a result, 40% of them believe that setting off firecrackers certainly adds pleasure and joy to the festival, therefore, it is a wonderful tradition. But another 40% of the students think that setting off firecrackers causes air and noise pollution, and what’s worse, it sometimes causes terrible accidents to us and to our property. The other 20% have never thought about it or don’t care a bit.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

the good and bad sides of setting off firecrackers


as a result 结果

It is a wonderful tradition. 它是一个优良传统。

what’s worse 更糟的是

think about 想起,想到




There are too many disabled people in the world. They have no differences from country to country. Some of them were disabled when they were born, the others were injured or hurt in all kinds of accidents, which made them disabled. Almost all of us feel sorry for them. We commiserate with them because they are another kind of people. But some disabled people refuse others’commiseration. They think they can do everything by themselves. They don’t consider themselves as people who have defects. They think they are the same as normal people.

In fact, a great number of people with disabilities should be taken care of by others. They get help from the government or some beneficent organizations in society. But that’s not enough. They must look after themselves on their own. When a baby with disabilities is born, it should be taught to learn some particular skills to live. Or else, it would fail in the future. So one with disabilities must have abundant confidence to fit the hard life without others’help.

too many disabled people 太多残疾人

commiserate with them 同情他们

consider themselves as 把自己当作……

the same as 和……同样

taken care of 照看,照顾

look after themselves on their own 自己照顾自己

or else 否则in the future 将来




Find ways to praise your children often,and you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.


Only after talking to two students did I discover that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.


Raised in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.


Finding the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level.


Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.


It is a waste of time trying to persuade him to change his mind.As is known to us all,he is so stubborn.


The moment/instant/minute I heard the voice或On/Upon hearing the voice,I knew Father was coming.


When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for whatever his family might need,he burst into tears.


On/Upon hearing this news,he began to cry.


However,it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.


To learn more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.


It is a good idea to have a cool drink on such hot day.


The majority of people live in cities and do not farm for a living.


You aren’t going out until you’ve finished this.


Would you mind giving me and my classmate a lift to school?


(3)This opportunity will not only make you happy,but also satisfy your interest in Chinese operas.(用倒装句式改写)

Not only will this opportunity make you happy,but also it will satisfy your interest in Chinese operas.


(3)One of his hobbies is collecting stamps.

Collecting stamps is one of his hobbies.(用动名词短语作主语改写)

(4)His teacher was very angry because he came late.(用动名词的复合结构作主语改写)

His coming late made his teacher very angry.



I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to spacebut also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.


On the one hand,of course,cars are useful.But on the other (hand),they cause a huge amount of pollution.


Thank you.You’ve given me hope that I can follow my heart.


The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.


More generally,the Internet functions as if it were my memory.



It goes without saying that he has drunk too much.


When communication becomes more efficient,people are able to contact one another no matter where they are and at whatever time they wish to.


The fire lasted a whole night,causing great damage.


I used to be a very self­centered person,but in the past two years I have really changed.


It is obvious to the students that they should get prepared for their future.


(1)I feel honoured to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.(用it作形式主语改写)

It is my honour to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.

(2)She was surprisingly unafraid and seemed to be curious about what he was doing.



(3)The couple were so curious about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.(用倒装句改写)

So curious were the couple about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.

You are an adult now and you need to take responsibility for your actions.




I will wait for my son coming back from school however late it is/no matter how late it is.


Although/Though the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him.



So much homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.


Once we have a common interest,a friendship can begin.


Although/Though the job takes a significant amount of time,most students agree that the experience is worth it.


If I had worked hard/Had I worked hard,I would have surely succeeded.


It has been a month since I came to this new school.





There are different opinions among people as to____.Some people suggest that____.


There is an old saying____.It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


Today,____, which havebrought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____.Second,____.What makes things worse is that____.


Nowadays,it is common to____.Many people like ____because____.Besides,____.


Everything has two sides and____is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.


People’s opinions about____vary from person to person.Some people say that____.To them,____.


Man is now facing a big problem____which is becoming more and more serious.


____has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


____has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10.根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that____ while.Obviously,____,but why?



On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ____ .At the same time,they say____ .


But I don’t think it is a very good way to solve ____ .For example,____.Worst of all,___.


____is necessary and important to ourcountry’s development and construction.First,____.What’s more, ____.Most important of all,____.

4.有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt.First, we can____.


Confronted with____,we should take a series of effective measures to____.For one thing,____For another,____.


It is high time that something was done about it.For example,____.In addition.____.All these measures will certainly____.


Why____? The firstreason is that____.The second reason is____.The third is____.For allthis, the main cause of ____due to ____.


However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides,____also has its own disadvantages, such as____.


None the less, I believe that____is more advantageous.


I fully agree with the statement that____because____.



As far as I am concerned, I agree with thelatter opinion to some extent.I think that____.


In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ____.Only in this way can ____in the future.


But ____and ____have their own advantages.For example, _____, while_____.Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.


Personally, I believe that____.Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.


With the development of society, ____.So it’s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


For my part, I think itreasonable to_____.Only in this way can you _____.


In my opinion, I think it necessary to____.The reasons are as follows.First ____.Second ____.Last but not least,____.


It is difficult to say whether ____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______.However, from a personal point of view find ______.

9.综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论…… From what has been discussed above, we mayreasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.


If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.



1.Let me tell you something about the activity.

2.I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr.9th.I’m pleased to hear that you’re comingto China for a visit.

3.I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America.

4.And I would like to write a letter to tell you that…



2.I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

3.I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.



Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement tomake.


All the teachers and students are required to attend it.Please take your notebooks and make notes.Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups.Please come on time and don’t be late.


Please come and join in it.Everybody is welcome to attend it.I hope you’ll have a nice time here.That’s all.Thank you.




第1段Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should...(导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


第2段Most of the students are in favor of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons.First...Second...Finally...(列出2~3个同意的理由)

第3段However, the others are strongly against it.(反方观点) Their reasons are as follows.In the firstplace...What’s more...In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)


第4段Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)



第1段Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways.Others, however, argue that B is much better.Personally, I would prefer A because I think Ahas more advantages.


第2段There are many reasons why I prefer A.Themain reason is that ...Another reason is that...(同意A的原因)

第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent...(列出1~2个B的优势)


第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B.From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论)



第1段提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision.(亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)The reasons for this may be listed as follows.(过渡句段承上启下)


第2段Firstof all...Secondly...Besides...(列出2~3个同意或反对的理由)

结论 第3段In conclusion, I believe that...(照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:




第2段 Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective.First of all...Another way to solve the problem is ...Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)


第3段These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take.But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)



Look at this picture./The picture shows that.../From this picture, we can see.../As is shown in the picture.../As is seen in the picture...


As well as l know, .../As is known to all,.../It is well known that.../In my opinion,.../As far as I am concerned,.../This sight reminds me of something inmy daily life.


In conclusion.../In brief.../On the whole.../In short.../In a word.../Generally speaking.../Ashas been stated..






Find ways to praise your children often,and you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.


Only after talking to two students did I discover that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.


Raised in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.


Finding the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level.


Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.


It is a waste of time trying to persuade him to change his mind.As is known to us all,he is so stubborn.


The moment/instant/minute I heard the voice或On/Upon hearing the voice,I knew Father was coming.


When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for whatever his family might need,he burst into tears.


On/Upon hearing this news,he began to cry.


However,it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.


To learn more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.


It is a good idea to have a cool drink on such hot day.


The majority of people live in cities and do not farm for a living.


You aren’t going out until you’ve finished this.


Would you mind giving me and my classmate a lift to school?


(3)This opportunity will not only make you happy,but also satisfy your interest in Chinese operas.(用倒装句式改写)

Not only will this opportunity make you happy,but also it will satisfy your interest in Chinese operas.


(3)One of his hobbies is collecting stamps.

Collecting stamps is one of his hobbies.(用动名词短语作主语改写)

(4)His teacher was very angry because he came late.(用动名词的复合结构作主语改写)

His coming late made his teacher very angry.



I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to spacebut also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.


On the one hand,of course,cars are useful.But on the other (hand),they cause a huge amount of pollution.


Thank you.You’ve given me hope that I can follow my heart.


The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.


More generally,the Internet functions as if it were my memory.



It goes without saying that he has drunk too much.


When communication becomes more efficient,people are able to contact one another no matter where they are and at whatever time they wish to.


The fire lasted a whole night,causing great damage.


I used to be a very self­centered person,but in the past two years I have really changed.


It is obvious to the students that they should get prepared for their future.


(1)I feel honoured to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.(用it作形式主语改写)

It is my honour to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.

(2)She was surprisingly unafraid and seemed to be curious about what he was doing.



(3)The couple were so curious about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.(用倒装句改写)

So curious were the couple about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.

You are an adult now and you need to take responsibility for your actions.




I will wait for my son coming back from school however late it is/no matter how late it is.


Although/Though the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him.



So much homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.


Once we have a common interest,a friendship can begin.


Although/Though the job takes a significant amount of time,most students agree that the experience is worth it.


If I had worked hard/Had I worked hard,I would have surely succeeded.


It has been a month since I came to this new school.





There are different opinions among people as to____.Some people suggest that____.


There is an old saying____.It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


Today,____, which havebrought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____.Second,____.What makes things worse is that____.


Nowadays,it is common to____.Many people like ____because____.Besides,____.


Everything has two sides and____is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.


People’s opinions about____vary from person to person.Some people say that____.To them,____.


Man is now facing a big problem____which is becoming more and more serious.


____has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


____has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10.根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that____ while.Obviously,____,but why?



On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ____ .At the same time,they say____ .


But I don’t think it is a very good way to solve ____ .For example,____.Worst of all,___.


____is necessary and important to ourcountry’s development and construction.First,____.What’s more, ____.Most important of all,____.

4.有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt.First, we can____.


Confronted with____,we should take a series of effective measures to____.For one thing,____For another,____.


It is high time that something was done about it.For example,____.In addition.____.All these measures will certainly____.


Why____? The firstreason is that____.The second reason is____.The third is____.For allthis, the main cause of ____due to ____.


However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides,____also has its own disadvantages, such as____.


None the less, I believe that____is more advantageous.


I fully agree with the statement that____because____.



As far as I am concerned, I agree with thelatter opinion to some extent.I think that____.


In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ____.Only in this way can ____in the future.


But ____and ____have their own advantages.For example, _____, while_____.Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.


Personally, I believe that____.Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.


With the development of society, ____.So it’s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


For my part, I think itreasonable to_____.Only in this way can you _____.


In my opinion, I think it necessary to____.The reasons are as follows.First ____.Second ____.Last but not least,____.


It is difficult to say whether ____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______.However, from a personal point of view find ______.

9.综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论…… From what has been discussed above, we mayreasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.


If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.



1.Let me tell you something about the activity.

2.I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr.9th.I’m pleased to hear that you’re comingto China for a visit.

3.I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America.

4.And I would like to write a letter to tell you that…



2.I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

3.I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.



Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement tomake.


All the teachers and students are required to attend it.Please take your notebooks and make notes.Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups.Please come on time and don’t be late.


Please come and join in it.Everybody is welcome to attend it.I hope you’ll have a nice time here.That’s all.Thank you.




第1段Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should...(导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


第2段Most of the students are in favor of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons.First...Second...Finally...(列出2~3个同意的理由)

第3段However, the others are strongly against it.(反方观点) Their reasons are as follows.In the firstplace...What’s more...In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)


第4段Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)



第1段Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways.Others, however, argue that B is much better.Personally, I would prefer A because I think Ahas more advantages.


第2段There are many reasons why I prefer A.Themain reason is that ...Another reason is that...(同意A的原因)

第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent...(列出1~2个B的优势)


第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B.From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论)



第1段提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision.(亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)The reasons for this may be listed as follows.(过渡句段承上启下)


第2段Firstof all...Secondly...Besides...(列出2~3个同意或反对的理由)

结论 第3段In conclusion, I believe that...(照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:




第2段 Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective.First of all...Another way to solve the problem is ...Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)


第3段These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take.But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)



Look at this picture./The picture shows that.../From this picture, we can see.../As is shown in the picture.../As is seen in the picture...


As well as l know, .../As is known to all,.../It is well known that.../In my opinion,.../As far as I am concerned,.../This sight reminds me of something inmy daily life.


In conclusion.../In brief.../On the whole.../In short.../In a word.../Generally speaking.../Ashas been stated..

[1]议论文Along with the advance of the society more and more controversial issues have been brought to our attention, one of which is that....随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。As to whether it is worthwhile X there is a long-running debate.关于是否值得X的问题,一直以来争论不休.Just as the saying goes: "so many people so many minds". It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.俗话说,""。不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。Those who criticize X argue that X They believe that X But people who favor X on the other hand argue that.X1.To begin /start with2.furthermore/besides/in addition3.last but not least.批判X的人认为X。他们相信X,不过,另一方面,赞同X的人则认为X。After a thorough consideration for my part I am in favor of the latter view that X经过深思熟虑,我较支持后一种看法,亦即X。[2]说明文Along with the advance of the society more and more controversial issues have been brought to our attention one of which is that X随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是X。Why have there been so many X maybe the reasons can be listed as follows1.To begin /start with2.furthermore/besides/in addition3.last but not least.为什么有这么多X,理由如下Obviously it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problemFor one thing For another很明显,我们现在必须采取一些措施一方面 另一方面I think all the measures above can make present situation better.Let us all start to do so by ourselves.我认为上述措施能使现状变好。让我们都从自身做起!






以下大家整理出来了高考英语作文中的万能句子。对考生会有很大帮助的。Recently, the problem of … has aroused people's concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注.The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色.它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题.Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了.It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为……Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……引出不同观点:People's views on … vary from person to person. Some hold that …. However, others believe that….人们对……的观点因人而异.有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为……People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解.Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异.There are different opinions among people as to …关于……,人们的观点大不相同.Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。结尾Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论……Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论……Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that …因此,我们最好得出这样的结论……There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点.All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.总之,我们没有…是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题.提出建议:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …该是采纳……的建议,并对……的进展给予特殊重视的时候了。There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of …毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视.Obviously, … If we want to do something … , it is essential that …显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是…Only in this way can we … 只有这样,我们才能……It must be realized that …我们必须意识到……预示后果:Obviously, if we don't control the problem, the chances are that … will lead us in danger.很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险.No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that …毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,很可能会……It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展.论证From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理.I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …我无法完全同意这一观点……Personally, I am standing on the side of …就个人而言,我站在……的一边.I sincerely believe that …我真诚地相信……In my opinion, it is more advisable to do … than to do ….在我个人看来,做……比做……更明智.Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why …给出原因:This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, … Second, … Third, …这一现象的存在是有许多原因的.首先,……;第二,,……;第三,……Why did …? For one thing …,for another …. Perhaps the primary reason is…为什么会……?一个原因是……,令一个原因是……;或许其主要原因是……I quite agree with the statement that … The reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,即……,其主要原因如下:列出解决办法:Here are some suggestions for handling … 这是如何处理某事的一些建议.The best way to solve the troubles is … 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……People have figured out many ways to solve this problem. 人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题.批判错误观点和做法:As far as something is concerned, … 就某事而言,……It was obvious that …很显然,….It may be true that …, but it doesn't mean that …可能……是对的,但这并不意味着……It is natural to believe that …, but we shouldn't ignore that …认为……是很自然的,但我们不应忽视……There is no evidence to suggest that … 没有证据表明……如何连接强调 still, indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially, obviously, clearly.比较 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.对比 by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.






