
> 期刊投稿知识库

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1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。






问题一:为什么一篇中文论文需要一个英文的摘要? 好的 [新手] 从正规的说法看,是为了和轨国际接轨。从实际看,我国学术尚在低潮期,需要与外国比较然后找出出路,所以在学术训练中做英文摘要是一种途径。佛教初入中国时,翻译佛经的一个词会动用几百甚至上千的高智商的人,在此激础上,才有禅宗和理学的出现,所以,对英语的消化也有一个过程。 文章八股自古皆然,历史上写诗文的大家大多是八股高手,起承转合破题承题都是在写八股过程中练出来的,关键不在他的死格式而在活思想, *** 论说文气势磅礴,论证严谨有力,其实他的出发点主要是孟子、庄子、韩愈,八股的活力是有的,关键在思想。 中国的工科学术落后于西方 用英语一旦发表就可以让他人检索到 ,可以与西方相应国家的相关技术有可比性,分出孰优孰劣,有利于自己论文的修改和提高。同时我国正全面进行小康社会的建设,改革开放是一个必要渠道,学术上的交流更突出其重要性。因此通过英文摘要,可以为中西方的学术交流提供了一个便利平台。从上面意义上说,要求在论文中写英语摘要就是用心良苦的一件事了 问题二:什么样的论文需要写英文摘要 是否要写英文摘要,要看论文发表的杂志级别。一般说来,国家级的、省级的、市级的专业杂志发表的论文都需要英文摘要。只不过,市级以下级别的杂志有些混乱,原因是有些杂志为了抬高地位或是其他原因,故意而为。所以,要不要英文摘要,还要以杂志编辑部要求为准。大学生毕业生的毕业论文,则依据学院的要求。 问题三:综述性论文的中文摘要和英文摘要是一个意思吗 什么时间要呢,我给你一篇如何???内容摘要 内容摘要要求把论文的主要观点提示出来,便于读者一看就能掌握论文内容的要点。目前比较通用结构式摘要,包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论。摘要应有高度的概括力,且要全面反映论文要点,简明、明确、畅达。 问题四:为什么论文的摘要必须要有中英文的 摘要是用来简述论文所论述问题和作揣观点的,可以通过摘要检索到关于某一学术问题的的文章。所以摘要有中英文可以增加被检索范围 问题五:毕业论文中英文摘要必须在同一页上吗? 看要求了。如果没有明确亥要求,先中文摘要、关键词,再英文摘要、关键词,按正常的往下排即可,不用管放在哪一页。 如果有要求,就要分页了。 问题六:论文中的英文摘要需要和中文摘要一致吗? 要一致,英文摘要就是中文摘要的翻译 问题七:论文英文摘要是中文摘要的翻译版吗? 大多是互译的,也可以得不一样,但中心要是一样的,毕竟论文是一份。所以表达的意思是一个。当然不一定要一次一句的翻译。。。 问题八:写论文的英文摘要应注意什么 首先要弄清楚摘要的目的,是让别人搜索论文的时候可以知道你的论文大概是讲什么的,吸引人家看论文全文,后面有关键词,方便搜索。摘要不宜长篇大论,扼要介绍论文的背景和解决了什么问题就可以了。很多学生的毛病是把该写在引言里的内容都放到摘要里来了。 写英文摘要的话,很多人是直接翻译中文摘要,但是不一定翻译得好。注意千万别用软件自动翻译,效果非常差。我的意见是中英文摘要的内容不必一一对应得那么死。例如中文中的“我国”,在英文中应该翻译成 China 而不是 our country,因为理论上看英文摘要的不一定是中国人。 假如你是大学生,要交毕业设计,最好的做法是用你自己能明白的英语把论文介绍一下,同时注意专业名词要准确翻译。 假如要正式发表,最好的做法,是从外国人的角度思考,假如他们对这个论题有兴趣的话,他们会怎样搜索论文,看到什么描述会想看看论文全文。 问题九:毕业论文中中文摘要是否要跟英文摘要分开 每个学校都有自己的要求,你们没有格式要求吗? 一般来说,分开页。






Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.

The university student's occupation career planning is the topic of social widespread concern nowadays, the occupation career planning means one conceive of the development road of personal whole life occupation with program.It can make student correct understanding ego, help a student to understand further society, strengthen the student's self-confident heart, help the student to carry out on his/her own.The result that is from here was many universities to set up related course or special subject to report and academic chair, also exist an extensively vigorous issue on the Internet, at that time the occupation career planning became the university graduate student is a concern most of a little bit hot a.But not a few university graduations return alive to without real career planning of the comprehension occupation to really slice meaning, to occupation career planning of important meaning understanding shortage, don't understand the procedure of occupation career planning, lack concrete technique of carry on the programming.So not a few university students to occupation career planning or cool detachment opposite, or vacant have no with proper from, or make the programming become formalistic, or regardless of the host and guest view's condition arbitrarily "programming"s with own fascination, this will cause occupation career planning of should have a function can't well develop. This text combines a current existent problem of the occupation career planning of university student and put forward some way of thinkings to the university student's occupation career planning's design. Keyword:The occupation career planning of university studentPASSAGE 2 summariesThe occupation career means one personal the havings in the whole life and work the occupation mutually contact of behavior and activity, and the continuous of related attitude, value, wishes...etc. experience of process.Successful occupation career design for choose an industry is to the developments of whole life to all have important meaning, be advantageous to explicit life to struggle a target, draw up a training plan, oneself can control an own destiny thus. Multifarious in the modern people change employment with business enterprise personnel flow under the situation of enlargement, not only personal occupation career development the programming seem to be important, more and more of business enterprise also is pass education and train a way, help employee to carry on an occupation career design, make their occupations grow up hard and the development target of business enterprise and in fact the process moderates consistently now, merge into an integral whole and reduce loss of talented people phenomenon thus. This text to contemporary university student after employment of high fluxion rate phenomenon and creation's reason of this phenomenon carried on analysis, put forward leading to design to lower after the employment the university student's fluxion rate into the occupation career through a business enterprise, and introduced to promote the method of occupation career planning to provide a business enterprise reference, strengthen an actual operation value. 【Keyword 】high fluxion rate meaning method of the occupation career planningPASSAGE 3 Reasonable design an own occupation career planning, is an university student to lead to successful square one.It can make the university student adequately know himself/herself, objective analysis environment, exactitude choice occupation, adopt valid measure to overcome occupation career various harassment within development, carry out own ideal thus.However, have more than half persons in our contemporary university student have never carried on an occupation career planning, they don't know that oneself will be engaged in in the future what kind of occupation perhaps to oneself the occupation choose lack necessary understanding.This kind of condition needs to be improve as soon as possible. The university student is the generation in the Chinese social transformation currently and destine the generation which to bear to pay a society a transformation price.Their preceding generation, actually and still have the old rice of traditional system, not and really throw in a market competition;But they are this generations, acquire the labor guarantee of very great degree because of socially progressing unremittingly;But they probably in 20 years of become the most pathetic person of Chinese society in"the white get unemployed wave tide", this be the price that they may pay. So the contemporary university student wants to definitely know choose of aftertime industry and employment, make them have a programming in advance by themselves.Seek job the employment is to future to work the upgrade foundation want to combine together realistic environment with our farsighted programmings, then give an own occupation career a clear fixed positionThis text passes to work to the university student in present stage condition analysis to commence, elucidation university student occupation programming of importance, and is design an own occupation career planning to put forward some good suggestions to the university student in present stage. Keyword:The essential main factor of the occupation career planning of the career planning principle of the step occupation of the occupation career planning of the occupation career of university student搞定~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~












Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.



This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.



Our text achieved the possibility above.





