
> 期刊投稿知识库

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问题一:毕业论文外文翻译是什么意思?有什么要求? 外文翻译要求:(1)选定外文文献后先给指导老师看,得到老师的确认通过后方可翻译。(2)选择外文翻译时一定选择外国作者写的文章,可从学校中知网或者外文数据库下载。(3)外文翻译字数要求3000字以上,从外文互章起始处开始翻译,不允许从文章中间部分开始翻译,翻译必须结束于文章的一个大段落。 问题二:如果参考文献是由国外的书翻译过来的,该怎么写 格式如下: 原作者.译文名[M].译者.出版地:出版者,出版年:引文页码. 问题三:大家做毕业设计的时候外文翻译怎么做的 1.确定自己的毕业课题方向; 2.了解自己学浮翻译要求,比如说字数、格式、对参考考文献是否要翻译等等; 3.找好相关的英文原文,估计一下,比如要翻5000字,则英文原文不加图要4页左右; 4.配好专业词汇软件和GOOGLE翻译,这两者会帮上大忙的,前者对一些专业词汇独到,后者可以让你对译文有个初步了解; 5.注意语句通顺,还有就是有些要意译,不然就会很别扭; 6.对于文中的公式最好用MATHTYPE编辑或者用WORD里的公式编辑器编辑,图片可以不用自己重新画,截过来在画图板里把要改的英文改成中文,其他工具也行,如果有严格要求就要用VISIO画了,对于图表,最好自己重新画; 7.因为有些图式粘过来的,所以编辑格式的时候要注意; 8.对参考文献的翻译:作者姓名可不用翻译,后面的基本都要翻译。 问题四:翻译过来的书当作参考文献应该怎么写啊? [序号] 主钉责任者.文献题名[M] .出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码. 例如:[1] 【英】亚当.斯密 著 王秀莉等 译 问题五:中文论文中引用英文著作的翻译版,如何写参考文献? 按照下面的格式写: (《从混沌到有序的英文书名》by作者A,作者B,translated by Zeng Qinghong,上海译文出版社的英文名称,1987) 书名和作者等请自行查找英文名称 问题六:毕设中的英文文献翻译怎么写,是自己写一篇介绍然后自己翻译成中文吗 毕业设计的英文翻译有两类 第一种,是将毕业实际中的摘要用英文进行翻译 第二种,是自己找一篇与毕业设计相关的论文,将它翻译为英文哗翻译的时候可以用专业的翻译工具。 问题七:关于文献翻译 5分 knowledge about customer, knowledge from customer and knowledge for customer 关于顾客的知识 从顾客那儿获得的知识 对于顾客的知识 关于客户的知识、客户拥有的知识、客户需要的知识 问题八:毕业论文的外文翻译怎么写啊? 是找一篇相关专业的英文文章再翻译,又不是让你写 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 问题九:《论文外文翻译怎么写》 英文摘要吧,一般自己根据中文摘要翻译的,不要用网上的翻译软件,错误百出,最好找个英语老师改改。 问题十:外文书籍的中文翻译版本作参考文献,格式应该是什么样的呢? [2] (美)Bruce Eckel著. C++编程思想.刘综田等译.北京:机械工业出版社,2000 [3] (美)William Ford等著. 数据结构C++语言描述(第2版).陈君译鸡北京:清华大学出版社,2003


我觉的科技论文翻译首先要做到以下几点:一、做好译前准备在翻译论文前,译者应先将要译的论文全文通读一遍,深刻理解原文每句话的含义以及其总体的结构。要在阅读的基础上,抓住该文的主要内容及特点。然后,在此基础上记下自己无法翻译的单词或术语及必要的句型。最后查阅有关词典或参考书,找出其相应的英语译法及句式表达。另外将其用铅笔轻轻加注在汉语论文无法翻译的词语或句型等下方,以便后续进行定稿整理。具体地说来,译前准备阶段有下列几个步聚:1、审读全文审读全文过程中要考虑下列几个问题:(1)你是否抓住了全文的中心内容?如果读完后还不知道该文的中心内容,你得考虑是否有把握翻译该文?(2)汉语论文中是否有文理不通或表达不清楚的地方?你能否把这些文理不通或表达不清楚的地方加以修改,使其文字通顺?(3)汉语论文中有否语言拖沓之处?应该怎么修改?(4)有没有修辞不当之处?你能对其加以改正吗?(5)汉语论文中的标点符号是否都正确?如有不当可以根据上、下文的意思将其改正?如果汉语论文中有上述之一点(或者有上述几点)的话,译者一般情况下是有能力独立处理的。如果万一自己无法处理,就应设法寻求帮助。否则,你自己就不具备翻译论文的最起码的汉语语言水平的条件。2、二次审读全文在第一次审读全文的基础上,现在就需要译者抛开汉语的思维习惯,一边读汉语的论文一边用英语进行思维了。当遇到某一(些)不知道如何译的专业术语时应当划下线,对于较生疏的汉语句式应当记下来。具体步聚是: 在二次阅读的基础上,用铅笔划出汉语论文中不熟悉(不会译)的词语和句型。查字典翻译出这些生疏的词语和句型,注在原文划下线的下方。看一看汉语中是否有句子长短不合适的地方?一般说来,中国人喜欢用短语,英美人(尤其在科技论文中)喜欢用多层次的长句。英译汉时常用折译法,而汉译英时却常常合(并)译。所以有些汉语句子可以根据其上下文的逻辑关系将两句译成一句。译者在二次阅读时应思考这个问题。二、仔细翻译论文一般说来,做好译前准备工作后,就可以开始仔细认真地手译(或用word整理好)。如果在翻译的过程中每一句话,每一个词,甚至每一个标点符号都准确无误的话,那么这次翻译基本可以定稿。但是译者只能尽量做到这一点。翻译时就应注意:句与句之间(除标点外)应当留一个字母的空隙;行与行之间留一行的空白。以便最后修改、加工时使用。如有因手误而导致译错的地方,应当及时在该行的左边页空处用铅笔加写正确的译文,同时将错译处划掉(注意不要涂抹),以便译完后及时修改。初译完后首先要自己审读一遍。看看除了自己在初译时及时发现的误译处外,有否别的不当之处:有否其它的译文用词不当?有否其它的标点错误?有否用词错误之处?有否句型等不合适的地方?有否译文的整体逻辑不清之处?如果上述几点均不存在,那么初译的论文在稍加工的基础上便可交付使用。三、做好论文加工论文加工指的是论文翻译大体得当,只有少数地方需要加工。一般说来,技术性的加工方法如下:(1)剪贴:指的是在论文的错(漏)处把正确的译文译好剪贴在错(漏)处。剪贴时应当注意:①纸质要与原纸质一致。②笔迹要一样。③如原文用打字译出,剪贴时也应打字。④剪贴时不应与前句(或后句),或上下文的最末(第一个)字母重叠。也不应覆盖原有的标点符号,以免影响原意。(2)局部修改:指的是论文在翻译中有较大的误译或错译。如果仅有几行错译或误译可以将其重新改写或打印。但一定要整齐、干净、达到“美”的标准。四、把控论文修改当初译的论文有取局部加工或剪贴的办法,需要重译。通过重译以更好地的把控质量,重译时有下列几点注意事项:(1)只重译有误译(错译)的那一页或那几页,没有必要全文重译。(2)避免改动过大,要保持上下文的一致。


















弹性分组环( RPR ) ,也称为的IEEE 802.17 ,是一个标准的设计,优化运输的数据流量超过光纤环。它的设计是要提供的应变能力,发现在SONET / SDH的网络( 50ms保护),而是设立面向电路连接,提供一个基于包的传输。这是为了提高工作效率的以太网和IP服务。RPR的工程,一个概念,双反旋转环所谓的几厘米。这些从几厘米到成立,创造了RPR站节点的交通是要下降,每流(流是侵入和出口的数据流量) 。 RPR的用途MAC (媒体访问控制协议)的讯息,以直接的交通,这两个方向的导线周围的冷力。该节点也进行谈判,为它们之间的带宽使用的公平算法,避免交通挤塞及未能跨越。避免失败的跨越是通过使用其中的两种技术被称为“督导”和“包装” 。督导下,如果一个节点或跨度是打破所有节点通知拓扑的变化和他们重新路由他们的交通。在包装的交通是环回在最后的节点前休息和路由到目的地站。所有的交通环是分配一类的服务(部门主管) ,并且该标准规定在3班。 A级(或高)的交通是一个纯粹的税务局局长(承诺信息速率)和旨在支持应用需要低延迟和抖动,如语音和视频。 B级(或中等)的交通是一个混合既是一个税务局局长和审查机构(过剩的信息率-这是符合公平排队) 。 C级(或低)是最好的努力,交通,利用带宽,无论是可用的。这主要是用来支持互联网接入的交通。另一个概念RPR的是什么是被称为 “空间再利用” 。由于RPR的“带”的信号,一旦到达目的地(不同的SONET / SDH upsr环,在该带宽是消耗左右整个环),它可以重复使用获释空间进行额外的交通。该RPR的标准还支持使用学习桥梁协会( IEEE 802.1d ),以进一步提高效率,在点,以点对多点的应用和VLAN标记协会( IEEE 802.1 ) 。有一个缺点, RPR技术是它并没有提供空间复用的框架传输到/从MAC地址不在场,在环形拓扑结构。这是正在处理的第1项修正案在IEEE 802.17b 。在空间上知道子层( SAS )的是一个可选层被界定的IEEE 802.17b 。这使得空间重用框架传输到/从MAC地址不在场,在环形拓扑结构。这是一个延伸到弹性分组环标准。

助读系统是语文教材的重要组成部分,它架起了教材、教材编辑者和使用者三者之间沟通的桥梁。助读系统的设计体现了教材编写者对教师教学和学生学习方向和重点的引导,因此它是一套语文教材价值和特色的重要体现。The reading-support system is an important part of the Chinese textbooks. It builds the communicating bridges amount the textbooks, textbook editors and the users. The reading-supportsystem’s design reflects on the textbook editors on teachers’ teaching, the students' learning direction and is the key point guidance. Therefore, it is an important reflection on the Chinese textbooks and their characteristics. 助读系统的建立使语文和生活的关系更进一步,拓展了教学内容。新课标强调学生自主学习能力的培养,因此对助读系统的编辑提出了更高的要求。The creation of the reading-support system has further improved the relationships between the Chinese language and our everyday life, which has also expended the teaching content. The new curriculum emphasizes on the cultivation of the students’ independent learning ability. Therefore, it demands even higher requirement from the reading-support system’s editing. 目前我国语文教材助读系统的研究虽然取得了一定的成果,但不是很令人满意,还存在着不足之处。而中美两国语文教材助读系统比较研究会有助于两者互相借鉴学习,尤其有助于我国语文教材助读系统设计的优化,所以比较研究中美语文教材助读系统既有理论价值,也有重要的实践价值。At present, although the reading-support system of our country’s Chinese textbook has gained a certain degree of achievements, it is not yet satisfactory and it is still imperfect and the reading-support system of the language teaching material in China and the United States' comparison seminar, which would help for both to learn from each other. Especially help to optimize the design ofour country language teachingmaterials’ reading-support system. Therefore, the Chinese and American textbook materials’ comparison seminar not just has its theoretical value but also with an important practical value as well. 谢谢你的求助,希望会令你满意。

Reading-support system is an important part of Chinese textbooks, it has set up a bridge of communication among teaching materials ,textbook editors and users. Textbook editors have designed reading-support system in the purpose of leading teachers of their teaching and students of their studying direction, so it has been an important manifestation of the value and characteristics of a set of language teaching materials.The settlement of reading-support system has improved the relationship betweeen language and life and also extended our content of courses. The new curriculum stress students' self-learning ability and thus request more for the editing of reading-support system. Though we have achieved some success in reading-support system of Chinese textbooks, it's not enough , there are still many weaknesses. And comparision between Chinese and American textbooks of reading-support system may contribute to the two of their promoting,especially to our optimization. So comparision of the two is not only theory valued but also practice valued.


毕业设计用的 3000字左右 外文和翻译 谢谢啦


你好:Zhuzhou Shifeng the preliminary design of the bridge (to a row simply supported continuous beam construction program) Abstract The design of the bridge is mainly Zhuzhou Shifeng the preliminary design of the upper structure. Zhuzhou Shifeng Bridge to the use of simply-supported method for first after the lifting of prefabricated construction girder into a simply supported beam, and then inter-beam removal of temporary support to form cast-in-place continuous beam, main beam of the use of such a high degree of box girder, span of 30 meters. The design is composed of eleven chapters, the first chapter for the introduction, a brief bad environment surrounding the project, the design requirements, construction methods; chapter for the bridge-and longitudinal and cross-sectional layout; the third chapter for the cross-section geometric properties;第四五六Chapter for the calculation of internal forces and internal forces at the internal force composition; Chapter VII of the estimates for the pre-stressed beam of steel, arranged;第八九chapter for prestressed reinforcement after the loss and the calculation of internal forces; Chapter beam intensity-based check. Chapter XI for the stress, deformation, and other check. Keywords: prestressed concrete simply supported continuous beam bridge construction for the internal force to the internal force portfolio at pre-camber

PickThis paper their whole meaning, and the cost of the influence of the major stages - cost of investment decision-making, design, execution and completion of construction stage, the status quo and in domestic stage of concrete construction cost control methods, and puts forward the detailed in our Bridges of engineering cost control key to investment decision-making stage and the design phase shift. And that is the focus of control of all projects in themselves, but in charge of the people, professional morality is the core, all control method is one of the tools to achieve the goal. This recommendation from supervision actively design stage, and suggested it early intervention from the start, and make some professional consulting company can trust in the cost. How to describe a degree from the wisdom of all together, comprehensive project cost control of the total bridge.


Geometric Design of HighwaysA Alignment DesignThe alignment of a road is shown on the plane view and is a series of straight lines called tangents connected by circular. In modern practice it is common to interpose transition or spiral curves between tangents and circular curves.Alignment must be consistent. Sudden changes from flat to sharp curves and long tangents followed by sharp curves must be avoided; otherwise, accident hazards will be created. Likewise, placing circular curves of different radii end to end (compound curves) or having a short tangent between two curves is poor practice unless suitable transitions between them are provided. Long, flat curves are preferable at all times, as they are pleasing in appearance and decrease possibility of future obsolescence. However, alignment without tangents is undesirable on two-lane roads because some drivers hesitate to pass on curves. Long, flat curves should be used for small changes in direction, as short curves appear as “kink”. Also horizontal and vertical alignment must be considered together, not separately. For example, a sharp horizontal curve beginning near a crest can create a serious accident hazard.A vehicle traveling in a curved path is subject to centrifugal force. This is balanced by an equal and opposite force developed through cannot exceed certain maximums, and these controls place limits on the sharpness of curves that can be used with a design speed.Usually the sharpness of a given circular curve is indicated by its radius. However, for alignment design, sharpness is commonly expressed in terms of degree of curve, which is the central angle subtended by a 100-ft length of curve. Degree of curve is inversely proportional to the radius.Tangent sections of highways carry normal cross slope; curved sections are superelevated. Provision must be made for gradual change from one to the other. This usually involves maintaining the center line of each individual roadway at profile grade while raising the outer edge and lowering the inner edge to produce the desired superelevation is attained some distance beyond the point of curve. If a vehicle travels at high speed on a carefully restricted path made up of tangents connected by sharp circular curve, riding is extremely uncomfortable. As the car approaches a curve, superelevation begins and the vehicle is tilted inward, but the passenger must remain vertical since there is on centrifugal force requiring compensation. When the vehicle reaches the curve, full centrifugal force develops at once, and pulls the rider outward from his vertical position. To achieve a position of equilibrium he must force his body far inward. As the remaining superelevation takes effect, further adjustment in position is required. This process is repeated in reverse order as the vehicle leaves the curve. When easement curves are introduced, the change in radius from infinity on the tangent to that of the circular curve is effected gradually so that centrifugal force also develops gradually. By careful application of superelevation along the spiral, a smooth and gradual application of centrifugal force can be had and the roughness avoided.Easement curves have been used by the railroads for many years, but their adoption by highway agencies has come only recently. This is understandable. Railroad trains must follow the precise alignment of the tracks, and the discomfort described here can be avoided only by adopting easement curves. On the other hand, the motor-vehicle operator is free to alter his lateral position on the road and can provide his own easement curves by steering into circular curves gradually. However, this weaving within a traffic lane (but sometimes into other lanes) is dangerous. Properly designed easement curves make weaving unnecessary. It is largely for safety reasons, then, that easement curves have been widely adopted by highway agencies.For the same radius circular curve, the addition of easement curves at the ends changes the location of the curve with relation to its tangents; hence the decision regarding their use should be made before the final location survey. They point of beginning of an ordinary circular curve is usually labeled the PC (point of curve) or BC (beginning of curve). Its end is marked the PT (point of tangent) or EC (end of curve). For curves that include easements, the common notation is, as stationing increases: TS (tangent to spiral), SC (spiral to circular curve), CS (circular curve to spiral), and ST (spiral go tangent).On two-lane pavements provision of a wilder roadway is advisable on sharp curves. This will allow for such factors as (1) the tendency for drivers to shy away from the pavement edge, (2) increased effective transverse vehicle width because the front and rear wheels do not track, and (3) added width because of the slanted position of the front of the vehicle to the roadway centerline. For 24-ft roadways, the added width is so small that it can be neglected. Only for 30mph design speeds and curves sharper than 22°does the added width reach 2 ft. For narrower pavements, however, widening assumes importance even on fairly flat curves. Recommended amounts of and procedures for curve widening are given in Geometric Design for Highways.B GradesThe vertical alignment of the roadway and its effect on the safe and economical operation of the motor vehicle constitute one of the most important features of road design. The vertical alignment, which consists of a series of straight lines connected by vertical parabolic or circular curves, is known as the “grade line.” When the grade line is increasing from the horizontal it is known as a “plus grade,” and when it is decreasing from the horizontal it is known as a “minus grade.” In analyzing grade and grade controls, the designer usually studies the effect of change in grade on the centerline profile.In the establishment of a grade, an ideal situation is one in which the cut is balanced against the fill without a great deal of borrow or an excess of cut to be wasted. All hauls should be downhill if possible and not too long. The grade should follow the general terrain and rise and fall in the direction of the existing drainage. In mountainous country the grade may be set to balance excavation against embankment as a clue toward least overall cost. In flat or prairie country it will be approximately parallel to the ground surface but sufficiently above it to allow surface drainage and, where necessary, to permit the wind to clear drifting snow. Where the road approaches or follows along streams, the height of the grade line may be dictated by the expected level of flood water. Under all conditions, smooth, flowing grade lines are preferable to choppy ones of many short straight sections connected with short vertical curves.Changes of grade from plus to minus should be placed in cuts, and changes from a minus grade to a plus grade should be placed in fills. This will generally give a good design, and many times it will avoid the appearance of building hills and producing depressions contrary to the general existing contours of the land. Other considerations for determining the grade line may be of more importance than the balancing of cuts and fills.Urban projects usually require a more detailed study of the controls and finer adjustment of elevations than do rural projects. It is often best to adjust the grade to meet existing conditions because of the additional expense of doing otherwise.In the analysis of grade and grade control, one of the most important considerations is the effect of grades on the operating costs of the motor vehicle. An increase in gasoline consumption and a reduction in speed are apparent when grades are increase in gasoline consumption and a reduction in speed is apparent when grades are increased. An economical approach would be to balance the added annual cost of grade reduction against the added annual cost of vehicle operation without grade reduction. An accurate solution to the problem depends on the knowledge of traffic volume and type, which can be obtained only by means of a traffic survey.While maximum grades vary a great deal in various states, AASHTO recommendations make maximum grades dependent on design speed and topography. Present practice limits grades to 5 percent of a design speed of 70 mph. For a design speed of 30 mph, maximum grades typically range from 7 to 12 percent, depending on topography.Wherever long sustained grades are used, the designer should not substantially exceed the critical length of grade without the provision of climbing lanes for slow-moving vehicles. Critical grade lengths vary from 1700 ft for a 3 percent grade to 500 ft for an 8 percent grade.Long sustained grades should be less than the maximum grade on any particular section of a highway. It is often preferred to break the long sustained uniform grade by placing steeper grades at the bottom and lightening the grade near the top of the ascent. Dips in the profile grade in which vehicles may be hidden from view should also be avoided.Maximum grade for highway is 9 percent. Standards setting minimum grades are of importance only when surface drainage is a problem as when water must be carried away in a gutter or roadside ditch. In such instances the AASHTO suggests a minimum of 0.35%.C Sight DistanceFor safe vehicle operation, highway must be designed to give drivers a sufficient distance or clear version ahead so that they can avoid unexpected obstacles and can pass slower vehicles without danger. Sight distance is the length of highway visible ahead to the driver of a vehicle. The concept of safe sight distance has two facets: “stopping” (or “no passing”) and “passing”.At times large objects may drop into a roadway and will do serious damage to a motor vehicle that strikes them. Again a car or truck may be forced to stop in the traffic lane in the path of following vehicles. In dither instance, proper design requires that such hazards become visible at distances great enough that drivers can stop before hitting them. Further more, it is unsafe to assume that one oncoming vehicle may avoid trouble by leaving the lane in which it is traveling, for this might result in loss of control or collision with another vehicle.Stopping sight distance is made up of two elements. The first is the distance traveled after the obstruction comes into view but before the driver applies his brakes. During this period of perception and reaction, the vehicle travels at its initial velocity. The second distance is consumed while the driver brakes the vehicle to a stop. The first of these two distances is dependent on the speed of the vehicle and the perception time and brake-reaction time of the operator. The second distance depends on the speed of the vehicle; the condition of brakes, times, and roadway surface; and the alignment and grade of the highway.On two-lane highways, opportunity to pass slow-moving vehicles must be provided at intervals. Otherwise capacity decreases and accidents increase as impatient drivers risk head-on collisions by passing when it is unsafe to do so. The minimum distance ahead that must be clear to permit safe passing is called the passing sight distance.In deciding whether or not to pass another vehicle, the driver must weigh the clear distance available to him against the distance required to carry out the sequence of events that make up the passing maneuver. Among the factors that will influence his decision are the degree of caution that he exercises and the accelerating ability of his vehicle. Because humans differ markedly, passing practices, which depend largely on human judgment and behavior rather than on the laws of mechanics, vary considerably among drivers. To establish design values for passing sight distances, engineers observed the passing practices of many drivers. Basic observations on which passing sight distance standards are based were made during the period 1938-1941. Assumed operating conditions are as follows:1. The overtaken vehicle travels at a uniform speed.2. The passing vehicle has reduced speed and trails the overtaken one as it enters the passing section.3. When the passing section is reached, the driver requires a short period of time to perceive the clear passing section and to react to start his maneuver.4. Passing is accomplished under what may be termed a delayed start and a hurried return in the face of opposing traffic. The passing vehicle accelerates during the maneuver and its average speed during occupancy of the left lane is 10 mph higher than that of the overtaken vehicle.5. When the passing vehicle returns to its lane there is a suitable clearance length between it and an oncoming vehicle in the other lane.The five distances, in sum, make up passing sight distance.



















高压旋喷桩在道路软基处理中的应用摘 要:在津沽改线下穿通道的U15-U18段及搭板处,因按照原计划用于加强软土地基承载力的深层水泥搅拌桩机具过高,容易使机具与其上的高压线发生电击事故而在施工中无法得到实施,所以此段变更为高压旋喷桩。本文结合工程实例,分别从工作机理、施工流程、和质量检验三个方面对高压旋喷桩做了阐述。关键词:软土地基处理,高压旋喷桩,质量控制1、工程简介津沽该线下穿通道工程全长440米,宽为30.5米,其中U型槽的JK3+493.302¬— JK3+573.302的范围内,道路中心线两侧上方有110KV高压线干扰,所以此段由原来的深层水泥搅拌桩变更为高压旋喷桩。此段旋喷桩设计桩长10—15 米,设计桩径600mm,梅花形布置,桩距1.5米,总根数为668根,总米数为8095.4米,从2009年11月8日始到2009年11月19日止,历时12天,工后检验效果理想。2、高压旋喷桩概述2.1.概念:高压旋喷桩是高压喷射注浆法处理地基中的一种,是利用钻孔设备,把安装在注浆管底部侧面的特殊喷嘴,置入土层预定深度后,用高压泥浆泵等装置,以20Mpa左右的压力把预先制备好的水泥、水玻璃等材料作为主固化剂的浆液从喷嘴中喷射出去冲击破坏土体,同时借助注浆管的旋转和提升运动,使浆液把从土体上崩落下来的土搅拌混合,经一定时间的凝固,便在土中形成圆柱状的具有一定强度和抗渗能力的固结体,从而使地基承载力得到加强的一种工程方法。2.2. 加固机理:高压喷射注浆是利用工程钻机把带有喷嘴的注浆管钻进至土层的预定位置,以高压设备使浆液成为20Mpa左右的高压流从喷嘴里喷射出来,冲击破坏土体,当能量大、速度快和呈脉动状的喷射流的动压超过土体结构强度时,土料便从土体剥落下来,高压流切割搅碎的土层,呈颗粒状分散,一部分被浆液和水带出钻孔,另一部分则与浆液搅拌混合,随着浆液的凝固,组成具有一定强度和抗渗能力的固结体,当喷射流以360°旋转、自下而上喷射提升时,固结体的截面形状为圆形即称为旋喷。在钻机的钻杆最前端设置一个高压液体喷射装置,当钻机把该高压喷射装置送到土层预定深度时,通过高压泵向钻杆中心孔连续输送高压水泥浆液,高压水泥浆液即通过喷射装置中的喷嘴小孔喷入钻杆周围的砂层、土层及砂土层,与此同时钻机带动钻杆缓慢旋转并提升使喷嘴缓慢螺旋上升,从而使高压水泥浆不断切割搅拌土层,形成水泥、砂、土及速凝剂的混合搅拌浆体,通过固化剂和软土间所产生的一系列物理化学反应,生成水化物,然后水化物胶结形成凝胶体,将土颗粒凝结在一起形成具有整体性、水稳定性和较高强度的结构整体,从而提高其复合地基承载力及改变地基土物理化学性能,达到提高地基承载力、减少地基沉降、阻止水体流动、增强地基稳定性的目的。旋喷桩主要用于加固地基,提高地基的抗剪强度,改善地基土的变性性能,使其在上部结构荷载作用下,不至破坏或产生过大的变形。3、施工流程旋喷注浆施工流程可大致分为:施工准备,试桩、技术参数确定→测量放样,桩机就位,钻孔,水泥浆制备,旋喷和复搅,提管冲洗,移动设备→桩基工后检测;3.1、 施工准备:钻机进场之前首先进行场地布置,清除施工区域的杂物,平整场地施工段落要平整密实,做好排水工作,确保在较干净的环境中进行施工,其次,准备好施工用电和施工用水;施工用电使用沿线设置的变压器并配备发电机在施工现场,架设电缆接线到施工作业区。3.2、试桩、技术参数确定:每个工点施工前必须先打不少于3根的工艺试验桩,以检验机具性能及施工工艺中的各项技术参数,其中包括最佳的灰浆稠度、工作压力、钻进和提升速度等,还应根据被加固土的性质及单桩承载力要求,确定水泥掺入量。通过试验桩确定本工程高压旋喷桩施工技术参数为:水灰比为1:1;钻进、工作压力20~25Mpa;提升速度≤0.25m/min;桩顶1米范围提升速度≤0.2m/min;转速应控制在20~25r/min,水泥掺入量范围在180~220Kg/m之间。3.3、测量放样:测量人员根据施工图纸提供的坐标、平面布置图,在施工段落进行布桩,桩位用小木桩红色头醒目标注,桩间距误差不大于50mm,布桩完成自检合格后报监理工程师验收,验收合格后进行下一步工序。3.4、钻机就位:搅拌机具运至现场后进行安装调试,待转速、压力及计量设备正常后就位。钻机就位时先使钻头对准桩位标志中心,然后进行钻杆的双向调平,之后,再次调整对中,最后再精确调平。垂直度误差不超过1%,对中误差小于5cm。3.5、钻孔:每台钻机在开钻前,技术人员对钻杆总长度进行尺量,根据桩长、设计桩顶标高、原地面标高计算下钻节数,并在最后一节钻杆上标定出下钻结束位置。钻孔的目的是为了把注浆管置入到预定深度,钻孔方法采用单管法旋转钻机。在钻杆下钻时采用小于10Mpa的水泥浆压力,一方面防止堵喷嘴,另一方面对土体进行第一次喷射,使土体成为混合液,减小喷浆时土体的阻力,以利于浆液充分搅拌,钻到设计的深度。成孔后,应校检孔位、孔深及垂直度,是否符合设计要求。3.6、灰浆的制作:选用优质42.5#普硅水泥,根据搅拌桶的大小、水灰比、泥浆比重来标定最大水位线,按水灰比1:1添加水泥,并经充分搅拌,测定泥浆比重是否达到试配时比重1.47,如达不到继续添加水泥直至达到试配水泥浆比重为止。搅拌时间少于4分钟的不得使用,超过初凝时间的浆液也不得使用;灰浆经过两道过滤网的过滤,以防喷嘴发生堵塞;抽入储浆桶内的灰浆要不停地搅拌。3.7、旋喷和复搅:将注浆管下到预定深度后,调整回流阀门,使旋喷罐内的压强达到规定值,水泥浆到达喷嘴后,检验喷射方向、摆动角度,一切合格后,调整工作台和油泵阀门,使旋转速度控制在20—25 r /min和提升速度达到20-25cm /min的范围时开始提杆、旋喷,由下往上成桩,在桩头以下1米范围复喷提钻时采用最慢的1档提钻上升,并复喷一次,增加桩体的密实度,因为桩顶以下1米范围将承受较大的荷载,加强此处桩体的质量对发挥桩体的承载力起关键作用。当喷浆结束后,要对注浆孔进行二次回灌,防止旋喷桩体因水泥浆固结出现顶部凹陷而达不到设计桩顶标高。在施工过程中,旋转速度、提升速度、旋喷压力、水泥用量参数的变化将直接影响桩的均匀程度和桩径,水灰比参数的变化将会影响桩身的强度,因此必须时刻注意检查浆液初凝时间、水泥浆流量及压力、提升速度、旋摆角度、喷射方法等参数是否符合设计要求,并随时作好记录,如遇故障应及时排除。3.8、提管冲洗:喷射作业完成后,将注浆泵的吸浆管移到水箱内,在地面上喷射,以便把泥浆泵、注浆管内的浆液全部排除,防止残存水泥浆将管路堵塞。3.9移动设备:移动钻机至下一孔位,为确保桩与桩之间能很好咬合,宜采用打一跳一法,且间隔时间应大于36小时。4、质量检验 高压旋喷桩完成28d后方能进行质量检验。4.1、触探及抽芯检验成桩7d内采用轻型触探进行N10检测,检测频率为工程桩数的2%。抽芯检验的总桩数不得少于工程桩数的3‰,单位工程桩数小于1000根时,至少做3根。桩芯无侧限抗压强度(28d)应满足如下要求:桩顶~2/3桩长范围:≥1.6MPa;2/3桩长~桩尖范围:≥1.4MPa。4.2、高压旋喷桩单桩承载力要求高压旋喷桩单桩承载力表桩长(m) 单桩承载力(KN)10 30711 33712 36713 39714 42715 442质量检验标准序号 控制参数 控制标准值 备 注1 桩机安装垂直度偏差 <1% 查施工记录2 桩位偏差 ±50 mm 查施工记录3 注浆压力 ≥20Mpa 查施工记录4 水灰比 1:1 查施工记录5 水泥用量 ≥180kg/m 查施工记录6 桩径 ≥600mm 开挖抽查2%7 桩长 不小于设计值 查施工记录8 旋转速度 20~25r/min9 喷提升速度 10~25 cm/min10 桩身强度 不小于设计值 抽芯检查5、注意事项5.1、施工时应先施工内排桩,后施工外排桩5.2、水泥浆液应连续供应。如发生断浆现象,须复打,复打重叠长度必须大于1.0m。5.3、浆液拌和应均匀,不得有结块;浆液不得离析或停滞时间过长,超过2小时应停止使用。5.4、构造物基底水泥搅拌桩桩顶高程应根据构造物底高程进行计算确定,同时应考虑凿除50㎝桩头的影响。5.5、旋喷废浆应予以充分利用,施工过长中可在相邻桩之间开挖一定深度的浆液存贮沟(沟宽0.6~0.8米,深0.8~1.0米),待浆液凝固后形成具有一定强度的桩间横系梁,以增强各桩间共同作用,提高地基承载力。施工中控制冒浆量小于注浆量的20%,超过20%或完全不冒浆应查明原因,采取措施。5.6、成桩28d后,可开始基槽开挖,凿除50㎝软桩头,桩头凿除后桩长不得小于设计桩长。5.7、提钻喷浆的速度控制,控制好旋喷速度,保证不大于25cm/min且稳定,灌浆管分段搭接的长度不得小于10cm。底部时应适当加大压力保证底部桩头大于设计,顶部时应重复提钻喷浆一次保证桩头的完整。5.8、提升旋喷过程中确保压力达到设计要求,不小于20Mpa,使足够的水泥浆压入土体,钻杆旋转速度再规定范围内,20~25r/min,确保桩体的均匀性和整体性及强度。6、结语实践表明,采用高压旋喷桩技术进行软土地基加固的效果是显著的,它具有加固体强度高、加固质量均匀、施工操作简便、占地高度小等特点,可用于处理加固淤泥质土、粉土、粘土等软土地基,适用于场地狭窄、不宜进驻大型机械设备等场合,可有效地减少地基总沉降量和不均匀沉降,地基处理效果明显。参考文献:[1] 叶书麟. 地基处理工程实例应用手册[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1983,3[2] 程云朋. 高压旋喷桩在地基加固中的应用探讨[J]. 山西建筑,2007[3] 李 兵. 高压旋喷桩施工技术[J]. 甘肃科技,2005










