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只要是英语专业的毕业论文,通常都要用英语写。不过,具体还要看你所在学校或院系的要求。 关于毕业论文,以下是2000年版的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的表述: 毕业论文是考察学生综合能力、评 估学业成绩的一个重要方式。毕业论文一般应用英语撰写,长度为3,000-5,000个单词,要求文字通顺、思路…… LZ也可以网上查阅。










毕业季,很多同学们都很忙。有的忙着各种招聘考试,有的忙着投简历面试,有的忙着研究生的复试,还有公务员面试。但是正当此时,大家还有一个重要的任务就是写毕业论文,尤其是英语专业的同学。因为英语专业的同学还要备战三月份的八级考试,一般院校都是三月交开题报告,四月份交一稿, 二稿,三稿,甚至更多(这个要取决于你的导师),然后五月份要论文检测后交定稿,最后在五月底六月初的时候进行论文答辩。下面学术堂就给大家详细的讲解一下英语专业本科毕业论文怎么写?一、选题一般来讲,选题一下子是很难确定的。比较容易的做法是先选一个总的课题,然后围绕总题找材料 阅读、思考,最后确定哪一个方面或哪些方面可以在论文中加以运用和发挥。比如,你对语音很有兴趣 .若选“On English Phonetics”,题目就太大了,不如选“On Teaching English Phonetics in M iddle School”,因为这个题目范围小,直接与你从事的英语课堂语音教学联系起来,比较切合实际,写 起来也比较顺手。同时师范院校的毕业生通过中学教学实习多少都有某些实践和体会,写起来就更容易 一些。在选题方面,以下几点可供参考:(1) 题目要富有意义,要有严肃性。论文写作是一项严肃的学术研究。你的分析要有一定深度和创见,其目的是要让读者从中思考并获 得新的信息。题目没有意义和严肃性,其论文必然不会有多大学术价值。(2) 要结合个人特长和研究能力。比如,你对语言学和词汇学都有兴趣,但你更喜欢词汇学,并且平时阅读和积累这方面的材料也很 多,可以说是你的专长; 那你最好选这方面的内容去写。因此,要根据个人的特长和能力选择符合个人 实际的题目去写。(3) 要结合个人手头的资料选题。论文中所表达的观点和论点一般是以资料研究为基础的。如手头仅有一、两本书或几篇文章,就想 从中得出令人信服的结论,这是不可能的; 即使得出结论,这样的论文也是没有多大说服力的,结论是 站不住脚的,因为你手头的资料太少,不足为证。(4) 要注意客观性。题目的选择要竭力避免个人主观性。有些题目往往反映了作者的个人偏见。比如,这种题目: “Which Was the Creater Writer,Mark Twain or Hemingwei?”就不太合适了,因为你的结论不是 “Mark Twain”,就是“Hemingwei”.这样容易产生个人主观臆断。我们不妨改为“A Comparison of Themes in Mark Twain' s and Hemingwei' s Works”较妥。(5) 要有利于得出合理的结论。若选“On English Teach ing inM iddle School”是很难得出比较合理的结论。题目太大,无法深 入研究,应设法限制课题范围,找到研究焦点。比如,“On the Teaching of English Phonetics”,太 笼统、太广,我们可以缩小范围: “On the Teaching of English Phonetics in Middle School”.这 个题目还可以再缩小:“On the Teaching of EnglishPhonetics in Junior High School”.这样就把 题目限制到最小范围,从而容易得出个人的结论。二、开题报告1、开题报告的写作很讲究,如果你开题报告确定了,那么就可以开始写正文了。开题报告包括5部 分:Title(题目),background(国内外研究现状),influence(选题目的和意义),Thesis statement(主题),Outline(提纲),Bibliography(参考文献)。2、首先,要给自己的论文拟定一个标题,然后给这个标题构思一个主题(Thesis statement),也 就是整篇论文到底在讲什么,要论述什么。接着,构思自己文章的大致框架,也就是提纲(Outline)。 这一步至关重要,能否列好提高决定着你之后的论文的写作。所以一定要仔细认真地对待。最后的就是 参考文献(Bibliography),这个就需要你把之前所搜集的资料都翻出来,筛选出你所需要的。一般参 考文献不要超过10个,而且最好是中英文参考文献都要有。参考文献具体的格式这里就不赘述了,具体 参考百度百度或学校发的“学士学位毕业论文指导”.三、正文(重点)1、开题报告确定之后,就要开始论文正文部分的写作了。开始写正文之前还有一个小插曲,那就是 摘要部分的写作。摘要部分真的很重要。这个要反复修改润色之后才可以通过,因为导师主要看你的摘 要,摘要要写的短而精,意思就是让你用最简明扼要的话把整篇论文的主题和内容给概括一下,达到让 人一目了然的效果。2、讲了那么多前奏性的东西,现在终于开始正文部分的写作了。那么正文写作有什么小技巧吗?答 案是肯定的。首先介绍一款非常写论文必备的工具,“有道词典”PC版,接下来教你怎么用它来完成论 文的写作。首先,我们已经准备好了各种资料,大多数资料都是电子期刊杂志,基本它们的格式都是 PDF,要求电脑支持PDF格式,有一部分是CAJ的,但仍然不影响咱们使用它。我们要做的是把你所需要的 内容(中文)复制粘贴到有道词典的在线翻译一栏,点击之后就翻译好了。别急,有道是机器翻译难免 会有很多错误,但是机器翻译有一个优点就是选词很好。这样以来,稍微语法基础好点的同学就可以对 翻译结果进行润色修改,然后粘贴到你所需要的地方就可以了。另一方面,如果你遇到自己不会写的单 词直接用有道词典搜索一下即可。当然为了求得用词精准,最好把例句看一下,有时搜不到的词,在例 句里会有更好的翻译。3、英语论文写作对原创性有一定的要求,一般是直接引用的内容不得超过30%,这就要动用童鞋们脑 袋来修改原文了,比如说你要引用书中的一段文字。你就可以把它复制粘贴到记事本里,然后开始修改 ,也就是Paraphrase.修改原句的技巧是“尽量用自己的话概括愿意”,切忌出现换汤不换药的现象,也 就是把原文中的几个词给换了。我写论文大部分是PARAPHRASE的,因为这样很省时间,论文检测的时候 也容易通过。4、查英语资料怎么能少了“维基百科”呢,因为维基是外国的网站,有很多语言的版本,如果你需 要查询什么资料,直接输入关键词,然后选择语言为“English”,然后就可以把你需要的内容复制粘贴 到记事本,稍作修改即可。千万不要直接粘贴复制别人的东西,这要会被人认为抄袭,盗窃。严重点可 能会遭到投诉,特别是东拼西凑别人论文的内容。5、写文学论文如果使用一定的方法就更简单了。但是很多童鞋都没学过,有些考过研究生的可能读 过一些相关书籍,那最好不过了。不过,你可以上网搜一些简单的文学批评方法,我当时用的是:原型 批评理论。加上这个理论,再结合自己论文的内容,稍作补充,又可以增加2000多词。6、学会充分利用“sparknotes”这个网站,因为上面有很多文学评论之类的,具体到对某个作品的 分析评论。还有作品分部分介绍,可以更好地帮你把握文章的主题。除此之外还有很多的学科的资料。7、为防止导师让你写二稿三稿,最好在交稿前多审阅几遍,让自己的同学或室友帮忙看一下语法语 句错误。因为自己连续几天对着电脑,几千字的英文实在看不下去了。然后,再用office自带的纠错功 能检查一下语法语句以及大小写,单词拼写能错误。这样反复两次修改之后,基本上都能一次性通过。四、注意事项论文结构一般包括以下部分: (1) 题目,(2) 摘要(或前言) ,(3) 提纲,(4) 正文,( 5) 结尾,(6) 注释和文献目录。原则上少用直接引语。不用直接引语的论文也是有的,但通常直接引语是需要的。(1) 如果选题 是文学方面的,必然要涉及原作者的文体。这就要求对作品中某些篇章进行分析,势必要引用原文。凡引用原作者的证据或观点都必须加角注(或补注) 说明出处。如果用间接引语陈述可以不加。角 注主要是用来说明新的论据和观点的出处,否则会被认为是剽窃。文献目录指论文中使用信息资料的书目、文章和其他出版物的细目。有两种: 工作文献目录和最后 目录。工作目录是一套卡片,在上面列出有用的资料; 最后目录是论文完成后要准备的参考书目,也是 写论文时实际要用的资料目录,因为你不可能预知哪些书或文章包含对你有用的信息,你得为每种资料 准备文献目录卡、阅读对可能舍去哪些无用的资料卡。


毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.


毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句: completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。 is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺骗性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。 have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。 question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。 thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)


大学校园中的恋爱情况,我们已经司空见惯。Love in university campus, we have It is quite common for.首先,我要说一下大学生恋爱的现状。First of all, I want to say about the situation of College Students' 、恋爱年龄小,从大一就开始盛行了;1, love is the age of small, popular from the start;2、恋爱公开化,和高中时期不同,现在的我们都喜欢将自己的男(女)朋友公之于众,国家都允许大学生结婚,学校怎么还会管这么多;2, love the open, and in high school, now we all love your male (female) friends toreveal to the public, countries allow college students to get married, how can so many school tube;3、恋爱成活率低,悲剧增多。由于大学缺乏经济基础和未来的一定性,恋爱走入婚姻的机率较低。有部分大学生不会处理学业和恋爱的关系,爱情至上,厌学、旷课现象增多,严重的甚至不能顺利毕业,耽误了自己的美好前程。也有的大学生社会阅历浅,心理承受能力弱,而期望值又高,易冲动,一旦失恋或受到打击,往往造成爱情悲剧。伤害对方的有之;自杀的有之;精神分裂的有之;厌恶俗世、破罐破摔的亦有之。因此,我们需要理性的认识大学恋爱。3, the low survival rate of increase of love, tragedy. Due to the lack of economic foundation and a qualitative University future, love marriage low probability. Some students can not deal with academic and love relationship, love first, increasedweariness, truancy phenomenon, serious can't even graduate, delayed his bright future. Also some social experience shallow, the psychology bearing capacity is weak, and expectations are high, easy impulse, once the romance or hit, often caused the tragedy of love. Hurt each other with the Dutch act; have;schizophrenia is earthly, Poguanposhuai; aversion to also have. Therefore, we need a rational understanding of love in the university.我要说一下大学生恋爱的利弊。就个体而言,恋爱对青年的心里成熟有着促进的作用,有些心理学家认为,恋爱是青春晚期和成年早期最重要的事件,只有经过了恋爱,人才会真正成熟起来。不过,恋爱的意义虽有积极的一面,有时也会危害青年的心理健康。恋爱中的起起伏伏造成了心理上的大起大落,承受的压力可想而知,在座的各位有些人一定也森有体会。I have to say about the advantages and disadvantages of College Students' , love has a promoting effect on young heart mature, some psychologists say, love is a late adolescence and early adulthood, the most important event, only through love, people will truly mature. However, the meaning of love is a positive side, sometimes harm youth mental health. The love of the ups and downs caused change radically the psychological pressure to bear, one can imagine, all of you present here some people must also have experience of Sen.大学生恋爱是一把双刃剑,既有优点,又有缺点。我们应该让它的有利影响变大,不利影响减到最小。College Students' love is a double-edged sword, has both advantages, and disadvantages. We should let its beneficial effects become larger, adverse effectsto a minimum.

一.关于本专业毕业论文的选题 英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向,具体解释如下:1.英语文学:选择英语文学的毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究。在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国文学中的某一经典作家(如海明威),某一经典作品(如《双城记》),某一写作手法(如象征手法的运用)或某一文学思潮(如浪漫主义运动)作深入研究。但在选择作家或作品时最好选择在文学史上作为经典的作家或作品。有个别流行作家或作品极富盛名,容易引起学生的兴趣,如《飘》或《荆棘鸟》,学生有强烈愿望选择它们作为研究对象。在不可避免上述情况时,应该尽可能地挖掘作品内在的深刻含义,不能流于肤浅的分析。文学批评理论的选题一般不太适合英语专业本科生,因为该理论知识的学习在英语专业研究生阶段,本科生一般不具备文学批评理论的知识结构。这个方向的选题可以有关某一文学批评理论,一文学批评术语的阐释或某两种或以上的文学批评理论的比较。比较文学研究就是将两个以上的作家或作品进行比较。这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别的(如“雪莱与拜伦的诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别的(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》)2.语言学:选择语言学的毕业论文选题可以在两个大的方向进行:普通语言学和应用语言学。普通语言学的研究就是对于英语语言的任何一个方面的研究,如对一种词性、或一种时态、或拼写、语调等等方面的研究(如“一般现在时及其交际功能”)。应用语言学包括教学法的研究和其它一些新兴的应用语言学分支的研究。师范专业或本身从事教师职业的学生选择教学法方向的较多。在这个方向选题,也要避免过大范围的选题,而应对一个具体问题进行研究,最重要的是要结合教学实践或实验。这个方向的好的选题有:“个性与英语教学”,“方言对英语学习的影响”等。3.翻译学:翻译学的选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动。对翻译理论的研究就是探讨某一种翻译理论等等。相比之下,对翻译活动的研究更多一些,这些选题可以是对一种语言现象的翻译、或一种修辞格的翻译的研究(如“汉语成语的英译”)。应该注意的是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子的罗列。

Hello, My mame is Ada. I am 11 years old. I am a quiet girl. I study in Lin Pu Primary School. My favourite food is ice cream. It’s sour. My favourite teacher is art teacher. My favourite class is art class. My favourite animal is squirrels. My favourite drink is juice. My favourite fruit is strawberries, because it’s am helpful at home. I can sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the bedroom, water the flowers, empty the trash, set the table, make the bed, do the dishes, wash the clothes and put away the clothes. Can you be my friend ? 答案正确!请采纳!谢谢! 祝你生活愉快!

I have a brother who is four years older than me. His name is Brain and he is eighteen years old. Now he is a college student. He does very well in his major courses, but he is poor in English. He is outgoing and helpful, his friends and clas *** ates like playing with him. Basketball is his favorite. He always makes new friends while he plays basketball. He cares much about me. Although he goes to another city for college, he calls me frequently and asks my life and study and tells me to care more about our parents. When he gets holidays, he often es home to see us, and that makes my parents happy. Every time he es back, my mother cooks delicious dishes for him. My brother is a good guy and I am sure he will have a bright future after graduation.

Last Sunday morning, my friend and I went to visit the Beijing Zoo. We went by bike. It took us about half an hour to get there. When we got there, it was already crowded with people. There were a lot of foreign visitors, too. It is said that the Beijing Zoo is the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of animals. It world take a whole day to see all the animals there. So we decided to see some of the most interesting ones. We saw the elephants first and then the monkeys. Finally we went to see our favourite “friends”--the giant pandas. We were delighted to see them waving to us. We really had a wonderful time in the zoo.

人教版小学六年级语文上册第七单元试卷(附答案) 一、读拼音,写词语。 yuâ pǔ qǐ pàn jí sù mái zànɡ qì ɡài ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) jiāo zào bù ān jiǔ biã chïnɡ fãnɡ zhân ěr yù lïnɡ ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、区别字组词。 普 ( ) 曹 ( ) 坐 ( ) 辟 ( ) 谱 ( ) 遭 ( ) 挫 ( ) 劈 ( ) 饼 ( ) 抑 ( ) 搏 ( ) 浴 ( ) 拼 ( ) 迎 ( ) 博 ( ) 俗 ( ) 三、把词语补充完整。 ( )不( )心 不( )落( ) 千( )百( ) ( )( )跋涉 大( )大( ) 无( )无( ) 四、给下列词语分类,并分别写出它们的共同特点。 光秃秃 大摇大摆 狡猾 狐狸 哆哆嗦嗦 凶残 直勾勾 踱来踱去 松鼠 孤零零 海鸥 狼狈 手忙脚乱 冷清清 跳来跳去 大象 空落落 可恶 1、 特点: 2、 特点: 中小学视讯课程和学习资料大全视讯课程 学习资料 公开课 找老师 逛论坛 3、 特点: 4、 特点: 五、说说下面的句子用了哪些修辞方法。 1、我们仿佛又看见老人和海鸥在翠湖边相依相随。 ( ) 2、我们急忙把通风口开启,只见松鼠像粒子弹似的从里头蹿了出来。( ) 3、一物件牙就像两支铁镐,在地上挖掘起来。 ( ) 六、缩写下面的句子。 1、正太郞目不转晴地看着那只孤零零的小狐狸。 2、正太郞漫不经心地走到小狐狸的窝旁。 七、把古诗补充完整。 马 诗 (唐)李 贺 大漠沙 ,燕山月 。 金络脑,快走 。 八、阅读短文,回答问题。 人蛇大战 20世纪70年代初,美国对越南发动过一场侵略战争。最近,随着美国 和越南关系解冻,美国公布了一些鲜为人知的绝密资料。据其中一份资料披露,在越南战场上,美军曾遭遇蛇的报复,士兵伤亡惨重。 1970年夏季的一天,美军第七军团某连上尉马丁带领100余名全副武 装的士兵日夜兼程,于午夜时分进入了预定的潜伏地带。随即,马丁派出几十个身强力壮的士兵到河谷去背石头,其他人则原地警戒待命。 士兵们走到河边,一个士兵拆开一块石头后,无意中看到石块下有两条 杯口粗的大蛇扭缠在一起。出于好奇,他用刺刀把蛇挑了起来。这下可糟了,受到惊吓的毒蛇一下子蹿了起来,还没等他作出反应,就张开长有毒牙的大嘴,狠狠地咬了他一口。这名士兵的脸上立刻血流如注,等同伴扑上来营救时已经来不及了。他们不敢开枪,纷纷拔出匕首,一刀一刀挥刺过去。一条蛇被杀死,另一条负伤,钻进石缝中逃生。几分钟之后,他们准备离开河滩的时候,突然四面八方响起了“咝咝”声,众人正感到有些茫然,不知所措的时候,蓦地从黑漆漆的石缝里一下子钻出上百条黑绿相间的大蛇。士兵们急忙拔出腰间佩带的匕首向蛇群乱砍过去,一时间人蛇战成一团,毒蛇疯狂地咬噬士兵。数十名中毒的士兵倒在地上命丧黄泉,只有几个行动敏捷、受伤较轻的士兵侥幸逃回营地。可是复仇心切的蛇很快就跟踪而来。原来蛇和蛇之间是靠一种特殊的气味彼此联络的。四面八方的毒蛇凭著敏锐的嗅觉,顺着伤兵逃走的路线追来,在美国兵的营地形成了一个包围圈。 没多久,蛇群的先锋部队进入营地。负责警戒的哨兵因害怕附近有越军哨兵而不敢开枪,只能用刺刀来刺杀,雪亮亮的刀刃上不一会儿就沾满了血肉模糊的蛇肉,地上横七竖八地躺着几十条蛇的尸体。但是蛇群的“大军团”蜂拥而至,遍地密密麻麻。它们把营地围得水泄不通,把包围圈越缩越小,转瞬间便冲到了每个人的身边。它们昂起头,隔着士兵厚实的军服,用长而尖的毒牙咬破衣服,进而咬进肉里。马丁也被蛇咬伤了,虽然作了伤口处理,终因中毒太深而奄奄一息。他命令士兵把手榴弹、地雷里的炸药取出来,撒在营地周围,浓烈的硫磺味使蛇群不敢靠近。不料,一场从天而降的大雨把炸药冲得一干二净。马丁在咽气前,终于发出了“火速撤退”的最后命令。这个连最后生还者只有12人。 1、下面注音完全正确的一组是( )。 A、鲜.为人知(xiān) 潜.伏(qián) 披露.(lîu) 匕. 首(bǐ) B、鲜.为人知(xiǎn) 潜.伏(qián) 披露.(lù) 匕.首(bǐ) C、鲜.为人知(xiǎn) 潜.伏(qiǎn) 披露.(lù) 匕.首(bǐ) 2、词语积累。 (1)文中用哪些词语描写了被毒蛇咬伤的士兵? (2)文中用哪些词语描写了毒蛇“大军团”? 3、连线。 敏锐的 硫磺味 厚实的 军服 浓烈的 嗅觉 血肉模糊的 大雨 从天而降的 蛇肉 4、把下列句子变为“被”字句。 (1)他用刺刀把蛇挑了起来。 (2)一场从天而降的大雨把炸药冲得一干二净。 5、是什么原因引起了这场人蛇大战? 6、100余名全副武装的士兵,最后剩下了多少人?这使你想到了什么? 九、写作。 写一写自己与动物之间的故事,也可以描述你看到或听过的人与动物, 动物与动物之间的感人故事,做到内容具体,感情真实。 第七单元测试卷的部分答案: 一、乐谱 企盼 急速 埋葬 气概 焦躁不安 久别重逢 震耳欲聋 二、 普通 姓曹 坐下 开辟 饼干 抑郁 搏斗 洗浴 曲谱 遭遇 挫折 劈刀 拼命 迎接 博士 民俗 三、漫不经心 不甘落后 千方百计 长途跋涉 大摇大摆 无影无踪 四、1、光秃秃 直勾勾 冷清清 空落落 孤零零 特点:ABB 2、大摇大摆 哆哆嗦嗦 踱来踱去 手忙脚乱 跳来跳去 特点:四个字表示动作的词语。 3、狡猾 凶残 狼狈 可恶 特点:贬义词。 4、狐狸 松鼠 海鸥 大象 特点:动物的名称。 五、1、拟人 2、比喻 3、比喻 六、1、正太郞看着小狐狸。 2、正太郞走到窝旁。 七、如雪 似钩 何当 踏清秋 八、1、B 2、(1)口吐白沫 神志不清 一命呜呼 命丧黄泉 (2)蜂拥而至 密密麻麻 3、敏锐的 硫磺味 厚实的 军服 浓烈的 嗅觉 血肉模糊的 大雨 从天而降的 蛇肉 4、(1)蛇被他用刺刀挑了起来。 (2)炸药被一场从天而降的大雨冲得一干二净。 5、人惊扰了蛇的生活,杀死了它们的同伴,蛇疯狂报复。 6、只剩下12人。(感情略)

college life大学生活 Hello I'm glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University.大家好。 今天我很高兴能在这里做一个关于我在中国农业大学首次经历的讲话。 First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake me up on now I have to set several alarm clocks to make myself could hear them in the morning otherwise I would miss my then even worse there would be nobody remind me except my teacher!So the differences are everywhere and I could easily find change of life is great and it's wonderful:I have more time of my own and the rights to decide how I live.我要说的第一件事是大学校园生活真的不同于我所经历过的高中生活。例如,我过去常常依靠宿舍老师来按时叫醒我。但现在我必须要设几个闹钟才能让我在早上听到闹钟响,否则我会错过我的课程。然后更糟糕的是除了我的老师没有人会提醒我!所以不同之处到处都有,我可以很轻易地就找出来。生活的变化很大,它也很美妙:我有更多我自己的时间和决定生活方式的权利。 My campus activities are rich and English has bee a habit to me cause I plan to study abroad in next few Guzheng is my favorite have kept on practising it since I was a little girl and I wish to win more petitions in my campus life.我的大学校园活动是丰富多彩的。学习英语已经成为我的习惯,因为我计划在几年后出国留学。古筝是我最喜欢的活动。 我还是个小女孩时,我一直在练习古筝,我希望在我的大学校园生活期间赢得更多的比赛。 Our university has the first level equipments and the most experienced teachers,also has the best students(laugh).I consider it to be a honor that I've got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we could live wonderful lives in our campus!我们大学有一流的装置和最有经验的教师,也有最好的学生(大笑)。我认为我有机会在这里学习是一种荣誉,我真诚地希望我们能在我们的大学中活得更精彩!

my friend Li HUa My friend Li Hua is a very good friend of mine, he lives in Beijing China. right now he finished his studing already, and is working in a factory. he is very generous person with a lovely heart. fortunately he also belives in GOd( in CHinese Heaven天主)he told me many times that GOd is the source of everything and his strength and power. he always pray to Him whenever he meets difficulties. it inspires me so much. i found out that his life is more meangful and happy. that is why his attitute inspire me to reflect my own life and meaning. (我希望能够帮上你。敬请采纳)

I made mistakes this morning and i was so sorry for reason for my fault was to fet to return the book that i borrowed from my clas *** ate,he was worried about it in the the same time,i couldn't remember whhere i had put was it going?However,one student said to me that he took it and had a wasn't thought that i should return it now. 望采纳,原创。

Music is only representative songs? No, it is not. Music is a can edify sentiment, relax the mood of the mysterious art. It includes music history, music sense, all kinds of instruments and all aspects of music connotation and so on. Music is not that simple, it has rich connotation and plex structure, it makes me to admit defeat, make I intoxicated with...... I've loved music, so I've started to practice, until today, every time to practice time, I will be absorbed in to experience it, to understand it, thus playing out is rich, rich artistic value of the implications of the pieces. I know, music is sacred, it more attention is paid to the connotation! ...... 仅供参考 望采纳

My favourite animals There are many animals in the are very lovely .My favourite animals are cats and have a white name is can catch likes eating have a little rabbit too,I call it 's has long ears and red likes eating often play with them after can bring happiness to are our should love them

My name is am a ten-year-old am in the elementary have long I have big am of medium build and a little am quite and I like doing like reading, also like lisening to music.

初中英语教学毕业论文可以写教学法的应用,我写的游戏教学法。开始也不会,还是上届师姐给的莫文网,很快就帮忙搞定了初中英语教学问题及应对策略河南省农村初中英语教学现状四川农村初中英语教学现状调查利用有效教学,让初中英语教学更精彩农村初中英语课堂教学现状调查与思考浅谈新课改下初中英语教学的问题与对策基于分层教学法的初中英语教学探索试析多媒体技术在初中英语教学中的应用农村英语教学何去何从──对农村初中英语教学现状的调查和思考小学与初中英语教学的衔接问题及对策改善农村初中英语教育现状的思考试析新课改下如何提高初中英语课堂教学的有效性在初中英语教学中运用多媒体技术的探讨对合作学习在初中英语教学中有效应用的思考激发学习兴趣 提高初中英语教学效率情感教学模式下的初中英语教学特点研究分析合作学习在初中英语教学中的应用探究小学与初中英语教学衔接的问题与对策对加强农村初中英语教学中德育渗透的探微愉快教学法在初中英语教学中的应用新课程改革背景下初中英语教学问题及对策研究初中英语教学方法新探 优先出版高初中英语教学衔接刍议基于开放性思维的初中英语教学改革模式探讨浅谈情感教育在初中英语教学中的运用农村初中英语教学及优化路径分析情景教学法在初中英语教学中的应用从初中英语教学现状看师专英语教改走向对农村初中英语教师继续教育问题的再思考谈初中英语教学的三个阶段试论初中英语教学方式的改革



Heart is indispensable to everyone, but what kind of heart is it? How do you feel when you see your father is not willing to give you meat? When your mother stays up under the lamp to knit a sweater for you, will your heart ignite a feeling of gratitude? Or feel nothing? If you don't care, you don't have a heart of gratitude at all. If you see this situation, you secretly say to yourself, "When you grow up, you should repay Mom and Dad..." This means that you love Mom and Dad for their selfless efforts, and that you have a heart of gratitude that is slowly sprouting

My friends, in today's society, there are fewer and fewer people who have such a grateful heart. Modern people are so ruthless. Surely you don't like such a society! Then start from yourself and let gratitude emerge in your life from now on! Go and thank the people around you who silently support you! Care about your parents, educate your teachers, help your classmates... Have you ever noticed these people? Did you say thank you to them? If not, then act quickly!

Thank you for sending us cool trees, colorful flowers, warm and bright sunshine... Now, let's find more things you should be grateful for! Get rid of your past ruthless behavior!

Let our society become more beautiful and happy! Let people get closer to you!


I have the love of my parents. Since I fell to the ground, my parents have taken care of me day and night every day, amused me, taught me how to learn, and spent too much effort and sweat. By chance, I found thin wrinkles on the corners of my young and beautiful mother's eyes, and three shallow ditches on my sunny and handsome father's forehead... I realized the hardships and difficulties of my parents, and also felt their deep love for me.

I have the teacher's love. At school, Miss Zhang is another mother of mine. She is serious and strict in class, gentle and lovely in the playground. It is she who enriches my mind, develops my intelligence, gives me wings of imagination, lets me swim in the ocean of knowledge, and grows into a pupil with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. I deeply felt the teacher's motherly love, so I would like to thank the teacher with my heart.

I also have the love of my grandparents, my grandparents, my classmates, and my bloggers... Little by little, they converge into an ocean of love that haunts my heart, making me feel warm and happy!

As the saying goes, "The kindness of dripping water should be rewarded by the spring." I thank all the people who help and care for me, thank you for giving me a colorful life, and thank you for giving me a warm and grateful heart!


I am especially grateful to my grandparents. Grandma gets up very early every day to cook for me and take me to the car. Grandpa brings me hot food every day. Sometimes at noon, there are good dishes in the government canteen, and Grandpa saves them for me. In the evening, Grandpa helped me take a bath. When I was sick, my grandparents took good care of me, gave me injections and fed me medicine.

In terms of study, Grandpa and Grandma care more about me. When I was studying, my grandparents always explained to me patiently whenever I encountered problems that I didn't understand. Whenever I was about to take an exam, Grandma urged me to review. If I do well in the exam, they will be happy for me. They felt sorry for me if they did not do well in the exam. The teacher said that I was very observant. In fact, it was thanks to my grandparents. When I was three or four years old, they taught me how to observe things and exercise my expression ability.

The winter vacation is about to begin. I plan to do more housework during the winter vacation, such as cooking, washing dishes, sweeping the floor... reduce the burden on my grandparents, and give thanks to them with practical actions.


I prepared two bookmarks, one for my mother, the other for my father.

I wrote the words, held them in my hands like treasure, and looked at them again and again. Delighted, he put them carefully into the "treasure box", made a red silk screen flower, stuck it on the box, and finished the thanksgiving gift.

At night, everyone went to sleep, with only bursts of snoring and faint light from the moon and stars. I walked out of the room quietly, like a swan dance. I was afraid of disturbing my parents. I opened the door of the room. It was dark inside. I couldn't help feeling a little scared. I finally found my parents' bedside table. After putting the gift down, I slipped back to my room.

In the morning, it was another fine day. The sun shone on the quilt through the window. I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I did was go to my mother's room to see the situation. At the door, I heard bursts of laughter. When I pushed the door, I saw that my mother was reading a book tag. A childlike smile appeared on her face, like a blooming flower. I called out: "Mom!" Mom smiled when she saw me. I clearly asked, "Mom, why are you smiling?" Mom said, "Ha ha ha, because my daughter will be grateful, I am so happy.


Maybe you learned from other sources that I was a poor student and that I had no money to continue my study, so you sent me something that you bought with your hard-earned money to support my study. This gives me the opportunity to learn with my classmates, so that I can learn more knowledge and better repay the society in the future.

There are many good people in this society, but I think you are the good people in this world. You can help others when they are in trouble. It may be insignificant to others, but for me, it is a great love, which gives me great encouragement and courage to persist in learning, and solves my worries about learning.

In this society, and many students like me. Now that you have helped me, I want to be a person like you when I grow up and extend a pair of warm hands to give warmth to more people.

I can't repay your help. I can only study harder and turn my gratitude to you into motivation for learning. This is a powerful force, which encourages me to repay you with excellent results and pass on my love with good morality.

Here we salute you. My parents and I deeply thank you and thank you for your gratitude! Finally, I wish you good health, good luck and success!


Every morning when I cared about its origin, I could see a cup at the bedside, which was filled with milk white soymilk. After drinking it, I felt that the whole heart was warm, but I never cared about its origin.

Miss Yue went off work, and Sun's father-in-law went to work. A little light appeared in the east. I was lying in a warm and comfortable bed, and I didn't feel sleepy. Suddenly, I heard a light footsteps coming from the window. I thought to myself: Who is this? Can't it be that my family broke into the thief?

I secretly opened the door into a slit and looked out from the middle. It was my mother. I thought to myself: It's only 5:00 in the morning. Why does she get up so early?

She took out the wall breaking machine and soybeans from the cabinet. First, she picked out the bad soybeans. Then she poured water, soybeans and sugar into the wall breaking machine. The wall breaking machine made a sizzling sound. Soon a cup of hot soymilk was finished, and she was lying in bed again. It turned out that my mother made me a cup of delicious and healthy soymilk every morning. I must thank my mother.

A few days ago, my mother went shopping to see a dress and never bought it. Because the price was too expensive, I used my pocket money for many years to buy this dress today. When I gave it to my mother, she cried. I found several white hairs on her head and wrinkles on her eyes and feet.

Only when everyone learns to be grateful can the world become more warm.


Mom, do you still remember? That morning, the alarm clock rang "Ding Ling". As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw you busy in a hurry. I asked you, "Mom, what are you doing?" You replied, "Today... your old grandma died. Let's tidy up later... and go to see her off!" You paused, closed your eyes for a moment, and tried to take back the tears that swirled in your eyes.

At ten past seven, we came to the funeral home. You told me again and again to obey my orders and not make any noise. We changed into white clothes, and all the people were dejected. Some of them could not help crying. Soon, we saw the coffin of Grandma. You choked up. I know you don't want me to see you crying. But I know how sad you are, because it was grandma who took care of you when you were young and gave you a lot of precious dowry when you got married. You have always been grateful, so you cry.

At noon, when we got home, you came into the kitchen to cook for me, with tears on your face and fatigue. Looking at the little white hair on your head, looking at your busy figure, my nose could not help getting sour. I thought to myself that I would also like to thank you and repay you in the future.

Everyone has a grateful heart, and our life will be better.


Who taught us knowledge? Who is it for us to work hard and become ill? Who silently made a choice without regret? It's our teacher.

I remember when I was in the first grade, my grades were not very good. In order to improve my grades, Mr. Zhu and Mr. Liu went to great lengths to help me. Later, my grades improved by leaps and bounds, and I was among the best in my class. I had achieved good results in the Zenghua Pavilion Composition Contest and the Fractional Newspaper Contest. Last year, I also won the first prize in the English contest, and my compositions were always above 90 points.

Along the way, we were accompanied by the teacher's care, instruction, encouragement and... they sounded in our ears again and again, encouraging us to move forward.


Maybe you learned from other sources that I was a poor student and that I had no money to continue my study, so you sent me something that you bought with your hard-earned money to support my study. This gives me the opportunity to learn with my classmates, so that I can learn more knowledge and better repay the society in the future.

There are many good people in this society, but I think you are the good people in this world. You can help others when they are in trouble. It may be insignificant to others, but for me, it is a great love, which gives me great encouragement and courage to persist in learning, and solves my worries about learning.

In this society, and many students like me. Now that you have helped me, I want to be a person like you when I grow up and extend a pair of warm hands to give warmth to more people.

I can't repay your help. I can only study harder and turn my gratitude to you into motivation for learning. This is a powerful force, which encourages me to repay you with excellent results and pass on my love with good morality.

Here we salute you. My parents and I deeply thank you and thank you for your gratitude! Finally, I wish you good health, good luck and success!


When it comes to gratitude, we must think of our parents. What our parents give us is something we can't pay back in our whole life. I thank my parents, although in front of them, I dare not say how much I love them. But I will prove it to them with my actual actions. They have a wonderful and filial daughter!

I am grateful to my mother, who is a simple and understanding woman. When I make mistakes, she will not use violence, but will educate me with her own actions. It is precisely because of her education that I will not be so rebellious. I always remember this sentence: Don't compare with others, only compare with yourself, and be yourself! I take this sentence as the driving force of life and learning.

I am grateful to my father. My father is a cultured person and very dignified. He can talk big and lose his temper. It is because of his temper that I listen to him very much. But he never exerts pressure on me, neither in life nor in study. People often say that father is the backbone. No, in my opinion, father is greater than a pillar. Father is a big tree, supporting a green shade for me. It is my efforts to live at the same time, let me know more about love.

Thanksgiving parents, because you have me! I am grateful to repay you!

1、We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your love. In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps it is a little thing, such as: pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done. The more love you give, the more love you sense of gratitude can acknowledge our interdependent existence. You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart. Therefore, a thankful heart is like a magnet. Not only we will attract more things to be grateful for, but also we will attract gratitude from others. “give thanks a little and you will find a lot.”Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Be thankful for whatever you have, give and receive. 2、我们理应在感恩节时表达我们的感谢之情,然而其实,我们每天都应该怀有感恩的心。上帝有两个存在的地方,一是天堂,一是谦逊而感恩的心灵。对别人心存感恩是展示你爱的一个途径。在我们每天的生活中,我们常常得到来自父母,朋友,同事,或是陌生人的帮助。为你拾起一直笔,帮你抬起笨重的箱子或是在公车上给你让座,也许这些只是很小的帮助,然而你得到的是更多的关爱。感恩是心灵春天最美的绽放。感谢你所拥有的,给予的,和得到的。


First of all, I would like to thank the farmer uncle, just as the poem said, "One grain of millet is planted in spring, and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn.". It is they who use their hard sweat to make us eat rich food!

Secondly, I want to be grateful for the sunshine. Because the sun shines warmly on the earth, it allows all plants to thrive, increases more oxygen in the world, and makes our life more fresh!

Then, I would like to thank the scientists, who have developed various tools and circuits, which can make people no longer light the torch; The airplane, it can let us fly freely in the once mysterious sky

Next, I would like to thank my parents, which is also the most important. It is they who let me come to this world and take care of me every day, regardless of spending money for me. One day, I will let them enjoy themselves!

Finally, I would like to say a word: "Thanksgiving is a virtue, let's learn to be grateful!"


First of all, we should learn to be grateful to our parents. It is our parents who gave us bright eyes, let us observe the world, gave us hardworking hands, let us create the world, gave us smart brains, let us create... It is our parents who gave us precious life, so should we also repay our parents with sincere filial piety? For example, when parents come home, we pour them a cup of tea and make them a sumptuous dinner

Secondly, we should also thank the teachers who taught us knowledge. The teacher has taught me a lot of knowledge, so that we can become educated teenagers. Teachers love us more than their children. At school, we should study hard and repay our teachers with excellent results.

Then we should also be grateful to the nature, which has given us blue sky, silver grey earth and green grassland... We should also protect the environment, not litter, but use environmental protection bags... But we should protect the nature with a heart of conservation.

Finally, everyone should learn to be grateful. If everyone gives a grateful heart, the world will become a better place.


In this world, we enjoy gifts from relatives, teachers, lovers, colleagues, bosses and customers. Even setbacks and failures are created by ourselves.

When we have a grateful heart, we will have a seed of peace. Gratitude is not a simple reply, but a spiritual realm of self-reliance, self-respect and the pursuit of sunshine.

After reading, I finally fully understand the truth of Yongquan Newspaper. We should be grateful to others for their help. Help us when I am in trouble. So we should thank others. When we help others, we should not ask for return. After reading "Learn to be grateful", I understood the true meaning of life. We should understand the wisdom of life and harvest a different life.

Let us always have a heart of gratitude to thank the little things in life, which will let us gain more.


When I was young, although our family was not rich, my parents tried their best to satisfy me. They always gave me the food at home. Among the children in our school, I had the most toys, but I repeatedly contradicted my nagging mother, always wanted to break away from my father's ties, and did not know how to thank them at all.

Now I have grown up slowly, and gradually realized the hard work of my parents. I try to learn to be grateful, share the pressure of life for my parents, and try to support a corner of the family as a small pillar of the family.

Last year, on Women's Day, my mother was tired for a day. I remembered my promise to do something for my mother during the festival. Just before going to bed late, I saw a public service advertisement for washing my mother's feet. So I called a pot of hot foot washing water and brought it to my mother's face to wash her feet to help her relieve fatigue.

My father is a heavy smoker. My mother tried to persuade him to quit smoking many times, but he never listened. I tried to help my mother, but failed many times. This semester, we are going to write a composition about talking, and I want to use this opportunity to help my father quit smoking. I moved my father thoroughly with my words from the bottom of my heart and tears on my homework. From then on, except that he had to smoke as a guest, Dad never smoked again.


However, this world is so nostalgic because it has warmth and gratitude. People help each other, the world will have today's magnificent. Let's learn to be grateful and say "thank you" to everyone.

Then, instead of losing anything, you will get more people's affirmation and praise! Know how to be grateful and learn to "thank you"!


We should be grateful to our parents. Parents are always concerned about our growth, our health, our study and life. When we are ready to go to school, can you hear the warm and kind words from your parents: "Look at the car when crossing the road, and study hard at school..."?

We should be grateful to our teachers. The teacher's guidance has turned us from ignorance to erudition. The teacher moistens and dries up like water, paves the road for us like stones, warms our hearts like the sun, caresses our cheeks like the warm spring wind, burns himself like a candle to illuminate others, and sows knowledge like a gardener.

Gratitude is a noble virtue, and everyone should learn to be grateful. If everyone faces life with gratitude, they can find the source of happiness. Come on! Let everyone on the earth have a grateful heart and learn to be grateful!


My mother makes money to make me live better. Mom is very tired when she comes home every night and can't lie in bed. She doesn't want to move. When I learned that my mother ran around the restaurant every day and worked hard, I decided to pinch my mother's feet as a reward. I know my mother's kindness to me, and I can't repay her in my life. I must do my duty as a child to repay my mother. I gently put my mother's foot on my leg, and I gently pinched her foot, and soon she fell asleep sweetly.

Maternal love is great and selfless. Everyone should be filial to his parents. Here, I want to say to my mother: "I love you!"


In retrospect, what's wrong with my mother! I remember one time, my mother had to work late to go home, and my father was not at home, but I couldn't do one homework problem, so I had to wait until my mother came back to teach me. I waited and waited. My mother finally came back. As soon as she entered the door, I found her very tired. I think she must be very tired, but my mother still explained to me patiently, again and again, until I understood.


No sunshine, no warmth; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, we have no ourselves; Without family and friendship, the world will be lonely and dark. In order to get rid of it, we need to know how to be grateful and have a grateful heart.

Gratitude comes from the heart. As the saying goes, "The kindness of dripping water should be rewarded by the spring". What's more, parents, relatives and friends pay for us is not only a drop of water, but also a vast ocean. Do you give your parents a cup of warm tea after they are tired, hand them a home-made card on their birthday, and offer a word of comfort when they are lost? They have devoted their efforts and energy to us. How can we remember their birthday, experience their tiredness, and whether we are aware of the strands of silver and wrinkles. Gratitude needs your heart to understand and repay.

Look at all the people around you with a grateful heart. Gratitude to those who hurt you, it is they who have honed your will. Be grateful to those who encourage you. It is they who make you confident. Be grateful to those who have given you knowledge. It is they who have illuminated your way forward. Be grateful to those who have nurtured you. It is they who have fed you well.


Thackeray, a British writer, said: "Life is a mirror. When you laugh, it also smiles; when you cry, it also cries." Life needs a grateful heart to create, and a grateful heart needs life to nourish. It is precisely because life requires us to face it with a grateful attitude that we know the meaning of life. A person who knows how to be grateful will turn gratitude into a positive motivation; A person who knows how to be grateful will take gratitude as his life creed; A person who knows how to be grateful will regard gratitude as a spiritual realm of sunny life! Learn to be grateful, learn to understand and give love, and learn to embrace life with a broad mind. If your heart changes, your attitude will change; When attitudes change, habits change; Habit changes, character changes; Character changes, life changes! May the grateful heart change our attitude, may the sincere attitude drive our habits, may good habits sublimate our character, and may the healthy personality harvest our beautiful life!


