英国硕士毕业论文的结构及相关的注意事项以做参考:一、动笔前的准备工作。硕士毕业论文开始之前,一般老师会提前给学生提出论文的大概方向或题目,时间可能会集中在4月或5月份。这个题目就是开题报告即proposal。它占论文总成绩的比例会在10左右,对毕业论文起着纲领性的作用。一般占有字数会在1500-3000字左右。二、硕士毕业论文结构。接下来你就要非常清楚,硕士毕业论文的构成部分:一、摘要(Abstract)即主要是让导师一看就知道这是写的什么的文章,如文章领域专业及研究方向,总之是文章的概括和灵魂。二、引言部分(Introduction):主要讲文章从哪些方面、哪些部份来写这个论题,大概说明文章的结构(从…到…到…conclusion),为什么要用这个结构,要达到什么样的目的。三、LR:文献综述即引用的背景有前人的研究加一些自己的言论。参考了哪些东西并注明。需要注意数据引用的权威性及时效性,所以这一部分耗时比较长久一些。四、方法论(methodology or method)即定性或定量的分析方法。定性:比较简单,可能是调查问卷或二手资料属于经验性的论证方法。定量:比较难因为要用软件做分析数据如:SPSS、STATA、MATLAB.五、分析结果及结论和建议(Analysis conclusion Recommendation)即得出结果。需要有权威性的根据与理论来证明,主要是通过上面的method发现了什么?并总结自己的看法与建议。六、参考文献(Reference)需要注意:REF的来源,学术的权威性,时效性还有数量。三、检查细节,避免小错写作的时候注意语法,其次中式英文,到过于简单的语句又或者刻意复杂语句但表达不合理的英文.当然在动笔前可以多参考一些范文提升自己的硕士毕业论文写作时的结构及语态表达的参考力,只要你做足了准备功课,一定可以顺利完成自己的硕士毕业论文任务的。毕业论文的写作需要花大量的心力,因为导师的要求会很严格,你的论文任何一个小错误都有可能导致扣分。字词句段的单词拼写,语法运用,任何一个地方的错误,都有可能让导师误以为你对自己的毕业论文不上心,很容易被扣分哦。希望大家都能注意起来,养成定稿后做详细检查的习惯。
理解要求: 仔细审查考官提供的反馈意见,了解你为什么没有通过,哪些方面需要改进。找出你没有达到的具体标准和论文中的弱点。寻求指导: 与你的学术顾问或导师联系,讨论你的结果,并就如何继续下去寻求指导。他们可以就如何解决需要改进的地方提供宝贵的见解和建议。非正式申诉: 花点时间彻底了解考官提供的反馈意见。注意任何具体的提议或建议。这将帮助你确定论文中最需要注意的地方。如果你对这次的结果不满意,可以根据学校的政策提出正式的申诉请求,但需要注意的是,英国大学的申诉审核比较严格,要想尽最大可能赢得胜利,最好还是找像海马课堂这种的专业申诉机构,他们会帮助你准备得更加全面并符合学校政策。反思和分析: 对你以前的工作进行反思,分析失败的原因。考虑是否是由于缺乏理解、研究不足、组织不力或任何其他因素所致。找出根本原因将有助于你做出适当的改变。创建一个行动计划: 制定一个明确的行动计划来解决所发现的问题。将计划分解成较小的任务,并为每项任务设定现实的截止日期。这将有助于你在修改过程中保持有序和专注。寻求额外的支持: 如果有必要,考虑寻求额外的支持或资源。这可能包括参加研讨会或向你大学的写作中心寻求帮助。他们可以提供研究技术、写作技巧和有效的论文结构方面的指导。修订和改进: 根据反馈意见和你的行动计划,努力修改你的学位论文。密切关注需要改进的地方,并进行必要的修改。确保你能解决考官提出的所有问题。寻求反馈: 如果可能的话,在修改过程中向你的导师或主管征求反馈意见。他们可以提供指导和建议,帮助你进一步改进。校对和编辑:在重新提交论文之前,请彻底校对和编辑,以确保论文没有语法和结构错误。如果需要,可以考虑寻求专业校对或编辑的帮助。保持动力和毅力: 记住,挫折是学习过程的一部分。在整个修改过程中保持积极性和持久性。相信自己的能力,并致力于做出必要的改进。
先要称呼对方,然后自我介绍。表明你对学校感兴趣,然后问问题。最后感谢,署名。具体格式如下:Dear Officer:自我介绍。My name is xxx and I am a grade 12(?) high school student from China. I have searched the college website, and I am very interested in applying to your school. However, I still have some questions about the school. Question 1Question 2...Thank you for your help in advance! I am looking forward to your reply!Sincerely yours, xxx
不要单独使用thisWhen the journalist wrote the report, he wasn’t aware the driver had left the scene of a serious has created an unfortunate situation.大家看这个句子,你能看出this指的是什么吗?既可以理解为“这个记者不留神”,也可以理解为“司机的逃逸行为”。那么应该如何避免这种歧义呢?答案就是不要单独使用this,而是应该搭配一个所要指代的名词。如果this指的是“记者不留神”,就把this换成“This lack of awareness…”如果this指的是“司机的逃逸行为”,就把this换成“This driver behaviour…”
尽可能少使用.和 suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, ., pollution.看到这个句子,可能我们一般会想到两种不同的理解:I suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, this is, suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, for example, pollution.但到底是哪一个呢?其实:.是拉丁语 id est 的缩写,意为that is(即). 是拉丁语exempli gratia 的缩写,意为for example(例)既然容易让人误解,那在写作中就尽量不使用,而是使用“that is”和“for example”。
注意多个短语产生的歧义Dave is working on a project plan. He will mail it to you to proofread by April 1st.看这个句子,4月1号那天到底是谁要去干什么呢?既可以理解为Dave把项目书发给you,也可以理解为you来校订项目计划书。如果是第一个意思,可以写成:Dave is working on a project plan, which he will mail you. Please proofread it by April 1st.如果是第二个意思,可以写成:Dave is working on a project will mail it to you by April 1st so that you can proofread it.
不要混淆代词的单复数为了表达的更清晰,确保they, their, our指代的是复数的东西,如果不是的话最好重写句子。错误表达:There is a guidebook at each guest’s table. They include the itinerary(行程).They指代的是什么呢?这个they的使用就是混淆了代词的数。正确的表达:There is a guidebook at each guest’s table. The guidebook includes the is a guidebook, which includes the itinerary, at each guest’s table.
避免弱逻辑的陈述你的句子要支撑起你文章的论点,它们应当是简洁和逻辑严密的,不要写一个被普遍接受的、不需要争辩的观点。例如,不要写:The glaciers are melting more rapidly than ever recorded.相反,你可以这样写:The glaciers are melting more rapidly than ever due to human activity.这个句子陈述了一个论点,加上支撑的观点会使你的论证更加严密。
避免教条的语气教条的主张是指那些以一种自负的方式陈述你的观点的主张。例如:While business models will ultimately drive the sustainability of a program, the curricular objectives must be what drives the program experience.这个句子中使用了“must”这个词,给人一种命令的感觉,这就是教条的语气,写作中应当避免这样的语气。应该这样写:While business models will ultimately drive the sustainability of a program, the curricular objectives should be what drives the program experience.上面句子中的“must”换成了“should”,命令教条式的语气就变成了建议的语气,这样就会好很多。
AbstractThe research and application of vehicle LicensePlate Recognition (LPR) technology has been a major concerned issue of modern transportationdevelopment. And it is also a key constraints factor of intellectualization andmodernization of transportatioin system. This paper attempts to present a newmethod to locate (或position或recognize根据你要表达的意思选一个) license plate based on color and mathematical morphology. The newmethod locate(同上) license plate by three steps: to process by image morphology atthe first; and then to divide color; finally, to generate and divide area. The experimenthad promising results indicate that the algorithm is efficient and fast especiallyperforms well on morphological procession. Moreover, the paper presents a newmethod to recognize characters based on template matching in order to recognizecharacter of license words: license plate location; licenseplate character recognition; template matching某些专有名词可能不是太准确。有不妥,欢迎追问全人工,希望采纳
Abstract Today world is an economical development world, our each people all start to pay attention to the economy, the understanding economy. But the international trade has become now the most important trade method, but can give rise to such such problem unavoidably between the country and in the country trade is dumps on the picture with instead dumps. As for our country instead dumps now studies and the research key point. How therefore this article does let the Chinese enterprise reasonable should instead dump in the international trade to other country takes the research the center. Elaborated not merely any was dumps with instead dumps also the history which produced to them to carry on the analysis. And had understood the various countries about dumps with the legal article which instead dumps. Is again better solid through the concrete case instead dumps to our country enterprise's harm, finally stated how our country enterprise should solve instead dumps regarding our country enterprise's influence. Hope question which can a better solution current face through this article, enables our country enterprise to obtain the more development space in the international trade,Creates the more economic.倾销:Dumps 反倾销:Instead dumps 国际贸易:International trade 国际市场:International market
With the modern scientific and technological progress, economic development, advertising culture more and more by the region's popular culture and people's way of life, consumer psychology and other factors. Bobo culture is divided into social classes to describe the form and characteristics of Bobo culture embodied in the current new wave of lifestyle and family values. Bobos in emerging sectors of the society will soon become a mainstream consumer groups. Life as a concept has a unique consumer groups, and their attitude towards life, values have slowly infiltrated into their consumption patterns and consumer behavior, the consumption of this unique concept has gradually become a popular culture affects our lives. Bobo cultural charm of its unique culture of local advertising in particular, demands a change in the way advertising and advertising strategy of innovation performance has had a major impact. In this paper, Bobo Bobos culture and to study the object, through the analysis of the social strata of the social status, lifestyle, spending habits and so on to the ball to reveal the spread of culture in the process of advertising the specific application. Key words: Bobo culture; Bobos; consumer behavior; the way advertising appeals; ad performance strategy
Network chat tools of interpersonal influence QQ shallow Pick to With the development of network technology progress, the increasingly rich content of network, and all kinds of network application software emerge in endlessly. Network software QQ chat tools have been developed in 10 years, during this period, it consists of a single chat software gradually evolved into the entertainment and communication, now is a multifunctional communication software. Its influence is also gradually expand domestic users, nowadays almost all the software for the user. QQ software to public life and interpersonal communication, it has great influence on the success has its paper based on the author's experience of using QQ, interpersonal communication network, the function of development, QQ, compared with other successful network software, as well as relevant data to explore interpersonal communication software paper thinks, QQ software starter, cheap, convenience, particularity and function of the development is perfected gradually, a few important itself success conditions, But other people for Internet content and application of increasing demand, interpersonal and communication network of mature gradually, is known to everybody can accept the long-term use of and some key factors. Based on user and users from two aspects discuss in-depth study on the impact of interpersonal communication QQ and its impact on the pros and cons involved.