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China;s pre-market summary of the cold thought: In recent years, as China's rapid economic growth and gradually increase the comprehensive national strength, China;s thriving pre-school education. However, in the development process there have been many problems, including pre-school education is one of the market. With the pre-market, China's pre-school education has emerged an unreasonable and unfair equality of education, these problems are urgent if the time can not be effectively addressed, will be restricted to the healthy development of China;s pre-school education. This paper analyzes the current market situation and our pre-existing problems, based on thinking and made a number of countermeasures.我正准备论文那 一起加油吧

: line miles, read books, through different countries to study, learning world culture, can expand friends, education big world view can be in rich and colorful exotic life help you open the life of another a window in the short-term travel in the life, to create a real foreign language learning environment, living with local people, together eat to live, to improve the ability of foreign language documentary information expression is the only way to really understand the real world culture in the significance of the study is not only expand the circle of friends and to improve oral English, is more of a career open, experience the multicultural, training independent personality quality, sets up the broad ideal because there are a lot of advantage, parents began the summer camp as a student summer life of extracurricular education way to summer camp strong market demand你要是真的写不好,还真的需要从网上翻译,但不一定对,推荐用有道和谷歌

1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。

: "line miles, read book", through different countries to study, learning world culture, can expand friends, education big world view. In the rich and colorful foreign life can help you open in the life of another a window. In the short term study life, creates a real foreign language learning environment, living with local people, together eat to live, promote foreign language information ability. Is the only way to really understand the culture in the real world. The significance of the study is not only expand the circle of friends and to improve oral English, is more of a career open, experience the multicultural, training independent personality quality, sets up the broad ideal. It is also because there are a lot of advantage, parents began the summer camp as a student summer life of extracurricular education mode. Summer camp strong market demand makes camp industry springing up quickly, but with it come the summer camp market turmoil and the service quality is uneven. As a parent, at summer camp for the children choose the emphasis of the should beWhat is the significance to study? The industry will follow a what kind of development trend, the future of the summer camp way how to go? This report describes the detailed operation environment of Chinese summer camp industry and practical significance, key research and forecast the industry needs change of summer camp long-term and short-term trend. In view of the current development of the industry of the opportunities and threats, and proposes the choice for parents at summer camp Suggestions.





答辩后大概率是要修改,因为答辩专家会提一些建议或者问题,会后你要根据这些建议或问题进一步完善论文,这也是答辩的目的之一。北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系他们一下 统一查下。



Public figures reported "degree" of the grasp Abstract: In defining the content of public figures to determine the content of the principle of public figures, based on its analysis of news reports should grasp the basic standards. The author of a literature search and networks, elaborated on the concept of public figures, public figures and characteristics of the principle of meaning and value. On the basis of this analysis have public figures reported in "degree" of the reasons, then to avoid the countermeasures and suggestions. Key words: public figures principle role of dislocation Privacy

英文摘要的内容要求与中文摘要一样,包括目的、方法、结果和结论四部分。但是,英文有其自身特点,最主要的是中译英时往往造成所占篇幅较长,同样内容的一段文字,若用英文来描述,其占用的版面可能比中文多一倍。因此,撰写英文摘要更应注意简洁明了,力争用最短的篇幅提供最主要的信息。第一,对所掌握的资料进行精心筛选,不属于上述"四部分"的内容不必写入摘要。第二,对属于"四部分"的内容,也应适当取舍,做到简明扼要,不能包罗万象。比如"目的",在多数标题中就已初步阐明,若无更深一层的目的,摘要完全不必重复叙述;再如"方法",有些在国外可能早已成为常规的方法,在撰写英文摘要时就可仅写出方法名称,而不必一一描述其操作步骤。中英文摘要的一致性主要是指内容方面的一致性,目前对这个问题的认识存在两个误区,一是认为两个摘要的内容"差不多就行",因此在英文摘要中随意删去中文摘要的重点内容,或随意增补中文摘要所未提及的内容,这样很容易造成文摘重心转移,甚至偏离主题;二是认为英文摘要是中文摘要的硬性对译,对中文摘要中的每一个字都不敢遗漏,这往往使英文摘要用词累赘、重复,显得拖沓、冗长。英文摘要应严格、全面的表达中文摘要的内容,不能随意增删,但这并不意味着一个字也不能改动,具体撰写方式应遵循英文语法修辞规则,符合英文专业术语规范,并照顾到英文的表达习惯。选择适当的时态和语态,是使摘要符合英文语法修辞规则的前提。通常情况下,摘要中谓语动词的时态和语态都不是通篇一律的,而应根据具体内容而有所变化,否则容易造成理解上的混乱。但这种变化又并非无章可循,其中存在着如下一些规律:1、时态:大体可概括为以下几点。1)叙述研究过程,多采用一般过去时。2)在采用一般过去时叙述研究过程当中提及在此过程之前发生的事,宜采用过去完成时。3)说明某课题现已取得的成果,宜采用现在完成时。4)摘要开头表示本文所"报告"或"描述"的内容,以及摘要结尾表示作者所"认为"的观点和"建议"的做法时,可采用一般现在时。2、语态:在多数情况下可采用被动语态。但在某些情况下,特别是表达作者或有关专家的观点时,又常用主动语态,其优点是鲜明有力。掌握一定的遣词造句技巧的目的是便于简单、准确的表达作者的观点,减少读者的误解。1、用词力求简单,在表达同样意思时,尽量用短词代替长词,以常用词代替生僻词。但是当描述方法、步骤时,应该用狭义词代替广义词。例如,英文中有不少动词,do,run,get,take等,虽简单常用,但其意义少则十几个,多则几十个,用这类词来描述研究过程,读者难免产生误解,甚至会不知所云,这就要求根据具体情况,选择意义相对明确的词,诸如perform,achieve等,以便于读者理解。2、造句1)熟悉英文摘要的常用句型:尽管英文的句型种类繁多,丰富多彩,但摘要的常用句型却很有限,而且形成了一定的规律,大体可归纳为(1)表示研究目的,常用在摘要之首In order to……This paper describes……The purpose of this study is……(2)表示研究的对象与方法The [curative effect/sensitivity/function] of certain [drug/kit/organ….] was [observed/detected/studied…](3)表示研究的结果:[The result showed/It proved/The authors found] that…… (4)表示结论、观点或建议:The authors [suggest/conclude/consider] that…2)尽量采用-ing 分词和-ed 分词作定语,少用关系代词 which , who 等引导的定语从句。由于摘要的时态多采用一般过去时,使用关系代词引导的定语从句不但会使句式变的复杂,而且容易造成时态混乱(因为定语和它所修饰的主语、宾语之间有时存在一定的"时间差",而过去完成时、过去将来时等往往难以准确判定)。采用-ing 分词和-ed 分词作定语,在简化语句的同时,还可以减少时态判定的失误。以上所述只是撰写英文摘要时应注意的问题中的一小部分,尚有许多问题,需要进一步探讨。总之,英文摘要作为医学论文的重要组成部分,其修改和完善是永无止境的。

The public figures report “degree” assurance abstract: This article in the limits public figure connotation, in the definite public figure principle content's foundation, analyzes it the primary standard which should grasp in the reportage. The author uses the literature law and the network retrieval, elaborated public figure's concept, the characteristic and the public figure principle connotation and the value in detail. Based on the analysis produces the public figures to report “” the reason, then proposes the circumvention countermeasure and the suggestion. key word: Public figure principle role dislocation privacy

英语论文摘要怎么写?英语论文摘要格式模板(附范例) 英语论文摘要 英语专业毕业论文摘要怎么写 英文论文摘要怎么写 怎么写好英语论文摘要 …… 这些都是百度知道中网友们提出来的热点话题,在此我为大家总结了英语论文摘要的写法,英语论文摘要的格式参考,并附上范例一则,希望对大家的英语论文摘要写作有所帮助。 英语专业本科毕业论文论文摘要格式 中英文摘要对应,内容要基本保持一致;中文在前,英文在后。字数为300-500字左右。 1.中文摘要 ①首行居中打印论文中文标题(宋体四号加粗) ②下空一行居中打印“摘要”二字(宋体小四号加粗),字间空一字符。 ③“摘要”二字下空一行打印摘要内容(宋体小四号)。 ④摘要内容后下空一行打印“关键词”三字(宋体小四号加粗),其后接着打印关键词(3-7个,宋体小四号),各关键词之间用逗号隔开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。 2.英文摘要 ①首行居中打印论文英文标题(Times New Roman四号加粗) ②下空一行居中打印英文单词“Abstract”(Times New Roman小四号加粗)。 ③下空一行打印摘要内容(Times New Roman小四,倍行距,两端对齐) ④摘要内容后下空一行打印“Key Words”( Times New Roman 小四号加 粗),其后接着打印关键词(3-7个关键词,Times New Roman小四号)。除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写。各关键词之间用分号隔开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。 ⑤摘要正文各自然段首行空5个字符。 Self-Knowledge of Emma (空1行) Abstract (空1行) Emma lives in a quite simple environment. When she is a little child, her mother dies and she is spoiled by her father. Having such a background, Emma is dominant, aggressive and imaginative. After she experiences the two major affairs in her life----the relationship with Harriet and her emotion towards Mr. Knightley, she realizes her own faults and acquires self-knowledge of both moral faults and emotion. After Emma fails to be a match-maker of Harriet and Mr. Knightley, she comes to know that feelings can not be imagined and that she should not force her own idea on others’ mind. And this is the very beginning of Emma’s self-knowledge. (空1行) Key Words: Emma; characters; match-making; self-knowledge 范例: A Brief Discussion on Cultural Difference between Chinese and English Abstract Word is the product of society,which is the history of mankind and which is the crystallization of history and embodied a nation's social consciousness from generation to generation, history, culture, and other areas all the features of human society. The essence of which is dependent because of their different cultural background, language background and traditional factors above. chinese and english are quite as mode of living,values,atandard of behavior,formality,customs. Language is is both the carrier and the product of culture, the cultural enrichment of information is an important part of culture, Language reflects the culture of development and changes, but also a direct reflection of the cultural we all know china and english has different cultural atmosphere .china has a long history and rich culture. English in the contemporary world political, economic, cultural and other fields to play with temporary no other language can replace the role of English in a number of countries in addition to the mother tongue but also as a second language or foreign language in common use in many countries. As a symbol system, "English" is a kind of language, on their use, in today's world there are all sorts of "English" and "English" is in fact the name of a simple terms, we can not hope that justice Literal It is a single, homogeneous phenomenon it is all around the world and under different circumstances the use of the many variants of the English pool. However, due to geographical, historical, cultural, and social customs of different factors such as the impact of today's visit to English furniture has evolved into a wider impact on the two variants of the worldwide English, which is British English and American English. With the development of their own language, their own characteristics of the formation, and there are differences between. In American English and British English, is concerned about the characteristics of the "norms" word. In this paper, the British and American English in origin and development of a simple introduction, the United Kingdom and the United States in terms of language study and to explore differences in the two English-speaking characteristics and differences, the right to express and enrich the relevant knowledge of English, improve application English ability. Key word: dependent; culture; atmosphere 中西方文化差异 摘要 词是社会的的结晶,是人类历史和文化的结晶。它凝聚着一个民族世代相传的社会意识,历史文化,风俗习惯等各方面人类社会所有的特征。不同的文化背影和文化传统,使中西方在思维方式,价值观念,行为准则和生活方式等方面也存在有相当的文化差异。语文是文化的载体,词汇是文化信息的浓缩,是语言的重要组成部分,它反映着文化的发展和变化,同时也直接反映着文化的差异。我们都知道中西方有着不同的文化氛围。中国有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化遗产。英语在当今世界政治、经济、文化等领域发挥着暂时无其他语言可以替代的作用,英语除了是一些国家的母语之外,还作为第二语言或通用外语在许多国家使用。作为一种符号系统,“英语”是一种语言,就其使用情况而言,当今世界存在着各种各样的“英语”,“英语”这个名称事实上只是一个简单的称呼,我们不能望文生义地认为它是一种单一的,同质的现象;它是在世界各地和各种不同情况下使用的许多英语变体的集合。但是由于地理、历史、文化、社会习俗等不同因素的影响,当今的英语之行演化成为家具有广泛影响的两种世界性的英语变体,那就是英国英语和美国英语。随着语言本身的发展,它们之形成各自的特点,并且相互间存在差异。在美国英语和英国英语方面,关注的特点在于“规范”两字。本文对英、美英语的起源和发展简单介绍后,就英、美语在词汇方面的差异研究并探讨这两种英语的特点及其差异,有利于正确地表达、丰富相关的英语知识,提高运用英语的能力。 关键词::独立;文化;氛围


Ebanking,a new kind of financial service,emerges along with the development of Internet. Compared with the ordinary banks,the operation of ebanking is simpler and faster. Based on the case study of China Merchants Bank,this thesis analyzes the problems of ebanking and provides respective suggestions. In general,the thesis can be devided into the following four parts: firstly,the brief introduction of the history of CMB; secondly,the analysis of the status quo of the CMB's ebanking; thirdly, the analysis of the existing problems of the CMB's ebanking service; lastly, the suggestions for the future development of the CMB's ebanking. 写到论文里的时候 这几个部分不要分列 直接写成一段就好 现在这样便于你对比我毕业了 当初被论文折磨的不行还好有个好结果 我们导师好严格~ 加油!呵呵

[ Abstract ] in recent years, with the development of science and technology and the rapid development of economy, the world industrialized process accelerate ceaselessly, people living environment bring great pollution and destruction. People began to realize the importance of environmental protection. But in our country, with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, more and more people begin to pay attention to environmental protection, pay attention to the environment, the harmony of economy and society, the strategy of sustainable development has been widely recognized by the whole society. Therefore, to environmental protection as the characteristics of the concept of green consumption is affecting contemporary people's consumption behavior, green marketing is a new marketing concept is also gradually accepted by the majority of food production enterprises. Green marketing, pay attention to the natural ecological balance, reduce environmental pollution has become the inevitable choice of modern enterprises, the enterprises to participate in market competition, also be the premise condition. In this paper, Mengniu Group as an example, for our enterprises to implement green marketing present situation carries on the thorough discussion, and to propose the countermeasure and the suggestion, for our enterprises to implement green marketing, sustainable development. Has the extremely important strategic sense.

1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。

完全人工翻译 Accompanying with the development of the Internet, there derived a new emerged financial services business of Internet banking which is more simple and speedy than the ordinary banks. In this paper, I will proceed with the present status of China Merchants Bank and have some analysis against the problems correlative with their online bank and give forth some suggestions. this thesis is divided into the following sections: I: A summary on the development history of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. II: An analysis for the development status quo of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. III: An analysis for some problems of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. IV: Some suggestions for the future development of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. 简释:第一、第二、第三、第四 按照西方人习惯用罗马数字。 网银用Internet bank当然用online bank或net bank 都无不可。第一个internet banking 是指整个网银行业。


It's show time||它是表演时间. After months of preparation, your company's initial public offering (IPO) will start trading this morning||在数个月的准备之后, 你的提供 (IPO) 的公司开始民众将会开始今天早晨进行贸易. You spent yesterday afternoon anxiously tracking the market||你昨天午后忧虑地花费了追踪市场. The investment bankers canvassed their institutional brokers to assess interest in your stock||投资银行业者彻底检查他们的制度经纪人估定对你的存货的兴趣. The company finance and accounting staff have spent countless hours preparing for the day||公司财务和会计职员已经度过准备那天的数不尽的小时. The final decision: The company will sell 2 million shares at $20 each, for a total offering of $40 million||最后的决定: 公司将会卖二百万部份在 $20 每个, 对于四千万元的完全提供.The investment bankers say demand for your IPO looks strong, and they expect your stock to open with a "pop||投资银行业者说对你的 IPO 的要求看起来强壮, 和他们期待你的存货打开一 "取出." That prediction proves true—the shares open at $23 and the price moves steadily higher throughout the trading day, finally closing at||那一个预测证明真实的-部份公开在 $23 和价格整个~期间贸易日子稳定地更高地移动, 最后关闭在 $25. Although the stock's strong first-day performance is gratifying, you can't shake the feeling that you might have mispriced the IPO||虽然存货的强烈第一-日子的表现是悦人的,但是你不能摇动那个感觉你可能标错价格 IPO. The calculations run through your mind: Each $1 increase in the offering price would have generated $2 million more for the company||跑过你的思想的计算: 每个 $1 的增加提供价格会产生 $另外二百万个为公司. The thought nags you—did you sell too cheaply||想法不断地唠叨恼人你-你太廉宜卖吗?When an IPO quickly moves to a significantly higher price during its first day on the market, it's natural to wonder if the investment bankers—and the issuing company's officers—didn't misprice the deal||当 IPO 很快地在它的第一天期间在市场上移动到重要比较高的价格的时候,天然的是想知道是否投资银行业者-和发行公司的官员-没有标错价格交易. Although the market for IPOs has cooled recently, some offerings still post impressive first-day gains||虽然给 IPOs 的市场最近已经冷却, 一些提供仍然邮寄令人印象深刻的第一-日子得到. In mid-June, for example, 6 million shares of came to market at $15 and closed at $, after trading as high as||在六月中, 举例来说, 的六百万部份被提出在市场上销售在 $15 而且关闭在 $, 在进行贸易之后当做高度地当做 $. Not too long ago, Internet and technology IPOs routinely doubled in value on their first day||不是太长以前, 在他们的第一天在价值通常两倍的英特网和技术 IPOs. That kind of volatility makes it inevitable to second-guess||那种挥发性使它不可避免到第二-猜测.The offering exemplifies the incredible demand that has existed for these issues|| 提供例证已经为这些议题存在的难以置信的要求. The company, an online financial news service, went public January 15, 1999, with an offering price of||公司 , 一个在线财务的通讯社,一月 15 日公开发售股票了,1999, 藉由提供价格 $17. It closed the day at $, an increase of||它关闭了那天在 $, 增加 474%. In another instance, went up 606%, from $9 to $ on its first day, in November||在另外的一个例证中, 上涨 606%了,从 $9 到 $ 在它的第一天, 在十一月 enormous price surges raise questions about whether traditional valuation methods remain valid||这些巨大的价格巨涌到处提出疑问是否传统的评价方法保持有效. Not surprisingly, however, investment bankers and CFOs who have taken their companies public recently dispute the notion that IPO pricing rules have changed||不是令人惊讶地,然而,投资银行业者和最近已经带他们的公司民众的 CFOs 争论观念 IPO 订价的规则已经改变. WHAT'S IN A NUMBER||什么在一个数字中?Investment bankers say the valuation process is as much an art as a science||投资银行业者说评价程序是像一个科学一样的很多一种艺术. The scientific part of the pricing equation is based on numbers: an issuer's historical and projected financial results, as well as valuations for comparable companies||订价相等的科学部份以数字为基础: 发行者的历史而且为可比较的公司计画了财务的结果 , 连同评价. The art is in the investment banker's assessment of market conditions and investors' demand for the new issue||艺术在投资银行业者的市场情况和投资者的评估对新的议题要求."Pricing an IPO is always a function of the valuation," says Charles J||订定 IPO 的价格总是评价的一个功能," 说查尔斯 J. Kaplan, president of Equity Analytics||Kaplan, 公正分析学的总统. "That's what you have to determine first||那是你必须决定第一的."Kaplan, whose company advises privately held firms wishing to go public, points to a range of valuation multiples used to estimate a company's market value||Kaplan, 公司私下劝告拿着了公司想要公开发售股票 , 多种的评价倍数的点过去一直估计一个公司的市场价格. "Let's assume a food distributor or a food processing company wants to go public||让我们承担一个食物经销商或者一家食品加工公司想要公开发售股票. We look at income before interest and dividends and put a multiple on that||我们在兴趣和被除数之前审查收入而且把倍数放在那. If it is a relatively slow-growth industry, the multiple will be lower; if it's a fast-growing company, we'll use a higher multiple||如果它是一相对地慢地-生长业, 倍数将会比较低; 如果它是一家斋戒-成长的公司, 我们将会使用较高的倍数. The multiple probably won't go higher than 10 or lower than 2 or||倍数或许将不去比较高地超过 10 或低的超过 2 或 3." Estimating a company's value begins well in advance of the IPO date||估计一个公司的价值在 IPO 日期之前开始得好. Businesses planning to go public typically interview several investment banking firms before selecting one to underwrite the offering||计划典型地公开发售股票的生意在选择一签名于下提供之前接见一些投资银行业公司. The investment bankers, in turn, investigate the company to determine if they want to handle the deal||如果他们想要处理交易,在旋转的投资银行业者调查公司决定. They perform a detailed review of the company's finances, the quality of its management team and the company's position in its major markets||他们运行公司的财务的详细检讨, 它的经营团队和公司的位置的质量在它的主要市场中. The investment bankers also consider "comparables," which are publicly traded companies in the same industry as the IPO candidate||投资银行业者也考虑在如同 IPO 候选人一般的工业中公然地被交易公司的 "可比较的 ,".Selecting the right comparables is straightforward when working with established companies in clearly defined or mature industries||选择那正确的可比较的是笔直的当在清楚地定义与确定的公司合作的时候或成熟的工业. It is more challenging, though, to find appropriate benchmarks for younger companies, especially those in new and rapidly changing industries||它更挑战性,虽然, 为较年轻的公司找适当的基点, 尤其那些在新的和快速地变更工业. William J||威廉 J. Ruehle, CFO of Broadcom in Irvine, California—a broadband-communications integrated circuits manufacturer that went public in April 1998—stresses the need for flexibility in developing comparisons||Ruehle, 在欧文的 Broadcom 的 CFO, 加州-一个宽频-沟通整合了在 1998 年四月公开发售股票的线路制造业者-在发展中的比较中强调对柔性的需要. "The universe of comparables is constantly changing, so you're always challenged to find the right firms," he points out||宇宙可比较的正在不变地变更, 因此你总是被挑战找正确的公司," 他指出. "We started with comparable communications-semiconductor companies, then we broadened that to companies that have a unique franchise||我们从可比较的沟通-半导体的公司开始了,然后我们对有一个独特的许可的公司变宽了那. The established companies have one type of multiple||确定的公司有倍数的一个类型. As a new company, should we have a better multiple initially or perhaps a lower multiple because our track record is shorter||如一家新的公司,我们应该最初有较好的倍数吗或者也许较低的倍数因为我们的记录比较短?" Despite the tepid IPO market, Ruehle says, "I would say the current pricing practice definitely favors higher multiples for very promising new companies||尽管微温的 IPO 市场, Ruehle 说,"我会说现在的订价练习一定为非常有希望的新公司支持较高的倍数." But how do you value a company—such as an Internet-related business that's pioneering a new activity—when there are no comparables||但是你如何评价一家公司-像是正在提倡一个新的活动的英特网讲的生意-何时没有可比较的? To compound the difficulty, how do you value a young business that shows losses despite rapidly growing revenues||混合困难, 你如何评价尽管快速增加的收入表示损失的年轻的生意? It's a challenge, but one that Wall Street has overcome before||它是挑战 , 但是以前,华尔街有克服."In the past, a company had to show profits and reasonable revenue growth to do an IPO," Kaplan notes||过去,一家公司必须表示利润和合理的收入生长做 IPO," Kaplan 注意. "Then the cable TV companies came along, in the 1970s and 1980s||然后有线电视公司进展了, 在 1970 年代和 1980 年代中. They needed to do IPOs, but they were showing increasing losses because they had had very large capital expenditures to build and maintain their networks||他们需要做 IPOs, 但是因为他们已经有非常大的首都开支建立并且维持他们的网络,他们是成绩逐渐增加的损失. Investment bankers recognized that the companies were showing large increases in revenue and the losses would dissipate over time because the companies had large customer bases that would buy the service month after month||因为公司有了一月一月地会买服务的大的客户基础,所以投资银行业者辨认出公司正在表现了 , 收入的大增加和损失会使过了时间发泄." A NEW MODEL||一个新的模型The solution: Change the valuation model||解决: 改变评价模型. "Instead of valuing the cable companies traditionally, at some multiple of earnings, for example, they valued the firms based on their installed customer base," Kaplan says||而非传统地评价电缆公司,在所得的一些倍数,举例来说,他们评价了以他们的安装客户基础为基础的公司," Kaplan 说. "This led to a valuation multiple based on the cable company's subscribers||这导致了以电缆公司的签署者为基础的评价倍数."Today's Internet companies are forcing a similar revision||今天的英特网公司正在强迫相似的校订. Since many show losses, investment bankers are focusing on revenue growth, industry leadership and projected profit potential to establish benchmarks||自从许多表演损失以后, 投资银行业者是把重心集中在收入生长, 工业领导而且计画了利润潜能建立基点. "Early profitability is not the key to value in a company like this," says Jerry Kennelly, CPA and CFO of Inktomi, San Mateo, California||早的收益性不是在一家像这的公司中评价的关键," 杰瑞狗舍说, CPA 和 Inktomi ,桑河 Mateo 的 CFO 加州. "You must look at the potential of the firm's markets and its revenue growth potential in evaluating stocks like ours||你一定在评估存货同类我们的方面看公司的市场的潜能和它的收入生长潜能. It would be a disservice to our shareholders if we didn't make the right investments at this stage to gain important market share just for the sake of early profitability||如果我们在现阶段没有作正确的投资为了早的收益性仅仅得到重要的市场占有率,它会是对我们的股东的一个伤害."Inktomi, founded in February 1996, builds the software infrastructure for large Internet portal sites||Inktomi,在 1996 年二月发现, 为大的网路入门位置建立软件系统内各部分. The Inktomi IPO's offering price on June 10, 1998, was $18 per share, and the stock doubled to $36 on the first day||Inktomi IPO 的提供 1998 年六月 10 日定价格, 是每部份 $18, 和存货人两倍到 $36 在第一天. Kennelly reports that there was some give-and-take with the investment bankers over the benchmarks and the offering price||狗舍报告和投资银行业者在基点和提供价格之上有一些互让. "You make projections and the investment bankers discount what you say by some factor that they believe is appropriate||你作发射和投资银行业者打折你所藉着一些因素说他们相信的很适当. You try to find the most authoritative market data you can||你试着找最权威的市场数据你能."

毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

Abstract Accounting supervision in accordance with the relevant national laws, regulations, rules and regulations on accounting work control, and use the correct accounting information to a comprehensive and integrated coordination of economic activity, control, supervise and urge to improve the quality of accounting information and economic efficiency . In the new situation under the current economic operation mechanisms, the establishment of modern enterprise system, accounting supervision, a lot of changes in accounting supervision aspects there are many problems can not be : accounting supervision, basic functions, professional ethics, legal environment

英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,各有各自的表达方式。下文是我为大家整理的关于的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 英汉翻译中的翻译症 摘要:英汉翻译的过程中。存在着翻译症这一诟病。文章首先介绍了翻译症。然后通过分析翻译过程中理解、表达、审校三个阶段翻译症的一些表现形式。总结出翻译症的根源,最后提出了相应的防范措施。 关键词:英汉翻译;翻译症 一、什么是翻译症 英汉翻译把英语表达的意思用汉语表达出来,以达到沟通思想情感、传播文化知识、促进社会文明的目的,译文的基本标准一般为“忠实而通顺”。所谓的忠实指的是译文要忠实于原作的思想内容和并且尽量保持原作的风格;在忠实的基础上译文还应该修辞正确、逻辑合理、语言精简、文理通顺,即所谓的通顺。 由于英汉两种语言文化背景不一,行文结构与遣词造句的习惯也相去甚远,语际转换不可避免地产生一些矛盾。翻译的过程其实就是这种矛盾不断妥协的过程。著名学者、翻译家余光中将其形象地概括为“比如英文译成中文,既不许西风压倒东风,变成洋腔洋调的中文,也不许东风压倒西风,变成油腔滑调的中文”。但在英汉翻译实际操作的过程中由于英语的先入为主,矛盾对峙的结果往往一不小心西风就压倒了东风,译出来的文字便“不中不西,非驴非马,似通非通、诘屈聱牙”;让人看起来“看起来碍眼、听起来逆耳、说起来拗口”。尤今・奈达在《翻译理论与实践》提到了这种现象,专门造了一个词――translationese。翻译症不但严重影响译文的质量,而且会影响汉语语言的纯洁性,不利于汉语语言的健康发展。 二、探寻翻译症的原因 英汉翻译是一项及其复杂的工作,理解、表达、审校三个翻译阶段,任何一个阶段处理不好都可能导致翻译症的发生。 一理解阶段 理解的过程就是对原文进行语言分析比如词汇、语法结构等、语境分析上下文含义、篇章语体结构等,并力求透彻领会文字所承载的文化内涵,了解相关的背景知识,有时需要具备一定的生活常识。 例1:Galileo’s greatest glory was thatin 1609 he WaS the first person to turn thenewly invented telescope 0n the heavens toprove that the planet revolve around the sunratherthanaroundthe earth. 原译:伽利略最大的荣耀是他在1609年第一个把新发现的望远镜对准了天空,以证实行星是围绕太阳运转,而不是围绕地球寻转。 分析:翻译只理解了原文的表层意思,机械地将glory理解为“最大的荣耀”,导致最终的译文令人费解。翻译时如果只考虑原文的表层意思,简单地依照字面意思理解,结果往往言不达意。通过例1的上下文可以看出,它指的是伽利略借助科学手段第一次用试验的方法证实了行星围绕太阳运转这一事迹。原文的正确译法为“伽利略最光耀的业绩在于,他在1609年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准了天空,以证实行星是围绕太阳运转,而不是围绕地球运转”。 例2:It doesn’t matter to me as longaS I get something between my rids and mybackbone. 原译:没有关系,只要有点东西放在我的肋骨和脊骨之间就行了。 改译:没有关系,吃点东西,填填肚子就行了。 分析:人的肋骨和脊骨之间是胃,getsomething between onffs rids and my back-bone等价于get something to eat。这是一种非常幽默的说法,英美人喜欢幽默,翻译时要学会理解他们的幽默感。由于中英文化的差异,如果直接按照源语理解,往往语义不通,不合逻辑,不知所云,败坏读者的阅读兴趣。 二表达阶段 表达是翻译的重心,在这一过程中,除了正确理解原文这一前提外,还要依赖于对目的语的修养程度和对这两种语言的把握。 例1:The students in a cluster and lifttheirhandswhentheirnames are called. 译文:学生们站在一起,当他们的名字被叫到时,就举举手。 分析:译文显得不够流畅。英语属于形合语言,句中的词语或分句之间需要功能词加以连线,而汉语属于意合语言,词语或者分句之间往往不需要词语来连线。所以在进行英汉翻译时,原文中诸如连词、代词、介词之类的功能词,往往需要略去不译。英汉翻译时,如果漠视这种差异,见when就译成“当……时候”,每遇修饰语就用“的”处理,将导致翻译僵化,翻译症严重。 例2:And it iS imagined by many thatthe operations of the mon mind Can beby no means pared with these processes,and that they have to be acquiredby a sortof special training, 原译:它被许多人想象成这样子:普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学的思维过程相比,这个思维过程必须经过专门训练才能掌握。 分析:例2将“itisimagined”的被动结构机械照搬,译文“它被许多人想象成这样子”读起来别扭。译者忽略了英汉两种语言表达习惯的差异,汉语比英语更习惯于用主动语态。这种情况如果不采用一定的变通手段,化被动为主动,而是刻意忠实于原文的表层形式,译文就显得不地道。 例3:I have sought love,first,becauseit brings ecstasy-1 would have sacrificed allthe restoflife for afewhours of this joy, 原译:我追逐过爱,首先因为爱能带来狂喜――我宁愿牺牲我所有的余生来换取这片刻的幸福。 分析:可以改译为“我追逐过爱,首先因为爱能带来狂喜――我宁愿倾我一生来换取这片刻的幸福”。由于语言结构体系的不同,英语语言具有相当的清晰性、分析性和逻辑性,而汉语则模糊性、跳跃性和圆融性见长。如果忽视了这种特点,认为中文不够精确,不够科学,而在翻译的过程中,一味地借助一些词加以规范,向英文考虑,译文往往不伦不类,适得其反。仔细分析一下,“我所有的余生”并不比“我的一生”精确多少,而且汉语中的余生常指老年人的晚年,或者大难后侥幸保全的性命,这和原文的意思想去甚远。 例4:It is as significant as a game ofcricket, 原译:这件事如同板球赛一样重要。 分析:很多人都认为这个译文“息有”翻译症,其实不然。是不是患有翻译症,有时关键还要看翻译的目的和接受者是谁。如果接收者文化水平不高或对“板球赛”不甚了解,那么这种表达肯定很难理解。但在英国板球是人们最热衷的运动,板球赛是男女老少都关注的事,所以有时这样的异化翻译还能更好地传达异国风格。 三审校阶段 审校是初步译好原文后,进一步全面查实工作的一个后期阶段。译者细致地通读译文草稿不仅可以对内容的忠实性、问题的切实性、译语的可读性进行甄别、查证、修改、点定,还可以进一步解决理解、表达阶段尚无定论的问题。纽马克主张,译者应根据文字的难以程度,花费翻译所用时间的50-70%来审校自己的译文。 通过以上对翻译各阶段中翻译症的一些表现形式的分析可以看出,尽管翻译症产生的原因从根本上说还是上述三个阶段综合作用的结果:理解阶段未透彻理解原文、表达时片面强调忠实,从形式上照搬原文而忽视汉语的遣词造句特征,审校工作不认真。 三、如何减少、避免翻译症 一篇中求句,句中求字 1、吃透原文。对原文的理解不能见字不见句,只见树木不见树林,需要结合其篇章语境、情景语境和社会语境。此外,对英汉两种语言在体系、文化背景、思维习惯上存在相当大的差异,译者一定要增强责任心,从开始阶段就要摈弃不求甚解、得过且过的作风。 2、用汉语的思维和表达再现原文。在透彻、准确表达原文的基础上,应摆脱英文的字面束缚,充分考虑英汉语言在表达形态上的种种差异,用汉语的思维和表达方式重构译文。 二要掌握合理的翻译技巧 科学合理的翻译技巧可短时间减少翻译症的发生。 首先要把握合理的翻译标准尺度。翻译症的发生就是翻译标准走了极端。忠实和通顺是一个矛盾统一体的两个方面,一定要统筹兼顾,把握好尺寸。 其次要灵活运用转性、变态、增补、省略等多种翻译手法,以达到变中求信、变中求顺的目的。 三养成良好的审校习惯 审校是翻译的一个重要环节,译者一定要谨慎,切实把好这一关。建议译者最好放一段时间再来重新审查自己的译文,如果还不行,可以寻求他人帮助。 四、结论 翻译既是一门有一定规律可循的科学,也是一门有限制性的艺术创作。要从根本上避免翻译症的发生,还需提高译者的综合素质,尤其是语言素质。要广泛阅读,扩大知识面。不但从汉语名著中获取营养,还要适当进行一些英美文学名著明译的对照阅读。同时,翻译也是一门技能,可以通过讲授或实践学习获得,因此理论的学习和笔耕不辍的练习是减少翻译症必不可少的手段。 篇2 探讨英汉翻译技巧 摘 要:英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,各有各自的表达方式。日常生活中会遇到这样的情况,某人英语很好,能看能说,但是下不了笔,译出的东西词不达意,逻辑不通,语法混乱,洋腔洋调。对翻译的方法缺少必要的了解。了解常见的英汉翻译方法,通过翻译实践,发现两种语言之间的差异,有助于学习者更好的掌握英语。 关键词:英语翻译 教学 技巧 理解是翻译的前提,也是决定性的作用。若原文理解不对,译文再漂亮也是徒劳的。首先要了解翻译的过程,大致有三个环节:1、理解全文2、汉语表达3、核对润色。 一、理解全文 理解包括原文语法结构的理解和原文词义的理解。弄不清语法结构、不能准确的把握词义,是英汉翻译的两大“敌人”。英语语法结构通汉语相比更为严密,功能词远远多于汉语,英语句子是通过语法手段将词连线而成的。在翻译时,特别是翻译比较复杂的句子时,有必要对句子的语法成分和结构进行分析,掌握所涉及的语法知识。这样在翻译具体的语言专案时就能有明确的框架,便于安排。另一方面,英语中一词多义现象十分普遍,翻译时要依据各种资讯,结合上下文来确定词语在文中的具体的确切的意义。 二、汉语表达 汉语表达就是在理解的基础上用汉语将原文所表达的资讯传达出来。翻译时应该在吃透原文的基础上,站得远一些,摆脱原文的形式的束缚,灵活地用汉语将原文内容阐述明白。 三、核对润色 如果对原文缺乏深入的理解,翻译过程中就容易出错,受原文用词与结构的影响,汉语表达中容易出现英语式的汉语,译文读起来洋腔洋调。因此,翻译完成之后,必须认真检查核对,润色文字使译文忠实,通顺地表达原文的内容。将英语句子翻译成汉语,无非关系到两大要素词语和句子。 下面我们将重点研究一下英汉词语翻译和句子的翻译。首先,翻译表达的第一步是如何将英语的词语翻译成恰当的汉语词汇。几个大致的方法:确定词义、词类转换、增词法、重复法和减词法。 一确定词义 英语和汉语属于两种不同的语言,词汇差异较大。两种语言的词汇很难找到意义完全一一对应的。翻译时,首先要先确定词语在上下文中确切的含义。 1、利用上下文,确定词义:He is a hard-working student and all the teachers like him very much.他是个勤奋的学生,所有的老师都很喜欢他。 He is a student of physics and has published a lot of academic books.他是个物理专家,已经出版了很多部学术书籍。 英语中,student有两个意思,一个是“学生”,一个是“学者、专家”,而且两个词都是名词,翻译时就需要从上下文中来确定具体的词义。 2、根据语法知识,确定词义:He bought three books in English yesterday. 他昨天买了三本英语方面的书。 Tom booked two tickets last week.汤姆上周预定了两张票。 英语中,book可以作名词也可以作动词,但是两者意义差别很大。第一句中很显然是名词,应译为“书”;第二句中是动词,应译为“预定”。 二词类转换法 在进行英汉翻译时,不能简单的把名词译为名词,动词译为动词,是经常需要词类转换的。 1、英语名词转译成汉语动词:英语词汇中名词对,而汉语中动词多。在英汉翻译的时候,特别是翻译由动词派生出来的名词时,名词转换成动词的情况非常普遍。 The little child gave an imitation of his mother’s talking.这个小孩模仿他妈妈说话。 2、英语介词转译成汉语动词:英语中,介词的使用是非常频繁的,它们是用来表示词于词的语法关系,是组成语法结构的一种非常重要的“功能词”。汉语中许多介词是有动词虚化出来的,许多介词兼有动词的词性,因此在翻译的时候应正确处理这两类词。 The house is in repair.这个房子正在维修中。 3、英语形容词译成汉语动词:The following plan may bee available during the next decade.下列计划在10年间可能实现。 英汉翻译的过程中词类转化是比较灵活的,除了上面涉及到的几种情况外,其他词类间也是存在着相互转换的问题。翻译时要灵活运用。 三增词法 英汉翻译时,由于意义表达的需要或者汉语语法的要求,英汉翻译时,经常需要增加一定的词汇才能使译文表达的意义完整、准确、流畅。 1、英语中有许多抽象名词是由动词或形容词派生的,它们在汉语中的对等词同响应的动词和形容词几乎没有什么差别,在翻译时若把它们翻译成名词,有时就需要增词,是抽象名词的所指更具体些。 Her arrogance led to the failure of her first marriage. 他傲慢的态度导致第一次婚姻失败。 2、英语中,时态是靠动词的变化或通过增加助动词体现出来的,汉语中,时态多是由助动词或时间副词体现的,所以,在翻译的过程中经常需要增词。 Some measures has been taken,but without success. 已经采取了一些措施,但依然没有成功。 3、英语中,“数”的范畴是由名词数的语法形式体现出来的,而在汉语中,这一范畴基本上是由词汇手段来体现的,所以在翻译时,也经常需要增词。 In spite of the reasons, he still couldn’t escape critici *** . 尽管他有种种理由,但仍不能逃脱批评。


