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2023-12-07 13:25:19 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


是否有真实性。 毕业论文按实物和仿真具体就在是否存在真实性,实物是更有说服力的,但是一部分毕业论文只能进行仿真,是不可能通过实物,会有很高的经济要求,但是仿真也是可以的。毕业论文(graduation study)是专科及以上学历教育为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前撰写的论文。毕业论文一般安排在修业的最后一学年(学期)进行,论文题目由教师指定或由学生提出,学生选定课题后进行研究,撰写并提交论文,目的在于培养学生的科学研究能力,加强综合运用所学知识、理论和技能解决实际问题的训练,从总体上考查学生大学阶段学习所达到的学业水平。

论文仿真:1、首先上网搜搜 有没有已经实现的代码,能够搜到则会让你轻松很多;2、在网上搜要仿真的论文,然后搜论文作者的实验室主页,看作者是否有公开代码;3、实在找不到现成的的代码,就只能老老实实自己对算法进行是实现了,有些时候还可以借助MATLAB的工具箱,会方便很多。设计论文第一:毕业设计论文是高等学校教学计划中重要组成部分之一,同时对于学生来说是必不可少的教学阶段。第二:设计论文的含义是指大学生的毕业设计论工不仅实现了理论同实践的密切结合,而且与教学和科研以及生产相相互结合的过程。第三:另外毕业设计论文的撰写也是对学生进行综合素质教次育的重要途经,是学校在培养高级专门人才的过程中十分特殊的一个环节。为什么要写设计论文?毕业论文占据着教学计划的重要地位,它是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能,理论联系实际的具体体现,是一次比较全面的科学研究训练从某种意义上说,它是前期教学的继续、深化和检验,可以培养学生拥有正确的科研思想和严肃认真的工作作风。毕业论文的最终目的是培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。需要注意的是,设计论文的标题最好不要超过20个字,要简明且能表明文章的内容。在写论文的时候一定要做到心中有数,内容要连贯且科学,千万不要堆砌辞藻或者文章空泛。最重要的是设计论文一定要自己原创完成,不要去复制抄袭或者是叫人代写。

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单相电路谐波电流检测的一种参考方法的仿真研究 Simulation Research on A Referenced Method for Harmonic Current Detection of Single-Phase Circuit 提出了基于三相电路瞬时无功理论的单相电路谐波电流检测方法(参考方法)的仿真研究根据该参考方法建立了Matlab仿真模型,确定了低通滤波器的类型、阶数和截止频率在电源电压无畸变、发生畸变和频率变化情况下,对该参考方法检测精度进行了仿真研究研究结果表明,以上3种情况对该参考方法检测精度基本无影响,但在电源电压无畸变且负载电流变化时存在过跟踪 作 者: 李自成 孙玉坤 刘国海 李凤祥 杨建宁 LI Zicheng SUN Yukun LIU Guohai LI Fengxiang RANG Jianning 作者单位: 江苏大学,电气信息工程学院,江苏,镇江,212013刊 名: 低压电器 英文刊名: LOW VOLTAGE APPARATUS 年,卷(期): 2008 (17) 分类号: TM714 关键字: 有源电力滤波器 谐波电流 瞬时无功功率理论 低通滤波器 机标分类号: TM9 TM 机标关键字: 单相电路 谐波电流检测方法 参考方法 仿真研究 检测精度 电源电压 瞬时无功理论 畸变 低通滤波器 三相电路 频率变化 截止频率 仿真模型 电流变 阶数 负载 基金项目: 江苏省培养创新工程项目,江苏省高新技术项目


Physical simulation allows simulated agents to behave in a physically realistic This means that agents in the simulated world can be configured to behave just as real objects do, according to the laws of If a ball is placed in the air above a floor, for example, physical simulation can be used to make the ball realistically fall toward the floor and Among other things, physical simulation can be used for realistic simulation of robots, vehicles and The current version of breve uses portions of the excellent ODE physical simulation When to Use Physical SimulationIn many circumstances, users wish to write simulations that use certain aspects of physics, but not In these situations it is tempting to enable physical simulation, but this often opens the door to other sorts of Physical simulation is slower, more complicated and inherently less stable than non-physical It is often far more effective to use "pseudo-physics" in which you implement some physical simulation features without enabling full physical One example is a simulation which requires gravity for "ballistic" (non-Multibody Real) Though the effects of gravity can be enabled using physical simulation, a more robust and far more efficient approach is to simply set a constant acceleration of (0, -8, 0) By disabling the physical simulation engine and setting a constant acceleration, a great deal of complexity can be Another example is two objects that stick together and behave as a single Though this can be simulated as a MultiBody object, if other aspects of physical simulation are not required, it may be better to enforce the relationship between the objects manually at each time-step by making one of the objects move itself to maintain a certain position relative to the It's often unclear which technique should be used, but many users tend to err on the side of enabling physics which is the more complicated True physical simulation is typically necessary only when dealing with physically realistic jointed bodies, such as a simulated robot or simulated You should be aware of the pros and cons of true physical simulation and consider using your own "pseudo-physics" Enabling Physical SimulationTo write a simulation with physical simulation, your controller object should be a subclass of the class PhysicalC This class sets certain simulation parameters to values sensible for physical simulation, such as integration step, gravity, Physics must be enabled for Mobile objects on an object by object basis using the method enable- When dealing with physical simulations, however, it is often preferable to use the Mobile subclass Link for which physical simulation is automatically Fast Physical SimulationThe ODE simulation library supports an accelerated physics simulation which offers great improvements in simulation speed and memory usage, at the expense of some The fast physics algorithm scales better than the normal physics algorithm as the number of interacting physical bodies With a small number of interacting physical bodies, there may not be a great difference between the As the number increases, however, the benefits of fast physics will become much Fast physics may be enabled using the method enable-fast- An additional iterations parameter can be set using the method set-fast-physics- The default value of 40 should give good results, but the number may be adjusted upwards for more accuracy, or downwards for better Writing Stable Physical SimulationsThe physical simulation engine can be quite sensitive to the configuration of bodies in a This can lead to performance problems, instabilities and unexpected Because of the number of factors involved, it can be difficult to track down the exact reason for instabilities or unexpected Below are some things to watch out for when dealing with physical * Instabilities may arise when dealing with very large (heavy) and very small (light) objects * Exerting very large joint pressures or velocities may cause unrealistic * Beware of joints which force invalid or conflicting conformations on your * Avoid forcing deep collisions between objects with either joints or manual * Use of redundant or unnecessary joints will cause instabilities and performance The Components of Physically Simulated Bodies[Note] Changed in breve 0The methods used for loading images have been changed from breve x, so pay close attention to this section if you're updating your simulation from a previous version of In order to construct physically simulated agents, you'll need to be familiar with the components of physically simulated There are three main components used in physical simulations: * Links, the basic building blocks of physically simulated objects * MultiBodies, physical bodies made up of one or more Link objects ([link]) * Joints, rigid connections between Link objects ([link]) * Springs, flexible connections between Link objects ([link])Dynamically Creating and Destroying Jointsbreve allows Joints to be created and destroyed dynamically over the course of the Joining MultiBodies dynamically is simple—you simply link them as always using the various Joint The joints can be made not only to modify the structure of a single MultiBody, but also to join together distinct MultiBBreaking MultiBodies is accomplished using the Joint method Prior to breve version 0, when all Links had to be part of a MultiBody to appear in the simulated world, breaking joints were often accompanied by broken hearts: breaking a joint could cause entire subtrees of links to disappear into the ether because the links were In breve 0, links will go on living happily even if they are not associated with a MultiBEven though it is incredibly useful, physical simulation can add complexity and potential instabilities to a This chapter begins with the section When to Use Physical Simulation ([link]), which discusses when it is appropriate to use physical simulation and possible alternatives to full physical You should read this section first to help you decide whether physical simulation is necessary for your Using Terrains With Physical SimulationThe class Terrain allows fractal terrains to be created in These terrains provide a more realistic ground than simply using a flat The terrains can be automatically generated using the method generate, or set manually by the user using the method set- See the Terrain class documentation for information on using


回答 一、浏览器本身的问题。 当浏览器本身出现故障时,自然会影响到浏览;或者浏览器被恶意修改破坏也会导致无法浏览网页。这时可以尝试重新下载安装浏览器。 二、网络不稳定。 检查网络信号的强弱,尽量在里信号源近的地方上网。 三、网络防火墙的问题。 如果网络防火墙设置不当,如安全等级过高、不小心将浏览器放入阻止访问列表、错误的防火墙策略等,可尝试检查策略、降低防火墙安全等级或直接关掉试试是否恢复正常。 四、DCOM属性设置错误。 1、点击“开始”。 2、输入“Dcomcnfg”。 3、在弹出的提示框,勾选“是”。 4、点击“默认安全机制”标签。 5、在“默认访问权限”栏点“编辑默认值”。 6、查看“名称”下面的栏里内,是否有“SYSTEM”和“Interactive”项,如果没有,添加即可。 一、浏览器本身的问题。 当浏览器本身出现故障时,自然会影响到浏览;或者浏览器被恶意修改破坏也会导致无法浏览网页。这时可以尝试重新下载安装浏览器。 二、网络不稳定。 检查网络信号的强弱,尽量在里信号源近的地方上网。 三、网络防火墙的问题。 如果网络防火墙设置不当,如安全等级过高、不小心将浏览器放入阻止访问列表、错误的防火墙策略等,可尝试检查策略、降低防火墙安全等级或直接关掉试试是否恢复正常。 四、DCOM属性设置错误。 1、点击“开始”。 2、输入“Dcomcnfg”。 3、在弹出的提示框,勾选“是”。 4、点击“默认安全机制”标签。 5、在“默认访问权限”栏点“编辑默认值”。 6、查看“名称”下面的栏里内,是否有“SYSTEM”和“Interactive”项,如果没有,添加即可。 更多25条 


回答 一、浏览器本身的问题。 当浏览器本身出现故障时,自然会影响到浏览;或者浏览器被恶意修改破坏也会导致无法浏览网页。这时可以尝试重新下载安装浏览器。 二、网络不稳定。 检查网络信号的强弱,尽量在里信号源近的地方上网。 三、网络防火墙的问题。 如果网络防火墙设置不当,如安全等级过高、不小心将浏览器放入阻止访问列表、错误的防火墙策略等,可尝试检查策略、降低防火墙安全等级或直接关掉试试是否恢复正常。 四、DCOM属性设置错误。 1、点击“开始”。 2、输入“Dcomcnfg”。 3、在弹出的提示框,勾选“是”。 4、点击“默认安全机制”标签。 5、在“默认访问权限”栏点“编辑默认值”。 6、查看“名称”下面的栏里内,是否有“SYSTEM”和“Interactive”项,如果没有,添加即可。 一、浏览器本身的问题。 当浏览器本身出现故障时,自然会影响到浏览;或者浏览器被恶意修改破坏也会导致无法浏览网页。这时可以尝试重新下载安装浏览器。 二、网络不稳定。 检查网络信号的强弱,尽量在里信号源近的地方上网。 三、网络防火墙的问题。 如果网络防火墙设置不当,如安全等级过高、不小心将浏览器放入阻止访问列表、错误的防火墙策略等,可尝试检查策略、降低防火墙安全等级或直接关掉试试是否恢复正常。 四、DCOM属性设置错误。 1、点击“开始”。 2、输入“Dcomcnfg”。 3、在弹出的提示框,勾选“是”。 4、点击“默认安全机制”标签。 5、在“默认访问权限”栏点“编辑默认值”。 6、查看“名称”下面的栏里内,是否有“SYSTEM”和“Interactive”项,如果没有,添加即可。 更多25条 





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