
> 学术期刊知识库

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You went to the butcher's for meat, the pharmacy for aspirin, and the grocery store for food. But when I spent the summer with my Grandmother in Warwick, ., she sent me down to the general store with a list. How could I hope to find anything on the packed, jumbled shelves around me?

I walked up to the counter. Behind it was a lady like no one I'd ever seen. Fake-jewel-encrusted glasses teetered on the tip of her nose, gray hair was piled on her head.

"Excuse me," I said. She looked up.

"You're that Clements kid," she said. "I'm Miss Bee. Come closer and let me get a look at you." She pushed her glasses up her nose. "I want to be able to describe you to the sheriff if something goes missing from the store."

"I'm not a thief!" I was shocked. I was seven year too young to be a thief!

"From what I can see you're not much of anything. But I can tell you've got potential." She went back to reading her newspaper.

"I need to get these." I said, holding up my list.

"So? Go get them." Miss Bee pointed to a sign on the screen door. "There's no one here except you and me and I'm not your servant, so I suggest you get yourself a basket from that pile over there and start filling. If you're lucky you'll be home by sundown."

Sundown was five hours away. I wasn't sure I would make it.

I scanned the nearest shelf for the first item on my list: pork and beans. It took me three wall-to-wall searches before I found a can nestled between boxes of cereal and bread. Next up was toilet paper, found under the daily newspaper. Band-Aids—where had I seen them? Oh, ye next to the face cream. The store was a puzzle, but it held some surprises too. I found a new Superman comic tucked behind the peanut butter.

I visited Miss Bee a couple of times a week that summer. Sometimes she short-changed me. Other times she overcharged. Or sold me an old newspaper instead of one that was current. Going to the store was more like going into battle. I left my Grandma's house armed with my list—memorized to the letter—and marched into Miss Bee's like General Patton marching into North Africa.

"That can of beans is only twenty-nine cents!" I corrected her one afternoon. I had watched the numbers change on the cash register closely, and Miss Bee had added 35 cents. She didn't seem embarrassed that I had caught her overcharging. She just looked at me over her glasses and fixed the price.

Not that she ever let me declare victory. All summer long she found ways to trip me up. No sooner had I learned how to pronounce bicarbonate of soda and memorized its location on the shelf, than Miss Bee rearranged the shelves and made me hunt for it all over again. By summer's end the shopping trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes. The morning I was to return to Brooklyn, I stopped in to get a packet of gum.

"All right, Miss Potential," she said. "What did you learn this summer?" That you're a meany! I pressed my lips together. To my amazement, Miss Bee laughed. "I know what you think of me," she said. "Well, here's a news flash: I don't care! Each of us is put on this earth for a reason. I believe my job is to teach every child I meet ten life lessons to help them. Think what you will, Miss Potential, but when you get older you'll be glad our paths crossed!" Glad I met Miss Bee? Ha! The idea was absurd...

Until one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles.

"It's too hard," she said. "Could you finish my math problems for me?"

"If I do it for you how will you ever learn to do it yourself?" I said. Suddenly, I was back at that general store where I had learned the hard way to tally up my bill along with the cashier. Had I ever been overcharged since?

As my daughter went back to her homework, I wondered: Had Miss Bee really taught me something all those years ago? I took out some scrap paper and started writing.

Sure enough, I had learned ten life lessons:

1. Listen well.

2. Never assume—things aren't always the same as they were yesterday.

3. Life is full of surprises.

4. Speak up and ask questions.

5. Don't expect to be bailed out of a predicament.

6. Everyone isn't as honest as I try to be.

7. Don't be so quick to judge other people.

8. Try my best, even when the task seems beyond me.

9. Double-check everything.

10. The best teachers aren't only in school.

The significant inscription found on an old key---“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them.

Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture---every department of human endeavor.

Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer.

Labor vanquishes all---not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success.

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room‘s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end.

They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn‘t hear the band - he could see it in his mind‘s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold.

Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.

With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… "PAID IN FULL".

How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Sometimes we don't realize the good fortune we have or we could have because we expect "the packaging" to be different. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.

Tomorrow Is Sunday Tonorrow is often get up late on I'm going to get up early tomorrow are going to a park is not very far from our 's only 5 kilometres can go there by 'm sure we are going to have a good day is it today? are we going tomorrow? far is the park? can we go to the park?5.将“We can go there by bike."进行同义句转换。Key1,It's are going to a 's about 5 kilometres away from my can go there by can ride to get there.

are thirty-one days in this second day of this month is are four Mondays in these first day of the next month is date of the last Saturday in this month is 25th.

two bad things and one good thing about pianesan airport is usually far from the city[ 1 bad thing: You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. another bad thing: You can’t open the window and you can’t choose the food. ][ good thing : Planes are fast. ]two bad things and one good thing about trainetraines are safe [ 1 bad thing: Railway stations are usually in cities. another bad thing:It takes a little more time.][ good thing: When you can’t catch a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. ]



Hi! I'm Tony. I don't like getting up early. I get up at eight in the morning. Then I go to school at 8:30.


I don't have much time for breakfast, so I always eat very fast. I often have hamburgers for lunch.


I sometimes play basketball for half an hour after school. When I get home, I always do my homework first.


I either watch TV or play computer games in the evening. By 10:30 I would brush my teeth and go to bed.



被协助的动词称作主要动词(Main Verb)。助动词用来构成时态和语态。 助动词具有语法意义,但除情态助动词外没有词汇意义,不可单独作谓语。它没有对应的汉译,例如: He doesn't like English. 他不喜欢英语。(does是助动词,无词义;like是主要动词,有词义)

基本助动词只有三个:be, do, have, 它们没有词汇意义,只有语法作用,如协助构成进行体,完成体,被动态,否定句,疑问句等。 例如:He is giving a lecture. 他在作报告。


你为什么喜欢熊猫, 因为他们很有趣你为什么喜欢考拉, 因为他们很可爱你为什么不喜欢老虎, 因为他们真的很可怕狮子来自那里 他们来自南非



the Different CulturesIn many aspects of our life, we often divide the world into two parts: the eastern one and the western one. We divide like this not only because of the geographical location differences, but also due to the cultural differences to a large cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the differences are everywhere. They affect people’s ways of thinking and their views of the world. Even in everyday life, the cultural differences show up from the moment the eyes are opened to the minute the dreams are invited. For example, it’s very important to be on time in western country. They are never late for meeting or appointment, if they not did so, you were considered weak on time conscious. On the contrary, Chinese people though its flexible time for meeting or appointments. It does can be a little bit late or early, they didn’t take it seriously to some degree. Now we have seen that there exists such a huge gap between eastern culture and western one. Then what should we do to face this gap in the gradually globalizing world? Firstly, we cannot deny any of the cultures. Every nation has its own characteristics and it’s mainly through its culture that we first begin to know the nation and its characteristics. Next, we should get to learn how to coordinate the different cultures, and one important thing is to get some basic knowledge about the other cultures so as not to misunderstand some actions or habits of the cultures add the most colorful element to the world of 21st century. The cultural gap should not be the obstacle to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the motivation of our going farther.

初中阶段是英语教学的重要阶段,这一时期打牢英语根基,学生今后才有可能学好英语;如果这一时期学不好英语,学生今后更学不好英语;同时教师在英语教学中起着重要的作用。下文是我为大家整理的关于初中英语教师论文的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 初中英语教师论文篇1 试探初中英语渗透 文化 摘 要:语言与文化互相影响,互相作用,理解语言必须了解文化,理解文化必须了解语言。文化是形形色色的,语言也是多种多样的。语言是文化的基石――没有语言,就没有文化;从另一个方面看,语言又受文化的影响,反映文化。 关键词:初中;英语;渗透;文化 语言是交际的工具,语言教学的最终目的就是为了能在生活中交流,运用。而交际能力的核心就是使学生能够运用所学语言在不同场合中对不同对象进行有效的,得体的交际。不同国家,民族之间的文化有着很大的差异,交际失败往往因文化误解而引起的,而忽视社会文化差异的言辞不当就更让人接受不了。因此在英语教学中,教师帮助学生认识中西文化差异,正确地理解中西语言差异,是教学中必不可少的。 一、语言与文化相互作用 语言是文化的一部分,语言又受文化的影响。有些社会学家认为,语言是文化的基石――没有语言,就没有文化;从另一个方面看,语言又受文化的影响,反映文化。可以说, 语言反映一个民族的特征,它不仅包含着该民的历史和文化背景,而且蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法、生活方式和 思维方式 。语言与文化互相影响,互相作用,理解语言必须了解文化, 理解文化必须了解语言。文化是形形色色的,语言也是多种多样的。由于文化和语言上的差别。 互相了解不是一件容易的事,不同文化间的交流常常遇到困难。 学习一种外语不仅要掌握语音、语法、词汇和习语 而且还要知道择这种语言的人如何看待事物,如何观察世界;要了解他们如何用他们的语言来反映他们社会的思想、习惯、行为;要懂得他们的“心灵之语言”,即了解他们社会的文化。实际上,学习语言与了解语言所反映的文化是分不开的。语言是文化的一部分,并对文化起着重要作用。有些社会学家认为,语言是文化的基石――没有语言,就没有文化;从另一个方面看,语言又受文化的影响,反映文化。 因此,语言不仅仅是一套符号系统,人们的语言表现形式更受语言赖以存在的社会文化的制约和影响。文化内涵是语言交际的具体内容,文化意识是语言交际的思维基础不了解语言背后的文化,只是形式,而不注意语言的内涵,就不可能真正掌握这种语言。 二、语言于文化相互渗透 (1)语言教学有助于避免文化交际中出现 “文化错误”。为什么西方的笑话,在中国笑不起来?为什么在中国广为传颂的传统美德“谦虚”,在西方则被认为是无能的表现?在东方,更强调集体表现和集体主义精神,在西方,则强调个人表现和个性张扬,他们认为, 不愿显露自己才华的人,是不可思议的和奇怪的。以上问题的症结,归根到底是文化差异问题。在跨文化交际过程中,经常出现的文化错误主要表现在称呼方面、 问候语 方面、对赞扬的反应方面、谈论的话题、词语以及文化内涵方面的差异等。 (2)文化教学有助于英语语言知识的学习。美国 教育 家斯宾赛提倡“快乐教育”,要尽量激励学生的学习兴趣,带着快乐的情绪去学习知识变求知为一件快乐的事。轻松愉快的课堂气氛,师生情感的融合,就能激励起学生对 英语学习 的浓厚兴趣,积极主动地参与教学活动,学生获得情感的满足,从而更好的完成学习目标。因此,适时适量渗透文化知识教育, 尤其是跨文化交际中需要注意的知识 ,恰是调动气氛的良好工具。 (3)文化教学有助于提高学生的文化素养。在英语教学中渗透有关西方的文化知识,不仅可以使学生接受异国的文化,还可以在进行文化对比的同时,对本国文化有更深刻地理解,从而形成正确得体的交际,培养学生的世界文化意识,并能有意识地提高自身的交际能力。 三、语言中如何渗透文化 1.课堂教学渗透文化 毫无疑问,课堂教学是跨文化意识培养的主要途径,教师要通过课堂讲解渗透英语国家的文化。 (1)充分利用现代教育技术和多媒体教学手段在教材授课过程中,利用现代教育技术和多媒体教学手段,制作出精美的课件让学生能够直观地感受到异国文化。通过制作一些相关的 PPt /flash,或是观看一些英语原声电影,动画片或是科普短片,不但能使学生更多地了解英语国家的文化,学到更多的科学文化知识,而且能增强学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生的语言学习,提高对异国文化的认知与欣赏。 (2)引导学生就同一主题进行中西比较。在教授校本教材过程中,可以引导学生就同一主题进行比较,如食品、习俗、节日等,从而加深对异国文化的理解。大的主题如节日 ―― 春节 和 圣诞节 ,将这两个重大的节日进行比较, 师生间的活动可以通过问答进行When's Christmas Day/Spring Festival? What do people usually do on Christmas Day/ at Spring Festival? Which do you like better? Why? 把西方的传统节日和中国的传统节日进行比较,一方面可以使学生加深对知识点的掌握,另一方面能是他们体会不同的文化差异。 2.课外活动渗透文化 文化的学习不应只限于课内,课堂外的文化教学也是一个很好的延续和补充,它能为学习者提供一个从量变到质变的过程。 具体 方法 为: (1)指导学生阅读有代表性的外国文学作品。文学作品是 传统文化 的积累,也是文化的精华部分。如《百万英镑》《双城记》《项链》等。 (2)编写系统地介绍文化知识的阅读材料。尽可能搜集一些目的语国家的政治、经济、社会、科技、艺术、习俗、历史、地理等各方面的材料,力求通过大量的阅读让学习者在不知不觉中增加自己的文化含量。如在平时的课外阅读中,让学生正确理解 big brother( 地面塔台的跟踪雷达), brain drain(人才流失), rain check(雨票, 即球赛因雨中断, 留给下次继续使用的原票票根)等这些跨文化背景知识。 总之,学习语言与了解语言所反映的文化是分不开的。英语教学不仅是帮助学生掌握语言基本技能的过程,更是一个引导他们理解目的语文化、提高文化素养、培养跨文化交际能力的过程。 因此在今后的中学英语教学中我们应该贯彻语言教学与文化教学同步的原则, 在教学中有意识地向学生渗透文化教学,使我国的英语教学适应社会发展的需求,从而促进英语教学的发展。 初中英语教师论文篇2 浅析初中英语情景教学 摘 要: 教学方法 新颖又富有启发性,可激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生感到有趣、有味、有奇、有惑。 关键词:初中英语;情景教学 兴趣是最好的老师。教学方法新颖又富有启发性,可激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生感到有趣、有味、有奇、有惑。英语教学中,巧用情景教学法不失为一条锦囊妙计。创设情景的方法很多,结合笔者多年来的教学实践,从课堂教学和课外教学两方面着手, 总结 如下: 一、初中情景教学法的提出 语言是一种社会现象,人类语言学家都强调语言和它的社会环境的联系性和不可分离性。人脑对客观情景的反映用语言记载下来,所以语言是客观环境的反映。人们运用语言进行交际活动时,离不开社会语言情景。 在英语教学过程中,学生只有在真实的语言情景或模拟的情景中才能更好地组织思维,理解具体情景中所传递的信息和语言材料,触景生情,激发表达思想的欲望,从而促进培养运用英语理解和表达思想的能力。而情景教学法可以激发学生学习激情,培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,促成学生智力因素和非智力因素的发展,从而从整体上正确理解和运用语言。 二、初中情景教学法的概述和意义。 情景,即:(具体场合的)情形、景象。所谓的情景教学就是根据教学内容为学生创造出一种和谐的语言环境,并通过教师本人的语言、动作、表情及姿态传递给学生,从而以情激情,以情促知,以情育人,实现知与情的统一、优化,最终达到激发学生学习的兴趣。情景教学法的特色是言、行、情三者融为一体,其核心是激发学生的情感,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解和获取知识或技能,并使学生心理机能得到发展的方法。 情景教学法在英语教学中的作用主要体现在以下几个方面: 1、情景教学使语言更直观,贴近学生生活和思维方式,激发学生自主学习兴趣,在学习和掌握课本知识的同时,活跃课堂学习气氛,达到学以致用的目的; 2、情景教学设计的内容一般可选用课外相关内容,拓展学生的知识面,根 据不同个体的 爱好 兴趣,自主选择不同内容; 3、情景教学对英语掌握程度不同的学生创造了一个平等的语言交流的舞台。在教学过程中,很多问题的提出没有唯一的答案,可以让每个学生都得到能力发挥的机会,谈自己的观点和见解,调动学生的学习积极性。 三、初中情景教学法的策略 1、培养学习兴趣 “兴趣是一个人倾向于认识和研究某种事物的一种心理活动,是学生求知的富有生气的内动力,是学习动机中最活跃的因素。”“兴趣是最好的的老师”,只有激发学生的学习兴趣,才能提高他们的学习动机,让他们积极踊跃地参与到课堂中来,才能使课堂气氛活跃,并且提高他们 学习英语 的自信心。 据调查发现,一个学校有一半多的学生对英语不感兴趣,特别是乡村中学。为什么会出现这种情况呢?有些学生是觉得单词量太多,背了又忘,忘了又背,花了很多的时间去对付单词,可是考出的成绩又不理想,后来干脆不去背单词。 还有些学生觉得上英语课特别枯燥乏味,教师只知道满堂灌,根本不管学生接受与否,而学生只是带着耳朵来,充当一名速记员,不能参与到课堂中来。这样的课堂气氛相当沉闷,导致学生对英语失去了兴趣。因此如何让学生积极地、踊跃地参与到课堂中来呢?这时情景教学便适应这种趋势,它能使学生积极地、主动地参与到课堂中来,让学生由“要我学”,转为“我要学”,学习英语变为了一件快乐的事情。 2、创设真实情景 英语教学本身就是一个真实的情景。教师从走进教室的那一刻起,直到课堂教学结束,离开教室为止,就是一个自然的、真实的、生动的、丰富多彩的语言交际情景。因此,教师要充分利用这个英语教学的真实情景,尽量用英语组织教学,把单纯传授知识的课堂转换为使学生自然习得语言的场所,体现学生的主体性。如教师进教室时,亲切地与同学们进行如下交谈,提供给学生一个真实的语言实践的机会。T:“Hello, boys and girls.”Ss:“Hello, Miss Cai.”T:“How are you, ×××.”S1:“Fine, thank you, and you?”T:“I’m OK. What about you, ×××.”S2:“I’m not very well.”T:“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matter?”S2:“I have a cold.”T:“Oh, I think you’d better go to see the doctor after school.”S2:“OK. Thank you.”在这亲切的交谈中,教师纯正的母语式的教学和亲切的师生间的互动活动,使学生乐于用英语进行交际。 把英语课堂变成一个师生间,生生间进行交际的语言环境。在这种环境中,学生自然而然地产生了了解这种语言的欲望和用这种语言与他人交际的意识,且日积月累,学生对语言的感知也愈来愈深。又如: 八年级 上M5 Unit 1 You like western classical music ,don’t you ?先播放了一首著名的歌曲 “The Blue Danuble ”,这时学生被轻松优雅的乐曲所吸引,会唱的学生还跟着节奏轻轻的哼了起来,之后我说:We all enjoyed this music. It’s so nice and some of us can even sing,but do you know who sang this song?有些知道的学生就说Strauss. 接着教师问:Where did he come from?知道的同学争先恐后的回答,然后再播放几首曲子,问他们是属于那种类型的音乐,西方的还是传统的,各种类型音乐的特点是什么?自然而然的将学生进入了新的课程的学习。 3、进行直观情景 以图画、 简笔画 图画、简笔画与动作,进行直观情景教学,使学生眼看实物,耳听声音,这样不仅使教学具体生动,而且能激发学生的学习兴趣。如教七年级上Unit2 Topic2 Section C,上课之前,让每个同学准备好三样物品:最喜欢的体育明星的照片、国旗(图片)以及他们国家著名建筑或自然风光的图片。上完课后,让学生用这些物品两个一组进行问答,介绍中要包括句型:What’s his/her name? His/Her name is---. Where is he/she from? He/She is from ---.这样,学生不仅掌握了课堂知识,而且了解了一些课外知识,让学生对英语越来越感兴趣。 采用简笔画教学,同样能让学生对英语不厌烦。例如七年级上Unit1 Topic3 Section B,我用简笔画进行教学,在教学课程中,我边画边问,T: What’s this in English? Ss: It’s a car.或是让学生到黑板前画简笔画,并且边画边让他问。这样,不仅学生学习了日常用语,而且学到了一些简笔画的知识,培养了他们动口和动手的能力。 初中英语教师论文篇3 浅谈初中 英语阅读 课七步教学 初中英语新教材、新大纲中规定,初中英语教学要突出培养学生的运用能力,2013年中考明显增加了阅读理解的题量,初一、初二教材增加了阅读课课量。由此可见,如何提高学生的阅读能力,在课堂上如何渗透培养学生阅读能力,综合听、说、读、写训练,提高课堂教学效率,是广大英语教师努力追求的方向。 近几年来许多英语教学书籍,把培养学生阅读能力作为英语阅读课课堂教学的重要目标,在课堂教学中突出对学生学法指导,体现学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用。我在多年的教学实践中,归纳出英语阅读课七步教学法,即:预学、导学、听读、设疑、复述、解难、查测。 一、预学 在教学课文前,要求学生做好 课前预习 ,借助词典、单词表或有关资料,能对 文章 内容有大概的了解,初步完成Workbook中所给出的问题,能整体把握作者的思路和文章结构,不懂的字词句让学生在预习时划出来,留到课堂上或课后解决。把这一课前预习,作为提高阅读课教学效率的第一步,不无原因,新大纲中明确要求学生要有一定的预习能力,且学生预习效果的好坏直接影响课堂教学的效率。坚持要求学生课前预习不但可以提高他们的预习能力,而且可以提高他们的听课效率。并且每篇新学课文就是一篇典型的阅读训练题,坚持预习可增强学生的阅读能力。 二、导学 在教学整篇文章前,教师把整篇文章浓缩成一段精彩的片段,把重点的词组、 句子 ,溶入其中,通过现有的教学工具,如挂图、幻灯等媒体,展现出文章的基本 故事 形象。通过教师的介绍和师生之间的双边活动,把整个故事梗概及重点的语言点呈现出来,并作适当的板书,把握课文重点,为下面进一步理解课文奠定了基础。导学是一堂课的开始,“良好的开始是成功的一半”,导学部分,教师不能忽视,教师应精心设计,引人入胜,要把学生带入特定的意境,激发学生的好奇心,激起学生的求知欲望,提高学生的听课质量。 三、听读 学生在初步感知整篇文章内容后,让学生进行听的练习,在听之前可以提一、二个问题,问题要有代表性,要让学生听完整篇文章后才能得出答案,这样既培养了学生的听力,又培养了学生的整体理解力。如果文章比较长,可以选择部分重点段落,给学生听。听完后,核对答案,朗读课文。朗读课文可视学生理解情况作不同的要求,可以是模仿性跟读,也可以是学生集体朗读或分组阅读,或个体练读。在读的过程中要做到口、眼、耳、脑同时并用,提高记忆能力。另外,还应注意语气、神态,要通过朗读做到心领神会。 四、设疑 学生听读后,已经对文章有了进一步的理解,这时要求学生默读文章,解决教师精心设计或练习册中设计的T/F判断题或问答题。在设计问题时应注意这几点:①先易后难;②先理解后拓展;③先浅后深,兼顾两头。通过设疑检查学生对文章的理解程度,了解学生是否把握文章的中心、重点。 五、复述 复述课文是阅读课课堂教学的升华,是培养学生组织语言连贯表达的重要训练手段之一,通过复述对所学文章有更深层次的理解,变文章中的语言为自己的语言。会说才会写,坚持复述,既培养了学生的理解能力,又培养了学生的口头表达能力。复述的方法多种多样,如视图复述法、列表复述法、问题连结复述法、课文概要复述法、缩扩复述法、变更复述法等,在课堂教学中应注意不断交换复述方式;多种形式混合交替使用,不让学生感到单调乏味,增强课堂教学兴趣。 六、解难 所谓解难,就是指英语课堂教学中排忧解难的过程,是强化重点,突破难点的必经之路。解难的形式大体有两种,一种是由教师提出文章中较难理解的语言点,由学生思考、讨论,然后解答;另一种是学生将预习时或经过课堂教学后还有疑惑的问题提出来,由学生提出,师生共同讨论解答。这一过程可以培养学生的思维能力,培养他们在学习中发现问题、解决问题的本领,便于教师及时发现学生在学习过程中存在的问题。在这一过程中,要充分发挥教师的指导作用,精讲精练,点拨到位,启发学生思维,节省课堂时间,扩大课堂容量,提高课堂效率。 七、查测 这一步骤主要是检查学生课堂学习的效果,了解学生掌握情况,及时反馈教学信息。查测内容一般是课文教学中的重要语言点,也可以是拓展性问题。查测形式可以是口答、也可以是笔试。用不同的方式检查学生还有哪些知识没有掌握,哪些知识没有完善需要补充或提高,进而尽量达到优化课堂教学的目的。 使用阅读课文七步教学法进行阅读学习有以下几个优点: 1.遵循“整体--部分--整体”的教学原则,可以使学生整体理解文章,保证内容的完整性、连续性。 2.能把听、说、读、写综合地运用到课堂教学中,调动学生各个器官协调活动,使之更好地学习语言。 3.把一个课时分为几个阶段教,让学生由易到难,由浅入深地阅读、理解文章,使之用脑更科学,记忆最有效。 4.各个环节,井井有条,环环相扣,相辅相成,使学生感到从语言输入到语言输出,既自然又顺理成章,从而克服畏惧心理,调动学生学习积极性,提高课堂教学效率。 5.充分体现英语实践课的特点,更好地显示学生的主体地位、教师的指导作用,改变以教代学的满堂灌局面,重视学生学习的全过程。 6.重视了学生的学法指导,培养了学生的运用能力,激发了学生学习兴趣,提高了学生的阅读能力,使之在阅读中获得无穷乐趣。 总之,英语阅读课教学方法、教学模式多种多样,教无定法,只要能在教学中充分体现学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用,重视学生的学法指导,打破固定的思维模式,培养学生的阅读能力,这样的教学方法与教学模式都是值得提倡的,教师应在教学中不断地摸索,完善自己的教法,把创新观念运用于教学中,提高课堂教学效率。 猜你喜欢: 1. 初中英语教师论文 2. 初中英语教师教育论文 3. 初中英语教师工作总结及反思 4. 优秀英语教师自我总结 5. 英语教师个人发展总结




1. Welcome to Bear Country! Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears -- Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Small Bear.


2. They live in a big tree. It is a very fine house. There is a big kitchen, a sitting room and two bedrooms.


3. It is fun growing up in Bear Country. Small Bear helps Papa get honey from the old bee tree.


4. He also helps Mama bring the vegetables in from the garden.


5. There are all sorts of interesting things for Small Bear to do and see in Bear Country.


On Monday, he runs after a beautiful butterfly.


On Tuesday, he goes fishing for a big salmon.


On Wednesday, he talks with a spider after a rain.


On Thursday, he dives into the small pond and meets two small fish.


On Friday, he climbs up a tree and watches the full moon.


On Saturday, he races a frog and goes boating.


On Sunday, he flies his favourite kite on the hill.



①Papa, Mama, Brother and Sister go to the shore for weekend. There is a house for them to stay in.


②"Let's put on swimming suits and go into the water!" says Brother. "Wait, we must clean up, room by room!" says Mama.


③After that, Brother and Sister set out for the sea. Mama stops them and says, "Wait, there are things to carry, beds to make and clothes to clean."


④After that, Sister says, "It's time for swimming!" But Mama says, "Wait, it's time for us to eat something."


⑤After that, Sister asks, "Mama, can we go swimming now?" Mama says, "Dears, it's much too soon after food. It will be bad for your health."


⑥"It's long after lunch. Can we swim now? It's getting late in the afternoon!" says Brother. "Wait, my dears. Let'sput on some lotion." Says Mama.



⑦Now it's time for swimming! Brother and Sister run to the sea. "Wait!" shouts Papa. "But, Papa, will we never swim in the sea?" ask Brother and Sister. "Relax, I just wanted you to wait for me!" says Papa.


⑧The sea is fun! The sea is great! It's worth the wait!





1. Hi! My name is Harry. I live with my family in this cave. I like to make new things.


2. This is Chief Grump. He is always mad about something. Tomorrow is his birthday. Maybe my present can make him happy. Wow! I have never seen anything like it!

这是Chief Grump。他经常发火。明天是他的生日。大概我的礼物会让他开心吧。哇!我从没见过像它这么棒的礼物。

3. It's time for Chief Grump's party. He gets lots of presents. A rock, some wood, a fish and a bone. Chief Grump says, "I do not want these!" He throws them down the hill.

是Chief Grump生日宴会的时间了。他说,“我不想要什么生日宴!”他把所有的东西扔下了山。

4. Now Chief Grump opens my present. "What does it do?" Everyone looks at my new thing. But no one can guess what it does. Not even me.

然后Chief Grump打开了我的礼物。“这是用来干嘛的?”所有人都看着我的新发明。但是没人能猜出这是个什么东西。就连我自己也不知道。

5. Chief Grump says, "It does not do anything!" He kicks it down the hill. Hey! Now I know what this new thing does. It rolls!

Chief Grump说,“它什么用处也没有!”他把它踢下了山。嗨!我终于知道了这个新发明的用处了。它可以滚!

6. I take it back. I put something here. I add something there. Maybe Chief Grump will like it now. I tell him, "Sit here. Put your feet there." I give him a push.

我把它拿回来。我在上面放了些东西。又添置了些东西。可能Chief Grump现在就会喜欢它了。我告诉他说,“请坐。把您的'脚放在上面。”我推了他一下。

7. Look! I make something really new. And I make Chief Grump smile!

瞧!我真的发明了新玩意。我让Chief Grump笑了。


1. "Clifford, I have to go out now. Will you help me take care of Wally?" says Emily. Clifford wags his tail.


2. Cleo and T-bone come to visit. "Wally is so lovely. Can we take him out and play with him?" says Cleo. "OK!" says Clifford.


3. Clifford opens the cage, and Wally runs away. Clifford and his friends run after him. T-Bone is stuck in a log.


4. Where is Wally? The three dogs run here and there, but still can't find Wally. "There he is!" says Clifford. "Gosh, he's fast!" says Cleo.


5. "Where is he going?" asks T-Bone. "I don't know. But I know where I would go if I were a rabbit." says Clifford. They run to the vegetable farm. And there is Wally!


6. "He'll never want to go home. And I'm too tired to catch him," says Cleo.


7. "We can't catch Wally. But we can catch a carrot." says Clifford.


8. Wally runs after Clifford all the way home. Wally wants to eat the carrot, so he goes back to his cage.



'm a little black puppy. I live in a pet shop. Soon I will have a kid of my own.


2. This is a boy for me. He says hello. He pats my head. Woof! Woof! He takes me home.


3. I start taking care of my boy right away. I keep him clean.


4. I teach him about tug-of-war .


5. My boy is not good at everything. He can not dig very fast.


6. He can not hide under the bed.


7. He can not run as fast as I can.


8. I run and run. Oh, no! I do not see my boy. Is he lost? I look everywhere, but I can't find him.


9. Now I see my boy. He sees me too. Woof! Woof! I tell my boy he must not get lost again.


House chores are boring routine stuff that everybody laundry is laundry career began when my wife started assigning me little duties in the name of gender no time,I've become an expert in laundering.

With these new washing machines,turning stinking clothes back smelling good takes almost no work at other tasks that put me baking in the sun,sweating,burning,and getting myself all oily,washing clothes gives me the comfort of the laundry room and involves only pushing take credits for 2 hours even though I only spend 15 minutes on my part.

Actually,doing laundry is not as simple as I I started reading the labels on those found that some like to be washed cold while others like it clors don't mix well,expecially in hot everything should be dried in the dryer,and women's clothes tend to be less was put off duty from ironing since I made a hole through my suit the other day.

But after doing if for so long,laundry is now a no-brainer for it doesn't get I handwash my wife's more delicate underwear with some imagination,it gets pretty interesting.

The Wilsons arrived (到达) at Spring Town at four o’clock. They looked for Spring Street, because their friends, the Johnsons, lived at No. 25 Spring Street. They found Spring Street soon. The Johnsons” house was near the post office. Mr Wilson parked (停车) his car in front of the house. Mr and Mrs Johnson came out of the house and welcomed their visitors. They were very happy. Mr Johnson asked Jean and Jerry,” Did you enjoy your trip (旅行)?” Jean said, “ yes, we enjoyed it very much. The town (镇) is beautiful.” Mrs Johnson said, “ Put your things down and we’re going to show you around our new house.”

I am Wang Lin, I am twelve years old. My pen pal Tom is form the United States. He is the same age as I. He is a middle school student in Beijing. There are three people in his family. His father is a teacher, he teaches English in a high school in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher, too. But they work in different schools. Tom goes to school in his mother’s car every day. They all like Chinese food. Tom’s father likes Guangdong food, he thinks it is delicious. Tom’s mother’s favorite food is Sichuan food. But Tom doesn’t like Sichuan food, he thinks it is too hot. So they often eat out on weekends.

Poor Man!

Look at this man. What is he doing? He’scarrying a very big box. The box is full of(充满) big apples. He wants toput it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’tthink so. Why not? Because(因为) thebox is too full(满) and too heavy(重). Look! What’s wrong? Hedrops the box. Poor man!

John is six years old. He can read and write well. But he can`t tell the time. His mother, Mrs Brown teaches him many times, but he still can`t tell. He would say “brerakfast time”, “lunchtime” and “teatime” instead of (代替) saying eight o`clock, twelve o`clock and four o`clock in the afternoon. His mother doesn`t know how to help him.

One day John`s aunt, Mary comes to see his mother. His mother tell her about that. His aunt says. “Let me help you. I think I can help him.”

When John comes home after school, Mary begins (开始) to teach him..

“Can you count,John ?” she asks him.

“Yes. One ,two three,four …”John says.

“That`s fine. Now I put the long hand (钟表的长指针) on twelve and the short hand on one -that is one o`clock. If I put the short hand on two, what is the time?’’

“Two o`clock.”

“Good. And on three?”

“Three o`clock.”

Then it is four o`clock in the afternoon, and John`s aunt asks him, “What time is it now ,John?”

“Teatime, Aunt, and I am very hungry (饥饿).” John looks at the clock and answers.

My name is Mike. Let me tell you about my neighbour, Jack. He is 25 years old. I call him Uncle Jack. He is tall. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He likes playing football and fishing. I often play football with him in the park at weekends. Yesterday was Sunday. My father and I went fishing with Uncle Jack in the afternoon. We caught some fish and we brought them home. Then Uncle Jack stayed for dinner with us. He cooked the fish. We all liked the fish. It was delicious. My father said to him. “ you’re a good cook, Jack!” After dinner, Uncle Jack told us some interesting stories about fishing and football. We had a great time.


Today was Macdonalds’ Tree Planting Day. I went to the park with my parents. At about ten o’clock the manager of Macdonalds’ made a speech. Then we started to plant trees. We needn’t to dig holes because the people in the park dug them before. We just put the young trees into the holes. My father filled the holes with me. My mother carried water for the young trees. We were so tired when we finished the work. All of us hope the trees will grow well. I hope I can plant trees next year.

A train stops at a station(车站). A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. "Can you go and get us two hambugers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars." "Great!" say the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. "Where is my hamburger?" asks the young man. "Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I'm eating mine. Here is your dollar. "

This is my friend, Jim. He is an English boy. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade One. He is Number Two in Row Five. My name is Dong Cheng. I am a Chinese boy. I am twelve, too. I am in Class One. I am Number One in Row One.

There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is my good friend. All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneer.

Bill is an English boy . he is twelve . He lives (住) with his family in China . There are four people in his family . they're his father Jack Clinton , his mother Catherine and his little sister Abby . He has a yellow dog . It's name is Barbi , His father is mending his bike . What is Bill doing ? Ah , he is doing Chinese homework . He can't speak Chinese very well , but he loves Chinese very much . Bill's father works in middle school . He's an English teacher . His mother is in a TV factory(工厂) . Bill and his sister go to the same school .

Mrs. Jones is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a children's hospital in Shanghai. She likes the children and she likes to work for children. She works hard in the day time and learns Chinese in the evening school. She also learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read and write some Chinese, too. She says it's not easy to learn Chinese well. Mr. Jones, her husband is a teacher . He teaches English in the Middle School. He works from Monday to Friday. He teaches 3 classes every day.

My Father’s Old Coat

Teacher: Children, name the material we often use to make things, please.

Student: Glass, gold, metal ,paper, plastic, silver, wood and wool.

Teacher: Very good, sit down, please. And what do we get from sheep?

Student: Wool.

Teacher: You’re quite right. Tom what do we make from wool?

Tom: I’m sorry. I don’t know.

Teacher: Well, what is your coat made of?

Tom: My coat is made of my father’s old coat.

有些学生即使阅读了很多英语 文章 ,学生的水平却还是没有显著提高的现象。下面是我带来的 六年级英语 阅读文章,欢迎阅读!六年级 英语阅读 文章精选 淡定八旬夫妇爱自拍 翻车先拍照后逃生 One elderly couple's car somehow ended up on its side in Bel Air, and they made the best of the situation by snapping photos. 一对老夫妇的汽车在了贝莱尔的路边抛锚,他们充分利用这一情况抓拍了照片。 Benjamin and Elizabeth Neufeld's car somehow ended up on its side on Linda Flora Drive as they were turning into the driveway of their Bel Air home on Friday. Benjamin Neufeld, 87, was able to climb out, but his 85-year-old wife, who was driving, was trapped inside the Honda. 在转弯进入他们位于贝莱尔的自宅的车道时,本杰明·纽菲尔德和伊丽莎白·纽菲尔德的汽车翻倒在琳达·弗劳拉大街的路边。87岁的本杰明·纽菲尔德爬出了汽车。但驾驶汽车车的夫人,85岁的伊丽莎白却被困在了这辆本田车里。 "It didn't skid, it didn't slide, it didn't bounce, it just fell over," Ben said. 本杰明说:“没有侧滑、打滑或碰撞,车就是翻了”。 While neighbors and witnesses rushed to help, the Neufelds posed for pictures. 当邻居和目击者们赶来帮忙时,纽菲尔德夫妇正在摆造型拍照。 Elizabeth Neufeld even asked for her purse so she could take a selfie while still in the car. 伊丽莎白·纽菲尔德甚至要求把她的手提包给她,这样她就能在还在车里的时候自拍。 Fortunately, the couple wasn't hurt during the accident. They have been married for more than 60 years. 幸运的是,这对夫妇并未在此次事故中受伤。他们已经结婚超过60年了。 六年级英语阅读 文章阅读 世界最小西瓜萌翻网友 一口一个嘎嘣脆 the rare pepquino melon measures just an over inch (3cm) from tip-to-tip but has the identical external pattern and distinctive shape of traditional watermelons. 稀有的佩普基诺西瓜有着和传统西瓜相同的条纹和截然不同的形状,长度总共只有3厘米。 the pepquino melon, less than a centimetre in diameter, most closely resembles the all sweet variety of watermelon. 佩普基诺西瓜的直径小于1厘米,外形和全甜西瓜非常类似。 我注:全甜西瓜(all sweet watermelon)比普通西瓜更细长,呈椭圆形。 it was discovered by dutch food producers in south america who brought it to the netherlands and cultivated it in greenhouses. 一家荷兰食品商在南美发现了这种西瓜,并把它带回荷兰,在温室里培育。 while it resembles its larger cousins, it has a fresh crisp taste similar to a cucumber. 尽管这种西瓜和全甜西瓜长相类似,但脆爽的口感却很像黄瓜。 with its distinctive appearance and slightly sour taste producer koppert cress believes it is set to become a new food fad in top london restaurants. 食品商koppert cress 相信,它独特的外观和微酸的口感将使其成为伦敦顶级餐馆的新食尚。 prices start at £10 per 250g box, which contains around 50 melons. 它的价格是10英镑一盒,每盒重250克,内有约50个西瓜。 anneke cuppen, marketing manager at koppert cress said: "demand for the melons has so far come from the restaurant and hotel trade. we're hoping to sell 50-100 boxes a week. koppert cress的市场部经理安内可·库本说:“目前,对这种西瓜的需求来自餐馆和酒店。我们希望每周能卖出50到100盒。” "we're very excited about the product. it is highly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways - from salads to dessert." “我们对这个产品感到非常兴奋。它的用途非常多样,从沙拉到甜点都能胜任。” 六年级英语阅读文章学习 超有才“猩爸”:会做饭会网聊 He’s just had to sit through his offspring’s fourth birthday party, with the youngster tearing open his presents and jumping all over daddy’s head in his excitement. So I can understand the expression of weariness on Kanzi’s face when I ask him what he wants for lunch. 孩子的四岁生日派对,爸爸肯兹耐着性子坐着,看儿子撕扯着爸爸送的礼物包装纸、兴奋的在他脑边跳来跳去。当我问这位猩爸午餐想吃什么的时候,它脸上显出倦怠的表情,对此我深表理解。 Then someone mentions the word ‘omelette’ — a Kanzi favourite, not just to eat but even to cook — and he’s off. He clambers on to a ledge in the viewing room of his concrete, steel and glass home and positions himself in front of a large, touch-sensitive computer screen showing a grid of some 400 symbols, or ‘lexigrams’, each representing a particular object or idea. 这时有人说了“煎蛋卷”这样一个词——这是肯兹的最爱,不仅是它最爱吃的,甚至也是最擅长做的——然后它就起身去做饭了。它爬进自己钢筋玻璃构造的小屋,走到观赏室内的一个平台前,这里摆放着一台大型的,带有触感功能的电脑 显示器 ,显示器上显示的符号网格中包括了400个象征符号,或者说图像符号,每个符号都代表了一个特定的东西或概念。 A huge forefinger skims dextrously over the icons, pressing the ones he wants. The computer voices his selections with an American accent. 肯兹用大大的食指灵巧的掠过这些按键,按下他想按的符号。电脑用带有美式英语腔调的声音读出他按下的键所组成的语句。 This remarkable creature is a superstar. For years he has been changing the way we humans think about our relatives in the animal world, and challenging our assumed superiority to them. 这只令人惊叹的猩猩是一位超级巨星。数年来,它一直促使我们改变自己对人类的动物界亲属的理解,促使我们 反思 自己是否比它们优越。 The bonobo is a more gentle and intelligent cousin of the chimpanzee. Its only natural homeland is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bonobos are our closest animal relative (sharing about 99 per cent of our DNA) and physically resemble our distant ancestors. 倭黑猩猩比它们的近亲、黑猩猩性情更加温和,智商也更高。刚果民主共和国是它们仅存的自然栖息地。倭黑猩猩是我们最亲近的动物亲属(与我们的DNA有99%相同),在行为举止上与我们的远祖十分相似。 Kanzi, now 33, has been fully immersed in the human world, and the English language, since birth. Scientists who have studied Kanzi all his life say he possesses a vocabulary big enough to follow and contribute to simple conversations. 现年33岁的肯兹自从出生以来就完全融入了人类世界,也熟谙英语。毕生都在研究肯兹的科学家认为,肯兹掌握的词汇量足以组织简短的对话,回答问题乃至提出问题。 He can cook, make knives out of stone and play the arcade game Pac-Man (he can get past the first round — a feat beyond many humans). He and his similarly talented late sister, Panbanisha, once even jammed with British rock star Peter Gabriel, playing along on a keyboard as the former Genesis man played a synthesizer. 他会做饭,用石头打磨刀具,会玩游戏厅里的“吃豆人”游戏(他能过游戏第一关——这已经比很多人都厉害啦)。他和他那位同样十分聪明的妹妹、潘班尼莎甚至与彼得·盖布瑞尔组织过虚拟乐队、“同台演出”。兄妹俩在键盘上演奏,那位前吉妮西丝乐队主唱在电子合成器上演奏。 Kanzi loves chatting on the video-calling service Skype. Two days later, I hear from him. Kanzi wants to see my home and particularly the contents of the fridge. 肯兹喜欢用视频聊天软件Skype与人交谈。在我 拜访 他两天之后,我收到肯兹的讯息。他很想拜访一下我家,尤其像看看我家冰箱里有什么好吃的。 In Swahili, Kanzi means ‘buried treasure’ — a quality this creature has in buckets. 在斯瓦希里语中,肯兹这个名字意为“深藏不漏的珍宝”——这正是这只倭黑猩猩具有的特质。


小学英语教学与故事相结合,能创设出轻松愉快的学习气氛、生动直观的语言情景;能把枯燥的语言知识变成简单有趣的英语故事,从而吸引小学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生英语思维能力的发展。本文是关于五年级英语故事短文,希望对大家有帮助! 关于五年级英语故事短文:沉默的狗 One nightfall, a sheep was playing alone on the mountainside, when suddenly a wolf emerged from among the trees, wanting to eat the sheep, so the sheep jumped up, using his horns to defend himself with all his might, and loudly called out for his friends to save his life. The bull looked over from among a cluster of trees, saw there was a wolf, and ran away. The horse lowered its head and looked, discovered there was a wolf, and slipped away in a puff of *** oke. The mule stopped walking for a moment, discovered there was a wolf, and quietly slipped down the mountain. The pig passed through there, found out there was a wolf, and rushed down the mountainside. The rabbit listened a moment, then took off like a shot. From the bottom of the mountain, the dog heard the sheep’s cry, and ran quickly up the mountainside, came out of the grass in a flash, and in a moment had grabbed the wolf’s neck in his teeth, the wolf cried out in pain, and taking advantage of the dog’s intake of breath, ran away full of sorrow and fear. [When the sheep] returned home, his friends all came over. The bull said: Why didn’t you tell me? My horns could have gouged out the wolf’s intestines. The horse said: Why didn’t you tell me? My hooves could have kicked the wolf’s skull apart. Donkey said: Why didn’t you tell me? I could have brayed and startled the wolf so as to break his courage. Pig said: Why didn’t you tell me? I could nuzzle him with my snout, and make him fall down the mountain. Rabbit said: Why didn’t you tell me? I run fast, I could have spread the word. In this noisy group, the only one who wasn’t present was the dog. 傍晚,一只羊独自在山坡上玩,突然从树木中窜出一只狼来,要吃羊,羊跳起来,拼命用角抵抗,并大声向朋友们救命。 牛在树丛中向这个地方望了一眼,发现是狼,跑走了。 马低头一看,发现是狼,一溜烟跑了。 驴停下脚步,发现是狼,悄悄溜下山坡。 猪经过这里,发现是狼,冲下山坡。 兔子一听,更是一箭一般离去。 山下的狗听见羊的呼喊,急忙奔上坡来,从草丛中闪出,一下咬住了狼的脖子,狼疼得直叫唤, 趁够换气时,怆惶挑走了。 回到家,朋友都来了, 牛说:你怎么不告诉我?我的角可以剜出狼的肠子。 马说:你怎么不告诉我?我的蹄子能踢碎狼的脑袋。 驴说:你怎么不告诉我?我一声吼叫,吓破狼的胆。 猪说:你怎么不告诉我? 我用嘴一拱,就让它摔下山去。 兔子说:你怎么不告诉我? 我跑得快,可以传信呀。 在这闹嚷嚷的一群中,唯独没有狗。 关于五年级英语故事短文:两个懒汉 Long ago, among the Uighur people there were two lazybones, one called Hashandaiwulaike, the other called Shawutikabake. They were both extremely lazy, depending on their parents for food and clothing, unwilling to do even a little work, from morning to night they sat at the base of a wall and sunned themselves. As time passed this way, their parents [began to] loathe them, and had no choice but to kick them out. The two of them lived a drifter’s life, and went hungry for days at a time, with not even a piece of bread to eat. One day, they were squatting next to a bread pit discussing what to do. Hashandaiwulaike said: “The best thing would be to go to a place where there’s food and clothes, but you don’t have to work – I don’t know if there is such a place?” Shawutikabake said: “There’s no such place on this earth, only in heaven! I heard that the immortals in heaven are the happiest.” Hashandaiwulaike said: “In that case, we should go to heaven. Why on earth would we stay in this place where we have to work and suffer other people’s disdain?” Shawutikabake said: “That’s all very well and good, but how will we get up there? Can we find a ladder that long?” Hashandaiwulaike said: “We could never find a ladder that long, but you can still get up there without a ladder.” Shawutikabake said: “How?” Hashandaiwulaike said: “In the valley there’s a Roc bird, when I was little I saw it when I went up there with my father. All we have to do is grab onto the Roc, and he will take us up to heaven.” Shawutikabake said: “That’s a great idea, we’ll do it that way.” So the two friends decided thus. On the morning of the next day, they got us and walked to the mountain. When they got to the mountain valley, they found the Roc’s nest, and they hid themselves next to it. They waited until the sun fell behind the mountain and the Roc flew back and had just landed in its nest, when Hashandaiwulaike grabbed it and held it tightly. He promptly called to Shawutikabake to grab his feet, and the Roc was frightened and flew into the sky. So Shawutikabake was holding on to Hashandaiwulaike’s feet, and Hashandaiwulaike was holding on to the Roc’s claws, and they floated towards the seventh level of clouds [heaven]. Shawutikabake asked,” Hey! Are we there yet? I can’t hold on much longer!” Hashandaiwulaike looked into a gap between the clouds and said, “Almost! I can already see the opening!” Shawutikabake asked, “How big is the opening? Can we fit into it?” Hashandaiwulaike answered, “It’s this big.” As Hashandaiwulaike answered, he used his hands to demonstrate how big the opening [to heaven] was. But to his surprise, as soon as Hashandaiwulaike let go, the two lazy friends parted ways with the Roc, tumbled down, and were *** ashed into mincemeat. 从前, *** 尔族有这么两个懒汉,一个叫哈山代吾来克,一个叫沙吾提卡巴克。他们都懒得要命,吃穿全靠父母,一点活儿也不干,一天到晚靠著墙根晒太阳。 这样,久而久之,弄得他们父母也讨厌他们了,不得不把他们从家里赶了出来。他们俩过著流浪的生活,饿了几天肚子,一块馕也没有吃到。 这天,他俩蹲在馕坑上商量著今后该怎么办。哈山代吾来克说: “最好到一个有吃有穿,又不需要劳动的地方去,不知道有没有这么个地方?” 沙吾提卡巴克说: “世界上是没有这么个地方的,只天上有吧!听说天上的神仙最快活。” 哈山代吾来克说: “那末,我们就上天去吧,干嘛要呆在这个必须劳动的地方受人鄙视呢?” 沙吾提卡巴克说: “好倒好,不过怎么上去呢?能找到这么个长梯子吗?” 哈山代吾来克肯定地说: “这么长的梯子是找不到的。但是,没有梯子也可以上去。” 沙吾提卡巴克惊奇地问道: “怎么上去?” 哈山代吾来克说: “山谷里有一只大鹏鸟,小时候我跟父亲上去看见过。我们只要把这只大鹏抓住,它就会带我们上天去的。” 沙吾提卡巴克说: “好办法,我们就这样办好了。” 两个朋友就这么决定了。第二天一早,他们就起身往山上走去,走到一个山谷里,找到了大鹏的窝,他们在附近躲藏起来,等到太阳落山的时候,大鹏飞回来刚落在窝里,就被哈山代吾来克紧紧地抓住了。他连忙招呼沙吾提卡巴克抓住自己的脚,大鹏受了惊,直往天空飞去。 就这样,沙吾提卡巴克抓住哈山代吾来克的脚,哈山代吾来克抓住大鹏的爪子,飘飘荡荡地一直飞向七层云端里去了。 沙吾提卡巴克问道: “嘿!到了吗?我的手吃不消啦!” 哈山代吾来克望着云层的空隙说: “快啦!连窟窿都已经看见了。” 沙吾提卡巴克问道: “窟窿有多大?我们能不能钻进去呀?” 哈山代吾来克回答: “有这么大。”哈山代吾来克一面答应着,一面用手来比划窟窿的大小。 不料哈山代吾来克两手一松,这两个懒汉朋友都离开了大鹏鸟,摇摇晃晃地掉下来,摔成肉酱了。 关于五年级英语故事短文:神农尝百草 All his life, Shen Nong had a crystal abdomen, and one could clearly see all of his internal organs. At that time, humans were often getting sick and even dying because they ate things indiscriminately [not knowing if they were good or bad]. Shen Nong determinedly tasted everything everywhere; the good-tasting things he put in a bag on his left side, those were for people to eat; the bad-tasting things he put in a bag on his right side, and those were used for medicine. The first time, Shen Nong tasted a *** all fresh leaf. As this leaf fell into his stomach, it cleaned every inch of his insides so that every organ top and bottom was fresh and cool, as if [the leaf] was somehow on patrol [making the rounds], so Shen Nong called it “chá” [to investigate / check], and later generations of men called it “chá” [tea]. Shen Nong put it in the bag on the right. The second time, Shen Nong tasted a little light red flower that looked like a butterfly, which was sweet and delicious, with an exotic *** ell that filled his nostrils, so he called it “licorice”. He put it in the bag on the left. In this way, Shen Nong diligently tasted all manner of flora, and every time he was poisoned, he used tea to rescue himself. Before long, the bag on his left contained 47,000 kinds of flowers, grasses, roots and leaves, and the right side had 398,000 kinds. But one day, Shen Nong tasted “heartbreak grass”, and this poison was too terrible, so there wasn’t enough time to eat the tea leaves to detoxify and he died. He sacrificed himself to save humanity, so people call him the “Bodhisattva of Medicine”, and people forever memorate him through this story. 神农一生下来就是个水晶肚子,五脏六腑全都能看得一清二楚。那时侯,人们经常因为乱吃东西而生病,甚至丧命。神农决心尝遍所有的东西,好吃的放在身边左边的袋子里,给人吃;不好吃的就放在身子右边的袋子里,作药用。 第一次,神农尝了一片小嫩叶。这叶片一落进肚里,就上上下下地把里面各器官擦洗得清清爽爽,象巡查似的,神农把它叫做“查”,就是后人所称的“茶”。神农将它放进右边袋子里。第二次,神农尝了朵蝴蝶样的淡红小花,甜津津的,香味扑鼻,这是“甘草”。他把它放进了左边袋子里。就这样,神农辛苦地尝遍百草,每次中毒,都靠茶来解救。后来,他左边的袋子里花草根叶有四万七千种,右边有三十九万八千种。 但有一天,神农尝到了“断肠草”,这种毒草太厉害了,他还来不及吃茶解毒就死了。他是为了拯救人们而牺牲的,人们称他为“药王菩萨”,人间以这个神话故事永远地纪念他。

My favourite animalThis is my favourite is a is white and can run eyes are big and tail is like it. My favourite place This is my favourite is an Ocean is 's in is the Ocean is the Butterfly like Ocean dayThis is my get up at six o' go to school at seven o' go home at four o' go to bed at nine o' am busy but I am happy. 不会有人抄吧???

小学生英语作文My pet (我的宠物)My pet is a toy bear. His name is Small White. He is white. He has blue eyes and blue ears. His hands and feet are blue too. He is naughty. He likes to make fun of me. He likes reading. When I am unhappy, he accompanies me. He is my good friend.(我的宠物是一只玩具熊。他的名字是小白。他是白色的。他有蓝色的眼睛跟白色的耳朵。他的手和脚也是蓝色的。他很顽皮。他喜欢对我做鬼脸。他喜欢读书。当我不开心时,他陪伴着我。他是我的好朋友。)My favourite season (我最喜欢的季节)My favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and I wear my jeans. In summer it is often sunny and hot. Sometimes rainy in summer. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home. (我最喜欢的季节是夏天。我经常穿着短裤和T恤。有时我穿牛仔裤。夏天里经常是既晴朗又炎热。有时也下雨。我经常跟我爸爸一起去游泳。有时我在家里吃冰激凌。)My Chinses teacher (我的语文老师)I have a Chinses Teacher. Her name is Li u Xiaohong. She is from Lanchang. She’s very active and strict. She has two big eyes. She’s very she is short. She likes to smile. I don’t know what season she like. Because I don’t know her very well. Her class is very funny, I l



